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The Minor Questions Thread

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Quick geography question.I am trying to book UFC on Fox 8 for Seattle Washington so is that the Washington in the game and if so what is Washington DC under.


I assume the Washington in game is the state, D.C would have more prestigue.


and @ ManUnderMask


you're amount of fights should depend on popularity and whether or not you have PPV. If you are under Low Level National you shouldn't run cards that are very big, maybe 5-8 matches per card, that said you will still more than likely lose some money (especially if not on PPV).


But as weight classes go, I usually run 2 fights in each division on my cards once I get to where I can afford it, and when I don't go specifically by 2's I just shoot to have 12 fight cards (I don't use prelims or anything either.)


Where you place fights on the card should be based on the fighter's popularity, obviously your main event will have your bigger stars as the same with your co-main event (I hype the main event as Huge and co-main event as Large. Then basically the main card should be 3-4 semi-hyped bouts (like a medium setting)

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do little things change the supspesnsions fighters get? Elbows/stomps being legal, etc.


I run a Bellator format and I'm wondering if I turned off elbows being legal if they would have less recorvery/suspension time


Based on my experience, the more 'brutal' rules can increase suspension time, if the finish is indeed based on those strikes. But the nature of the finishing move(s) is probably one of the biggest factors. But I can't base that on a lot of 'research' as I usually turn those rules off because I feared the same thing. :p


That said, there's also lots of injuries during the match like foot injuries. No idea what causes those. Probably random incidents based on some stats like 'resilience'.


Then again, it can all be more or less random. But I'm pretty sure these rules lead to an increased amount of finishes. So I guess this is already an indication that it will increase suspension time as finished fighters always have suspensions.

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do little things change the supspesnsions fighters get? Elbows/stomps being legal, etc.


I run a Bellator format and I'm wondering if I turned off elbows being legal if they would have less recorvery/suspension time


Haven't noticed whether this is incorporated into the game, but I know (because I heard Jimmy Smith, and Sean Wheelock talking about it on a Bellator broadcast this year) that this is the real reason that Bellator outlaws elbows in their quarter and semi final fights, because being cut by an elbow comes with a 90 day suspension.

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Haven't noticed whether this is incorporated into the game, but I know (because I heard Jimmy Smith, and Sean Wheelock talking about it on a Bellator broadcast this year) that this is the real reason that Bellator outlaws elbows in their quarter and semi final fights, because being cut by an elbow comes with a 90 day suspension.


I know thats why I asked. I havent seen much in way of suspensions due to cuts from elbows, but the heavier stuff like knees to the head and stomps definitely have ridiculous suspension time.


Have one guy out that got beat so bad he got a 6 month suspension even with all that stuff illegalized!

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Ok I think I have an easy question for you guys and sorry if this has been answered many times before. Is there a way to check who your most popular fighter is? I believe you can check when youre selecting a company at the beginning of the game but I can't figure it out in game
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do little things change the supspesnsions fighters get? Elbows/stomps being legal, etc.


I run a Bellator format and I'm wondering if I turned off elbows being legal if they would have less recorvery/suspension time


Just reduce fighters 'Preperation' stat to get them to accept short notice fights and reduce 'Recovery' to actually reduce the time they need out. Always thought it'd be the other way around but whatever.


Also the place on the card seems to effect the time out. Nick Diaz def. Siyar Bahadurzada via Sub in 1 min in my main event... Yet was out for 4 months despite barely being touched. Yet my back and forth, multiple knockdown, 15 min decision prelim, both guys were out 40 days...

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Just reduce fighters 'Preperation' stat to get them to accept short notice fights and reduce 'Recovery' to actually reduce the time they need out. Always thought it'd be the other way around but whatever.


This explains alot.


I should have read the help file more thoroughly.



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This explains alot.


I should have read the help file more thoroughly.




To be honest bro, it's not even in the help file. I had to ask Adam myself when working on a mod. I think it's the only case where the stat is better when lower. A bit of testing fully confirmed it, when fully low Roy Nelson took a fight on 2 weeks notice and needed 30 days off. When high he wanted 8 weeks for camp and was out 2 and half months.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I play my game I run 5 five minute rounds. I've noticed that every card atleast two or three times fighter A will be dominating fighter B winning the first four rounds and then all of the sudden in the 5th round fighter B will get the submission.


My question is does anyone else who plays with the 5/5 setup noticed this happening too often? Do you think it has to do with the recovery stat being too effective?

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Has anyone ever seen a wrestler beat a high level submission fighter?


I enjoy this game but this unbalanced engine is really frustrating. Between their cheap ass flying scissor heel hook that gets them undeserved takedowns, their cheap ass standing guillotine and the fact that wrestlers insist on clinching with them even if they could probably easily knock them out on the feet....pure submission guys really sour this game for me and Im really hoping it is fixed for the next game.

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Has anyone ever seen a wrestler beat a high level submission fighter?


I enjoy this game but this unbalanced engine is really frustrating. Between their cheap ass flying scissor heel hook that gets them undeserved takedowns, their cheap ass standing guillotine and the fact that wrestlers insist on clinching with them even if they could probably easily knock them out on the feet....pure submission guys really sour this game for me and Im really hoping it is fixed for the next game.


It's not just you. It's a problem for everyone and it's annoying and predictable. After playing a game everyday for a couple years you begin to notice every little thing that's wrong and I think with a few small fixes, Adam could really help us guys who spend a bunch of time playing.

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The standing guillotine is beyond broken....and just the guillotine in general..I'm glad I play in a ring because I spectate GAMMA matches and they hit them stacked against the cage after a cage trip all the time....they hit them from half guard...arm-in...heck even from the bottom of SIDE MOUNT.


In my game Tadahasa Yamada is completely unstoppable because the only guys with high enough takedown defense to avoid getting taken down and tapped push him against the ropes and get guillotined every time.



It's really awful because the game engine IS actually capable of producing legitimate ground wars with ground strikes, sweeps, subs everywhere, sweep subs and all that fun stuff. In my 5 years so far I've seen ONE legit ground war that ended in a Fantastic rating(can't remember the fighters). I just had a fight with a severely buffed(naturally of course) Jakuchu Abe and Reguerio and got so pissed because Julio just standing guillotined him in the first round, so I quit out and the second time Abe standing guillotined Reguerio. The third time we finally got a decent match with some actual striking, some takedowns and sweeps but in the third round...you guessed it Reguerio grabs a standing guillotine in the clinch and retains.



Fontes in my game had 3 straight standing guillotines and the worst thing about it was his other guillotine finish was a arm-in guillotine from side control bottom against a guy who had 2 higher sub d than he had sub o....that REALLY ticked me off because of how absurd it was.


That should only be done on low level scenes where guys get tapped by smother chokes...


I also wish it could be patched but I doubt it since it seems to have ceased development as Adam works on other projects(hopefully CBH2 and WMMA4!)

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I also wish it could be patched but I doubt it since it seems to have ceased development as Adam works on other projects(hopefully CBH2 and WMMA4!)


Hey, you never know but it can't hurt to ask. Some things that I've seen people wanting to get fixed are bigger things but I've been coming up with some smaller stuff that might take a bit less tweaking and would hopefuly be something Adam would consider doing if he can find the time.


In no specific order, here are some little things I've seen that I think are worthy of doing another patch. I'm going to post this in the suggestions forum too because it probably fits over there more than it does here.


Fighter Relationships. It's in the game and I have mine set on Very High, always have, and I check my fighters all the time for them to develope a relationship and they never do. I don't even know why it's in the game. Some fighters should have a couple friends, some should have alot, some not at all depending on their personality. For now I would just increase the rate of relationships tenfold.


Turning Down Fights. I think the game is too easy on the matchmaker and the fighters should be more picky about who they fight. It's in the game but I've only had one match turned down in 3,000 matches so I think it needs to be turned up big time.


Pulling Out Of Fights. For injury, personal issues, bad weight cut, or whatever the reason may be. I book my fights 8 weeks in advance with 20 fights per card, 3 cards a month and I only get 4 to 8 fighters pulling out of fights because of injury only, each year. And then half of them aren't even injured long enough and I can just go ahead and book the match. This reminds me; When someone gets injured their days before begin ready to consider taking another fight should be frozen until the injury is through. I would suggest multiplying the pre-fight injury rate by five at the very least.


Reputation and Aura. After playing this game for many, many hours I've come to be realize that the reputation system is slightly flawed. I really think that all it would take to fix this is you need to make it so when someone loses to someone with a reputation comparable to theirs they won't lose as much reputation. Right now I think they're losing far too much reputation after a loss and it should probably only be one third of what it is now. I'm pretty sure if this was fixed then companies might actually start building contenders on their own and maybe even put on some decent shows.


Submissions need to be less likely and decisions need to be more likely. Maybe the recovery stat is too effective with grapplers? I don't know.


Tale Of The Tape. Needs a win/loss streak.


When you're in a game and you manually retire someone by making them a 'retired fighter' they stop fighting but they don't go anywhere and it would be nice if they would regenerate.


I just want to say that I love this game more than any other game I've ever played and I want nothing but the best for it. I would be ecstatic along with many other loyal WMMA3 customers if you could help us out. Thank you.

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5x5 min. championship rounds indeed highly favour submission specialists, which is kind of unrealistic. The 'cheap' moves indeed spoil it a little as well.


I'm always surprised as true submission artists, with the worst (standing) stats possible (barring standing guillotine skills of course), seem to do just fine on their feet.


A next installment could be legendary, but Adam already said WMMA4 isn't his next project. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

My counter to the obvious bias the game has towards submission artists was to use 3 minute rounds so that they usually don't have enough time to submit someone. I'm seeing more decisions and wins by strikers that would normally never have a chance against anyone with even a decent ground game.


Also, I believe the game got patched early on to make it harder on strikers. Go back and play the game unpatched and you'll notice an obvious difference in the fighting engine.


It really annoys me that badasses like Braulio Moura, Pedro Sousa, Syed Tan, Chew Chea, etc., turn into cans because they just can't beat anyone with submission skills.


does anyone actually use the bonus payments option when booking a fight? Does it make a difference?


I've never noticed any difference and it's never really explained whether it does or not. I would assume it would effect fighter morale and/or how they fight, either positively or negatively, but I doubt it's that deep.

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My counter to the obvious bias the game has towards submission artists was to use 3 minute rounds so that they usually don't have enough time to submit someone. I'm seeing more decisions and wins by strikers that would normally never have a chance against anyone with even a decent ground game.


Also, I believe the game got patched early on to make it harder on strikers. Go back and play the game unpatched and you'll notice an obvious difference in the fighting engine.


It really annoys me that badasses like Braulio Moura, Pedro Sousa, Syed Tan, Chew Chea, etc., turn into cans because they just can't beat anyone with submission skills.


I've never noticed any difference and it's never really explained whether it does or not. I would assume it would effect fighter morale and/or how they fight, either positively or negatively, but I doubt it's that deep.


Maybe. I'd advise changing the rules to 3-minute matches. Those highly favor strikers as the grinding of the wrestlers is purely to win points. Getting punched actually stacks up so they'll perform worse later on in the fight. Submission specialists will lack the time to work and will fail in their takedowns unless they're up against wrestlers (the dreaded standing guillotine).


That should balance your games. As a matter of fact, I find 10x3min. rules highly favor strikers.

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  • 4 weeks later...
How do taxes work ?


Tbh: I haven't got a clue. I thought this was a flawed feature. It all these countless hours I've played the game, I never noticed it impact the game due to the fact you never bankrupt unless you are a super-low level promotion.


How do I check the odds on a fight?


This is only possible as the fight is happening. You can click the fighter pictures to see them in the "Tale of the Tape" screen. Might be a nice suggestion for WMMA4 though.

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