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Opinion- Adding Regional Titles

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I am playing GAMMA. We are now in 2006. We are the number one promotion in the world and I own two other feeder promotions (Dragon and UCFF). In my main co, GAMMA, I have only National or higher name value fighters. Everyone lower than National are in the feeder orgs. I have 248 million dollars. I have one PPV per month and one TV Show per month that is on every tv station medium sized and lower. That's the background in short.


I am thinking of "shaking things up" to add more interest to the game:


1. I am thinking of absorbing both feeder orgs, which will add ALOT of depth to my GAMMA co.


2. Then starting a new tv show, I may have to let some contracts run out for my other show in order to get them to agree to another new show. The new show will have a lower quality rating so I can headline lower talent.


3. Then creating a few "Regional Titles" such as GAMMA U.S. TITLE, GAMMA EUROPEAN TITLE, etc. and use some of the lower ranked guys to challenge for those if they "qualify" by being from that area.


4. That would mean Re naming my current titles GAMMA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE, GAMMA WORLD LIGHTWEIGHT, etc.



1. What do you think of that idea? I like it because it kind of reminds me of the old Territories in Pro Wrestling years ago. Whatcha think?


2. Also How would you divide the Regional Titles up. I don't want them to be too specific like "Gamma Italian Champion", that could be too tedious, but I do like "GAMMA EUROPEAN CHAMP". What Regional Titles would you have?


WHEW! Thanks in advance for your opinions!

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<p>OR would you make the Titles not quite as Regional. Meaning instead of GAMMA EUROPEAN, GAMMA U.S., etc maybe making a title obviously second tier compared to the WORLD TITLES but on a larger scale. An example being to have The GAMMA WORLD TITLE and then the GAMMA INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE as a second tier title????</p><p>


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Exactly my friend!! I was thinking the same thing. Possibilities could be cool. I havent decided if I am going to do the Regional Titles route where only fighters from Europe fight fighters from Europe for the European Title, Fighters from U.S. can only hold the U.S. Title, etc.


Our Just have An Intercontinental or International Title which is below the WORLD TITLE.


I like both, which would you do?

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Cage Rage did something similar to this back in the day; they had a 'British' and 'World' version of every strap.


Now, as far as who fought for them, the 'British' titles were contested by CR's main roster of British-based (but not necessarily British) fighters.


'World' titles were reserved for when an international fighter of note such as Masakazu Imanari or Anderson Silva came in.


They had some lofty plans for expansion, especially when ProElite came into the picture. Unfortunately things went t**s-up before any of these plans played out..but the concept certainly has potential.


Good luck!

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Certainly has merit. But how do you handle a contenders? For example, let's say your Asian Champion become more popular and better ranked then your World Champion. When if your Asian Champion then beats your World Champ - do they then vacate the title?


Can only the regional champions contend for the World title? Can someone skip a regional title race if they are high-ranked enough?


These are some questions to ask yourself.


It seems like a good idea but it's gonna require very precise planning to pull it off and make it feel legitimate. I love the idea and like many people, I'm already thinking in my head on how I'm gonna pull it off. The best company to try it with, I think, would be a National-based SIGMA or an International ALPHA.

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All great questions Rebby. I too have been swirling it around in my head. Havent made the jump yet to Regionalize but thinking it through. My first decision has to be exactly what it means to hold the Regional Tile. Is it just a stepping stone, which should be vacated once reaching a certain level or should someone be able to hold both their Regional Tile and defend it against others that qualify AND persue and poss win a WORLD TITLE if he can? Meaning Could a fighter be both the European Champion and WORLD Champion at the same time? I guess one thing I would have to first clarify is what is an appropriate Mandatory Title Defence time. Once a year? Twice, three times a year? I would say with the mandatory time off that some having to take after a fight, I could see a fighter not being able to defend both a regional AND WORLD Tile too long before one is ignored and he would have to vacate it. Maybe a Regional Title could be held regardless of how high a fighter rises, but MUST be vacated if he gets a WORLD Title shot and wins. Surely He would focus his time on defending the WORLD Title. Just thinking out loud, Great discussion from all you guys. Any other opinions appreciated!!
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When I first read the idea, I pictured the regional title being between up-and-commers and the World title for established stars. Kinda like Strikeforce, the Challengers series fighters would be competing for the regional title and then after they won it, they would start their trek up the "world" ranks. That would pretty much mean they vacate the title after they win it. The regional title would kind of be the stepping stone up to the big leagues.
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When I first read the idea, I pictured the regional title being between up-and-commers and the World title for established stars. Kinda like Strikeforce, the Challengers series fighters would be competing for the regional title and then after they won it, they would start their trek up the "world" ranks. That would pretty much mean they vacate the title after they win it. The regional title would kind of be the stepping stone up to the big leagues.


I agree for the most part. I think the way I would do it is when a fighter wins a regional title they would have to defend the title until they reach Low Level International popularity. Once they reach that point they would vacate their title and go after the world title.

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Depending on how many regional titles you held, I would just have the only contenders for the World title being the highest ranked or most popular (depending on how you pick contenders) regional title holder fight for the World title. The World champion would also be a Regional title holder.


This would work if you had 3-5 regional titles, ensuring you have at least 4 contenders. If a regional title doesn't get defended because the guy is also a World champ...I say that's not a bad trade.


I personally prefer to look at rankings then popularity. It's very rare I pick a popular #10 over an unknown #2

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I agree Rebby. I think I will allow mainly the top five Ranked fighters fight for the World Title even if they are not "Internation Level". But every now and then a non Ranked "International Star" might get a shot since name value does often increase the commercial rating of the show which increases the crowd... which increases the money!


I think I may vacate a Regional Title if a guy wins the World Title. Not as a punishment of course but to free up the title for lower ranked guys to fight over, have tournaments for, etc, just to add to the game.


I had thought about only allowing Regional Title holders to go after the World Title, but instead decided to use the in game Ranking system. If someone is in the top five at his weight class he may get a World Title shot even if he doesnt own a Regional title at the time.


All great thoughts from you guys thanks so much for the input!! It makes me think and rethink how all this should flow!

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You're making me think too, TC... I've got GAMMA too, though not nearly to the success you do yet (it's only 2001 here), and I had thought about mid-level titles before, but I wasn't sure how to pull it off. Now, I've got some ideas, thanks to this thread.


I was considering an American title. Rather than just being a "US Title," it can only be defended or held by Americans only; with my poaching of everyone from FLB, BCF, and ALPHA-1, it sort of keeps a patriotic flavor to GAMMA. The possibilities are really limitless who qualifies for a new mid-level title, based on how arbitrarily you want to make them. If you want to kick civil rights backwards 100 years, you could have a couple mid-level titles based on ethnicity or whatever too.


My only problem is that I'm already confused enough with running my business. I've got WAY too many fighters and I'm having to make some tough decisions to cut back just so everyone actually has a chance to fight. Note I'm not saying the game or its mechanics confused me; I've just overgrown my roster and I'm having trouble keeping track of everyone. Thank god Adam added that "Last Fight" entry on the booking screen.


Anyway, if I was going to attempt this, I'd start by only doing it in one division first. I might make a Heavyweight American Title or something to that effect, just to see how well I control it. Considering I've got eight divisions, my brain would explode if I just instantly doubled my title count to 16, so adding a single title for a single division would keep me sane and allow me to experiment.


You could also use your mid-level titles for cross-division matches. I might allow my American Title to span HW and LWH just to see some matchups that otherwise wouldn't happen (and possibly give lose-streaking HWs someone to feed off of). My only regret is that I suck at using GIMP / Photoshop / whatever and my user-made title graphics look like crap, but at least no one else needs to see them. ;)


You've got me thinking, TC (and everyone else). I need to experiment around a bit. But considering some of the characters in GAMMA (some that I've grabbed myself and some that are there from the beginning), I can imagine a few of them screaming "Go America!" after winning a new American title or something. William Harrison would totally salute the crowd.

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