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Love the new bios. Even though Xcalibre is on the wrong side so you cant see the cool thing on his eye


I am actually just giving him two stars over each eye now, want to go with that because it looks better to me.. Or it is because when I finished the cover for the next show I noticed I gave him one over each eye - I will not admit to the mistake and go with the first one. ;-)



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I remembered this diary (sorry, I mean Journal) mainly for the awesome graphics work, but re-reading the thread I'm quite impressed with your promos and characterizations. You've done a great job at making each wrestler's character feel unique and fitting; in spite of half the roster having sea based names.


My only complaint is that there aren't any more updates to read. :p

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Zen Nightmare







Deep within the bowels of the Zen Temple -The Boiler Room



Apocalypse is seen lounging back on his makeshift throne of random pieces of rusted metal and obviously fake skeletal parts, his gaze firmly on Jester. The mountain of a man is obviously not pleased. Jester was suppose to win the conceptional title and bring it back to Apocalypse. It would have place all three titles in the hands of the most dominating stable in Zen (also the only bad guy stable,ever) with all the titles come all the power. Power Apocalypse needs to complete his take over.


Jester, the insane one, gently sways back and forth to the tune of insanity playing in his head. Eyes fluttering to any sound made in the deep rusted chamber that F.E.A.R calls home. Steam, whining pipes even the sound of a few rats fighting over recently found scraps. A quick glance is given to Apocalypse now and then, but he is obviously more interested in what is going on around him.


Apocalypse growls softly before questioning the green maniac. 'Do you not enjoy the idea of me giving you what you desire? Is my promise of making your one dream a reality not enough for you to accomplish one simple goal?'

Jester stops his dance and focuses his full attention on the beast.


'You failed me, I hate failure, almost as much as I hate those idiots who go out might after night trying to bring hope to the masses.' begins Apocalypse, 'However, you are still a pawn that can be used to help attain F.E.A.R's goals. So instead of just leaving your lifeless corpse in a dark alley somewhere I am giving you another chance.'


Reaching into his robes he pulls out a small braid of hair and tosses it to Jester's feet.


'Do not fail me again. Make sure they tag titles stay in our grasp. If not, that is the closest you will ever come to your dream.'


Jester quickly picks up the braid and begins to cradle it like a child. Once again swaying back and forth, his eyes still on Apocalypse as he begins to nod.


Apocalypse laughter is heard echoing throughout the chamber as the camera pans closer to the blood shot eyes of Jester before fading to black.



Opening credits for Zen The Nightmare roll.


We open the show with the multimillion dollar opening that Zen is known for worldwide! That's right, sparklers on the four posts surrounding the ring as 'Master of Puppets' plays over a IPod. The camera moves documentary style over the packed cheering crowd, all 58 of them, as we move to the voices of the Zeniverse; Sparky Sparks and The Arthur experience, with a new voice to call the action sitting alongside them, Ceri Dordevich!




Sparky: Hello Zeniverse! And thank you for joining us with the second Zen DVD, Zen The Nightmare! I'm Sparky Sparks and joining me tonight is Arthur, AAA and the gorgeous Ceri Dordevich!


AEE: It is not AAA how many times do I need to tell your pasty a...


Sparky: Welcome to the team Ceri! I am sure you will do great here at the broadcast table.


Ceri: I am sure by the time I get bored and move on to better things you both will have learned something.


AAA: Sheet son! I like her! I could've made at least fifty off of her back in the day. 25 for a bl...


Sparky: Yes! 25 for making balloon animals! Let's go to the ring as our first contestant makes his way out.


The American National Anthem begins. Out from the back strolls Maurice Jackson, a huge grin on his face as he waves the American Flag high above his head. The fans are very vocal in their hatred.




Ceri: My savior is here! Maurice Jackson!


Sparky: If he is such a savior then why are you not managing him any more and sitting with us?


Ceri: I told you already, you two need some pointers and I figured to grace you with them.


AEA: Lucky we rated PG-13 you cross eyed bi...


Sparky: Maurice is finally in the ring!


The not (even close) sell out crowd continues to boo and jeer the self proclaimed 'Savior of Wrestling'. As the music, along with the crowd, dies down Jackson grabs a microphone and begins his lesson for the evening.

'It is a damn travesty to see you kangaroo rapists back tonight. I mean after the talking I gave you idiots at the last show you'd think you all would go home and realize the error of your ways and watch some real wrestling,. Not this fake super hero crap they shove down your throat, but REAL American wrestling!'


Maurice beams a bright smile to the booing fans as he continues, 'There are no such thing as super heroes, evil super powered villains or any of that other sci-fi garbage you morons eat up. You come out here, see you hero get beat for over half the match and then watch him make a miracle comeback to save the day. It's fake! Not even remotely real! In America the better man always wins. No script to follow, no backstage politics and we sure as hell do not follow what the fans think. Didn't you see what happened at the last show? I beat your little super hero freak, Quick Silver,' a small cheer is given from the crowd, 'so bad he did not even show up tonight. He knew if he did I would knock his upside down Aussie bum back to the outback so he and his dad can finish their alone time with their sheep! So seeing as I do not have an opponent tonight...'




As if one cue,because it was his cue, Quick Silver jogs to the ring as his music, Baby Cool Your Jets by Jet Set Satellite plays. In one hand he holds a half eaten Pop Tart in the other a microphone. Walking up to Maurice he chuckles a bit before speaking.


'Listen Mate, I was late to the show, not hiding out from you. Had to stop a bank robbery. No reason to come out here and spout crap like a fountain of stupidity. Listen, we know you do not really want to be here. So just leave. The fans do not want to see you, the wrestlers do not want to wrestle you and quite frankly... new Zealand could do without you.'


Big, as big as 55 people can give, pop is given.


'So Maurice...Mr.Jackson, please get o..'


Maurice puts his hand over Quick Silver's mic, cutting him off.


'I am here to save these people. I could care less what you think, what they think, or what the world capital of inter species marriages, New Zealand, thinks! Now that I have insulted your loser father, your loser fans and loser home I am going to insult you by beating you all over this stadium.'


Quick Silver smiles and takes a bite from his Pop Tart, Maurice slaps the Pop Tart from Quick Silver's hand and steps in close so the two are eye to eye. 'Don't ignore me boy.' Growls Maurice.


Quick Silver watches the Pop Tart fly through the air a look of shock on his face. The camera zooms in on the breakfast pastry, in slow motion the Pop Tart hits the wooden floor and shatters. The audience all gasp at once as we cut back and forth with the Pop Tart and stock footage of various audiences with shocked expressions, some in black and white and some of the footage is barely visible because of the age of the tapes. The camera goes back to a very pissed Quick Silver.


Quick Silver glares at Maurice and whispers, 'That's your ass...' before slamming the microphone into Jackson's forehead and throwing hay makers at the much larger wrestler.


Sparky: Oh no...


Ceri: Kick his butt Maurice!


AAE: That boy loves him some Pop Tarts.



Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver

Match Overview - This was not really a match so much as a beat down. After hitting Maurice with the microphone the ref quickly comes to the ring and singals for the bell. Quick Silver tosses the microphone and continues to beat Maurice around the ring with quick punches and kicks. Eventually the two spilled to the floor where Quick Silver would not let up on the onslaught. The ref began the count out, which Maurice managed to sneak away and roll into the ring just in enough time to get the win.


Match Highlights - Other then a spot near the end where Quick Silver forces Maurice to eat the shattered Pop Tart before rubbing the rest all over his face, there where no highlights for this match.


WINNER: Maurice Jackson


After the match the Maurice races to the back, Quick Silver following.


Sparky: Remind me to never disgrace breakfest pastries around Quick Silver.


AAE: Sheet son! That boy can go when he gets ticked!


Ceri: He got lucky and should be fired for hitting The Wrestling Savior with a microphone!


Sparky: Too bad he didn't break his jaw with the microphone.


Backstage Area



The defenders of Earth, the triple threat of the tide, the (insert another moniker for water based heroes here) stand surrounding the sacred pool. The soft hum of magical energy echoes over the air around them as a soft green glow bathes them in an eerie supernatural light. (It is actually the water filter and a few glow sticks in the hottub). In a classic worms eye view shot, as if the camera is in the hottub the three heroes look more then ready for action. As always Devilfish breaks the silence and delivers the message granted to them from the earth mother.


'While we do not hold any of the titled. F.E.A.R is without all of them as well. There is still hope my brothers. The Zeniverse is in jeopardy but not lost.'


Lone Shark snorts out a chuckle, 'Great news, but the one title we don't have is being held by a cocky, self-righteous arse who wants nothing to do with us.'


'X-Calibre is a good guy Shark,' says Man O War,'Give him a break.'

'Enough brothers, the mother speaks again.' says Devilfish.


The three look into the pool, again from the worms eye view so the viewers cannot see anything (tight budget plus it builds suspense). After a few seconds Devilfish speaks again. 'So she sends another to aide us. She knows of your mission to face both Halloween Knight and Apocalypse. She thinks you may need some help Lone Shark.'


'Not like I need it. We are...' Lone Shark stops and cannot help but stare at Man O War, Devilfish is also staring in shock as Man O War begins to pose like a famous wrestler from the 80s. Pose after pose, smiling broadly the whole time.


'What in the seven seas are you doing!?' yells Lone Shark.


'Super hero, remember? Gotta practice my looking tough poses for the camera.' answers Man O War.


'Brother,' begins Devilfish, ' The sacred pool is not a mirror.'


'Mate the reflection is perfect, I mean..'


Lone Shark growls and stares directly into the camera as he mumbles, 'We're screwed.' before storming off, while Devilfish shakes his head as Man O War continues to pose.


Sparky: I wonder what the pool showed out finned friends EAA?


EAA: No telling brother but... Great now the dude writing the show is writing my name wrong!


Ceri: It's fine EAE. Don't worry about. Now like anyone knows who you are anyway.


AAE: I'm gonna have to slap a bi...


Sparky: Wait! We have something going on backstage!


Backstage - Hallway



Super Zero and Molly Cuddle are seen walking backstage laughing and joking with another as they make their way through the maze of tunnels beneath the Zen Temple, also known the locker room. As they turn the corner Molly lets out a blood curdling scream and Super Zero is frozen in shock. At the end of the corridor, under a broken blinking ceiling lights lays Vertigo, battered and bloodied.


'Molly go get help!' is all Super Zero can say as he rushes to his tag partners side. Molly races off to find help. As Super Zero cradles his friend he never notices the Green Mercenary, Jester, slowly comes from the shadows, almost as if he is floating, before he attacks both Super Zero and the camera man. Camera falls to the ground pointed to a wall. Off screen beating and screams of pain can be heard. The noises stop, the camera is lifted and Jester stays directly into the lens before swaying his head back and forth gently. Camera goes to black.


AAE: This place is getting too dangerous for me now that Apocalypse is pulling so many strings in the back!


Ceri: I think it's finally getting interesting!


The Boiler Room



Halloween Knight kneels before Apocalypse, head down in respect.


'My lord, the Jester has practically guaranteed our victory during the tag match. He is proving that unlike last time he is very worthy.'


Apocalypse merely stares at Halloween Knight, the silence causes Knight to shift back and forth, feeling more then uncomfortable by his masters lack of communication.


'Lone Shark will also be finished tonight. With him still injured and deciding to fight both of us, it will be simple to destroy him and weaken the defenders. Everything is going according to plan.' says Knight.


Apocalypse leans forward and speaks. 'My plan, a plan you had nothing to do with. Remember that boy. I call you my Knight because you are a warrior who will help me destroy the Zeniverse, but never forget your place at my boot.'

'Yes my master.'


Cyanide and Massacre walk in, Massacre speaking loudly the punch line to a joke, 'Well you're screwed now!'


Cyanide drops to his knees and bows as he sees Apocalypse, Massacre laughs out loud at his own joke. Finally noticing Apocalypse glaring at him he stumbles down into a bow slowly and shrugs as he states, 'You guys need a sense of humor!'



Massacre and Cyanide -vs- Nightmare Slasher and Stalker -vs- Jester and C.W.A

Match Overview - This match was a train wreck as Massacre once again dominated. The smaller and weaker Nightmare Slash and Nightmare Stalker could not get in any offense. When the two went to the corner of C.W.A and Jester to get the tag they where ignored, all according to plan. Eventually C.W.A gets frustrated with waiting on the ring apron and making balloon animals, that he would act like he is about to give to the kids in the audience before popping them, and takes a tag. Jester held him back and forced him to make the tag back to Nightmare Stalker. This caused C.W.A to storm off. Leaving Massacre to win with the Gorilla Press Slam on both Slasher and Stalker.


Match Highlights - A nice springboard clothesline was given by Stalker, though Massacre caught him and gave a insane belly to back suplex that caused C.W.A to jump around and laugh like a maniac.


WINNERS (and still champions): Cyanide and Massacre


After the match Super Zero limps out and tries to attack Jester, Jester merely stands there as the obviously weakened Super Zero throws punches with no real power into the chest of the insane one. Jester shakes his head and walks away as Super Zero falls to the floor.


Boiler Room



Necromancer stares into the camera, deep shadows surround him, barely making him visible.


'Man O War', he starts, 'tonight you have made the biggest, and last, mistake of your career. You prance around like a fool. Constantly making a joke of everything going on around you. Well tonight, you will be the punch line to a deadly joke. Embrace your destruction boy.'


Necromancer fades back into the shadows.


Locker Room



Man O War sits cross legged playing a Game Boy (old black, white and green Game Boy, those big bricks) not paying any attention to the camera. The camera man coughs, which causes Man O War to look up surprised.


'Oh, Hi! One second, ' Man O War pauses the game and continues,' I'm Man O War and tonight I'm gonna beat up Necromacer.' he smiles jumps to his feet and poses, much like he was practicing earlier, then drops down and starts the Game Boy back up.





Man O War -vs- Necromancer

Match Overview - The ongoing feud between F.E.A.R and The Defenders continued this match. It had a interesting dynamic as both wrestlers played to their strengths and weaknesses. Lots of spot monkey moments as the two used the top rope to their advantage. Man O War, always playing the comedian stopped on more then one occassion to reach under the ring to pull out his old Gameboy and play for a few seconds before yelling 'I almost caught them all!' and jumping back into the ring. The ending came when Apocalypse appeared at the lockerroom enterance, the huge moutain of a man just standing there was enough to distract Man O War long enough for Necromancer to hit the 'Raise the Dead' (Slingshot Suplex).


Match Highlights - Besides Man O War playing his game thoughout the match, another high spot was when Necromancer and Man O War began to run the ropes together, narrowly missing one another over and over again, eventually Man O War stops and begins to cheer Nercomancer on as he continues the run. Necromancer runs himself out of breath and Man O War hits a backflip kick. Garunteed crowd pleaser.


WINNER: Necromancer


Sparky: Great match!


AEA: Have to agree with you there. Plus the better wrestler came out on top son!


Ceri: Maurice could beat both of them.


Sparky and AAE: -sighs dramatically-




The camera is backstage following Lone Shark. Obviously to get an interview before his handicapped match tonight when X-Calibr, dressed in his costume and a duster (his relaxed apparel, obviously) steps out from an open door.




'Stop.' He says. 'Listen, I am getting sick of people making little comments about the wrestling here. Mr.Jackson, I am talking about you. Two times you've come out here and went on and on about how this company sucks. Well you know what? Just like Quick Silver told you before, leave if you hate it. There are more places in the land of Oz for you to degrade with your presence. There is a trash dump where the wrestlers hide their lack of skill with beating each other with trash cans. We got a nice little corporate run show that makes all the little main streamers quiver with joy, it even has the lame over used gay and sex jokes, go there. Or better yet, you can go out into the middle of the outback and dig a hole, then jump in and bury yourself because quite frankly it would be the best place for you.'


X-Calibre winks at the camera,'Want to see some real wrestling boy? Then get ready bitches cause I'm up next.'



X-Calibre -vs- Shaolin -vs- Bile -vs- Devilfish

Match Overview: Extremely fast pace action (well except for Bile). Lots of near falls, high flying and all around intense action (again, except for Bile). X-Calibre and Devilfish worked well together, really great chemistry that help add some excitment to the match. The fact the crowd would never shut up about how much they hated Bile hurt the match a bit, though the other three workers made sure to keep things going nicely. Midway through the match Shoalin threw down a 'smoke bomb' that did not really go as planned. Instead of bursting into a huge plume of smoke, it fizzled. The other three wrestlers watched him confused, Shoalin pointed to the rathers, the other three turned to look, then the ninja master vanished....by rolling under the bottom rope and hiding under the ring. With the exception of Bile this match was the top of the night, the fans really enjoyed it.


Match Highlights - During the match X-Calibre and Devilfish had Bile up for a Brain Buster when Shoalin came back from under the ring and delivered a double mule kick to X-Calibre and Devilfish, knocking all three men down.


Devilfish and X-Calibre both walked the top rope to deliver flying elbows to Bile and Shaolin.


Bile did nothing worth noting as a highlight besides getting pinned after X-Calibre delivered the End Game (Ura-Nage/Severe Belly to Back Suplex) from the top rope.


WINNER: X-Calibre


Sparky: X-Calibre retains!


Ceri: Why no F.E.A.R members in that match? Kind of odd considering they want all the titles.


AAE: She makes a good point, finally.


Sparky: Maybe there is more going on here then we know. Let's ignore that so it can simmer and make people wonder why we go to our Main Event!



Lone Shark -vs- Apocalypse and Halloween Knight

Match Overview - This match was mostly Halloween Knight and Lone Shark. Apocalypse hardly ever tagged in, when he was in the ring he merely threw Lone Shark around like a rag doll. The much smaller Lone Shark could not deliver any offense that would phase the big man. When Lone Shark and Knight wrestled it was good back and forth action. Each man gaining the upper hand and trading back and forth. The end came when Apocalypse tagged to Knight and Lone Shark put Knight in a quick small package that seemed to come out of nowhere.


Match Highlights - Lone Shark and Knight put on a classic clinic of matching hold for hold and move for move that lasted a good three minutes. They mirrored each others moves perfectly.


Apocalypse threw Lone Shark onto the top rope, Lone Shark landed on his feet on the top turnbuckle and delivered a diving shoulder block.The move did not knock the huge Apocalypse down, but did stagger him.


WINNER: Lone Shark

After the match Apocalypse snaps and attacks Lone Shark, delivering a huge leaping choke slam. Halloween Knight joins in on the beat down as well, soon Lone Shark is laid out in the center of the ring almost exactly like the ending of the last show. Soon all the members of F.E.A.R are in the ring, laying into Lone Shark.


Suddenly a robed man, complete with hood, rushes out from the backstage area and leaps into the ring.


Sparky: Who is this?!


EAA: Whoever he is, boy sure is pissed!


He hits Cyanide with a clothesline that tosses him over the top rope, Massacre gets hit with a hard drop kick that sends the big man through the top and middle rope to the outside. At seeing this strange rabid man, Apocalypse calmly steps out of the ring. Halloween Knight goes to do the same but is not so lucky as the robed man attacks him with hard, very stiff, forearm shots to the head. Before Knight can react the man tosses him into the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the outside.


F.E.A.R make their way back to the door to the dressing room, but stop briefly to look back.


The man tears off his robes to reveal the forth member to the aquatic stable, none other then the fabulous Human Squid!




Sparky: -whispering- you've got to be kidding me... -back to normal voice- Amazing! The forth member is revealed! The help that the earth mother told everyone at the start of the show!


AAE: Don't squid have eight tentacles?


Sparky: He does AAE four... On his..head, jesus, and two arms and two legs! Four tentacles to be used to take down the evil F.E.A.R!


AAE: Kinda looks like that dude from Dragonball. And technically, Squid have ten total appendages. Once again, here to help. YOU'RE WELCOME!


Ceri: kinda looks like he has four peni...


Sparky: PINK tentacles on his head! Yes Ceri, we know!


Muffled laughter is heard from the commentary as a very angry Human Squid walks over to check on Lone Shark.


Lone Shark stumbles to his feet and motions for a microphone. Shooting a look to the Human Squid and smirking before he speaks.


'Listen, you F.E.A.R idiots think you have this big master plan to take over the Zeniverse. That is fine, just be men about it. You guys fight like a pack of mentally challenged piranha. You're all cowards. You cannot do a damn thing on your own. So I propose this, at the next show, Awakening, we do this the right way. Four on four, no DQ. I think since we have our new partner in pink,' The Squid looks pissed at hearing Lone Shark say this but the crowd pops anyway,' then we all get in the ring, out the ring, in the rafters and bring the house down. Hell, Apocalypse can even come down to the ring. Maybe he can try to take me out again...and fail like the last two times!'


The huge massive crowd cheers so loud it sounds as if double the people are in attendance (which would be around a hundred).


Apocalypse storms off after the speech, the others follow, except for Halloween Knight who merely glares to those in the ring as the show goes off the air.




OOC:As always excuse the typos as I am horrible at proof reading and feel free to leave comments, just save the bad ones for my inbox. :-P Prizes to be posted tonight or tomorrow.Since I do all the art, (except the renderings) next show will be in two weeks with fun stuff thrown in between now and then. Hope you enjoyed the show. - Yoshi

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Everyone is a winnah this week!

Just because we here at Zen want to make sure everyone is happy (has nothing to do with the fact no one actually won).


Here is the first prize - your very own Conceptional Championship Belt.








It looks just like the one the wrestlers use! Totally invisible! Awesome!


And, in keeping with immature innuendos that go on all over the place in wrestling these days, your very own Shaolin shirt! Now you can giggle like a ten year old when showing your shirt to all your friends! They'll giggle too before asking, 'What the hell is Zen?'




Enjoy your prizes and make sure to watch the next show and vote! You could be our next winner!


As always Zen is not responsible for any child death that comes with these products. No refunds, as these are free and we are poor.

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Awesome show. Great art work; I laughed out loud at the reveal of the Human Squid.


Thanks man I appreciate it. I know some people cannot stand serious comic book stories mixed with zany-ness. What I am doing, basicallly reinventing Zen is a bit extreme, so i understand if people do not like it. Everyone has different tastes. It's cool you read it bro. Thanks! - Yoshi

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Some times I wonder why I even answer my phone. Only one person calls me, Frankie, and the irritation I get by the time our conversation ends is enough to give an elephant a heart attack. Then I always remember he is my best friend, my boss and without him I would most likely be back in the US washing windows for one of the bigger federations.


'Good morning Frank. What can I help you with?' I ask.


'Listen Mate just wanted to say your debut last night was spot on awesome! The Human Squid was amazing.'


I hope the long silence I give him is enough for him to realize how pissed I am about the costume.


Finally Frankie speaks, 'Listen mate. You let some fans down, we needed to spice up the story and plus I just like to rib ya.'


'I get that, I do. I will make the best of it for now.'


'You can always lose the mask and have a few matches with Swoop.' His harsh chuckle after the statement makes my skin crawl.


'Not yet brother. So why did you call? Didn't you get the fax last night with all the numbers from the show?'


'I did and there are some things we need to talk about. No more blood, if someone gets busted the hard way that is fine, but cut the blood out of the booking. We have kids and it can give some bad vibes. I know we needed to get rid of Vertigo but next time just go with a cleaner version.'


'Fair enough. No problem.'


'Money, you are going through it like we have a endless supply. Slow down a bit. Move some numbers around or even skip a few months of work. We need money at the end of all this, just because we are down under doesn't mean we need to go under!' As always Frankie cannot help but laugh at his own, lame pun.


'Ugh. I know but the fans like the angles and we need to keep them interested or they'll go watch innuendo 16 year old crap or garbage wrestling. Trying to keep it fresh and interesting is not cheap.'


'We have around 50 fans at each show, our sales merchandise and DVD sales are around 5000 unique shoppers. Just back it up a bit mate, seriously.'


'Alright Frankie. I got you.'


After a quick rundown of what I had planned for the next show. Frankie lets me know that it is time to put on a Master of Zen title match. I ask if I can skip it at Zen Awakening because of the big 4 on 4 match and set it up for the next show. Of course this is not a problem. A quick good-bye and I am once again free to sleep. Right as sleep begins to take me from the land of the awake the phone rings... it was Swoop. He wanted a job.



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DVD 03



Lone Shark Unleashed!

An insane match up as the Aquatic Knights of the Sea take on F.E.A.R in a savage match up that is sure to keep people on the edge of their seats, unless you're fat and that is happening already! Plus what does Apocalypse have that Jester wants?! Who will fire the second shot in the Pop Tart Wars?! And why is X-Calibre so damn cool?!? All this and more in the next Zentastic show!!



Preview of cover for issue 3



C.W.A -vs- Shaolin

Jester -vs- Super Zero

X-Calibre: Da Champ -vs- Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver -vs- Eraser for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion

Human Squid/Man O War/Devilfish/Lone Shark -vs- Necromancer/Halloween Knight/Massacre/Cyanide - a falls count anywhere match!


Plus as an added bonus for the next show, this week's prediction winner (since we go on weekly predictions and not monthly) will get a free original pin up of their favorite female in Zen... Signed and numbered! (by the character, not me :-p)


Molly or Ceri!


So sit back, make a prediction and make sure to watch the future show! Hopefully it will not disappoint! If it did I would be out of a job, so act like you enjoy it even if you hate it!

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C.W.A -vs- Shaolin

Jester -vs- Super Zero

X-Calibre: Da Champ -vs- Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver -vs- Eraser for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion

Human Squid/Man O War/Devilfish/Lone Shark -vs- Necromancer/Halloween Knight/Massacre/Cyanide - a falls count anywhere match!


I need that pin-up! xD

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C.W.A -vs- Shaolin


Jester -vs- Super Zero


X-Calibre: Da Champ -vs- Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver -vs- Eraser for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion


Human Squid/Man O War/Devilfish/Lone Shark -vs- Necromancer/Halloween Knight/Massacre/Cyanide - a falls count anywhere match!

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C.W.A -vs- Shaolin

Jester -vs- Super Zero

X-Calibre: Da Champ -vs- Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver -vs- Eraser for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion

Human Squid/Man O War/Devilfish/Lone Shark -vs- Necromancer/Halloween Knight/Massacre/Cyanide - a falls count anywhere match!

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C.W.A -vs- Shaolin


I like Shaolin, but C.W.A has more going on story wise.


Jester -vs- Super Zero


Jester has a storyline with apocalypse going on making him a bit more important, but then again by the same token the storyline might need him to lose here and Super Zero does need to avenge his partner.


X-Calibre: Da Champ -vs- Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver -vs- Eraser for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion


Jackson vs X-Calibre could be a fun feud. I'll go with Jackson stealing the belt here with a pin on one of the other challengers.


Human Squid/Man O War/Devilfish/Lone Shark -vs- Necromancer/Halloween Knight/Massacre/Cyanide - a falls count anywhere match!


I initially picked the heels, but I second guessed myself at the end. A Falls Count Anywhere match would seem to favor them as they have Apocalypse and Jester waiting in the wings, but I think the heroes will pull off an upset.

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Awesome graphics man.


C.W.A -vs- Shaolin

Jester -vs- Super Zero

X-Calibre: Da Champ -vs- Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver -vs- Eraser for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion

Human Squid/Man O War/Devilfish/Lone Shark -vs- Necromancer/Halloween Knight/Massacre/Cyanide - a falls count anywhere match!

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Joining in on the festivities!


C.W.A -vs- Shaolin

Jester -vs- Super Zero

X-Calibre: Da Champ -vs- Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver -vs- Eraser for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion

Human Squid/Man O War/Devilfish/Lone Shark -vs- Necromancer/Halloween Knight/Massacre/Cyanide - a falls count anywhere match!

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C.W.A -vs- Shaolin

Jester -vs- Super Zero

X-Calibre: Da Champ -vs- Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver -vs- Eraser for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion

Human Squid/Man O War/Devilfish/Lone Shark -vs- Necromancer/Halloween Knight/Massacre/Cyanide - a falls count anywhere match!

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C.W.A -vs- Shaolin


Jester -vs- Super Zero


X-Calibre: Da Champ -vs- Maurice Jackson -vs- Quick Silver -vs- Eraser for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion


Human Squid/Man O War/Devilfish/Lone Shark -vs- Necromancer/Halloween Knight/Massacre/Cyanide

-a falls count anywhere match!

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Hey guys, sorry about the delay, I know it has been a day over two weeks but my PS files got corrupted when I changed my CS Suite, still not sure how, or why, it happened. Should've saved them in Sai Format, I know. I am gonna throw together a quick cover (sorry not a lot of images will be in the next installment) and put the show up tonight/tomorrow morning as time allows. Sorry again, and so is Quicksilver.



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The colored sparklers, yeah we got money to burn, light up and the portable iPod blares the Zen theme song of the night over small speakers. The massive crowd (64 people, which is massive for us) all cheer as the next installment of Zen begins....







The shaky camera zooms over the audience, passes the best three man (two man and a woman honestly) play by play team in New Zealand before jerking towards the ring where Maurice Jackson, the self proclaimed savior of wrestling, is standing with a microphone. As the music dies down he begins to speak, which instantly sends the crowd into jeers and boos. 'I have told you all time, that this fake crap would not make it in America. A place so highly advanced we do not even need an audience to have a match. Yet each and every time I come out here you boo me and cheer idiots like that mentally challenged PopTart fart in the back Quicksilver. I am sick of it. You people do not realize the help I am giving you. In America...' he is cut off as X-Calibre's music starts up.

The crowd erupts as the Conceptional champion makes his way into the ring. Maurice is not pleased, the look of disgust on his face is evident, more so when X-Caliber snatches his microphone. 'Listen, you're from New Zealand, so shut the hell up and wrestler.' before Maurice can make a snappy come back X-Calibre slams the mic into Maurice's forehead. The loud thunk echos throughout the ring and soon the other wrestlers for the four way title match are down in the ring as a groggy Maurice Jackson makes his way to a standing position. The bell rings and the match quickly gets under way.





Kind of a bad match to start, thankfully Maurice and X-Calibre pulled it up a bit. Quicksilver was off his game and Eraser had no business being in the match to begin with. The first half of the match was dominated by X-Calibre, then after hitting a under the belt shot on all three of the other wrestlers Maurice was in charge. Using some viscous moves to keep the advantage for the rest of the match. The ending came when, after a ref bump, Apocalypse came out and delivered his leaping choke slam to everyone but X-Calibre. After the attack he calmly walked away leaving a confused X-Calibre in the ring. Not pinning anyone X-Calibre tried to wake up the official, this gave Maurice enough time to grab X-Calibre from behind and put him in small package for the win!


Winner and new Conceptional Champion : Maurice Jackson!



Top rope hurricanrana from Quicksilver on Eraser that sent him towards X-Calibre who hit a drop kick while Eraser was still in the air.


Quicksilver found a box of PopTarts under the ring and proceeded to use every breakfast pastry in the box to hit Maurice in the head. Making sure to open the foil slowly and methodically before hitting him, which Maurice oversold to perfection.


Ceri tried to distract X-Calibre from the ringside announce table to help out her man, Maurice, but the attempt failed as X-Calibre came over, planted a huge kiss on her and gave a wink before leaping back into the action.




Outside the Zen Temple, in a graffiti decorated back alley, The Guru stands before the four Defenders of Atlantis, the Crusaders of the Sea the...ugh, I'm sure you get it. They've got a lot of names. They stand in silence, the heroes wondering why the insane one from Tibet has reached out for them for this meeting. Finally, and no surprise to anyone, Man O War breaks the silence.

'So what did we win?'

Lone Shark sighs, while The Human Squid (who looks angry as always) and Devilfish shake their heads.

'I called you to help you. While in your minds I am evil, which i am at times, sharing wisdom has no alignment. It is for everyone.' says the Guru.

Devilfish speaks, 'While it is appreciated, we have the goddess to guide us. Your help is not needed Guru. Thank you though.'

The Human Squid and Devilfish walk away,as does Lone Shark before giving a quick eye roll to the camera and a loud groan.

'You stay, your friends leave, alone seeking knowledge.' says the guru to Man O War.

'I just like the way you talk, and, I ummm, seek wisdom and stuff.'

'Wisdom has found you. Ask and receive answers.'

'Are we gonna stop F.E.A.R?'

'You put faith in four but water is not always the answer.'

Man O War looks confused briefly before speaking again.

'That doesn't make much sense.'

'Sense is what you make of the situation.'

'Why are you talking in riddles?'

'Figure the riddles out and you will know. Do you have more questions?'

'What do you mean by "water is not the answer"?'

'The planet is run by four, to defeat evil a balance is needed, water is not the entire answer.'

'You confuse me, but whatever. One more thing.'

'Let me expand your mind with the knowledge that you require.'

'Do you know Yoda?'

The Guru's eyes widen for a bit before, like everyone else who talks with Man O War, he shakes his head in frustration and walks away.





CWA came to the ring taunting the children in the crowd by spraying disappearing red, blood red, ink from a giant fake flower. Shaolin came from under the ring, as always being the worse, yet most interesting, ninja of all time. The match was pretty decent. Both men getting in some good offense, though CWA's under handed tactics were too much for the honorable silent warrior Shaolin. The ending came when CWA used the flower to spray the ink in Shaolin's eyes. This gave CWA enough of a chance to put Shaolin in the Last Laugh to get the submission victory. After the match CWA keeps the hold on until the pain finally became too much for Shaolin and he passes out.





Insane Top rope backdrop by CWA, which Shaolin sold by popping to his feet and acting confused before falling over the top rope.


Shaolin tried to play his ninja card and hide under the ring, CWA went under the ring after him, when the two came out Shaolin was wearing CWA's orange wig. CWA snatched it back after the ninja wore it for a few minutes.



Ceri is backstage in the locker room to conduct a interview with the former Conceptional champion X-Calibre. He is slowly packing a duffle bag with various things; athletic tape, elbow pads and so on. The mask is still one, of course. Ceri begins the interview with a smug look on her face, the smug smile is annoying enough, then she speaks.

'Hello Zeniverse! I am here with the FORMER Conceptional champion X-Calibre! So X-Calibre,how did it feel to lose so soundly to a vastly superior opponent like the American Savior Maurice Jackson?'

'I cannot say I am very happy about the lose, but, everything happens for a reason I will be back...'

'When you were pinned did you realize how big of a mistake it was to even try and wrestle someone who was so better then you are?'

X-Calibre glares at Ceri. 'I see you're here to mock me because I lost to your boy toy. If you excuse me I need to get out of here I have plans tonight.'

'Oh, so the mighty X-Calibre has his feelings hurt? After you obviously failed to capitalize on a win created for you by your little buddy Apocalypse! I would think your ignorant fans deserve an explanation to why he was even down there.'

X-Calibre leans down so he is eye to eye with Ceri. 'First off, your interview is crap, second what happened out there is between me and Apocalypse and third, ' he flashes his trademark lopsided grin, ' I think losing the title was the best thing that could've happened to me. Now that means my waist is naked and needs to be covered. So keep watching and get ready for the ride of your life. By the way next time I kiss you, make sure you do not kiss me back. Makes you look kind of desperate.'

He gives her a wink and walks off as Ceri looks shocked.



Super Zero is shown backstage reapplying bandages to his ribs as he gets ready for his next match. A clip shows Jester sitting alone in a dark room clutching the braid of hair Apocalypse had given him. Their match is up next!




Super Zero's injuries were too much for him. This match was a total squash. Zero was unable to get in any offense after taking one quick kick to the ribs from Jester. Surprisingly Jester do not prolong the match. Giving only enough offense to win,nothing more and nothing less, not a single under handed tactic. A quick double arm DDT and the match was over. After the match Jester helped Super Zero to his feet before leaving him in the ring with Molly. Both the manager and client could not help but look confused at the helping hand.








Apocalypse paces before the four members of F.E.A.R., all who are kneeling in respect.He continues to pace as he begins speaking, never looking to them or waiting to get a reply. They are beneath him and should listen and obey, nothing more. 'We are closer to our goal, my goal, of taking this mud ball and turning into a perfect world that I will control with an iron fist,' he pauses briefly to clench his huge gloved hand,'Those four heroic idiots have not realized the error of their ways. They do not realize they have been slowly manipulated into a false sense of hope, nor does the Zeniverse. One belt is already closer to us, when we have it, we will have all of them, and with it, all the power.First we will strike a blow that will spell out the end times for these pathetic heroes. On this day, a hero dies and a villain emerges. X-Calibre finally comes home.''

The camera closes in on Apocalypse's red eyes peering from under the brim of his hood.


Devilshark, the Human Squid, Man O War and the leader of the troupe, Devilfish are seen walking down the hall leading to the ring. They stop in the gorilla position, waiting for their music to kick in before bursting out from behind the black curtain. The stern look on all of their faces expresses the importance of the upcoming match. The next match is probably the most important they have been in since they decided to wrestle. The music kicks in, the four exchange a quick nod to one another. Then Man O War says, 'Seriously, does anyone else get a wedgie while wearing these spandex outfits?'








The two teams both gathered in the ring before the bell. All eight men looked ready for the upcoming war. The tension in the ring was thick enough to cut with a knife, the fact all eight men merely glared at one another without speaking for a full minute just added to the drama. Then the bell rang and the match got underway. The match was organized chaos pulled off as perfectly as those involved could make it. Everyone was at the top of their game as they played to their strengths while helping hide each others weaknesses. Massacre threw wrestlers around like they weighed nothing while the other 7 performed high flying spots one after another and a few chained spots on the mat.


Eventually the action left the ring. Chairs were used as weapons, ring steps were used to leap from and once Massacre tossed a fan (maybe a planted wrestler, maybe not) into Lone Shark. Soon enough most of the wrestlers were strewn about. Two men were left standing in the center of the ring. Lone Shark and Halloween Knight. Both men looked winded and seemed to be on the verge of passing out from pain and exhaustion. The crowd was on their feet, waiting to see the two arch enemies finish the almost 25 minute spotfest. Right before the two launched into the final onslaught out walked Apocalypse. This distracted Lone Shark enough for a recovering Cyanide to get into the ring and jump Shark from behind, soon both Cyanide and Halloween Knight were beating the helpless Lone Shark with savage kicks. The Human Squid and Devilfish tried to get up into the ring but Apocalypse made sure to stop them with a double choke slam on the hardwood floor. Man O War decided to charge Apocalypse to launch an attack of his own, but the idea ended quickly as Massacre hit Man O War with an intensely stiff spear that seemed to folded the smaller wrestler before he fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.

Lone Shark was left alone in the ring, all the members of F.E.A.R beating him before Halloween Knight got the easy pin.


Winners F.E.A.R


After the match the win does not stop the group from beating Devil Shark. Necromancer tosses the ref from the ring and the group continues the massive beat down on Shark. Then out from he back races Quicksilver. He leaps into the ring and tries to help Shark, shortly after Super Zero is in the ring trying to help, though his injuries keep him from making any real impact. Then Shaolin comes from under the ring and joins in. F.E.A.R does not back down from the new wrestlers but are struggling, until Jester and CWA come from the back to join in. Soon every wrestler in Zen is in the ring, the faces and heels trying hard to clear the ring of one another. Wrestlers are being tossed from the ring and taking the battle all over the Zen Temple. Eventually only Shark, Halloween Knight and Apocalypse remain in the ring. Before anything can happen X-Calibre's music hits and the former champion races to the ring with a steel chair!




He stands between the three, looking back and forth with his chair raised. Apocalypse nods his head and grins, which leads to X-Calibre slamming his chair into the head of Shark, knocking him out cold. Apocalypse and Halloween Knight walk over and begin to celebrate with X-Calibre. All three man laughing and cheering, shaking hands and giving out pats on the back. As the fans boo and jeer, X-Calibre flashes his trademark smile and then hits BOTH Apocalypse and Halloween Knight with the chair, knocking them out as well! BOOM!


X-Calibre holds the chair over his head, talking smack like mad, though the audio cannot pick up what he is saying. The lone wrestler standing points at Halloween Knight and makes the classic belt motion over his waist. It is obvious the former Conceptial champion is after a new title, the Zen Master Championship! And no one, hero or villain is gonna stand in his way.


The show ends with the crowd going nuts for the first vigilante 'hero' in the Zen universe posing on the top rope.




(Sorry for rehashing the X-Calibre art at the end, like I said I lost the art for the show and had to throw another cover together real quick. Since I knew this was gonna be the rise of X-Calibre I just did a quick image of him, sadly in my haste I named the show wrong, so I just renamed the show in general. I did not add all the witty commentator banter just to see if the show flowed better. Enjoy, if you want to leave comments do so, love feedback. Will contact the winner(s) to find out their chosen pin up. As always thanks for reading, excuse any typos and hope to see you back. Yoshi)

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Great to see what all the members of FEAR look like, and this new tact with X-Calibre should be fun to watch. I thought Human Squid was going to make more of an impact, but I guess you can't push your own character too much, eh <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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