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The Story Of Timothy Hawk - Cornellverse

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I wanted to let everyone know that I haven't really begun working on this show as of yet. That being said, it won't be up until sometime next week because I am leaving on a trip to the beach tomorrow and won't be back until sometime on Monday. So this gives plenty of time for more predictions/comments/etc. With that being said, let's head to a few now.


Just because Nelson Callum has Davis Wayne Newton's old picture, that doesn't mean he has potential. He shows every sign of becoming a decent midcard technician someday somewhere, but his psych is average at best, his star quality is limited, and -- most importantly in PSW -- he has no aptitude for hardcore wrestling.


I will say that I underestimated Primal Rage, though. He may be 39, which limits his future viability, but he's quietly become an underrated worker, at least in a hardcore/brawling environment. (Unfortunately for him, Dead Bolt still sucks.)


Though the vast majority of the cards will be based on hardcore wrestling, I am also looking to integrate some technical/pure based matches. So tech wrestling is something valued here though as said the vast majority will be based on hardcore as that is what the fans come to see.


That being said, as you intimated, not everyone will be suited to the environment here in PSW. Those people will be shown the door fairly quickly.




The picture definitely made me laugh. :D


Lazy Joe as a narcoleptic Sandman? Genius. :D


Exactly what I was going for. Glad that it shone through. Maybe it will give some new life to the Lazy Joe character. :)

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Friday Week 3 February 2010

Location: The Ministry (Tri State)

Attendance: 1,000

Overall Rating: D




[The show opens within the sold-out Ministry in the Tri-State region. The crowd rises to their feet with 'PSW' chants resounding throughout. PSW shirts can be seen on many spectactors as they prepare for PSW St. Valentine's Massacre. The opening to 'Perfect Strangers' by Deep Purple begins to play and boos resound throughout the crowd. The curtains part and out come the four men known as The Untouchables. A 'We Touched You' chant begins through the crowd as the four men seem to ignore the crowd as they head to the ring. Larry Wood yells at the crowd, growling through his mask. The four men enter the ring and Frankie Future is given the microphone.]


Frankie Future

"Hahaha. Thank you for the welcome. We truly deserve it because we are the four best wrestlers in the world today headlined by none other than the Franchise himself, the PSW Champion Frankie Future."


[boos grow louder in the crowd as Frankie Future absorbs the sound like it is cheers.]


Frankie Future

"We begin tonight by taking out the trash known as Ash Campbell. Ash, you are a sorry son of a bitch and tonight we are going to take you out of MY company. We are going to remove you from PSW for good. Unlike other promotions, we adhere to our stipulations. Now, I've got to get focused on MY match tonight because, really, that's the most important match tonight, isn't it? The question is, what gutless coward is going to step up and face me in the ring tonight? Mystery man, why don't you show yourself right here? Why don't you step up inside MY ring? I promise I'll make the beating easy."


[There is a pause as Frankie is surrounded by the other members of the Untouchables. Is the person going to show up as called out by Frankie Future? The lights in the Ministry turn off! The crowd is absolutely excited by the prospect of seeing who is going to be facing Frankie Future later on tonight for the PSW World title! A sound begins to play within the arena. Is that? Is that a Monkey? That sounds like a Monkey! What in the world could that be? The lights come back on and The Untouchables are still in the ring. They're all looking around. Someone is definitely playing mind games with The Untouchables.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/StevenParker.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/HonestFrank.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/JDMorgan_alt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/LarryWood_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/AshCampbell.jpg


Loser Leaves Town

Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell


[During the confusion, Ash Campbell makes his way down to the ring with the referee R.M. Stones! The bell sounds and Campbell rolls up Parker: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Campbell nearly steals one here to open the show! As soon as Campbell gets up, however, the Untouchables fall upon him. Larry Wood clotheslines him down and as he lay on the mat, Nicole Kiss slides a chair into the second generation wrestler! The crowd goes wild as Ash Campbell works his way up to his feet, absorbing some blows in the process but wildly swinging the chair! The Untouchables get out of the ring quickly and Campbell looks absolutely wild! A 'Nemesis' chant begins in the audience as our resident dry erase board sign guy holds up his sign reading: 'Doesn't Matter Who Leaves Town...Nicole's With Me Now!'


Once Parker got back in the ring, the match went on pretty decently and mostly within the ring. The wrestlers worked back and forth with things taking a more technical turn when Parker took control but Campbell sped things up, including hitting a triple jump moonsault for a two count on Parker. Parker fights his way back and hits a tornado face slam on Campbell, known to many of Parker's fans as the Future Shock! Parker makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! The crowd absolutely goes wild as that shoulder rises before the three count! Parker yells at the referee that it was a slow count. All this does is give Campbell some recovery time. When Parker comes back over, he is taken down with a dropkick! Campbell pulls Parker up and folds his arms over, dropping him with a DDT! That is a move his father calls the Nemesis Arrow! Another 'Nemesis' chant breaks out through the crowd. Campbell climbs the turnbuckles -- Shooting Star Press! Campbell turns it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ash Campbell (Via Pinfall @ 12:23)

Match Rating: D


[steven Parker is done! He is gone from PSW! The fans begin a 'Na na na na hey hey hey goodbye' chant! The rest of the Untouchables look to Steven Parker in the ring from outside the ring. Frankie Future makes a motion and they walk off without him! Another wrestler is headed down to the ring.]




[it's Johnny Martin! Martin slides in the ring and picks up Parker -- Twist On The Rocks! The crowd begins the 'You Sold Out' chants for Parker. Martin picks up Parker and tosses him over his shoulder. He walks out of the building and tosses Steven Parker outside the building! The crowd cheers on the Icon of PSW!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/DeadBolt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/PrimalRage.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/NelsonCallum_alt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/KrissyAngelle.jpg



Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe


[This match is an absolute dud in the eyes of the fans. Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe were both met with utter hatred by the fans at ringside and around the Ministry. They definitely don't want to see those two wrestling. Nelson Callum put in several hard-hitting moves as the Ravishing One was made to look good in this match. Krissy Angelle was met with certain unflattering chants by the crowd, like 'Show Your Tits' among others. The dry erase board sign guy shows that he is an artist as he has this on his sign:




Of course there were a couple of times where Braun and Bradley had to refuel Lazy Joe when he went to sleep standing in the corner. Braun finally ended things in this match when he caught Dead Bolt with a sharp power slam and then a Braun Damage Brainbuster. He swings around and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe (Via Pinfall @ 8:43)

Match Rating: D-






[Mitch Naess enters the ring when the ring is cleared. Mitch looks around, getting a 'Mitch' chant from the crowd. He smiles and waves to the crowd before drawing the microphone to his lips.]


Mitch Naess

"Good evening everyone! Before we continue with our wrestling part of the show, I am out here to get a few words from your favorite and mine: Grandmaster Phunk!"


['Get Down, Get Down!'


Jungle Boogie begins to play and the crowd automatically begins to boo! They are smart members of the crowd and realize that Grandmaster Phunk has signed with SWF. None of his act is really getting over with the fans and Phunk steps into the ring. Mitch raises the microphone up.]


Mitch Naess

"Thank you, Phunk, for coming out here. Or should I say Danny B. Bling? Or maybe we'll go with Daniel Bolte? I think all these fans have something to say to you."


[A 'You Sold Out' chant begins to grow within the crowd. Phunk looks around, slightly surprised by the reaction of the fans here in PSW. He looks to reach for the microphone but Mitch Naess pulls it back.]


Mitch Naess

"You don't get to talk, Bolte. Now, get out of the ring because, frankly, we don't need you. Tell Richard we said hi! PSW! PSW! PSW!"


[A 'PSW' chant breaks through the crowd. Phunk looks to Mitch for a few more seconds before shrugging. He turns and exits the ring, getting heckled by the fans he passes and hit with trash. This is definitely a violent crowd here tonight!]




Match #3



PSW Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance vs. ???


[The Deadly Alliance come out first to the ring with the PSW Tag Team titles around their waists. They enter the ring and look around, taking in some definite boos from the crowd as we wait to see who their opponents are going to be as we have our first of two mystery matches. 'Real Solution #9' by White Zombie begins to play. The crowd stands and looks toward the entrance ramp to see who is coming through the curtain.]




[it's Nation of Filth! The Nation of Filth is HERE in PSW! The two men come running down toward the ring with Stink laughing maniacly as they hit the ring. The Deadly Alliance exits the ring as Stink and Grunt stand tall within the center of the ring. Both of these men are known for their time in TCW but they are a perfect fit right here for PSW! This was a pretty decent brawl that saw some weapons come into play. Stink and Grunt used chairs on the PSW Tag Team Champions. The dry erase board sign guy raises his sign reading: 'What Did Idaho Ever Do To You?' The Punisher is left in the ring alone with both Stink and Grunt. They set him up: Grunt with a spinning leg sweep to the back of The Punisher's legs, while Stink hits The Punisher with a spinning heel kick! It's the move that they call the Dust Buster! Grunt makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! We have brand NEW PSW Tag Team Champions!]


Winners: Nation Of Filth (Via Pinfall @ 8:12; Nation of Filth wins the PSW Tag Team Championships)

Match Rating: D-






[As The Nation of Filth celebrate with their brand new PSW Tag Team titles, we head to this backstage interview with the man known as 'Straight Edge' Matthew Keith. Keith looks down at his PSW National title belt and then back up to the camera as he stands in front of a PSW sign.]


Matthew Keith

"Straight edge. It's not just a set of words, it's a way of life. I don't drink, I don't do drugs and I don't smoke. I don't do anything that might do any harm to my body. Last month, this helped me take out one man but this month I have to take out two. I have to take out two of the top wrestlers in PSW: Johnny Martin and JD Morgan in a three way dance. This is a life changer. This is a match where none of us will be the same. But just like every other match I've had, straight edge also means that I...don't....lose."


[Keith presses a kiss to his palm and then presses it to the PSW sign behind him before he walks off.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/mattkeithf.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/JDMorgan_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/JohnnyMartin.jpg


PSW National Title Match

Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin


[Matthew Keith is walking down the backstage area when he gets assaulted by JD Morgan! The crowd watching on a big screen boos as Morgan slams Keith up against a wall. Keith bounces off and JD Morgan picks up a singapore cane from the sleeping body of Lazy Joe! Morgan slams the cane into the head of Keith several times and Keith falls to the ground. Morgan brings the cane back one more time and it's grabbed from behind! It's Johnny Martin! The Icon catches Morgan in the legs with the cane, tripping him up! Martin slams the cane down several times on Morgan and then drops it. He picks up Morgan and body slams him on the hard floor! Wow! That had to hurt! Matthew Keith pulls himself up and clotheslines down Johnny Martin! Keith picks up Martin and drags him toward the ramp! They come out of the curtain and Martin throws a few punches! The crowd goes wild at seeing the two men there!


The match moves into the ring where Matthew Keith begins using some of his technical experience on Martin. The next few minutes are spent with two fan favorites: Matthew Keith and Johnny Martin battling inside the ring. Finally, JD Morgan comes staggering in from the back and heads down toward the ring. He has a chair in hand! Keith grabs Martin -- German Suplex! Martin is folded up like an accordian! JD Morgan slides inside the ring and swings the chair -- ducked by Keith! Keith trips up JD Morgan and steps in -- Proton Lock! Keith locked in the Proton Lock on JD Morgan! Morgan taps! Morgan is tapping out! We are down to just Matthew Keith and Johnny Martin!


Our dry erase board sign guy holds up his sign reading: 'Keith is Awesome! (CLAP, CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP) Keith is Awesome!' These two men remaining go back and forth in this match with a lot more being done inside the ring instead of outside the ring. Johnny Martin goes for the Twist On The Rocks but Keith slides out behind him. Keith rolls him up: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Matthew Keith (Via Pinfall @ 10:19; Matthew Keith retains the PSW National title)

Match Rating: D+


[The crowd is absolutely stunned at how quickly the two eliminations took place! Matthew Keith is still the PSW National Champion! He is handed his belt but someone moves through the crowd. Someone is headed behind Matthew Keith.]




[it's Teddy Powell! What is he doing inside the ring? Powell waits for Keith to turn and look toward him -- WHAM! He nails Keith with the Motion Censor! That is a Roundhouse kick to the jaw of Straight Edge. Matthew Keith is left laying on the mat as Powell looks down toward him for a moment. Powell picks up the PSW National title belt and walks away as EMTs come out to check on Matthew Keith.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/LarryWood_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/GrandmasterPhunk_dse81.jpg

Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk


[The crowd honestly had no idea who to cheer for in this match, if anyone. An amusing part at the beginning of the match was when Phunk threw his hat out to the fans and they threw it back into the ring! This happened several times before Phunk finally gave up and dropped it down at ringside. Larry Wood was mostly dominant in this match against Phunk, not to anyone's surprise. The wild mountain man Larry Wood got a few 'We've got Wood' chants from the crowd. They also began a chant based on our dry erase board sign guy's sign for this match: 'Larry's Gonna Kill You...Larry's Gonna Kill You...' Wood caught Phunk when he tried to come off the top turnbuckle and power bombs him down to the mat. Wood slides out of the ring and looks underneath, sliding out a table! This causes a rustling within the crowd as the table is slid inside the ring. Wood walks over and grabs the hat that Phunk dropped at ringside and then slides inside the ring. Wood stuffs the hat right into Phunk's mouth and then lays in a few stomps. He turns and walks over to the table, setting it up in the corner. He picks up Phunk and lays him against the table -- Running Big Foot through the table! The table is in absolute splinters! Phunk is hurt badly! Larry Wood makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Larry Wood (Via Pinfall @ 10:15)

Match Rating: D-




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/HonestFrank.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/JDMorgan_alt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/LarryWood_alt.jpg


PSW Championship Match

Frankie Future defends vs. ???


[The music of 'Perfect Strangers' by Deep Purple begins to play as Larry Wood surveys his surroundings still within the ring. The two other members of the Untouchables: JD Morgan and Frankie Future begin walking down to the ring. Both of them look supremely confident. However, no one knows who the opponent will be for Frankie Future tonight. Frankie and JD enter the ring and Frankie leans outside, yelling for a microphone. He is given one and he looks around for a moment.]


Frankie Future

"Alright, it's show and tell time. Who is it that's going to step up and try to take the PSW Title from me? Who is the rat-ass bastard that isn't showing himself ahead of time? Come on now, The Untouchables are tired of waiting."


[The lights cut again as silence reigns within the Ministry! Those sounds of the monkey return and a red spotlight begins to shine at the top of the entrance ramp. The crowd turns their attention toward the spotlight, waiting to see who will step out and be illuminated.










[it's Hell Monkey! Hell Monkey is here in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling! The crowd knows exactly who this man is. He is one of World Level Wrestling's best! Frankie Future looks pale as a ghost inside the ring! Hell Monkey races down to the ring and slips up on the turnbuckle, raising his arms to cheers from the crowd. Could we be seeing Frankie Future's PSW title reign ending tonight? Hell Monkey pulls off the mask and tosses it into the crowd.]




[Hell Monkey looks across the ring toward the Untouchables. The three men are huddled together trying to come up with a gameplan as they never expected the opponent to be Hell Monkey! Monkey suddenly leaps off the turnbuckle! He takes down all three members of the Untouchables in one fell swoop! Hell Monkey gets to his feet -- clothesline sends JD Morgan over the top rope to the floor! He ducks a punch from Wood -- spin kick to the face! Wood goes down! Now Hell Monkey comes face to face with Frankie Future! The two men look at each other for a long moment.


Then the punches are thrown! Frankie with a right hand! Monkey with a right! Frankie! Monkey! Frankie! Monkey! The two begin exchanging blows right in the center of the ring as the fans go absolutely wild! Monkey ducks a shot and fires another! Another! Another! He backs Future up in the corner. He takes a few steps back and runs in, catching Future -- Monkey Flip! Future goes flying halfway across the ring and then slides under the bottom rope. Hell Monkey bounces off the ropes and leaps -- suicide dive outside the ring! Future rams right up against the guardrail! Hell Monkey gets the crowd going and climbs up onto the apron. He uses the ropes as a springboard -- asai moonsault! What a move! Monkey lays Future out flat and covers him: 1 -- 2 -- JD Morgan grabs R.M. Stone's hand at the last moment, stopping the three count! Hell Monkey gets up and sees what happened. He reaches under the ring and pulls out a chair! Hell Monkey leaps up on the guardrail and runs the rail before smashing the chair into the face of JD Morgan! Hell Monkey looks to the crowd and makes the monkey noises, which the crowd responds to.


The next few minutes are spent outside the ring and through the crowd. Hell Monkey maintains control during this time period and then climbs to the second story while Frankie Future is down on the first floor. Hell Monkey leaps -- Future moves! Hell Monkey just crashed and burned on the floor! He may have broken a few ribs in the process! A 'PSW' chant breaks out through the crowd. The next few minutes belong to Frankie Future as the fight moves back toward the ringside area. Our dry erase board sign guy holds up his sign now reading: 'The Future Is Now!' Future wrestles the board away from the fan and hits Hell Monkey with it! He drops the board and tosses Monkey over the railing. Future leaps over the railing and tosses Hell Monkey into the ring. The two men battle it out inside the ring for the next five minutes, heading into the fifteen minute mark of this match. Future catches Hell Monkey with a one-armed DDT in the center of the ring and makes the cover:









...Shoulder Up!



The crowd goes wild as Hell Monkey gets that right shoulder up! Frankie Future repositions himself, grabbing the wrists of Hell Monkey, trying to pin him down. Monkey gets his legs up suddenly -- Monkey Flip! Monkey kips up though he is definitely not one hundred percent. He slides out of the ring and drags a table out from under the ring! The crowd goes wild as the table is introduced and slid inside. He also grabs a chair and slides it into the ring. As Future uses the ropes to stand, Monkey sets up the table first and then the chair. Monkey bounces off the ropes and uses the chair as a springboard to the table. He leaps off the table toward Future -- intercepted! Larry Wood catches Hell Monkey in mid-air! Wood turns to the table -- power bomb through the table! Larry Wood just power bombed Hell Monkey through that table! Wood exits the ring and Frankie Future walks over gingerly. He picks up Hell Monkey -- Frank-N-Hurter on top of the chair! He hit the belly to belly suplex landing on the chair inside the ring! Frankie Future makes the cover:











Winner: Frankie Future (Via Pinfall @ 20:45; Frankie Future retains the PSW Championship)

Match Rating: D+


[Frankie Future is going to retain the PSW Championship with a little help from his Untouchable friends! JD Morgan slowly slides in the ring and the three remaining members of the Untouchables turn their attention to the fallen Hell Monkey. Before they can get to him, though, someone else comes running from the back.]




[it's Johnny Martin! The ICON of PSW rushes inside the ring with a chair in hand! He cracks the chair over Larry Wood's skull! He hits JD Morgan in the ribs! Frankie Future exits and grabs his PSW Championship! The Untouchables stand at ringside while Johnny Martin checks on Hell Monkey. What a way to end the show. We'll see you next month!]

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Hell Monkey is a great add for PSW, well any company really. Although I prefer him under the mask, but that's me.


The reason why I did it the way that I did it was because in his bio it talks about the fact that he wears the mask out to the ring during his entrance but then takes it off to wrestle. So I will be keeping that same sort of thing going on here. Thanks for the comment, though! I agree that Hell Monkey is a great add for the company. I just hope I can keep him. lol.

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[March 2010



Another month has gone by and once again we are sitting within the black ink. This time we came up 2 grand more than last month so Mitch is very happy with that. I held a conversation with him following the end of the month and I am happy to say that he has allowed me to go out and sign some more talent to add to the roster. Some of this talent will be debuting at PSW's March Madness. As my phone goes off, I look down at it and it seems I have a text message from TotalExtremeWrestling.com. This makes my brows furrow as I begin to read it:



Matthew Keith signs a developmental contract with SWF. The son of veteran wrestler Sam Keith will start in Rhode Island Pro Wrestling in around a week.'


I shake my head, hitting speeddial on my phone. As Matthew Keith's voicemail picks up, I know that it's not a mistake on the part of the website. As soon as I hear the beep, I just let the words flow from my lips:


"I expect that you will bring the belt by my home before you head off to Rhode Island. It would have been nice to hear it from you, though."


I just clicked off my phone and shook my head. Yet another person running for greener pastures. Well, luckily, Mitch has granted me permission to sign more talent, right?

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No Rules, Just Fights


PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell

With the departure of Matthew Keith from the company, the PSW National title has been vacated. A mini tournament has been set up to determine a brand new PSW National Champion. JD Morgan, representing the Untouchables, will be facing off with a brand new signing to debut here tonight at March Madness, while Nelson Callum will face off with Teddy Powell. This will be the first time that Teddy Powell has wrestled in several months now so will we see any ring rust on him? Just who will come out as the new PSW National Champion?


#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Neither team has been on what one would call a winning streak here in PSW. But both teams are looking to change that. The winners of this match will face the PSW Tag Team Champions next month. So with that added incentive, who is going to pull out the victory here?


Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian

Two more wrestlers are making their debut here tonight on PSW March Madness as 'The Southern Gentleman' Jared Johnson steps into the ring with Jesse 'The Power' Christian. Not much is known about the Gentleman, except for the fact that he was trained by Johnny Bloodstone. Jesse Christian, on the other hand, is a former football star who was a former two time SCCW Champion. Which of these two southern wrestlers will pick up a win on his debut show right here on PSW March Madness?


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance

Nation of Filth surprised the world when they debuted last month here at PSW St. Valentine's Massacre. What a debut it was as they walked away with the PSW Tag Team titles. This month, the former Champions know exactly who they are facing and what they are capable of. Can The Deadly Alliance regain the PSW Tag Team titles or will it be a new era for PSW and the Nation of Filth?


Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey

Our main event contest should be a very good one, stemming from last month when Hell Monkey appeared to take on Frankie Future for the PSW Championship. The Franchise came away with a victory through the help of the Mountain Man Larry Wood. This match has an added stipulation, though. Whoever scores the pinfall or submission will receive a PSW Championship title shot next month. This stipulation includes Larry Wood in it if he scores the pinfall. If Frankie Future scores the pinfall or submission, then he will not be forced to defend his title next month. With this added stipulation can Frankie Future trust Larry Wood in his corner?


Quick Picks

PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess:

PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell


#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys


Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation Of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance


PSW National Title Tournament, Finals: JD Morgan/??? vs. Nelson Callum/Teddy Powell


Person who scores the pinfall/submission, gets a PSW Championship title shot next month: Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey


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Great addition with Hell Monkey but I'd be worried that one of the Japanese feds will be calling soon....


The Monkey, The Monkey...he's the flipping bomb. Especially with that new mask by LoNdOn...wow. Never even thought about him being the mystery opponent.


And did no one get my predictions riddle?


Thanks for the comments on the debut of Hell Monkey. Definitely agree that he is a great addition to the promotion. Right now, he is working for us, WLW and GCG all on pay-per-appearance contracts. And I always make sure with my calender that all of my wrestlers are available on each show. Though I am trying to make the shows every Friday week 4. I forgot to edit it and will do so after this post but PSW St. Valentine's Massacre was actually on week 3. Why? Because of the two signings of Grandmaster Phunk and Steven Parker. I wanted to make sure to be able to use them one more time before their contracts expired. Also, I am slightly worried about one of the Japanese feds completely scooping up Hell Monkey but luckily the promotion isn't built around one man, right? But keep the comments coming!

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PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess: Ash Campbell

PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell


#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys


Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation Of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance


PSW National Title Tournament, Finals: JD Morgan/??? vs. Nelson Callum/Teddy Powell


Person who scores the pinfall/submission, gets a PSW Championship title shot next month: Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey


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PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess: I'm gonna go with Jack Griffith coming in and getting a win over JD Morgan.

PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell

Comment: Callum gets the other win, matching up face vs. heel, not that that is overly significant here.

#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Comment: I dont know. Go rednecks.

Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian

Comment: Because he has the POWER!

PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation Of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance

Comment: First defense.

PSW National Title Tournament, Finals: JD Morgan/??? vs. Nelson Callum/Teddy Powell

Comment: The guy with the similar haircut to Kieth gets the title (not really my reasoning, but something to take note of). Nelson is a young guy that could use the boost most really.

Person who scores the pinfall/submission, gets a PSW Championship title shot next month: Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey

Comment: Future is smart enough not to let Larry Wood get the pinfall, Johnny Martin is a wily veteran who can take advantage of that.

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PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess: Ash Campbell

PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell


#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys


Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian

Comment: Johnson gives way to the experienced Christian

PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation Of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance

Comment: Too soon for a change

PSW National Title Tournament, Finals: JD Morgan/??? vs. Nelson Callum/Teddy Powell


Person who scores the pinfall/submission, gets a PSW Championship title shot next month: Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey


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PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess: Tempted to say Greg Gauge but he wouldn't win. I'll have random guess at... okay I'll go Greg Gauge then :)

PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell

Comment: Push the man!

#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Comment:They have potential

Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian

Comment: Christian is a little dull to me ATM

PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation Of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance

Comment: Long reign

PSW National Title Tournament, Finals: JD Morgan/??? vs. Nelson Callum/Teddy Powell

Comment: Powell for the title!

Person who scores the pinfall/submission, gets a PSW Championship title shot next month: Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey

Comment: Hell Monkey FOR THE PIN!, he can have a MOTN with anyone

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PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess: The Sprout Faced Boy Keith Vegas is coming to PSW, to get his ass handed to him every night and Vegas will be a sure bet for actually sticking around.


PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell

Comment: Emo Powell seems to be getting a bit more of a focused push.


#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Comment: Two words that will make me pick the bumpkin twins.... Dead Bolt


Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian

Comment:I'm not picking Double J, despite the fact that I like him more than Jesse Christian, but this isn't CZCW or even MAW, it's PSW... Southern tough guy Jesse seems more suited to the hardcore environment to me


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation Of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance

Comment: Nation of Filth just won these belts, so I don't see the pair of talentless hacks losing them to the pair of talentless hacks they just won the belts from. In fact the entire PSW Tag Division is made up of talentless hacks, who's entire movesets consist of punch/kick/pick up foreign object/smash foreign object over opponent :p


PSW National Title Tournament, Finals: JD Morgan/??? vs. Nelson Callum/Teddy Powell

Comment: Mystery guy isn't coming in and winning this, even of it is the mighty Keith Vegas, Morgan doesn't need the belt and is past his best (mind you that's most of the PSW roster), and as I have Powell going over Callum in the other semi...I'm tipping Powell to claim the midcard belt.


Person who scores the pinfall/submission, gets a PSW Championship title shot next month: Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey

Comment: Hell Monkey get's the pin and then realises he is far too talented for PSW and signs a massive contract with TCW. :p

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PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

Let's go with Dallas McWade again.


PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell

Nelson Callum continues to fail to excite me.


#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys

The Boys are deceptively good, though of course their fundamentals need improving. You should probably build them up, because they can amount to something.


Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian

Two nice signings, but Christian is more established at the moment.


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation Of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance

I don't think you're killing the Alliance's viability to push the Nation of freaking Filth. I just don't think that.


PSW National Title Tournament, Finals: ??? vs. Teddy Powell

You know who never gets a push? Teddy Powell. Let's give him a push.


Person who scores the pinfall/submission, gets a PSW Championship title shot next month: Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey

On Frankie Future. Wood is crazy like that.

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W National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess:

PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell


#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys


Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation Of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance


PSW National Title Tournament, Finals: JD Morgan/??? vs. Nelson Callum/Teddy Powell


Person who scores the pinfall/submission, gets a PSW Championship title shot next month: Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey

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PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: JD Morgan vs. ???

Ash Campbell not on this card after winning my woman, Nicole Kiss? He's Mr. Squiggly!


PSW National Title Tournament, Semi Finals: Nelson Callum vs. Teddy Powell

There are some Callum haters out there, but I actually like the guy. Better than Powell, in my opinion.


#1 Contenders Match: Dead Rage vs. The Good Ol' Boys

In jhd1's "Under Pressure" dynasty, The Good Ol' Boys just got picked up by SWF! Look at the star power!


Jared Johnson vs. Jesse Christian

Christian's only real over down South, and Johnson's one for the future.


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: Nation Of Filth defend vs. The Deadly Alliance

N.O.F. vs. The Good Ol' Boys later on down the road...can you imagine the ugly?


PSW National Title Tournament, Finals: JD Morgan/??? vs. Nelson Callum/Teddy Powell

I'm pulling for Ash to go all the way!


Person who scores the pinfall/submission, gets a PSW Championship title shot next month: Frankie Future and Larry Wood vs. Johnny Martin and Hell Monkey

I love the idea of Wood pinning his own partner. Let's go with that.


On My Dry-Erase Board This Month:

- Your Mystery Opponent For The National Title Tournament: ME!

- I Get Winded Just Watching Teddy Powell.

- Run For Your Lives! Dead Bolt In A Wrestling Ring!

- Go Back To 'Bama, Jesse!

- That's Not Just Nasty, That's FILTHY!

- Fun Fact: I Should Be In This National Championship Match.

- You Can't Trust Frankie, Larry! Pin Him Now!

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