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Parental Advisory Wrestling: Interactive fan profiels

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Diary Link: http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77980


Realised I'd forgotten to put this up. Much the same as before - if you're interested in appearing at PAW shows, fill in your fans details below. Here is the information required:


(you can recylcle your MoSC fan if you wish - but may want to update the favourite wrestler section)


Name: (Either yours or the fictional fan you wish to create; preferably, the former)

General Appearance: (your striking features; for example - glasses, beard, hairstlye)

Nickname: (if you think a nickname applies to you fill it in here; think "Faith No More Guy" or "Hat Guy")

Favourite Wrestler: (Favourite PAW wrestler - can be amended at a later date)

Favourite Ringside Beverage: (A Pint Glass of London Pride? Canned Heineken? Coke? Or even a Dry Martini?)

Favourite Ringside Food: (Pizza? Beer? No spit-roast pork or anything too stupid, mind)

Preferred Weapon: (What do you tend to bring to a "Fans Bring Weapons" match?)


Later amendments to your fans details can be made in the diary thread (I also hope/expect regular signs and chants to be suggested!)


EDIT: I'm gonna stick a (loose) two-day time limit on this 'cos I don't want this to hog the forum.


Quote The Raven


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Name: Alan Reynolds

General Appearance: Glasses and hair that sweeps over one eye.

Nickname: The Pepsiholic Guy

Favourite Wrestler: Mos-Cow the Communist Bovine

Favourite Ringside Beverage: Pepsi

Favourite Ringside Food: Pork Pie

Preferred Weapon: Baseball Bat

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Name: Toby Donalds

General Appearance: Untrimmed beard, glasses, short black hair

Nickname: "The Creepy Guy Who Hangs Out Around the School"

Favourite Wrestler: "TJO" That Japanese One

Favourite Ringside Beverage: Cherry Martini

Favourite Ringside Food: Roasted Turkey Leg

Preferred Weapon: Constructed Lego Death Star

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Name: James Tyler

General Appearance: Glasses, something of a paunch and a 4 o'clock shadow (like a 5 o'clock shadow but not quite as good)

Nickname: Shirt Guy, on account of his choice of outfits

Favourite Wrestler: Beauty and the Geeks

Favourite Ringside Beverage: Lucozade Orange, usually three or four bottles at a time.

Favourite Ringside Food: Big bags of Skittles, which he's liable to throw at people he doesn't like

Favourite Weapon: An old DVD player

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Name: Jose Robias

General Appearance: Scruffy Hair, short slightly overweight (always with a bubble pipe (actual pipe if c-verse uk has a smoking ban))

Nickname: El Sereno Gato

Favourite Wrestler: JD 'Boring' Morgan

Favourite Ringside Beverage: Brother's pear Cider

Favourite Ringside Food: Any kid of Cup-a-soup

Preferred Weapon: Computer keyboard

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Aww man, I can't DJ for Reason anymore. Which is probably a good thing, actually ... I ran outta mix tapes. :p


Name: William Martin


General Appearance: Angled features, long blonde hair, small goatee, tends to resemble an Anne Rice character in attire.


Nickname: (none as of yet)


Favourite Wrestler: Ripper LeStat


Favourite Ringside Beverage: Bloody Mary


Favourite Ringside Food: Mincemeat pie


Preferred Weapon: Fancy cane

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I can't find it, but recycle my MoSC character please. :)


Name: Wallbanger Jones

General Appearance: Big, black leather jacket, black leather skullcap, dark sunglasses, huge moustache ala Paul Tuttle Sr. in American Chopper

Nickname: Wallbanger

Favourite Ringside Beverage: Three Wise Men and their Mexican Porter (in a flask) (Note: the drink in question is equal parts Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, and Jose Cuervo, shaken and strained. Not for the faint of heart.)

Favourite Ringside Food: Flaming hot buffalo wings

Preferred Weapon: Brass Knucks


There it is, if you want to change anything.

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Name: Brett Jingo

General Appearance: Patchy Beard, Long Greasy Hair always wears a Sci-Fi memorabilia TShrit.

Nickname: Big Bang Theory

Favourite Wrestler: Beauty and the Geeks

Favourite Ringside Beverage: Strongbow Cider (Can or Pint of whichevers was cheaper).

Favourite Ringside Food: Peanuts. What!? Better to throw at the wrestlers i don't like ...

Preferred Weapon: Lightsaber ... Klingon Bat'leth.

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Name: Wallbanger Jones

General Appearance: Big, black leather jacket, black leather skullcap, dark sunglasses, huge moustache ala Paul Tuttle Sr. in American Chopper

Nickname: Wallbanger

Favourite Ringside Beverage: Three Wise Men and their Mexican Porter (in a flask) (Note: the drink in question is equal parts Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, and Jose Cuervo, shaken and strained. Not for the faint of heart.)

Favourite Ringside Food: Flaming hot buffalo wings

Preferred Weapon: Brass Knucks


There it is, if you want to change anything.


Ah, thanks MH -- I think Nevvy will recall that I was the resident Larry Wood mark, as that's the only datapoint missing from the list.

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Name: Monty Druitt

General Appearance: Dressed as a cricketer (wearing pads and a helmet), devilish little moustache

Nickname: Convict

Favourite Wrestler: Ripper Le Stat

Favourite Ringside Beverage: Red wine (almost blood like red)

Favourite Ringside Food: Chicken Breast

Preferred Weapon: Butchers cleaver

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Name: Jay Mann

General Appearance: Taller than most fans, slightly heavy, a Mike Knox-esque beard, no hair except for a ponytail in the back, always wears a funny shirt, always brings funny signs

Nickname: The PAW Sign Guy

Favourite Wrestler: Mos-Cow The Communist Bovine

Favourite Ringside Beverage: a good ol can of Mountain Dew

Favourite Ringside Food: Happy's Pizza

Preferred Weapon: my lucky Tim Horner Jr. t-shirt

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