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CBH Mod Resource: Cuts for mods & Requests

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Quick idea: What do people think about prefixing any threads which could be of longterm use to modders with "CBH Mod Resource" so that it's easy to search for in the future once they've disappeared? Could be used for (eventual) skins, tutorials, links to mod repositories, etc. Just an idea anyway


Now that it's clear that a background will be necessary for CBH (and a few have been chosen) and since I figured it's gonna happen at some stage (and since I'm already mostly doing it for my TEW 9000-verse mod), behold!


A thread for all the "real world" superheros, supervillains, and any other characters that might be useful for a mod. Everyone is free to contribute!


I'll be offering my cuts on two different backgrounds (jhd1's "DiscoDots" and my own "Sketch" gradient) to provide options later on down the track. If anyone else wants to help out but can't be bothered with two backgrounds, my advice would be just to use jhd1's DiscoDots, since they look slick with nearly anything you throw at it.


Here are the backgrounds:






(Again, if you don't want to fluff about with two backgrounds, I'd advise you to use the red DiscoDots bg as it makes everything look fancy pants)


If needed, feel free to post requests here as well. I may not have the time to do much extra stuff myself, but our other wonderful GDS members may help out :)Protip: providing an image to cut with your request will make things heaps easier

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For Photoshop users (may apply to other apps but can't be sure)


Q: What ways can I do cuts?


A: There's more than a few ways to skin a cat, and they all have advantages and disadvantages


  • The first is to use the Eraser tool ('E' keyboard shortcut) and simply erase the background by hand. Great for precision work or areas that are a distance away from your subject, but it's bloody difficult to do curves or straight lines with a mouse.


  • Second is to use Lasso Selection tool ('L' keyboard shortcut). Like the eraser tool, this will have you doing things by hand, although you won't be erasing your picture buy drawing selection around the area you want to later erase. The ctl and shift key will allow you to switch between adding to the selection and taking away from it.
    Once you're happy that you've selected all of the background, hit the delete key and you'll be left with nothing but your subject hopefully.


  • Third is to use the Magic Wand selection tool ('W' keyboard shortcut). All you have to do is click on areas in the background, and it will automatically create selections based on the color that is around what you clicked. Great for quickly separating backgrounds that stand out from the subject.
    Adjusting the Tolerance setting of it will determine how much colors are allowed to change before it stops the selection. Toggling the Contiguous checkbox will determine if it only selects that which it is "within reach" to where you clicked, or if it will select all similar colors regardless of where they are on the picture (great for when you've got a simple background which is seen everywhere, but separated by stands of hair or debris, etc).


  • Fourth is a rather new one to me, the Quick Selection tool (it's a subtool of the Magic Wand.. or the other way around, depending on your setup). This does the same thing as the magic wand, but allows you to click and drag over the areas you want. Good for complicated background that the magic wand won't pick up, but you need to be careful it doesn't end up secretly selecting bits of your subject as it's easy to do.


  • Fifth is perhaps the safest way to do it, using a Mask. In your layers menu, have the picture layer selected and click on the small grey rectangle which has a white circle in the middle of it (looks like the japanese flag in grey scale). In the layers menu, still, you should now see a solid white picture next to your picture.
    With that white block selected, use the brush tool to paint black and white over it. Black means that that area of the image will be see-through, while white means that it will be opaque. In other words: paint black over the background area, so that everything below it shows through. The beauty of this is that the original image isn't ever touched, and if you make a huge mistake an erase something that you can't undo, you can easily paint some white over the mask and have it reappear.
    (Note: this won't work if your picture is still locked to the background layer)


  • There's some other ways such as using the pen tool and creating selections by color layers, but that's probably getting a bit complicated and if you can do the above you'll have a great arsenal for getting rid of those pesky backgrounds!


Q: I've used all these techniques but my edges are all jagged! What can I do?


A: Again, a few ways to go about this.


  • If you're using the Eraser, make sure that the mode is set to Brush and that its hardness setting isn't too strong.


  • If you're using the Selection tools of some sort, once you've got the perfect selection, bring up the Refine Edge dialogue options window ('ctl-alt-R' shortcut key). Often, creating selections means hard jagged edges (especially if you do anything with the lasso tool), however, Refine Edge allows you to tell Photoshop how soft you want the edge to be when you hit the delete key.
    It also allows you to make last minute tweaks such as having it delete closer or further out from what you selected (which can be useful if you did magic wand which just didn't quite get to the edge of the character)


  • Another way is that once you've deleted the background and are left with a jagged edge subject, duplicate the layer, and then apply a slight Gaussian Blur filter effect to the bottom layer. This will give the illusion of a softer edge without too much hassel, although it's effects don't always work.


Q: I've got a sweet assed picture, but there are some things which are in the way of the person I'm trying to show off! What should I do?


A: Some might say to get another picture, zoom in so you can't see them, or cut them off as if they're not there. Personally, I would suggest keeping them in the picture and cutting around them. There are limits to this of course, but in a way it can give the picture a really exciting diorama effect (especially if it's explosions and what not), as if you're looking at a model with a fancy base and a few key pieces of scenery. See my first Batgirl VI, Superman, and Joker images for examples.


The other option is to manually paint them out. But unless the area to cover is really small, you've got a drawing tablet, or are just some kind of pro that's not really viable.


Q: You mentioned a drawing tablet. Should I get one?


A: If you're just doing cuts, then probably not (unless you can get a really awesome deal on one which fell off a truck). However, if you do any other form of digital artwork on the side (manual texturing included) a drawing tablet will make your workflow and life so much easier, and with likely better results (not guaranteed that your life will have better results).


They don't even need to be big either, I have one of the largest Wacom tablets, but only end up using about one quarter of it for most work.



** Some indexing of pictures may go in here, if I feel up to it **

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The Mortal Kombat images I could find were mostly a bit small for my liking, but this should please Fleisch anyhow :p


Shao Kahn





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Kung Lao





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You have Darrius but no Sub-Zero or Scorpion? :eek::p


Keep it up Crayon, I'm especially liking how the MK characters fit onto the backgrounds.


I'll do you one better than all of them


Bo' Rai Cho






What? We gotta have some support characters, right? :D

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Some Guy




The source image wasn't good enough for 200x200 cuts, so I'll have to find something else...

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Liu Kang






Oh Liu Kang, why you look so small compared to everyone else?

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Yepp, more Mortal Kombat characters... Just in case it wasn't already apparent, that's what I've spent today adding to my TEW mod :D







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Evil Superman






Will we ever need this picture? Who knows, but I don't like passing up the opportunity

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Superman (after surviving an explosion)






Again, this probably will never be needed outside of dynasties, but there it is

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And here's one for Remi...



F*** yeah Rob Liefeld characters!






Not enough pouches for a someone paying homage to a Liefeld creation, methinks.

(For anyone doing picture packs by publishers, I'm pretty sure she's from an Image series)

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