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Supreme Wrestling Federation: Under Pressure

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<p>Just a quick notice to say that the next show will be up sometime tomorrow. Thanks for all the predictions so far - some great reasonings in there too!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaded" data-cite="Jaded" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Finally caught up! I really like the new style as well. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Glad you are enjoying the diary Jaded, and it's good to have you on board. The new style is a lot more enjoyable for me to write, and takes up a lot less time too, so the fact everyone is happy with it is great to know.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rdarnz" data-cite="rdarnz" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Back on the forums and really enjoying this still! The new style is fantastic in my eyes, it means I don't end up skipping over anything!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hey rdarnz! Good to see you back. I haven't missed your PM, by the way, I've just been really busy the last couple of days. As above - I'm glad you like the new style, I think it's definitely going to be the style I use in future.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Yosihait" data-cite="Yosihait" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I gotta tell you, I'm new in here but I like your Dynasty. I really liked the things with Khoklov, Garcia and Lobster. That was funny as hell. I hope you can do at least one or two long segments at a show.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> First of all welcome to the forums Yosihait! I appreciate the comment, I've been thinking of a way to incorporate this, so keep your eye out for it! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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It's Tuesday May 2nd 2010...

...Coming to you from St Louis, MO...

...LIVE in front of 8,889 fans, this is...




Your Announce Team


Peter Michaels – Ana Garcia - Jerry Eisen



As another episode of Supreme TV kicked off in St Louis, MO, Peter Michaels and his announce team reminded us that we are just NINE days away from Master of Puppets – a show that is guaranteed to be a classic. But with two episodes of weekly wrestling before then, and the path to
Master of Puppets
would begin tonight.


...This Sea Ain't Big Enough...

To begin this week's dose of sports entertainment Joe Sexy, Lobster Warrior and their talented valets Kathy and Jen Neptune came to the ring to the adulation of the fans. The two men were well liked as singles competitors but as an unlikely team they have really taken off in recent weeks. Lobster Warrior pointed this out to the fans whose 'We Like Seafood' chants drew a laugh from the four in the ring. We Like Seafood, as fun as it was, doesn't have that 'World Tag Team' quality about it, said Joe Sexy. That's why, from tonight they will be known as
Ladies Love Lobster!
The announce had the desired effect on the audience who burst into a mix of laughter and applause. As is ever the case in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, the positive atmosphere was soon shattered when Angry Gilmore and Squeeky McClean's intro music drowned out the shouts of the fans. McClean told the audience that 'We Love Seafood' doesn't sound like the names of World Tag Team champions because the two men who used it aren't good enough to be World Tag Team champions. Tonight, Gilmore proclaimed, that will be proven once and for all and come
Master of Puppets,
Kathy and Jen Neptune will be dumping the two tadpoles in the ring for two straight edge sharks.

* * * * *



The fans let sXe know exactly what they think of their arrogant attitude right up until the next match –
Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee
. Both men put in a real showing, with Laramee particularly eager to dispel his 'tag team wrestler' label. Coming into the match on the back of a fantastic run was undoubtedly a huge bonus for Frehley and in the end, the North American champion did just enough to secure the win without suffering any real damage.

* * * * *


...I'm Thinking Of The Big Picture...

One non-title match down, another would soon begin, but not before a little celebration from the SWF's newest champion. Shooting Star champ Gregory Black thanked the Galaxy for supporting him since his switch to a singles career, telling them that this would be the first title of many. He also pointed out that when it came down to real wrestling, and not a ladder, he was the clear victor. This last statement, whilst cheered by the Missouri audience, would bring out Black's rival of three months – Marc DuBois. The 'Prodigy' reminded both Black and the Supreme Galaxy that the only reason he lost the match last week was because Miss Emily interrupted him, and Black capitalised. Black's ruthlessness in winning the match should be commended, added DuBois - after all, he would have done the same thing – but claiming that he was the better wrestler was nothing but a lie. When Black asked DuBois if he was after a rematch the French-Canadian merely laughed. As the newest member of The Corporation, DuBois exclaimed, he has far, far bigger plans in mind!

* * * * *



When DuBois left the ring, thankfully taking his smirk with him, the match was free to begin and
Gregory Black vs Paul Huntingdon
was decent, if a little underwhelming given Black's recent matches with the 'Prodigy'. Perhaps having no title on the line gave neither man that extra fire, but things were definitely a little flat from both corners. With few high-flying spots of note, and more rest-holds than the modern audience would like, this contest ended after eight minutes when Black's
Fade to Black
finished off the 'Blue Blood' for good.



...The PRIME Position...

We return from the evening's first commercial break to a short vignette, hosted by General Manager Henry Lee, that reveals the latest edition to SWF programming – SWF PRIME. The show – which will be considered a B-show in the lineup - will be shown on C.A.N.N. every Saturday night from June 6th.

* * * * *



With hype for PRIME complete we headed straight back to the ring where our ring announcer was busy introducing the contestants for our next match –
Sam Keith vs Valiant
. Valiant has been making a name for himself over recent weeks with some excellent (losing) performances against top quality opponents. That run continued here with a fantastic match with the self-proclaimed 'Living Legend'. With Dawn and Hannah spending much of the match arguing with Miss Emily, the main focus was on the two men in the ring, and they put on a masterclass for the St Louis audience. In the end there was only ever going to be one winner and after a couple of near misses, Sam Keith finally locked in the
Proton Lock
for the expected tap out.

* * * * *


...The Revenge Of A Reaper...

With another fantastic wrestling display complete, we returned to the SWF interview set where Vengeance and John Greed were stood alongside Sue Danes. The topic of conversation was, as expected, focused on the mysterious attacks suffered by Vengeance and, most importantly, who they thought was behind the attacks. The two Brotherhood members claimed that they were not interested in the identity of the mysterious masked man, only that they wanted him to stop being a coward and face one of them in the ring. One way or another, roared Vengeance, 'The Reaper' will get his revenge.

* * * * *



As the show neared its second commercial break we returned to ringside for
Jungle Lord vs Everest
. With such an enormous size advantage it was little surprise to the Supreme Galaxy that Everest went for power rather than skill, and with Jungle Lord doing his best to stay out of the 'Immovable Object's' way this was never going to be a classic. Still, it was far from the worst match of the night, and although the action didn't quite live up to our last contest the Missouri arena saw a decent brawl. Everest is moving slowly into comedy territory and once again his size advantage would prove to be a disadvantage – his enormous bulk causing him to stumble in the centre of the ring right into the
Jungle Jack-Jammer
that sealed the win for the 'Wild Man.'




...Win Or Else...

Our second commercial break soon over, we were taken back to the backstage area where Emma Chase and Brandon James were in the middle of a heated argument. The disagreement was centred around the North American Title match at
Master of Puppets
- the rematch between James and new champion Steve Frehley - with Emma telling James to win her title back or she'll rip up their contract. James angrily reminds her that it was never her title to begin with, and that he WILL win the belt back at next Thursday's PPV. You better had, Emma replies, you better had.

* * * * *



Our semi-main event was perhaps surprising in it's quality, with few expecting
Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro
to be one of the best matches of the night. Retro came out fists flying and his determination not to be squashed by the big Russian meant that for the first five minutes you could not separate these two men. One thing the Supreme Galaxy have learnt in recent years is that Marat Khoklov doesn't like to lose, and the more Retro fought back the more savage the 'Soviet Science Experiment' became. Soon Khoklov was on top, and Retro was doing well simply to hang on. Unfortunately for the 'Disco Stud' hanging in against Marat Khoklov is a doomed position to be in, and a tenth minute
Moscow Lariat
once again gave the Russian the victory.


But the assault wasn't ended by the bell. Khoklov picked Retro back up and hit a second
Moscow Lariat,
this one nearly turning the 'Disco Stud' inside out! With the fun police charging into the ring, Khoklov had just enough time to hit a
Russian Legend Powerbomb
before the horde dragged him away from the still body of Robbie Retro. As we headed for our final commercial break the 'Soviet Science Experiment' was busy flinging SWF security officials across the ring in a bid to hit one more powerbomb on the 'Disco Stud'!




By the time we had returned from our final commercial break sXe were already on their way to the ring for our main event –
sXe vs Ladies Love Lobster
. The crowd's reaction to the tag champions was as loud as their appreciation of the challengers, and despite this being a non-title match the crowd were expecting a classic. They were not disappointed and a match worthy of main eventing any professional wrestling event saw both teams put on an exhibition of slick, talented, tag team wrestling. As the match wore on and neither team could take the lead, Squeeky McClean tried a few old tricks and when he 'accidentally' decked the referee it looked like his opportunity had come. Grabbing Lobster Warrior from behind, McClean moved him towards the turnbuckle which Angry Gilmore was slowly climbing...
Top Rope Dropkick!
But Warrior was too quick – the 'Deep Sea Ninja' ducking just in time for Gilmore to take out his partner! The referee wasn't as hurt as first appeared and with Gilmore shocked at his misfired dropkick he didn't see Sexy sneak up behind him and hit a flash roll-up for the surprise victory!

* * * * *


...Surprises, Taunts, Mayhem...

Our main event may have just finished but we had time for one more segment before the show ended. That segment would be a contract signing between Eric Eisen and Christian Faith for their main event at
Master of Puppets.
Henry Lee began the segment by dropping a bombshell – the match will take place inside a Steel Cage! Lee explained that he is tired of Eric Eisen's minions interfering, or Eric himself squirming out of a match – well, no more! Eric, understandably, was far from impressed at the revelation and demanded to see the contract. The 'Supremacist' snatched the sheet of paper from Lee before motioning that he was going to rip it up. Faith didn't flinch, but Lee just smiled. Rip up the contract, Lee said, and you'll be forfeiting the World title. The audience, and Faith, laughed as Eric gulped and put the contract back down, hastily scrawling his name on the dotted line. The signing complete, Eric asked if he was free to leave. Sure, said Faith, you'll need all the training you can fit in! For Eric this was one taunt to many, and he snapped, tackling Faith to the ground. As Henry Lee tried to tear the pair apart an army of SWF superstars descended on the ring. Soon the entire locker-room was brawling in the centre of the ring, outside of the ring and all the way up the aisle. As the Peter Michaels, Ana Garcia and Jerry Eisen signed off, the vastly outnumbered SWF Security were beginning the unenviable task of stopping the mayhem!







C.A.N.N. Rating: 6.08 (UP 0.02)

TCW Presents Total Wresting Rating: 6.68 (UP 0.21)





Steve Frehley def. Kurt Laramee

Gregory Black def. Paul Huntingdon

Sam Keith def. Valiant

Jungle Lord def. Everest

Marat Khoklov def. Robbie Retro

Ladies Love Lobster def. sXe

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Randy Bumfhole vs Marc DuBois

High-flying action will kick off our May 9 show, and with just two days until Master of Puppets - where Randy B has a match lined up against Remo - things are sure to be heated. The newest member of the Corporation - Marc DuBois - will want to make sure his new allies see the best of him, but with Randy B facing another Corporation member in two days time, the chance to defeat two of the most hated heels in the company in quick succession should be inspiration enough for a surprise win.


Runaway Train vs Johnny Martin

It has been a while since Johnny Martin has been on Supreme TV - the veteran has been touring with LAX - and he'll want to make his return a victorious one over fellow wrestling veteran Runaway Train. Train has spent the last month or so focused almost entirely on Jungle Lord and he'll want a victory here to take his mind off the shock defeat all those months ago.


Jack Giedroyc vs John Greed

John Greed and Jack Giedroyc could well be main eventing Supreme TVs - perhaps even PPVs - of the future, but for now they are set to light up the middle of the broadcast in what is sure to be an enticing encounter. Greed's year has been an interesting one - the 'Eighth Deadly Sin' has definitely made his mark on the SWF - while Giedroyc's has been rather up-and-down. With both youngsters looking to add another solid victory to their tally this one will be as close as they come.


Enforcer Roberts vs Valiant

Giedroyc's former partner Valiant will once again face a member of The Corporation as he takes on Enforcer Roberts. The veteran of the group, Roberts will want to remind Eric Eisen, Miss Emily and the Supreme Galaxy that experience comes with age and a solid performance here may just reinforce his important role in the company's most dominant stable.


Faith, Money & Sexy Shellfish vs Eisen, Keith, Remo & Khoklov

An eight-man tag finishes off a Supreme TV episode where every (wrestling) member of the Corporation features in a match. The remaining members - Eric Eisen, Sam Keith, Remo and Marat Khoklov - will be hoping that their victory will be a clean sweep for the stable. Christian Faith, Rich Money and the newly christened Sexy Shellfish (Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior) will all be wanting victories as they head into important matches at Master of Puppets. Sexy Shellfish and Christian Faith, in particular, have title matches in mind and this could be the perfect warm-up for a title victory on Thursday night.

Quick Picks

Randy Bumfhole vs Marc DuBois

Runaway Train vs Johnny Martin

Jack Giedroyc vs John Greed

Enforcer Roberts vs Valiant

Faith, Money & Sexy Shellfish vs Eisen, Keith, Remo & Khoklov (Non-Title Match)

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Randy Bumfhole vs Marc DuBois

DuBois is being booked well, Bum is a tag guy

Runaway Train vs Johnny Martin

Martin can sell well to reestablish Train

Jack Giedroyc vs John Greed

Greed's next target will beat him by DQ

Enforcer Roberts vs Valiant


Faith, Money & Sexy Shellfish vs Eisen, Keith, Remo & Khoklov (Non-Title Match)

I don't KNOW!

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Randy Bumfhole vs Marc DuBois

DuBois is singles guy while Randy is tag guy so Randy can affort a loss here.


Runaway Train vs Johnny Martin

Train gets a token win


Jack Giedroyc vs John Greed

This one is hard but Greed has more going on right now so I go with him.


Enforcer Roberts vs Valiant

I´m probably wrong here but I would like to see Roberts getting some meaningful wins from time to time.


Faith, Money & Sexy Shellfish vs Eisen, Keith, Remo & Khoklov (Non-Title Match)

As much as I like Sexy and Lobster as a team they look like the weak links here.

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Randy Bumfhole vs Marc DuBois - singles beats tag

Runaway Train vs Johnny Martin - monster wins

Jack Giedroyc vs John Greed - via heavy interference

Enforcer Roberts vs Valiant - more upside

Faith, Money & Sexy Shellfish vs Eisen, Keith, Remo & Khoklov (Non-Title Match) - can't bring myself to pick against Lobster

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Randy Bumfhole vs Marc DuBois


As the newest member of the Corporation DuBois needs to go over more, and besides as others have said Bumfhole is still primarily a Tag Guy at this moment in time.


Runaway Train vs Johnny Martin


I don't think Martin is really over enough, or really has enough future potential to go over Train, in the SWF landscape Martin's job is to be a respected talent enhancer.


Jack Giedroyc vs John Greed


Greed sneaks a victory by hook or crook (more likely crook), as Giedroyc's singles troubles continue following his split from Valiant.


Enforcer Roberts vs Valiant


Valiant doesn't fare any better as he gets Schooled by the Corporation veteran.


Faith, Money & Sexy Shellfish vs Eisen, Keith, Remo & Khoklov (Non-Title Match)


In these sort of matches, and with it not being anywhere near a 'blow off' match, I tend to go with the heels continuing to look unstoppable.

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Randy Bumfhole vs Marc DuBois

DuBois begins a good night for the Corporation.


Runaway Train vs Johnny Martin

Push the Train!


Jack Giedroyc vs John Greed

A tough one to decide but I think Greed edges out.


Enforcer Roberts vs Valiant

Enforcer shows he still has the stuff.


Faith, Money & Sexy Shellfish vs Eisen, Keith, Remo & Khoklov (Non-Title Match)

Khoklov SMASH!

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Randy Bumfhole vs Marc DuBois

Marc needs the win more and Randy isn't a singles competitor... yet.


Runaway Train vs Johnny Martin

An upset win, even though Martin is only really here to make people look good.


Jack Giedroyc vs John Greed

Giedroyc to gain some momentum.


Enforcer Roberts vs Valiant

Corporation is gonna have a very good night, Roberts continuing this trend.


Faith, Money & Sexy Shellfish vs Eisen, Keith, Remo & Khoklov (Non-Title Match)

I think it's got to be the heels here.

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Just a quick update - the show will be done sometime this week, it really all depends on how busy I am in the evenings. Expect it on Friday, and that way you can be pleasantly surprised if it pops up earlier :D


Here is the much delayed prediction table from last week's show...


1. 20LEgend...47

2. Bigpapa42...44

3. Jingo...42

4. Tigerkinney...40

5. Midnightnick, Sebsplex...37

6. angeldelayette...34

7. Liamo...32

8. Zergon...31

9. LoNdOn...30

10. smurphy1014...28


With only two shows of the contest left to predict on I have only written up the top ten. Despite that, a total of 34 different people have predicted at least once during the course of the diary! :eek: Thanks to all of you for your fantastic support!


Last, but most certainly not least, another thanks is in order. By now many, if not all of you, will know that Under Pressure was voted last month's DOTM! Thanks to everyone who has been a part of the diary - from the readers and predictors to column contributors and Aftermath writers - it's a real honour to be labelled DOTM, especially given the quality of previous winners.

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I was reading the first few shows when life called and I was mostly absent from the board for a couple of weeks. I've finally caught up and you receive my thumb up. Very intersting read, storylines and character are great. I also don't mind at all the shorter show reviews as I fully understand how long and hard it can be to write shows on a regular basis.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay (again) - I got hit by the busy-ness of real-life and then a lack of inspiration. But fear not, the inspiration is back and the show will be posted this Friday (without fail!). Anyone wanting to get in any last predictions has effectively just over a day and a half in which to do so. Again, thanks for all the comments and predictions so far. :)


I was reading the first few shows when life called and I was mostly absent from the board for a couple of weeks. I've finally caught up and you receive my thumb up. Very intersting read, storylines and character are great. I also don't mind at all the shorter show reviews as I fully understand how long and hard it can be to write shows on a regular basis.


Thanks MrOnu, I'm glad you've been enjoying the read!

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It's Tuesday May 9th 2010...

...Coming to you from Corpus Christi, TX...

...LIVE in front of 10,000 fans, this is...




Your Announce Team


Peter Michaels – Ana Garcia - Jerry Eisen



...An Eternal, Iron Man...

This week's episode of SWF Supreme TV, in front of a sold out Corpus Christi, TX, audience, begins to the image of our stern General Manager, Henry Lee, in the centre of the ring. Once the crowd's chants had quietened, Lee explained that he was unhappy with the ending of last week's show. While almost everyone in the back received a fine for their participation in the brawl that ended the show 7 nights ago, one man is to blame – Eric Eisen. For too long, Eric Eisen has run amok in the SWF without being punished. The cage match stipulation is designed to keep Eric Eisen's cronies out, Lee reminded the audience, but what is to keep Eric
the match? This is the SWF World Heavyweight title, the most prestigious belt in the world, and as such needs a match like no other...that match will be a one hour Iron Man match inside of a steel cage! The fans went wild at the announcement - never before has an Iron Man match taken place inside a steel cage! Before we head to our next match we had chance to see a brief shot of Eric Eisen backstage trashing his locker-room in a clear display of his anger at Lee's shocking opening announcement!

* * * * *



Our first match of the evening was
Marc DuBois vs Randy Bumfhole.
DuBois became a surprise addition to Eric Eisen's Corporation a few weeks ago after Miss Emily cost him the Shooting Star title. The desire to start his Corporation career with a win was clear for all to see and the 'Prodigy' put in one of the performances of his career. The result was a more one-sided match than the fans would have hoped and while Randy Bumfhole made a good go of it, an eighth minute
Model Solution
was enough to give the French-Canadian the win his new employers were after.

* * * * *


...Angry Shellfish...

With our first contest out of the way, we were taken backstage to the sXe locker-room where, sat studying the matches of Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior, were Tag Team Champions Angry Gilmore and Squeeky McClean. The comments from the 'Straight Edge Duo' seemed to suggest that they were beginning to worry about their chances at
Master of Puppets
but the usual confident pair quickly realised what they were saying and shook off their doubt, cheering each other up with the reminder that Sexy Shellfish (the latest name for the unlikely duo) would be fighting against the Corporation tonight! And few people, Gilmore declared, will be leaving that ring in one piece!

* * * * *


...Circling The Big Cat's Prey...

We stayed backstage for our next segment where a crowd of people had gathered somewhere behind the curtain. Pushing through the throng, the cameraman soon found out why – Brandon James and Steve Frehley were circling each other, neither taking his eyes from the other. Emma Chase kept shouting at James to attack but 'Big Money' was happy to continue the staredown with his soon-to-be-opponent. The 2010 King of the Squared Circle was also happy to let his feelings be known without a physical altercation and when the fun police turned up to separate the two there was no fight from the North American champion and his rival. Don't forget - these two face off in just two nights time for the North American title, and if Brandon James loses Emma Chase will terminate their agreement!



We returned from our first commercial break to
Johnny Martin vs Runaway Train
and what amounted to little more than a squash match. Johnny Martin continues to make his opponents look good, and Runaway Train resembled the monster of ten years ago more than ever. A seventh minute
Train Wreck
was the only standout moment in a match that was designed to make Train look dangerous, and succeeded in doing so.

* * * * *


...Freakin' Shooting Star...

We were quick to return backstage where Frederique Garcia and Shooting Star Champion Gregory Black were in the middle of a fast-paced brawl. The action moved through the backstage area at speed, passing any number of surprised superstars. As they passed the Corporation locker-room we saw former Shooting Star champ, and the latest member of Eisen's gang, Marc DuBois stood in the doorway. A subtle shove from DuBois sent Black careering into a pile of garbage and Garcia was soon on the champion, wrenching his arm back in a vicious
Cross Armbreaker.
By the time the fun police managed to pull Garcia from the writhing body of Black the damage had already been done.

* * * * *



Our next match was
John Greed vs Jack Giedroyc
– billed by the announce team as a main event of the future. They weren't wrong and despite their position on the card – and the ending of the match - they managed to put on a fantastic bout. Jack Giedroyc seemed to be on top for almost the entire seven minute match, but in the end Greed once again proved himself to be one of the most intelligent wrestlers in the SWF. Intelligent, but not particular about following the rules. A clever distraction of the referee left the Englishman open to assault from Atlas and the big enforcer didn't disappoint. A brutal chair-shot to the back sent Giedroyc crumpling in a heap. Unfortunately for Greed his intelligence isn't shared by his bodyguard and with the referee turning to the source of the metallic clatter Atlas struck again, folding the chair around the arm of Giedroyc. This time the referee didn't miss the infringement and immediately rang for the bell declaring Giedroyc the unfortunate winner by DQ. Greed, past the point of caring, simply put his head in his hands and left Atlas to deal with the referee and nearby officials.




...Wrong Place, Wrong Time...

We were soon heading backstage where Vengeance was on the warpath. Demanding to know from each passing superstar if they were the man behind the mysterious mask, Vengeance exploded at each negative answer. The Good Ol' Boys, The Samoan Wildboyz, Zimmy Bumfhole, Captain Atomic and road agent Chief Two Eagles all fell foul of the monstrous 'Reaper' and suffered a savage beating for little more than being in the wrong place at the very worst time.

* * * * *



After the destruction and devastation of our last segment, the fans were able to enjoy a wrestling masterclass between veteran and youngster with
Enforcer Roberts vs Valiant
. Valiant's string of good performances – and his string of defeats – continued, but it was the performance of Enforcer Roberts that will stay in the mind. Turning back the clock, Roberts out-thought, outmanoeuvred, and out-wrestled Valiant at every turn and although few in the Supreme Galaxy will be fond of the Corporation's veteran member, all could appreciate his winning performance that came to a close with an R.C.T. just before the ten minute mark.

* * * * *


...The Arrival Of A Saviour...

Our next segment was a short video hyping the upcoming debut of a mystery new worker. Dressed in jeans and a hoodie that obscured his face, the protagonist of the video walked through pouring rain down a dark street. With no one around, the figure would usually cut a menacing figure – but something about him suggested that evil was not his intention. The man's destination? A derelict bar named The Saviour. A new SWF Superstar will be revealed soon!




We returned from our final ad break to hear the SWF announce team hyping our main event. With
Master of Puppets
just two days away, this match had everything at stake and what a match it would be!
Christian Faith, Rich Money, Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior vs. Eric Eisen, Sam Keith, Marat Khoklov and Remo
is probably the most star-studded Supreme TV main event in the show's history and it started with a bang – all eight men brawling in the centre of the ring. Once things had calmed down the match became a showcase for all eight men with each getting a chance to shine before the big event on Thursday night. Faith and Eisen saw the most ring time, while Marat looked particularly destructive whenever he made it into the ring. In the end four rule-breakers was always going to be too much for one referee to handle and when The Corporation attacked en masse the official had no chance. In the melee Marat Khoklov nailed Lobster Warrior with a
Russian Legend Powerbomb
and when his teammates emptied the ring, the referee – with no idea that the two were not the legal men – had little option but to count to three!

* * * * *


...Master Of Puppets, Soldiers Of Fortune...

The show was almost over, but that didn't stop the three remaining fan favourites charging the ring to save their colleague. They always say bullies and just cowards and The Corporation proved the point excellently by scurrying outside of the ring as soon as possible. As our hype video for Master of Puppets began we left the Corpus Christi arena with each team staring at each other with nothing but three ropes and twenty feet between them!






C.A.N.N. Rating: 6.13 (UP 0.05)

TCW Presents Total Wresting Rating: 7.19 (UP 0.51)





Marc DuBois def. Randy Bumfhole

Runaway Train def. Johnny Martin

Jack Giedroyc def. John Greed via DQ

Enforcer Roberts def. Valiant

The Corporation def. Faith, Money, Sexy, Warrior

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I just wanted to give a quick update on the diary's progress...don't worry it's all good!


First of all, I hope you all enjoyed the show! It's a little short this week, partly because of the nature of the show, partly because I wanted it to be done by 7pm, and partly because you haven't read it all yet! It is becoming a bit of a tradition to have a hype video for each PPV - there has been one for both World Is Watching and Awesome Impact - and Master of Puppets will be no different. However, I don't feel that it would fit the new style of shows very well, so it will have a post of it's own and will be posted sometime tomorrow (basically, whenever I've finished the banner image to go with it). I'm also aiming to get the scores posted and the PPV prediction card up hopefully tomorrow, but definitely sometime this weekend.


Some of you may have noticed that I have started a second diary - WWE 2011: Bragging Rights! - alongside angeldelayette. It is my hope that Bragging Rights will have little to no impact on the running of Under Pressure and it certainly doesn't mean this diary will be ending any time soon. In fact, in my post the other day I mentioned a renewed inspiration - this new project is the cause of that.


My intention has always been for Under Pressure to get to at least Supreme Challenge 30 and that goal will be reached! :D

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A single spotline shines down on the center of a cardboard ring, it's handpainted SWF logo reflecting the bright white light back up towards its source. Hopping into the light comes Christian Faith...only this Christian Faith isn't made of flesh and bone, but of plastic skin and plastic hair, held together by plastic joints and suspended by near-invisible plastic wire. Soon the marionette Faith is joined by his opponent, the World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen. The two puppets begin circling each other, before engaging in the most surreal wrestling match imaginable. Moving with the agility of their real counterparts, marionette Faith is quickly on the receiving end of the marionette Eisen's Supremacy. As the Eisen puppet goes for the cover, a crowd begins to chant in time with the referee's strikes of the mat...1....2....3! Eric Eisen's puppet stands victorious as a distant voice proclaims him the greatest champion in the history of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The camera which so far has focused on the 'in-ring action' begins to follow the barely visible wires up towards their source. Traversing through darkness - save for the thin shaft of light that was illuminating the ring below - the camera finally reaches its destination - and finds the master behind the show below...Eric Eisen! The real Eisen cuts the strings of the Faith puppet, laughing maniacally as it crashes to the cardboard mat in a heap. This Eric Eisen was triumphant, but in two days time will the outcome be the same!?


...Master of Puppets...

Coming 11.5.10!

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Greg Black's Shooting Star championship victory earlier in the month surprised many members of the Supreme Galaxy. Not only did it come in a standard singles contest - unlike his previous two ladder match encounters with previous champ Marc DuBois - but it also came in dubious circumstances. Greg Black will be hoping a solid victory over three excellent superstars will be enough for the fans to lose doubt in his right to be champion. Jungle Lord may not make the weight limit set in previous incarnations of the belt, but his wrestling definitely meets the new guidelines of 'No Limits, All Style'. Garcia is himself a former Shooting Star Champ and will want to add another accolade to his collection having transformed himself from lower-card joke to serious challenger.




Sexy Shellfish - the team of Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior - may be one of the most fun names in professional wrestling, but they are also serious competitors. sXe has had a reasonably easy run with the belts since beating Giedroyc & Valiant in February, and Sexy Shellfish certainly provide them with their biggest challenge yet. sXe's slightly greater tag experience may prove crucial in one of the most difficult to predict matches of the night.



Having used up his quota of World title shots with three unlucky defeats to Eric Eisen, Rich Money appears to be taking out his frustrations on Eisen's Corporation team-mates. Following up a solid victory over Sam Keith on last month's PPV show with another against Marat Khoklov would be an enormous coup for 'Hard Cash' and give him a huge boost as his title shot embargo nears its conclusion. Marat Khoklov, however, will want to end the run of victories Money has enjoyed, if not for himself then for his 'Commander-in-Chief' Eric Eisen who - if he wins his own match later tonight - will surely have a potential rematch with Money in the back of his mind.




Steve Frehley won the 2010 King of the Squared Circle exactly one month ago after a fine perfomance against his long-time rival Remo. Just five days later he was crowned the SWF North American champion after an equally gruelling contest with 'Big Money' Brandon James. Emma Chase has threatened to terminate her managerial contract with Brandon James if he doesn't win here tonight, so angry was she that James lost last month. Many in the Supreme Galaxy believe Frehley's run as champion has only just begun and a second victory over James will go a long way to settling any early reign nerves the 'Destroyer' may have.




The rules of this match are simple. For 60 long minutes both Eric Eisen and Christian Faith will be locked inside a steel cage. The man with the most pinfalls and submissions after that time will be declared the victor, and that victor will leave Master of Puppets the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. In his hometown of Houston, Texas, Christian Faith will be hoping that he can finally end the reign of one of the SWF's most hated champions. And, with the record for longest ever cage match (against Sam Keith) under his belt - and the nickname 'The Iron Man' - Christian Faith will feel confident that he could once again lift the biggest prize in Sports Entertainment. Eric Eisen, on the other hand, has proved that he might not be the quickest, or the most technically adept, champion in the SWF's long history but he is certainly one of the smartest. Since winning the title in December 2009 Eric has won however he can, resulting in a dominant reign - at least on paper. A victory against Christian Faith tonight will surely put Eisen in the record books for all the right reasons.


Gregory Black © vs Paul Huntingdon vs Jungle Lord vs Frederique Garcia (Shooting Star Title Match)

sXe © vs Sexy Shellfish (SWF World Tag Team Title Match)

Rich Money vs Marat Khoklov

Brandon James vs Steve Frehley © (SWF North American Title Match)

Christian Faith vs Eric Eisen © (SWF World Title Match - Supreme Iron Man Cage)

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