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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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Another good show. I like the introduction of the little Keith's, but especially liked the RDJ-Minnesota stuff at the end.

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It was a blast to write that RDJ/Minnesota segment as I'm not sure that too many saw it coming. You have to appreciate a good old sandwich platter over the head spot! :p


Anything can happen in TCW! So many shock results that everyone seems to be picking different people to win.



It really is interesting to see that my shows have left people doing a lot of second guessing as I feel that for the most part I am booking with elements of logic (maybe warped logic but logic all the same).



Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate


Andrews despite pulling out the upset over Law last week, is the weakest link in the match and will be the one to take the fall.


I will assume based on your thoughts behind this pick that you highlighted the wrong team. ;)

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Good show there london I am a big fan of Owen Love, so its good to see him brought in. Hopefully he will kick some ass in TCW.


Also not quite sure how I missed predicting for the last show.



Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota

Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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Another great show, my friend. Law's defeat shocked me, I'll admit - it'll be interesting to see what Andrews does from here!


Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy

Guide vs Nicolas Lopez

The Keith Brothers vs The Machines

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love

Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer

Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota

Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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Prediction Key


Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy


Guide vs Nicolas Lopez


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 4, March 2010

The Friedman Building

Attendance: 9,080





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/AmericanBuffaloALT.jpg w/http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/FloydGoldworthyALT.jpg

Gino Montero vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy

Speed against power, Montero knowing that to be successful against Buffalo he would have to hit and move and under no circumstances remain a motionless target. This is how it started at least, Gino acting more like a moth around a light bulb than a wrestler trying to compete, but it looked to be effective – at angering the bigger man that is.


Montero ran the ropes and went to set up for a satellite headscissors but was blown away with a powerful boot to the jaw, dropping Montero like a sack of enchiladas. Buffalo drags Gino by the hair and throws him into the corner, preparing him for the Stampede. Buffalo took five strides back and powered forward for the impact, but Montero flipped forward to avoid the collision and countered with a sunset flip. Buffalo having been caught out with quick pinfalls on more than one occasion in recent months was more than prepared and powered Montero across the ring before the count of three. Montero charged at Buffalo as soon as he lands but is met head on with a full force Stampede, flipping him completely over. Buffalo secures the pinfall to pick up the hard fought win.

American Buffalo defeated Gino Montero via pinfall

Rating: C




http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/GuideALT.jpg vs http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/NicolasLopezALT.jpg

Guide vs Nicolas Lopez

On point, that’s one way to describe Guide’s performance in this match. Every move precise, every counter well timed; Lopez struggled to cope with the fury that was Guide and was unable to hang with his opponent for much of the early going. Whenever Lopez looked to get some momentum started he was soon shut down and after a while he began to get desperate as did his tag team partner.



Guide had Lopez staggered and launched himself to hit the Guided Missile when he was cut off by Champagne Lover and a Champagne Sunrise that floored the member of the New Wave. In plain sight of referee Ray Johnson, there was little choice but to call for the disqualification as Scout ran in to intercept a second Champagne Sunrise.




Lover is dropped with a Danger Ahead as Scout looks to prevent Guide from receiving another beat down from Champagne Caviar. Lopez is now up and grabs Scout to set up for the Lopez Buster but no; Guide trusts his shoulder into the midsection of the Mexican as he is holding Scout in the air, allowing the New Wave to drive both members of Champagne Caviar out of the ring.

Guide defeated Nicolas Lopez via DQ

Rating: D+




Scout checks to see if Guide is OK and after a reassuring nod they go to exit the ring. Unfortunately for the New Wave, their ordeal is not yet over as Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford have made their way to ringside. Bryant knees Scout in the jaw as he ducks under the top rope and Oxford drags him out to the floor. The Tag Team Specialists begin to lay the boots into Scout who is damn near out of it from the initial strike of Bryant’s.


Guide wastes little time in reacting as he hits the ropes before soaring clean over the top to come crashing down on Bryant and Oxford. The brawl continues until eventually the zebra herd come charging to separate the four men who show no signs of stopping through will alone.




“Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” begins to play and out comes Eric Tyler with a microphone in hand. He surveys the scene before him as he raises the microphone to his lips; a look of annoyance plastered on his face.


Tyler: “Alright, that’s enough! All of you! It’s clear that last week’s title match did nothing to solve your differences. With Just Another Day being this Sunday and as there have been no solid plans for number one contenders regarding the world tag team titles, how about we make this match official right now?”


All four men nod in agreement and Tyler seeming satisfied turns to leave. He pauses before exiting the stage.


Tyler: “Oh, and one more thing. Based on the fact that a regular tag team match would probably end with some form of s****y finish, coupled with Robert’s fondness of using steel chairs, this match will be contested under No Disqualifications..............Enjoy your evenings gentlemen.”





Just as all the chaos has settled down “Holy Diver” blasts through the arena speakers and out comes Sammy Bach with the Gothic Groupie, Karen Killer. Killer looks on adoringly at her charge who as always acts as if she isn’t even there. Bach swaggers his way to the ring and enters with his bedazzled flowing jacket reflecting the arena lights. Bach has the International title securely fastened around his waist and he gazes down adoringly at it. Killer retrieves a microphone and hands it to the self-proclaimed “Rock God” who snatches it away before beginning.


Bach: “Troy, Troy, Troy, Troy, Troy.....................You think you are so much better than me. You think that because you were a part of Painful Procedure you are a better musician than I am. Well I’ve got news for you Troy; Painful Procedure sucked like a cheap hooker with your contribution being one of the worst components!”


The crowd actually laugh slightly at Bach’s last comment but this soon breaks out into boos.


Bach: “Troy, you’re just jealous that I know how to live the Rock God lifestyle and combined it with an excellent in-ring career which reminds me; how is your head feeling anyway? I think that was one of the sweetest tunes I have played. (laughs)”


Killer begins to cackle as well and for the first time Bach acknowledges her presence.


Bach: “I have the talent, I have the money and I have the title. I have it all.......well, I almost have it all...........Karen, you have been my groupie for how long now? When you first began to follow me around I appreciated it, I didn’t know my own worth; I didn’t have standards back then.........................................I do now..........”


Killer looks confused and this soon turns to one of realisation as Bach hits the Bach To Reality superkick. The Elation Sensation removes a pair of shades from his jacket pocket and puts them on slowly. He looks emotionless as he stands over Killer who is splayed out on the canvas. Bach raises the International title over his head as he absorbs the crowds’ hostile reaction.


With Bach having left the ringside area, EMTs rush the ring to check the condition of Killer. With not much in the way of response, the medics load Karen Killer onto a stretcher with a neck brace applied to keep her as still as possible. The crowd give somewhat of a muted applause as she is carted off backstage and helped into an ambulance.





http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/GregKeithALT.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/MatthewKeithALT.jpg vs http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/BrentHillALT.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/JohnAndersonALT.jpg

The Keith Brothers vs The Machines

The in-ring debut of The Keith Brothers saw both Matt and Greg get a fair amount of offence in, much to the surprise of Hill and Anderson. The Machines try to decimate their opponents with technical precision and indeed this was the strategy employed in this outing. What the Syndicate representatives are unaccustomed to is having their offensive repertoires shut down.


You won’t likely find two men better equipped to succeed in professional wrestling than Matt and Greg Keith who have had the sport drilled into them from an early age and have grown up in a ring being trained by their father. Jason Azaria, always with an eye for detail, doesn’t hesitate to make this point right from the get go and explains to those listening about the childhood of Matt and Greg.


As the match wears down it is clear that the two sides are pretty even and all four men look like they have been through a battle. The ending comes when experience finally pays off and John Anderson hits the Ammo Dump on young Matthew. With Hill blocking the path of Greg, the pinfall is what signals the victory for The Machines.

The Machines defeated The Keith Brothers via pinfall

Rating: D+





Even though the bell has sounded, Hill and Anderson are not done and continue to try and lay in the boots to Matt and Greg. Anderson sets up Matt for a second Ammo Dump but finds it countered; Matthew spins out and delivers a low blow, followed by an eye-poke and finished with a head butt. Azaria on commentary references how Sam Keith will have taught his sons all the dirty moves as well as the clean cut counters. Greg meanwhile fights back against Hill and drops him with a Neutron Plex made famous by his father. The Machines are forced to retreat with The Keith Brothers beckoning them to return and fight as TCW goes to a quick commercial break.




http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg vs http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/OwenLoveALT.jpg

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love

A really enjoyable contest between two talented individuals saw Love and Tornado combine to try and better their opponent using their own unique approaches. Tornado has always been able to compete with his opponent in a match that suits their forte, from high flying, to hardcore and everything in between. Owen Love is very technically minded having been trained in the infamous House of Stone; another fact which Azaria is quick to point out and as such the match is a smooth grappling affair. Love gets the better of the exchanges, holding a slight edge in this department, but Tornado fights hard.


Love begins to lose patience as Tornado hangs on, wounded head and all and starts to look for cheap routes to victory. However, a handful of tights on a roll up was not enough to keep Tornado down on this occasion. Love pleaded with Sam Sparrow but the referee reiterated that the count was only two. Love picked Tornado up and looked to set up for the Love Gun. As Tornado was lifted off the floor he skilfully slipped out the back door and rolled through. Love charged across the ring towards Tornado but was met with a Bach To Reality superkick courtesy of the former Painful Procedure front man, perhaps a message to the International champion. The pin followed shortly thereafter.

Troy Tornado defeated Owen love via pinfall

Rating: B




http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/SammyBachALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Sammy Bach

Sammy Bach received a more hostile reception than usual when he emerged for this match sans Karen Killer. Seemingly nonplussed with the boos, Bach continued about this match with a workmanlike approach that saw him go through the motions rather than exciting and delighting like he usually does.


Ino plugs away at his smaller opponent and does well to keep the high-flyer grounded with the aid of powerful strikes. A fisherman buster puts Bach down for a two but he just manages to get the shoulder up. Ino rises quickly and poises to strike with the Kobra’s Bite, but Bach slips to the right to avoid the impact. Bach To Reality, narrowly misses. Ino kicks Bach hard in the midsection and lifts him for the Falcon’s Arrow but the Elation Sensation shifts his body weight and pulls a small package out of nowhere. Ino struggles but cannot kick out before three. On closer inspection at the second time of viewing it is clear that Bach had his feet intertwined in the ropes to secure the win.

Sammy Bach defeated Koshiro Ino via pinfall

Rating: B



http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/RockyGoldenALT.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg vs http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/EddiePeakALT.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg

Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota

Minnesota showed little in the way of fear when presented with the imposing figure of Ricky Dale Johnson and on more than one occasion actively looked to get in there with The Outlaw. RDJ and Minnesota exchanged heavy punches as the match began to break down and Peak used this opportunity to thunder Rocky Golden off the apron and into the guardrail. Peak followed outside and delivered a sickening Peak of Perfection on the world heavyweight champion onto the steel stairs.


Back in the ring and RDJ is getting the better of Minnesota having delivered the stronger blows and has ascended the top of the turnbuckle to hit a super Leaping Lariat. Minnesota rises to his feet but before The Outlaw could take flight, Peak uses one big swipe of his mighty right paw to shove RDJ to the canvas with a thud. Minnesota seizing the opportunity connects with the Minnesota Salute and ends the match with the following pin.

Eddie Peak & Joey Minnesota defeated Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson via pinfall

Rating: B





The irreplaceable tones of “All Along The Watchtower” begin to sound as Sam Keith makes his way to ringside. He enters the ring slowly, commanding the audiences’ attention throughout. He pauses to study those in attendance before beginning to speak.


Keith: “Last week was an example of what I was talking about; The Syndicate abides wholeheartedly to the will of Tommy and God forbid anybody should refuse the mighty Cornell. But like I said; I expected this..................................And then we saw the TCW debut of my boys Greg and Matthew. I hadn’t planned on them coming into the business trying to defend my ass, but that’s the way the cards were dealt. They did a fine job tonight against Brent and John and I don’t doubt that they will be around for many years kicking ass and taking names here in TCW. They’re the future of this business and they are not alone.


Being around this sport for as long as I have, you come to several realisations along the way. This past year I realised that my time on top may be coming to an end. Now don’t mistake that as me throwing in the towel, because I will be schooling people in the art of professional wrestling for many years to come. What I am saying is that I know that the future of this business is greater than the individual. Tommy knows this as well as I do but refuses to let the spotlight shine on anybody else besides himself. The Syndicate is nothing more than the Tommy Cornell security service and it saddens me to see such a bright young talent as Wolf Hawkins being stifled under Tommy’s shadow. Now nothing I or anybody else can say will make Wolf realise this but eventually he will and when that time comes Tommy, you will realise that the choices you have made will come back to bite you. Whether you like him or hate him, Wolf is part of the future of this sport.


There is one other man in that locker room that I have seen mature over the past few years and who I have recently taken a close interest in. He has shown that spark that indicates future greatness provided he handles his potential correctly and that is where I plan to help. Like my Greg and Matthew, I want to see this kid succeed and believe that he has all the necessary tools to do so. He is my tag team partner for the evening, Aaron Andrews."




Aaron Andrews appears at the entranceway looking extremely proud having heard the kind words of Sam Keith and Kyle Rhodes notes on commentary that Keith was one of the major factors that convinced Andrews to take up a career in professional wrestling.




Andrews jumps into the ring and shakes hands with Keith as they await their opponents for the main event. “Come With Me” echoes around the arena and Tommy Cornell and his protégé Wolf Hawkins saunter their way to the ring so the match can begin.




http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/SamKeith.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/TommyCornellALT.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/sb00210/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs The Syndicate

The match started quick with Aaron Andrews and Wolf kicking things off, each displaying how far they have come in the past four years. Hawkins is perhaps the better, but you certainly couldn’t criticise Andrews with being overmatched as he gave as good as he got. Hawkins focuses more on the technical side of grappling, looking for a weakness in Andrews’ armour whilst Double A fights with fervour and guts, perhaps not the prettiest of offense, but effective all the same.


When Cornell and Keith get involved, the match becomes more methodical and strategic; slow yet engaging. Keith grabs Cornell by the arm and drags him to the canvas to apply the Proton Lock, but the Englishman fights it and scurries to tag in Hawkins before the hold can be locked in. Wolf leaps the top rope in one bound and drops a leg across Keith’s throat. Instead of heading to the apron, Cornell remains in the ring and kicks Keith right in the centre of the spine which brings Andrews back into the fold. Cornell turns just in time to get hoisted and dropped with a Triple A-D. Hawkins catches Andrews on the way up with a Full Moon Rising and turns his attention back to Keith who is now standing. A Proton Plex sends Hawkins rolling out of the ring and he drags himself until he is seated next to Cornell who is staring back at the two men in the ring, conflicted with whether or not to return. The referee’s count reaches nine and Cornell simply waves Hawkins to follow as they leave the entranceway.

Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews defeated The Syndicate via count out

Rating: B




Andrews and Keith exchange a hearty handshake before Aaron Andrews heads backstage, ensuring that he high fives the fans in the front row on his way. Keith on this rare occasion breaks out into a slight smile as he watches Andrews leave, almost like a proud father would watch a son at graduation. He simply doesn’t see it coming.......




A man has jumped the guardrail and entered the ring behind Keith. The fans buzz with excitement at recognition of the individual, his model good looks unmistakable. The Marc of Excellence drops Keith as he unknowingly turns into the kick.


Marc DuBois repositions his hair as the oh-so-vein youngster has become known for doing. He flashes his pearly whites before heading back up the entrance ramp where he walks back first into Tommy Cornell. He jumps and spins. The two stare at one another for a while before DuBois smiles once again. Cornell returns the motion and the two shake hands. The cameras are close enough to pick up what The Syndicate leader says as he looks back towards the ring and the prone figure of Sam Keith. “The show ain’t over until it’s over!”


The screen fades to black as the show comes to an end.



Show Rating: B

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Nice addition with DuBois. Good show.


Thanks man. Shame that all the pics from my old shows are temporarily out of action though because of photobucket maintenance. I don't want to have to go through the whole thing and re-do them, it would take forever. :(

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Prediction Results


Phanton Stranger: 2/7

Midnightnick: 2/7

MJStark: 1/7

Bigpapa42: 4/7

jgriff3029: 2/7

20LEgend: 3/7

Tigerkinney: 4/7

legendkiller13: 3/7

jhd1: 4/7

jesseewiak: 4/7

Emark: 4/7



Congratulations Bigpapa42, Tigerkinney, jhd1, jessewiak and Emark. You have all won this very difficult round.



Overall Standings

1st: jesseewiak = 7

2nd: Bigpapa42 = 6

3rd: jgriff3029 = 5

3rd: Tigerkinney = 5

4th: 20LEgend = 4

4th: jhd1 = 4

5th: angeldelayette = 3

5th: Emark = 3

6th: MJStark = 2

6th: Phantom Stranger = 2

6th: Midnightnick = 2

7th: smurphy1014 = 1

7th: ChrisKid = 1

8th: BHK1978 = 0

8th: Liamo = 0

8th: juggaloninjalee = 0

8th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

8th: QFresh = 0

8th: pauls07 = 0

7th: Boltinho = 0

7th: legendkiller13 = 0

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Good addition with DuBois. His talent should give you some really nice options during his stay with TCW.


What really surprised me was that the SWF didn't even try and re-sign him. I'm not going to complain because it means I got him for cheaper than I otherwise would have.


The photobucket fiasco seems to have righted itself so the next post you will see on my behalf will be the card for Just Another Day.

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Just Another Day promises to be an action-packed PPV with big names and big matches galore. Every title is up for grabs this Sunday with so much more to boot so let’s not waste any more time and break the card down.


Having failed to beat American Buffalo this past Tuesday, Gino Montero wanted to prove that he is still the best in the All-Action division and requested to Eric Tyler that he defend the title in a four man scramble match. Tyler did not hesitate in making the match official and so Montero will be up against Chance Fortune, the man who has held the title more than any other in Freddy Huggins and a debuting Mexican luchador, the extremely talented Axxis Jr.


With his impactful appearance this Tuesday at Total Wrestling, Marc DuBois has issued an open challenge for the PPV. The man to respond to the challenge; the Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino. Can DuBois make a name for himself over The Kobra or will the man of honour and virtue put The Prodigy in his place?


The tag team titles will be on the line next as The New Wave go up against The Tag Team Specialists in a No DQ war. Can The New Wave fight through adversity one more time or will the veteran duo of Oxford and Bryant reach the pinnacle of the tag team world?


A match that was made following Total Wrestling see Aaron Andrews team with Greg and Matthew Keith to take on The Syndicate’s representatives of Wolf Hawkins and The Machines. We’re not too sure what is going to happen in this one, but we know it will be enjoyable while it lasts.


Sammy Bach will be looking to successfully defend the International title against the man whom he has physically assaulted with a guitar, Troy Tornado. Tornado has said that he is both mentally and physically ready to tear Bach apart and take the International title to a more deserving home. Bach and Tornado have built up quite a rivalry over these past couple of months, tonight is when we see it come to a head.


Ricky Dale Johnson will finally be able to get his hands on the man whom has betrayed his friendship, Joey Minnesota. It has been rumoured that Minnesota has been counselled for this match and has strategized a flawless gameplan to defeat The Outlaw. We would be lying if we said that we weren’t concerned about the well being of both these men as few rivalries get as personal as that displayed between these two competitors.


Sam Keith and Tommy Cornell will meet for the first time, one-on-one in what is sure to be a match for the ages. Who will prove themselves to be the better man when the dust settles? Can Keith finally get one up on The Syndicate leader who has thus far remained one step ahead at every turn? Eric Tyler has declared on tcw.com that he has an announcement to make regarding this contest at the beginning of the night. As yet, we are unsure what the announcement will decree.


The main event of the evening will see two behemoths collide as the reigning and defending world heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden will be going up against the most physically challenging individual he has had to face in The Hardcore Assassin, Eddie Peak. The Great White has shown that he can physically dominate Golden over the past few weeks and now, with the title on the line, will we see a new king crowned?


All this and more exclusively on PPV. Be sure to tune in, you won’t want to miss out.


TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines

TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins

Montero proves himself in this match.


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois

After a strong debut, DuBois begins his winning ways.



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists

No DQ? No problem.


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines

I like The Keith Brothers.


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado

This one is tough but Bach somehow comes away with the win.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota

RDJ doesn't quite get what he wants this time around.


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell

I call it a draw.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

The Great White pulls a major upset.

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines

TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell (thrown out)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave (c) vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

Whoever takes the belt off Rockky needs to be good in the ring, sorry Eddie.

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell - DDQ


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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Well I just read all 19 pages of this in one go, pausing only to eat my dinner. :cool: Fantastic read.


TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines

Too early for Aaron and Keiths to go over Wolf


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado (by DQ)

Tornado should be getting a main event run, so better off not getting the IN title


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota

Tough call. I'd go with RDJ with a DQ if I didn't pick the last match to be a DQ.


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell

Gotta keep Tommy strong.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © (by DQ) vs Eddie Peak

I think Eddie will get the title eventually, but not yet.

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Well I just read all 19 pages of this in one go, pausing only to eat my dinner. :cool: Fantastic read.


Thanks man......actually, based on your username I'm not sure of your gender so please don't take offence if I am wrong. This comment has really made my day. Hope you enjoy the upcoming show. :)

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