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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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Gino Montero vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Benny Benson & UK Dragon vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Joey Minneosta vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith


Tommy Cornell vs Aaron Andrews

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Gino Montero vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins

Freddy deserves some love before Gino overtakes.


Benny Benson & UK Dragon vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

Barring Caviar being a big US name, Champagne Lover and his ally can afford to lose for a bit.


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

Ino is good. Peak is a deadly asset if his overness is up.


Joey Minneosta vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer

World picture vs. International picture.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

Keep him strong for Rocky.


Tommy Cornell vs Aaron Andrews

In a different world...

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Prediction Key


Gino Montero vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Benny Benson & UK Dragon vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Joey Minneosta vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith


Tommy Cornell vs Aaron Andrews

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Another awesome show, my friend. Really enjoyed the Rocky Golden interview interruption, you're giving him a great character. The article by Mr. X was excellent too.


Gino Montero vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins

Benny Benson & UK Dragon vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

Joey Minneosta vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

Tommy Cornell vs Aaron Andrews

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Another awesome show, my friend. Really enjoyed the Rocky Golden interview interruption, you're giving him a great character. The article by Mr. X was excellent too.


Thanks man, I appreciate it. :)


With Rocky Golden I look at it like this. A lot of people don't like him. He doesn't have the talent of a Cornell or a Keith, doesn't have the charisma of a Bach or a Tornado and seems to have the ability to drag match ratings down unless paired with the right foe. I'm trying to take the Paul Heyman approach with him, i.e. hide the negatives and accentuate the positives. Don't try and portray him as a technician or a world class speaker, show him for what he is; a guy willing to prove his detractors wrong. He may not be the best, but nobody fights harder than he does etc.


Mr. X is a top writer and his articles for this project have added a nice flavour I think (not forgetting 20LEgend as well :))

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Gino Montero vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Last weeks match against UK Dragon proved that Montero needs to build his overness up before he gets a strong push. At this moment in time Huggins is most established and should go over.


Benny Benson & UK Dragon vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Champagne Caviar have been getting alot of hype over the past few shows so it would be disappointing to see them debut with a loss to a makeshift team consisting of midcarder and a jobber.


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


I'm calling a schmozz draw here when both Law and Vessey interfere.


Joey Minnesota vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Joey's being pushed a little stronger than Bach.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith


Keep the world title challenger strong.


Tommy Cornell vs Aaron Andrews


There's no chance of Double A winning this match anytime in the near future.

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Prediction Key


Gino Montero vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Benny Benson & UK Dragon vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Joey Minnesota vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith


Tommy Cornell vs Aaron Andrews

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Gino Montero vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Benny Benson & UK Dragon vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Joey Minneosta vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith


Tommy Cornell vs Aaron Andrews

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 4, February 2010

The Friedman Building

Attendance: 9,053





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FreddyHugginsALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/LauraHugginsALT.jpg

Gino Montero vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins

Gino Montero clearly made quite the impression last week to the TCW fans as this match between he and Freddy Huggins was much better received. Freddy Huggins began the more aggressive as was to be expected and he really tore into Montero with vicious forearms and kicks. Montero managed to weather the early storm and rallied with some slick armdrag takedowns that would have gone unnamed had Jason Azaria not been on commentary. Swift counters to the aggression of Huggins caused several near falls for Gino and it looked like things were going his way until the equaliser at ringside known as Laura Huggins made her presence felt.


With Freddy having distracted the referee, Laura grabbed a hold of Gino’s leg which caused the suitable distraction. Seeing his window of opportunity, Freddy ran up behind Gino and rolled sideways over his back for the sunset flip. Montero rolled clean through however and quickly bridged over Huggins whilst holding on to his legs in a tight pinning attempt which Huggins kicked out of just a hair too late to prevent the loss.

Gino Montero defeated Freddy Huggins via pinfall

Rating: C





“Crazy Train” plays through the arena speakers and Edd Stone makes his way to the ring. He looks deliriously happy and is almost bouncing as he enters via the middle rope. He high fives Freddy Huggins as he and his sister exit before quickly shifting his focus to the man standing before him. Gino looks retains the eye contact and the two briefly come toe to toe. Stone smiles widely before turning his back and climbing a turnbuckle to showboat to the crowd with his All-Action title. He calls for a microphone and is soon handed one from a ringside assistant. He walks back up to Montero before beginning.


Stone: “So this is what all the fuss is about huh?”


A finger pointed towards Montero who simply smiles right back.


Stone: “You sure as hell don’t look like much to me bro! You don’t have a title. You don’t talk like a champion and you damn sure don’t walk like a champion. In short, you just ain’t me dude!”


Stone soaks in the boos from the crowd as if they were chanting his name.


Stone: “I’m a product of the House of Stone; I am from true wrestling royalty! You claim to be from a proud line of Mexican grapplers, well let me tell you something bro; the ‘great’ Luis Montero wasn’t fit to lace my father’s boots; looks to me like you ain’t any better bro. So how about this; you run back to the locker room, pack your bags and head on back to Mexico, because just like your father before you, you aren’t capable of competing with a Stone!”


Stone drops the microphone on the floor and arrogantly turns his back on Montero. The Mexican star lowers his head and when he lifts it once again to look upon the back of Edd Stone, the joyful expression on his face has been replaced with one of anger and without hesitating, he makes for the ropes at top speed before returning to meet a turning All Action champion with a beautiful revolution headscissors takedown that sends the young Canadian out of the ring with a bump.


Stone returns to his feet and the two begin to exchange heated words with Montero encouraging Stone to come back into the ring and fight. Edd looks at the title belt around his waist as he walks backwards up the ramp and shakes his head at the beckoning Montero.




“Dirty Deeds Done Bad” signals the arrival of Eric Tyler who has a sly smile on his face as he stands proudly at the entranceway. The microphone in his hand indicates that he has something he wishes to say.


Tyler: “I mentioned on tcw.com late last week that tonight I would reveal who the No.1 contender would be for the All Action title at this Sunday’s PPV and to be honest with you, I hadn’t made up my mind yet....................That is at least until two minutes ago when Mr Stone here decided to bring up the family history between himself and Mr Montero. Hmmmmmmmm, the next generation of two great wrestling families collide with a title on the line at one of TCW’s biggest PPVs. I like it; I like it a lot. Consider that match official for The War To Settle The Score. I hope you can back up your words Eddy.”


Tyler winks in the direction of Stone before heading backstage.





Benny Benson and UK Dragon make their entrances to the ring, slapping the fans hands that are outstretched along the way. They look confident of their upcoming match and now all that we are waiting for is their opponents.



The video screen flickers into life and we are shown a wrestling ring surrounded by golden decor that adorns various chairs and other such furniture. We see the beauiful Cuervo who slowly makes her way towards the ring before climbing the adjoining steel stairs to enter. The two unknown men who have featured the past two weeks on TCW television are standing in the middle of the ring with their backs to the camera, Cuervo moves to stand in front of them. She raises her left hand with her thumb and middle finger pressed tightly together. One snap later and the two men turn to face the lens and we now know their identities.




Champagne Lover and Nicolas Lopez both smile at the camera as the screen fades to black and the words “Champagne Caviar have arrived!” appears in bold silver lettering. The video ends and this signals the arrival of TCW’s latest tag team.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/UKDragonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChampagneLoverALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/NicolasLopezALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CuervoALT.jpg

Benny Benson & UK Dragon vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

The debuting duo of Lover and Lopez put on a clinic both stylistically and physically. Caviar showed that they are more than just appearance; they can really go in the ring as well. The pace started fairly slow with the two teams trying to get a feel for their opponents. Benson and Dragon injected some high paced offence and looked to single out the smaller man in Lopez. However, Champagne Lover used a clever blind tag to legally enter the match following an Irish whip on his partner that sent him too close to home field and one Champagne Sunrise later on UK Dragon and that was all she wrote.

Champagne Caviar defeated Benny Benson & UK Dragon via pinfall

Rating: C





Following the bell, Champagne Caviar continue their assault on their beaten opponents who have little to offer in the way of resilience. Another Champagne Sunrise to UK Dragon quickly followed by a Lopez Buster on Benson drops both men. Lover and Lopez begin to kick the bodies out of the ring when the onrushing Danny Fonzarelli and Clark Alexander hit the ring. Harmonic Thunder and Champagne Caviar trade blows until eventually the faces gain the upper hand, forcing their foes from the ring. The two teams share an intense stare down as TCW goes to a commercial.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

A stiff contest to say the least; Ino and Peak went at it in a hard hitting affair that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a Japanese ring. Ino for the most part was swimming against the current with Peak able to dominate thanks to his notorious bullish offence. Peak at one point almost got himself disqualified when he had the Japanese Warrior backed into a corner and unloaded relentlessly with rights and lefts. Referee Sam Sparrow had the unenviable task of stepping in between the two combatants and almost suffered as a result when one of Peak’s clubbing rights narrowly missed his temple.


As Peak went back to continue the attack he discovered that Ino still had some fight left in him and he returned fire with punches of his own. As the two began to throw big bombs at one another, Sam Sparrow was the unlucky recipient of a boot to the face courtesy of Peak who would have struck Ino had the man from the orient not slipped to his right. Ino connected with the Kobra’s Bite and a snap DDT to follow but the referee was unable to make the count.




The video screen comes to life with the image of Rick Law, baton in hand, staring at the camera. He doesn’t say anything; he just glares at the lens. Ino is facing the entranceway, expecting the Renegade Officer to speak but he remains silent and this was enough time for Peak to regain his senses and hit the Peak Of Perfection on Ino. Sam Sparrow came to just in time to count the three.

Eddie Peak defeated Koshiro Ino via pinfall

Rating: B




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg

Joey Minnesota vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer

Could we be looking at two future world champions? If this match is anything to go by it is a very real possibility as both men showed that they have the skills and desire to succeed and whilst one may be further ahead in the pecking order, they both have huge potential.


Bach and Minnesota engaged in an evenly contested affair that saw both produce their fair share of offence. Minnesota took an advantage late on and set Bach up for the Empire Spiral but as Bach reached the peak of elevation he twisted out and looked to hit the Bach To Reality superkick. Minnesota narrowly ducked under the attempt however and quickly connected with what looked like a Southern Justice. Regardless of what you would call it, Bach was unable to kick out from the pin.

Joey Minnesota defeated Sammy Bach via pinfall

Rating: B-




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

Grizzled veterans took centre stage and delivered an enjoyable contest. RDJ and Keith certainly know their way around a wrestling ring and it showed as they engaged and countered, engaged and countered until Keith showcased his superior technical prowess and took the advantage. Considering Ricky is known for his brawling based offence, the fact that he held his own with a mat technician for a prolonged period says a lot about The Outlaw.


What may have been surprising to many was the fact that no members of The Syndicate showed their faces during this bout and this allowed the contest to flow nicely. Keith and RDJ fought long and hard and eventually they spilled to the outside after a clothesline took both men over the top rope. They were so committed to bettering their opponent in fact that after ten seconds neither man ventured back into the confines of the ring and referee Ray Johnson was forced to count both men out.

Ricky Dale Johnson drew with Sam Keith after a double countout

Rating: B




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg

Tommy Cornell vs Aaron Andrews

On paper, this match was one sided at best and indeed that is how proceedings began. Cornell almost toyed with the youngster who only seven days prior, lost a severe amount of blood in a failing attempt to defeat the Hardcore Assassin, Eddie Peak. Cornell suplexed Andrews in a variety of different ways but none of them were enough to keep Aaron down. The longer the match went on, the more frustrated Cornell grew with his seeming incapability to put his opponent away.


Cornell grabbed Andrews by the scruff of the neck and looked to hit the Guilt Trip but was instead countered with a stiff kick to the midsection and hoisted onto the shoulders of Double A. Andrews connects with the Triple A-D but didn’t have enough in the tank to go for a cover. The referee began the count as both men struggled to get to their feet. Andrews rose first and lifted the groggy Cornell onto his shoulders for a second time. A second Triple A-D however was blocked and as Cornell landed on his feet he snapped Andrews down to the canvas with the Rough Ride. Andrews held on for as long as he could but with the ropes out of reach he was forced to submit after one hell of a losing effort.

Tommy Cornell defeated Aaron Andrews via submission

Rating: B





The look on Cornell’s face says it all; Andrews put up more of a fight than the Syndicate leader was anticipating and with his opponent down, Cornell starts to pound away at Double A. Cornell is cold and remorseless; he picks Aaron off the canvas only to hit him with the Guilt Trip and yet he is still not satisfied. He exits the ring to retrieve a steel chair and makes his way back to Andrews who is crawling to the sanctuary of the ropes. Cornell raises the chair high above his head but before he brings down the hammer, he is cut off by “A Country Boy Can Survive” and the appearance of Ricky Dale Johnson.




RDJ charges the ring and punches the chair clear out of the hands of Cornell and starts pounding away with big right hands. This is all the offence he gets in before The Syndicate hit the scene and the numbers come into play.



Hawkins, Hill and Anderson take it in turns to kick RDJ as he slumps to the ground but fortunately for The Outlaw, help is soon in arriving as The New Wave and Joey Minnesota hit the ring. What ensues is an out and out brawl between the eight men and it is chaotic. Not for the first time this month the zebra herd have to intervene and separate the individuals but on this occasion with little success. The screen slowly fades to black as we see Eric Tyler come out and try to instil some order.






The Promotional video for The War To Settle The Score is broadcast: Fast transitional clips of the feuds featured over the past few weeks; Stone insulting Montero’s heritage; Montero sending Stone out of the ring; Koshiro Ino and Rick Law’s encounters over the past few months; highlights from their match at the January PPV; Eddie Peak and his continued tormenting of Vessey; Vessey’s retaliation at Malice; the announcing of their falls count anywhere stipulation; Sammy Bach taking the International title from Joshua Taylor; his war of words with Tornado and the trios’ stare down last week; the many run-ins between the Syndicate and the Alliance-New Wave; Eric Tyler putting Cornell in his place; Keith and Golden’s war of words interlinked with the ending of their outing at Malice; the world heavyweight championship belt gleaming in the ring as an intimidating metal prison drops around the apron. The screen fades to black before the PPV title fills the shot in bold lettering.



Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


20LEgend: 3/6

Emark: 4/6

Phantom Stranger: 3/6

jesseewiak: 5/6

jhd1: 4/6

Tigerkinney: 3/6

jgriff3029: 4/6

Bigpapa42: 3/6

MJStark: 4/6


Congratulation to this round's sole winner, jesseewiak; it was a difficult card to call. Thanks to everybody else for participating with predictions and thoughts; it really does fuel the desire to keep writing. :)



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 5

1st: jesseewiak = 5

2nd: Tigerkinney = 4

2nd: jgriff3029 = 4

3rd: 20LEgend = 3

4th: jhd1 = 2

4th: angeldelayette = 2

5th: Midnightnick = 1

5th: Emark = 1

5th: smurphy1014 = 1

5th: ChrisKid = 1

5th: MJStark = 1

5th: Phantom Stranger = 1

6th: BHK1978 = 0

6th: Liamo = 0

6th: juggaloninjalee = 0

6th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

6th: QFresh = 0

6th: pauls07 = 0

6th: Boltinho = 0

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I was a bit surprised that you had Montero go over Huggins and the Champagne combo win over a relatively established Benson, even if Dragon took the pinfall. Its a good way to get the new workers some momentum, but I can't think that the established guys were all the happy.


Another fine show, sir.

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I was a bit surprised that you had Montero go over Huggins and the Champagne combo win over a relatively established Benson, even if Dragon took the pinfall. Its a good way to get the new workers some momentum, but I can't think that the established guys were all the happy.


Another fine show, sir.


I gathered by the general trend of predictions that most didn't expect Gino or Champagne Caviar to pick up the win. As far as workers being unhappy, you may have a point. Freddy Huggins was not best pleased with the booking but Benson and Dragon didn't have any qualms (at least none that were verbalised). For Gino to be seen as a credible All-Action contender I had to give him a couple of wins and a reason for Stone to see him as a threat to his reign.


Unfortunately not every worker will be happy with decision making all of the time. My aim is to not anger anybody to the point where their relationship with TCW becomes unsalvagable.

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I gathered by the general trend of predictions that most didn't expect Gino or Champagne Caviar to pick up the win. As far as workers being unhappy, you may have a point. Freddy Huggins was not best pleased with the booking but Benson and Dragon didn't have any qualms (at least none that were verbalised). For Gino to be seen as a credible All-Action contender I had to give him a couple of wins and a reason for Stone to see him as a threat to his reign.


Unfortunately not every worker will be happy with decision making all of the time. My aim is to not anger anybody to the point where their relationship with TCW becomes unsalvagable.


Its definitely not a bad move to get those three some momentum and start building their popularity. Everyone expects them to job off the start, since they start off in the US with nothing.


I'm actually not surprised that Benson and UK were okay with it, as Dragon can't have much overness in the US yet either. So long as Benson isn't the one getting pinned, he's not going to care. On TEW 2008, he would have. But not on 2010.

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Its definitely not a bad move to get those three some momentum and start building their popularity. Everyone expects them to job off the start, since they start off in the US with nothing.


I'm actually not surprised that Benson and UK were okay with it, as Dragon can't have much overness in the US yet either. So long as Benson isn't the one getting pinned, he's not going to care. On TEW 2008, he would have. But not on 2010.


Not everybody that debuts is going to get winning starts but my thinking is that I have brought these guys into the company for a reason. I haven't just hired a load of names to have them blend into the background although at different times certain workers will be featured more heavily than at other times which is the case in all wrestling promotions.


Hopefully I can develop their characters to the point where they are accepted by the readers of this diary. I was especially pleased with how the Montero/Stone segment played out as I wanted to give Montero a relatively big first fued and the All-Action champion fits that criteria. When I was thinking about their individual characters it made sense; Montero is proud of his heritage and young Edd comes from wrestling royalty. Edd is the heel, Edd is arrogant, Edd disrespects the thing that Montero is most proud of, this establishes the Mexican's lineage to those who may be unfamiliar and shows that he is legit. Basic booking really, nothing too fancy. :)

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A battleground where wars will be waged and feuds will be settled; The War To Settle The Score is stacked with matches that will impact the future of TCW. Will the champions retain? Will this PPV mark the end of the Syndicate?


After the events that transpired this past week on Total Wrestling between Champagne Caviar and Harmonic Thunder, Eric Tyler has seen fit to book a match between the two to kick off the PPV. Will Champagne Caviar find their momentum halted this early on or will the Mexican duo rise to the occasion?


The TCW All-Action title will be on the line following as Edd Stone looks to defend against Gino Montero. With family pride on the line as well as championship gold, this match could well be a show stealer.


The Japanese Warrior and Rick Law will put their long standing feud to bed as the two square off in singles action. Having earned the upper hand last PPV can Koshiro Ino pull the double, or have the antics of the Renegade Officer thrown Ino off his game?


No feud in TCW has been as violent in recent months as Eddie Peak and Bryan Vessey and they will be competing in a Falls Count Anywhere match which promises to be brutal. With Peak seeming to have gained the upper hand over his adversary can he further cement his advantage in an environment that should favour the Hardcore Assassin, or will the seasoned vet use cunning to tame the raging bull?


Sammy Bach will look to make the second defence of his International title in a triple threat encounter against Troy Tornado and the former champion Joshua Taylor. With two competitors gunning for him, Bach may have to hope that Taylor and Tornado get in each others’ way if he is to have any hope of retaining. However, Bach does have one thing that his opponents do not; a manager, and Karen Killer is as crafty as they come.


The TCW World Heavyweight title will be up for grabs in a cage match as defending champion Rocky Golden will be looking to not only successfully defend the title, but to also earn Sam Keith’s respect. Whether he has bitten off more than he can chew remains to be seen; the living legend is not easy to impress. Keith is more than capable of winning a world title and he has done on several occasions. Is tonight his night?


Our main event and the massive 8-man elimination tag team match between the pairing of The Alliance and The New Wave as they look to put an end to The Syndicate. The chaos and hatred displayed between these eight men has been plain to see and one way or another on this night, the conflict will end. Will The Syndicate pull through as they have done so many times in the past or will their reign of tyranny finally come to an end? For that matter if they do survive what hope does the rest of the TCW locker room have left?


Be sure to purchase The War To Settle The Score this Sunday. You won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key


Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

I'm a Champagne Lover Lover


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero

Never got the Edd Stone thing really


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law

Rick is one of my fave characters in this diary


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak

When things get dirty - Peak gets going


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor

I like Bach's beard


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

time for a change


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

I just think theres more to come here

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero - Via DQ allowing Stone to keep the title for now


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

Would be a shame to waste that debut momentum

TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero

Not yet Gino. Your time will come

Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law

Prefer Law

Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak

Falls count anywhere play into Peaks forté

TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor

I think Bach will retain

Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

Don't think Sam is the guy to take it off Rock, maybe Wolf in a few months

The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

Top dogs

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It's A Rocky Road To The Top



Rocky Golden is a name known by many wrestling fans across the country and is one of the top names in TCW. The road for Rocky was not always paved with gold, but he has become one of the most recognisable faces in the industry, this is the story of a Rocky road to the top...


Rocky made his début in 2001 and worked some small dates around America before he was spotted by a talent scout who recommended him to CZCW, whilst he wasn't your typical CZCW worker, he did have a million dollar look and potential to be a good worker.


Unfortunately, Rocky really struggled to gel in the promotion and the gimmick “Prince Adam” did not go down well with the fans of CZCW. Coming to the ring in a crown and a cape, the fans could never connect to the big man and he never really made an impact.



Joel Bryant saw something in Golden and offered him a tryout in 2006

As his potential of stardom seemed to be fading away, he was contacted by Joel Bryant and was asked to try out of TCW. Seeing his huge marketability he was quickly signed to a long term deal and debuted the “Rocky Golden” character in 2006 and quickly became one of the midcard's most entertaining acts, securing the TCW International Championship in December 2006 scoring his biggest win so far against Troy Tornado.



Golden vs Tornado in Dec '09 saw Golden win his first TCW title

Rocky continued to trudge along growing in popularity whenever he appeared, and managing to secure himself a spot just below the main event stars of TCW, it became apparent he was playing second fiddle to The Syndicate stable. Seeing that he could become lost in the shuffle, this was the catalyst for TCW creative to make the choice of turning him face and put him up against the all powerful stable, joining the Freedom Fighters in taking them down. This turn was the thing he needed to take that next step and he finally became a fully fledged main eventer even beating Tommy Cornell, the man considered the top worker in the world, for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship at TCW Hotter Than Hell in August of 2009, an event that was instrumental to the fall of The Syndicate. Taking on all challengers for the rest of the year, 2010 faces him with a huge challenge the 10 time world champion Sam Keith, whom having lost to Rocky at Malice in Wonderland appears more determined than ever to pick up another World Heavyweight Championship.



Golden defied the odds when he dethroned Cornell after a near year long reign

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