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Oldest Active Wrestlers

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Something that piqued my interest recently, just scanning through the world as it's evolved in my APWF game in the 70s C-Verse (well, 80s now).


Connor Thompson, at 55, is the oldest active wrestler in the world. Not only is he ridiculously old, but he is the current reigning, two time BHOTWG World Heavyweight champion. In close second, only trailing by a few months, is GCG owner Junichi Monou.


Other super-veteran's of interesting note: Walter Crowe, the man who saved a plummetting CWB after the death of Gene Plumelli by turning it into a super-intense wonder, is approaching his 52nd birthday... and just defeated a departing Cherokee Hawk for the CWB title.


"The Dean of Submissions" Dean Davis has recently celebrated his 50th birthday... and third anniversary of unemployment. At least he tends to put on the match of the night on independent shows across America.


Quite a few 50+ year old active workers in my 2022 WCW game...


Bryan Holmes, Cique Jr, El Bandido, Grue Slugg, Jimmy Cox, Joel Bryant, Masaaki Okazaki, Miguel Dominquez, Natsu Miyamae, Nobuatsu Tatsuko, Puerto Rican Power, R.K. Hayes, Ricky Dale Johnson, Septimus Stubbs, Spanish Superfly, Tediyuki Kikkawa, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Natural, The Wizard of Ottawa, and Tyson Baine.


The oldest two ACTIVE workers are both 54-years old - Phoenix I and Rafael Ruiz.


The oldest semi-active workers are Shotaro Ikina (57), Jeremy Stone (56), and Luchador Original (54). Shotaro is pulling in B's while Stone is still having B+ / A* matches.


I'm just about to finish 2012 in my game (that's 3 years completed) and the oldest workers are...


Lee Wright (55), still fully active with NYCW.

Robert Oxford (52), still semi-active with TCW

Dread (51), still semi-active with PGHW

Sam Keith (51), still fully active with TCW and with an International title reign since the game started.

Haruki Kudo (49), still active with GCG. For 2012 has an 85 rated match average and a peak of 92. Is also a 2 time GCG World champion since the game start.


Ryu Kajahara recently retired at the age of 55... he is currently out with a Shattered Elbow too, though I don't actually think that was what retired him. The crazy S.O.B probably wants to make a comeback and I have to admit I'm tempted to use the editor to bring him back... I always imagine him being about as insane as Terry Funk, seems like the sort of thing he might do. :)

I'm doing a long sim myself. Demon Anger kept going until he was 56. I think Larry Vessey stayed Semi-active until his late 50s, and right now I believe Land Mass is the oldest full time worker at 54.
I do not see it weird that these guys are lasting as long as they are. I mean one only has to look towards Bobo Brazil, Buddy Rogers, Ric Flair, and Lou Thez all wrestled well into their 50's. And in Bobo's case went into his 60's, granted they might be more semi-retired but they were still taking part in matches.
I don't know how he does it, but Jeremy Stone ALWAYS seems to go forever in my games.


Dude's a machine.


He's carrying NOTBPW on his back in my WCW game. The 56-year old owner will not die out!


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