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The Official "You Should See This Movie" Thread


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Official. I even got a patent for it. Okay I'm lying about that, but this is what the title says it is. Which is a movie suggestion topic. I'm a huge movie guy, I'm not really sure about anyone else on these here boards, but I figure, if not. It'd give me a topic to tell you what stupid movies (or TV shows) I enjoy. AND YOU CAN SHARE YOUR OWN! Like one giant family...anyways.


Once (2006)

I'm a softy for romances, but not musicals. This however is a lovely drama musical. Takes place in Dublin. Cute little romance story, amazing soundtrack. I'm a sucker for independent movies really. Did I mention the soundtrack is amazing? Because, it is. Everyone in the movie was great, I feel like watching it just talking about it.


I'll also throw in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, because..well. It is Batman.

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I'll also throw in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, because..well. It is Batman.


Really? Batman & Robin was Batman, too. Does that get the nod? :p


I'm sure I'll have something in a while, because I am a huge movie guy, but for some reason nothing is coming to mind just yet.

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I am a massive film nerd (studied film, make films, watch tons of them) so my taste may be a little out of touch to the casual movie fan. Just a warning.


Hana-Bi aka Fireworks


Best Yakuza movie ever (sort of anyway), slow paced, strong story, no excess anything. I'm on a huge Takeshi Kitano kick lately.


Also, if you want movies recommended to you there is a site called Criticker where you rank movies and it has a pretty good system where it will recommend films based on how you rank others and predict what score out of 100 you are likely to give it. I'd recommend it if you like keeping track of what you've seen and getting some movies recommended to you that you not otherwise hear much about.

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Oh, thanks, BurningHamster. Helps me out in the Puro thread, then kickstarts my inspiration!


Crows Zero (dir. Takashi Miike, 2007) is a somewhat quirky action film, as well as Miike's most... accessible piece. It's about the son of a yakuza boss trying to "take over" Japan's most violent high school. If you don't mind watching a film in Japanese, it's 100% worth a watch.

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Wall Street - still one of my two all time favorite movies. The Greed is Good speech is still true today.


Boomerang - the other one.


The Last American Virgin - there are lessons to be learned for ALL guys from this movie (and no, Carmella doesn't teach any of 'em :p)


The Breakfast Club - if you haven't seen this movie, you fail.


The Book of Eli - the theme is just so powerful


Inside Job - only if you're curious about how things went so bad, so fast (and didn't know it was coming)

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Oh, and because he mentioned TV in the first post, if you have Netflix, Arrested Development is available for instant streaming now.


If you're never watched this show, you have to stop what you're doing and go watch it right now. It's only 3 seasons long (being another show too good to exist from Fox), but all 3 seasons are utterly awesome.


It's got a lot of big names in it too ! (Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, Jeffrey Tambor, David Cross, Michael Cera, and many more.)


Speaking of shows too good for Fox, Firefly can be instant streamed now too. Despite only lasting something like 14 episodes, people still rave about it. Go watch that now too.

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Boomerang - the other one.


Is that the Eddie Murphy having lots of sex movie?


The Breakfast Club - if you haven't seen this movie, you fail.


Very much yes, in fact pretty much most of John Hughes is essential viewing. Ferris Bueller and Pretty in Pink are two of my other favourites he did.

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The Warriors (1979)

This movie, out of all the movies I've ever seen, this movie is my absolute favorite. I've watched it more than 20 times. It is about a gang meeting gone wrong and a gang (The Warriors) is being hunted, trying to get back to their home turf miles away encountering other gangs. It is a wonderful movie. I've never met a person that likes/seen it, but I hope I can change that. Well..the seen it part.


Super Size Me (2004)

One of my favorite documentaries. After seeing this movie, I seriously dropped eating at McDonald's. Morgan is such a likable character and the movie is really fascinating on how America is dealing with overweight problems and the "obesity" disease. I've watched it a few time, I love, love, love it.


A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Because of this movie, I'll watch anything with Malcolm McDowell or Stanley Kubrick attached to it. This movie is just amazing. It may be dark for our younger GDSers, but for our mature 18+ers, it is great. Very intense. In a way, it is classified as a science fiction movie and it sorta it. I don't want to spoil anymore of it, but you have to see it.


Also, Stella, the short lived series on Comedy Central starting Michael Ian Black, is awesome. 10 episodes, but I love it. Streaming on Netflix for those who have it.

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The Warriors (1979)

This movie, out of all the movies I've ever seen, this movie is my absolute favorite. I've watched it more than 20 times. It is about a gang meeting gone wrong and a gang (The Warriors) is being hunted, trying to get back to their home turf miles away encountering other gangs. It is a wonderful movie. I've never met a person that likes/seen it, but I hope I can change that. Well..the seen it part.


My father loves Warriors. Bought the collectors DVD. Huge fan.

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Dude, The breakfast club...win.


Easily spent most of my Summer last year watching it, just about daily.


Major Payne...yay.




Mirrors 2


The first Mirrors left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Glassy. The ending killed it for me. Kiefer Sutherland could have done better. I don't imagine Mirrors 2 being much better, but I feel like I've gotta check it out.

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The first Mirrors left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Glassy. The ending killed it for me. Kiefer Sutherland could have done better. I don't imagine Mirrors 2 being much better, but I feel like I've gotta check it out.


When the reflection starts to eat glass, wow...


Yes watch.



I seen a movie years ago that I liked, but for the life of me I can't remember the name.


This spirit? Traveled between people through touch. Was great. Was the only movie I watched for months. Ah youth how I miss thee.

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I love Zombieland. Watch that one if you haven't.


Great movie. Speaking of zombies movies.


Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, and Dawn of the Dead (originals) are absolutely amazing. 3 movies I could spend all day watching. Out of the 3, Night of the Living Dead is my favorite. Spectacular stuff really.


Return of the Living Dead Part II is a comedy, part of a series if you can't tell. It is my favorite of the 5, but I recently re-watched it. It is really awful, but I enjoy the hell out of it. Part 2 is really the only one I like. Part 1 is good, the rest of God awful if I recall. Really, I've only seen 1-3. 3 was awful, so 4 and 5 are too.


Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness are amazing, if you don't know about them, shame on you. Cult classics. Bruce Campbell is from Michigan. I'm from Ohio. He is a role model of mine. I love the guy in everything...everything good that is.


My Name is Bruce is worth checking out, not the best, but it is pretty funny at times. Cheesy. The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. is a great TV series. I've only seen disc one from Netflix so far, but it is great.


Psych is a great TV show. Going on a 6th season. The main character, Shawn, is great and quirky, Gus is just...Gus.

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I am pretty sure there is already a movies thread but it does not matter because the thing is probably buried by now. As for the topic:


I shall go with movies that people have probably never heard of. Do not get me wrong I could list a ton of movies that I like but most of them are probably movies that everyone on here has already watched. So here are five movies that are good that a lot of you might have never had the chance to watch along with the year it came out:


1. Sunset Boulevard (1950)


2. Being There (1979): Funny thing is, some might mistake this for George W. Bush's presidency.:D Peter Sellers is at the top of his game in this movie.


3. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920): Just an odd but good movie.


4. Strangers on a Train (1951)


5. Any Hammer movie with Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing in it. Yes I know that they made a ton of them but they were all really good. Sure the studio era horror movies of the late 30's and early 40's were great but Hammer took it to a whole other level.

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The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920): Just an odd but good movie.


The 2005 sound remake (still black and white) was pretty good, in my estimation. I haven't seen the original just yet, though I'm told it's a very faithful shot-for-shot remake using digitally enhanced copies of most of the original's backdrops.

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The 2005 sound remake (still black and white) was pretty good, in my estimation. I haven't seen the original just yet, though I'm told it's a very faithful shot-for-shot remake using digitally enhanced copies of most of the original's backdrops.


I think we had this exact conversation in the other movie thread (at least I think it was you).:D I never saw the remake, but I have read about it and what you say is true. I got the original on DVD for three dollars at a few years back.

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