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Supreme Wrestling Federation: Dark Days

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Now see, you should not of even said anythign. I'm like ok, Vengance and Remo got into it and he just added some names just for a story. But oh no, not mr bigpappa. He has to ruin it for me. :p


Sorry dude. That's just how I roll.


Have a Desmond Hammer article to post shortly. I would love to have the next show up for the weekend, but I'm not making promises. Sticking to a weekly show schedule for this would be nice but I doubt it happens. While I'm definitely enjoying this so far, I'm also not pushing myself to "get things done" as I have on past projects. Rather, I'm just throwing myself at it as I feel comfortable.

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The Myths of the SWF and Tag Team Wrestling

Pro Wrestling Insider Editorial

by Desmond Hammer


Thursday, Week 3, April 2010


"Richard Eisen hates tag teams."


That is an often-repeated mantra amongst the Internet Wrestling Community. Its right up there with "Angry Gilmore/Lobster Warrior is being badly misused", "everyone in USPW is old", "Tommy Cornell needs to stop booking himself title reigns", and "Big Smack Scott is gonna kill someone in the ring" as the most common complaint topics seen on most wrestling forums over an extended period of time. The question that must be asked is whether there is any truth to it?


The complaint sources from the long history that the Supreme Wrestling Federation has of misusing its tag teams. The SWF tag team division has never been maintained as a strength for any real duration throughout the SWF's nearly forty years of existence. It has not been lack of talent or quality teams, for the most part - Supreme has been home to some great tag teams, and it still is. Its typically been a booking issue. When times have started to really get over with the fans and possibly move toward the upper reaches of the card, they tend to either be split up to work in singles action or depushed back down to the midcard. The reason this whole issue gets attributed to Eisen is that it has happened since the earliest days of the Supreme Wrestling Federation.


The belief amongst many wrestling fans is that tag teams is that tag teams can be nearly as big as singles stars. A duo can engage the fans in much the same manner, with the added dynamic and diversity of having two workers. Whether that is accurate or not is somewhat questionable. What is most certainly not accurate is the assertions that Richard Eisen hates or has some vendetta against tag teams.


One of the first myths is that the SWF treats tag teams far worse than other major American promotions. That is not really true. Going back to its HGC roots, TCW had a fairly strong tag team division. Yet there was a similar hesitation to push teams as far as they could possibly go. In the 1999-2001 era, the Vessey brothers were not only one of the best tag teams in the world but amongst the most popular. They really caught fire during that period, in part because of the sheer quality of some of Bryan Vessey's singles matches. Especially the ones against Tommy Cornell. Yet the popularity didn't see them pushed any harder, nor did they move up the card at all, nor did they get storylines with more importance. That lack of a push forward to capitalize on their popularity has been rumored to be one of the reasons that Bryan Vessey left for Japan a few years later. Further along in the TCW histories, you can find The Machines, two immensely talented individuals who formed a great tandem. Though they were clearly pushed as the top tag team in TCW, that didn't see them elevated far above the rest of the tag team ranks. When they were part of The Syndicate storyline, they got more face time but were always secondary members to the likes of Cornell, Hawkins, and Keith. After DAVE collapsed, TCW created a dream tag team division when they added The New Wave, who ended up in a natural long-term rivalry with The Machines. While it's the kind of feud that could conceivably headline pay per views, TCW shows no inclination to do so.


USPW is no better with their teams, and arguably worse. The now-defunct DAVE did treat tag teams better, but it was really just The New Wave, who were amongst the most over acts in the promotion at times. The duo often faced - and even beat - super teams of top singles workers. No other team in DAVE was treated this way, however, so its arguable whether Phil Vibert really valued tag teams more or simply took advantage of the one really over team he had.


One has to look to Japan to find a place where tag teams truly are treated on a nearly equal level to singles competitors. In promotions like Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods and Pride Glory Honor Wrestling, almost all major stars have regular tag team partners. Tag team matches can and do headline major events, and some major matches have been tag team matches - perhaps most notably the Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu vs Hito Ichihara & Koryusai Kitoaji match that essentially validated PGHW back in 1997. The thought that "what works in Japan..." is not necessarily an accurate one, as wrestling fans are simply not the same the world over at all.


When actually comparing how the SWF treats tag teams to how other American promotions do, there is not a huge difference for the most part. And the reasoning behind why tag teams are treated thus is often a financial one. Simply put, tag teams cost twice as much. So if a regular tag team is pushed and used at the main event level, both members of that team would be paid at the same level as other main event talent in the promotion. Despite the perception that many fans seem to have, there is no "discount" when it comes to tag team contracts. So the financial consideration is why, historically, many promotions have kept tag teams from really hitting that top level. While one could argue that money is really not a concern for the Supreme Wrestling Federation at this point, Richard Eisen has clearly never completely lost the fiscal sensibilities which helped the SWF so much through its long history.


The second myth is that Richard Eisen has some type of grudge against tag teams. There is simply no evidence to show this is the case. While the status and push of regular tag teams has waxed and waned throughout the history of the promotion, and the tag teams ranks as a whole have often failed to receive the attention they "deserve", the actual use of tag team matches has never really flagged. If tag team matches disappeared from the SWF entirely, those who make the claim against Eisen might have an argument. Instead, the SWF World Tag Team titles find themselves defended on most pay per view events. Despite the fluctuations in importance, there is always a tag team division present - unlike the cruiserweight division, which seems to go through cycles every 3 to 5 years of being assembled, used a bit, then slowly fading away, only to start the process again somewhere down the road.


The debate of Richard Eisen and his treatment of tag teams in the Supreme Wrestling Federation is obsolete (for now), because it is not Richard Eisen who is running the SWF. At the moment, it is Jerry Eisen. And by most accounts, Jerry loves tag team wrestling. He is known to be a huge fan of The New Wave and it has long been rumored that he pushed hard within the SWF back rooms to sign the world class tag team after DAVE folded. Despite Jerry's well-established appreciation of the art of tag team wrestling, nothing is clear yet on whether the tag teams in the Supreme Empire will be treated "better".


The only thing that is apparent at this time is that Jerry will not make do with a small tag team division. The past few months have seen a number of regular and semi-regular teams form amongst the established talent in the SWF. Notable ones are Pure Power (Runaway Train and Everest), Lobster Warrior and Jungle Lord, and the reformation of former tag champions Marc DuBois and Paul Huntingdon, in addition to new SWF World Tag Team champions Vengeance and Remo. Supplementing these newly-formed teams and the established ranks of the division are a number of new teams which have debuted on the SWF's B-show, Warfare, in recent weeks. Several of these teams look quite promising.


Some fans - your typical doomsayer hardcore fans - are already complaining about the title win by Vengeance and Remo. Such super-teams are not uncommon in the SWF, but they have typically been kept clear of the standard tag team ranks and the title belts. These fans are saying that this win by two main event stars is further proof that the SWF doesn't care about the tag team division. Depending on what happens with this title reign and how it ends, this could actually boost the tag team division notably.


I recently spoke to an SWF insider who had this to say, "When folks look at the Bumfholes, they see two really talented wrestlers. Jerry just sees a great tag team. When most folks look Sam Keith's boys, they see two really talented young men who are both gonna be world champions some day. Jerry just sees what could be the great tag team in American wrestling history." If the insider is accurate, it means that Jerry sees the value of long-term, permanent tag teams. Even where the workers are talented enough to succeed individually.


The Keith twins have only begun their careers in the Supreme Empire, having had a couple of losing-effort matches on Warfare. It could be years before we can tell if that insiders prediction holds true and Jerry does view Greg and Matthew Keith as a permanent tag team. A more telling measure in the short term will be what the Supreme Wrestling Federation does with Team Tenacity. The duo has proven popular and successful, with the combination of of the brash yet exciting Brit and the stoic American working well, especially with the double managers. Both wrestlers are talented and could certainly succeed in singles action. It would surprise no one if the loss of the titles were used to break them up, whether that meant a feud with each other or that they simply moved on. Yet Valiant and Giedroyc could still accomplish plenty as a team if the Supreme creative team decides to have them continue on together. It will be a decision that will say a lot about how tag teams are going to be treated under Jerry Eisen.


The use of tag teams in the Supreme Wrestling Federation is something that many fans simply seem to have an unrealistic view of. Much like the idealistic yet unrealistic view that in-ring talent should equal card position. Yet despite the obvious fallacies that the belief about Richard Eisen and tag teams is built upon, it is unlikely to dissipate or cease to be a talking point for those fans who populate the online world of professional wrestling fandom.

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(on Remo & Vengeance) Peter Michaels: What a scary duo.


That ladies and gentlemen, is why Peter Michaels is the top announcer in America :p


Just read the show, will read up on the article later. Again, another solid one. Just some quick thoughts, I liked the Jack Bruce promo, it came across forceful and to the point, although I know what you mean when trying to avoid the promo's themselves feeling awkward or unnatural.


Also, I loved Eric Eisen arriving via helicopter. I'm a sucker for a good helicopter entrance and the associated grandeur.


Oh and finally, Ana Garcia's continued hatred of Emma Chase is something I'm really enjoying. Her interactions with Faith were great.

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That ladies and gentlemen, is why Peter Michaels is the top announcer in America :p


Just read the show, will read up on the article later. Again, another solid one. Just some quick thoughts, I liked the Jack Bruce promo, it came across forceful and to the point, although I know what you mean when trying to avoid the promo's themselves feeling awkward or unnatural.


Also, I loved Eric Eisen arriving via helicopter. I'm a sucker for a good helicopter entrance and the associated grandeur.


Oh and finally, Ana Garcia's continued hatred of Emma Chase is something I'm really enjoying. Her interactions with Faith were great.


Thanks for the kind words, Sebs.


With both Peter Michaels and Duane Fry, I did as I tend to and overthought things. What makes a good announcer? What makes a great announcer? I decided to keep Michaels' approach simple - he functions almost like a standard sports commentator, relaying the action in straight-ahead and easily-understood terms. Adding excitement when required but not relying on overstatement, exaggeration, or hyperbole. It might come across more if I was actually writing the booth commentary for the matches, but since I'm not, you just see the match introductions and such and he's basically just the straight-info guy... and that means he's gonna seem like "Captain Obvious" sometimes. Like that one. :-)


Yeah, there's just something about a helicopter sequence that I love. Especially combined with slow motion. Although Eisen punching a guy kinda throws the "grandeur" out of the window a bit. Was tempted to throw some humor in there, with Khoklov not fitting through the door of the helicopter or maybe requiring his own... just didn't fit, though. I also intentionally kept it just EE, Big Money, and Emma arriving.


The Ana-Emma dynamic looks to be a fun one. It really wasn't intended from the start but just kinda took off. I've been wanting to say a bit more about Ana. Will when I have some time - maybe later tonight or something.


These article seem so insightful and realistic for what is a made up universe reading it I could actually this was a real article, the history that you've added is great.


Glad you enjoyed it. Its actually an article I wrote awhile back and just waiting for the right time for it to fit. Adjusted a few things and bam!


I'm hoping the articles add some polish and depth to the C-verse. Since I'm not using any backstage characters on this one, its just another way to do that, but on a bit wider scale. A bit of that background detail is stuff I came up with for other projects - the great matches between Bryan Vessey and Tommy Cornell in the 1999-2001 range was actually a bit of backstory used in my TCW project.

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SWF Warfare

Missouri State Armoury, Mid West

Friday, Week 3 April 2010

<object height="25" width="27"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UPw4f1oN7g?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="25" width="27"></object>



Duane Fry + Jerry Eisen + Sara Silver



  • Pain Alliance Promo
  • The Samoan Wildboyz defeat The Keith Brothers
  • Fashion Show Segment
  • The Biggz Boyz defeat Tap Out
  • Sammy Bach defeats John Greed & Jungle Lord for the SWF Chaos Championship
  • Bombs Away! defeat The Awesomiscity
  • Enforcer Roberts defeats Antonio Amor
  • Steve Frehley & Lobster Warrior defeat Pure Power
  • Gregory Black defeats Frederique Antonio Garcia
  • Team Tenacity Promo
  • Sean McFly defeats Paul Huntingdon

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Good lord, please do not make me correlate Michael Cole to Peter Michaels... I'll end up firing Michaels over that!


Now a little story about Ana Garcia's evolution as a character in this diary. Why am I telling this? Mainly because I find it interesting and because I'm stuck at work.


During the intial planning stages, Ana was a talent that I was kinda ambilievent toward. I don't recall using her at all in Generation Supreme. She's not really great in any way - she's just okay as a color commentator (though better than Jerry!). She's attractive but not fantastically so (based on Sex Appeal). If she was a manager and she wasn't managing major talent, I'd probably be fine with it. But as one of the key color commentators? I just wasn't convinced. Her bio says she's a key part of the SWF broadcast team, though, so I ran with that.


The new render for her was done by request (thanks London!) and helps spice her up a bit. Still, the tentative plan was to have her work on Supreme TV until a better color commentator could be found, then switch her to color commentary on the B show. The main interviewer role on Supreme TV was going to be someone like Dharma Gregg or Sara Silver.


As I was booking through the first few months of the game, TEW threw me a curveball. Early in March, TEW told me that Ana had appeared naked in a popular men's magazine. I've actually never had a worker do that in the game (knew it was possible, though) and it honestly could not have be done by a more fitting worker on my roster.


It improved Ana a bit, all the way around. A nice popularity boost, a bit of a Sex Appeal boost (I think to about B, but I don't have the agem in front of me) and I'm pretty sure it boosted her Entertainment skills a bit. It was not the minor skill and popularity boosts that made me so happy about this, however - it was that it fit in completely with the intended narrative and direction of the promotion. To take advantage, I made the mentioned the naked pictorial in a SWF.com catch-up post (and have more coming about it), plus you may notice little running jabs by Duane Fry over it. So its become part of the diary narrative.


Even moreso, though, its shifted my usage of Ana Garcia quite noticably. She became my primary backstage interviewer, in addition to a color commentator. And she has turned into a catalyst of sorts. Hence the interaction with Faith in the interview on the previous show plus her developing rivalry with Emma Chase. That one little random in-game incident turned her from a fringe character in the project to a core one. Its funny how things like that work sometimes. Which I guess was really the whole point of this rambling little story.


Anyway, as an note on the diary itself, I should have the preview for the next show posted tomorrow, and with a little luck, maybe even have the show up sometime on the weekend (no promises!)

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SWF.com Supreme TV Preview

Monday Week 4 April 2010




Fans can count on Supreme TV delivering pay per view caliber matches on a regular basis. This week will be no different and it will be one that you will not want to miss...


For the first time, Jack Bruce will step into the ring against Marat Khoklov. The monster who has been nicknamed the "Soviet Science Experiment" has yet to be defeated by pinfall or submission so far in his Supreme Wrestling Federation career. Bruce has established himself as something of a giant-killer, much like Faith... even "The Eternal" Faith could not defeat the monster. For his part, "The Long Island Angel" will be desperate to score a victory to maintain his status as a top contender for Eric Eisen's SWF Word Heavyweight championship.


Team Tenacity, despite their apparent internal strife last week, will be looking to maintain their status in the chase for the SWF World Tag Team championships they recently lost. They will face a promising young tandem, Captain Atomic and American Machine.


Both Bumfhole brothers will also be in action, though in singles matches. Randy B faces a big task when he takes on Remo, "The Alpha Dog" of the SWF. Its no easier for Z-Bum, who has to face Brandon James. "Big Money" will be putting his SWF North American championship on the line, so while both Bumfhole brothers have the opportunity to make an impact on this night, Zimmy could come out of it as a champion.


Christian Faith is expected to provide an answer to the challenge thrown out by Eric Eisen last week. Will he accept? Will we see "The Eternal" challenge for the SWF World Heavyweight championship one more time?


Tune in Tuesday, prime time on C.A.N.N.



Supreme TV Preview


Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz


Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo


Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

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Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz

Higher pushed methinks

Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)

More over I think

Randy Bumfhole vs Remo

Much higher push

Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor

Gimore edges this in his teams direction

Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

We won't get pinned or submit though

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Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz


Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo


Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

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Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz



Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)

Because they're still awesome.


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo



Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor

Ah, all the gatekeepers in one place.


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match

Yeah but no.


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

Because he's an insane Monster Heel.

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Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz


Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo


Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce- Via DQ

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Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz

I guess that Lobster is the top guy here


Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)

This one could show that there is problems in Team Tenacity´s camp but I still believe that they can overcome Bombs Away as Tenacity will likely get a re-match for tag belts.


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo

Remo should win this one unless you want to make Bumfhole´s as their next challenger but like I said I think that Team Tenacity should get a re-match first.


Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor

Gilmore looks to be the biggest name here and I would like to see McClean and Roberts getting a win too.


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match

Standard title defense


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

DQ win for Bruce.

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Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz


Get the feeling Surf & Turf are going to be built as a serious title threat down the road.


Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)


As Zergon suggested there will probably be tensions in Team Tenacity, but I just think it would be too far of a fall from grace for them to lose to Bombs Away right now.


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo


Remo will have too much power for Bumfhole to handle.


Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor


The heels here seem to have more of a united purpose, so I'm tipping them for the win.


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match


It's not going to happen.


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce


This has DQ win written all over it, Bruce 'wins' but actually ends up getting destroyed by the unstoppable Russian Monster.

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Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz


Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo


Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

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Phew, fully caught up - articles and all. Very, very enjoyable read so far BP.


Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz

Lobster's a far bigger name than either of the Wildboyz.

Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)

Under the assumption that Tenacity are headed for another PPV match with damage then a solid victory here should set them on their way. Probably see some interference during, or after, mind.

Randy Bumfhole vs Remo

Just can't see any way for Randy to win here.

Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor

Draw. Because I can't decide.

Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

Like Randy, Zimmy hasn't got a chance, even without the title stipulation.

Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

DQ. Marat is a machine, but Bruce really needs to stay strong if he's going to remain on the periphery of the title scene.

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Phew, fully caught up - articles and all. Very, very enjoyable read so far BP.


Great to hear (err... read, I guess) that you enjoyed, jhd1. Your support is always appreciated, especially with the great graphical contributions you've made for this one.


As for the next show, I'm still hoping to have it up this weekend sometime. I've got a couple of the bigger angles out of the way, which are usually what take the longest to write out.

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Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz

They win on name alone.


Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)

Despite their recent strife, I think Team Tenacity gets back to their winning ways here.


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo

The Alpha Dog pounces!


Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor

Gimmick names over real sounding names.


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match

Big Money takes care of the second Bum(fhole)


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

DQ win for Jack Bruce when Marat just loses it and attacks EVERYONE

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Glad I saw this when I did otherwise I would have missed out.


Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz

Lobster Warrior is in the match of course I am not going to go against him.


Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)

Not a fan of Atomic or Machine.


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo



Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor

Interesting match up here but I will have to go with Angry Gilmores Team.


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match

Zimmy and Randy both kind of seem out of place in Singles match especially with who their respective opponents are. There fore I think that the North American Championship is safe.


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

Big fan of Jack not really high on Marat so there ya go.

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Surf & Turf (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) vs The Samoan Wildboyz


Team Tenacity (Valiant & Jack Giedroyc) vs Bombs Away (Captain Atomic & American Machine)


Randy Bumfhole vs Remo


Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean & Enforcer Roberts vs Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match


Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce

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SWF Supreme TV

Utah Park Reservation, South West

Tuesday, Week 4 April 2010


Chapter Four

Payback Promised

<object height="25" width="27">



<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Abkdv-1DCE0?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="25" width="27"></object>



Peter Michaels + Duane Fry + Ana Garcia




The opening video gives way to the booming pyrotechnics show as the Supreme TV theme song blasts through the Utah Park Reservation arena. The crowd is somewhat more subdued than the TV crowds of recent weeks, but still loud and boisterous enough.


Peter Michaels: Welcome to Supreme TV, fans. I am Peter Michaels, and I am joined by Duane Fry and Ana Garcia.

Duane Fry: Evening all. We get to start out with our SWF World Heavyweight champion.

Ana Garcia: Lucky us.




Eric Eisen

In-Ring Promo


The SWF World Heavyweight champion gets the hugely negative reception befitting a man of his standing. He emerges alone, wearing a suit and carrying the title belt over his shoulder. He struts to the ring, seeming to enjoy the vocal hatred spewed at him from all directions. He takes a microphone on his way into the ring and then allows the crowd to quiet themselves eventually.


Eric Eisen: More questions and more answers, I am told. I grow weary of being told what to do. Apparently you fans are utterly voracious when it comes to information....


”The Supremacist” stops, holding up a hand. He smiles.


Eric Eisen: Apologies. I forget myself. I have been asked to curb my verbose verbiage so as to allow you great unwashed masses to better understand. “Voracious” means you are hungry for information. Demanding. Greedy. At least if I believe what my brother tells me. And how could I not believe the Acting Commissioner of Supreme? For if he cannot be trusted, who can?


Again smirking, the champion allows that question to hang before he continues.


Eric Eisen: The question that has been put to your champion to answer is one of membership. Who is a member of the Union and who is not? Apparently you lot do not enjoy a cloak of secrecy. Truth be told, the Supremacists Union has something of an open membership. So its a bit difficult to be particularly specific. The management of this union, the aspect of greatest importance, is who you might expect in such positions of power. Beyond that, the membership is open. Anyone who wants to earn a few extra dollars for a little “heavy lifting” is welcome.


The champion pauses, as if musing while he wanders back and forth across the ring.


Eric Eisen: Now I've answered what I was told I need to answer. But I have three...


He stops, holding up three fingers emphatically, to ensure everyone in the audience comprehends the number.


Eric Eisen: Three more things I need to talk about. I have better things to do tonight, so count yourselves lucky I'm bothering.


The fans certainly don't appreciate that sentiment, and they let “The Supremacist” know. He has to wait a moment before the volume of the crowd goes back down so he can continue.


Eric Eisen: The eggheads in marketing told me that since my little group has a name, we also need a logo. You can't sell additional T-shirts without a slick logo. And I guess they have a point. I considered telling them to use the Eisen family crest – we have one of those; we're practically royalty. That seemed... ostentatious. I suggested using my beautiful smiling face, or an image of my belt here. No, not good enough. So I sat down with some crayons and came up with something...


With a flourish, Eisen points down to the two angled giant screens that top the SWF stage set. The said “crayon” logo appears.




The slick logo actually gets a bit of a pop from some of the fans. “The Supremacist” stands in the ring and he grins malevolently.


Eric Eisen: Said logo is now available on top-quality T-shirts at SWF.com and the merchandise booths right here in the arena. Don't forget to grab one on your way out at the end of the show. Guaranteed not to shrink and all that....


The fans boo the heart-hearted shill job from the champion. He smirks some more.


Eric Eisen: Next thing... Faith. The challenge has been made, old man. Don't be a coward. Accept it. Me... you... this belt... headlining Master of Puppets 2010. All you need to do is say yes... then take your beating like a man. An old, decrepit and increasingly-useless man... but still, a man. Now as for Bruce...


Eisen has to pause here. While Faith's name drew a good sized reaction from the Utah fans, the mention of “The Long Island Angel” gets a large reaction indeed. It takes a moment before the champion is able to continue.


Eric Eisen: As for Jack Bruce, you were given so many opportunities last year to prove yourself, Jack. Again and again. And yet you failed that test. After I bested you for this belt, you have continued to fail. If this were Vegas, you would be deeply indebted to the house by now. And yet you want more. Yet I am the one accused of being greedy.


The champion shakes his head as if he truly does not understand the world sometimes... The fans boo a bit and he continues....


Eric Eisen: Jack, tonight you face Marat Khoklov. The Soviet Science Experiment. Four hundred pounds of muscle. I am not certain if you aware of this, but he has yet to be pinned or submitted since he joined the Supreme Empire. So if you want to prove yourself, Jack, be the first to do so. Tonight, Jack... defeat Khoklov by pinfall or submission... you will prove yourself. You will earn another shot at this belt.


The fans boo. The champion plays to for it a moment, then quiets them with a finger to his lips. It actually works.


Eric Eisen: One last thing... as for Rich Money, he needs to prove himself before he gets a shot at this belt. Much moreso than Jack Bruce does. In meantime, Money can keep whining and calling me names.


With that, “The Supremacist” drops the microphone to the mat. He takes his time leaving the ring, the low rumble of boos echoing through the arena while Eisen poses with the SWF World Heavyweight championship that he so loves.

Peter Michaels: So is Eisen saying that Gilmore, Khoklov, Roberts and McClean are just “hired hands”?

Ana Garcia: Thugs. Hired muscle.

Duane Fry: Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.




Peter Michaels: This is a pretty important match, as far the tag team ranks go. A win here propels either toward earning a shot at the title down the road.

Duane Fry: Yeah, but they would have to face Remo and Vengeance.

Ana Garcia: The Samoans have really struggled to find their since they lost BJ O'Neill as manager. This could be a big win for them.



Surf & Turf vs The Samoan Wildboyz


The duo of Lobster Warrior and Jungle Lord get a strong reception from the fans, but the reaction for the Samoans is somewhat more muted. While the fan support – or hatred, more accurately – isn't really there for the heels, they put up a helluva fight. Surprisingly, its the big wild-man Jungle Lord who gives them fits, brawling with both Akima and Toma. Lord is uncontrollable, and he almost gets the babyfaces disqualified more than once. The words of the Lobster calm him down, but he Samoans manage to control things for a short time after. When Warrior and Lord battle back, the Samoans take on air of desperation. It doesn't help them, and Toma is pinned after taking a vicious-looking Jungle Hammer Northern Lights Bomb.


Jungle Lord Wins at 10:04 via Pinfall

Good Opening Contest



Duane Fry: So let me get this straight... They are actually going to get Ana to interview Emma? You're joking?



Brandon James & Emma Chase

Backstage Interview


Emma Chase and Brandon James are on the backstage interview set, but they are not looking at the camera. There seems to be something going on just off-camera that they are watching. When Emma speaks, she is not addressing the camera, but people off stage.


Emma Chase: No, get her out of here! I don't want to see her! If she comes close to me again, I'm going to scratch her eyes out!


There are unclear voices off-screen for a moment, then silence. Finally, both Brandon and Emma turn back to the camera. Emma adjusts the bug-eyed sunglasses before she speaks again.


Emma Chase: Christian Faith... What you did to me should have landed you in jail. It should have got you fired from the Supreme Wrestling Federation. But I'll settle for seeing Eric making you bleed and scream for mercy. It won't end there, old man. Oh no. After that, you have to face Brandon. And he's not too happy with you...

Brandon James: You made the worst mistake of your life, Faith. When I'm done with you, there won't be enough left to fill a cheap pine box. They're gonna have to put you in a shoebox.

Emma Chase: If Faith does have the guts to accept Eric's challenge, then I have someone special in mind for Brandon to face at Master of Puppets. But we'll let things play out...


The manager and wrestler nod at each other knowingly.


Emma Chase: One last thing... I want to make it clear that there is no “second fiddle” or “taking a backseat” when it comes to our little group. The management of this union is shared. Get it right. Apparently people are questioning why Brandon and I would join... Its quite simple. See, I have a plan for Brandon, a plan that will lead to him adding the SWF World Heavyweight championship to the belt he currently has. Becoming the first double-champion in SWF history. Eric has a vision of the SWF where aggression, violence, and brutality will rule. Why wouldn't we embrace that? Think for a moment of where both Brandon and I came from. Where we both found a huge amount of success. Aggression, violence, and brutality... that's exactly the kind of world that we will rule...


The leering North American champion nods in agreement. He grins. Then Emma makes a cut gesture toward the camera.

Peter Michaels: Aggression, violence, and brutality... Those are not the ideals of the Supreme Wrestling Federation I love.

Duane Fry: You need to change with the times, Peter.




Peter Michaels: We will now show you an "incident' which took place a short while ago in the locker room area, and was captured by one of our plethora of cameras back there.

Duane Fry: Oh, plethora. Good wordage, Peter.



Randy Bumfhole & Zimmy Bumfhole

Locker Room Segment


Randy Bumfhole and Zimmy Bumfhole are sitting in a cramped little locker room that is barely bigger than a closet. The duo do have a huge flat screen TV in there, though, and they are in street clothes, sitting on low stools while playing a video game on the TV. The camera pivots so the TV screen can be seen, and the game is the hyper-realistic latest edition of the Supreme Empire 2-K-Ten game. The Bumfhole's are having, shockingly, a tag team match. It is the Amazing Bumfholes against the Pain Alliance. As the camera stays on the video action for a moment, it becomes clear that the pixelated Bumfhole's are dominating the match. It's a bit disconcerting when the camera pans from the very realistic-looking video game versions of the brothers to the real versions sitting on their little stools.


The camera pans around behind the brothers, revealing that while he's playing against his brother, Z-Bum also his ever-present cell phone up against his ear. He uses his shoulder to hold it in place.


Randy Bumfhole: Tag me in, bro. Seriously - tag me in!

Zimmy Bumfhole (into his phone): No, dude, she totally wasn't there. I swear I didn't see her at all. If she says she saw me, she's either a ninja or lying. Or a lying ninja (then to Randy). I'm trying, bro. This dude totally sucks.

Randy Bumfhole: Keep trying, Z. I totally got this special move figured out. Totally.


The camera pans back to the video game on screen and in becomes clear that the Bumfhole brothers are actually playing as Pain Alliance. And losing quite badly. Z-Bum is controlling Kurt Laramee and he finally manages to tag in his partner, Big Smack Scott. On-screen, The Smacker climbs into the ring and Randy furiously hammers buttons, which results in Big Smack Scott doing his special move... In the ring, he kisses each of his biceps and begins posing to show off his prodigious muscles. At which point he is clobbered by the pixelized version of Randy Bumfhole.


Randy Bumfhole: Whoa, dude, I totally just wholloped me. Awesome!


Suddenly the door of the locker room is flung open violently. The camera spins and framed by the doorway is Big Smack Scott himself. Behind him, barely visible over the big man's shoulder, is Kurt Laramee. Wearing a tiny tank top, Smack flexes his chest and smirks, then drops his trademark small sunglasses down his nose a bit.



Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee


Big Smack Scott: We're back, ladies!

Kurt Laramee: What are you losers doing? Playing a game?


The two Bumfhole's shake their heads in unison in apparent exasperation at the interruption. Behind them, Big Smack continues to flex his chest muscles


Randy Bumfhole: Yeah, its a game. They call them “video games”.

Kurt Laramee: Wait... you punks wrestling against us?

Randy Bumfhole: No, we're wrestling as you.

Kurt Laramee: What's wrong with you?

Randy Bumfhole: Trying to beat yourself down is like being masochist... without actually being masochist...

Zimmy Bumfhole: Plus we figured it was the only way you two would ever beat us.


[Laramee looks surprised at the taunt, but Scott immediately gets angry.


Big Smack Scott: You better watch yourself, punk, or your gonna fell the Big Smack.

Randy Bumfhole: The game says we can handle it.


As Laramee shakes his head, as if trying to say that taunting Big Smack Scott isn't a good plan, Scott himself turns red with rage. He turns toward the big flat-screen TV and taking a step toward it, he puts a boot into it, cracking the screen badly. It goes black. Both Bumfhole brothers scramble off their little stools, standing close to the camera and taking something of a defensive pose.


Randy Bumfhole: Dude, you're getting a bill.


Letting out a bellow of rage, Big Smack Scott rips off the small amount of material that comprises his tank top. He throws that at the TV, then attacks the already-broken screen with a shoulder. He throws a right, then a left.


Laramee gesture for the Bumfhole brothers to come over to him near the door. They do so, all eyes on the raging Big Smack Scott. But Scott's attention is clearly on the video system.


Kurt Laramee: Milk rage. Best just to let him burn through it.

Randy Bumfhole: Milk rage?

Zimmy Bumfhole: Milk?

Kurt Laramee: Milk rage. I try to warn him off the stuff... but the man be addicted.


They turn back to watch Scott. After doing a number on the TV, he picks up the video game console itself. He hurls it at the wall, but because of the still-connected cables, it takes a short arc into the floor of the locker room. He roars, but he's clearing tiring. He stops, hands on his knees and panting.


Kurt Laramee: Come on, champ. Let's go find the masseuse.


Scott nods. He stops in front of The Amazing Bumfhole's.


Big Smack Scott: Next time, its you and not your TV. Your gonna have 305 pounds of god-damned awesome to deal with.


With that, the duo disappear out the door. The two brothers look back at their now-decimated video system. They shake their heads.


Zimmy Bumfhole: Milk...?

Randy Bumfhole: ...It does a body good?

Duane Fry: You know, I've heard that Big Smack Scott has some troubles with the milk. Regardless, its great to see those two back.





Bombs Away vs Team Tenacity


A battle between two fan favorite teams ends up splitting the audience. The strong reaction for the former SWF Word Tag Team champions is no surprise at all, but the combo of Captain Atomic and American Machine get a nearly-as-strong reaction when they come down for the match with their manager, BJ O'Neill. The Captain, in particular, seems to be getting over with the SWF faithful.


The match is a well-paced, back-and-forth affair that eschews that typical "babyface in peril" arc - perhaps since everyone involved is a babyface. Both teams get plenty of offense in, but the more-experienced Valiant and Giedroyc continually hold an edge. Dawn and Hannah getting into a whisper-argument outside the ring after Dawn seems to consider tripping up American Machine when he steps onto the ring apron. The two managers end distracting their own man and Jack Giedroyc gets rolled up by Captain Atomic, just managing to kick out before the three. That desperately-close near-fall is the high point for Bombs Away – although there are some pin attempts later in the match by the duo, none are as close. The former champions slowly take control, leading to a quick-tag sequence between Valiant and Giedroyc, culminating in a nice series of double-team moves. Giedroyc delivers a Crashing On to American Machine and scores the pinfall.


Jack Giedroyc Wins at 11:112 via Pinfall

Solid Tandem Action



Duane Fry: Hey, its your favorite, Ana!



Joe Sexy & Antonio Amor

In-Ring Promo


The Love Machines duo get a pretty good pop from the fans as they make their way down to the ring. Its Sexy who takes the microphone. He makes sure to do his little hip-thrusting dance before speaking, giving the fans something else to cheer about.


Joe Sexy: I have to tell you that I asked to have Ana Garcia interview us again.... But I was told no. Apparently the sexual tension made the previous interview uncomfortable to watch. I am Joe Sexy... What do I have if I don't have sexual tension?


The fans hoot their approval.


Joe Sexy: I ran into Emma Chase backstage earlier. She had some... unkind words for me, that I shall not repeat. Her words cut me... They cut me hard and deep... But I forgive her, because hard and deep is just what I had in mind when I propositioned her in the first place!


There is laughter and cheering from the Utah fans.


Joe Sexy: So we have a three-man tag later tonight... Its not my favorite kind of threesome, but that kind can wait for later tonight. You know, I have to say that the ladies here in Utah are even more lovely than I remember. And they say salt is bad for you... But I'm not out here to tell the beautiful women that they are beautiful. No, we came out to say that the Love Machines – that's us, by the way – deserve a shot at the SWF World Tag Team championships. We know there are plenty of great teams here in Supreme. But none have the sex appeal or animal magnetism that we do!

Duane Fry: Stop grinning, Ana!





Randy Bumfhole vs Remo


Randy Bumfhole gets a surprisingly strong reaction from the fans. He comes down to the ring with his brother. They both climb into the ring and play to the fans for a moment. That ends when Remo's music hits. "The Alpha Dog" comes out looking surly and focused. He is notably without his tag team partner. He does carry his belt, but he throws at the time-keeper before he climbs into the ring. In the ring, he immediately gets into Randy B's face and things get heated before Ric Young calls for the bell. Once the match is underway, Remo attacks with furious vengeance. He destroys his opponent early, overpowering and overwhelming him with sheer brute force. More than pure power, Remo is explosive, quick, and endlessly aggressive. It is the explosive quickness that tends to surprise his opponents, as its almost unthinkable that such a big man can move around so quickly. Any game-plan that Bumfhole may have stepped into the ring with is wiped out by the pure aggression of “The Alpha Dog” Without even using his finisher, Remo begins trying to pinfalls just minutes into the match, looking to end things early. But Randy Bumfhole has more fight than that.


Bumfhole begins to battle back, urged on by both his brother and the fans. He actually manages to take control of the action when he dives out of the way of a shoulder charge into the corner, the hard impact into the turnbuckles tunning Remo for a moment. Sensing his opportunity, Randy B launches himself at his opponent, unleashing the quick and diverse attacks that have made both he and his brother exciting to watch and loved by the fans. Although the sequence is not particularly long, one can see the self-belief of Randy growing with each successful move. He even goes for a quick pin attempt, but Remo powers out with emphasis before the two count. Shortly after, a huge Remo Buster shakes the ring and puts “The Alpha Dog” back in control. Randy B seems out of ideas and at a loss of how to damage or even control his big opponent. The much-disliked Remo inflicts more damage in a short time, then The Destroyer with brutal precision. Randy is unable to kick out. His brother Zimmy misses the pin as he is outside the ring, using his camera phone to take self-photos with some cute ringside fans.


Remo Wins at 9:59 via Pinfall

Solid Match



Peter Michaels: We now go backstage, where Ana Garcia has Christian Faith.

Duane Fry: Oh, she gets to tell what he should do some more!



Christian Faith & Ana Garcia

Backstage Promo


Once again, Ana Garcia is on the backstage interview set with “The Eternal” Christian Faith. They both look strangely intense.


Ana Garcia: So you have an answer for us?


A slow nod.[/b]


Christian Faith: I got me an answer. You think I ain't badass no more, Eric? You couldn't be more wrong. You made yourself a mighty big mistake last week. What I done to Emma Chase was wrong, no doubt. But challenging me? Putting your belt on the line? Just stupid. Eric, I was badass when you was still in diapers. I am more badass than you know or ever will be. So yes, challenge accepted. A challenge you are gonna regret making.

Ana Garcia: Good. Now as for Brandon James...

Christian Faith: Brandon James don't scare me. Simple as that. He is as tough as they come... but I've beat him before. So whenever he wants to try to get his “payback”, I'm ready.

Ana Garcia: In those matches, do not forget that people here have your back. Don't try to take on this whole Union by yourself.

Christian Faith: I'm smarter than that, Ana. Remember... age equals wisdom.


With a goofy wink, Faith leaves the set. Ana looks back to the camera, about to end the “interview”. She pauses as two bulky forms cross the camera. They flank Ana, then turn.



Steve Frehley & Lobster Warrior


The two are in street clothes – though for Lobster Warrior, that does mean he still has the lobster costume on. They glance at Ana Garcia, who shrugs and willingly kicks off a second interview.


Ana Garcia: What's up guys?

Lobster Warrior: Apologies for just barging in here, Ana.

Steve Frehley: We got some things that need to be said. See, what told Faith is right – we got his back. We got each other's backs. We got Jack's back. Hell, we even got Money's back. See, what Eisen and his punks been doing is bull****. A whole bunch of bull****.

Lobster Warrior: It is not just.

Steve Frehley: See, Eric is just trying to protect himself with that group. That's all it come down to. He can talk about changing this place and all that crap.

Ana Garcia: So don't believe the Supremacists Union is about trying to reinvent the Supreme Empire?

Steve Frehley: Nah, he's just talking. Just doing what he can to hang onto that belt.

Lobster Warrior: We see through his ruse.

Steve Frehley: Don't matter what the reasons be. We ain't gonna just let him and his thugs do what they want. They keep this **** up, there's gonna be payback.

Ana Garcia: But if you guys respond to the violence with more violence, won't that be accomplishing Eisen's stated goal?


Frehley ignores the question, glaring into the camera for a long hard moment. The look on the face of Lobster Warrior is not much less stern.


Steve Frehley: Payback.


The duo depart as suddenly as they appeared on the set.


Ana Garcia: There you go... I guess...

Duane Fry: Was Frehley making a threat there? I'm not sure that's such a great idea...





Joe Sexy, Gregory Black & Antonio Amor vs Enforcer Roberts, Angry Gilmore & Squeeky McClean


The babyface trio come out first and get a pretty good pop. Sexy and Amor take their time, doing their little dances and interacting with some of the ladies seated at ringside. By comparison, “Serious” Gregory Black is serious and looks ready for the match. He simply ignores the antics of his teammates. The heels come out with Roberts wearing a black T-shirt that is emblazoned with the Supremacists Union logo introduced by Eric Eisen earlier in the night. Despite basically being called “hired help” by “The Supremacist”, the trio still look dedicated to the cause.


The match gets underway and its clear that its going to be a hot mess. Referee Shane Stones is barely able to keep order. He outright fails at times, but he allows the action to continue rather than disqualify everyone. Though Joe Sexy is the clear and obvious leader on the fan favorite team, it is Gregory Black who comes out of this looking good. He has a particularly nice exchange of stiff-looking strikes with Roberts. Amor also looks good in the early going, and a nice aerial sequence opposite Gilmore that has fans screaming, but the “young” Mexican gets himself into trouble and takes a beating for it. He is isolated from his corner and beaten, with the heels using double and triple teams. Its “Serious” Black who takes the hot tag after Amor cartwheels into the ropes and using the rebound to leap over the attempted double-team of Gilmore and McClean. Black cleans house, but the match is far from over. Sexy ends up brawling outside the ring with both Gilmore and McClean, and outnumbered, he takes the worst of it. Black is engaged in some serious grappling in the ring. Not yet recovered, Amor nevertheless launches himself with a springboard suicide dive onto Gilmore and McClean. While referee Stones checks on the action outside the ring, the crafty veteran Roberts pokes Black in the eye, then delivers a painful-looking low-blow. He locks in his R.C.T. arm-in sleeper hold. Black holds out for a long moment, trying to get to the ropes. But unable and with no teammate able to rescue him, he taps out.


Enforcer Roberts Wins at 12:22 via Submission

Chaotic Yet Fun

Duane Fry: Black's not so serious now.





Frederique Antonio Garcia, Runaway Train & Everest

Fashion Show Segment


Frederique Antonio Garcia's Fashion Show set is on the stage again. He is seated in his director's chair, flanked by his double-guests – Runaway Train and Everest. The clothing of Garcia typically flamboyant and loud, yet fashionable. Train, the former champion, wears black dress pants and a slick black sport shirt. Everest is far less fashionable – he wears a big pair of blue jeans and a red T-shirt that simply says “Hungry Man”.


Frederique Antonio Garcia: Greetings, fashionistas. I am here with my favorite tag team in Supreme... Pure Power! Thank you both for coming onto my show!

Runaway Train: ….

Frederique Antonio Garcia: Now, you two seem like fashion-conscious men... Well, you do, Mr. Train. You have twice had the most desired accessory in the Supreme Wrestling Federation... That championship belt.

Runaway Train: ….

Frederique Antonio Garcia: Indeed. Do you still covet that belt?

Runaway Train: Who doesn't? But my focus is on this tag team.

Frederique Antonio Garcia: Indeed. Again. And you will make for the tag team belts?

Runaway Train: Remo.... Vengeance... We'd face them if they give us the chance. We'd beat them, too. No one got the power we do.

Frederique Antonio Garcia: So very powerful. And well-attired. That shirt... is it Versace?

Runaway Train: Sears.

Frederique Antonio Garcia: Odd. And Everest... you are still here?

Everest: You said there would be food!

Frederique Antonio Garcia: There is food. Catering. In the back.


Nodding, Everest heaves himself out of the ready-to-break chair and lumbers toward the back.


Runaway Train: I'd better go make sure he doesn't eat everything in sight. Again.

Frederique Antonio Garcia: Good plan, my friend. Before you go, I just want to say one thing. Please, if you are in need of a threesom, think of me.

Runaway Train: What?

Frederique Antonio Garcia: If you two mighty men need another partner. To face three opponents.

Runaway Train: Oh, yeah. Sure. We'll keep you in mind.


The hulking former world champion nods at his host as he gets up and heads into the back to watch over his tag team partner's endless appetite.


Frederique Antonio Garcia: Powerful men indeed. Until next time, my dear fans... Stay fashionable!



Peter Michaels: A big opportunity here for Zimmy Bumfhole.




Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brandon James

SWF North American Championship Match


Zimmy Bumfhole comes out for his title match to a pretty good reception. Notably, Z-Bum is without his brother, who is presumably unable to after his earlier match with Remo. The hatred directed toward both Brandon James and Emma Chase when the champion walks out through the Empire Gateway is very strong.


From the start, Zimmy tires to employ a similar strategy as his brother tried to against Remo. It actually works fairly well. The North American champion is often compared to Remo, and its easy to see why. Both are big – James at 6'6” and 335 pounds, Remo at 6'8” and 315 pounds – and feature very physical styles. “Big Money” lacks the explosive athleticism of “The Alpha Dog”, but he does have a renowned ability to absorb damage. So while Z-Bum controls much of the early action, Emma Chase hardly looks worried outside the ring.


Just as Bumfhole really finds an attacking rhythm and seems to be truly confident, he is lambasted by several big shots from the champion. Key to trying to defeat James is to avoid a brawl with him, as that is not a battle anyone is likely to win. Yet Z-Bum finds himself drawn into exactly that. The champion takes over the match. He begins to inflict serious damage on the challenger, tossing the big lightweight around with relative ease. After kicking out of a pin attempt, Zimmy fights back, even managing to suplex the big champion to the mat. James pops right back up from the move, grinning. Zimmy seems to deflate somewhat and the remainder is simply a question of when it will end. After taking the champion's Big Money Move finisher, Zimmy is unable to kick out.


Brandon James at 11:01 via Pinfall

Quality Match

Duane Fry: Congrats Ana!

Ana Garcia: For what?

Duane Fry: For managing to make it through the entire match without calling Emma Chase a bitch.





Rich Money

In-Ring Promo

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The pop for the opening strains of the familiar music is massive. It grows even louder when the man himself emerges through the Empire Gateway, the arena reverberating with the noise of the fans. Money doesn't actually stop on the stage but simply gives a small wave of acknowledgement on his way down to the ring. He is handed a microphone as he climbs the steps. Money can't speak due to the noise of the fans. He waits them out.


Rich Money: Eric Eisen, you are a coward.


The emphatic declaration gets another big pop from the Supreme faithful in Utah.


Rich Money: Explain to me how I haven't earned a title shot. Explain to me why I am not the number one contender. You can't. Because I don't need to prove myself any further – I've done that already. Again and again. I call you a coward because its clear you are afraid to face me. The thought of stepping into this ring against me probably keeps you awake a tnight. You know that I'll take that belt away from you.


Another pop from the fans at at that promise.


Rich Money: You used a chair to try to take me out, Eisen. You failed. I just got word today that I've been medically cleared. I'm back. And now its time for some payback.


The roar this is even bigger, if that's possible.


Rich Money: Payback, Eisen. Its coming. See, Jack Bruce may have turned me into a Lone Wolf. But you turned me into something more. Something angry and hard... Willing to fight fire with fire. You turned Money into “Hard Cash”. I can be just as conniving and brutal as you, Eisen. Every bit. But one thing I can't be is a coward. A chicksh*t.


With that, Money climbs out of the ring and hands the microphone over to the ring attendant before he heads up the ramp. He is perhaps the only fan favorite in the Supreme Wrestling Federation who spends almost no time acknowledging or playing to the fans... Which, in a sense, makes him a bit less of a fan favorite. You wouldn't know it from the reaction he gets, though.

Duane Fry: Hard Cash. I like Hard Cash.

Ana Garcia: I thought you liked money in any form.

Duane Fry: Money makes the world go round, Ana.




Peter Michaels: This was a big match before, but what Eric Eisen said at the top of the show made it even bigger.

Duane Fry: There's a lot on the line now for Jack Bruce.



Marat Khoklov vs Jack Bruce


The Supreme Wrestling Federation once again manages to create a “big fight feel” for a match, and its only a TV match this time. Both wrestlers get really strong reasons from the fans. Darren Smith takes his time getting things going.


“The Soviet Science Experiment” has been in the Supreme Wrestling Federation a few months and opponents have already tried a few different tactics against him. Notably Christian Faith, ever cerebral, tried many different tacts in their feud. Faith attempted to tire the giant but playing keep away for twenty-plus minutes. He also attempted to “chop down the tree” by attacking Khoklov's legs, but that means getting close to the giant. The tactic that Bruce employs is basically a blitzkrieg – making use of his quickness and diverse offense, Bruce moves in and out. As Duane Fry points out, its the same strategy that Sean McFly was able to employ very effectively against Bruce The Giant in several matches nearly fifteen years ago. Off the start here, it looks to be working quite well. After the first few minutes, the Russian giants get in some offense of his own, landing several heavy clubbing blows and driving the former champion down to his knees. He throws Bruce about. Getting desperate, Bruce tries to go back to his Blitzkrieg style approach but its not happening – Khoklov anticipates the approach now, cutting off the ring with his pure size. The “Long Island Angel” is grounded as he is unable to make effective use of his aerial approach.


Everything stops as the match passes the dozen minute mark, as Eric Eisen, Brandon James, and Emma Chase all appear on the stage and make their way down to the ring. There are endless boos. Almost immediately, Christian Faith, Steve Frehley, Lobster Warrior, and Sean McFly are at ringside as well. Their intentions are obvious – to even things out. They simply stand on opposite sides of the ring for the time-being. Until Khoklov tosses Bruce from the ring. The former champion lands hard. He takes a moment to climb to his feet, while Eric Eisen and Brandon James move menacingly close. From the opposite side, Frehley and Lobster Warrior approach the opposite side, ready to intervene if an attack takes place. As Bruce begins to climb back into the ring, Eisen says something that the cameras don't catch. Bruce stops, turns, and in a flash he's in the world champion's face. Smirking, Eisen puts his hands up, to say that is isn't about to strike “The Long Island Angel” and get him the disqualification win. When Warrior and Frehley move toward the situation, Khoklov climbs out of the ring. The ringside area becomes chaotic, with everyone yelling and shoving. But it doesn't devolve into actual violence. Referee Smith watches carefully from the ring. Eventually, he has no choice but to call for the bell. Its called a count-out rather than a double disqualification but the effect is the same – no one wins.


Match Ends Via Double Count-out at 14:11

Messy Goodness



Jack Bruce, Marat Khoklov, Eric Eisen, Christian Faith, Brandon James, Steve Frehley, Lobster Warrior, Emma Chase & Sean McFly



The messy scene around the ringside area continues even after the referee rings the bell. There is plenty of yelling and shoving, but it still doesn't escalate. Until Khoklov realizes what has happened with the match. He is suddenly raging mad. He screams about “Marat SMASH!” and begins to wreck things. Luckily, its not people but merely things. He decimates the time-keeper table. He grabs the heavy steel rings steps – which are actually bolted in place – and heaves them up the ramp, where the bounce off the metal there with a vicious clang. Khoklov then has to climb back into the ring the hard way, which isn't so easy for a man his size. In the ring, referee Smith warns the huge man, and he ends up taking a Russian Legend Powerbomb. The monster then stands over the destroyed official, bellowing his rage and thumping his mighty chest. Those at ringside, many of whom have retreated up the ramp all the way to the stage, stare at the monster in awe.

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Post Show Thoughts


  • Had the Supremacist Union logo done by HH3, a graphic artist on another site. Regardless, much thanks to him.
  • The Bumfholes-Pain Alliance segment was fun to write, and Big Smack Scott should be interesting. Was tempted to make that segment longer, but didn't want to go to overkill.
  • I didn't want to have her over-talk the point, but Emma mentions Brandon James' motivation for being part of the Union stable.
  • I'm actually pretty surprised that I've managed to stick to a show-per-week scheudule for the most part so far. That trend is probably not going to continue.
  • Ended up going back to the "Hard Cash" nickname I used for Rich Money in the Generation Supreme project. Couldn't help it. Just couldn't find anything that I liked better.

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