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The DOA presents: “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?” [An Arcadia Production]

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You know at just 16, is Christian Starr even at a legal age to wrestle?


Certainly not at the legal age to drink, so why does he think being straight edge is so special? I should bloody well hope he's not out partying at all hours. Probably got homework to be doing.

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I was watching Strictly Come Dancing (for Americans that's the UK version of Dancing with the stars)


Actually it's the other way around, DWST is the American version of SCD since SCD came first and America just took the format. Minor differences I know, but for some reason I feel I need to be OCD about it :p

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Just to clarify my character (starr) may seem like he's a cm punk rip off but in fact he is sort of like the dark sadistic side of myself as i'm (no disrespect to anyone who smokes or drinks) against smoking or drinking just the character is just x10 of this


....yes kopalenko is different i'll give you that


Hey, I'm sXe too! Keep on rockin.



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The only reason I can see anyone not voting for The Paranoid Android is fear. After all, no creation can come close to defeating a terminator wannabe!
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Apart from being bias towards my own creation Vitaly Kopalenko, I must say the other's that impress me in the field are 'The Paranoid Android ' Kit Chang, Hell Bug and 'Terrific' Jeff Thomas. Chang and Thomas both seem pretty original and though Hell Bug could be deemed a bit of a Delirious 'rip off' he looks alot of fun regardless of that fact. I like the nut jobs. :D


Eisenverse, have you set these characters up in your game yet? I think it would be pretty cool to see once SYWBPW has concluded, if the one's that didn't 'make it' could get picked up elsewhere in the Cornellverse.

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"Terrific" Jeff Thomas and Jack Glowson are a pair of my favorites to take the win here. Thomas is just unhinged enough to pull ahead, and Glowson can definitely bring the funny, though I can see him being more of a sports entertainment kind of worker.
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"Terrific" Jeff Thomas and Jack Glowson are a pair of my favorites to take the win here. Thomas is just unhinged enough to pull ahead, and Glowson can definitely bring the funny, though I can see him being more of a sports entertainment kind of worker.


Imagine a more hyper active version of Self and PS's Edd Stone for Jacky boy :cool:

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29612" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> <p> Eisenverse, have you set these characters up in your game yet? I think it would be pretty cool to see once SYWBPW has concluded, if the one's that didn't 'make it' could get picked up elsewhere in the Cornellverse.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I never thought of that idea, Tiger, but I like it! Hmmm. Post-show, once this is all said and done, I may have to create the slew of the contestants and see how they fare on the indy circuit. </p><p> </p><p> Great idea.</p>
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I have to say, I'm crazy happy with the turnout thus far for the second Season of "So... You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?"!! At this point, there are 39 votes counted; far greater than I first thought possible for this project. With that, I have to say thank you a million times over for being interested thus far. Once the final votes are counted, I will continue work on the next phase of scenarios before we would vote again (as it would bring us down to 10 contestants).


With that said, and this goes for "Rapid Assault" as well, new posts may not come up until either late tomorrow night or into the weekend. I was fortunate enough to have a good friend of mine in from Paris over the last few days and have had little time to really even think about TEW. That said, now that he's moved on for home, I'm back and attempting to get back into the mindset of putting everything together. When you factor that with the hope of getting some 'free-time' amongst the christmas shopping, family time, etc, I think things will come together pretty well & will be back up at full speed by the end of the weekend (with both projects).

Just a little heads up!





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The air of extreme tension encompasses the hazed warehouse we’ve come to call ‘home’, at least as it pertains to the Second Season of “So… You Wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”, as the thirteen inglorious contestants form a militaristic line before the camera lens. In a slow, gradually developing, camera pan, we are shown each and every competitor entrenched in a war of desperation; one that grants the winner a guaranteed contract within the DOA landscape. Overall, regardless of such a lofty prize, many have already called into question whether or not it’s simply possible to survive such a Competition as this; citing the less-than-favorable conditions in which they live, the constant wear-and-tear upon their bodies, and the crippling psychological warfare that will test every inch of their minds, as the ultimate culprit of such grand questioning.


While some may question, and others may call for more ‘humane treatment’, these men are all putting their bodies, minds, hearts, souls, careers, and in some cases, lives, on the line in which to claim a scenario deemed as inherently powerful: A spot within Deadly Overloaded Action.


With this lofty nature in mind, the very first elimination broadcast continues forth with the familiar sound of dress shoes clanking on the cold cement floor below. With each-and-every step, an unknown figure slowly begins to take form; the smattering of light beams illuminating his presence as it’s become rather obvious that it’s the show’s host, and DOA commentator, “The Original Gent” Carl Batch.


Bringing his slow, and somewhat methodical, strut to a close, Batch is now shown standing before the focused masses before him; surveying the contestants intently as he grips a thick cigar between his smirking lips.


A puff of smoke fills the air…


Next, a short statement from the ‘smoothest man in Pro Wrestling’ follows…


Carl Batch:
As I have told prior, this season of “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?” will be unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed before.
[Pauses; looks over the contestants with a smirk running across his face]
We will attempt to break you physically, mentally, and spiritually, as the age-old-adage certainly rings true with the DOA: Only the strong will survive.
An example of this is behind this very door…


While closing this last statement, Mr. Batch is shown pointing behind him; singling out a weathered door positioned a few feet from which he stands. The door, cracked, tagged, and falling off it’s hinges, not only looks menacing in nature but also creates a strong prediction of what may lie just a few feet beyond our sight; the horrors that will soon follow.


Carl Batch:
Ten of you will coexist under the most extreme circumstances; living in a small, box-like, window-less, cell for the duration of the show. With no true beds to speak of, no running water at your disposal, and little-to-no room whatsoever, we’ll all come to know which one of you is mentally tough enough to war through the constant pain, and discomfort, that comes with prison-like dwelling.
Now, not all of you will be subjected to such ‘hell’. As I’ve said before, three of you will be going home far before this show officially kicks off it’s most strenuous challenges.
[Pauses; smirks again]
To help me relay who will be going home tonight, I’d like you to welcome a man who knows a thing-or-two about ravaging through a ‘hell-hole’ in which to come out to greatness… He is the Season One winner of “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”, and a man many of you would love to match,….




There is a general buzz circulating amongst the contestants as last season’s winner, Donte Dunn, is shown slowly shuffling his way onto the scene as well; accepting a position alongside Mr. Batch. His step is rather bouncy, lightly showing the extreme athleticism that comes with Dunn’s presence, as the dread-locked Barbadian holds a joyous smile upon his face; realistically happy to still be part of the ‘bright lights’ that is the DOA. With time, Mr. Batch is heard, once again, interjecting into the silence; following a strong drag of his healthy cigar.


Carl Batch:
Donte, tell these men what may wait for them on the other side of this show…


Donte responds with the same joyous smile upon his face.


Donte Dunn:
It’s magical.
[stairs off; happy]
In my home country, American wrestling is considered to be larger-than-life. For years as a child, I remember circling around a small TV-set in the middle of my village; watching the ‘greats’ defy all reality with their jaw-dropping leaps, their awesome power, and their unbreakable might. Now, just as I had the chance to do so, you know have the ability to join this beauty. You have the opportunity to call Deadly Overloaded Action your home.
Do not take this chance lightly. While you will endure pain here, it’s all for an amazing cause. Keep your head up, your body hardened, and your mind focused, and I’ll see you in the DOA Dungeon…


Just after Donte finishes, Mr. Batch interjects in a contradictory fashion; leveling a stern statement in which to follow Donte Dunn’s happy-go-lucky approach.


Carl Batch:
Join us in the ring, Gentlemen….


A quick depiction of all thirteen men piling into a rusted, broken down, second-rate, wrestling ring , in the middle of the darkened warehouse, is shown as Mr. Batch & Donte Dunn lead the way. While standing within the tattered squared circle, Mr. Batch is shown walking up-and-down the line; staring deep into random contestants faces as he continues to exhaled plumes of cigar smoke high into the air. With time, following such a grand display of dramatic suspense, Mr. Batch is heard, once again, beginning to speak in his trademark, smooth, kind of fashion.


Carl Batch:
The time has come. Three of you will be leaving us here tonight; thus losing your chance at becoming a DOA warrior in the future… These three men are…


A gradually building, overtly suspenseful, song is played in the background as the camera lens darts from contestant to contestant; capturing a wide-range of emotions as each potential DOA warrior anticipates the news. Back and forth, from one face to the next, the drama continues to build as Mr. Batch finally stops pacing…



”Partylicious” Jack Glowson

Ryan Daniels aka “The Natural Born Outcast”

… and …

Kiyoto Senshi.


A collection of exhales are heard as the verdict is finally in; these are the three men who have been eliminated straight away.


Carl Batch:
You, gentlemen, have been eliminated…
Your departure, as everyone’s, will be a truly… deadly… affair…


Shortly following Carl Batch’s last statement, it appears that the huddled masses know exactly what comes next. With that, Jack Glowson, Ryan Daniels, and Kiyoto Senshi all step forward with their head held high; ready to take their punishment like men. Soon there after, in what will become tradition from here on out, the visiting DOA figure is shown executing his signature maneuver upon the eliminated contestant(s). In this case, Donte Dunn is shown planting his trademark “Well Dunn” (Missile Dropkick) square across the jaw of Jack, Ryan, and Kiyoto; one after the other. Each and every strike sends the others reeling; slamming violently into the canvas as they lay as one giant heap of motionless bodies.


In the end, as the show grows to a close, Carl Batch is heard relaying one final statement; straightening his loosened tie in a “damn” kind of fashion. Meanwhile, the remaining 10 contestants stand within inches of their, former, fallen co-contestants; seeing what may be their destiny in weeks to come.


Carl Batch:
The ten of you who remain, I will escort you to your living quarters…


A Commercial Break follows…
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Best send-off EVER!


Good luck to the rest of you guys. KZA for the win!


Jack did well in voting; however, just didn't make it far enough to 'stay alive'. That said, thank you for your character, Hero!


As for the send-off, I was trying to think of a catchy way to have people eliminated (much like every show of this kind does). So, after thinking it through, it just seemed more fitting to have them knocked-out by the 'guest' DOA figure at the time. This time it's Donte Dunn, next time it could be anyone really.


Best of luck to those who made it. The Natural Born Outcast has proven his point.


Very true.


I'm a little sad to see Thomas go out - his promos would've been great fun to write!


Thomas is still in the mix, Kenwyne; as he wasn't eliminated. So, going forward, you certainly have the chance to see him cut a few promos here and there.

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The weathered floor boards below tell of a devilishly violent history; blood, splintering wood, mounds of dirt, and rat feces, littering the dusty dungeon-like ground before the camera lens. Small streams of light, flickering aggressively through the crackling cement walls, creates an aura of ‘the forgotten’; a place that many have come to believe no longer exists (if they ever thought it to be there in the first place). It’s the lair of the embattled; the haven for the self-destructive.


The small, windowless room, makes any high security prison cell look like ‘club med’; further perpetuating the narrative that these men, these psychotic contestants, must be truly out of their minds. Why would anyone subject themselves to such hellish confines?




Sleeping upon an unforgiving wooden floor…


Subjected to rodents, insects, and countless unknown, and undefined, creatures…


With no real daylight to speak of…




These 10 individuals were willingly stepping into ‘hell’; all with the notion of, hopefully, coming out on the other end… The latest member of the DOA roster.


As all ten men stand within the menacing confines they now call ‘home’, Carl Batch is seen standing in the room’s doorway; the only thing really seen is his frame due to the intense darkness before him (coupled with the limited light coming from within the main room of the abandoned warehouse they call their ‘battleground’).


The faint vision of the blazing end of his cigar tears through the blanketing darkness now as “The Original Gent” chuckles abruptly to himself; dripping with arrogance as it’s pretty obvious that he would never take on such a scenario for himself. With that said, Mr. Batch is heard relaying one final message before leaving the contestants to themselves… Forced to ‘rot’ in the darkness as the first, real, psychological challenge takes hold…


Carl Batch:
Welcome ‘home’, Gentlemen. I’ll see you in the morning….




[A locking noise is heard]


The only door, also the only real ‘window’ for natural light, comes slamming shut in an aggressive fashion; leaving all ten contestants to fend for themselves in the darkened ‘hole’ they now reside within. Seconds pass as the room stands in gripping silence…




The sound of a match striking the cement wall is heard…




A small, candle-based, light shines dimly in the corner of the room; one illuminated by


All ten men stare at one another; showing no real sense of trust between them.


It has started…


To walk into ‘the Dungeon’, first… These men must walk through ‘Hell’…

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Okay, before this goes on any further, I need some clarification on one thing: exactly how do you say KZA's name? :p


Is it K-Z-A, Kilo Zulu Alpha, or, as I've been saying, Ka-Zaa(!)?

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