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Stranded in London: The Dog Pound

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Some Moore Ramblings


So I've decided to put some predictions in my name and enlighten you to how to become a proper snark. By god some of you need the help - that's clear from some of the pathetic scores last month.


El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

They're both pretty rubbish - one's a perpetually drunk midget and the other's a burrito stroking part timer - but I guess this guy must have something to own a belt. Not that it'll be his for long, si, amigo?

Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

I can't remember who Starr is for the life of me but I'll never vote for someone who makes a rip on a dull country singer for his in ring name. Seriously, WTF? This is the standard I expect from one of you internet fans, not a proper professional...

Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

The other two will be too busy cutting their wrists to actually wrestle/

Lobo Solitario vs Famine draw

Mr. Lobo will start licking his arse cos he thinks he's some kind of wolf and Famine will start drinking it because he's a bit of an oddball. And he's got a ****ty name so there's no way I'm picking him...

The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

Not that I need his help to kick someone arse... but One Moore Gamble will be one too many for these losers. I'm sure I've seen these gimmicks before, too...

Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

Cos the other guy looks like a queer out of some trashy Japanese anime. Acts like one, too.


*All predictions are totally in character and any offense taken by internet nerds like yourself means they are having the desired effect.*


I totally approve this post. You, sir, are my hero. I especially liked the last line, drunken midget stuff and the triple threat prediction.



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Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

I can't remember who Starr is for the life of me but I'll never vote for someone who makes a rip on a dull country singer for his in ring name. Seriously, WTF? This is the standard I expect from one of you internet fans, not a proper professional...


Hey It's a great name :p


And I never noticed when I first made the name [For Johnny Kashemere on TEW 2008] (Johnny Cash was before my time) I thought that has a ring to it and then I thought it has a ring to it because it a copy of an actual name. It kinda took the magic away ;D


besides Johnny Cash isn't dull:)

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Hey It's a great name :p


And I never noticed whn I made the name (Johnny Cash was before my time) I thought that has a ring to it and then I thought it has a ring to it because it a copy of a old name.)


besides Johnny Cash isn't dull:)


You responded. Mission successful :p


And Snoopy, well someone had to play the ****y heel didn't they? :D

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship


Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

Lobo Solitario vs Famine


The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore


Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

El Nieto del Taco Bomber is an odd man but much like He Who Walks Alone the Bomber walks to the beat of his own drum and I respect that.


Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

Kashe took a win in his first match but Chicky Starr makes his debut here and has a bit more incentive to make a big impact.


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

Psychoholic and The Effect seem to have a lot in common I would surmise that the two would join forces to take out Phenix. Once its down to those two Psychoholic has the look of a pack alpha it all depends on if The Effect is willing to fall in line.


Lobo Solitario vs Famine

Famine is a whiny little gothling. The crowd knew he was worthless in his last match and now he faces the superior foe.


The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

Paranoid Andriod took a big win over Scotty Gamble and then although Moore made it to the end of the multiman match he still lost. The wild card here is The Big Nasty and a debut win is not unheard of.


Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

I want to give this one to Jupiter Go! but with his manager at his side Christian Star will again cheat to win. Unless... Lobo Solitario gets his revenge for previous wrong doings.

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship


Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect


Lobo Solitario vs Famine


The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore-Not voting because I am in this one.


Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship


Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

i wont vote for my own


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect


Lobo Solitario vs Famine

The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

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This is England


Friday Week 3 February 2010






The Fearsome Bunsen opens the show from the centre of the ring.


"Ladies and gentlemen I hope you've realised that The Dog Pound is not just an experiment. It's not just white mice in a maze in a lab. This company is chock full of living, breathing, legitimate tough guys in a real ring in the real world.


"I know some people doubted me and I know that it might even have been a bit tough to beleive. Biophysics to wrestling is a bit of a quantum leap of course. However - I think that at The Call-up we showed the people of England that there is never a problem with old-fashioned, tried and tested brawling.


"Tonight sees the first ever defence of the Top Dog championship as well as one or two other surprises.


"Make sure you stick with us folks - this pound is just starting to get fired up."


D 44






Sebastian Moore is gazing with bewilderment at the order sheet backstage, clad in his usual attire of trunks and amusing t-shirt, when a stressed looking Scotty Gamble makes his way to join


Gamble: Hey Moore, you got a minute?


Moore glances at Gamble before gruffly spitting out a response, a shurg of the shoulders accompanying his fatalistic words


Moore: Well it's not like that academic arsehole Bunsen's bothered to book me this month, is it?


Gamble, not too happy with the tone of the response, perseveres.


Gamble: I just spoke to Bunsen and he won’t give me a rematch against that pathetic scrap pile, Android.


Moore: Ooh, interesting. And I care why exactly?


Gamble: Because like me, you are a wrestler and what this guy is doing flat out takes the piss out of our profession. You pride yourself on being a tough son of a bitch and I do the same thing, we can’t allow delicate little flowers like this schizophrenic, man-child continue his charade. What would you do if you were in my situation?


Moore goes to respond but is swiftly cut off.


Gamble: The question is rhetorical. We both know what you would do. Now, back to the reason why I am here. Bunsen won’t give me a singles match against Android but has said that if I can find a tag team partner, I can get the human bedpan in the ring and show everyone that he has no place in this business. Now I might not like you personally, hell I DON’T like you personally, but I do respect what you are about. So I figured who better to ask to get in the ring with me as my tag team partner? You wanna kick some arse or what?


Moore sizes up Gamble, and inclines his head.


Moore: About what you said earlier... don't call him scrap pile. I would never team with someone daft enough to even pretend to believe that twaddle.


Gamble looks briefly offended, but Moore turns his back on him and laces his hands behind his back.


Moore: Usually I'd throw you out on your arse, mate. I don't need any help to make it, unlike yourself. But that procastinating pinhead has decided that I'm not worthy of a match tonight, so it's not like we've got anything better to do. Sure, it may be a gamble, but it's just one more in a life of many.


Moore pauses, the camera registering a twitch at the corner of his mouth.


Moore: One Moore Gamble. Like the sound of that?


Moore asks, turning back to his new found ally, who nods, a smile creeping across both men's features.


Moore: Of course you do. Sometimes I amaze myself with my own genius.


Gamble: Whatever helps you sleep at night.


The duo shake hands to seal the deal as the scene fades to black.


E 25




“Aaiiggghhh!” Paranoid Android screamed.


The crew member that bumped into him stared awkwardly before setting off on his way. Android clutched his heart as he tried to calm himself down.


“Ok, ok…calm down. This is what they want…”


Feeling better, Android continued his stealthy slink down the hall. “They got to Gamble,” he muttered. “It’s the only explanation…”


Rounding a corner, Android stopped dead in his tracks as he came face to face with The Big Nasty. The big man was curling what looked like a massive amount of weight, but it was in kilograms, so who could really tell? Either way, he certainly looked...nasty.


“What do you want?” The flame-haired monster asked.


Android looked him up and down. “Scanning…complete.”


He clapped his hands together. “You’ll do just fine!”


E- 23


The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore




The Big Nasty

Nice debut for the Nasty. He's big, he looks mean. Shame he has poor grasp of basic moves and selling...


Paranoid Android

You honestly dont know what you'll get with Android. His quirkiness is his biggest selling point but he is very unpredictable as a worker.


Scotty Gamble

The fans can see Scotty has something special but it may have gone to his head a little. He's not the best guy to have backstage and the other workers were a little hesitant around him.


Sebastian Moore

A good showing for Moore as he looked very physical and dangerous. Shame he hasnt learned to seel moves for anyone else...


The Finish

The two 'serious' fighters really struggled against Androids unorthodox style and The Big Nasty's raw power. As a result the match was a mass of frustration for Moore and Gamble. Until Android got ****y and Moore eventually managed to get him isolated in their corner. The Big Nasty was blocked from interference and Moore pinned a squirming Android using the ropes.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble defeated Paranoid Android & The Big Nasty in 20:16 when Sebastian Moore defeated The Big Nasty by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


F+ 15






Really, really, I’m not booked for a match tonight! Me, the best in the company! Me, the biggest name in the company! Me, Kevin “The War Machine” Morris, the REAL top dog is not booked for a match tonight! And you “fans” are just eating this up, seeing me upset and angry. Well this is England, Britain, The United Kingdom or whatever you morons like to call your country, a people who think they are better than everyone else, well tell you what. I’m American from land of opportunity and of the free which is why you are all jealous of me. The point I’m making here is, Bunsen, you better give me a match next month you ‘bloody idiot’ because I am the biggest and most recognizable name here. So give me it or you feel sting of A War Machine through a glass table.


F+ 16






Jon E. Kashe comes to the ring to a chorus of boos, he is in his sharp outfit and is carrying in a briefcase, he takes a microphone and get the ringside assistant to sit on the second rope as he enters the ring, as she goes he throws a screwed up note at the assistant.


“Last week Jon E. Kashe, showed why Jon E. Kashe is the power player in This Pound, by beating the little Black Spider, 1,2,3 in the middle of the ring, through the simple influence of my cash. And that is why the undefeated self made man, will rise to the top. I could buy each and everyone of you and one by one every single wrestler in the back will see thing MY way, all the refs all the backstage crew will be wrapped around my little finger. Because my Money is Power.”


E+ 32


Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr




Jon E Kashe

Has to learn to sell and string action together better. But still came across well as the crowd love the character so much


Chicky Starr

Poor Chicky. He just looked lost out there with little idea of how the match was developing. But he does have great hair and with this crowd that goes a long way.


The Finish

My mistake in putting these two together as it was clearly a disaster. Still - it was fun stuff and both can clearly develop into better workers. Both men basically traded blows in a glorified streetfight until Jon managed to hit a low blow and roll Chicky and his awesome blow-dried hair up.


In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Jon E Kashe defeated Chicky Starr in 19:32 by pinfall.


F 6






"Let me tell you a little story: When I was 6 years old I used to play competitive foosball. Ted's Game Emporium would have these big money tournament. I didn't want to play. I just wanted to watch. I was a coward. Daddy told me that up front. Came time for the tournament and he told me that cowards don't get dinner. Cowards' get triple the daily beatings. Cowards don't get a mattress. I'M A MAN!


"I signed up. Top prize was $50. You can buy a lot of pixie sticks with that kind of money. I was matched up against some kid from the neighborhood, don't remember his name. I played the game of my life. Alls I needed was 1 more goal to win. I looked across the table and he smiled at me. On the brink of defeat, that little PRICK was smiling. WHATS SO FUNNY HUH!? YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE TOUGH GUY! He just kept on smiling. So I said **** the pixie sticks. I shoved that foosball RIGHT DOWN HIS THROAT!


"He wasn't smiling no more after that.


"Got home and my daddy tussled my hair like only a loving god-fearing father could. He said he was proud of me. That I did what real men do. I destroyed my opponent, I broke his will, I made that sumbitch bleed. It's not about whether you win or lose. It's how much blood you spill.


"To the man with that stupid taco hat, you can dance around with that title all you want. A coward handed a hunk of gold because he didn't have the genital fortitude to get up and fight. THIS IS DOG POUND DAMMIT! And you ain't nuthin but a lil' pup.


"The Top Dog ain't the one who wins on a technicality. The Top Dog ain't the one who stays down. The Top Dog is the one who destroys. Who breaks wills. Who breaks bones. Who enjoys nothing more than to hear the pained wails of his opponent.


"I'm a respectful man. I hold no grudge against no man. But God as my witness. I will suffer no cowards. All cowards will suffer."


E+ 31




The scene begins by showing a man on a hospital stretcher, which he is laying on in the locker room of The Dog Pound roster.


The camera zooms in to show it is The Effect whose face paint has been rubbed off the right side of his face, but being replaced with blood covering his whole face.


He rotates his shoulders and opens his eyes. He bolts upright and stares straight at the camera. The Effect pulls a smile that can only be compared to the smile of a serial killer. He wipes some of the blood off of his right eye, the camera shows that it is blood shot and slightly swollen.


“I suppose this blood shows weakness, or does it show the strength that I am willing to fight for a cause which I justify as necessary”

He stands up with a groin of pain.


“Ossium Compages, Well done for winning” The Effect begins clapping in his hands in a patronizing fashion.


“I wish you all the luck in the world, except when you face me, then I hope you crawl into a hole and die, It would just save you the luxury of me punishing you to the point of paranoia”


He coughs quite harshly


“Looking over your shoulder to make sure you are safe, but you aren’t. My time will come just not yet”


The Effect pulls up a chair and sits down on it.


“Now onto Sebastian Moore, when you try to demoralize me with insults such as “sexually confused face paint loving pretty boy” then you need to actually know who you are fighting. Considering you were the one who got pinned by Ossium, you have no place to tell me about being a “pretty boy”


“And to whoever I face next, Good luck and remember....”


He stands up and raises his arms in a parallel fashion.

"I am The Effect, I am Me, I am Sane, I am Forever!"


E 25


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect





Much better than last week for the Psychoholic as he really used his physicality to good effect (ha!).


Symen Phenix

Very little effort for Phenix here. He looks the part but needs to deliver better.


The Effect

The Effect is great. He takes himself VERY seriously and the fans quite like poking fun at him. It leads to some awkward in-ring moments but overall he came across well.


The Finish


A lot of bluster from Phenix but that disappeared quite quickly as Psychoholic got involved with the match. He was clearly upset at missing out on the Top Dog championship last week and it showed as he was far better than last week. The Effect tried to stay out of things and pose but all 3 men ended up bloody and battered before Psychoholic hit his finisher on Phenix and the streetfigther was forced to tap out.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Psychoholic Slag defeated Symen Phenix and The Effect in 20:23 when Psychoholic Slag defeated Symen Phenix by submission with a Jesus Christ Pose.


E 27






Famine is in the ring. He has draped himself over the second rope and is hanging there by his arms, staring off into space.


“It still rips,” he says dully. “It still tears and bites. The hunger lives large... But I'm still here... Whilst my famine remains... Famine will linger here. I've been left in the gutter before... that's nothing new. I was never going to be satisfied overnight. But what the Dog Pound's going to learn is that even in defeat... Famine persists. You can break me down, you can pin my shoulders to the mat... but no matter what you do... I'm NOT leaving.”


Famine looks up, eyes suddenly coming into focus.


“Lobo. Wolf. Hunter.” A smile. “Hunger. I think you understand. You walk alone. You stay apart. Yeah. You understand. ...So you understand why MY hunger will send you crying for your pack...


F+ 15


Lobo Solitario vs Famine




Lobo Solitario

Lobo looks like a star and the fans like his exoticness but he still needs to work on selling.



A solid showing for Famine and the fans are starting to get it. Still unpredictable and erratic but this wasnt too bad.


The Finish


Again these two really need someone else in there with them. The two men were engaged in quite a nice scuffle until we had Christian Star and Sheik Awad storm the ring. They clearly hadnt forgotten their issues with Lobo from last week. The ref sounded the bell to end the match but not before poor Lobo took a bit of a beating from the 3 antagonists.


In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Lobo Solitario drew with Famine in 19:40 following a double disqualification. During the match we also saw Christian Star run in and attack Lobo, and Sheik Awad also attack Lobo.


F 9






So laddie, yer rek'n ya can win over this here crowd wi talk o clean livin an nee sex afore marriage? This here crowd dinna care aboot all ye 'straight edge' bullcrap! These here people wanna see me, a straight talkin, whiskey drinkin Scot, kickin ya self righteous ass all over tha buildin!

(Pauses for cheers)


And what's with ya little friend? Ya canna doo yer talkin, ya need an annoyin little tit wi more money than braincells t do it for ye? Any whut's more, ye get him involved in are match? Tha jus says t me that yoo's scared b'fore we even begin! And so ye should be laddie, dint ye know: I'm from Glasgow, I drink whiskey & Irn Bru. D ye know whut tha means laddie? It means I can kick yer wheatgrem drinkin, tofu eattin, straightedge ass cos I'm drinkin anger & girders!


E- 22




Last week, my client, the Straight-Edge talent, the greatest English wrestler of his generation, defeated a loud-mouth lucha mongrel in Lobo Solitaro. It was an expected outcome. No, not expected, destined. Because you see, it doesn’t matter who you are in the Dog Pound. I don’t care if you’re a part-time burrito maker (which are really disgusting by the way!), a country-singer ripoff, or that gaggle of pathetic, emo brats that seem to infest the basements of this promotion! Christian Star is the greatest wrestler in the Dog Pound, the greatest role model for the children, the men, the women out there, and he will become, sooner rather than later, the Top Dog Champion.


Now tonight, my client goes head to head with that otaku, “Jupiter”. Jupiter, you’re nothing more than a shade of a what an actual wrestler is, and those wrestlers are just a shade of what Star is! He is the Straight-Edge warrior, and between his abilities inside the squared circle, and my managerial talents, you are destined to failure!


Now, I’ve got a little announcement to all you fans in attendance. You see, I am a part-time investor in The Dog Pound, and I had a little chat with Bunsen. We agreed that a few gimmick matches here and there to show the variety of the Dog Pound was in order, and my man Star selected a specific gimmick match. Christian, if you would do the honors….


E+ 32




Thank You Sheik, I your Straight Edge Saviour looked through the last Dog Pound Event via VCR and i found out something appaling the referees in this company are truly terrible.


I mean any two eyed moron could see Symen Phenix was screwed over against Jupiter, to avoid this tragedy happening again I have been given power to assign the referee's role to a man I can trust, the greatest manager in all of wrestling history, his skills unmatched, and no I am not talking about some Floyd Goldworthy or Shane Sneer, I am talking about the one the only Sheik Awad.


E 24


Jupiter GO! vs Christian Star




Special guest referee: Sheik Awad



Jupiter GO!

Solid. Jupiter is a solid guy with a solid skillset and the crowd love his never-say-die attitude. Even for a Scot!


Christian Star

Again Star got a great reaction frm the crowd which caused them to overlook some flaws. Nice showing here.


The Finish


Jupiter looked pretty good here as he defiantly stood up to what was clearly a stacked deck. In fact the Scot could have won this match with a different ref as a couple of times he pinned Star for what looked like legitimate 3-counts... Still, Star came back strongly and looked dangerous. That led to a first pinfall attempt from the Straight Edge contender before a very fast count from Ref Sheik Awad won him the match.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Christian Star defeated Jupiter GO! in 19:41 by a fast-counted pinfall with a handful of tights.


F+ 12






Ole!" by The Bouncing Souls kicks on and the crowd roars, leaping to their feet for the first ever Top Dog champion...


El Nieto del Taco Bomber!


ENdTB hops down the entrance ramp and slaps hands with every rowdy Brit in the vicinity. The ornate championship belt draped over his shoulder and the bright green mask of his screaming with pride...everything about him is exciting. Thrilled at his championship win, ENdTB basically flips into the ring, mic in hand, ready to address The Dog Pound.


El Nieto del Taco Bomber: Fans...amigos...lend me your ears...THE CAMPEON IS HERE!!!!!


Huge pop from the ENdTB supporters.


I promised it to all mis amigos...so...free tacos for everyone! Here, look!!!


He fishes out something from his wrestling tights' pocket and delivers the deal.


On the back of your ticket stub right here...you will find a coupon for FREE ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT TACOS tonight only at La Cucharacha Grill and Cantina, two blocks away from this fine establishment! Everyone, come, come! Hector and the boys are back at the restaurant, waiting for you!


Heck, we've even slaughtered our finest cabra for the occasion, it will be one huge fiesta in honor of the first EVER Top Perro: El Nietooooooooooooooooooooooo del Tac-


At this point CJ Alex enters the ring and yawns very theatrically in ENdTB's face. He ttakes one of the proffered tacos and drops it to the ring before stamping on it.

El Nieto del Taco Bomber: You come down here and dishonor ME and MY HERITAGE? I am a warrior in the squared circle with HONOR...you taco-hating gringo...you wanna come after my cinturon del lucha libre???


El Nietoo Dellll Tacoooooo BOMBER!


E 24


El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog Championship






El Nieto del Taco Bomber

A great athletic performance from the champ as he covered every square inch of ring and unveiled some great moves. Shame they were a little jerky and with no real story...


CJ Alex

Less impressive but CJ showed he can be a good foil and got some good attacking in of his own.


The Finish

In a bit of an surprise this was quite a one-sided match ans El Nieto was the only guy to put real effort into it. That payed dividends as he managed to wear CJ down before hitting a moonsault and covering for his first retention of the Top Dog title.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, El Nieto del Taco Bomber defeated CJ Alex in 25:02 by pinfall. El Nieto del Taco Bomber makes defence number 1 of his Top Dog title.


F+ 13




Overall show rating F+ 13

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Hmmm - my bad there. A few adjustments to product, show length and what not ended up in some nasty ratings...


Sorry all!


Still this is about promos and character and there was tons of that. Special props to Clp605 for submitting a promo with no match and Psychoholic for a great forst promo.


However The Fearsome Bunsen's top promo award goes to:


Hashasheen and Chriskid for their Sheik Awad and Christian Star work.


Great stuff both of you.


Results for this show:


TheLeviticalLawKid 0

Hashasheen 1

TheEffect 1

Chikbot 2

Bigguy9854 3

Apupunchau 3

clp605 3

Codey 3

MJStark 3

LoNdOn 3

TheKenwyne 4

Ghostdogg 4

Funkyzafara 4

Chriskid 4

20Legend 4


Some tricky ones in there and only one person got the draw.


All of you with 4 wins are joint winners and get to pick a stipulation for a match on next months card. Please PM with me with your request.


Thanks to everyone who contributed and also those of you paying attention, reading and predicting.

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I'm totally pulling for One Moore Gamble as well as The Sheik. The one getting X-Pac heat from me is Taco.


Two questions. First of all, where are my prediction results, and why are all the matches so long? Every match is atleast 20 minutes :confused:


My bad - predictions-wise you got 4 right.


WOOT! Thats a stipulation match for you.


The matches were so long as I set the event as super-long by mistake and had to streeeeetch them a bit.


Oopsy. :o

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Im sorry man, but to be fair everyone you've faced so far has provided a promo for the show...


Remember everyone: this is about character, storyline and fun - not wins, losses and stats.


Now were talking business :cool:


Should I wait till I heard the matches though?


With 6 joint winners and probably 6 matches Id get one in early!

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Firstly - when picking stipulations for matches please be aware that its NOT necessarily going to be the match your character is in.


This is to avoid wrestler Dave picking a "Wrestlers called Dave get a chainsaw" match and suchlike...


Next month:


Guns of Brixton




El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

El Nieto has done very well so far without really proving his skill. Ossium is a dangerous man though...


Kevin Morris vs The Effect

The Effect has lost twice in the Dog Pound and he seems even more depressed than normal. Kevin is fresh after a month off and fancies his chances.


Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic

These two men went at each other allowing ENdTB to win the championship. Can they solve their issues?


Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???

Two men of mystery already. Can the 3rd bring a semblance of reality to this?


One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

One Moore Gamble seemed pretty good in their first match but it's an uneasy alliance at best. Can the Christian Star/Sheik Awad partnership sow seeds of distrust?


Jon E Kashe vs Famine

Kashe is about the finer things in life. Famine cant even afford an electrician for that basement he lives in. Whose philosphy will come out on top?


I'm open to contenders for the ??? spots so if you're not down for a match yet and you want one please PM me.


Not everyone can have a match every month so please dont take it badly if youre missing out. Where at all possible noone will miss two shows in a row.

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

Ossium wins, and ushers in a new age. (Sorry Jimmy Jacobs for this bit) The Age of The Fallen!


Kevin Morris vs The Effect

The Effect is not in Effect, plus Kevin Morris is a War Machine.


Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic

Me, and the Psychoholic has too many "hoho" 's in his name.


Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???

Never bet against ???...


One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

...Unless it is against One Moore Gamble - I love that name!


Jon E Kashe vs Famine

Famine, come join us (Ace Kerghan and Ossium Compages) in the new Age.

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship Ole! Champion retains!



Kevin Morris vs The Effect Because I don't remember wwho Morris is 0_o



Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic Ace doesn't need to win to stay over



Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ??? I mean, I'm good, but this guy has time to prep for me and figure out how to disable my systems and whatnot.

One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ??? They were good enough to be me, they're clearly headed to the top


Jon E Kashe vs Famine Kashe is money!

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

El Nieto has done very well so far without really proving his skill. Ossium is a dangerous man though...


Kevin Morris vs The Effect

The Effect has lost twice in the Dog Pound and he seems even more depressed than normal. Kevin is fresh after a month off and fancies his chances.


Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic

These two men went at each other allowing ENdTB to win the championship. Can they solve their issues?


Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???

Two men of mystery already. Can the 3rd bring a semblance of reality to this?


One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

One Moore Gamble seemed pretty good in their first match but it's an uneasy alliance at best. Can the Christian Star/Sheik Awad partnership sow seeds of distrust?


Jon E Kashe vs Famine

Kashe is about the finer things in life. Famine cant even afford an electrician for that basement he lives in. Whose philosphy will come out on top?

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Guns of Brixton




El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

I call it self-explanatory. No man, no creature is better than me, or Ace Kerghan. I'll bomb Taco where he belongs. Down to a group grave.


Kevin Morris vs The Effect

Kevin Mor.. WHO? But no rip-off, no fake is going to get easy in The Dog Pound. We'll make it loud and clear.


Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic

Hadn't it be for Psychoholic's stupid antics, Kerghan would be the reigning champion. This shall mark a new era.


Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???

Dumb fools.


One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

After Kerghan and I, OMG are the best. But not even close to us.


Jon E Kashe vs Famine

Famine. I'll put it short and sweet. You join us = you live. You not join us = you dead.



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