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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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Thanks to 20LEgend for writing that Rocky Golden article. Top piece of work and I hope all the readers enjoyed it as much as I did. :)


In case anybody missed it, the card for The War To Settle The Score is up for predicting. All the best.

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Another great show, my friend, and another great article from 20LEgend as well! :D


Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero

Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law

Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak

TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor

Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Champagne Caviar seem to be getting the stronger push out of the gate.


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero


Montero needs to build up more overness, before he gets the belt.


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


With Ino winning at the last PPV, logic would say Law gets his win back here but this feud has been going on before this diary and with this being the War to Settle the Score, I'm going to say Ino gets the decisive win, to put this feud to bed (for now).


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


Stip should in theory suit Peak more, but I think despite the odds being stacked against him...Vessey pulls something off here.


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor


Bach's only just won this belt, so I don't see it changing hands again here. What will happen is that Taylor takes the fall, so that this can then transition smoothly into a straight 1 vs 1 programme between Bach and Tornado next month.


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


I'll admit that I'm not exactly Rocky Golden's biggest fan, but I don't think Sam Keith will be the one to end Golden's reign as World Champion and nor do I necessarily think it should be.


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate


The original syndicate just got back together, I don't see that being brought to an abrupt end.

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

The big push is here!


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero

Edd Stone IS All-Action!


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law

Rick Law slowly fading away.


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak

Falls Count Anywhere? Edge to Peak.


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor

Not even two people can take the title away.


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

Golden earns some respect.


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

The Syndicate show their dominance.

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Prediction Key


Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law

Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

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Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


Falls Count Anywhere

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor


Cage Match

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

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Just a little note to say thank you to everyone for reading and predicting; it really does mean a lot.


On a side note, the show should be up within the next 24 hours so consider this a friendly warning for those wishing to participate.:)


All the best.

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The War To Settle The Score

Sunday of Week 4, February 2010

The Gardens Of North Dakota

Attendance: 27,053

Pay-Per-View: 1.50





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ClarkAlexanderALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DannyFonzarelliALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChampagneLoverALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/NicolasLopezALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CuervoALT.jpg

Harmonic Thunder vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

The brief brawl between the four men on Tuesday meant that the two teams were already somewhat familiar with each other and there was little in the way of a feeling out process as a result.


Lover looked to use slick grappling mixed in with the lucha style that saw him have so much success down in Mexico to down Alexander and for a while this strategy worked well. Lopez injected the pace and high flying antics and the duo kept Alexander from tagging in Fonzarelli for quite some time until one miss timed enzugiri saw Lopez land flat on his face. TCW’s resident Doctor Love made the tag and began to clean house with hard-hitting clotheslines and forearms. Champagne Caviar were reeling and things looked to be going the way of Harmonic Thunder until Cuervo used her womanly ways to distract referee Sam Sparrow long enough for Lopez to illegally re-enter the match and kick Fonzarelli square in the nuts. The Champagne Sunrise that followed kept The Love Doctor down for the count of three.

Champagne Caviar defeated Harmonic Thunder via pinfall

Rating: B-





The cameras take us backstage and we enter the locker room of TCW All-Action champion, Edd Stone as he prepares for his match. Jasmine Saunders gently nudges the door open before slipping inside whilst the camera follows. Edd looks up and upon seeing Saunders, instantly cranks on the charm. He suggestively raises his eyebrows as Saunders nears but soon realises that her presence is not a social call as the microphone in hand indicates there are ulterior motives.


Saunders: “Sorry to disturb you Mr Stone I know you are busy preparing for your title match but I was just wandering if I could get your thoughts?”


Edd calmly raises the All-Action title and drapes it over his left shoulder before returning his gaze to Saunders, his playful smile still intact.


Stone: “Anything for a pretty lady..........................You want my thoughts on Gino? Well I thought I made my opinion on him and his family pretty clear on Tuesday. I don’t like him. I think he’s overrated and lacks in talent. He receives plaudits for what he can do in the ring when on his best day he couldn’t even dream of doing what I am capable of. As far as the match goes, I’m glad; glad that I’ll get to show the whole world that Gino is not worthy of a roster spot; glad that I’ll be able to walk out of the PPV still All-Action champion!”





TCW All-Action Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg

Edd Stone © vs Gino Montero

Gino walks out first to a fairly decent reception which appears to please the young man as he happily high fives fans all around the ring before finally stepping between the ropes. He is made to wait by the champion who appears to be in no rush to make his way out. When Edd Stone does appear he looks calm, almost too calm. He swaggers his way down the aisle ignoring the boos of the crowd so the title match can get underway.


The action is fast and chaotic whilst at all times appearing methodical in its delivery. Gino and Edd exchange quick aerial combinations, hurricanranas, satellite headscissors and a bunch of moves that even Jason Azaria cannot name, although to give him credit he still did a damn fine job in trying.


Stone’s unorthodox offence enabled the champion to take an advantage late on and a well placed Party’s Over dropped Montero. Stone slid into the cover and would have won had the Mexican not been as near to the ropes. Stone began to lose his cool and ascended the turnbuckle where he decided to jaw-jack with a fan at ringside. Montero slowly made his way to his feet just as Stone took flight. Gino had just enough wits about him to dash forward and avoid the corkscrew press and in one swift action leapt up the turnbuckles and gracefully soared high in the air with the picture perfect Montero Press moonsault on the downed champion. The quick hook of the legs and we have a new All-Action champion.

Gino Montero defeated Edd Stone via pinfall to win the All-Action title

Rating: D+





Stone is in disbelief following the bell. He sits in the centre of the ring, eyes wide, frantically looking around him; not focussing on anything or anyone in particular. Montero is ecstatic and falls to his knees as he is handed the All-Action title by the referee. He stares at the glimmering gold and leans back on his haunches as he mutters something under his breath.


Stone’s attention suddenly snaps on Gino and the 24 hour party animal quickly jumps to his feet. He approaches Montero from behind and crouches slightly until he is almost breathing down the neck of the new All-Action champion. Montero rises, unaware that Stone is right behind him and as he turns he is greeted with a belt-assisted Party’s Over that splits his forehead open.


Montero remains motionless on the canvas; the blood trickling from the wound on his head begins to drip onto the mat. Stone has a fire in his eyes that is uncharacteristic for the normally jovial Canadian. He looms over Montero before uttering the words, “I define All-Action!.........and you have stolen my belt!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law

As even battles go, this has to be up there. The Japanese Warrior and The Renegade Officer engaged in a hard-hitting affair right from Jump Street. Ino fighting valiantly and with honour - which is hard to do when your opponent is exploiting the rules to their fullest; Law stretching every five count, using the ropes for leverage and even drilling Ino in the throat with the butt of his truncheon just out of the referee’s view.


Ino somehow survived this onslaught and continued to do so until he himself took control of the action with a well placed Yakuza kick. To Law’s credit he showed just as much fortitude to continue battling when he was on the receiving end and as the match wore on it was clear that the physicality of proceedings had taken their toll on both men.


The ending finally came when a Long Arm Of The Law was ducked and countered into a rolling Kobra’s Bite. With what little energy Ino had left, he dragged himself until he was in range to place a single arm over Law’s chest as Sam Sparrow counted the three.

Koshiro Ino defeated Rick Law via pinfall

Rating: B





We once again head backstage where we see Sam Keith standing beside the petite figure of Jasmine Saunders. She nods with confidence at the camera before beginning the interview.


Saunders: “I’m joined here at this time by the challenger for the TCW World Heavyweight championship, Sam Keith. Mr Keith, after all that has been said between yourself and Rocky Golden, do you feel that this match has become more than just a title match and is more akin to a journey of respect?”


Keith slowly shakes his head and breathes deeply as he dismissively looks upon the interviewer.


Keith: “Personal? No. It takes more that Rocky Golden and his fortuitous TCW career to rattle me. As you know, I have been around for a long, long time and I have damn near seen it all. I have seen monsters mercilessly tear through entire rosters, I have seen men of great stature reduced to emotional wrecks and I have even seen undeserving punk kids riding their daddy’s coat-tails to world title victories.................................I got in Rocky’s head, it’s what I do. He thinks this is a quest to earn respect; I call it a test of the champ’s fortitude. Can he mentally stay strong? I have shown that he is beatable and now that he knows that I can break him we will see his true character emerge.”


Saunders looks somewhat confused as she presents a follow-up question.


Saunders: “So all of what you have said to Golden these past two months was just to get in his head?”


A wry smile spreads across Sam Keith’s expression.


Keith: “What do you think?................”





Falls Count Anywhere

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BryanVesseyALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak

In an environment that suits the more chaotic brawler, one would automatically assume that the Hardcore Assassin would thrive – and to a certain extent that was correct. Peak made his way to the ring with a steel chair in hand, ready for war; Vessey was not willing to wait and sprinted out during Peak’s entrance and struck him to the back of the skull with a steel chair of his own. This split the back of Peak’s head open and this set the tone for the rest of the contest.


Considering this match was Falls Count Anywhere, the vast majority of the battle was waged within the ring itself. Vessey upped his game and adopted a more ‘rough and ready’ approach to match Peak’s animalistic aggression. Vessey used weaponry to add extra pressure to holds but Peak remained resilient throughout and took control after brutally powerbombing Vessey onto a portion of guardrail that had earlier been dragged into the ring. Somehow Vessey managed to just get the shoulder up before the three but the end was not too far away.


Peak lifted Vessey to his feet, the blood staining his blonde hair a deep shade of red. He screams at Bryan, spit and blood splattering upon his face. He thrusts Vessey high into the air via the throat before connecting with the Peak Of Perfection on the same guardrail used earlier. The pinfall was academic.

Eddie Peak defeated Bryan Vessey via pinfall

Rating: B





The cameras take us backstage to The Syndicate locker room. Tommy Cornell is standing in the centre of the room with the other three members lined up in front of him. He is walking back and forth, briefly stopping before each man; The Machines look stoic and unflinching – Hawkins looks more relaxed, almost laid back. Cornell clears his throat and Hawkins snaps to attention.


Cornell: “You know what has to be done tonight. For The Syndicate to continue, we have to take The Alliance down. We have ruled professional wrestling for damn near two years and I don’t know about you, but I ain’t done yet! We still have jobs to do. Brent, John, you haven’t got the tag team titles do you? Wolf, you need to get the International championship back and I...........well let’s just say I haven’t forgotten about Rocky Golden...”


Wolf lowers his glasses slightly; a look of bemusement on his face.


Hawkins: “Why do you get to be the one to go for the world title? Why not me?”


Cornell spins on his heel and closes down on Hawkins until they are mere millimetres apart.


Cornell: “Wolf; you know damn well what The Syndicate is about. I brought you into this company, I gave you the opportunity to compete and succeed on the biggest stage and all I ask for in exchange was that you return the favour and help me keep the world title. Good job by the way.”


Hawkins smiles slightly and lifts his glasses back to their original position. Cornell continues his speech.


Cornell: “When this night ends, The Syndicate will still be standing atop the mountain and then, when all the complications have been removed, we can reclaim those title belts which are rightfully ours!”






TCW International Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoshuaTaylorALT3.jpg

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor

Up to this stage of the PPV, this match has to be considered as the most enjoyable outing and this is only a testament to those involved. Sammy Bach started cautiously as he would periodically slip out of the ring in the hope that his two adversaries would focus on one another. For a while this strategy proved effective as Tornado and Taylor exchanged some mat based sequences of move and countermove. Bach popped into the ring whenever he felt as though a pinfall may be soon at hand to break it up and on the third such occasion, Taylor and Tornado both grabbed the self-proclaimed ‘Rock God’ by the hair and began to dissect the champion with holds, strikes and throws.


After the apparent double teaming had broken down the contest became a ‘who can top this’ showcase, with each man pulling out the stops to earn a victory. Taylor showing a bit of edginess in his mannerisms, more ruthless than he has been in the past – Butterfly Suplex into a backbreaker on the champion – A Star Maker for Taylor. Karen Killer jumped onto the apron to distract referee Ray Johnson just as Tornado made the cover on Taylor. Realising what was occurring, Tornado released the cover and trained his focus on Killer; he stood up and began to make his way towards the Gothic Groupie when the International title was thrown in his direction. The Bach To Reality superkick sandwiched the gold against the former Painful Procedure front man’s jaw. As quickly as possible, Bach slid the evidence out of the ring before slapping on the Bach On Your Back on Joshua Taylor and with the referee now refocused on the match, the submission soon followed.

Sammy Bach defeated Joshua Taylor and Troy Tornado via submission to retain the International title

Rating: B





We enter The Alliance locker room where we see Ricky Dale Johnson in the process of rallying the troops. Joey Minnesota is eagerly pacing back and forth, breathing heavily; excited at the prospect of the main event. The New Wave are nodding in agreement with various statements emphasised by RDJ; their title belts snugly around their waists.


RDJ: “I don’t need to give you a long winded speech on why we need to bring an end to The Syndicate; you have seen it all for yourselves. I don’t need to list off the reasons why Tommy Cornell and his crew of thugs threaten to tear this company down; I’m not going to patronise you. All I am going to say is this: If we don’t beat The Syndicate tonight, we will never see an opportunity like this again. This has to be the time, this has to be the place, this has to be where The Syndicate dies!”


Minnesota stops pacing long enough to utter a few words.


Minnesota: “The Syndicate will come to an end. I guarantee it!”


The New Wave nod in approval as they slap Minnesota on the back and RDJ in turn. The four men return to their preparations as the cameras return to ringside where we see the steel cage hang ominously over the ring in anticipation of the world heavyweight championship match that is just about to get underway.





Steel Cage


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

Whilst nobody could argue that this was a solid cage match, it was little more. The apparent lack of chemistry between the two men may be the reason behind why this match did not headline the show, but the action itself was enjoyable all the same.


Sam Keith smiling all the while engaging with Golden, testing the younger man to see if he has improved from last month’s meeting and it appears as though he has. Golden is able to counter moves of Keith which he had previously fallen foul to and this may have shaken many a competitor, but not Sam Keith; not in a championship environment. In the fifteenth minute Keith was able to shift Golden’s momentum and use it to drag the big man down to the mat where he was able to secure the Proton Lock. Golden was evidently in agony and looked as though he was on the verge of tapping. He briefly went limp before pushing himself off the canvas with an almighty scream. Keith wrenched back harder but this only enabled Golden to rise that much quicker, and with Keith still hanging on, Golden regained his vertical base and connected with a Samoan drop that forced Keith to finally release his grip.


The match was consistent from this moment onwards and both men were bleeding by the end. Golden’s stamina came into effect and the burly TCW champion began to pound away on his legendary opponent as Keith began to fade away. Golden signalled to the crowd that the Rocky Road was soon in coming but no, Keith somehow avoided during the rotation and looked for a schoolboy rollup. Golden narrowly kicked out and this seemed to light a fire under his ass. He jumped to his feet and drove forearm after forearm into Keith’s jaw, his long golden hair flinging congealed blood high into the air; eventually he staggered back. One roar of emotion later and Golden connected with the Rocky Road. Keith crumbled to the canvas and after just over twenty minutes of action, the TCW champion was able to retain in a hard fought battle.

Rocky Golden defeated Sam Keith via pinfall to retain the TCW World Heavyweight title

Rating: C+





As the steel cage is slowly retracted into the ceiling we are left with Rocky Golden celebrating with the TCW World Heavyweight championship raised high in the air. He ascends each turnbuckle individually to give all four corners of the Gardens of North Dakota arena a moment of unity in celebration.




With three corners complete, Golden heads for the final turnbuckle when he is cut off by a bloody Sam Keith. Keith’s hair is hanging in front of his face and with his right hand he sweeps it back to reveal the dried blood that has turned his face into a gory mess. He stares hard at Rocky Golden and shifts his gaze between the championship belt and the man standing before him. The sneer on his face suggests that he isn’t quite finished with the champion yet.


Golden stands resolute; not willing to back an inch against Keith. There is a long pause as the anticipation builds and the crowd begin to rumble in wonderment. An outstretched hand is all that is offered and yet it feels monumental in delivery; Keith has presented Rocky Golden with a sign of respect. The world heavyweight champion studies Keith, unsure if this act is to catch him off guard. He looks to the crowd first on the right and then on the left. He returns his gaze to Keith who is still in the same position, arm jutted forward. Golden takes a deep breath before nodding slowly and returning the gesture. They shake hands for the briefest of moments before Keith turns and exits the ring – as though he has just partaken in a drug exchange. Golden returns to his celebrations with the fans after watching Keith stride up the aisle and out of sight.







The Alliance/The New Wave vs The Syndicate

And so the match to decide the fate of both The Syndicate and The Alliance began. The eight men all made their way to the ring in turn with confidence. The Syndicate looked focused on the task at hand and awaited the arrival of their opponents.


The New Wave emerged at the top of the entranceway, full of energy and vigour; they get the crowd chanting the names of themselves and The Alliance whilst The Syndicate look on from the ring. Guide and Scout stop suddenly and turn to face the ring. In unison they point beyond the ring, behind where The Syndicate are standing. Hawkins is the first to look and is hit with a concussive right hand that sends him crashing out of the ring courtesy of Minnesota. Meanwhile, Guide and Scout have hit the ring and have hit stereo dropkicks on The Machines. RDJ is in front of Cornell, the two figureheads of not only the warring factions, but the company as a whole are face to face. Cornell makes a hasty retreat and after referee Sam Sparrow manages to get both teams into their respective corners, the match can finally begin.


The match begins fast and hard, both teams tagging in and out frequently, trying to gain some form of advantage and after a while it becomes apparent that Guide and Scout have singled out Brent Hill. They set him up for a Wave Of Mutilation, but before Guide could make contact, Hill rolled forward from atop Scout’s shoulders into a cradled pin and this saw the first elimination of the match



Scout is eliminated


It doesn’t take long for Guide to avenge his tag partner however as he launches himself once again across the ring and connects with the Guided Missile that folds Hill almost completely in half. The pinfall soon follows.



Brent Hill is eliminated


With the sides once again even we see more of RDJ and Minnesota, the only man seemingly not wanting to tag in is The Syndicate leader, Tommy Cornell. Hawkins and Anderson carry the workload in his absence and do a pretty good job. Hawkins and Anderson collaborate on Guide; Anderson boots him hard in the lower extremities which caused the man in paint to drop to his knees. Hawkins was swift in his deliverance of The Full Moon Rising and as the cover was made, Anderson ensured that neither RDJ nor Minnesota could make the save.



Guide is eliminated


With the numbers game once again in the favour of The Syndicate, they looked to take full advantage with Minnesota taking much of the beating, unable to tag in his partner. Hawkins was precise and unforgiving in his attacks, dropping Minnesota at every given opportunity, looking for the pin. Joey hung in resolutely and when a double clothesline floored both himself and Hawkins, things looked to be turning around. Unfortunately for Minnesota, Anderson was tagged in just a hair before Joey could reach RDJ and the surviving member of The Machines kicked The Outlaw off the apron and out of the equation. He picked Joey up off the canvas and set up for the Ammo Dump. What he wasn’t prepared for was Joey to twist clear and connect with an Empire Spiral. With the events transpiring so quickly, Hawkins and Cornell could not make the save from the following pinfall.



John Anderson is eliminated


The sides now even saw Cornell finally make a lasting appearance in the match, jumping Minnesota before he had the chance to rise. The attack continued for a few minutes until finally Cornell saw fit to put Minnesota away with the Guilt Trip. RDJ meanwhile, was hit with a Full Moon Rising whilst trying to get back to his corner having been kicked from the apron by Anderson a few moments prior.



Joey Minnesota is eliminated


RDJ is the only man left for his side and perhaps the only hope for the demise of The Syndicate. He drags himself into the ring and is instantly met by Cornell who continues to lay the boots in before tagging out. This process continued for a couple of minutes until a second attempted Full Moon Rising on RDJ was blocked and countered with a Leaping Lariat. Cornell illegally re-entered the match but was met with a Leaping Lariat of his own. RDJ somehow managed to drape an arm across the shoulders of Hawkins and the pinfall that followed left one man on each team.



Wolf Hawkins is eliminated


RDJ slowly manoeuvres himself into a pin attempt on Cornell but The Syndicate leader manages to pop a shoulder up in the nick of time. The crowd sigh in response. Before too long has passed we see Hill and Anderson charge back down the entranceway towards the ring but just before they reach their target they are cut off by The New Wave who have come to the rescue and the four men brawl until they are out of sight. Sam Sparrow, caught up in the distraction fails to see Hawkins crack a stirring RDJ with a chair to the side of the head before slipping back out of the ring and out through the crowd. The noise of the crowd alerts the referee and he turns his attention to try and pick out what they fans are yelling about. Cornell finds the prone form of RDJ and looks to secure the pin, but with no referee, the call does not come.


This sees Minnesota who is still at ringside from his elimination, grab Cornell and drive him down with the Minnesota Salute to a great crowd reaction. He too flees the scene before the referee can see what has happened.


The match continues as the two battered men throw everything at one another; near fall after near fall. Cornell kicks out of Southern Justice; RDJ survives the Rough Ride but unfortunately for him and The Alliance, two Guilt Trips in succession prove too much for The Outlaw and the match is over after the referee’s hand hits the canvas for the third time. The Syndicate survives!

The Syndicate defeated The Alliance/The New Wave

Rating: B





Cornell raises both arms high in the air; The Syndicate will live to fight another day. Hawkins quickly ushers his mentor out of the ring, fearing a form of retaliation from RDJ. The Outlaw rests on his knees, the sweat dripping from his forehead. He examines the crowd before slowly shaking his head. Minnesota reappears at the entranceway and makes towards the ring and his now former tag partner RDJ.




He enters via the middle rope, a look of dejection on his face. He pats the elder statesman on the shoulder and helps him up to his feet. The two shake hands and go their separate ways. They fought as hard as they could to bring The Syndicate down but it wasn’t quite enough and Jason Azaria makes a point to list off key moments of the feud.


The handshake is not released; Minnesota pulls RDJ back towards him and plants a boot into the gut. He loops RDJ’s arm over his shoulder and takes a moment to stare at the crowd; the anger on his face is plain to see. The Minnesota Salute drops The Outlaw hard and we are left with the image of Joey standing over RDJ as the PPV comes to an end and the screen fades to black.




Show Rating: B

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Awesome show, LoNdOn, and some pretty big moments too! I'll not point any out in case it spoils the show for someone, but you had me surprised on more than one occasion! :D


Cool PPV, and jhd1 has a good point of not spoiling the show, I'll bare that in mind in the future but I was also surprised, actually on 3 occasions with results. Good surprises though :)


Thanks guys. Glad it was well received.


I reckon I could take a stab at the 3 moments that shocked you. One involving a title match and two involving post match anticts?


I'll post the prediction results shortly.

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Prediction Results


Phantom Stranger: 3/7

MJStark: 2/7

Midnightnick: 4/7

Boltinho: 5/7

Emark: 5/7

Bigpapa42: 5/7

20LEgend: 5/7

jhd1: 4/7

Tigerkinney: 5/7

angeldelayette: 6/7

jgriff3029: 4/7

legendkiller13: 4/7 (and welcome!)



Congratulations angeldelayette for winning this round outright. This may have been the most challenging card yet so extra credit for getting all but one correct.



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 5

1st: jesseewiak = 5

2nd: Tigerkinney = 4

2nd: jgriff3029 = 4

3rd: angeldelayette = 3

3rd: 20LEgend = 3

4th: jhd1 = 2

5th: Midnightnick = 1

5th: Emark = 1

5th: smurphy1014 = 1

5th: ChrisKid = 1

5th: MJStark = 1

5th: Phantom Stranger = 1

6th: BHK1978 = 0

6th: Liamo = 0

6th: juggaloninjalee = 0

6th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

6th: QFresh = 0

6th: pauls07 = 0

6th: Boltinho = 0

6th: legendkiller13 = 0

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What a PPV; highs, lows and everything in between. With the events that transpired, the TCW roster has a lot to digest. The big question on the fan’s lips at the moment; why did Minnesota turn his back on Ricky Dale Johnson?


The show will kick off with the new All-Action champion, Gino Montero taking on a returning Japanese competitor in Fumihiro Ota. Will the momentum continue for the young Mexican or can the veteran Japanese flyer return with a bang?


There will be tag team action to follow as Champagne Caviar will go against The Canadian Animals. Will Edd Stone have his head in the game after losing his All-Action title on Sunday? For that matter will TCW’s latest tag team keep rolling with a third victory in a row?


With both having failed in their quests to win championship gold this Sunday, we will see Joshua Taylor go one-on-one against Sam Keith. Who will have rebounded from the disappointment quicker?


Troy Tornado will be in tag team action following as he partners Aaron Andrews as they take on the duo of the Renegade Officer Rick Law and the International champion, Sammy Bach. With the confidence of retaining his title at the PPV, can the self proclaimed “Rock God” use this to pull out a win for his team?


Next up will see Benny Benson go in singles action against the man who was standing tall at the PPV’s close, Joey Minnesota. The man himself has promised to also explain his actions against RDJ and if we were him, we would have one eye over our shoulders because you know The Outlaw will not take this lying down.


The main event of the evening will see the TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden do battle against the man with whom he won the tag team titles, the Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino. Having not teamed in a while will that affect the relationship that the two used to have seeing as Golden now holds the biggest title?


Also scheduled is a special announcement from the victorious Syndicate and rumour has it that a certain Hardcore Assassin will be at the show. Be sure to tune in this Tuesday on GNN Total Sports; you won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key


Gino Montero vs Fumihiro Ota


The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith


Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach & Rick Law


Benny Benson vs Joey Minnesota


Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino

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Gino Montero vs Fumihiro Ota

Like CC I thin the momentum will definitely carry through

The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

Gotta win again

Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith


Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach & Rick Law

Rick bounces back with the pin over Double A

Benny Benson vs Joey Minnesota

He is more ME

Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino

Even if he is coming off a big win

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Gino Montero vs Fumihiro Ota

The push continues


The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

and another


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith

Sam needs some momentum back


Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach & Rick Law

Rick needs a win after last time


Benny Benson vs Joey Minnesota

I dont like Joey at all Im afraid


Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino

toss of a coin Im afraid

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Prediction Key


Gino Montero vs Fumihiro Ota


The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith


Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach & Rick Law


Benny Benson vs Joey Minnesota


Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino

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Great show London, I loved the main event. Joey Minnesota has always been one of my favorite characters so I hope he goes on to great things for you.


Gino Montero vs Fumihiro Ota

-Gino needs to keep his momentum going.


The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

-The Animals could use a boost.


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith

-Easy win for Keith to rebound


Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach & Rick Law

-I honestly could see this going either way but Ill give it to the champ and my avatar


Benny Benson vs Joey Minnesota

-Joey won't lose here


Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino

-I think we will be suprised by the rating in this one

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Great show London, I loved the main event. Joey Minnesota has always been one of my favorite characters so I hope he goes on to great things for you.


Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed the show. It was really fun to write actually, got a lot of satisfaction out of the process which helps.


Minnesota has always been an undervalued asset to the promotion I feel and with his underlying anger issues, I tried to bring his character to life; give him a bit more dimension. I felt that there was more room for him to thrive as a heel where beyond The Syndicate there is little else at the top of the card, what with the recent Keith reformation. With he and RDJ not being able team up according to the stipulations of the PPV main event, both needed direction and there is now a ready made feud between the two.

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Gino Montero vs Fumihiro Ota


The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith


Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach & Rick Law


Benny Benson vs Joey Minnesota


Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino


Here's hoping I can do a bit better this time :D

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Great show all around except for the disappointing rating on the cage match. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Gino Montero and Joey Minnesota.


Gino Montero vs Fumihiro Ota


The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith


Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach & Rick Law


Benny Benson vs Joey Minnesota


Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino

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Great show all around except for the disappointing rating on the cage match. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Gino Montero and Joey Minnesota.


Bad chemistry can be a pain in the arse. Fortunately it is the story that matters, although nice match grades wouldn't hurt the presentation. Glad you enjoyed the show.

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Awesome PPV, London. Love the fact that Gino took the All-Action title...something that I don't think has been done in a TCW dynasty before. I like the variety you bring to the table, sir.


By the way, did you get my reply to your PM?

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