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The Minor Questions Thread

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In my most recent game, I noticed that it MAY be possible that the frequency of demands has been lowered a bit. It might just be me playing a smaller organisation, which means less demands obviously. In any event, it is still a feature, so you might be unlucky.If fighters lose 4/5 times and are eligable to change a weight class, they will ask you anyway. I also think the features are cosmetic, so I don't think it impacts the game in any way whether or not you comply (maybe there's a slight boost to consumer interest though).


If the mod maker did not really work on the weight classes and set the normal weight as the maximum weight, it is impossible for the workers to change as they just can't. Maybe that's the 'problem'? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the reply, although it is cosmetic I liked when the champs would request their next opponents. Helps decipher who should get the next title shot in a crowded division.


I actually can't recall a time when a champion asked for a fight IMO. Nor a time when a fighter asked for a title shot. I'm sure it's happened I just can't think.


Truth is, I don't care what the fighters want so I just delete every request I get haha. Go scratch, ya bums. You'll get the fight I give you!

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I have had request from champs and contenders for a title shot in the Dawn of MMA mod and the default roster. I usually deny most of the request too but with the MW12 the UFC roster is so massive it would be nice to have some of the matches already figured out by request. Oh well! No biggie
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I have had request from champs and contenders for a title shot in the Dawn of MMA mod and the default roster. I usually deny most of the request too but with the MW12 the UFC roster is so massive it would be nice to have some of the matches already figured out by request. Oh well! No biggie


thats why I shy away from the UFC in that mod. like i get it, its a huge company, but like everyone new or less known on the roster has the average skillset. 50-60 in takedowns, just the same old crap. and i dont feel like cutting all of them. I'll probably split it into two companies soon, just because there isthat much excess talent

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm playing the demo and trying to decide whether or not to buy the game. It looks like a lot of fun. I have never been much of an MMA fan, but I love text-based sports management sims and the fighting sim I have been playing, TBCB, has been rather stale for years.


Question: when you are making matches in WMMA3, do you have matches only between fighters signed by your company?


In the full game, how many avatars are available? I would prefer to play as an avatar who looks more like myself.


Is the objective of the game to grow a big company? Or can you just run a popular small to medium-sized company and simply get your enjoyment from setting up good fights and watching your fighters' careers rise and decline? Are you required to grow your company? Or is the game more like a sandbox where you can run your company any way you want?


Can you name your own company and choose your own logo?


Thanks in advance for any replies.

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I'm playing the demo and trying to decide whether or not to buy the game. It looks like a lot of fun. I have never been much of an MMA fan, but I love text-based sports management sims and the fighting sim I have been playing, TBCB, has been rather stale for years.


Question: when you are making matches in WMMA3, do you have matches only between fighters signed by your company?


In the full game, how many avatars are available? I would prefer to play as an avatar who looks more like myself.


Is the objective of the game to grow a big company? Or can you just run a popular small to medium-sized company and simply get your enjoyment from setting up good fights and watching your fighters' careers rise and decline? Are you required to grow your company? Or is the game more like a sandbox where you can run your company any way you want?


Can you name your own company and choose your own logo?


Thanks in advance for any replies.


There's no real objective, tbh. I can jump in and just start playing an already established promotion or create your own and build it from scratch. You can have a huge promotion or just run a small, stable promotion.


Yes, you can only have fights on your cards between two fighters you've already signed.

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In the full game, how many avatars are available? I would prefer to play as an avatar who looks more like myself.

You'll have the same ones that are available in the demo. However, you can use the editor to make new avatars (or edit the existing ones) if you want. Personally, I couldn't stand to play as someone named "Scott Avatar", let alone someone who looked as goofy as that, so I just took pictures from the CEOs and used them to make new avatars. You very rarely see the CEO pictures in-game, so it's not a big deal.


In case you haven't checked it out, this is the icon for the editor on the main page:



Edits you make there will show up in new games. If you want to edit a game you've already started, you can change certain things by clicking the "Modify Data" button at the bottom of the options page. User avatars can only be edited through the main page, though.


Is the objective of the game to grow a big company? Or can you just run a popular small to medium-sized company and simply get your enjoyment from setting up good fights and watching your fighters' careers rise and decline? Are you required to grow your company? Or is the game more like a sandbox where you can run your company any way you want?

You aren't required to grow your company, but if you have the Job Safety option turned off, you can be fired if your promotion's popularity drops enough. I never play without Job Safety turned on, so I'm not sure how much it can drop or if there are other ways to get fired.


Other than that, there aren't any specific objectives. You can even turn on 'Fantasy Banking' and you won't have to worry about going out of business. 'Bypass CEO' and 'Fantasy Match Making' are also good features if you want more freedom.


Can you name your own company and choose your own logo?


Yes, definitely. You can use either editor to alter the existing promotions. You can also use the main editor to create new companies, and then use the in-game editor to import them if you want them in your current game.


A bunch of logos and banners can be found here, and you can find more by downloading some of the mods in that forum. I'd suggest starting with the Weidtverse. I think there might be more in weidt's Fresh Start Complete pictures, which he posted here.



For what it's worth, I highly recommend getting the full game if you enjoy the demo. It only gets better as time goes on and you get to see the world progress.

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Like yourself, I've always been a big text-based sports sim guy, but I was never much of an MMA fan. I didn't buy either of the first 2 games in this series because of that .. looking back I can definitely say that it was my loss. This game has generated interest in me for the sport itself, and I'm working my way through a large number of UFC events at the moment. I can't think of any bigger compliment that I can pay WMMA3. It really is a ton of fun.


I know the previous guys have answered your questions, but I'll just re-iterate that all of the options that you listed are viable when playing. There's a fair amount of sandbox to play in here. Oh, and I use one of the default fighter images as my avatar pic simply because it looks more like me! :)

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Thanks very much for the replies, guys.


Since I don't follow MMA many of the concepts in the game are alien to me. I don't know anything about "promotions" or "companies," but the idea of signing fighters and making matches and putting together interesting cards is really appealing. I really like the injury model. A lot of the images are a bit "goofy," though. I've always considered sports management sims as serious but fun games for grown-ups. Arcade games, "blow stuff up" games and "wacky" games don't appeal to me. Maybe 25 years ago, but not now.


I hope the editor is user-friendly. I'm going to try some things in the demo, hoping that I don't wreck the game. I'm not much of a modder--any time I have I would rather spend playing the game, not modding it.


The help file says you can't create your own company, but I'm sure many WMMA3 players want to have their own companies with their own logos. I would think that would be part of the appeal, so I assume that many people are using the editor.


EDIT: I just looked at some of the pages Iceisle pointed me toward...wow, there are some amazing logos and banners out there! Great work, guys!

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Have you ever experienced injuries that have seriously crippled your fighters' careers from that point on? I don't mean just losing time, but the fighter losing his form and never getting it back? Now, I'm just speculating for now, but I'll explain my situation and I'd like to know if anyone has experienced anything similar.


I originally booked a featherweight bout with Heiko Pander going up against Guilherme de Barros, but de Barros got injured just weeks before the fight, a medium back injury that would take 5 months to recover from - now, as an experienced player who likes to play with the injury setting on 'High', this is rather common, but what was interesting and odd to me was that before the injury de Barros was one of my more promising featherweight prospects, at 27 he had almost every stat in the 70-80 bracket (scouting level 6/10).


A while after the injury occurred I checked his stats again, and the all across green board had taken a dramatic turn: de Barros' wrestling abilities (wrestling, takedowns, takedown defense) had gone to the red (40-50%), and his physical abilities to yellow (60-70%). Also his ground technique, which used to be in the green (he trains out of Escola da Luta), dropped to red.


Now, a back injury hindering his physical skills and wrestling makes all the sense in the world, but I've never seen this happen before. Is it a possibility in the game that a fighter's stats deteriorate from injury, or is it a scouting miscalculation of some kind?

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I have never particularly noticed a drop in abilities before as a result of injury, nor have I ever seen fighters with a history of medium injuries that have a lasting effect on their bodies.


I always play with injuries on the highest, but am still somewhat disappointed by the lack of medium injuries, as fights will generally go through most of the time (unlike IRL, where cancellations are common practice).

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<p>Guys, I need some advice. I want to make a guy retire early so he goes to the Hall of Fame, and I can focus on different fighters. The thing is, I can't make him retire - I put his age up to 65, give him a losing streak, take all of his physical categories down to the minimum of 30 % but he won't retire... I would retire him myself in the editor, but I'm afraid that the game won't put him in the HoF because of that... He's a lock for the HoF for sure, there was an article and all... so please help a fella out - how can I make him retire and go into HoF? Or maybe he will even if I retire him in the editor? </p><p> </p><p>

Adam or anyone else - please help.</p>

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<p>What is the advantage, if any, of having events with lots of fights? </p><p> </p><p>

I bought WMMA3 yesterday and have been playing as SIGMA. I noticed that in setting up an event, you can usually have from 3 to 20 fights. Do more fights increase the event's appeal? It would seem to me that having more fights means that you would simply have to pay more fighters.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Antonin" data-cite="Antonin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29647" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What is the advantage, if any, of having events with lots of fights?</div></blockquote><p> I'm no seasoned expert, but the main benefit that springs to mind is that you can build up the name value of numerous fighters on one show. After all, you're going to need a constant rotation of guys to headline future events. Plus, once established, I've heard that you don't need to worry at all about finances. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Guys, I need some advice. I want to make a guy retire early so he goes to the Hall of Fame, and I can focus on different fighters. The thing is, I can't make him retire - I put his age up to 65, give him a losing streak, take all of his physical categories down to the minimum of 30 % but he won't retire... I would retire him myself in the editor, but I'm afraid that the game won't put him in the HoF because of that... He's a lock for the HoF for sure, there was an article and all... so please help a fella out - how can I make him retire and go into HoF? Or maybe he will even if I retire him in the editor?


Adam or anyone else - please help.


You can't really force someone to retire, and I'm pretty sure I've tested it in the past, and the guy didn't go into the HOF when I manually retired him in the editor.


If you're tired of dealing with him, why don't you just cut him and let him finish his career elsewhere? Seems more reasonable and realistic than altering his age, momentum and physical stats just so he'll retire early. :confused:

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Griffo" data-cite="Griffo" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29647" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What is the best way to promote a highly skilled fighter who has an unknown name value despite his reputation?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Put him on TV. And if you really want to boost his popularity big time put him in an 8-man tournament on TV.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="prw18" data-cite="prw18" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29647" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Put him on TV. And if you really want to boost his popularity big time put him in an 8-man tournament on TV.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes. Though it's unrealistic (if you want to stick to UFC-style booking), it's definately the best way to book. Tournament winners often get a sick pop-level when they win, especially on TV, so you could really 'win' yourself a new contender for the belt, given that the contenders in the tournament were of decent reputation.</p><p> </p><p> Some people don't like this booking style as it puts 7 people on negative streaks at the same time, but you'll find that you only need one contender of every weight class at the same time. Furthermore, taking fights one at a time will eventually turn into a spread-out or stalled tournament anyway, as winners will generally take on each other.</p>
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Yeh I have developed a system to always have a contender on a streak and also get rid of weak fighters out the bottom end.


I do have another problem but... Should you book a fighter who has Main Event drawing power in a fight higher in said system above (Closer to the title shot) or book a fighter with less drawing power but more reputation and a higher rank?

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Name value is the major factor in drawing power, and if you wanted to boost the name value of a fighter with higher reputation, there's no difference between main card / co-main, main event is the only thing that gives the fighters a bit more of a focusing lens on them. That said, main event is also what essentially decides your show's success, so you should have people with drawing power (name value) in them.
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apologies if this has already been answered, but couldn't see anything.....


does the game need certain conditions to be met for a new company to form, or do they just happen at random?


I'm playing with the default data, a few years in, and resigned from GAMMA, getting a little bored with booking for them. I'd rather keep playing the same data though as the world has developed quite nicely, and was waiting for another company to form so i can take over with them.


is there anything i can do in the in-game editor to help push that along, or is it just a case of waiting?

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apologies if this has already been answered, but couldn't see anything.....


does the game need certain conditions to be met for a new company to form, or do they just happen at random?


I'm playing with the default data, a few years in, and resigned from GAMMA, getting a little bored with booking for them. I'd rather keep playing the same data though as the world has developed quite nicely, and was waiting for another company to form so i can take over with them.


is there anything i can do in the in-game editor to help push that along, or is it just a case of waiting?

If you're playing with the default data, I'm pretty certain that all of the extra promotions are set to debut randomly. You can change that in the main editor by setting a specific month for them to appear, but that will only apply to games you start afterward. If you want to start a new company in your current game, just create a new one in the main editor (be sure to set a debut month) and import it to your current game. If you set it to debut before the current month, it will appear as soon as you import it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just picked this game up and while waiting to be approved for posting was able to read through all 61 pages of this thread, answering a lot of my questions on the way. That said, I still have a few questions so I'll ask the ones I can remember off the top of my head.


1) When running a tournament, do the later matches take into account the fighters' fatigue/damage from the earlier matches? Or does it reset and act like the fighters hadn't just fought?


2) Is there a way from the matchmaking screen to easily filter your fighters that are nearing the end of their contract? Or maybe at least a way to filter the ones that haven't had a fight in a while?


3) When creating a fighter, let's say I want a future champion that comes into the game that is only above average. Using the template, which level should I pick? For example, let's say I choose level 6 and have the fighter come in when he turns 18 so he's not a contender straight away, but set his potential high, will he eventually become a great fighter if handled right or would his starting skills be too low to make an impact?


Also on that thought, how quickly do fighters tend to develop and is there a way to see their stat progression rather than just keeping track yourself?

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