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I<3NY! iMPACT New York (C-Verse 0/0/0/0)

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Since 1988 New York City Wrestling had been traditional wrestling at it’s finest. Formed by Tri State mainstay Derek "The Stomper" Bradford, NYCW had constantly delivered solid product based around the traditional aspects of the sport, a heel and face dynamic, simple storylines, and the fact that at the end of the day it would always be settled in the ring. When the East coast was in war NYCW was the stable aspect. While it was not the most modern company on the block, it did present a steady flow of shows every month that left the fans happy. In recent years aspects of a more present day style began to show, not at the point where psychology was thrown away in exchange for random flips and head drops, but in which more modern chain wrestling began to outshine the static holds of old and the pace and intensity of matches greatly increased compared to those of the early days of the company. It was a pleasant mix that looked to keep NYCW financially stable against a recessionary economy and at the top of the Tri State ladder when the wrestling industry was at an all time low.


Wisdom comes with age, and this was true for Derek, and along with that wisdom was a lessening in his infamous stubbornness. It was the mix of this wisdom and a new acceptance to change that had lead to new youth and blood entering his company, as well as actions that kept the veterans in a state of high morale. Veterans such as Steve Flash who despite being over forty was legitimately able to main event any of their shows, and youth like the hot prospect Ring Generals tag team; who had held gold in both NYCW and PSW just years after entering the business had their potential clearly being observed and carefully managed. It was expected that this wisdom lead direction would continue after Derek’s retirement, as grizzled and respected veteran Larry Vessey was expected to take over. The funny thing about expectations is how far they can be from the truth.


It was October 2009, and at the age of 60 The Stomper left the professional wrestling business, and counter to expectations, Larry Vessey was not the new owner of NYCW.


The year was coming to a close. The chapter of modernization was ending. The future of the Tri State was about to be impacted.


“This next year, we will go back to where we came from,” Black Hat Bailey used money to buy his way past Stomper’s wisdom. Bailey wanted one thing, to turn NYCW into his own personal time machine in which he could relive the glory days, where his aging soul could still keep pace and bask in the glory that he had lost many years prior.


Larry Vessey, who had previously been groomed for ownership walked out and joined PSW in a furious rage that will be impersonated in a legendary manner in wrestling locker rooms for years to come.


Many others did not need to quit, Bailey in changing the direction of the promotion made it clear their work would not be needed.


Sammy The Shark, Rick Sanders, Dean Waldorf, and Marv Statler all saw the writing on the wall. Sammy had led the way for NYCW into the future. Mixing an all around style that let him make the young new workers look good while still bringing the best out of the veterans with his fantastic charisma and star presence, Sammy was the face that could bring NYCW into the next era, putting a big Black Hat shaped target on his back. Dean and Marv, The Ring Generals, had been procured in a trade with PSW, a trade which Bailey had openly said was unprofessional. It was rumored that behind closed doors he had expressed that actions such as the trade directly cut into his role in the organization, and fearing an example would be made out of them The Generals knew they needed to get out. Rick had fit into the style of NYCW perfectly, and at the age of 40, it seemed to be his big break. Rick wanted to leave a legacy in the business. His old partner Johnny Martin made his mark in DAVE, and now was one of the forefathers of PSW. Rick wanted to make a name for himself in the business, and going through the motions in North America‘s resident wrestler retirement home was not going to accomplish that. So he made a leap of faith.


All four turned in their notices in November, with The Ring Generals dropping the tag titles and Sammy losing the regional title on the final show of the year.


After the show the four men walked out of the arena at peace, ready for the next chapter of their career, ready…to make an impact in the greatest wrestling town in the world.



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The Ring Generals vs. Rick Sanders & Sam Ford

‘The iMPACT Quartet’ Will Be In Action!

These four men have already made an impact on the face of wrestling in North America. The Ring Generals may have only been in the business less than five years, but already they have captured the tag team straps in both of the top promotions in the region, and their experience is sure to put them toward the top of the iNY ladder. Sam Ford is no longer ‘The Shark’. If there was an animal that could describe him now it would be a bird of prey, because this man has eagle eyes focused on reaching new levels of success for himself. Then there is Rick Sanders. Despite being someone who over the last few weeks has had immense levels of media scrutiny on him and the mystery of him and the actions of the rest of ‘The iMPACT Quartet’, Sanders has refused every effort to be contacted. Maybe some of the mystery will be unraveled in this jaw dropping match.


iMPACT iNVITATIONAL First Round Matches



Alan Parent vs. Toxin

A Man Living His Dream Takes On A Living Nightmare!

Alan Parent has worked many years to get to an opportunity like this. The entire world is watching the new iMPACT New York promotion, and a tournament entry is a perfect opportunity for this technical blue chipper to begin making a name for himself. His opponent is someone who chooses to hide his name. Nothing is known about masked man, not even an origin. In fact, a survey of the databases on totalextremewrestling.com showed that he has never appeared for any promotion. Be there in New York for the opportunity to find out is Toxin is as big of a mystery as he first appears.



Johnny Heizenger vs. Running Wolf

Young Blood Explodes In The Ring!

Johnny Heizenger graduated at the end of last year from the Piledriver School of Wrestling and will make his professional debut in the tournament. Rick Law, Eddie Peak, and even Jack Bruce all got their start with the exact same training, so Johnny would seem to have the pedigree of a champion! Running Wolf may not have been trained in a fancy gym, but he has a pedigree himself, and that is the pedigree of the Iroquois tribe of Native Americans. Not only does he has blood that never says die, he also stands 6’6” and 290 pounds! Talk about strong genes!



Nigel Svensson vs. Rhys Vali

Cross Promotional Showdown

Nigel Svensson ended last year being released by the financially ailing Ring Of Fire (Buy their shows! Or we will put you in a Wigan Wrench!). On top of that, his rival Rhys was still sitting pretty after cheating in their final encounter. iNY was able to arrange for these two to have one last encounter…stateside! Don’t miss this match made thousands of miles away!



Stretch The Chicken Boy vs. Zack Jackson

Street Smarts Take On No Smarts!

Stretch is an odd character. Don’t believe us? Come to the show and meet him at the merch table, you will be creeped out/invaded physically/offended or your money back! Even if you choose stay away from Stretch (as we would advise pregnant women, young children, or those with back problems), Zack Jackson has no choice but to face him. Zack is a tough comer from inner city Detroit, and is not one known to take any nonsense.


Plus rounds 2 and 3 of the invitational!



Quick Picks;

The Ring Generals vs. Rick Sanders & Sam Ford

Alan Parent vs. Toxin

Johnny Heizenger vs. Running Wolf

Nigel Svensson vs. Rhys Vali

Stretch The Chicken Boy vs. Zack Jackson

Plus who do you think will win the invitational?

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Quick Picks;

The Ring Generals vs. Rick Sanders & Sam Ford

Alan Parent vs. Toxin

Johnny Heizenger vs. Running Wolf

Nigel Svensson vs. Rhys Vali

Stretch The Chicken Boy vs. Zack Jackson

Plus who do you think will win the invitational?


Interesting premise,, but unless Steve Flash is under the Toxin mask, I am not really seeing anyone to reliably carry your main events right now.

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Interesting premise,, but unless Steve Flash is under the Toxin mask, I am not really seeing anyone to reliably carry your main events right now.


Id be willing to bet a lot on it being Spike under that mask. Also on the lack of credible main eventers.. it is a 0/0/0/0 fed after all.

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Quick Picks;

The Ring Generals vs. Rick Sanders & Sam Ford


More continuity as a team = the nod from me


Alan Parent vs. Toxin


You seem to be building the mystery of Toxin up. That leads me to think there's a push in the offing here.


Johnny Heizenger vs. Running Wolf


Dairy favorite and arguably your best talent.


Nigel Svensson vs. Rhys Vali


Another dairy favorite and quite possibly your best talent if it's not Johnny.


Stretch The Chicken Boy vs. Zack Jackson


By a country mile. You can try to hide Zachary Inc behind another last name but you can't hide the fact it takes only four minutes to blow him up. Unless you're doing something crazy like god pushing Zack, Stretch has to win by default


Plus who do you think will win the invitational?


I'm thinking either Heizinger or Svensson.

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The inconsistant capitalisation of i's drew me in. :p


Nice to see Kam's creation come to life, although obviously being a 0/0/0/0 fed, you've got your work cut out for you.


The Ring Generals vs. Rick Sanders & Sam Ford

Alan Parent vs. Toxin

Johnny Heizenger vs. Running Wolf

Nigel Svensson vs. Rhys Vali

Stretch The Chicken Boy vs. Zack Jackson


Plus who do you think will win the invitational?

My head says Nigel Svensson, although my gut makes me lean towards Toxin, since the mystery behind his identity could be something that see's him pushed hard.

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Quick Picks;

The Ring Generals vs. Rick Sanders & Sam Ford

Alan Parent vs. Toxin

Johnny Heizenger vs. Running Wolf

Nigel Svensson vs. Rhys Vali

Stretch The Chicken Boy vs. Zack Jackson

Plus who do you think will win the invitational? Toxin, pure and simple. I love the mask and the name.

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Live From New York...February 2010


In an event that garnered little attention from the wrestling world, iMPACT New York took its first baby steps toward creating its own identity.


The small crowd of 12 gave Rick Sander’s a great ovation as he welcomed everyone to the show and introduced the tournament, putting over the young talents who have made their way out for the show. He is interrupted by Sam Ford. “Rick, get serious! We have a huge match tonight and you come out here and talk about the next generation? What about your time in the light! What about my time to shine? When I agreed to join you in this venture you promised me that it would bring us to new heights! I did not sign up to put over Joe Schmo and his brother Stretch The Chicken Freak! I came to face some of the top wrestlers in the Tri State, learn from the best such as yourself, and put on a show for the best…wrestling fans…in…the…world! So get in your gear, get ready for our match, and prepare yourself for victory!”


Alan Parent opened the show bursting through the curtain with a smile on his face and high fives for the fans. It was clear he was excited for the opportunity. Out next was Toxin, whose entrance saw him stare at his opponent, ignoring the fans and not showing an ounce of excitement. Before the bell Alan offered a his hand in sportsmanship and Toxin remained in his corner, not even showing enough respect to turn down the gesture. At the initial lock up the men showed even strength. That is, until Toxin kicked Parent in the knee and then the face. While Parent’s clean cut ways got in the occasional offense, Toxin showed he had better technical skills, as well as skills in the air, using unique spring boards and rolling reversals. Toxin scored the win with a spring board DDT that dropped Parent right on the top of his head.


As expected, Zack Jackson was not one who wanted to deal with Stretch The Chicken Boy’s crap. Stretch, who stole someone’s nachos and managed to knock over an entire row of chairs during his entrance proceeded to try and offer Zach some of his cheesy corn chip goodness. Zack knocked the plastic container of goodness out of Stretch’s yellow craft feathered hand. You may not like Stretch when he is being a weirdo, but you defiantly are not going to like him when he is angry. Stretch lets out a squawk and begins hitting Zack in the face with his strangely attired arms! Zack unloads some much more directed closed fists as the match starts off. Stretch quickly got out of the ring and hit under the ring. Zack followed him, only to momentarily get thrown back across the ringside area. Stretch soon returned to the daylight launching his body at Zack like a sack of potatoes. Zack somehow beat Stretch back to the ring, but once The Chicken Boy quits looking at something shiny he rolls back into the ring. Zack gives him some boots, irish whips him and goes for a back body drop, only for Stretch to land on his feet. From there it was just more unorthodox offense and a quick roll up to give Stretch the unlikely victory.


Both Johnny Heizenger and Running Bull got big ovations from the crowd. Both youth bulls looked phenomenal and the impact with which they hit one anther with chops and shoulder blocks was earth shattering. Running Wolf repeatedly used his size as an advantage on the smaller Heizenger. Johnny always countered with more heart and harder strikes. On the opportunities he could cut the big man down he made him pay with basic submissions which he torqued to the maximum extent. Running Wolf seemed to be in control when Johnny countered a suplex, lifting the big man in a suplex of his own, but before Wolf hit’s the mat he turns it into a backbreaker! Johnny moves on in the tournament!


Rhys made his way to the ring with a c0cky attitude, jawing with the fans and making an ass of himself. Rhys continued the crap when Nigel got in the ring. At the opening lock up Nigel dove under the arm of Rhys he grabbed and dropped to the mat with a divorce court. He took a mounted position, interlocking the fingers of his left arm with that of Rhys’ right and twisted it while hooking his right arm under the elbow of Vali and pulls upward leading to a near immediate tap out!


Nigel pushes Rhys feebly positioned body out of the ring and signals he is ready for his next challenger. Toxin strolls down the ramp like a limp, uninterested, noodle. When the match starts though, Toxin is in the game. The two match up fairly well, technically Nigel prevails, but the speed and aerial abilities of Toxin keep him out of trouble. It backfires though as Toxin is doing a springboard back flip when he meets the dropkick of the alert Nigel. Svensson mounts Toxin and puts him in the same lock that finished Rhys. Toxin struggles for a moment longer but succumbs to it also. Nigel moves to the finals, but Toxin quickly scurries out of the ring and leaves through the crowd.


Johnny seemed at first to have the same troubles as Zack dealing with the strange style of Stretch. After several minutes though he fell after an irish whip, his right leg staying in place. Stretch stared, along with the crowd. Johnny got up, and struggled to move. He then turned to Stretch, and explaining that the nacho cheese from earlier in the show got on the mat, and caused his foot to be glued in place. Stretch, seeing how it was his fault offered to help, but as he bent down to pull on Johnny’s boot he met a knee to the face! From then on it was all about Johnny as he secured the win with another fall away backbreaker.


The big match of the night was next. The crowd was hot for this one as The Ring Generals and Sanders & Ford met the expectations of the many who turned out for this match alone. While the Generals had experience as a team, Sanders had more experience in teams than both put together, and along with Ford used the trademarks of his old teams, such as the famous Ace Express. On top of that, Sam Ford showed the fire for glory that he had talked about before the show, eventually sealing a win with the Ace In The Hole while Sanders held onto Waldorf on the outside.


In the finals Johnny Heizenger and Nigel Svensson did some serious combat. The crowd was split between Johnny’s big heart and Nigel’s all business submissions of doom! That heart and doom locks where the story of the match. Nigel had more experience even at his young age than the Heizenger who had never wrestled a match in his life before this show, but Johnny despite his lack of knowledge would not die. Nigel at one point made a throat slash gesture while standing over the body of his downed opponent, and then went for that finishing submission, locking it in. Johnny was clearly in trouble. Holding in clear screams his face burst with pain, but he would not forfeit. All eyes were on Johnny’s free arm seeing if he would tap, including Nigel’s, until Nigel’s body fell limp to the mat! Toxin dove out of the ring and ran to the back! Chad Brent had not even noticed Toxin get in the ring and line up a fierce roundhouse kick until after it was too late. Johnny staggers to his knees. With his left arm he pulls up the lifeless body of Nigel Svensson, Heizenger’s right arm hangs loose at his side. With one arm Johnny pulls up Nigel, and nearly dropping him, bring him back to the mat in a sitout powerbomb. Chad Brent counts…1...2...3! Johnny Heizenger in his wrestling debut takes the iMPACT iNVITATIONAL!




i Love New York!




Johnny Heizenger vs. Nigel Svensson

Tournament Final: Rematch!

In his debut to the wrestling world Johnny Heizenger shocked many when he succeeded and took home victory in the iMPACT iNVITATIONAL…but was it just a fluke? Nigel Svensson won his first round match in less than a minute, and made Toxin, a respectable foe, fall victim to a devastating hold known as Loki’s Fury, only for Toxin to interfere in the main event. Johnny was dead and gone when Nigel was knocked out by Toxin’s kick, barely able to finish him off. This time both men are fresh and the truth will be revealed…who should have won the iNVITATIONAL?



Mark Smart vs. Toxin

The Poisonous Toxin Takes On The Fan’s Own Smart Mark!

‘Smart Mark’ Mark Smart is your ordinary fan…except that he is actually living out his dream. He should talk to Alan Parent though…because any wrestling dream can quickly become a nightmare when Toxin is around. Parent was the first to experience the Toxic Takeover, a springboard DDT variant. What roll will Toxin’s interference on last month’s main event play on this match?



Rex Reeves vs. Sam Ford

Is Oscar The Grouch Fireproof?

Rex Reeves is a certifiable crabby pants -- short fused pipe bomb. Speaking of explosions, Sam Ford is on fire with a huge victory, scoring the pin for his team, in last months big tag match. Will Ford’s roll continue, or will Rex the grouch steal a win and some of the glory that is to be had?



Alan Parent vs. Rick Sanders

Are You My Mother?

Last month Alan Parent was dropped on his head silly by Toxin. Parent may be versed in submissions, but can he match up with the biggest veteran on the block, Rick Sanders? Rick picked up a win thanks to the explosive energy of Sam Ford, but without a partner can his age keep up?


Plus a huge announcement about the future of iMPACT New York!


Interesting premise,, but unless Steve Flash is under the Toxin mask, I am not really seeing anyone to reliably carry your main events right now.


I think the key is remembering that at this size a D- is more than enough as main even to guarantee we gain popularity. I hope to develop my own main eventers by the time I get big enough that I have to start worrying about my grades. ALso, Steve Flash is happily still working for NYCW, and due to our 'At War' relationship, he is unavailable to us.


Id be willing to bet a lot on it being Spike under that mask. Also on the lack of credible main eventers.. it is a 0/0/0/0 fed after all.


Good guess, but Spike is currently employed by NYCW. He will be released at the end of his contract though due to NYCW's new hiring rules.


Cappyboy........4/5 (+1 Bonus Point)

Michigan Hero..4/5






Quick Picks;

Johnny Heizenger vs. Nigel Svensson

Rex Reeves vs. Sam Ford

Mark Smart vs. Toxin

Alan Parent vs. Rick Sanders

What do you think the big announcement is?

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Quick Picks;

Johnny Heizenger vs. Nigel Svensson

Rex Reeves vs. Sam Ford

Mark Smart vs. Toxin

Alan Parent vs. Rick Sanders

What do you think the big announcement is?



Johnny Heizenger vs. Nigel Svensson


Better known in your market although based on skill this could easily have been set up as a final.


Rex Reeves vs. Sam Ford


Ford's been wrestling all along and Reeves is a rustbucket.


Mark Smart vs. Toxin


Mystery = push


Alan Parent vs. Rick Sanders


The experience of Sanders makes this a show stealer given the level of promotion. But I see Parent pulling it out. He makes for a more exciting matchup next time out.


What do you think the big announcement is?


I could see someone who had been prominent in NYCW like a Coyote Dynamite or Wiley Steinway coming in to help play out the Impact/NYCW war "on screen".

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