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KANZEN Pro Wrestling: Seriously Entertaining

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Don't know if it's bothering anyone else, but the last show doesn't 'line up' right on my computer...I'm having to scroll from side to side to read it, which is a real pain in the you know what. It's either that or having to copy and paste the show into word, which mean's losing out on the cool visuals....


It's just that something like this, can kill my interest in a diary...if it's a chore to physically read the thing.....

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Don't know if it's bothering anyone else, but the last show doesn't 'line up' right on my computer...I'm having to scroll from side to side to read it, which is a real pain in the you know what. It's either that or having to copy and paste the show into word, which mean's losing out on the cool visuals....


It's just that something like this, can kill my interest in a diary...if it's a chore to physically read the thing.....


Reads OK on my laptop, but I know from experience the widest line of pics would create the same effect you're talking about on my desktop.

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Reads OK on my laptop, but I know from experience the widest line of pics would create the same effect you're talking about on my desktop.


I am viewing from a desktop, and it would be the same if I was reading this at work in my lunch break. I do have access to a lap-top, so I'll catch up with this when I get access to that, but be a bit of a pain if I had to keep accessing the lap-top to keep up with this.

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Don't know if it's bothering anyone else, but the last show doesn't 'line up' right on my computer...I'm having to scroll from side to side to read it, which is a real pain in the you know what. It's either that or having to copy and paste the show into word, which mean's losing out on the cool visuals....


It's just that something like this, can kill my interest in a diary...if it's a chore to physically read the thing.....


It's down to the amount of images lined up for the 'Ladder Match for Campeones de Parejas Title Shots' write-up. I guess it depends on what screen resolution your comp is using, but I'm the same, it stretches over to the right. If just the 'vs' graphics were removed from that match, everything would sit fine.

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Don't know if it's bothering anyone else, but the last show doesn't 'line up' right on my computer...I'm having to scroll from side to side to read it, which is a real pain in the you know what. It's either that or having to copy and paste the show into word, which mean's losing out on the cool visuals....


It's just that something like this, can kill my interest in a diary...if it's a chore to physically read the thing.....

Reads OK on my laptop, but I know from experience the widest line of pics would create the same effect you're talking about on my desktop.

I am viewing from a desktop, and it would be the same if I was reading this at work in my lunch break. I do have access to a lap-top, so I'll catch up with this when I get access to that, but be a bit of a pain if I had to keep accessing the lap-top to keep up with this.

It's down to the amount of images lined up for the 'Ladder Match for Campeones de Parejas Title Shots' write-up. I guess it depends on what screen resolution your comp is using, but I'm the same, it stretches over to the right. If just the 'vs' graphics were removed from that match, everything would sit fine.

Well, I can honestly say that the show reads fine from wherever I view it (desktop, laptop, iPod, terrible piece of junk Samsung AT&T phone). But I understand that the world and its many different electronic devices doesn't exactly work correctly all of the time.


That being said, I have removed the "vs" graphics from the Title Shots Ladder Match like sebsplex suggested, and the rest of the photos out so that the longest line of photos SHOULD be three-wide. Hopefully that will clear up any problems, TK--and anyone else that might have resolution problems with this dynasty.


Thanks for pointing this out, TK, and also to PS and sebs for their contributions. Don't want to lose readers over something that could be easily fixed.


I am having the hardest time with QUOTE tags and text/image alignment. If I spend as much time as I did this past show fixing those problems, I'm gonna just stop using them altogether and rely on extra spacing and the KANZEN Pro Wrestling banners to space matches and segments out from the Commentation Station remarks.



Alright, after all that trouble with technicalities and alleged WYSIWYG editors, let's get down to business. Prediction standings, people!


MichiganHero: 1

DiablomanConQueso: 2

smurphy1014: 1

Jingo: 2

Tigerkinney: 1

jhd1: 3

SWF Fan: 5

Purple Cowboy: 2

Midnightnick: 1

jesseewiak: 3

Truth: 3

sebsplex: 3

thug saint oga: 2


Wow. A bunch of new guys this time around. Thanks for predicting! And, to no one else's surprise, the founder of KANZEN himself, Mr. SWF Fan, has won yet again. Perfect round yet again for SWF Fan, and he wins this week's t-shirt, as suggested by MichiganHero and worn by KANZEN fans everywhere:



(black small text reads "Making Sucking Look Good Since 2009")


As SWF Fan adds to his wardrobe...plus taking over the overall standings with 3 wins...make sure you pick up a new Parasites t-shirt courtesy of the Store at KANZENPro.com.


We've got one more show before the massive Best of the Super Trios 2010 show, so therefore you'll get a podcast in the next few days.


Show's posted above, and should be fixed to prevent any stretching and scrolling problems. Let me know if it's fixed and how much you liked the show.


Stay KANZEN-y, everyone.



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As I mentioned in my last PM, the Grand Prix was a great idea and one that the show certainly lived up to. Glad to see Mr Electricity back (with new image!) and the Snap Dragon segments are a lot of fun. I still can't believe SWF Fan won again though! :D


As for the formatting, a lot of it depends on screen resolution and browser. I can see everybody's shows fine on my laptop but I have had problems on my PC (although I haven't tried with this one). The only difference being resolution. But I have also had problems with IE extending things along one line. I think you've done the best fix in removing the VS logo but you could also try putting teams on separate lines and put the VS between them i.e.






Or you could reduce the image size (100x100 should do the trick) but I can see why haven't done that.

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Thanks for pointing this out, TK, and also to PS and sebs for their contributions. Don't want to lose readers over something that could be easily fixed.


Actually thanks for going back and re-adjusting the way the show 'lined up'...


And, great show by the way...even if I did absolutely stink at the predictions this time round.

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Little, minor update: Looking to have a new podcast up sometime within the next couple of days, pending jhd1's entry.


So, I've been feeling a little more image-y than writing-y today, so I must ask, like I did last month:


Who does the KAN-base want a shirt for this month? Let your voices be heard!

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The Trios Are Coming! The Trios Are Coming!


There have been a few podcasts between the World Ladder Match Grand Prix 2010 and our next show, and all three have them have been met to rave reviews on iTunes, especially the highlights of Skye's KOTLM win and Jett absolutely splintering Roboto Loco in that epic Table-by-Ladder match.


But, in this last podcast before the next show, something different happens.


And by different, we mean that after the theme song, we are greeted by a massive video for Best of the Super Trios 2010, produced by jhd1 Studios! Roll the clips!

This segment begins with an interesting split-screen view where the right hand side of the screen is filled with a large logo KANZEN logo, and on the left is rolling footage from previous shows. The blue KANZEN logo that completes the right half of the screen is suddenly obstructed by three of the most laid back wrestlers in KANZEN – The Skye Club! While Remmy Skye begins to talk for his team we see shots of the 'King of the Ladder Match' doing just that – winning the KotLM tournament at last month's Grand Prix. We also see a fantastic replay of Jett DDT-ing Roboto Loco from a ladder and through a table from our last show.


Skye: Dudes, did you see me out there at the Ladder Grand Prix!? I was so high, couldn't even believe it myself. But that's in the past now, bros, and the next accolade for the Skye Club is the Super Trios. Skye, Jett, and Mainstream – our minds are connected dudes, we are almost psychic. Yep, believe it and weep, because the Skye's the limit!

Remmy cuts his trademark pose, before Jett and Mainstream follow. Suddenly the center of the screen explodes and when the flames have died down the screen has reversed, with the now yellow KANZEN badge on the left hand-side and a series of images of The Brotherhood of Perfection using their devastating Proton Lock finish. The Keith brothers and Nelson Callum step in front of the KANZEN logo looking as confident as ever, even without the presence of their manager Krissy Angelle.


Greg Keith: You are looking at the 2010 Super Trios champions. How do I know this? There is only ONE WAY that the Super Trios is going to end...


Matthew Keith: ...and that's with The Keith Brothers...


Nelson Callum: ...and Nelson Callum victorious. You see, when the three finest athletes in KANZEN simultaneously trap our victims in the Proton Lock...


Greg Keith: ...you will be watching Perfection!


Callum, the middle of this particular trio, grabs both Keiths by the shoulders and the three men stare into the camera with a knowing, c0cky smile. Once again the screen explodes and is rearranged in the process, this time returning with a black KANZEN logo – which can mean only one thing – The Ever-Present Darkness! Rather than walk on, the Darkness simply materialize out of thin air. Acid, Black Reign and OTA stare a hole through the camera, into your TV set and straight into the darkest recesses of your mind. At the same time we see the three up to their dastardly deeds, not least at the expense of Snap Dragon. Don't forget folks, The Ever-Present Darkness have a bye to the second round – they are going to be the team to beat at Super Trios!


With the silent, yet terrifying, entry from the Darkness is over the now familiar explosion returns a multi-colored KANZEN logo. Half orange and half green, the right-hand side of the screen is suddenly filled by Mr. Electricity, Snap Dragon and KANZEN newcomer Matt Sparrow – known collectively as The UnStable.


Mr. Electricity: Can you feel it!? The ELECTRICITY! That's what's going to make sure that I, the finest Indian wrestler slash film star in history, the mighty Snap Dragon and 'The Birdman' Matt Sparrow here, become the 2010 Championship winning Super Trio. We may have had...character issues...but together we are the most exciting...no, electrifying trio in sports ent...the sport. Wrestling.

Snap Dragon looks a little dazed, but Mr. Electricity and Matt Sparrow show an enthusiasm that should set them in good stead come tournament time. Next up we return from our CGI pyrotechnics to see a blue KANZEN logo partially hidden behind a Mexican flag – it's Viva La Lucha time! While Extraordinario talks beside Mr Lucha III and Angel de Mexico we see shots of the trio performing the outlandish high flying maneuvers that are typical of wrestling south of the border.


Extraordinario Jr: Extraordinario Jr y Mr. Lucha III y Angel de Mexico - we are Viva La Lucha! Lucha Libre is not just about wrestling, it is an art form mis amigos. In KANZEN, you can see that art form on every show, but los trios is a Mexican tradition - it is in our blood. That is why Viva La Lucha is going to become the next KANZEN Super Trios Campeons! Olé!


Our penultimate trio is a collection of workers that many KANZEN fans won't have seen before. Canadian's Jamie Lightning and Thrash Diablo are joined by the man we met at the Grand Prix, Mimic. Together the three – known as The Maple Leaf Mosh Pit - hide a grey KANZEN logo behind their leather jack-clad torsos, while brief highlights of Mimic's match last month play.


Jamie Lightning: KANZEN is wild, am I right!? We might be pretty far from the Canadian border, but The Maple Leaf Mosh Pit do one thing pretty darn well and that's rocking all night long, you know what I'm saying! I'm Jamie Lightning, this is Thrash Diablo and together with Mimic, we are going to bring a bit of rock 'n' roll to the 'ZEN. And when we do, you can bet we'll be taking the music right the way to the Super Trios Championship!


The trio sign off their addition to the podcast with the well known 'devil's horn' hand gesture and some over vigorous headbanging. The next explosion signifies that we have only one trio remaining, and that is the weird and wonderful Zoo Extreme. Joining Fox Mask and Masked Cougar is debutant Burning EAGLE who talks to us on behalf of his team with the help of a translator...


Burning EAGLE's Translator: Burning EAGLE says that Zoo Extreme are going to win the Super Trios because they can be as wild animals, stalking as the lion, or soaring like the eagle. They do not know fear, or shame, only the innate call for victory. No team shares a set of abilities so different as Zoo Extreme and that gives them the advantage over everyone else. Burning EAGLE says that at Super Trios 2010 you will all be witness to the greatest night of wrestling ever – the American debut of Burning EAGLE and a victory for Zoo Extreme!


When Zoo Extreme and translator move off-screen the blue KANZEN logo expands to fill the screen, reminding everyone the dates, times, cost and schedule for the 2010 Best of the Super Trios Tournament!




Remmington Remus: That, ladies and gentlemen, was awesomeness, condensed into a five-minute clip. Welcome to a very special edition of Monty Walker's Flying Podcast where not only will we bring you an action-packed promo for America's biggest wrestling tournament, and one of the only of its kind in the entire world...but we've also got a massive card preview for our next show!


Monty "The Python" Walker: Remmy, my man, that was AWESOME. Great video that was...shall I say, Supreme? Hmm? (winks at the camera)


Remmington Remus: New Generation, TV-PG era Supreme, if I may add!


Monty "The Python" Walker: Huh?


Remmington Remus: Never mind...the point is, we are less than a month away from KANZEN's return to Columbus and the Best of the Super Trios 2010! And, might I add, it will follow a pretty big show.


Monty "The Python" Walker: That's right! KANZEN is heading north of the border!


Remmington Remus: To Canada?


Monty "The Python" Walker: No, no, no...Michigan! TAYLOR, Michigan, in fact...for KANZEN's first non-Ohio show EVER! This Friday night, doors open at 6, bell time at 7...it will be KANZEN's epic show "April Showers Bring Indoor Wrestling"! It'll be all the rage in Michigan!


Remmington Remus: That's right, ladies and gentlemen...the road to Best of the Super Trios 2010 has one final pit stop, say a rest area, for Kit-Kats and Mountain Dew, and it runs through Taylor, Michigan! Who will get that final surge of momentum heading into the Super Trios?!?!?


Monty "The Python" Walker: Massive, massive show. We've got rivalries that will intensify, a huge title defense, members of two new trios will be in action, a mysterious debut...and I'm gonna be in the ring with Matthew Keith, ready to make his punk tail TAP OUT!!!


Remmington Remus: Whoa, calm down there, Monty. (to the graphics guy) All right, cue up the preview images!


Monty "The Python" Walker: (admiring the nice new comic book-style poster for the event) Wow, Rick did a great job on this.


Remmington Remus: Yeah, he did...awesome job, Rick. If only the viewers at home could see it! Haha...you'll have to come to Taylor! (fades laughter, launches into match preview mode) Our opening battle will be a Champion's Challenge match: Young Guns Cup champion Nelson Callum will challenge a member of the KANZEN roster to a non-title match to open the show!


Monty "The Python" Walker: Sadly, it won't be Burning EAGLE. I'd love to see him kick that Brother's teeth in! Anywho, our next showdown will feature The UnStable's Mr. Electricity and the debuting "Birdman" Matt Sparrow against The Parasites: Mighty Mite and Ultra Flea!


Remmington Remus: Then, the new crew called The Maple Leaf Mosh Pit will bring forth Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo forward to take on The Ever-Present Darkness's OTA and Roboto Loco! What hijinks will ensue?!?!?


Monty "The Python" Walker: We'll also see my friend and living wrestling legend Steve Flash take on the new member of The Brotherhood of Perfection? Who is this new Brother, and what will he bring to the table against such an awesome veteran of the squared circle?


Remmington Remus: Co-main event will have Acid Reign defending their Campeones de Parejas titles for the first time, as Fists of Furry get the first crack at the straps! Following Masked Cougar's huge ladder match win last month at the Grand Prix, will Fists of Furry cash in and be the first to stun Acid Reign?


Monty "The Python" Walker: Then, as we mentioned earlier...the main event. Thirty minute Ultimate Submission match between myself, Monty "The Python" Walker, and Matthew Keith. Big talk from Keith landed him this match last month after the twins' cheap win via ladder toss. The Proton Lock is sure to be the elephant in the room...but I can assure you: that move is just one of thousands I can lock on him. (sternly turns towards Remus) It will be a fast-paced, technical war for the ages, Remmington.


Remmington Remus: I know it will. So, fans in the Taylor, Michigan area...get out to "April Showers Bring Indoor Wrestling" THIS SATURDAY NIGHT!!! BE THERE! BE THERE! BE THERE!!!!! (starts to pant from the shouting, clearly exhausted)


Monty "The Python" Walker: (laughing) Whoa, slow down there, buddy! Well, that's a wrap for this special edition of The Flying Podcast. I'm Monty Walker, and he's...


Remus is practically squeaking in his heavy breaths, absolutely worn out from screaming towards prospective ticketholders.


...well, he's clearly out of breath, but has the name of Remmington Remus! Adios, lucha libre aficionados! (points at the camera and winks while Remus tries to lift his hands off of his knees. He falls down as the camera fades away.)



©KANZEN Pro, 2010


"April Showers Bring Indoor Wrestling"

Prediction Key


Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)


The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

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Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)

i dont know who it is, but i think he'll not win.....hopefully it's Snap Dragon though


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)

i like their shirt, so.....


The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)

OTA is a big deal


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)

debut = loss


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry

champs gotta hold 'em for a while to make their reign mean something, ya'know?


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

screwy finish....the brotherhood needs a main event win over a main event player to stay in the main event.....main event

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Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)


The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

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Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)


The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

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Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)

Callum needs to go in as strong as possible to trios, purely because he's in the favourite to win team and if he doesn't win then why would he be in it. Surely


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)

It's really a question of logic here, are you really gonna have two guys earning their respect and being green to the business go over two vetrans of the sport? Not freaking likely unless you really are trying to push The Parasites


The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)

Comments above probably should be re-iterated here


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)

Brotherhood has it's specific members right now and I see them like the BDK, having its decent 3 members, then its kinda mixed success rank below that. That's what Newton and this new guy will more than likely be. Flash needs to be kept strong, he's a legend too, don't put the young over a legend for no reason.


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry

Keep the champs strong, their title reign has a decent storyline to it, no point in ending it yet.


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

This is where I feel like I'd be going wrong, but theoretically The Python is ahead on wins on Keith and I feel a screwy finish with Python being beat down with outside interference and then put in the Proton Lock for the deciding fall may just work. Again like Callum he needs to be kept strong, with his brother not in action too I'm sure he'll make an appearance.



Signing out


"Mr Kanzen"



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Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)

The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

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Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)

Callum needs to go in as strong as possible to trios, purely because he's in the favourite to win team and if he doesn't win then why would he be in it. Surely


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)

It's really a question of logic here, are you really gonna have two guys earning their respect and being green to the business go over two vetrans of the sport? Not freaking likely unless you really are trying to push The Parasites


The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)

Comments above probably should be re-iterated here


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)

Brotherhood has it's specific members right now and I see them like the BDK, having its decent 3 members, then its kinda mixed success rank below that. That's what Newton and this new guy will more than likely be. Flash needs to be kept strong, he's a legend too, don't put the young over a legend for no reason.


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry

Keep the champs strong, their title reign has a decent storyline to it, no point in ending it yet.


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

This is where I feel like I'd be going wrong, but theoretically The Python is ahead on wins on Keith and I feel a screwy finish with Python being beat down with outside interference and then put in the Proton Lock for the deciding fall may just work. Again like Callum he needs to be kept strong, with his brother not in action too I'm sure he'll make an appearance.



Signing out


"Mr Kanzen"




OK going down the lazy route here, as this was the way I was going to go with my picks, for pretty much the same reasons.

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"April Showers Bring Indoor Wrestling"

Prediction Key


Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)


The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection) - DRAW


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

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Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)


The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

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"April Showers Bring Indoor Wrestling"

Prediction Key


Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)

The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)

Mystery Man = Kirk Jameson. And yes, I based this off of him having the same hair as the rest of the Brotherhood.


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

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Nelson Callum vs. ???? (Current Roster Member)


The Parasites vs. The UnStable (Mr. Electricity and "Birdman" Matt Sparrow)


The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco) vs. Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Atherton and Thrash Diablo)


Steve Flash vs. ???? (Debuting Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection)


KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Title Match:

Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry


Ultimate Submission Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Monty "The Python" Walker

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Next show might take up a lot longer than I hoped this time. Papers, PowerPoint projects, major exams...they're all piling up. But I want to continue keeping this up-to-date for the next few days with stuff like this.


Needless to say, I'm heartbroken. I should have seen this coming...



Setting Both Hemispheres Ablaze

Indy Standout Hell Monkey Signs With TCW, Will Still Tour With BHOTWG



LOS ANGELES- Tommy Cornell welcomed a new member to the TCW roster yesterday, inking a lengthy, yet nonexclusive deal with popular indy star John Pathlow.


Pathlow, known as Hell Monkey for his decorative entrance mask and fiery style of puroresu, was picked up by the expanding performance-based company after months of negotiations.


Our TCW insider, Bryce Taylor, informed PWI about a month ago about TCW's interest in Pathlow, but current contract restrictions prevented the two parties to reach an exclusive agreement.


After leaving the cult LuchaResu promotion WLW a few weeks ago to focus on a new deal with BHOTWG, Pathlow had been splitting time between the Japanese power and the new KANZEN promotion up in Ohio. Pathlow informed former TCW (then HGC) cruiserweight star and KANZEN owner Monty Walker that he would be leaving the company.


"I have no hard feelings towards Walker or anyone in KANZEN...I loved my time there," Pathlow told us. "With one or sometimes two shows a week in different continents, I couldn't fully dedicate myself to what was going on in KANZEN."


"Hey, we wish him all the best. Part of being a company our size is getting to see our guys go to the 'big leagues', as they say. TCW and Burning Hammer were made for wrestlers like him, and I can't wait to see him become a star in both promotions," Walker commented. "We hate he's going, but we know that stuff like this is just part of the business. No hard feelings over here, either."


Pathlow was known in KANZEN as the fun-loving, explosive Fire Monkey, and was used at times to mentor the young tag team The Parasites.


Sources tell us that the key to Pathlow's decision with TCW was TCW's willingness to let Pathlow continue to work in Japan, where he has become a high-rising icon. Due to Burning Hammer's touring clause and a working agreement between TCW and KANZEN (due to Walker's relationship with many TCW alumni and current roster members, including Cornell), an exclusive deal couldn't be reached.


But, in the end, TCW settled for a lengthy PPA contract that would make them sole employers of Pathlow when BHOTWG is off tour. It seems like a win-win situation for everyone involved...except for KANZEN. The young company just lost Steven Parker (who debuted for SWF two Tuesday nights ago in a loss to Lobster Warrior), and is supposed to debut Parker's replacement in the powerful Brotherhood of Perfection stable later this month.


TCW is planning on using Pathlow's Death Monkey character, which was last used in BHOTWG's Eternal Flame Tour in 2007. No word yet on when the company will debut him on Total Wrestling, or if he will be in the revitalization of Saturday Night Showcase.

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Sucks about losing the Monkey, but I guess this is what happens when you have such a big name in such a smaller company I guess it was bound to happen :(


Bumping this as well for others to predict, page 3 of the dynasty thread isn't cool :p this is awesome and needs to be seen by more people for sure. Pure Kanzen-army goodness :)

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