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Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010

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At 24, apparently Loxley Robbins is the Best Young Prospect in wrestling:




Over, say, the 25-year-old Magnum Kobe?




Here's a rare promotion pact newsbreak:






Here's 23-year-old Panda Mask II:




Nice jobbing stats, good flashiness, but he'll want $400-$450/appearance. I pass on him; I have plenty of other guys who can fill his place for less.


Tamara McFly wanted $500 at least, and shoot, no. 31, female (i.e. retiring in a few years probably) and not very good.






That's Mainstream Hernandez, 24. With 22 popularity in our region, he's a solid high-flyer. Callable psych, great entertainment, nice stamina, great star quality, and a passable technician. Aside from the fact that I think RIPW is getting him on a dev contract, (i.e. written with SWF) I'd bid a bit for him. Maybe into $800.




Dammit. Well, X-Stream (Citizen X and Mainstream Hernandez) is worth it, being a great midcard duo I need to make. ON TO $800!






Well, guess I should renegotiate with him to drop his price >_____>






Annnnd no one cared. :rolleyes:









Yeah, SWF doesn't want him. At 24, what are his stats?




Excellent SQ, surprising Menace, good entertainment, meh performance, and meh brawling. Okay...why does he want $2k+downside?






I have a decision to make:


  • Don't do downside agreements; they aren't worth it at this size.
  • He sucks in the ring no.
  • Get him for the pop.
  • Get him for one month, bury his ass, then renegotiate and/or fire.


The answer?









That's dirty tricks gone wrong. I told you I'd show an example, so...here you go.




That's being on a network for a National-sized promotion due to dropping to Cult. MUAHAHAHAHAHA STILL DOESN'T AFFECT ME aw i wanted the elementals...and Duane Stone.






*hops into the editor*






dammit :(




As for Owen Love negotiations, I dropped out once he wanted travel and a low-level run. He re-signed with NOTBPW under a PPA contract, so I'll try to sign him again. He'd be a solid addition to the top of the card, but...aren't I already heel-heavy?




NEXT POST WILL BE SHOW STUFFS YAY also p.s. Mainstream wanted to explore his other options when I tried to re-sign him. He's not done with FCW re-negotiations, then. Ha.

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Little bump. Here's some notes:


1. No go on Gamestop.

2. YAY EASTER I found a caterpillar (we threw it out of the car. Well, shook it off the bag that I got it on because it was on my pants and swiftly heading north.)

3. Our backstage is at 100%!






Snap Dragon, UK Dragon, and Velocidad have to be replaced. Velocidad's no problem (Donte Dunn can step in and take the fall), but Double Dragon were a heel team. I can put in...Trent Shaffer and K-Squared. Great, now the match will suck (more). Actually, with tag experience...


The match is now 9 heat.

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Fun fact: I somehow removed my ability to hear youtube audio. I then tried something and removed my ability to launch Internet Explorer. I then reversed that; now stuff works.


As to why it's been...four days? Oh, not that bad for this topic. Carry on, then. MAH WAYWERD SUUUUUUUN




Apparently I got some announcer chemistry with Joanne Rodriguez; I don't see why else I'd be using her as the third chair.


So I just ran into a tiny problem: John Maverick has ~twice the popularity of Americana. This means that Maverick doesn't want to lose his match.


It's possible that his having signed a new contract will balance out that negative. We still lose his morale bonus, though, so what else can I do?


I could pay him money. Since we've made soooo much money so far.


I could let him go over Jack Avatar (or a similarly more popular opponent). If I was going to...well, now that's interesting. I could have him beat up Honest Frank. Yeah, I know, heel-heel match. But I can put it in the post show where it's supposed to suck and it won't affect the show. Sure, I know, now Honest Frank's pissed off. Do I care? No. Especially since he's happy at the moment; I doubt I'll bring him below neutral with this loss.




Oh. Duh. Put him against Lee Wright. Dude's retiring soon anyway. Problem solved. Wright's not complaining about the match; that has me bothered that I haven't solved the issue, but...I suppose I could repeatedly re-sign Maverick to give him that morale boost. /shrug


I'm not showing you this, (you've seen the page before) but I'm having the Avatar/Frank match be open, slow built, and called in ring. Essentially I want that match to have the highest rating possible; it is the main event, after all.


I'll have Flash do the same thing in the co-main. Frank's gonna be piiiiiiissed with Sammy, though. One sec...




Yep. Now I'm in a Catch 22:


If I really want to jam out on Frank's popularity, might as well pull a domination on him (and burial, potentially).


Doing that, however, screws with the other matches due to his lower popularity. And he'll have morale issues in those matches, potentially. [i[And[/i] I could have Flash's match not be open; slight hit to the rating, but might push him down even more.


I'll dominate and bury him because why the hell not. Except I just said why not.






There are our matches. Problem? I have a few main eventers not on the card, and I only have promo time left. Let's see what I can do here...




We'll see some of the unnamed people in the angles, but you'll notice that I'm using Jack Avatar a lot. As the most popular person, his presence can only help an angle.


We'll run the show next time.


P.S. I ran the show as a test and am going to switch the order of two segments and change my storylines slightly so as to mitigate penalties. I'm also going to fire about 4 people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot what I needed to change, so I guessed :D
















Crap I didn't change my storylines ._.


































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Now what did we learn?


  1. Never take this much time between a test and a for-real simulation; that, or make notes. Moron.
  2. Moar storylines, plz.
  4. I was going to fire all my menacing hosses, but on second thought, their angles rated pretty well given that they aren't very popular currently.

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Anybody else realize that there's an error in the grammar of that write-up? THere should be a semi-colon, not a comma, in the last sentence. Ryland, you so foolish.




Maverick's "annoyed". The anger at the match outweighs the pleasedness of the contract signing.


I believe that, roughly, annoyed cancels out pleased, and angry cancels happy, when you're looking at their morale. So I have pleased being outweighed by angry. Yay!


I could throw him some money, but I'm not going to bother. And yes, if I had him on written, I'd totally do a 2 week vacation (because it wouldn't matter; our show's in three or something).


That storyline note is bogus: We have a 57 from BHB/Flash and 38 from our tag feud. I'll make up another one but screw you NYCW fans.


Americana/Maverick scored the second highest of the night. Oops. Should have swapped matches with the semi-main. /don'tcare On that note, though, Frank's 30% fatigued. So that's nice.


Speaking of Frank, he was pleased at a victory, happy for his contract, and angry at the booking. And he's in the orange part of morale. Huh. Would have expected "very angry at the booking," then. Regardless, I need to get him a short title run so I can attempt to re-sign him. He went from 45 to 34 popularity, yet he's still a main eventer. I don't think that the gamee cares about his popularity across the USA yet, so I just need to kill about 5 more points before I can re-sign him to a lower contract (I hope). btw, Sammy the Shark jumped from 25 to 35 pop, and now he's a main eventer.


Meaning that I need him to drop the title to a midcarder.




My new signing will not help with that.


Anyone have any May show name suggestions?




(It is now May; some fun stuff happened that I'll save for later)




Looks like my Merchandising does better under "Conservative," so I'll keep it there.




Quiz: Who did I just sign?


Hint: He


Hint: works for another company.


Hint: In a way, he overshadows The Mean Machine.

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Another hint: I hate all of you why won't you read this diary omg it's because I'm fat #16andamilf




Dude, if that is ever a serious tweet, I think I should probably die. Because 1, I hate Twitter, and C, I hate 16-year-olds.






Hey wrestling.






1. Sammy vs. Frank for the title. Frank wins while getting buried.


2. Frank vs. Some midcarder for the title. Midcarder wins.


Astute readers, btw, should know who I hired. I already mentioned him.


Now what was "some fun stuff?"


1. Optimus, of Burning Hammer fame, potentially resigning?

2. Farrah Hesketh, woman of a million things she can go, potentially resigning?

3. Oh, this:




So why is this good?


  • For us, it doesn't matter. They only hire under 30 unemployed light heavies or less in Japan. Most guys we would want don't work in Japan or are far above our pay grade.
  • In terms of the game, though? Haivng another company, especially one that hires the unemployed, will make that particular area (Japan) more rich. Those workers will get better due to experience in the ring.
  • We get to see a promotion die. Any predictions? I'm taking October of 2010.

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To remove any ambiguity, the RtG game is done. Aside from stagnation in the style of writing and potential losses in quality for my other two diaries, we were going nowhere. I was getting, at best, something like $500 per month. That's horrible at Local (well, at any size) and wasn't going to help me grow very easily. That combined with relatively low show scores due to massive Avatar overexposure led to me calling in an awesome suicide.




I see that we have a myriad responses as to suggestions for the May show; it will take me a bit to sort through them for the one I most want to use.


Similarly, I see that many of you posted some rather interesting guesses as to who the mystery signing was. Some of you caught the hint on The Mean Machine, realizing that I got a guy who's best skill is his technical work, a person who can be a force in the uppercard and/or title scene if need be.


This is The Mean Machine. He's 32.








Machine's got slightly better brawling, better entertainment, a touch better consistency, but he's worse in almost every other way. Love, so long as he doesn't hit time decline for awhile, is a better teacher. Machine, provided his popularity cap isn't low, will do better in the main event due to his entertainment abilities.




My problem is that I don't need both people. Love is a Main Eventer at $1,500; Machine's an Upper Midcarder at $900 and I can trade for him with MAW. Given the entertainment ability of many of my workers, I could easily drop Machine and not lose anything. So why keep him?


We reach an impasse; my worker deficit is too high. A trade deficit exists when the imports of a country exceed its exports. I hire far more people than I hire. While I could just treat this as an isolated case, I'd rather solve multiple problems if I'm going to do any roster shuffling.


According to my ideal roster size, I'm over by 36. I've found with a recent TCW game that I work well in large companies with a slightly larger roster, but smaller companies don't use (or shouldn't use) very many people per show (to cut costs). Therefore, I should be firing a hell of a lot more people as a smaller company if I'm going to continue to hire people.


The problem, though? If I wiped out everyone lower midcarder and below, I'm not saving much money. I don't necessarily use those guys each show, so per month I'd get back about half their wage. There's also the fact that those guys are cheap; four of them roughly equal one main eventer.


So if I'm going to restructure the roster, I need to cut from the top. Problem with that? That's going to shove everyone up the roster, leading me to having main eventers who shouldn't be main eventers (like The Ring Generals right now).


I'll post my roster and detail who I cut when I make that decision.





Worker is too high/Worker is too low





Black Hat Bailey

Frankie Perez

Honest Frank

Jack Avatar

Joanne Rodriguez

Lee Wright

Owen Love

Sammy The Shark

Steve Flash

The Big Problem



Dean Waldorf

Hell Monkey

John Maverick

King Dedede

Marv Statler

Mikey James

Rick Sanders

Snap Dragon

The Masked Mauler

The Mean Machine




Cameron Vessey

Citizen X

Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man

Greg Gauge

Hugh de Aske

Jacob Jett

Jonnie Perez

Mainstream Hernandez

Mario Heroic



Rafael Ruiz

Regular Joe

The New York Doll

Trent Shaffer



Amber Allen

Angel de Mexico

Canadian Executioner

Davis Wayne Newton

Island Boy Apollo

Jared Johnson


Roger Monteiro

Running Wolf

UK Dragon



Amazing Fire Fly

Donte Dunn

Extraordinario Jr.

Fuyuko Higa

Mr. Lucha III




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People I'm firing:


  1. Lee Wright.
    He has 101 days left and costs $800. Right now he's a main eventer, meaning I need to use him until he retires in, hopefully, a few days. Once he does retire, can he be used backstage? No. He's got a ton of respect, but his psychology doesn't make him a good road agent. His entertainment skills are mid-60s; while that's fine for a wrestler, that's not good for a commentator/manager. He's got a ton of popularity, but since I'm cutting people, 44 isn't enough to keep.
  2. The Mean Machine.
    He's done much better in MAW than NYCW, and I don't appear to have long-term plans for him. He's a $900 upper-midcarder that I could always (if he's not a champ) trade someone to MAW for. So why keep him when he's just going to get mad at not being used?
  3. Snap Dragon.
    Now we get to the fun ones. I just hired Snap Dragon 4 days after Fuyuko Higa. He's $1,500 and has great performance skills. There are a few marks against him, however. First, the aforementioned Higa has issues with him. Second, I have yet to use him. Third, I have other high-fliers and other ring psychologists, so I don't exactly need him.
  4. Mikey James.
    He's $1,500. That's the only problem, really. I'd kick him and Frankie, but I have Jonnie on the roster. I might as well milk that relationship.
  5. Honest Frank.
    Hell yeah! Now we getting ballsy! He's another $1,500, but he's proven to have delivered (against Jack Avatar, mind, but...). Screw that. He wanted a title run, he's pushing up the contracts, I can't have that. And/or I put in 6 list item things, so I might as well fill them.
  6. Hugh de Aske.
    I gotta cut someone I like. He's really not worth $600. He's just...not good enough. Maybe later, but whatever.




New roster:



Frankie Perez

Joanne Rodriguez

Hell Monkey

Steve Flash

Black Hat Bailey

Sammy The Shark

The Big Problem

Owen Love

Jack Avatar



The Masked Mauler

John Maverick

Marv Statler

King Dedede

Rick Sanders

Dean Waldorf

Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man


Citizen X



Mainstream Hernandez

Mario Heroic

The New York Doll


Angel de Mexico

Rafael Ruiz


Trent Shaffer

Cameron Vessey

Jonnie Perez

Greg Gauge

Regular Joe

Jacob Jett

Davis Wayne Newton



Amber Allen

Donte Dunn


Jared Johnson

Roger Monteiro

UK Dragon

Canadian Executioner

Running Wolf

Island Boy Apollo



Amazing Fire Fly

Mr. Lucha III

Extraordinario Jr.

Fuyuko Higa




Larry Vessey


(No change otherwise)

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As you may well know, I have started the inimitable quest of keeping four diaries afloat. This likely means, ironically, that I'm going to post more in each diary, as I'll need to keep focused so as to not let any of the diaries die.


By the way, I mean "non-imitable," as in unable to be imitated. Not that my diaries are so good as to not be imitated. Because by any rubric, my diaries suck.


I will say, however, that I am immensely proud of the fact that I've kept each diary in a starkly different style:


  • This one is non-kayfabe omnicient.
  • My RtG game was in-person backstage-focused, though the new one has yet to start its first-person backstage-focused style.
  • My WLW game is full of character interviews, owner conferences, and its matches are from the point of view of audio input. No description of the match aside from what you hear.
  • The CGC diary is, obviously, Joey Poison-centric (spoilers). As to how I'm going to treat the shows? You'll see, though I might have hinted at this...in some topic somewhere. I post too much.


I'm just giving you guys a heads-up. I don't expect anyone to read...well, this post, honestly, but if you're unhappy with how I've written one of my diaries (or how I act on the boards, though I'm taking a break), do check out one of my other ones. Hopefully, at the very least, you'll dislike it for other reasons.

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Today hopefully will be one of those days; I intend to have a post in all my diaries shortly. Check out my RtG; fun stuff on the first show.




I'll post a card, but for right now I'll keep the winners secret. If this thing gets popular, we can have some discussion in the predictions as to who you think I'll have win and why that would be a good idea. Then we can discuss afterward how I'm a moron.




Renegotiated Mainstream Hernandez down to $700/show for 18 months, from $800.




Yes, it's big. I want to point out that at the angle I am looking at the screen, the top Rahn is tanner than the bottom Rahn.



Also, no TV for me. /expected-yet-still-sigh




NYCW Cinco de Mayo On the 2nd Saturday of May.


NYCW Empire title

Jack Avatar vs. Owen Love


NYCW Tri-State Regional title

Sammy the Shark vs. John Maverick


NYCW Tag Team title

The Masked Mauler/Rick Sanders vs. DWN/Greg Gauge vs. Hell Monkey/Higa vs. Ekuma/Island


Steve Flash vs. Rafael Ruiz

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Who is King Dedede? In regards to your roster, not in regards to Kirby video games.


The enemy of Kirby.




King Dedede is a face on my roster. So Kirby would be a heel. Awesome.


Oh, right.


King Dedede = Dazzling Dave Diamond.

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Absolutely loving this diary. Educational and entertaining. It's been a big help to a new player like myself!


On that note, and because I don't want to write up a show (no WLW ._.), I'd like to recap on the major points "we've" "learned" thus far. Given that this diary is supposed to be a "Guided Tour," the endpoint should be when I cannot feasibly show an experience during the current game. Tentatively, I'm setting that around Regional, possibly long enough to get a TV show so that I can show you why that's a terrible idea (and thereby bankrupting the company).


After that, I should start a game with a regional company, (I'm thinking CZCW/PSW/RAW) rush to Cult, then we can all laugh at how quickly the promotion dies.


After that, I should start up a game with, say, SWF, (omgGilmore) with the intent of showcasing how a National+ company works. We'll then see if I can use most of the roster; if I can, [easily do it] then I'll have provided evidence that it (or other large companies) aren't a bad choice for a beginner.


Past experience, however, says that I'm going to have about 50 people in development by the second week. Probably not a good idea for a new guy to do.


Ah, right, the major points:


  1. I've given a synopsis of the companies. Hopefully I told you which ones were rich/poor, large/small, entertainment/performance. Those are the main factors that effect the tone of gameplay; (aside from location, I guess) knowing them will help you choose a company for a particular save.
  2. We learned that, at least for Leadership, 4 talent points is the same as 6 talent points. I'm of the belief that this is true for all four talents, meaning I can go 8/4/4/4 to have the benefits of high negotiation early in the game. I know for a fact, at least, that 6/5/5/4 will not have any ill effects.
  3. Check game options at the start of your game. I suggest turning off auto-save, but there are a lot of other options in that screen which will change how the game world progresses. Messing with them can completely alter the game world (like if, say, Cornell randomly dies. Hi NoNeck!)
  4. News on the front page shows you the debuts (if you have that set in the game options) for that month. Much less time consuming and more accurate that searching for them manually.
  5. The difference between being #2 in importance (almost Promotion of the Year, Don't fall below #2 as an owner goal) and #2 in influence (workers will prefer working for you over most other companies; you won't be able to win a bidding war against the #1 promotion). It's not confusing once you get it, but it's really confusing initially.
  6. We saw the business section. This shows us owner goals, our product, and finances (bump them up by 4).
  7. I've shown you problems you can have as a result of pushing someone too much (Honest Frank demanding more money and a title reign). Admittedly, much more could be done in this area.
  8. I've shown you how larger promotions can poach you (Roger Cage at game start; whoever else after TCW grew). I've...maybe shown you how to deal with it?
  9. There are a lot of problems that can result from having a bloated roster; the fact that some of my midcarders are now main eventers is one such example. I've done a decent job of juggling appearances on my shows, but I've also had difficulty making money as a result.


I think that's a solid portion of general game knowledge and common experiences for a small(er) company. Hit Regional and we can see a change in costs; I think it would take me...maybe a year to get a TV show, so I might just skip that.


Ah, and because I see 0 votes, I'll re-post the card:


NYCW Empire title

Jack Avatar vs. Owen Love


NYCW Tri-State Regional title

Sammy the Shark vs. John Maverick


NYCW Tag Team title

The Masked Mauler/Rick Sanders vs. DWN/Greg Gauge vs. Hell Monkey/Higa vs. Ekuma/Island


Steve Flash vs. Rafael Ruiz

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Well, I was going to struggle through the show, but I need to do two things:


  1. Restructure the card to use people that are here.
  2. Deal with the incident.



Jack Avatar vs. Citizen X


Steve Flash vs. Rafael Ruiz


Sammy the Shark vs. New York Doll


Mauler/Sanders vs. DWN/Jett vs. CamVes/Higa vs. Ekuma/Apollo



We got a negative messing with a positive. I can't suspend him because he's on a PPA. I "can't" fire him due to announcer chemistry with J-Ro; that's incredibly valuable.


Spreading rumors isn't the worst thing; I've had people break cars and fight with fans. It almost led to a fight, but didn't get there. I certainly don't want it to happen again, but there's a clear step up in terms of bad things to do.


I'll go with Stern Warning.




Hm...checks morale in Talk to worker




Dang. Ideally I want something that at least makes one of them happy, moreso Waldorf. He was unchanged.


This is something that can happen if you have too many negative influences/pay for backstage things/low backstage morale (I think). You'll have to deal with stuff like this. Sometimes firing them (and then not going through with it) works well; sometimes you need to let it go.


Point is? Don't have bad influences >_>

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http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/5/14116484494.jpg (Mainstream Hernandez)














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Haha, awesome show. Was there a reason you had a bunch of openers calling, or was that an oversight? And its good to see the ol' Executioner is preforming at least just as well as Mass. :p


I'll give more explanation later, but it was on purpose. It was the pre-show, so it didn't affet show ratings. It might have lowered the crowd's mood, but at this size, I'm not aring too much about that.


As for Executioner, yeah, he's doing as well as that **** Land Mass. Problem's actually showing up now, which is pretty sweet. I guess.

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To address Hyde Hill from my CGC diary (because I don't want to OOC post in there/lol I'm answering him and he'll never see): It's four active diaries. If I can't get diary of the month by quality, then dammit, I'm flooding the ballot boxes with potential nominees. On that note, I wonder if we ever have had multiple nominations for the same author, different diary.


Also, I really really really dislike the WLW diary now, since it's hella-long to write. But screw me I'm keeping it up because DARK EAGLE RAWKZ. And because I have a storyline that requires at least two years of work, and dammit if I'm not pulling it off.




I'll give more explanation later, but it was on purpose. It was the pre-show, so it didn't affect show ratings. It might have lowered the crowd's mood, but at this size, I'm not aring too much about that.


There's been evidence that having a person call their own matches increases their psychology. This is important when you have a guy at the 80s or 70s all by his lonesome; since there's no one better than him to work with, he has to find his own way to improve.


Since the matches are pretty much throwaway, I figure that I might as well call matches that are pre- or post-show just for potential skill gains. I do exceptionally well anyway with...any matchup of six or so people, so I don't care about the effects of raising/lowering the crowd's mood.


Now then, reactions:


  1. Amazing Fire Fly and Regular Joe got minor positive tag chemistry. Since I want to feature Fire Fly a lot, this means that Regular Joe has a permanent spot on the roster (I was considering firing him). It also means that I need to get the titles onto...Rafael Ruiz and Davis Wayne Newton. Or some group of heels that have great psychology. It'll allow Fire Fly to have matches against good opponents (allowing him to improve), and they can be short (meaning he can go all out; he is one of the best workers to do that with due to insane flashiness).
  2. "Regular Fire Fly" is the name of the team. Because lol that's why.
  3. Yes, Fly/Jett would also be lolz, but shut up.
  4. Wait, Fire Fly got penalized for going all out? WHAT THE HELL? Dammit, I thought all out required a certain level of top row skill; obviously that's not the case (Fly's got 70+ aerial).
  5. Big Problem finally delivered in a segment. His popularity, however, went nowhere. Huh.
  6. YES! 70+ match!
  7. I hate angles. Normally I love them, (in my private "invasion" game I'm getting 90+ everywhere) but it's hella hard this save for people to get over outside the ring.
  8. We should just about break even this month.
  9. On those lines, this company is not doing well financially. $1k/month is alright, but I'd rather be making $2-3k reliably. Then again, that's what Regional is for (Regional is sustainable in the long term, as well as high-level Cult. I know this from my 50 years ahead save, where...everyone is a multi-millionaire. It's funny. And SLOW AS HELL)



What is June's show's name?











Guess who I just hired to a $1,500 contract?



It's a guy.

He's retired.

Why the hell didn't I double-check his retired status I knew that when I negotiated obviously bahhhhhhh...?

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What is June's show's name?



NYCW: Tri-State Madness


Guess who I just hired to a $1,500 contract?



It's a guy.

He's retired.

Why the hell didn't I double-check his retired status I knew that when I negotiated obviously bahhhhhhh...?


Eric Tyler...

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You should name the show "Cameron Vessey For Success."


As for who you hired.... Demon Spite?


Also, I didn't know that calling would increase psych, even in workers with little to no psych. Interesting.

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