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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

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UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 1, April 2010

Wisconsin Gardens

Attendance: 8,460





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/UKDragonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT2.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CarlBatchALT.jpg

UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch

A quick paced contest that saw Edd Stone fight with a renewed focus from the off. Stone’s usual flamboyant repertoire seems more controlled, more precise. Batch stands at ringside as a source of encouragement for the young Canadian who for the most part dominates the UK Dragon and shuts down all of the opposing offence. The match lasts for a little under ten minutes when the Party’s Over connects and finishes off the Brit.

Edd Stone defeated UK Dragon via pinfall

Rating: D+




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GregKeithALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MatthewKeithALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ClarkAlexanderALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DannyFonzarelliALT.jpg

The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder

Two teams that are popular with the TCW audience and although Fonzarelli and Alexander show sparks of cohesion, the Keith Brothers have been brought up together in the wrestling business and as such, know what the other is doing at all times.


The exchanges are enjoyable for the most part, but the crowd don’t really get into the match as a whole, perhaps neither team are established enough to really warrant the fans interest as of this point. As the action winds down, Alexander is left in the ring with Greg and sets up for his patented Samoan Drop, but whilst Greg is hoisted onto the shoulders, Matthew hits a chopblock that drops Alexander to the floor. Greg smoothly shifts from his position to transition into the Proton Lock and wrenches it back. Fonzarelli is kept occupied as he attempts to interfere by a Neutron Plex from Matthew. Alexander is left with no option but to signal his surrender.

The Keith Brothers defeated Harmonic Thunder via submission

Rating: D-





“Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” plays through the arena speakers as Eric Tyler strides his way to the centre of the ring. He takes a moment to study the crowd before raising the microphone to his lips and beginning.


Tyler: “So everybody is wondering what my announcement today will reveal. Really, there is nothing too complicated about it; not too sure why I didn’t announce it beforehand, but I suppose to add a sense of importance and intrigue I felt it necessary to explain in full tonight.


So far, I have made it clear that the four matches tonight have certain implications with regards to the World Heavyweight title. Well, that is only partly true because next week there are another four matches that will be affected in the same way. The eight matches in question will be the first round matches of a newly established annual tournament. Tournaments are a dying art in this sport and that is truly a shame. Back in my day, tournaments meant something and now, here in TCW, the long standing art will continue with the debut of the King Of Mayhem.


Over the past couple of months, I knew that I was going to implement this tournament and I searched high and low for a trophy maker who can create a masterpiece befitting a prestigious tournament and after many hours of hard work and dedication, the good people of MJStark limited have produced this. Take it in, because in years to come people will look back on this moment and realise that this tournament ushered in the breakout moment for future wrestling legends.




The sixteen participants will compete in a single elimination tournament that will run throughout the month to see who the top competitor is. The winner and the first King Of Mayhem will be granted a World Heavyweight championship match at Total Mayhem 15 against Rocky Golden, or whomever the champion may be. So for those included in the inaugural King Of Mayhem tournament, I wish you good luck; may the best man win.”





King Of Mayhem – First Round Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/OwenLoveALT.jpg

Gino Montero vs Owen Love

Two completely different styles clash in the very first match of the inaugural King Of Mayhem tournament. Owen Love struggles to get a hold of the tricky Montero who uses his slick luchador background to counter with a plethora of varied armdrags and headscissor takedowns. The All-Action champion was on a roll and nearly pulled off the win with several near fall attempts.


Love showed tenacity by fighting hard, knowing exactly what is at stake. Montero leaps to the top rope in preparation for a Montero Press but Love drops back into the rope which causes Montero to fall back into the ring with a thud. Love capitalises and as Montero regains his footing connects with a Love Gun that seals the pinfall victory.

Owen Love defeated Gino Montero via pinfall

Rating: C+





“Thunderstruck” echoes around the arena as Joey Minnesota emerges at the entranceway with a snide expression on his face. He heads down to ringside where he snatches a microphone from an assistant before jumping into the squared circle. He stands in the middle of the ring as he addresses the crowd.


Minnesota: “I told you all that I would beat Ricky Dale Johnson; I told you that the Alliance was held back by the selfish and egotistical Outlaw but none of you people believed me; all of you except one. You see when I made the decision to kick RDJ to the curb; there was a voice in my ear that helped me every step of the way. That voice belongs to a man, no; a genius, the likes of which TCW has never before seen. That man offered his managerial services to me, having seen my potential he assured me that I will reach the pinnacle of this sport within a year and has promised to guide me along the way to ensure I maximise my potential. That man is Dunton Hall.”




The man considered to be by many, the best mind in the business, Dunton Hall makes his way down the aisle hold the set of brass knuckles that Minnesota used to dim the lights of RDJ this past Sunday. He enters the ring to stand beside Minnesota and is handed a microphone from his charge.


Hall: “He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice..............................Words spoken by a true man of intelligence, now reiterated by a second for the benefit of you inbred halfwits. Ricky Dale Johnson would quite happily have kept a man like Joey Minnesota in line whilst he led the charge into battle like the bumbling buffoon that he is. You Ricky, needed to be put in your place and thanks to my intellect and the might of Joey Minnesota, you have been. Now Joey can focus on fulfilling his potential and win the King Of Mayhem tournament and go on to capture the World Heavyweight title at Total Mayhem 15. So to more pressing matters, whomever Joey’s opponent is in the tournament next week, be prepared to lose because there is no alternative option. Trust me, I’m a genius!”


The big screen in the arena flickers into life and we see the bruised, swollen face of Ricky Dale Johnson staring back. Minnesota and Hall look on with a sense of pride at their handiwork.




Johnson: “Enjoy yourselves while you can Joey..........Dunton, because next week the man you will be facing in the King Of Mayhem will be me. This right here on my face is nothing, NOTHING compared to what I will do with you. See you soon partner..........”




King Of Mayhem – First Round Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChampagneLoverALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CuervoALT.jpg

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo

A heated match between two predominately tag team competitors sees Guide bring the heat early on in an attempt to get a measure of retribution against a man that has caused him and Scout much trouble as of late. Lover holds his own admirably and is far from overmatched as he evenly exchanges with Guide throughout the match and it could be argued, even outshines him on more than one occasion.


Guide has Lover set and charges for the Guided Missile, but Champagne leapfrogs the attack. The man in paint turns around only to be met with a Champagne Sunrise but he somehow slips the impact and clasps Lover around the waist. A German Suplex is the desired move but Lover flips through completely and lands on his feet. He quickly charges back towards Guide but is dropped with a returning Guided Missile. Guide hooks the leg and secures the win to advance to the quarter finals.

Guide defeated Champagne Lover via pinfall

Rating: C+




King Of Mayhem – First Round Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

With Peak having fallen short in his attempt to wrest the World Heavyweight championship away from Rocky Golden at Just Another Day, you can tell in his eyes he is eager to get a second bite at the cherry. The man standing in his way, Koshiro Ino has let it be known that he would happily compete against his former tag team champion partner in an effort to take the gold and as a result, the two men go at it with an intense ferocity.


The action takes its toll on both Ino and Peak with the Japanese Warrior perhaps getting the worst of it. Peak shows his animalistic power as after hitting an impactful powerbomb on Ino, proceeds to lift him back off the canvas in the same position to deliver a second. Unfortunately for Sam Sparrow, a wayward arm of Ino connects with his cheek and sends him to the canvas with a thud. Peak seizes the opportunity and slips out of the ring to collect a chair to ensure the victory. Peak stands over Ino who is beginning to stir. The sadistic Great White raises the metal weaponry high above his head, ready to strike. There is something preventing Peak from bringing down the hammer and it takes a moment before he realises exactly why that is.



Bryan Vessey rips the chair from the grip of Eddie Peak and swings it wildly over his head. Peak slumps to the floor as Vessey makes a hasty exit out of the ring. Ino looks confused as he sees Peak on the floor but shrugs his shoulders as he goes to make the pin. Sam Sparrow makes the count and as his hand hits the mat for the third time, the blood seeping from a wound on the Hardcore Assassin’s forehead is now visible.

Koshiro Ino defeated Eddie Peak via pinfall

Rating: B





“Come With Me” blares through the arena speakers which can mean only one thing. Tommy Cornell flanked by The Machines and Wolf Hawkins appear at the entranceway and they authoritatively march their way towards the ring. Hawkins retrieves a microphone for his mentor who is jaw-jacking with a fan at ringside. The four men assemble in a line in the middle of the ring as Cornell begins to speak.


Cornell: “What is the relationship between The Syndicate and Marc DuBois? Is there one at all? That’s the question everybody is asking isn’t it? Well before I continue any further I think it only right to bring the missing party down to the ring. Marc, come out here for a minute please.




The arena lights change to a deep shade of pink that is indicative of the Model, Marc DuBois. The man himself appears a few moments later. He saunters his way to the ring, almost appearing to glide as he does so; so elegant is his strut. He enters the ring and approaches a spot before Cornell who is smiling as he looks on.


Cornell: “Nice to see you again Marc. I’ll inform everybody on our situation now if you don’t mind.”


DuBois signals to Cornell that he is OK with The Syndicate leader divulging.


Cornell: “The Syndicate is the most powerful force in professional wrestling today. I myself have the keenest of eyes for talent; Brent, John and Wolf are indicative of this. I saw Marc, I studied Marc and I saw the same in him what I did in Wolf; untapped potential. Marc was being misused and underutilised and it was that which made me step forward to make the offer. I promised that I would take DuBois to the Promised Land as a part of The Syndicate. Marc, saw what lay before him and realised that the situation would benefit both parties and now; well, now he is a member of The Syndicate.”


DuBois steps forward and requests the microphone from Tommy who obliges. DuBois’ words rolling out in that familiar almost seductive French-Canadian accent that only further propagates the “Model” persona. Cornell signals that the stage is his as he and the rest of The Syndicate head backstage.


DuBois: “And I appreciated the offer Tommy. I know that with your help I can reach the top of the pack. Sam Keith was only the start of what I am capable of. When I win the King Of Mayhem tournament, all the fans will realise that my perfect symmetrical good looks are only the beginning of my God given gifts.”



DuBois signs off with a kiss towards the camera as “Eye Of The Tiger” hits the arena speakers and his opponent, Benny Benson makes his way to the ring.





King Of Mayhem – First Round Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois

Benny Benson opens up like a house of fire, rocking DuBois with forceful strikes that had him reeling. Benson looks to be targeting much of his offence on The Model’s face which angered the vain DuBois who prides himself on his good looks. Benson really began to struggle as DuBois turned the heat up and started to take control of the match.


DuBois works over the legs of Benson who is rendered almost useless as his high impact offence is neutralised. The Model finally wraps the match up as he traps Benson in a Model Solution for the submission win advancing him in the tournament. Benson should be proud of his effort though because he came close to kicking the model from his pedestal on more than one occasion.

Marc DuBois defeated Benny Benson via submission

Rating: B




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg

Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

The initial stare down is intense as the two champions stand mere inches apart locking eyes. The early exchanges show two things; Bach is clearly the quicker of the two, but Bach is also too arrogant for his own good and suffers as a consequence. The self-proclaimed Rock God struggles against the power advantage of Rocky Golden who is damn near throwing the International champion from pillar to post. Bach perseveres against the adversity and finds his moment to hit a pin point dropkick to the knee which drops the World Heavyweight champion and drives him head first into a middle turnbuckle.


Bach takes control and uses movement to keep out of range whenever Golden swipes in his direction. However, arrogance once again gets the better of Bach who stands too close to the World Heavyweight champion as he taunts him. Rocky seizes Bach by the throat and lifts him into the Torture Rack. Bach is wildly flinging his limbs around in an effort to escape. Golden forces Bach to flip and land on his feet with one thrust of the shoulder and as his feet touch the canvas, he is met with a well timed Rocky Road. Bach is down and the following pinfall comes as no surprise.

Rocky Golden defeated Sammy Bach via pinfall

Rating: B





Rocky begins to celebrate with the crowd; his championship belt draped over his left shoulder. The look on his face is one of joy, having just beaten a tough opponent in Sammy Bach. The lights suddenly go out and the big screen jumps into life.


We see a big man shrouded in shadows pummelling opponents with hard-hitting clotheslines and slams. These shots are interlinked with the same individual hitting a heavy bag; each blow sounding impactful as the camera closes in for effect. The camera pans up to see that a picture of Rocky Golden covered in blood following his brutal cage match with Sam Keith is secured near the top of the heavy workout equipment. The camera hangs over the shoulder of the man as his heavy breathing becomes more prominent. His gaze clearly fixed on the image before him. He lets out a blood-curdling scream as he drives his fist through the picture and deep into the heavy bag. The screen fades to black as writing appears on the screen. “The Physical Phenom is coming: 3 Weeks”


The lights in the arena return as those in attendance murmur in confusion. The man who the message is targeted for, the World Heavyweight Champion remains transfixed on the screen as the show comes to an end.



Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results

Emark: 6/7

Phantom Stranger: 6/7

Bigpapa42: 5/7

jgriff3029: 5/7

Midnightnick: 4/7

20LEgend: 5/7

Tigerkinney: 5/7

CamillePunk: 4/7

MJStark: 5/7



Congratulations Emark and Phantom Stranger, you have won this round!



Overall Standings

1st: jesseewiak = 7

1st: Bigpapa42 = 7

2nd: jgriff3029 = 5

2nd: Tigerkinney = 5

2nd: Emark = 5

3rd: 20LEgend = 4

3rd: jhd1 = 4

4th: Phantom Stranger = 3

4th: angeldelayette = 3

5th: MJStark = 2

5th: Midnightnick = 2

6th: smurphy1014 = 1

6th: ChrisKid = 1

7th: BHK1978 = 0

7th: Liamo = 0

7th: juggaloninjalee = 0

7th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

7th: QFresh = 0

7th: pauls07 = 0

7th: Boltinho = 0

7th: legendkiller13 = 0

7th: CamillePunk = 0

7th: MorenoKing24 = 0

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Awesome show, my friend - sorry I missed the predictions (again!). Very interested in the identity of the 'Physical Phenom' and I like a good tournament! :D


Am I right in thinking TM15 is this month's PPV?


Thanks man, don't worry about it.


I myself really do love a good tournament as this diary will no doubt prove as time goes on. The Physical Phenom is a man who I was very excited about bringing in. The PPV this month is Where Angels Fear To Tread. The World Heavyweight title match will be Rocky Golden against the Physical Phenom and the final of the King Of Mayhem will also take place. The winner of which has a main event world title match at TM15.

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Tuesday of Week 2, April 2010

With the revelation of the King Of Mayhem tournament, there will be a lot to play for this week in the land of TCW. Who will advance? Who will fall short? How will the participants react if friendships have to be put on the line for the richest prize in the sport?


The opener will see All-Action champion, Gino Montero compete in a triple threat scenario against Freddy Huggins and the masked man, Axxis Jr. Montero will be looking to bounce back from his hard fought defeat against Owen Love last week, but that will be easier said than done with the talent of his opposition this time around.


The duo of Aaron Andrews and Chance Fortune, collectively known as the L.A. Connection will be against The Syndicate representatives of The Machines. Can the boys from the west coast down the former three time world tag team champions, or will the no nonsense technicians win the day?


The fifth first round match in the King Of Mayhem tournament will see a continuation of the ongoing saga between The New Wave and Champagne Caviar as Scout takes on Nicolas Lopez. Will Lopez be able to do what his partner failed to achieve and advance?


TCW’s resident Love Doctor, Danny Fonzarelli will be up against the young and hungry Wolf Hawkins who is eagerly awaiting an opportunity to shine. Will his desire be able to overcome the bigger man and earn a place in the King Of Mayhem quarter finals?


The seventh first round match sees the former front man of Painful Procedure, Troy Tornado go up against the Renegade Officer, Rick Law. Both men have failed to achieve continued success at the top of the TCW card; will the KOM provide them the opportunity to break through the proverbial glass ceiling?


The eighth and final first round match sees perhaps the most anticipated of all the KOM matches thus far. Ricky Dale Johnson will go one on one with Joey Minnesota who will compete with his manager Dunton Hall present at ringside for the very first time. Will this be the occasion when The Outlaw finally delivers a measure of retribution against his former tag team partner?


The main event should be a corker as the world heavyweight champion Rocky Golden goes in singles action against the man from whom he took the title, the leader of The Syndicate, Tommy Cornell. No question about it, this night should be one to remember in TCW.



Prediction Key


Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


The L.A. Connection vs The Machines


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Scout vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell

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Another top quality show.


Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


The L.A. Connection vs The Machines


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Scout vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell

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Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


The L.A. Connection vs The Machines


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Scout vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell

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Another good show and diggin the tournament.


Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


The L.A. Connection vs The Machines


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Scout vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell

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Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


The L.A. Connection vs The Machines


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Scout vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell Draw

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Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


The L.A. Connection vs The Machines


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Scout vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell

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Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


All Action Champ bounces back from defeat in the KOM tournament.


The L.A. Connection vs The Machines


The more established team


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Scout vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo


You've shown that you are not afraid to push new talent, and I see Lopez pulling out the mild upset here to keep things even between the New Wave and Champagne Caviar.


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins


Hawkins isn't going to be losing to Fonzarelli anytime soon.


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law


Tornado's still battling Bach for the International belt, so he already has a programme set up....Rick Law needs this win more to stay remotely credible as an upper tier threat.


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Minnesota gets one over on RDJ again through nefarious means.


Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell


Non Title, but I actually think that Golden wins after the Keith family help to negate some Syndicate based interference.

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Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


The L.A. Connection vs The Machines

King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Scout vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell

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]Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


The L.A. Connection vs The Machines


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Scout vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law


King Of Mayhem - First Round Match

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall - DRAW


Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell

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<p><strong>Gino Montero</strong> vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins</p><p> </p><p>

The L.A. Connection vs <strong>The Machines</strong></p><p> </p><p>

King Of Mayhem - First Round Match</p><p>

<strong>Scout</strong> vs Nicolas Lopez w/Cuervo</p><p> </p><p>

King Of Mayhem - First Round Match</p><p>

Danny Fonzarelli vs <strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

King Of Mayhem - First Round Match</p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado</strong> vs Rick Law</p><p> </p><p>

King Of Mayhem - First Round Match</p><p>

Ricky Dale Johnson vs <strong>Joey Minnesota </strong>w/Dunton Hall</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rocky Golden</strong> vs Tommy Cornell</p>

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the unexplained absence of this diary, I have been really busy with university exams and the like and haven't been able to dedicate the time to this project as I would have liked. Rest assured that the game save is very much still around and this diary is not done yet. As my exams are still ongoing, I can't give an official date of when the next show will be posted. All I will say is keep your eyes peeled.



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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 2, April 2010

Evanovich Riverside

Attendance: 10,000 (SELL OUT!)





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AxxisJrALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FreddyHugginsALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/LauraHugginsALT.jpg

Gino Montero vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins

A fast paced match as one would expect with the three participants involved. The two young Mexicans providing the majority of the early action, displaying their lucha based offence to full effect and the crowd seem to appreciate the effort and performance put forth. For his part, Freddy Huggins allows Montero and the masked man to go about their business, more concerned with discussing tactics with his sister and interrupting pins when the situation calls for it.


The match is a little more than ten minutes old when all three men are delivering their top moves on one another. Axxis Jr sets up for the Gravity Axxisault in the corner on Huggins but the “teen idol” is able to push the legs away from underneath Axxis and hit the Huggins Kiss as he falls back first towards the canvas. Huggins in unable to capitalise however, as Gino Montero quickly ascends the turnbuckle and leaps high to connect with the Montero Press moonsault that connects with Huggins who was yet to regain his feet. The referee’s three count signals the victory for the All-Action champion.

Gino Montero defeated Freddy Huggins via pinfall

Rating: C-




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChanceFortuneALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BrentHillALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JohnAndersonALT.jpg

The L.A. Connection vs The Machines

There is no love lost between these two teams, especially considering the recent relationship that has developed between Aaron Andrews and The Keith family. The majority of the match sees Hill and Anderson isolate Chance Fortune in their half of the ring, wearing him down efficiently with their tag team savvy. Hill drops Fortune with a wicked belly to belly suplex that sends Fortune upside down into the corner turnbuckle, leaving him folded in a painful looking position. Aaron Andrews leans in for the tag but cannot reach Chance and he is soon cut off by a forearm courtesy of Anderson.


Andrews has seen all he can bare and slides into the ring to hit a clothesline to the back of Anderson’s head. Hill ducks a second and leathers a boot into Andrews’ gut. A groggy looking Anderson has enough wherewithals to drop Andrews with an Ammo Dump. The Machines take full advantage of the two on one situation and put Fortune away with an Ammo Dump followed by a King Of The Hill splash. Following the bell Andrews is clearly aggravated. His potential touted by Sam Keith, but he needs to keep his cool when under pressure or the future of this young star, may not be as bright as once thought.

The Machines defeated The L.A. Connection via pinfall

Rating: C+





The cameras take us backstage where we see Edd Stone standing in the interview area with Jasmine Saunders. The look on his face informs the audience of his emotions and it isn’t long before he cuts Jasmine off in mid sentence.


Stone: “Enough talk out of you, ho-bag. The people don’t want to hear your ditsy questions, no, they want to hear what I have to say, you feel me?”


Jasmine looks deeply offended at the name calling but remains silent and perseveres with the interview.


Stone: “It’s like this; Gino Montero is disgracing the title that I worked my ass off to defend. I brought prestige to the gold Gertrude (Jasmine goes to correct Edd about her name but it is a wasted effort as Stone continues on his tirade), and this little Latino jumping bean, is taking a taco filled crap all over my legacy!”




A hearty laughter is heard just off screen and on walks Carl Batch with a huge smile on his face.


Batch: “Now listen up little lady, what Edd Stone is trying to say is that Gino is in above his head. He walks around with that title like he don’t belong; the kid looks lost and in the ghetto that is TCW, fools get got!”


Saunders looks extremely confused with Batch’s vernacular and this is evidenced by her reaction.


Batch: “But we won’t be jumping back in so quick to get the title back to where it belongs, ya know what I’m sayin’. Nah, we gonna wait until the time is right. You see, as the best damn manager in this game, I got me some street smarts. The loudest dog on the street is the first one to get a whoppin’, we gonna stay smart and be the ones laughin’ at the end hahaaaaaaaa!”


The familiar laughing sign off sees Edd and his manager exit the shot as Jasmine gathers herself for a hasty cut to commercials.




King Of Mayhem – First Round Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/NicolasLopezALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CuervoALT.jpg

Scout vs Nicholas Lopez w/Cuervo

A tough match for both competitors in the opening round; the battle swinging back and forth from the early exchanges right through until the end. Scout looks the more determined and his blunt offence starts to break Lopez down.




It isn’t long there after that Champagne Lover is signalled to make an appearance following a wave of the arm from Cuervo. Lover jumps up onto the apron as Cuervo slides one of her high heeled shoes into the hands of Lopez. Scout has his back turned, arguing with Champagne as the referee struggles to get the soap star down from the edge of the ring.



Before Lopez can strike Scout, he is cut off by Guide who jumps the guardrail and drops Nicholas with a Guided Missile. Scout turns around to see Lopez clutching his stomach on the canvas and capitalises with a Special Force, trapping Lopez in the centre of the ring. Ray Johnson turns around just in time to see the submission and calls for the bell.

Scout defeated Nicholas Lopez via submission

Rating: B-




King Of Mayhem – First Round Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DannyFonzarelliALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins

Not a pretty match for sure; Wolf Hawkins wastes little time in tearing into Dr. Love. For all of Fonzarelli’s comic behaviour, trying to pander to the crowd, it proves little more than an irritation to the cerebral Hawkins who drops his larger opponent any time he looks to be showboating. Hawkins eventually puts an end to a fairly one sided contest with a Full Moon Rising.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Danny Fonzarelli via pinfall

Rating: C-





As the bell rings “Come With Me” begins to air over the arena speakers and out comes Tommy Cornell, Marc DuBois and The Machines. They march their way to the ring, The Machines remaining stoic as does their leader, only DuBois displays a flicker of emotion by strutting down the aisle and flicking his hair from side to side. The Syndicate enter the ring and form ranks. Cornell is handed a microphone after patting Wolf Hawkins on the back for a job well done. He turns to face the hard camera as Hawkins fall back into line.


Cornell: “The Syndicate are unstoppable. The Syndicate are the elite and we have proven this time and time again. When I heard Eric Tyler and the board talking last month about the King Of Mayhem tournament I ensured that The Syndicate’s presence would be felt. It didn’t take a great deal of convincing, Tyler knows that for this tournament to be considered the best in the world, he would need to incorporate the best talent TCW has to offer. As you can see, The Syndicate have shown that we will dominate the competition and The Syndicate will take the King Of Mayhem trophy home with us when all is said and done.”


Cornell signals with his right arm in the direction of Marc DuBois who steps forward and bows sarcastically towards the crowd. The expression of Hawkins’ face suddenly changes; his glance shifting between DuBois and Cornell. The Syndicate leader drops the microphone and exits the ring, soon followed by the Machines and DuBois. Hawkins stands motionless for a moment, glaring daggers into DuBois who is once again strutting. Wolf’s head slowly drops and he eventually follows in the wake of the others.




King Of Mayhem – First Round Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpg

Troy Tornado vs Rick Law

Tornado and Law prove to be fairly evenly matched early on. Their styles mesh quite nicely although something within Law seems to be holding him back and as a result, the match suffers somewhat. After fifteen minutes of action, Law loses steam and this is not something that goes unpunished against a man the calibre of Troy Tornado and a Star Maker ends the contest and sends the former front man into the quarter finals.

Troy Tornado defeated Rick Law via pinfall

Rating: C+





Troy Tornado celebrates his win with the fans as he glad hands them all the way back up the aisle. The cameras follow him backstage where a few backstage hands pass on their congratulations which Tornado gratefully accepts. He grabs a bottle of water from a nearby table before heading towards the locker room area. He approaches a door which displays his name in bold lettering. As he opens the door, the look of Tornado’s face turns to one of aggression as sitting comfortably on a sofa inside is Sammy Bach; the International championship belt hanging loosely over his left shoulder. The champion is helping himself to the contents of Tornado’s fruit bowl and is still cradling a handful of grapes as Tornado addresses him.




Tornado: “What the hell do you think you are doing?”


Bach: “Nothing much; just relaxing and watching the show.”


Tornado: “Well that’s all well and good but get your Hanson loving ass out of my locker room!”


Bach: “Such hostility.........No worries, I was just about to leave anyway.”


Bach stands and starts towards the door before abruptly stopping. He spins to face Tornado.


Bach: “Oh, there was one thing..............Congratulations on advancing in the King Of Mayhem. I guess you won’t be going after my International title this month, huh. I wouldn’t worry about it anyway Troy; you’re simply not good enough to beat me.”


Tornado steps closer towards Bach until their noses are almost touching.


Tornado: “Whilst I would love to take the International title off of you and shut your mouth for good, I have bigger fish to fry right now. I’m going for the next level; I will win the King Of Mayhem tournament and go on to capture the World Heavyweight championship at Total Mayhem fifteen. So don’t worry about me Sammy; I’ll be just fine!”


Bach spins on his heels and leaves the room. Tornado slams the door behind him and smiles, knowing he got underneath Bach’s skin one more time.




King Of Mayhem – First Round Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DuntonHallALT.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

Following the theme from their PPV match at Just Another Day, this encounter is hard-hitting and both men look to unload a heavy dose of punishment on one another. Dunton Hall remains calm at ringside, noting down the smallest intricacies and relaying pointers towards his charge. Minnesota tries to weather the storm but is struggling against the more experienced brawler. Johnson starts to get heavy handed and has Minnesota trapped in a corner and delivers heavy blows to the gut and head of his opponent. Minnesota tries to get eye contact with Hall, looking for advice on what to do next; Hall in a calm tone relays the message of “stick to the plan”. As RDJ pauses to yell in appreciation of the crowd support, Minnesota slowly rises to his feet. Johnson turns to his former tag team partner and stalks towards the seemingly beaten foe. Minnesota stubbornly squares up to the Texan and spits directly into his face. The Outlaw’s face turns a deep shade of red and he begins to shake in anger. He takes a step back and boots Minnesota square in the jaw causing him to fold back into the corner. RDJ begins to really go balls to the wall and relentlessly pounds the skull of Minnesota against the lower turnbuckle. Minnesota goes limp and referee Sam Sparrow struggles to restrain the irate Southerner who has completely snapped. The count of five is ignored and Sam Sparrow is left with no option but to call for the disqualification.

Joey Minnesota defeated Ricky Dale Johnson via DQ

Rating: B





Following the bell, Johnson is still fuming and has to be prized away from Minnesota by the zebra herd. The Outlaw is restrained by five or six officials who haul the big man out of the ring and back up the ramp. Dunton Hall slips into the ring and helps prop Minnesota up into a seated position. A sly smile creeps onto the wily youngster’s face as he raises his right arm and taps the side of his temple with his forefinger. The teachings of the highly intelligent Dunton Hall seem to have taken root.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpg

Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell

Having not met in one-on-one competition since Golden successfully wrested the title from The Syndicate leader late last summer. It is obvious from the early goings that Rocky has vastly developed his skills and is better equipped to deal with the technically sound veteran in Cornell. The match progresses as expected; Golden attempting heavy duty offence whilst Cornell picking weaknesses and faults in the statuesque World Heavyweight champion. With twenty minutes approaching on the clock the action takes a tumble to the outside as Golden hoists Cornell onto his shoulders in preparation for the Torture Rack. The Englishmen smartly shifts his weight and looks to roll down Golden’s back but being to near the ropes, both competitors take a heavy fall to the mat. Neither Golden nor Cornell look too bright after the impact and by the count of nine, Golden barely manages to pull himself onto the apron. However, before he can roll into the ring, Cornell drags the champion by the ankle, dropping Rocky back to the floor which results in neither man being able to return to the ring by the count of ten.

Rocky Golden drew with Tommy Cornell via double countout

Rating: B





Rocky Golden rolls slowly back into the ring having just been put through a war with Cornell. Tommy on the other hand exhaustedly stumbles back up the entrance aisle with an arm raised in the air, perhaps having won a moral victory over the champion. Golden aids himself back to a standing position courtesy of the ring ropes. The TCW World Heavyweight championship is handed to the big youngster who gladly drapes the strap over his shoulder before waving to the crowd.


The sound of a heavy bag being thudded echoes around the arena as the video screen flickers into life. We see a big muscular man pounding away on the striking apparatus; the impact of his strikes are felt as tremors as the camera shakes with each blow. The Phenom pauses as he glares at the equipment before him; he tilts his head upwards ever so slightly as he lets out a blood curdling scream and rips into the bag one final time with a heavy right hook, knocking the bag clear of its brackets and sending it crashing to the cement floor. All that is heard is the heavy breathing of the monster of a man as the screen fades to black. The same writing as last week appears on the screen, “The Physical Phenom is coming in 2 weeks..........”


The camera returns to the ring where the TCW World Heavyweight champion looks on with a hint of concern.



Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


20LEgend: 5/7

Phantom Stranger: 6/7

Bigpapa42: 6/7

jgriff3029: 6/7

Midnightnick: 2/7

Tigerkinney: 4/7

legendkiller13: 6/7

jesseewiak: 4/7

Emark: 6/7



Congratulations Phantom Stranger, Bigpapa42, jgriff3029, legendkiller13 and Emark, you have all won this round.



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 8

2nd: jesseewiak = 7

3rd: Emark = 6

3rd: jgriff3029 = 6

4th: Tigerkinney = 5

5th: 20LEgend = 4

5th: jhd1 = 4

5th: Phantom Stranger = 4

6th: angeldelayette = 3

7th: MJStark = 2

7th: Midnightnick = 2

8th: smurphy1014 = 1

8th: ChrisKid = 1

8th: legendkiller13 = 1

9th: BHK1978 = 0

9th: Liamo = 0

9th: juggaloninjalee = 0

9th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

9th: QFresh = 0

9th: pauls07 = 0

9th: Boltinho = 0

9th: CamillePunk = 0

9th: MorenoKing24 = 0

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