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KANZEN Pro Wrestling: Seriously Entertaining

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I've been looking forward to this since your preview posts. Good luck with it, I'll be reading. :)


Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity


DWN, Callum, and Parker of The Brotherhood vs. Fire Monkey and The Parasites


OTA vs. Snap Dragon


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas

Acid Rayne vs. Fists of Furry vs. Jett and Skye vs. The Keith Brothers

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Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity


DWN, Callum, and Parker of The Brotherhood vs. Fire Monkey and The Parasites


OTA vs. Snap Dragon


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas

Acid Rayne vs. Fists of Furry vs. Jett and Skye vs. The Keith Brothers


See I thought Mite was Ant-Man much like everyone else, that Reign was in fact Joey Beauchamp (but then the Japanese style kinda may have put paid to that) and that Ultra Flea was in fact Kazuma Narato, but I have no idea how I managed to come up with that haha. I think he would have been around longer than 10 years too haha

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Bring Out Your Dead!"

Prediction Key


Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity


DWN, Callum, and Parker of The Brotherhood vs. Fire Monkey and The Parasites


OTA vs. Snap Dragon


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas

Acid Rayne vs. Fists of Furry vs. Jett and Skye vs. The Keith Brothers



was convinced I had already predicted but I have now :D. I was thinking UK Dragon, simply because I searched Japanese Junior and available in Europe and up popped UK Dragon with the right amount of experience, and I also think Ant Man is the Mite

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Well, it seems that everyone has figured out Mighty Mite and Dark Reign (by the way, the prediction key has been corrected), but Ultra Flea has you messed up. Anyone got a good guess?


Thanks everyone for their comments and early predictions. Like I said, the key has been updated, and the show is in the early writing process as we speak. Expect shorter match write-ups than my older projects, because I want to use The Flying Podcast for some match content, too. Basically, if you've watched CHIKARA's Podcast-a-Go-Go, you'll know what I want to do.


So keep predicting and keep guessing on Flea's identity!


"Bring Out Your Dead!"

Prediction Key


Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity


DWN, Callum, and Parker of The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. Fire Monkey and The Parasites


OTA vs. Snap Dragon


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas

Acid Reign vs. Fists of Furry vs. Jett and Skye vs. The Keith Brothers

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Sorry, fellas. It's AmEl. I "orchestrated" a deal to get him via the editor, because I wanted him to be in the first show with his partner. Guilty of "cheating", I know.


But I don't care...because I'm TLLK3, and I'm AWESOME! :cool:

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Sorry, fellas. It's AmEl. I "orchestrated" a deal to get him via the editor, because I wanted him to be in the first show with his partner. Guilty of "cheating", I know.


But I don't care...because I'm TLLK3, and I'm AWESOME! :cool:


Sneaky sneaky.


Also RR's british-ness is funny!

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Sorry, fellas. It's AmEl. I "orchestrated" a deal to get him via the editor, because I wanted him to be in the first show with his partner. Guilty of "cheating", I know.


But I don't care...because I'm TLLK3, and I'm AWESOME! :cool:


Everyone likes a bit of editing that beautiful editor is just too tempting, I forgive you:D (for the 'cheating' (your word not mine) I can't forgive you for the Miz reference :p)

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Everyone likes a bit of editing that beautiful editor is just too tempting, I forgive you:D (for the 'cheating' (your word not mine) I can't forgive you for the Miz reference :p)

Actually, AmEl's contract was already edited in my database from an earlier private game. So, I unknowingly "cheated".


And I can't stand The Miz. Or the WWE. But satire is just too dang funny, y'all.

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"Bring Out Your Dead!"

Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity


DWN, Callum, and Parker of The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. Fire Monkey and The Parasites


OTA vs. Snap Dragon

KANZEN Campeones de Parejas

Acid Reign vs. Fists of Furry vs. Jett and Skye vs. The Keith Brothers

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Currently in the process of writing "Bring Out Your Dead!", with only two matches left to write, the semi-main event and the tag title match. So that leaves everyone just a bit more time to predict, as I could end up posting the show sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.


A few thoughts, though:


- Tigerkinney mentioned earlier the heel vs. heel matchup between OTA and Snap Dragon in the semi-main. That's because I use a medium face/heel divide, allowing for tweeners like Snap Dragon (he's one for right now, anyway) and The Brotherhood to have matches with anyone, because they basically hate everyone. Now, I know lucha libre has a rigid face/heel divide, but this is slightly different. It's KANZEN Pro Wrestling, not OLLIE.


- Expect matches to be shorter, like I said earlier...just used the handy-dandy Word Count from Microsoft Word, and both matches I've written have been under 500 words. The main event might be a bit longer, it might not. It'll be a basic overview of the match's action and some high spots, with the ending written out. The podcast will flesh the matches out more in a review/recap kind of way similar to CHIKARA's.


- I'm going to go with a prediction contest based on number of times you've had the most correct results over time, setting up a bigger prize later on down the road, still TBD. But I'm gonna work on my graphic design a little bit with the "prizes" at the end of the contest. Similar to what SeanMcFly's doing with E-V's SWF dynasty, winners will "win" a t-shirt from the KANZEN Merch Table. Hopefully it'll work. Or, if you're like some of these on the boards that can do stuff like McFly, shoot me a PM and maybe you can show me your t-shirt designs for KANZEN stars. I want as much reader interaction as possible, you dig?



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"Bring Out Your Dead!"

Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity


DWN, Callum, and Parker of The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. Fire Monkey and The Parasites


OTA vs. Snap Dragon


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas

Acid Reign vs. Fists of Furry vs. Jett and Skye vs. The Keith Brothers

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Alright, this is a true "last call". Show will be up sometime tonight, so you can get your las predicciones in until then.


Here's the key in case you haven't predicted yet:

"Bring Out Your Dead!"

Prediction Key


Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity


DWN, Callum, and Parker of The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. Fire Monkey and The Parasites


OTA vs. Snap Dragon


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas

Acid Reign vs. Fists of Furry vs. Jett and Skye vs. The Keith Brothers

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Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity


DWN, Callum, and Parker of The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. Fire Monkey and The Parasites


OTA vs. Snap Dragon


Oh! Snap!


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas

Acid Reign vs. Fists of Furry vs. Jett and Skye vs. The Keith Brothers

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I'm just gonna start giving out 24-hour notices instead of trying to say "afternoon" or "night". Show's written up and everything, but I can't access my photos until this afternoon. So expect it then. Maybe. Hey, more time to predict, if you haven't.


Remember, the definition of suspense is...

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KANZEN Bring Out Your Dead!

Columbus, Ohio (136 In Attendance)

DVD AVAILABLE NOW From Mark Smart Video™

The first show of 2010 for KANZEN Pro Wrestling starts off with an impressive pyrotechnic display, more than what most would expect for a young, small promotion. The fans go wild, glad that KANZEN is back in its hometown of Columbus. The screens are lit up with variously-colored KANZEN logos, and the crowd continues its noise for the upcoming show.

But there’s something wrong…the pyros keep coming.


And coming.


And coming.


They keep coming to at an almost-SWF kind of pace and quantity, confusing the fans, who are now murmuring amongst themselves, trying to figure out what’s going on. Monty Walker gets up from his spot at the announce table and starts asking nearby employees what’s going on, that he didn’t sign off on this many pyros. The staff members shrug and look as confused as everyone else.


Eventually, the production head for KANZEN comes out from behind the stage, holding a wireless remote and shrugging like the rest of us. Walker looks worried and begins to bark out something on his cell phone.


Finally the fireworks stop and some familiar foreign music rings out.



Mr. Electricity

Always the Showman...


Mr. Electricity enters, flashing his huge arrogant smile and twirling around in his bejeweled costume. He pulls out a microphone and addresses the confused masses.


Mr. Electricity: Always…always…ALWAYS make a spectacular entrance. (chuckles as the crowd boos) Oh, pathetic Americans. It’s never enough for you, is it? Is that your problem? (points at Walker, who is still standing) Oh, don’t worry, Monty…I covered all of the “extra” expenses.


Suddenly some music rings out that gets the crowd going. A SoCal surfer tune serves as the entrance marker for…




The SoCal Sensation, Mr. Electricity's Scheduled Opponent


The Skye Club member walks out, flipping his hair back and winking at the females in the crowd. Heart attacks all around. Good thing we’ve got a good medical staff…


Mainstream: Look, dude…I don’t think they take rupees at Crazy Jim’s Firework Shack down the road, bro. ‘Cause I’ve been down there a few times…ah, rocking times, bro. (smiles at the explosive-filled memories, who knows what they consist of?)


“The Electric One”, not pleased, spins around and lowers his shutter shades, scoffing at the young flier that interrupted him.


Mr. Electricity: Who is this punk? Really? (shakes his head) Who dares interrupt my entrance? Listen here, skater/surfer/snowboarder punk guy…whatever board you may ride on whatever various climate-controlled surface! I’m a huge STAR back home in India…I’ve been in commercials, magazine ads, and Bollywood movies. MOVIES! You have no business being near such a star like me!


Mainstream: Listen, dude…I’ve been in movies, too. Ever heard of Pirates of the Pipeline? Tubular Teen Surfer Squad 7? Hmm? (Electricity snorts and shakes his head, laughing) Oh. Well, they’ve got some awesome clips of those on the Net, man. I’ll show ‘em to ya backstage, bro.


Mr. Electricity: I do not care about whatever punkish delinquency you and your “bros” did with a video camera back home! That doesn’t count as a movie!


Mainstream: But, dude…we sold like, ten copies! And I only bought seven of them! That counts, doesn’t it?


Mr. Electricity: It counts as much as the way you look…pretty pathetic. I mean, what is this? Cut your hair! Get some cooler glasses, like me…or a robe such as mine! (starts to prance around while saying “Ooh Yeah!”, for some odd reason)


Mainstream: (face changes to an angry one immediately) Dude…not cool. My look is totally rad. I mean, did you see that chick who passed out a second ago? Right there…three rows back…(shades his eyes with his hand to find her) Right there, blonde. Ooh, she’s a catch, bro. Number, please!


Mr. Electricity: It just goes to show you that the Americans have no eye for handsomeness and, how you say, “the awesome”. (calls out to Mainstream’s resuscitated fan) This is a real man right here! (gets drilled in the side of the head with the fan’s shoe) Ignorant American.


Mainstream: You know what, bro? This conversation’s over. Let’s settle this “real man” business in the ring!


The fans applaud in an approval, anything to get Mr. Electricity to shut up.


Mr. Electricity: Hehe…you’re about to see what a real man is made of, boy.


Mainstream sprints to the ring and slides in, chunking his t-shirt into the crowd. Full-scale riot starts up. Electricity takes his time to strut and pose, stopping to yell at the fans as Wilson Carlisle enters the ring and calls for the bell.



Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity


Because it’s an all-of-a-sudden match (kind of), Dharma isn’t with Mainstream, giving some sort of advantage for Mr. Electricity. Well, if she was out there, Mr. Electricity would probably try to convince her that he is more of a man than Mainstream.


She is an ignorant American, though.


It was a clash of styles throughout the match, as Mainstream’s fly-first mentality got him to catch his opponent off-guard early, but wore him down quicker. Mr. Electricity bided his time and used his all-around game to combat the aerial assault and play to the booing crowd. A few holds sprinkled in and there slowed Mainstream down and gave him an opportunity to yell at the fans. Highlight words from the verbal spats included “stupid”, “no eye for talent”, and, of course “ignorant Americans!”


Another interesting remark about the match is the number of quick cover-ups by Mr. Electricity, trying to pull a fast one on, well, the fast one. There were about a half-dozen near falls, each of them argued by the “Bollywood Big Shot”, who told Carlisle that he couldn’t count to three. About every move from Electricity was punctuated by a pinfall attempt. But Mainstream kicked out every single time.


Mr. Electricity’s mouth ended up failing him in the end, as the sixth argued pin count attempt cost him. Not seeing Mainstream while screaming at Carlisle, who was trying to understand him through that Indian accent, Mr. Electricity gets caught with a head-rattling Apparition #14! The crowd rises to their feet as the referee proves that he can indeed count to three, giving Mr. Electricity the loss!


Mainstream wins at 8:12 via “Apparition #14” (Flying Clothesline off top rope)





Remmington Remus: Wowza! What a way to start 2010! Mr. Electricity goes down in our first match of (British-ly) “Bring Out Your Dead!”


Monty “The Python” Walker: There’s your first “dead” of the evening, man. Electricity got absolutely decapitated by a well-executed clothesline. Textbook stuff right there by the young man from Southern Cali, my old stomping grounds!


Honey Golightly: And, if you notice, guys…Mr. Electricity is mourning in the ring. Not necessarily because he got creamed by Mainstream, but because his bejeweled shutter shades got smashed by the finishing move.


The camera focuses on Mr. Electricity, who is wailing at the “death” of his prized sunglasses.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Where will the “Bollywood Big Shot” go from here, sans glasses?


Remmington Remus: Well, I know where we’re going from here…backstage! The Brotherhood of Perfection’s got something to say…(quietly) Sadly.



(Look familiar? Yeah, that’s what you get for watching The Flying Podcast. You know what’s coming next. Kinda like watching that episode of Psych for the fifth time, just so you could impress your friends by “knowing who did it”.)



The Brotherhood of Perfection

"We Will Rise..."


We fade into a segment with the previously-mentioned Brotherhood of Perfection and their sizzling manager, Krissy Angelle. The five young hotshots stare down the camera backstage before launching into a group tirade of sorts. Matthew Keith starts it off while Krissy stares seductively at the camera.

Matthew Keith: Perfection. Every right-minded wrestler strives for it, but few achieve it. Make that FIVE who achieve it. (points at his stable mates and arrogantly sneers) KANZEN supposedly means "perfection", but, without us, this place would be the most hypocritical joint on the planet. 'Cause we are perfection, bound by the greatest move on the entire planet.


Greg Keith: But, somehow, that's not good enough for the freaks in charge of this place. How do they treat the best talent they've ever seen or will ever see? How? By throwing us in a four-way tag match?!? We deserve those titles by default, man. (shakes his head, disgusted) But you put us in the ring with some masked freaks and two dudes way too chemically imbalanced to be in a wrestling ring? We deserve better than that.


Davis Wayne Newton: And what a-boot us? Nelson, Steven, and I get thrown in the ring with some more masked jokes? A monkey and two freaking bugs?!?!?


Steven Parker: (solemnly and somewhat menacingly) A king deserves better than that.


Nelson Callum: Shoot...we're supposed to be goin' after this Young Guns Cup everybody keeps talkin' about. How can we, the greatest young talents the world has ever seen, do that if we're too busy babysittin' these losers?


Krissy Angelle: But my boys will take these injustices handed to them, and very soon, all the gold in this place will belong to them. Because they're perfect...(looks down at her gorgeous self)...like me.


Matthew Keith: It's on, freaks. The Brotherhood will rise. And the only dead being "brought out" will be these hacks we break in half. You can bet your life on it.


Another group staredown before we fade back into the main show.





Davis Wayne Newton, Nelson Callum, and Steven Parker w/Krissy Angelle vs. Fire Monkey and The Parasites


After zany entrances from the one animal/two pest trio, The Brotherhood of Perfection slowly make their way down the ramp, milking the drama and hatred from the crowd. Arrogant sneers all around, The Brotherhood scoff at their smaller, masked “freak show” of opponents. The crowd starts to chant “Wedgecut! Wedgecut!”, angering them all except for Krissy, who has long flowing hair and was re-rendered by a different fellow.


You gotta give Ryan Holland credit, though. The man doesn’t take junk from ANYONE in the ring, and he called this sucker right down the middle, despite The Brotherhood’s advances. He even threatened to disqualify Steven Parker not once, but twice in the match. Parker would just silently stare, trying to menace the referee. But a man who once stood up to Eddie Peak back in a DAVE Full Metal Mayhem match a few years ago isn’t gonna get rattled by a guy like Steven Parker. No offense to him, but he’s no Great White Shark.


Fire Monkey took advantage of every opportunity, using his varied arsenal of aerial moves and swift kicks to keep The Brotherhood at bay. Ultra Flea cashed in on a few chances, too, soaring through the air, proving that he’s one of the best fliers in the world. Even the resilient rookie Mighty Mite shocked the crowd and the stable by punishing all three young grapplers with some slams of his own. Towards the ten minute mark, it looked like the masked squadron was gonna pull off the upset.


But some old tricks by The Brotherhood squashed those dreams for the KAN-base.


Mighty Mite, fresh off some quick power moves on Davis Wayne Newton, played to the cheering crowd a bit before spearing the young Canadian up and over the ropes, onto the hard ground below. Then, out of nowhere, Nelson Callum illegally interfered (Steven Parker was now the legal man due to lucha libre tag team rules) by blindsiding Mite, causing him to exit the ring unexpectedly. But new legal man Ultra Flea wasted no time in punishing Callum, connecting with a missile dropkick. Then, sprinting towards the ropes, Flea tried a suicide front flip. But Steven Parker pulled down the ropes, tripping up the small flier who crashed down on the floor below.


By this point, Angelle had helped Newton back on his feet and was encouraging him to “finish that little freak off”. Newton nodded and Angelle went over to try and enter the ring, distracting Holland. Newton then produced a set of brass knuckles! Ultra Flea was in trouble, and a Spinning Backfist (a mock “tribute” to Fire Monkey, who was getting choked out outside the ring by Callum, in plain view of the move) came next. Newton rolled Flea back in the ring and Parker went for the cover. One…two…three.


The Brotherhood of Perfection blindsides the crowd favorites for the win.


The Brotherhood of Perfection win at 12:39 via Newton’s mock of a Fire Monkey Spinning Backfist with use of brass knuckles following a distraction by Krissy Angelle



The Brotherhood of Perfection

Well, 3/5 of it.


Following the tainted win, The Brotherhood raise their arms together in the ring, Newton’s right hand still clad with the brass knuckles. Boos echo in the small venue and all four members in the ring flash those “We don’t care” smirks. Callum barks out for a microphone and begins to call out the company once again.


Nelson Callum: There you go again, showin’ your ignorance. Can’t appreciate true wrestling action, but cheer that suicidal flippin’ junk. (shakes head and sneers) But you ain’t the only ones who are ignorant. What kind of company doesn’t reward its hardest working and overall best workers? Hmm? We’re out here, hearin’ about this so-called Young Guns Cup that this place has…but we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.


Davis Wayne Newton: (receiving the mic from Callum) Yeah…where you at, Walker? Where’s our shot?



Monty "The Python" Walker

If You Wish To Speak With the Person in Charge...


The crowd basically turns all at once to the announce desk, where “The Python” has stood up and received a mic of his own for everyone to hear.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Alright…alright…congrats, fellas. You want the shots, you’ve earned them. (The Brotherhood look puzzled in the ring, wondering what this entails) No, guys…I’m serious. Next month, The Brotherhood of Perfection will have a chance to claim KANZEN’s first ever Young Guns Cup, celebrating the best under-30 wrestlers in the world today.


They all start to nod and clap their hands, glad to finally have their “hard-earned chance”. But Steven Parker, a man of few words, stands in as the voice of reason.


Steven Parker: (stone-faced) But who gets the shot, Walker?


Monty “The Python” Walker: Well, all three of you won that last match. It was a team effort in screwing ov—I mean, “defeating” Fire Monkey and The Parasites. So…all three of you get the shot at the Cup. Next month, at our Valentine’s Day Weekend show “Ohio Is For Wrestlers”…it will be Davis Wayne Newton VERSUS Nelson Callum VERSUS Steven Parker for the Young Guns Cup! First one to pin or cause submission, wins! Hopefully this won’t break up any “team chemistry”, boys. See you next month! (smiles and casually waves at them)


The crowd roars as the three look around, stunned, trying to figure out what will happen next month at “Ohio Is For Wrestlers”. Angelle tries to keep the guys’ spirits up by telling them to look on the bright side, but they all begin to glance nervously at each other. Who will be the one to score the first pinfall and win the Cup?



Remmington Remus: Atta way, Monty! Throwing the hammer down and delivering a bit of sweet justice to three-fifths of The Brotherhood of Perfection. It’s going to be interesting who comes away with the win next month.


Honey Golightly: Yes, how will these three “brothers” fare in combat against each other? We know that the group wants to control this Young Guns Cup…but who decides who gets to win the thing?


Monty “The Python” Walker: (snorts) Don’t know, don’t care. Let those punks decide for themselves. All that matters is that one of them is going to walk away with The Cup, but may end up destroying their bond in the process. It’ll be a fun one.


Remmington Remus: I know what else will be a fun one, fans…this next match. Our semi-main event features OTA of The Ever-Present Darkness taking on the mysterious Snap Dragon. OTA has a way of coming out of nowhere to pick up the win…just like Snap Dragon.


Honey Golightly: Something else to point out is that Snap Dragon really hasn’t declared his intentions in KANZEN to date. He’s a relatively new addition to the roster, and he’s fought both tecnicos and rudos.


Remmington Remus: He’ll face one of the toughest rudos around tonight. The Warrior of Darkness vs. The Mystery Green Machine, right now!




OTA vs. Snap Dragon


As Remus mentioned earlier, Snap Dragon is a relatively newer member of the KANZEN Pro Wrestling roster, so the fans haven’t seen much from him yet. In the ring, Snap is a classic luchador, using intense speed and go-for-broke moves that scream the high risk/reward lifestyle most wrestlers use south of the border. In this match, though, he patiently waits for his opponent to attack first, then counters, a style eerily similar to The Warrior of Darkness.


While this carbon copy would probably confuse most grapplers, OTA uses it as a means to step up his game. If the mysterious lucha didn’t want to play it high speed, he didn’t have to. Bunches of stiff strikes and quick kicks dot this match, and the fans in attendance are truly witnessing a spectacle of combat…two men locked in a chess match of sorts, evenly picking apart each other until the right time to take over.


But, in the end, the tense style of “strike-n-wait”, as pro wrestling scholar Monty Walker put it, ended up costing Snap Dragon. Playing out of his style as a ways of saving himself, trying to avoid an OTA kamikaze flurry of moves, Snap Dragon found how truly skilled The Warrior of Darkness is. Little by little, OTA made the match pick up in places, knowing his competitor was worn out from the physical fight and the mind games. It’s what OTA does best. After the twenty minute mark of this showcase, OTA had made this match a frenzy that got the crowd out of their seats. It was a speed that Snap Dragon would’ve loved to have been at early on in the match, but was now too drained to compete in.


After a failed Dragon Driver that served as a bit of a last chance effort from Snap, OTA mercilessly began pounding the Dragon to the mat. The quick attack mode and intense physicality from OTA was just too much. A trifecta of signature Warrior of Darkness maneuvers finished him off: a high-flying Stealth Slingshot that blindsided, a big time Roundhouse Kick that rattled, and a devastating Ninja Strike that sealed the deal. A quick roll up punctuated the procession…OTA prevails in this ninja battle of mind, body, and fighting spirit.


OTA wins at 21:04 via Ninja Strike (Flying Double Knee Drop-to-pin)




Remmington Remus: Ladies and gentlemen, what an intense fight we have just witnessed here in Columbus, as The Warrior of Darkness, OTA comes out on top.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Snap Dragon came in this match with a smart game plan…play the waiting game with the ninja, try to take advantage of a breakdown here and there…but he just wasn’t used to that, and it showed in the end. OTA countered the strategy of the mysterious luchador perfectly, and The Ever-Present Darkness continues their dark streak here in KANZEN. (points towards ring) Interesting, though…OTA usually has to get drug off of his opponents, going for that “no mercy” warfare that we’ve seen in all of his other matches. But, tonight, we just get a finisher and a roll up, no constant barrage from OTA. Exits quietly and stealthily as ever, but we don’t see that usual “fight until stoppage” finish.


Honey Golightly: Perhaps OTA hasn’t faced a competitor like this, and is too drained to keep going, finishing the match “normally”?


Remmington Remus: That’s what I’m guessing. (mood changes quickly to an excited one) But now, KANZEN maniacs, it’s time for the first main event of 2K10! Finally, the Campeones de Parejas will be crowned, and the winners claiming a true upper hand for their respective stables.


Honey Golightly: The “Big Three” are represented here: The Brotherhood’s Keith Brothers, Jett and Skye from The Club, and Acid Reign from The Darkness…


Monty “The Python” Walker: And let’s not forget the literal Wild Cards of this matchup in Fists of Furry. Fox Mask and Masked Cougar can rise through these tough warring stables and pull of a win tonight, no doubt about it. It’s gonna be one heck of a finish here in my place, Columbus, baby!


Remmington Remus: Remember, since this is a more-than-two team affair, elimination rules apply. If a wrestler is pinned, disqualified, or submits, his team is eliminated from the match, and must leave the ring apron. (hears Fists of Furry’s music kick on) And here comes the first team for tonight’s main event, Fists of Furry! What a way to end “Bring Out Your Dead!” (to Walker and Golightly) See, no British that time…







Acid Reign vs. Fists of Furry vs. Jett and Skye w/Dharma vs. The Keith Brothers w/Krissy Angelle

KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match

Elimination Rules


At the bell, these four teams went wildly after each other, trying to cement themselves as the kings of all that is KANZEN Pro Wrestling. The crowd had no time to sit in this match, as the small-but-loud faithful were cranked up for this one.


The clash of styles were prevalent throughout this match: Acid Reign’s use of violent strikes and top rope moves vs. Fists of Furry’s constant crowd-pleasing high spots vs. Jett and Skye’s twin-speed aerial maneuvers vs. The Keith’s quick technical attack made for a melting pot of wrestling cultures. KANZEN Pro Wrestling, give us your tired, your poor and your huddled masses…


No eliminations were made through ¾ of the match. That’s right, this bad boy was so evenly matched that the eliminations came like a firing squad at the crowd. After minutes of back and forth wrestling action, The Keiths decide that the nonsense had gone on too long. A springboard huracanrana gone wrong eventually led Fox Mask into The Keiths’ corner alone. The double team Sons of Sam Slam spelled the end for Fists of Furry, as the most famous animal masked brethren were sent back to the locker room without the gold.


Fists of Furry eliminated at 14:45 via The Keith Brothers’ “Sons of Sam Slam” (Sky Lift Slam)


On the other side of the ring, Acid was tied up with the speedy Jett, and the two exchanged back and forth kicks and punches until Acid overpowered the young phenom. Acid lifted the right arm of Jett, getting ready for the Heart Punch when Jett stomped on Acid’s foot, stopping the masked villain dead in his tracks! Jett bounced off the ropes and connected with an Engine Failure! Quick cover from The Skye Club member…one, two, NO! Kick out by Acid as 2 and 95/96ths, according to Remmington Remus. Jett, stunned, never saw Acid roll under the ropes, making his partner Dark Reign the legal man. Reign leaped from his raven’s perch on the turnbuckle, connecting with a Death Drop! Reign gets the cover now, and Holland slaps the mat one…two…three times! Both technico tag teams are out now!


The Skye Club eliminated at 16:07 via Dark Reign’s “Death Drop” (Shooting Star Leg Drop)


Now the time for smack talk was over, it was time The Brotherhood of Perfection put their money where their mouths were…face-to-face with The Ever-Present Darkness, with championship gold and stable superiority on the line! It became the match within a match, as for the next few minutes, both sides came after each other with all the fury you could handle. The crowd, now disputing with themselves on who to cheer for, watched breathlessly as both sides went from near fall to near fall.


In the end, Greg Keith had Acid right where he wanted him. After Acid missed an Acidity Test from the top rope (thanks to a quick yank of the leg from Krissy Angelle, always the helping hand), Keith leapt to his feet and tried to secure the Proton Lock…but to no avail! Acid slipped away from his clutches…and crushed him with a Heart Punch! Keith, reeling, was a huge target in the middle of the ring for Dark Reign’s head scissors…to an acrobatic pinfall attempt! Holland slid over to get the count on the unbelievable pin…and Acid Reign wins the belts!


Acid Reign wins at 25:33 via Dark Reign flash pinfall following a Heart Punch from Acid. Acid Reign wins the KANZEN Campeones de Parejas titles.




Remmington Remus: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!? Wowza! What a way to finish the match! Both teams, one hated and the other feared, go at it in the end for the right to be the first Campeones de Parejas…and it’s Acid Reign out on top! Not tonight, Brotherhood!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Never good to see these terrors win anything, but they deserved it tonight. (shakes head, laughs nervously) The true reign…The Acid Reign…is here in KANZEN.


Honey Golightly: And the Keiths…now the entire Brotherhood…are down arguing the match’s officiating with senior official Ryan Holland. But now…wait, where’d they go?


Remmington Remus: Black smoke is filling the ring here…what’s going on? (starts to cough violently) This isn’t good…this isn’t good…


The smoke continues to pour out as the lights begin to flash on and off until they go out altogether. Finally, after a minute or two of stunning mystic theatrics, the lights cut back on and all five of The Brotherhood of Perfection members are lying in a pile, motionless, in the middle of the ring, Krissy Angelle standing near the turnbuckle, frozen in fear.


A banner of sorts is draped across the ropes directly behind the mass of Brotherhood bodies. In dark, scrawled lettering, The Ever-Present Darkness make their message clear. The camera for the DVD of the event freezes on it, with no commentary and barely any crowd noise, ending the first show of 2010.


“Your dead has been brought.”



©KANZEN Pro, 2010



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First of all, I'd like to thank EVERYONE who has posted and predicted so far. So much support and interest before one show is outstanding, coming from a guy who has had some bad luck with his previous projects.


So, with that note of utter appreciation, here's the standings of those of you who predicted:


codey: 1

smurphy1014: 2

MichiganHero: 4

Tigerkinney: 4

sebsplex: 3

SWF Fan: 4

20LEgend: 4

Midnightnick: 3

jhd1: 4

Jingo: 2

QFresh: 1

Waghlon: 0

Phantom Stranger: 2


Congrats to those bolded above who figured out my slightly-dotty booking. For your hard work and dedication to solving the mysteries of match winners, you all receive this new Snap Dragon t-shirt.




Snap's a pretty hot commodity at the merch table and online at KANZENPro.com, even though he had a tough loss against OTA, Warrior of Darkness. Relatively new signing, catchy t-shirt phrase, and the attractiveness of curiosity (Is he a heel? Face? Tweener? Is he supposed to be a plant? Mythical creature? Luchador?) has got the KAN-base swarming to get his stuff.


First show's posted above, tell me what you think of it...what did I do right? Wrong? Idiotically? And do you like the t-shirt prizes?


Thanks again to everybody who's posted, predicted, read, lurked, and will provide feedback in the near future. You guys keep this thing going.



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Can't sleep; call it jitters.


That said, I just read over your first show and had to post following it all. You're well on your way with this one, Levitical. Honestly, great work on your first show! The images, the feel, the outcomes, it all tells a great tale straight away. Also, with that in mind, I love the Brotherhood faction. What a perfect way to play off how close their renders look. I especially love, how in their promo, they all spoke; making it so it seems like their equals vs. having a leader.


I often find myself creating a central focus for one wrestler and forming a stable around them. In this case, the brotherhood feels much like the name depicts; they are all one.


Another point, good to see Acid win. :D I have a soft spot for the man (as a few of my projects he became a central focus; ie. DOA and X-WA).


Keep up the great work. That 'status' you've said you want to reach, you obtain that by creating great shows like this.





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