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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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Gino Montero & Benny Benson vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins


Troy Tornado vs Fumihiro Ota


Rocky Golden vs Owen Love


Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota


Koshiro Ino vs Tommy Cornell


Owen Love! Whoo!


Between our diaries, we're now just one hire from having the complete House of Stone camp of top prospects.

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Gino Montero & Benny Benson vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins

Gino Montero > Edd Stone > Benny > Huggins

Troy Tornado vs Fumihiro Ota

Ota isn't as good of a character as Troy

Rocky Golden vs Owen Love

Love is really that over imagine he's a lower mid / midcarder Rocky is your top guy

Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law

Big fan of Law

Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota

Synidcate take BOTH out!

Koshiro Ino vs Tommy Cornell

He is the don of TCW!

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Owen Love! Whoo!


Between our diaries, we're now just one hire from having the complete House of Stone camp of top prospects.


Owen Love has always been one of my favourite guys to hire. He is so versatile and pulls out consistantly good/great matches. You may see a few more familiar faces over the coming shows that have been featured in your diary (which I have almost completely caught up with :D) For the most part, I feel as though I have given them a slightly different slant to yourself. Maybe a few aforementioned new faces make their debuts in the next two shows......

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Gino Montero & Benny Benson vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins

You said yourself, Montero's the man of the moment and even if he wasn't champ I'd still pick him to edge this one.

Troy Tornado vs Fumihiro Ota

I like Ota, but he won't beat Tornado.

Rocky Golden vs Owen Love

As above.

Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law

Andrews is doing a good job of getting great match ratings, and looking good, whilst losing. Long may it continue!

Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota

Some sort of wild ending to keep the various storylines going.

Koshiro Ino vs Tommy Cornell

No way is Tommy losing to Koshiro Ino on free TV.

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Gino Montero & Benny Benson vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins


You need to keep building Montero, so that he is a strong champion with the All Action Belt and I still feel the Canadian Animals are heading for a break up.


Troy Tornado vs Fumihiro Ota


Tornado's established near the upper part of the TCW roster, I don't see him jobbing to Ota.


Rocky Golden vs Owen Love


Another no brainer pick, World Champion needs to be kept strong, even if your strategy thus far seems to be giving newcomers strong pushes out of the gate.


Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law


Law needs to bounce back from coming out on the losing end in his feud with Ino.


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota


Difficult one to call, as both are coming off pretty major turns. I actually see this ending up in some kind of schmozz draw as 20LEgend said, with the Syndicare getting involved.


Koshiro Ino vs Tommy Cornell


Ino may get up to main event level sometime down the line but for now Cornell needs to be kept stronger.

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Gino Montero & Benny Benson vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins - Me thinks that Benson takes the loss here


Troy Tornado vs Fumihiro Ota


Rocky Golden vs Owen Love


Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota - Going with several as this is a no-contest


Koshiro Ino vs Tommy Cornell

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 3, March 2010

Connecticut Symphony Hall

Attendance: 7,899





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT2.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FreddyHugginsALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/LauraHugginsALT.jpg

Gino Montero & Benny Benson vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins

A fast paced affair that saw The Canadian Animals dominate from the moment the opening bell rang when Huggins jumped Montero from behind with a sweetly placed dropkick to the back of the head. The use of quick tags allowed The Animals to keep Montero from tagging in Benson who was eagerly awaiting the opportunity to enter the fray; but that opportunity never came.


Huggins grabbed Montero around the throat and set him up for the Huggins Kiss when Stone made the blind tag and leapfrogged his own partner to hit a spinning leg lariat on Montero. Huggins looked as though he was about to argue with Edd but a few words from his sister at ringside talked him down. Stone returned his focus to Gino and began to talk smack. He turned briefly to connect with the Party’s Over but Montero caught him in mid air and slammed him to the mat with a German suplex which he quickly floated over into a compact pin. Benson ran across the ring and intercepted Huggins as Montero recorded another win over his recent adversary.

Gino Montero & Benny Benson defeated The Canadian Animals via pinfall

Rating: B-





Edd Stone is seething with rage and he storms backstage whilst the cameras make chase, struggling to keep up as Stone flies through the hallways at a blistering pace. He enters his locker room and screams in anger as he kicks a hole in the wall. He settles on a bench as he clenches his fists and debates what to do next. Then there is a knock on the door....


Stone dismissively responds.


Stone: “Freddy, I’m not in the mood!”


The person knocks one more time. Edd jumps to his feet and angrily lunges for the door handle and swings it open with all his might. The man on the other side is not Freddy Huggins, nor is it a man seen in TCW before. Carl Batch has a jovial smile on his face and this takes Edd Stone by surprise.




Batch: “What’s up playa?”


Stone examines the man before him but doesn’t respond.


Batch: “Mind if I come in?”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FumihiroOtaALT.jpg

Troy Tornado vs Fumihiro Ota

Let it be known that had Ota been more over with the TCW faithful, this match could have been much more as the in-ring actions was engaging throughout. Tornado found himself at times trying to keep pace with his more agile adversary, but wound up chasing shadows more often than not. Ota capitalised with hard strikes to the head and midsection of Tornado who did his best to block wherever possible. When he did block; Tornado made sure that he took full advantage and whipped Ota down to the canvas with a dragon screw takedown.


From here on out it was all Tornado as he systematically broke his opponents down, eventually putting Ota away with a Star Maker after about twelve minutes of action.

Troy Tornado defeated Fumihiro Ota via pinfall

Rating: C+





With the bell having sounded, Tornado began to celebrate with the fans as a video begins to play on the arena big screen. Troy looks up with the rest of the crowd following suit. Sammy Bach is seen playing a ripping solo on a fire red Bullet Strat. As the self proclaimed “Rock God” reaches the crescendo of the piece he turns his gaze to the camera before him and winks, clearly directed at Tornado.


And Tornado is dropped from behind with a Bach To Reality superkick courtesy of the man on the big screen. As the video clip ends, Bach is shown smiling down upon himself in what is quite an eerie situation. Bach arrogantly struts towards the corner and bends down to retrieve the same guitar he was playing in the video and begins to air strum as he struts back over to Tornado who is now half standing, although clearly still dazed.


Bach clasps the Strat by the neck and holds it poised over his shoulder before swinging the instrument down over Tornado’s skull, splintering the guitar into thousands of pieces. Tornado lays motionless on the floor with a steady trickle of blood runs from a cut on the top of his head down to the canvas.


Bach gives the “rock on” hand sign to the crowd before laughing and leaving via the entrance ramp.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/OwenLoveALT.jpg

Rocky Golden vs Owen Love

Owen Love makes his way to the ring with a fair amount of recognition which is a pleasant surprise but the reaction that the world heavyweight championship receives shortly thereafter, brings the Canadian crashing back down to earth and he does not look pleased at being overshadowed.


The action is solid and Love manages to get the champion on the back foot with his superior technical grappling and looks to apply various tendon holds to keep the big man subdued. Golden has had experience with submission experts thanks to his recent feud with Sam Keith and manages to find a counter to an Indian Deathlock......not a fancy counter, just a good old smack upside the head, but a counter all the same.


Love was dragged into a brawl after this which is territory that is more often than not going to favour the imposing Golden who puts Love down for the three following a brutal Rocky Road.

Rocky Golden defeated Owen Love by pinfall

Rating: B-





The unmistakable tones of “Ready For War” plays out through the arena speakers and we see the TCW world tag team champions make their way into the ring with a purpose. Both look determined after last weeks’ incident with Champagne Caviar. Guide is handed a microphone and is just about to speak when the opening guitar tab of “House Of The Rising Sun” cuts him off.




The Tag Team Specialists make their way to the ring, ready for action, Bryant holding a microphone to his lips all the while barking at The New Wave.


Bryant: “It doesn’t matter what you were going to say Guide; we don’t care!”


The New Wave look on, clearly unhappy with being interrupted.


Bryant: “So you two pansies are going to shut your traps and put those tag team titles on the line right now!”


Referee Ray Johnson enters the ring as Guide and Scout remove their tag team titles and thrust them to the canvas and the impromptu match gets underway.





TCW World Tag Team Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoelBryantALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RobertOxfordALT.jpg

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists

Not much in the way of controlled action here as most of the match saw all four men in the ring at the same time, exchanging rights and lefts, whilst technical wrestling took a backseat. Bryant and Oxford utilised all the underhanded tactics they could think of to keep their younger opponents at bay, unable to gather momentum but it was a futile effort.


The New Wave took control as the elder pairing began to fade and a Guided Missile took Oxford clear out of the ring as it did the man whom delivered the move as Guide went tumbling out after him. Scout had Bryant reeling and looked to clamp on The Special Forces but Bryant countered and dropped Scout with a DDT. Bryant ascended the turnbuckle and leapt off to hit his famous knee drop, but before the cover could be made, there was a sickening chair shot on the outside.


As Guide had regained his senses and began to climb the apron, the veteran Oxford made a rookie mistake as he lost his temper and delivered the shot that ended the match in a disqualification, mere seconds before Joel Bryant went to make what could have been the winning cover on Scout.

The New Wave defeated The Tag Team Specialists via DQ to retain the tag team titles

Rating: B





“All Along The Watchtower” blares through the arena speakers and this signals the arrival of Sam Keith. The legendary man slowly makes his way to the ring, only pausing on occasion to stare deep into the crowd, although it appears as though he is looking through the people rather than at anybody in particular. He enters the squared circle and is swiftly handed a microphone. He takes one last moment to let the crowds cheers die down before beginning.


Keith: “Last week I was offered my spot back in The Syndicate after having mutually parted ways with the group almost a year ago. You all saw my response, but nobody knows my reasons for turning the request down. I have to admit I strongly considered the option and that’s why my response was so long in coming. I knew that if I went back into The Syndicate, I would be selling my soul to Tommy and I can’t allow myself to do that, not again; not now....”


Keith pauses as the crowds cheers rise once more.


Keith: “The Syndicate is run to protect Tommy, no question about it and he makes no excuses for it either. Tommy Cornell may be a crook, but at least he is an honest one.........................Tommy said that The Syndicate could help me get the TCW world heavyweight championship and it was that alone that caused my internal conflict. Morality is a funny thing; should I do the right thing, or should I go with the easiest way to ensure success? Ask me that ten years ago and dangle the world heavyweight championship belt as bait and I would have snapped your hand off; hell, even the Sam Keith of two years ago would have done the same thing....................But my priorities are different now. I’ve changed. I have others to think about; some in fact that are particularly close to my heart........................But there’s one more thing. Tommy, if you think that I will take that beating you gave me last week lying down, you are sorely mistaken. Remember, you’re not the only one with friends around here!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law

Law was ready for this match, no question about it as the Renegade Officer tore into Andrews right from the opening bell, maybe even a moment beforehand as he charged Double A as soon as he entered the ring. Law, for all intents and purposes dominated 9/10ths of the match with thunderous offense including one particularly nasty spot where he caught Andrews midway through a crossbody attempt and swung his legs around to deliver a painful looking backbreaker over his right knee.


Law grew wilder as the contest continued and perhaps this is why he became sloppy. For all the dominating he administered, he could do nothing about being caught in a watertight schoolboy rollup for the unsuspected flash pinfall as Aaron Andrews walked out the victor.

Aaron Andrews defeated Rick Law via pinfall

Rating: C-




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg

Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota

A match that showed so much could have delivered a whole lot more had there been less outside interference. Then again, that’s the risk you run when you go against the will of The Syndicate.


The match started well with both men testing the other. Minnesota slips out of several submission holds applied by Keith and visibly grows in confidence. Keith just smiles and continues his workman like approach, wearing away the arrogance that Minnesota has accumulated as of late with old school combinations that are more commonly seen in 70’s wrestling from the UK and Minnesota’s anger begins to rise as a result. Feeling as though he is being mocked, Joey begins to open up and this is what the veteran grappler has been waiting for, a running clothesline is ducked and as Minnesota passes, Keith locks onto the arms and drags his opponent down to the canvas to apply the Proton Lock. Minnesota fights the hold and tries to drag himself to the ropes but he appears to be fading fast. He is mere inches away with his arm outstretched when a boot to the back of the head forces Keith to break the hold.




Cornell delvers another boot and a third, fourth, fifth as Keith can only attempt to block the impacts. Hawkins joins in on the assault as Minnesota lifelessly rolls out of the ring and the referee is forced to ring the bell for a disqualification.

Sam Keith defeated Joey Minnesota via DQ

Rating: B





All four members of The Syndicate begin to put the boots in to Keith who is completely outgunned and wilts into a seated position in the corner. There is a momentary pause as Cornell signals to The Machines to hoist Keith up into a standing position. Cornell is red faced and is yelling at Keith, almost nose to nose, although Sam is in poor condition and can barely open his eyes. Cornell spits at the man before him and grabs his neck underneath his right arm, ready for the Rough Ride when unfamiliar music hits the arena speakers.



Cornell releases Keith just in time to see both Brent Hill and John Anderson get dropped with what appear to be Neutron Plexes. Wolf Hawkins dashes towards the two men in the ring opposing himself and Cornell as Jason Azaria talks excitedly on commentary.


A quick double team drop toehold guillotines Hawkins across the middle rope and he breathlessly rolls out of the ring soon thereafter and Cornell is left alone. He looks at both men individually, nervously bouncing on the balls of his feet. Greg and Matt race towards The Syndicate leader who decides that it’s best to live and fight another day as he rolls out of the ring before the twins can get in range.


The Syndicate gather at the entranceway as they contemplate returning into the fray, but with Sam Keith now back at a vertical base, they decide to stay where they are with the numbers now almost even. Azaria still excitedly analysing away on commentary makes a statement that signals to the viewers who may be unaware of the identities of the two young men in the ring, “The Keith boys have arrived in TCW!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg

Tommy Cornell vs Koshiro Ino

Cornell is still visibly shaken from the events that have just transpired and he appears to be mentally preoccupied which is unwise to say the least when faced with the Japanese Warrior Koshiro Ino who is always intense.


The action starts heavy and only gets heavier as the contest continues. Ino striking to stun the Englishman who uses technical counters and throws, not to mention a few tried and tested dirty tricks thrown in for good measure, to one up his opponent. Ino hangs in there well and it could be argued that he takes a slight advantage late on and he looks to take full advantage with a Kobra Bite but it is blocked. The Rough Ride is blocked as well. The Japanese Warrior tries one more time for the Kobra Bite bit this time it is ducked and Cornell uses this opportunity to kick the legs out from under him and clamp on the Guilt Trip. Ino fights hard, but being so far away from the ropes is forced to submit as he taps the canvas about fifteen seconds into the hold.


Cornell having earned the victory quickly rolls to his feet; preparing for an attack that never came.

Tommy Cornell defeated Koshiro Ino via submission

Rating: B





We head backstage where we see Jasmine Saunders running after Joey Minnesota who is in his street clothes and heading for the exit.


Saunders: “Mr Minnesota! Hold on a second!”


Minnesota stops in his tracks as his fingertips rest on the door handle. He turns to face Saunders who is finally able to catch her breath.


Saunders: “Joey, the question that the fans want answering is whether or not you were about to submit to the Proton Lock of Sam Keith?”


Minnesota’s face turns sour.


Minnesota: “Sam Keith can count himself lucky that Cornell and his lackeys jumped in when they did. Otherwise I would have embarrassed the old man and the precious TCW fans would hate to see that now wouldn’t they.”


Minnesota rubs his clenched fist against his cheek, mock crying. His face returns to thunder pretty sharply as he directs a verbal assault at Saunders. Something on the lines of “Stupid bitch!” can be heard.


Minnesota returns to his journey and he opens the door to leave but as the door is partitioned, Ricky Dale Johnson is standing on the other side. RDJ tilts his Stetson towards Minnesota who looks frozen in fear.




RDJ: “What’s up Joey?”


RDJ’s playful smile soon gives way to a look of unmitigated aggression as he throws big right hands at his foe. Minnesota is reeling and stumbles backwards with RDJ relentlessly throwing bombs. They crash through the catering room and Ricky picks up a tray of triangularly sliced sandwiches and belts Minnesota over the head sending lettuce and chicken flying everywhere. Minnesota stumbles into a table and in a mad fumble, clasps the first thing at hand, a jug of soda which he promptly hurls in the face of the onrushing RDJ. Temporarily blinded, Minnesota makes a hasty escape as Ricky furiously tries to swab the sweet liquid from his eyes. Vision now clear, RDJ bursts out of the room and looks left and right for Minnesota who is nowhere in sight. The big Texan is fuming as he paces back and forth, yelling threats at his former tag team partner. The screen fades to black as the show comes to an end; RDJ left breathing heavily, occasionally checking in adjacent rooms.



Show Rating: B-

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Prediction Results

Phantom Stranger: 5/6

20LEgend: 4/6

Midnightnick: 5/6

jesseewiak: 4/6

jhd1: 4/6

Bigpapa42: 4/6

Tigerkinney: 4/6

Emark: 3/6

jgriff3029: 4/6

angeldelayette: 4/6

MJStark: 3/6



Congratulations Phantom Stranger and Midnightnick. You have both won this round!



Overall Standings

1st: jesseewiak = 6

2nd: Bigpapa42 = 5

2nd: jgriff3029 = 5

3rd: Tigerkinney = 4

3rd: 20LEgend = 4

4th: angeldelayette = 3

4th: jhd1 = 3

5th: Emark = 2

5th: MJStark = 2

5th: Phantom Stranger = 2

5th: Midnightnick = 2

6th: smurphy1014 = 1

6th: ChrisKid = 1

7th: BHK1978 = 0

7th: Liamo = 0

7th: juggaloninjalee = 0

7th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

7th: QFresh = 0

7th: pauls07 = 0

7th: Boltinho = 0

7th: legendkiller13 = 0

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Really liked the show. The introduction of the Keith boys went off well and the debut match of Owen Love was really solid.


Thanks Emark.


I wanted the Keiths to come in with a purpose rather then have them just appear at a random show for no real reason and this was one of the first ideas I had when starting this diary. The Keith brothers would debut to help their old man fight off The Syndicate. For this to work I had to turn Sam Keith face which wasn't a problem as it tied in nicely to the Rocky Golden angle.


As I've said before, I love me some Owen Love and it was nice to see him debut in an enjoyable contest with a man who is notorious for sucking the fun out of a match if not used right.

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Tuesday of Week 4, March 2010

After an exciting show this past Tuesday that saw the debut of not only Owen Love, but the Keith brothers also, TCW dive right back into action this week with another action packed show.


The TCW All-Action champion will be in singles action first as he looks set to take on the monstrous American Buffalo. With all the momentum Gino has been gathering since his debut, will it all come skidding to a halt when he has to face a man that is twice his size with an attitude to boot?


After coming out on the short end against Champagne Lover two weeks ago, can Guide have better luck against Lover’s tag team partner, Nicolas Lopez, the man who cost him the aforementioned contest? If we were Guide, we would seriously consider enlisting Scout at ringside in case Champagne decides to follow suit.


Having blindsided The Machines in an attempt to protect their father, The Keiths have been put in a match at the request of Tommy Cornell against Brent Hill and John Anderson. Eric Tyler OK’d the match stating, “It will be a good first test for the kids.” Having to go against one of TCW’s most notorious tag teams of all time, maybe the Keiths will have bitten off more than they can chew.


Owen Love, having made a good debut last week against the TCW world heavyweight champion Rocky Golden, this week is up against the recently announced number one contender for the International championship, Troy Tornado. I think the term is trial by fire, but with Tornado likely still feeling the effects of last week’s attack from Sammy Bach, it may be Love’s best opportunity to one up a big TCW name.


Speaking of the self-proclaimed Rock God, Sammy Bach will follow when he goes in singles action against the Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino. Sammy Bach will no doubt want to pull out an impressive win to keep momentum before facing Tornado at the PPV.


The TCW world heavyweight champion will team with Ricky Dale Johnson as they look to get some payback against their opponents whom they will be facing at the PPV. Eddie Peak will want to inflict some more damage on Golden and Minnesota will, well; Minnesota will probably want to keep out of RDJ’s range until absolutely necessary. Don’t mistake Minnesota’s actions as being fearful either; the young hothead is an extremely cunning individual.


With the recent announcement on tcw.com revealing that Tommy Cornell will be going against Sam Keith in what is sure to be an excellent contest at Just Another Day, a tag team main event has been set for this week’s Total Wrestling. Sam Keith will be teaming with the quick rising Aaron Andrews as they take on The Syndicate.


The Syndicate have made a promise for this week’s episode of Total Wrestling; “the show ain’t over, until it’s over!” Who or what this is directed to is unclear as of this moment. Be sure to tune in this Tuesday on GNN Total Sports. You won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key


Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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Another good show. I like the introduction of the little Keith's, but especially liked the RDJ-Minnesota stuff at the end.

<!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->

Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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Prediction Key


Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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Anything can happen in TCW! So many shock results that everyone seems to be picking different people to win.


Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


It doesn't look like you have much in the way of long term plans for Buffalo, so I tip the All Action champ to continue his winning start in TCW.


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


Given the shock results and the fact Champagne Sunrise have had the upper hand thus far, I wouldn't be too shocked to see Lopez win but my feeling is that Guide gets the win here to remind everyone that the newcomers won't have it all their own way.


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


Again given your tendency to throw caution to the wind, and have debutant's debut strong, I would not be too shocked to see the Keith's win, saying that I feel The Machines are just too established and too much of a well oiled tandem to fall to defeat.


Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Another solid losing effort for Love, who appears to be going down the more traditional method of 'jobbing' his way up the card with competitive losses.


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


This one's tricky as it depends on how far up the card you perceive Ino to be, because it's tricky to tell from where I'm sitting...given the fact that Aaron Andrews just upset his recent adversary Rick Law. Seeing as Bach has more focus right now, I'll go for the International champ but this could easily go the other way.


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota


My feeling is that Golden will continue to look dominant as champ, as RDJ will have the upperhand in the early going with his feud with Minnesota, much to his former partners frustration.


Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate


Andrews despite pulling out the upset over Law last week, is the weakest link in the match and will be the one to take the fall.

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