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Help with a game


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So this is still in the very very early stages of planning but I'm thinking about making a TEW style music game. If I ever actually finish the project it will be free-ware and real world based. While I want the game to really suck you into it, I would never be able to finish it if I tried to get every musician in the world into the game. So my question is 1) how many "workers" do you think I should start with? And 2) At what age do you think I should just not include them? I'm thinking around 40, again I feel like anyone to old would just be taking up space and thus make it harder for me to actually complete the game. Anyway, thoughts?
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I wouldn't limit it by age, to be honest. Because if you set it at 40, you're eliminating guys like Bryan Adams, most of Take That, Springsteen, Elton John, not to mention basically every Heavy Metal band who are any good.


I'd basically just pick a few main genres, and add the most popular bands from those genres, plus a few lesser knowns. Then concentrate on making the game work properly. Once you have a working game, you can then go to town on adding as many artists as you like, or get other people to help out. :)

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I agree with D-Lyrium. I would start small-ish with the database but allow for expansion with an editor. That way you can concentrate on making the game great and allow time to develop the database with expanded genres, acts and all.




Also, I have a degree in Music Marketing so if you need any kind of help just let me know.

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Now once I get this thing off the ground (which is still some time away) you guys can believe I'll be asking for all kinds of help. Thanks for the input and the quick reply... Effin I know you made a database im TEW so I'll point this question at you (or anyone else really) how big do you think I should make the database to start off? I guess my fear is I'm going to try to make it to big and just add more and more time to the development of it. But the flipside of that is if I don't make it deep enough then it lacks any real substance and fun.
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Definitely agree about age limiting the artists. I wouldn't do it either. One of the great things about TEW is there is a way to play for everybody. You want to be the megapower a la WWE or SWF, you can do that. You want to be the nostalgia circuit, you do it. You want to make something out of the dregs of the database? Well, that's why the 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 crowd and I are here.


Look at a guy like Jimmy Buffett. He's as bankable as you can get on the concert side. But the odds of new material from him are negligible anymore and having him at your venue won't necessarily help you with the hoping to sneak a first kiss at the Taylor Swift show crowd. Built in audiences like his take time to develop and that building of bankability would go to waste if the next one of him disappeared at 40.


Also, one of the biggest music events here in VA Beach is the American Music Festival held at the oceanfront every Labor Day Weekend. And aside from the most prominent local bands, your Butters and your Blue Lords and folks like that, the roster is all nostalgia acts. Folks like The O'Jays and REO Speedwagon. And even further back. It was the marquee performance all year for The Rhondells until Bill Deal died seeing as they are local boys and deeply tied to the shag dancing scene which is huge here. If you really want to have an EWR/TEW feel, you have to keep the nostalgia guys and their circuit in mind.

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Are you a record label exec or something like that? If so any help you need, please feel free to PM me. I love music in general and have often fantasized about going into the record industry. I had some ideas when I tried Chart Wars 3 that I thought would be cool to implement, so if you need anything, anything at all as far as content goes, feel free to contact me anytime :D
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Yeah you're a label exec. It's pretty much going to be similar to chart wars. Like you I played chsrt wars and had a bunch of ideas on how to make it better, so with the little bit of programming and music knowledge I do have I'm hoping I can make it good. As far as your ideas go feel free to pass them along right now I feel a few notebook pages full of stuff so anything anyone would think make a fun game let me know.
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So one problem Im running into while planning this is what the "pay off" is for the player. After playing both chart wars and Music Wars I can't help but to think all you do is click through days. When playing TEW you click through the every day stuff to get to the meat and potatos of the game, booking an actual card. This is the part of the game where people will spend hours playing and plotting. With a music type game I'm having a hard time finding that pay off so to speak. So does anyone have any ideas on how to make this a better experiance, or does what I'm saying even make sense =)
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