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USPW - What? This Again?

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Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA


I've always personally found Devine to be something of a square peg amongst the USPW roster but the ancient Captain USA really should be putting pretty much anyone over these days.


Danny Rushmore vs. Freddie Datsun


Though I could see this ending in a schmozz given the fact these guys are feuding over the tag belts, I can't go against the more seasoned singles wrestler getting the win here.


AAA Wrestler Grace Harper vs. Alicia Strong


Keep Daddy's girl looking (excuse the pun) Strong.


MAW Wrestler Casey Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield


Looks like you're bringing in these indy wrestlers to do the job but to also give them something of a trial to show what they can do.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion


Probably the hardest match on the card to call, Champion looks set for a strong push but Jumbo has established himself in the upper-card. I'd go for this match to end in some sort of non finish, as I can see this being the start of an actual programme (sitting between the Main event and the midcard) between these two.


The Titans vs. Enygma and James Justice


Though it might be an idea to keep the Titans looking a threat given their monster heel status, I can't bet against the champ and one of the biggest names on the roster. So I see Engyma and Justice sneaking out the win here, a beat-down from the Titans aftewards may get their heat back.

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24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. So far, I have received predictions from:



















Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA

Danny Rushmore vs. Freddie Datsun

AAA Wrestler Grace Harper vs. Alicia Strong

MAW Wrestler Casey Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

The Titans vs. Enygma and James Justice

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Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA

Danny Rushmore vs. Freddie Datsun

AAA Wrestler Grace Harper vs. Alicia Strong

MAW Wrestler Casey Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

The Titans vs. Enygma and James Justice

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Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA

Danny Rushmore vs. Freddie Datsun

AAA Wrestler Grace Harper vs. Alicia Strong - belatedly changed this one because I have a fear going nearly all right side on the picks could catch me out :D

MAW Wrestler Casey Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

The Titans vs. Enygma and James Justice

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 January 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000 (Sell Out)

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.26


Pre Show: In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Raven Robinson defeated Cherry Bomb and Belle Bryden in 5:38 when Raven Robinson defeated Cherry Bomb by pinfall with a Night Faller...C


Pre Show: In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Force defeated Anger in 5:56 by pinfall with a Full Force...D




[The cameras open within the Huntsville Fairgrounds and begin moving around the crowd. Everyone within the arena is on their feet while chants of 'USPW, USPW, USPW' break through the silence. The camera picks up on a few signs: 'This Sign Won't Be Funny, but It Seemed Like a Good Idea.' and 'This is my 100th post!' The attention turns down toward the ringside announce table...]




[...Where Danny Jillefski and Eric Tyler sit and look up toward the viewers at home...]


Danny Jillefski

"Good evening everyone and welcome to USPW American Wrestling! I'm Danny Jillefski and I would like to welcome our brand new colour commentator: Eric Tyler. Eric, I hope you're better than my last partner."


Eric Tyler

"Good evening and thank you, Danny. We are looking to have an amazing show here in USPW highlighted by a tag team encounter with the team of Enygma and James Justice taking on The Titans."


Danny Jillefski

"That should be an easy win for the Titans. The only reason Enygma beat T-Rex last week was because of a miscue by Tyson Baine."


[...The two announcers are interrupted by some familiar music...]




[...James Justice walks out from the back slapping high fives to fans. He staggers slightly down the ramp and then realizes it's because of his shades. He slides them off and pauses, turning toward a member of the crowd. He slides the shades onto a young kid and ruffles his hair before he steps inside the ring, being handed a microphone...]


James Justice

"DUDES! Tonight is my first matchup of the new year, my Dudes and Dudettes! Tonight I team with that mysterious masked dude Enygdude to take on the two Titan Dudes. Jurassic Dude, ever since I beat you within the ring a few months ago you have been on my case. The two of us will not only be facing off tonight but at Stars, Stripes And Slams, I am going to prove that I am totally the better man than you, Dude. Tonight and at Stars, Stripes And Slams, you are gonna feel the pain of Liberty, Justice and the red, white and blue, Dude!"


[...James flashed a goofy smile and then the cameras panned up toward the rafters...]




[...Enygma is seen up there pacing quietly back and forth as he looks down at James Justice standing within the ring. Justice gives him a big thumbs up within the ring before exiting and heading to the back while Enygma stays up within the rafters.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA


[Captain USA came out handing out mini American Flags to several crowd members and this got him a good pop from the crowd. He pointed toward a sign in the crowd: 'Born in the USA with Captain USA!' Once he got in the ring, he started the USA chant. Devine and Seduction came out next and Devine grabbed a mini flag from a kid within the stands! He walked down toward the ring and snapped the flag with his fingers! The crowd booed! Devine came into the ring and Captain USA worked to turn this into a brawl. He was really upset about the American flag thing. Seduction managed to distract him by faking an ankle injury and gave Devine the advantage. The crowd tried to get USA back into the match with a 'USA' chant but Devine caught the Captain with a boot to the gut -- Devine Dream Drop! Devine made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 6:14)

Match Rating: D-




[The crowd was not happy about Devine getting the pinfall but turned their attention to the USPW-Tron when it lit up with the backstage area...]




[...Alicia Strong is seen stretching backstage while sitting on a bench. She has a big match tonight against Grace Harper. There is a knock on the door and she looks up, a little confused...]


Alicia Strong

"Come in."


[...The door parts and a figure steps in...]




[...It's Peter Valentine? Alicia looks confused...]


Alicia Strong

"Hey Peter. What's going on?"


Peter Valentine

"Alicia, you and I have known each other for years, right?


Alicia Strong

"Of course. You're my father's best friend."


Peter Valentine

"That I am, Alicia. Well, I would like to become your best friend."


[...Peter leans in and tries to steal a kiss! Alicia's eyes go wide and she slides back away from him on the bench before standing up...]


Alicia Strong

"Sorry, Peter, but you're way too old for me."


[...Alicia looks shaken up as she moves and exits the locker room quickly. Peter's features harden and he looks very very angry.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DannyRushmore.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FreddieDatsun.jpg

Danny Rushmore vs. Freddie Datsun


[A preview of the USPW World Tag Team Titles match at Stars, Stripes And Slams as members of the two teams go at it in singles action. This one was a back and forth match that was pretty good tonight. Shane Sneer interfered liberally throughout the match and Mick Muscles came down to the ring. Freddie Datsun got the advantage and lifted Danny Rushmore onto his shoulders. Shane Sneer jumped on the apron, getting not only the referee's attention but Datsun's attention as well! Datsun dropped Rushmore and Muscles slid in with a chair. Datsun turned back to go after Rushmore -- KEE-RACK! -- Datsun was hit over the head with the chair! Muscles woke up Rushmore some and slid out of the ring. Rushmore pushed to his feet -- Atomic Boot! He made the cover as Sneer dropped off the apron: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Danny Rushmore (Via Pinfall @ 6:22)

Match Rating: C-




[...Mick Muscles came running into the ring following the sound of the bell and the two Towers put the boots to Freddie Datsun! The crowd began to call for Des Davids to run in and make the save but no one came out! Danny Rushmore set up Datsun in a power bomb position and Mick Muscles came around locked Datsun in a neckbreaker! The two hit the Power Bomb/Neckbreaker combo to boos from the crowd. The USPW-Tron came on, showing three figures backstage...]




[...Jumbo Jackson and Anger are putting the boots to Des Davids backstage! No wonder he was unable to make the save! Jumbo picked up Davids and body slammed him down hard and then the two Sneer Corporation members walked away while Des looked up toward the camera, groaning in pain...]


Des Davids

"That...is...a...penalty...Offsides...Repeat second down."


[...Des slumped over and the crowd booed.]




[The scene changes to that of a backstage office. Sitting behind the desk...]




[...Is Commissioner Doom! He is filling out some paperwork when there is a knock on the door. His eyes look up...]


Commissioner Doom

"Come in solider!"


[...The door opens to reveal...]




[...James Justice! The crowd cheers in the background...]


Commissioner Doom

"Oh, it's you."


James Justice

"You asked to see me, Commissioner Dude?"


Commissioner Doom

"That's Commissioner Doom to you. Now, you seemed pretty confident out there tonight when talking about your tag team encounter."


James Justice

"Of course, Dude. I've got the USPW World Champion on my team."


Commissioner Doom

"Yes, well, I've decided to knock some of that confidence right out of you, maggot. No matter what happens tonight, next week you are going to be in a match of my choosing. Next week, you are going to go one on one with Tyson Baine. Now, you're dismissed."


[...James looks at him for a moment, shrugs and gives a big thumbs up to the camera before walking off.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/GraceHarper.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg

AAA Wrestler Grace Harper vs. Alicia Strong


[As anyone might have guessed, this was a definite squash match here. Alicia looked a little concerned over what happened with Peter Valentine earlier in the evening. But she took care of business inside the ring against Grace Harper. Alicia hit the Angel Driver and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Alicia Strong (Via Pinfall @ 2:15)

Match Rating: D+


[...The crowd cheered as Alicia's arms were raised. She looked out to the crowd for a moment and then a figure jumped over the railing and climbed into the ring...]




[...Peter Valentine stalked Alicia Strong from behind where she didn't see him. The crowd yelled, trying to let her know what was going on. Someone came running in from the back. He jumped in the way and took a hard National Title belt shot from Peter Valentine...]




[...It's Nicky Champion! Nicky is the one who took the shot from Peter Valentine. Alicia fell over into the corner and looked behind her. She slid out of the ring as Peter Valentine turned his attention to Nicky Champion. Peter put the boots to Nicky and then lifted him up -- Heart Breaker! Nicky grabbed his shoulder in pain writhing on the mat. Peter looked up toward Alicia as she backed up the ramp. The two locked eyes and Alicia looked scared.]




[As Nicky was checked on by EMTs, the USPW-Tron lit up to show a backstage interview area. Standing within that interview area...]




[...are Andre Jones and Henry! Andre doesn't have his belt around his waist right now. He looks toward Henry...]


Andre Jones

"You know you're my good luck charm, right? With you in my corner, Henry, we can't ever lose Henrietta. Would you like me to go and get Henrietta for you, Henry? Alright, you stay here."


[...Andre sets the volleyball down and rises to his feet. He exits off-camera and then returns with the USPW World Television Title belt. He slides the belt on the same chair as Henry...]


Andre Jones

"There you go, Henry. You can be near your girl. At Stars, Stripes And Slams I'm gonna need you in my corner, though. That Force guy is nuts! And crazy people can be dangerous people. But you are dangerous too, aren't you, Henry? Yeah, he found that out at Made In America. Alright, alright, I'll help you out."


[...Andre lifted Henry and put his face on the title belt mimmicking a kiss to the belt! With that, we headed back to the ring.]




[back within the ring the ring is definitely not empty...]




[...Shane Sneer has his entire Sneer Corporation within the ring. Anger is somewhat paying attention but also cradling a bottle of Coca Cola like it is something to be treasured...]


Shane Sneer

"As everyone saw tonight, the Sneer Corporation is one unit. We are one unit capable of taking out each and every person within this company. At Stars, Stripes And Slams, we are going to start with the USPW World Tag Team Champions. Datsun, Davids, you felt exactly what I mean by a penalty shot. Tonight, Jumbo Jackson takes out Nicky Champion. Anger? Well, you just stand there with the Coke. Insanity is always dangerous, isn't it? Coming soon, the Sneer Corporation stock is going to go right through the roof courtesy of these four men."


[...Shane motions to them and they head out to the back.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaseyValentine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

MAW Wrestler Casey Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield


[Casey Valentine, the nephew of Peter Valentine, got an even bigger chorus of boos because of his name and what Peter did earlier tonight. Chris Caulfield came down and gave away his America bandana to a child within the crowd. He posed next to a sign reading: 'We want MAW Caulfield!' These two showed great chemistry within the ring though it was obvious from the outset that Casey didn't have a chance within this match. Caulfield took Valentine outside the ring and rammed him into the steel post. Valentine reversed a whip in into the stairs and Caulfield hit his back, grunting in pain. Back in the ring, Caulfield took control back and dropped Valentine with a Danger Drop, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 5:37)

Match Rating: C-




[A video begins to play on the USPW-Tron. The visage of...]




[...Jack America is shown on the screen! He is a real american hero! He plays baseball, the national pastime of America. He eats apple pie as his favorite dessert! His favorite bird is the bald eagle! He cried the first time he visited the statue of liberty. He is...Jack America and America is his favorite country! He is coming soon to USPW.]




[Two people are shown backstage watching the monitor from behind...]




[...They turn to reveal Darryl Devine and Seduction! Devine shakes his head...]


Darryl Devine

"Just what does he have that I don't, Seduction?"



"Absolutely nothing, baby. He doesn't deserve their attention."


Darryl Devine

"No, he doesn't! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! Jack America, I challenge you to a match at Stars, Stripes And Slams! Live and on pay-per-view, I am going to show them why they should be paying attention to me and not to you!"


[...Darryl pouts and Seduction takes him away, cooing some things to soothe his ego.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JumboJackson.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpg

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion


[Jumbo Jackson held two advantages within this match: Shane Sneer and the fact that Nicky was attacked earlier so he had an injured shoulder. Jumbo went right after that shoulder in the early-goings of the match. This was smart work by Jumbo. Jumbo tossed Nicky Champion outside the ring and Shane Sneer kicked Nicky in the shoulder while Jumbo had the referee's attention. Shane Sneer picked up Nicky Champion and ran him toward the ring post! At the last second, Nicky pushed Sneer ahead of him and Sneer hit face-first against the ring post! Jumbo saw this and exited the ring. Jumbo and Nicky exchanged punches but Nicky only had one hand to throw punches with so Jumbo took the advantage. He rammed Nicky's shoulder into the ring post! Jumbo tossed Nicky back in the ring and joined him inside...]


[...Back inside the ring, Jumbo continued his advantage, working over the shoulder of Nicky Champion. He laid Nicky's arm out and then headed to the turnbuckles. He climbed to the second corner. Jumbo leaped -- Nicky moved his arm! -- Jumbo hit his knees on the mat! Nicky got the crowd on his side as they clapped and stomped their feet. Nicky worked to pull himself up with his good arm. Jumbo got to his feet and Nicky kicked him in the solar plexus! Another kick! Another kick backed off Jumbo! Jumbo came in again -- one handed powerslam! What a move by Nicky Champion using Jumbo's own weight and momentum against him! Nicky got to his feet cradling the one arm against his chest, hurting in the arm and the shoulder after both attacks tonight. Jumbo got to his feet -- Hawkeye Hammer! Nicky hit the lariat with his good arm. He cried out in pain but made it to crawl over into a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 10:20)

Match Rating: C




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_dse81.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

The Titans vs. Enygma and James Justice


[it's main event time here on USPW American Wrestling and what better main event than tonight's matchup between The Titans and Enygma and James Justice. The Titans came out first with T-Rex yelling at a fan who held up a sign reading: 'T-Rex better not eat my sign, this one might be poisonous!' Justice gave out another pair of shades to a lucky crowd member while a second crowd member got an Enygma mask from Enygma as Enygma walked down through the crowd. He paused for a photo op by a sign, reading: 'Justice Enygma: Tearing up the Titans and protecting my sign....' Then the USPW World Champion hit the ring and The Titans attacked! Justice and Enygma were both in the ring and managed to fend off the onslaught by The Titans! Justice clotheslined Tyson Baine over the top rope to the floor while Enygma scooped and slammed T-Rex to the ground below! James Justice and Enygma celebrated in the ring for a moment before Tyson Baine entered the ring. James Justice started things out for his team. These two men will meet in the ring next week in singles action. Enygma will meet Tyson Baine at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Justice took control of Tyson Baine in the early-goings of the match. He tagged in and out with Enygma, focusing in on the arm of Tyson Baine. If his arms are too weak then he cannot lift them for the Hades Bomb, right? It's good strategy. But Enygma turned things around when he went for the ankle of Baine. Unfortunately, Baine was ready for it and it ended with a big boot to the head of the USPW World Champion...]


[...Baine tagged out to T-Rex and T-Rex sent Enygma flipping in mid-air with a clothesline! The Jurassic Power pulled Enygma up and body slammed him down to the mat, dropping an elbow and making a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! T-Rex picked up Enygma and whipped him into a corner. He followed that up with a corner clothesline! Enygma stumbled out of the corner and T-Rex grabbed him dropping him down on his knees with a backbreaker. T-Rex made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- James Justice breaks it up. The referee stands up and motions for Justice to get out. Tyson Baine came in and he and T-Rex whipped Enygma to the ropes -- double flapjack! Enygma landed hard on his back. T-Rex exited the ring and Baine came in without a tag being made! Tyson Baine picked up Enygma like a sack of potatoes and ran him back-first into the turnbuckle. Baine picked up Enygma and set him on the top turnbuckle. Baine climbed up. Could he be setting him up for a Superplex?? Enygma comes to life suddenly and begins throwing punches on Baine! About five punches in and Baine falls off the turnbuckle. Enygma drops off as well and James Justice is just reaching for a tag! The crowd gets behind the USPW World Champion. Baine pushes to his feet. He grabs Enygma by the leg. Enygma turns and kicks Baine! A second kick broke Baine's hold on him and Baine fell in his corner. Baine made the tag but so did Enygm!...]


[...James Justice comes running in and floors T-Rex with two punches! He clotheslines Tyson Baine over the top rope to the floor! T-Rex comes at him -- Spinebuster! Justice is feeling it! The crowd giving him that support and energy! Justice bounces off the ropes -- SSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAA -- Clothesline by Tyson Baine! Justice was going for the Dude Knee Drop but Tyson Baine came back in and nearly took Justice's head off! Baine dragged T-Rex over to his corner and he tagged himself in. Tyson Baine picks up James Justice with those large hands around his throat! Baine lifts Justice into the air for the Hades Bomb -- DDT! Justice reversed the Hades Bomb with a DDT! Justice goes crawling toward his corner as someone walks out from the back. It's Bruce The Giant! He's one of the joint number one contenders for Enygma's USPW World Title! Bruce takes a position down at ringside as Justice tags in Enygma!...]


[...Enygma comes in a little distracted but he throws punches toward Baine and toward T-Rex! The USPW World Champion bangs their heads together to cheers from the crowd! James Justice comes in and takes over on T-Rex and we have a pier four brawl here! Referee Baby Jamie begins working on getting T-Rex and James Justice to break things up. Baine ducks a shot from Enygma and tosses Enygma outside the ring! Enygma hits the ground hard and Baine stands up inside the ring and watches as Bruce The Giant wraps his hand around the throat of Enygma! He lifts him up -- Giant Choke Slam outside the ring! Enygma's body must be broken in half! Bruce moves to another corner as the referee turns around and sees Enygma lying outside the ring. He begins the count on Enygma. About halfway through the count, Enygma starts to stir a little bit. As the camera focuses outside the ring, we pick up a sign: 'T-Rex is a pain in the Jurassic.' Enygma cannot even get off the floor before the referee counts ten and calls for the bell.]


Winners: The Titans (Via Countout @ 11:34)

Match Rating: C+




[...Bruce The Giant comes back around to Enygma and tosses him in the ring. Bruce steps up onto the apron as Tyson Baine grabs Enygma around the throat -- Hades Bomb! Justice turns and he gets caught by Bruce -- Giant Choke Slam! Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine meet in the center of the ring, going nose-to-nose. Bruce is a co-number one contender but it's Tyson Baine who will meet Enygma in just a couple of weeks at USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams! As these two go nose-to-nose, another wrestler comes running down with a chair in hand...]




[...It's the Hardcore American! Chris Caulfield enters the ring swinging for the fences with the chair! The crowd cheers his arrival! He clears the ring and then moves to check on Justice and Enygma. What an ending to the show! We'll see you next week everyone!]

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Only one perfect score on this week's show. Congratulations to xopher316!




1. xopher316=11 Wins

2. jhd1=10 Wins

bgbuff=10 Wins

SWF Fan=10 Wins

5. 20LEgend=9 Wins

critical-23=9 Wins

mcorey=9 Wins

Lexa90=9 Wins

blewrider1980=9 Wins

borman_48=9 Wins

Dragonmack=9 Wins

12. TakerNGN74=8 Wins

BHK1978=8 Wins

Arogue=8 Wins

Bigpapa42=8 Wins

Rayelek=8 Wins

17. Huntman=7 Wins

tristram=7 Wins

19. dse81=5 Wins

Hitman23=5 Wins

21. Greg McNeish=4 Wins

Timber=4 Wins

23. Tigerkinney=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


A special welcome to dse81, Hitman23 and Tigerkinney for making their first predictions in this diary!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 3 January 2010


Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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Jack America sounds cool and it's been too long since we had a Dude Knee Drop. :D


Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Easy one this, and it doesn't really need explaining!

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

See below...

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

You wouldn't give the title to another company, even if it meant taking it off Valentine.

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

I like the Forces. But it would appear I am alone, so Redwood wins.

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

Can't remember if I picked Datsun to win the last one or not, but he lost so Davids will win. He says...

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Caulfield continues his MAW bashing antics...

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

At this point Devine just can't cut it. Sounds like he'll be going into a decent feud with Jack though.

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

DQ methinks, in order to keep Justice rolling but make Baine look like the monster he should.


Fun Fan Signs: "If T-Rex So Is Tough - Why Doesn't He Rip This Aluminium Sign In Two" and "Does Jack America + The Forces of America = The Land of The Free?"

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Part of me is happy to see the old Dude back. However, part of me was enjoying the heel version of the Dude that you had in the other diary.



Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice- Draw

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


Signs: "Tyson Baine will be in Pain!" "Jay Chord = Crybaby" "FORCES OF AMERICA! FOR AMERICA!"

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


I heartly endorse Dragonmack's choices.


Fan Sign: True Devine= Enygma

Ravishing Raven Robinson :)

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice



I stole this sign.

Play Free Bird!

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Not sure now who has more of a screw loose Jim Force or Andre Jones? :D


Anger vs. Nicky Champion


Champion looks set for a strong push by the looks of things


USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson


The outsider isn't earning a shot at the belt


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley


And this outsider isn't winning the belt


Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America


Forces experience of tagging together will be the difference here.


Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids


The challengers continue to hold the psychological advantage ahead of the Tag Title showdown


MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield


Caulfield puts Rip's punk kid in his place.


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma


Devine isn't rising out of the midcard anytime soon


Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


Double count out schmozz

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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Thursday, Week 2, January 2010

American Machine defeated Jungle Lord...C+

ANGLE: Skit involving Christian Faith and Vengeance...B+

Kid Toma defeated Shady K...D+

Bart Biggs defeated Knuckles...D

Marc DuBois defeated Akima Brave...C+

Brandon James defeated Brett Biggz to retain the SWF North American title...B-

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defeated The Pain Alliance to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles...C

Lobster Warrior defeated Captain Atomic...B-

ANGLE: Backstage Segment with Remo and Jack Bruce...B+

Paul Huntingdon defeated Enforcer Roberts...C+

ANGLE: Brawl involving Steve Frehley and Squeeky McClean...B

Christian Faith defeated Angry Gilmore...B+

Gregory Black defeated Remo...B

Vengeance defeated Rich Money...A

Eric Eisen defeated Steve Frehley to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...C+


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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

Signs: Peter, I'll be your Valentine!!

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield ('tho a cheaky roll up win would be kinda sweet for Jay)

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


Sign: If a wood-chuck can what a wood-chuck can what can a woodchuck that a Giant Redwood can.

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