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38 members have voted

  1. 1. Wrestlecrap

    • It's crap so obviously I don't like it!
    • I enjoy the memories of wrestlecrap

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Do you like wrestlecrap? Seems like an odd question I know, but I noticed recently when I was playing TEW again for the first time in a long time that I book wrestlecrap. Intentionally. I'm playing a 1994 WCW game and I created Shark. I signed Ray Llyod to do the Glacier gimmick.


I know the gimmicks were terrible, but for some reason I have a nostalgic feel good feeling about them. So I book them.


So, when you look back on wrestlecrap, do you think "Man I wish that had never happened" or do you smile warmly and say "Yeah it was crap, but it was my crap!"

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Yeah some gimmicks were REALLY crap, but some were entertainingly so! I look back at some with fond memories because they made me laugh, or were able to make me suspend belief, unlike todays crop of generic wrestlers who bore the bejeezus outta me! Or wrestlers who spoof a TV show I've never heard of until 5 minutes ago to see what the hell I just watched. lol


I wanna see a Clown fight a pissed off Hawaiin damn it! Or a Ugandan in a loin cloth fighting a Greasy "Bad Guy"! Bad wrestling, yes, but entertaining as f*** because the gimmicks were laughable and entertaining!

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There's a difference between true "crap" (The Johnsons from TNA's early days) to a delightfully cartoonish, over the top character (Doink the Clown, Curry Man).


Entertainment based wrestling should never, ever take itself too seriously and "wrestlecrap" helps keep it in check.

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I've always hated the term 'wrestlecrap'. It's such a negative term for something subjective. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Maybe you thought Glacier was crap. Maybe I thought he was totally bad ass. I'd never call that crap.


(Actually I didn't much care for Glacier, but that's not the point.)


I like some wackiness in my undercard. Just because a character isn't a serious title contender doesn't mean it doesn't have value. Mainstream wrestling is a variety show. Can't be all trapeze and lion tamers. Gotta have some clowns.

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I'm down with some wrestlecrap if it's just kind of goofy, funny, a failed or ill-thought out gimmick or concept.


The only time it bothers me is when it's stupidly offensive (Katie Vick style) or it embarrasses a worker who is capable of much better things.


I think some of the less talented in-ring workers should always be given weird or amusing gimmicks to try to help them get over or at least give them some entertainment value and I am a HUGE fan of the comedy jobber.

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I'm down with some wrestlecrap if it's just kind of goofy, funny, a failed or ill-thought out gimmick or concept.


The only time it bothers me is when it's stupidly offensive (Katie Vick style) or it embarrasses a worker who is capable of much better things.


I think some of the less talented in-ring workers should always be given weird or amusing gimmicks to try to help them get over or at least give them some entertainment value and I am a HUGE fan of the comedy jobber.


I agree and would ad what where they thinking stuff on the level of Jenna Morasca vs Sharmell. Cody Deaner, Hornswaggle vs Chavo etc.

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I agree with BurningHamster, I'm fine with poorly thought out, followed through, or purposely funny gimmicks. It's stuff that's stupidly offensive (Katie Vick) or insults the wrestler involved (Samba Simba anyone?) that I don't like. In TEW I actually like to sometimes take a "wrestlecrap moment" and rebook it to try to turn it into a success.
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One man's trash is another man's treasure.




By definition some of the best ideas would be wrestlecrap...Adrian Adonis, Gorgeous George, George the Animal Steel, every charecter ever played by Ed Leslie!


Would wrestling be were it's at if not for the Kamalas? The Repo Mans? Men? Whatever...Point is when I was watching wrestling as a child none of it was wrestlecrap! I loved the goofy bits more than the serious stuff. Wrestling was fun once, now its Bland Worker A vs Bad Ass recycled gimmick B ad nauseum!

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On a technical basis, Kane, Goldust, Val Venis are Wrestlecrap, as gimmicks. But the workers in these gimmicks are so damn good it's not.


Seriously, Dustin Rhodes is incredible as that creepy uncle who's in drag that may or may not be homosexual/bisexual/asexual/just plain weird. He wears a gold/black suit to the ring, with a blonde wig.


Kane's gimmick that's he the brorther of the Undertaker. He somehow shoots fire at the ring corners.


Val Venis is porn star who decided to wrestle. For what reason? Who knows?


All of these should have been Wrestlecrap. But they just worked. They shouldn't, but they did. Goldust in particular has particularly long-shelf life, despite just being a really, really hard gimmick to do. Had a surprisingly good tag team with Booker T. If anyone other than Dustin Rhodes did Goldust, it would have definitely been Wrestlecrap... except maybe William Regal. But Regal can do almost anything.


Goldust, Kane, and Val Venis are proofs that you can hit JACKPOT in the weirdest of places.

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