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WASA: Why No One Cares About Wrestling in South Africa

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The Affliction vs. Eraser & Finbarr McNamara

Don Henderson vs. Arjen Van Den Leyne©: WASA South African title

Billy Robinson vs. Rashid Lawal

The Tribe vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi & Wael Hossam

Landon Mallory vs. Daniel Jones

Kashmir Singh vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

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Enter The Jackal Den


CAPE TOWN – Exciting news out of WASA’s front office May rolls to an end (if you haven’t seen WASA Southern Hemisphere Justice! 2010 yet, make sure to buy it on Betamax!): after months of speculation following the creation of the Wrestling Alliance of South Africa (and the subsequent destruction it brought to the traditional “bush territories” of South Africa), WASA owner Ken Flanagan announced in a brief press statement today that his efforts to bring professional wrestling to South Africa will not end just at WASA.



WASA owner, Ken Flanagan


“Listen, that girl had a valid ID that stated she was 18 and she didn’t look a day over it! The only crime that’s been committed is by poor parents who let their daughters dress like a bunch of French whores! You want a ****ing story, here’s your ****ing story: you know that wrestling company of mine… saving South African wrestling and all that, well,” Flanagan paused, knowing that the future would be defined this very day by his words… that the world itself would be made a better place by his hands, which at the moment of this quote were busy feverishly scrubbing an unidentified red stain from the backseat of his car (Flanagan claims he spilled “a whole mess of Kool-aid back there.”), “Well, we’ve got one of those… what are they called again… one of those training camps, that’s it! Some might know it as a dojo, but I know that word better as the place I go when visiting my Ya-… Japanese… associates… to spend time with underage prosti-… er… underpaid pro… professional sumo wrestlers. Big fan of that sport too, workers over their have horrible representation.”


This new WASA training school, the first of its kind not only in the country but on the entire continent of Africa, brings about hope that the “show wrestling phenomenon” sweeping South Africa may yet be a permanent fixture. Where before the few talented wrestlers to ascend beyond the Bush Territories frequently left South Africa in search of opportunities to face, and learn from, more experienced wrestlers in other parts of the world, this may soon no longer be the case. The Jackal Den, as it’s being called (named for WASA wrestler Finbarr McNamara’s famous “Jackal Cutter” finisher, quite possibly the most famed wrestling move in South Africa in the pre-WASA era) has apparently been unofficially in operation since mere weeks after WASA’s first show, but just now has the official financial backing of Ken Flanagan in order to achieve its mission statement of “to locate, and mold, the next (well, first) generation of true wrestlers in South Africa”.


Detractors quickly accused Ken Flanagan’s backing of The Jackal Den as further evidence that WASA is nothing more than a front for Flanagan’s (unproven and false) illicit activities, and to make WASA “appear more legitimate” to tax collectors. When presented with accusations that The Jackal Den, and all of the WASA family, as a means to launder “copious amounts of drug money”, Ken Flanagan had this to say.


“Who are the ****suckers who said that?!” proclaimed a clearly hurt and offended Flanagan, “I’m a ****ing businessman, not a crook! If anyone ever tells me to my face that my goals are anything less than to bring my favorite sport to a new part of the world I’ll punch that ****sucker right in his ****ing dick!”


While WASA is first and foremost a South African wrestling promotion, it’s no small secret that the company employs a wide range of international talent as well, particularly those hailing from other regions of Africa, along with athletes from as far off as Asia and North America and even Australia. The Jackal Den, according to WASA’s front office, will continue this trend: while this new training school is primarily aimed at training South Africa’s future generation of wrestlers, aspiring wrestlers from all of Africa, and the rest of the world, are more than welcome to attend.



Finbarr McNamara, WASA Head Booker and Interdimensional Traveler


“Well, you have to look at what South African wrestling was like before WASA showed up just half a year ago,” lamented Finbarr McNamara, current Head Booker of WASA and with little argument the biggest star in South Africa’s “Bush Territories”. “Less than a year ago, the overwhelming majority of wrestlers down here had no formal training and were a danger to anyone within a square kilometer of themselves when they wrestled, themselves included. Last year, one guy actually spent the entire match trying to throw elephant poop at me. That’s what he thought wrestling was… and that’s the kind of crap, pun intended, we need to toss out of South African wrestling rings.”


When further questioned regarding his mysterious disappearance into a shrimp-filled Hell dimension, Finbarr McNamara had no comment.


While South African wrestling’s renaissance may still be in its infancy, the creation of a legitimate training school in this great country helps to insure it’ll continue on a path many of compared to SWF in America, UCR in Europe (before the Super Crew failed to prevent the Rogues’ Gallery from destroying it), and APW in Australia… before APW failed to realize there was more than enough talent in their country for competition to spring up. Given the current dearth of that in South Africa which The Jackal Den was created explicitly to counteract, it’ll probably be a good decade before WASA has to worry about that happening. - Philip

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The Affliction vs. Eraser & Finbarr McNamara

Don Henderson vs. Arjen Van Den Leyne©: WASA South African title

Billy Robinson vs. Rashid Lawal

The Tribe vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi & Wael Hossam

Landon Mallory vs. Daniel Jones

Kashmir Singh vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

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The Affliction vs. Eraser & Finbarr McNamara

Poor Finbarr the Affliction found him again.


Don Henderson vs. Arjen Van Den Leyne©: WASA South African title

Henderson has a good shot to get the title evetuaaly but this is too early for that.

Billy Robinson vs. Rashid Lawal

Robinson wins and ties the series to 1-1


The Tribe vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi & Wael Hossam

Bigger names.


Landon Mallory vs. Daniel Jones

I go with big guy.


Kashmir Singh vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

Singh haven´t got much wins and I doubt he gets one here either.

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  • 2 weeks later...


WASA Invictus! 2010

From Mossel Bay, Western Cape

1000 In Attendance


Dark Show:

The Oceanic Express vs. Thomas Morgan & Wolfgang Klose

In an extremely poor match, The Oceanic Express defeated Wolfgang Klose and Thomas Morgan in 6:13 when New Zealand Pit Bull defeated Wolfgang Klose by pinfall with a Diving Headbutt.



The Dublin Destroyer vs. Rahabad Lawal

In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Rahabad Lawal defeated The Dublin Destroyer in 9:55 by pinfall.






Main Show:






Doctor Insane: MINIONS, behold…


Ripping back a heavy curtain, Doctor Insane reveals a gargantuan, vacuum-tube and Tesla coil addled construct...


Doctor Insane: The Kittenaminator CRM9000-X!!!


Anguish: Its steel smells as cold as my grave…


Doctor Insane: This device, my malevolent malcontents, shall aid us greatly in our quest for WASA DOMINATION!!! Now, you currently nothing more than vicious villains, but with the Kittenaminator CRM9000-X you will become utterly unstoppable by harvesting the power…


Insane presses a button, causing a cascade of… kittens?!... to pour from a hatch above his nefarious machine!






Falling Kittens: Meow?! Meow meow meow. *endless torrent of further meows.*


Misery *stroking a kitten that missed its mark*: FURRY AND WARM!!! OVERWHELMING JOY!!!


The “good” doctor plucks the kitten from Misery’s hands, bank shooting it off a wall and into the machine with its fellow felines.


Doctor Insane: The SOULS OF KITTENS, minions, caries with them unfathomable power! But not cats, NEVER CATS!!! They must be KITTENS!!! Anguish! Misery! Enter the chamber and reap the rewards of SCIENCE!!!


Kittens: Meow?


Without hesitation, The Affliction walk with methodical pace, the door to the machine’s chamber “swooshing” open revealing a white, haze-filled opening in which they enter… As the door “swooshes” behind them, Doctor Insane wrenches back with both hands on the ridiculously oversized lever on the machine’s control panel.




The room darkens further, with soon the only lighting remaining the ever increasing dazzling display of electricity arcing off the machine’s various components!!! The roar of machinery and maniacal laughter is deafening, soon drowning out even the most anguished of meows…




Insane wrenches back on the lever even further, steam bursting from the Kittenaminator CRM9000-X’s very seams!!! Finally, a siren gives Insane the cue to return the lever to its “off” position. He takes a step back as the door once again “swooshes” open… and from out of the haze, The Affliction emerge: their eyes wandering between their owned clinched fist as the power of a dozen kittens courses through their veins…










The Affliction vs. Eraser & Finbarr McNamara

Eraser and McNamara were almost ready to take the win on forfeit… but alas, The Affliction showed up: and made the two South African brawlers wish they hadn’t! Fully energized by the Kittenaminator CRM9000-X, both members of The Affliction completely dominated the match, absolutely no-selling their opponents offense and completely annihilating them with moves regularly deemed “average”. Mercifully, Anguish hit The Great Depression on Finbarr to end the sanction beatdown.


In an extremely short match, The Affliction defeated Eraser and Finbarr McNamara in 4:16 when Anguish defeated Finbarr McNamara by pinfall with The Great Depression.











With his cold, lifeless eyes fixated on the ring, Arjen Van Den Leyne emerges with the WASA South African title on his shoulder and Victor Goliath at his side. They make their way to the ring, where Goliath summons a microphone from ringside.


Victor Goliath: Ladies and gentlemen, please take this time to give me your full attention. Please, gather around and prepare to be amazed, astonished, and amazed again by Goliath Corporation’s miracle product! It kicks, it punches, and destroys his opponents in bunches… Arjen Van Den Leyne!!!


Van Den Leyne sorta moves… maybe?


Victor Goliath: Mr. Van Den Leyne here, as you may be aware, is the prototype of what Goliath Corp plans to offer as our flagship product: cold, calculating, ruthless, and more than happy to never waste his time on something as silly as a “gimmick”. And, as you may also be aware, Mr. Van Den Leyne is GUARANTEED to be successful in a match-up against absolutely ANY wrestler! This is a deal you’d be a fool to pass up! However, I can look in the eyes of some of our audience members here tonight and see shades of doubt. “Sure, he beat The Dublin Destroyer and Finbarr McNamara,” you’re saying to yourself, “but what does that prove?” Well then, allow me to put your fears to rest and then your money in a Goliath Corp stock investment! If there’s anyone back there in the WASA roster, anyone at all, who thinks they can best Mr. Van Den Leyne, then come out now and give it your best shot! Heck, Goliath Corp will even throw in a shot at his WASA South African title as a bonus!


To the sounds of bagpipes…






it’s Don Henderson! Henderson slides into the ring, coming face to face with Van Den Leyne.


Victor Goliath: Ah, Don Henderson. Now, by accepting this challenge from Goliath Corp you waive any right to- NOW!!!


Before Goliath can finish his “disclaimer”, Van Den Leyne blasts Henderson with a pre-match kick to the chest, officially starting the bout!










Don Henderson vs. Arjen Van Den Leyne©: WASA South African title

While Henderson himself is known for being a no-nonsense worker, much like Goliath Corp, it did little to change Van Den Leyne’s approach. The Scotsman tried to grapple with “The Dutch Master”, but Van Den Leyne was more than at home in close ranged combat, eventually pulverizing Henderson with his precision strikes before finishing him with the Cranium Kick.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Arjen Van Den Leyne defeated Don Henderson in 10:19 by pinfall with a Cranium Kick. Arjen Van Den Leyne makes defence number 3 of his WASA South African title.









In front of the office of Padre Carrasco, Attorney at Law…




Padre Carrasco: Dear people of South Africa, I would like to take this time to address the allegations that have recently been levied against my client, Daniel Jones. He has been accused, wrongfully and ignorantly, of such things as “brutally attacking defenseless wrestlers” and “terrorizing the locker room”. Defenseless wrestlers? Such a thing would have to exist first before my client could “brutally attack” them! This man-


Carrasco points what seems like twelve feet up towards the menacing scowl of Daniel Jones.


Padre Carrasco: Is a true South African hero! Every action he has performed here in WASA has been protected by a legal contract, signed by the owner of WASA Ken Flanagan no less, and the persecution against Mr. Jones and his legal right to hunt borders on the criminal! Tonight, he plans to silence the prejudice against him when he faces off against Landon Mallory in a legally sanctioned bout that Mr. Mallory has agreed to. Maybe then, after he defeats Landon Mallory within the confines of WASA rules and regulations, my client will get the respect he deserves. Furthermore-


Daniel Jones snatches the microphone from Carrasco’s hand, lifting it three stories up to his lips… with a rather maniacal look in his eyes.


Daniel Jones: Landon Mallory, you are worthy prey…








Sauntering in from elsewhere down the hallway, Kalu Owusu appears with a coconut (filled with his favorite beverage, no doubt) in hand. He takes another sip as he glances silently at both Carrasco and Jones.


Kalu Owusu: … coconut filled with rum?


Owusu offers his coconut up to Daniel Jones, who easily palms it with one hand…. Before crushing it with the same hand, sending a delightful ooze of rum and coconut juice pouring to the floor.


Daniel Jones: Grrrrrr….


Owusu shrugs… and retrieves a fresh coconut from off-camera.


Kalu Owusu: Say, neither of you gentlemen happened to have seen Pablo Rodriguez around, have you?


Awkward silence.


Padre Carrasco: Do you have an appointment with me? No, you don’t. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a paying client who requires my consultation.


Carrasco opens the door to his office as Daniel Jones lumbers in, leaving Owusu in the hallway to sip from his back-up coconut.










Billy Robinson vs. Rashid Lawal

Despite his noticeable size disadvantage, Billy Robinson was more than happy to get in close with the powerhouse Rashid Lawal. The gambit paid off, and the big man struggled to deal with Robinson’s technical mastery, who ultimately used Lawal’s massive power against him, toppling him over with a quick roll up to steal the win!


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Billy Robinson defeated Rashid Lawal in 10:13 by pinfall with a roll up.










The Tribe vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi & Wael Hossam

The Tribe started the match off using their speed to stay out of arms reach of Goliath Corp, working the bout at a pace their more ground-oriented opponents were clearly uncomfortable with… and eventually put a stop to. Goliath Corp managed to slow the match back down to a crawl, grounding The Tribe and eventually winning the match after Mohamed El Yaaggoudi caught Gob Narfi with a Pump Kick to counter a desperation springboard attack.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Mohamed El Yaaggoudi and Wael Hossam defeated The Tribe in 9:56 when Mohamed El Yaaggoudi defeated Gob Narfi by pinfall with a Pump Kick.









The room glows with a silvery, luminous aura… the blinding light illuminating the entire arena from WASA’s “Garganto-tron” (which isn’t all that gargantuan, really). From the light, emerging like an angel at the gates of heaven… “The Platinum Standard” Landon Mallory, surrounded by various items made of (or the same color as) platinum. The door shuts behind him (though the glow is still visible through the cracks surrounding it), and Landon Mallory summons a boxing style microphone from the ceiling above.






Landon Mallory: Last month, Landon Mallory found himself in the crosshairs of South African wrestling’s past, of my past. As a young child growing up in this great country, Landon remembers looking up, both metaphorically and literally, to a man in a wrestling show his father took him to. And last month, that same man was looking down upon Landon Mallory. And as “The Platinum Standard” gazed up at this sight from his childhood, at this man who he once called an inspiration, it dawned upon him: he wasn’t up to The Standard. Daniel Jones is the past, and like copper he was once lustrous but has now dulled. But Landon Mallory, he is the future, and his platinum radiance shall never wane or refrain! Daniel Jones, you may be the greatest star of South African wrestling’s past, but you’re not ready to pass “The Platinum Standard’s” test of metal (misspelling intended!)! And, as the electricity conducts through “The Platinum Standard”, energizing all of South Africa-


With a dull slap, the wire connecting the microphone to the ceiling unwinds and collapses to the floor. Confused, Mallory looks at the now disconnected microphone in his hand… and then back up to the ceiling….












Mallory is stunned as the 400+lb tower of muscle lands on him, sending him tumbling to the floor! Jones keeps his balancing, blasting Landon with several heavy shots before yanking him off the floor and pitching him like a rag doll down the hallway! Mallory stumbles to his feet, trying to escape around a corner only to have Jones collide with a huge clubbing blow as he continues his pursuit! Jones picks Mallory up above his head and continues around the corner…


And emerges from behind the WASA tarp into the arena with Landon Mallory held helplessly in the air! “The Big Game Hunter” ambles towards the ring… and tosses Landon Mallory over the TOP ROPE military press style all the way from ringside into the ring!!! Jones climbs up and steps over the top rope as Padre Carrasco sprints over to ringside to demand the start of the match!










Landon Mallory vs. Daniel Jones

Jones went for the quick win… but Mallory refused to say die! The monster Daniel Jones tried to continue his relentless assault, but the resilient Mallory dug deep to fight back with whatever he had left in him, using his own mix of speed and power to catch Jones off-guard and deliver his own hard-hitting punishment, soon turning into what at first had a chance to be WASA’s fastest match ever in a brutal, hard-hitting brawl and tests of strength! Mallory finally got the momentum on his sized, stumbling the big man… he charged for the Springbok Ram… but it didn’t phase Daniel Jones, who braced for the impact! Jones dazed Mallory with a huge overhand shot to the back of his head, making him defenseless to a ring-shaking Double Handed Choke Bomb!


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Daniel Jones defeated Landon Mallory in 16:06 by pinfall with a Double Handed Choke Bomb.









Though victory in hand, Daniel Jones slaps the referee aside when he tries to raise his arm. Instead, he continues to stalk Landon Mallory as he struggles to get back to his feet! Mallory pulls himself up with the assistance of the ropes… and is caught with a second Double Handed Choke Bomb for his efforts!!! Slow, heavy, boots soon greet Mallory’s torso as Jones maliciously stomps down with his 400+lbs, absolutely crushing the semi-conscious Landon Mallory! Padre Carrasco simply has to motion towards his briefcase to prevent security and medical staff from heading to the ring, as they too are forced to watch as Daniel Jones continues his assault. Bloodlust in his eyes, Jones grabs Mallory around the throat with both hands, choking him… before lifting him up by the neck and dropping him down with a THIRD Double Handed Choke Bomb! With nothing immediately available to take as a trophy, Jones finally ceases his assault and exits the ring, which is soon swarmed by medics as they carefully remove Landon Mallory and place him in a neck brace and on a stretcher…









Somewhere backstage…






Even more medics are scrambling about, as apparently ANOTHER attack has occurred! Dazed and battered, Mohamed El Yaaggoudi and Wael Hossam roll about in agony as medical personnel attend to them. Victor Goliath (and Arjen Van Den Leyne not far behind) dashes over.


Victor Goliath: Mr. Hossam! Mr. El Yaaggoudi! What the-… who did this?! How did this happen!?


Both battered members of Goliath Corp simply shake their heads.


Victor Goliath: This is corporate espionage, that’s what this is! Someone has intentionally targeted my employees in an attempt to cause financial harm to Goliath Corporation, and I won’t stand for it! You, Mr. Minimum Wage! *Goliath points at a random backstage roadie* Tell Mr. Flanagan I demand a full investigation into this or I will hold him personally responsible! Either whoever did this to my employees will be hearing from our representatives, or he will!


Goliath fumes in anger for a few minutes, collecting his thoughts.


Victor Goliath: Okay… they want to play hard ball. Well, that’s the only sport Goliath Corp cares about other than forms of professional wrestling that don’t include any form of entertainment! C’mon, Mr. Van Den Leyne, we still have a company to run and another to destroy!










Kashmir Singh vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

An excellent display of chain wrestling as Singh and Rodriguez exchanged hold and counter hold at absolute lightning pace throughout the match, with Singh punctuating it with the occasional power move and Rodriguez with his own impressive displays of lucha-style and high flying. The champion seemed to have the match pretty well in hand…






When Victor Goliath and Arjen Van Den Leyne made their way down to the ring! Rodriguez was visibly distracted as Goliath attempted to argue with him… and Van Den Leyne seemingly circling around, apparently stalking Rodriguez. Singh tried to take advantage of the distraction… but Rodriguez quickly got his head back into the match and took back control! And Van Den Leyne dives in, looking to catch Rodriguez with a Cranium Kick… but Pablo catches his leg and uses a lucha-leg drag to send Van Den Leyne sliding out of the ring, before springing up and hitting Singh with the Sinner’s Salvation as he tries to stand up!


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Pablo Rodriguez defeated Kashmir Singh in 16:17 by pinfall with a Sinner's Salvation. During the match we also had Victor Goliath distract Rodriguez. Pablo Rodriguez makes defence number 3 of his WASA World Heavyweight title.









Diving in, Victor Goliath is a split second too late to break up the pin (which would’ve caused a DQ anyways), but still collides (rather softly) with Pablo Rodriguez… who stands up and goes eye to eye with Victor Goliath, who hastily starts backing into the corner…




And Rodriguez is met with a stiff kick to the back from behind from Arjen Van Den Leyne!!! Rodriguez falls to his knees as Goliath Corp looms overhead!


Victor Goliath: You know what, I KNOW it was you, Pablo! This whole “good preacher Christian” act of yours… I’m on to you! You attacked my employees backstage, admit it! What did they ever do to you? Or did you just feel like attacking a couple of innocent men because you disagree with their philosophies, or you don’t like who signs their pay checks? Mr. Van Den Leyne, I think it’s time for another… product demonstration.


Arjen Van Den Leyne lines up a kick to the back of Rodriguez’s head…


And his interrupted by a delightful Caribbean tune!






Kalu Owusu: Hold a second, Victor. Pablo, he is not responsible for what happened to your “innocent” employees. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and it is due… to me. Earlier, I was wandering backstage trying to find Pablo. And while I did not find him, I did find two others interested in him: Mohamed El Yaaggoudi and Wael Hossam who, apparently, thought it was a good idea to ambush him before his match. So, when they went to where they planned to spring from… I was there to crack their skulls together like a pair of fresh coconuts.


Victor Goliath: Ambush?! Goliath Corporation doesn’t condone such backstage shenanigans! Mr. Van Den Leyne… continue the product demonstration!




Arjen Van Den Leyne’s foot strikes its target, knocking Rodriguez down to the mat once more… but Owusu charges to the ring… and plows right through Victor Goliath to get at Arjen Van Den Leyne!!! They exchange punches, and Van Den Leyne starts to back Owusu up against the ropes… and Rodriguez catches Arjen from behind with a dropkick that sends him tumbling through the ropes and out to ringside! Yet again, Pablo Rodriguez and Kalu Owusu stand victorious in the ring as Goliath Corporation beats a hasty, angry retreat!



Overall Rating: D+

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WASA Snowstorm! 2010

From Paarl, Western Cape


CAPE TOWN -- Can you feel it, South Africa? Winter is here! And in July, unlike all those crazy countries up in the Northern Hemisphere who are currently dealing with the sweltering heat of summer. Well you know what? We're getting winter out of the way now so Santa Claus can work on his tan down here this upcoming December.


And while the temperature outside may be dropping, indoors with WASA it's still on the rise! Doctor Insane harnessing the power of kitten souls, Daniel Jones dropping out of ceilings to ambush his "prey" (aka South African superstar Landon Mallory!), and Goliath Corp continuing its direct strike towards Pablo Rodriguez and the WASA World Heavyweight title! Put on a jacket and head on down to Paarl this month for WASA Snowstorm!! Tickets on sale now! Why, you ask? This is why:




Wolfgang Klose vs. Wael Hossam

Veteran Wolfgang Klose gets to take on Goliath Corp's Wael Hossam in a battle between a pair of very old school-styled technicians!





Finbarr McNamara & The Tribe vs. Doctor Insane & The Affliction

Finbarr McNamara has had a great deal of grief coming from the likes of Doctor Insane and The Affliction, and tonight he'll get a chance to possibly get some measure of revenge in a WASA FIRST EVER "Trios" match, a style incredibly popular in Mexico. McNamara will team up with the young duo of The Tribe against the villainous alliance of Doctor Insane and The Affliction, a true test of how strong this dark dominion really is.





Thomas Morgan vs. Daniel Jones

The good news for Thomas Morgan: he'll finally get booked with the WASA when people willy actually be able to see what the Canadian veteran can do, rather than while the audience is still shuffling in from outside and/or buying drinks. The bad news for Thomas Morgan: it's against "The Big Game Hunter" Daniel Jones. All of South Africa saw the cunning and barbarism Jones was capable of at WASA Invictus! 2010, and now Morgan will have to face it. Does Morgan even have anything worth claiming as a trophy in the eye of Daniel Jones?





The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad©: WASA World Tag Team titles

FINALLY the Nigerian Hit Squad are set to once again defend their tag team titles against the The Shooters again. Raw power versus technical skill... are we about to see the end of this ongoing battle in WASA's midcard?





Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. Kalu Owusu

Goliath Corp hasn't forgotten what Kalu Owusu did to them at Invictus!, and neither has Mohamed El Yaaggoudi. Owusu supposingly annihilated Mohamed (and Wael Hossam) backstage in order to prevent them from attacking champion Pablo Rodriguez, but now he'll have to face the consequences of his actions in the form of an angry Mohamed El Yaaggoudi. Can Owusu still keep his cool, or is he about to be on the recieving end of Goliath Corps retribution?





Arjen Van Den Leyne vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

Two down, one to go. Pablo Rodriguez has already defeated Wael Hossam and Mohamed El Yaaggoudi of Goliath Corp in singles competition, and all that remains is "The Dutch Master" Arjen Van Den Leyne. While Goliath Corp is still running strong, this might be their last shot at Rodriguez's gold and a chance at early success in their invasion of WASA. Lose here, and what was once a few month plan may mean Goliath Corp has to completely re-write their business model. Can Rodriguez do it once more? Or is Arjen Van Den Leyne about to prove he truly is Victor Goliath's most prized asset? - Philip




Quick Picks:

Wolfgang Klose vs. Wael Hossam

Finbarr McNamara & The Tribe vs. Doctor Insane & The Affliction

Thomas Morgan vs. Daniel Jones

The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad©: WASA World Tag Team titles

Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. Kalu Owusu

Arjen Van Den Leyne vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

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Wolfgang Klose vs. Wael Hossam

This is like the European championships. If in doubt - bet on the Germans


Finbarr McNamara & The Tribe vs. Doctor Insane & The Affliction

I love the Doc


Thomas Morgan vs. Daniel Jones

hes the big favourite


The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad©: WASA World Tag Team titles

Why oh why are the NHS not available in the UK? Id be all over them for 21CW


Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. Kalu Owusu

I cant back someone with a pic like Mohammed's


Arjen Van Den Leyne vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

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Wolfgang Klose vs. Wael Hossam

Finbarr McNamara & The Tribe vs. Doctor Insane & The Affliction

Thomas Morgan vs. Daniel Jones

The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad©: WASA World Tag Team titles

Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. Kalu Owusu

Arjen Van Den Leyne vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

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Wolfgang Klose vs. Wael Hossam

Klose is just a jobber while Hossam is part of the top heel stable.


Finbarr McNamara & The Tribe vs. Doctor Insane & The Affliction

Insane is the top guy here so win for the evil guys is in order.


Thomas Morgan vs. Daniel Jones

I would love to pick Morgan but there´s no way he get the win here.


The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad©: WASA World Tag Team titles

Shooters won´t win the titles but DQ win is possible in order to continue this feud a little bit further.


Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. Kalu Owusu

I expect Rodriquez to win the title match so in order to keep Corporation strong I´m going with El Yaaggoudi here.


Arjen Van Den Leyne vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

Rodriguez still keeps the title.

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Wolfgang Klose vs. Wael Hossam

Finbarr McNamara & The Tribe vs. Doctor Insane & The Affliction

Kitten Power!

Thomas Morgan vs. Daniel Jones

The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad©: WASA World Tag Team titles

Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. Kalu Owusu

Arjen Van Den Leyne vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

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Wolfgang Klose vs. Wael Hossam

Finbarr McNamara & The Tribe vs. Doctor Insane & The Affliction

Thomas Morgan vs. Daniel Jones

The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad©: WASA World Tag Team titles

Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. Kalu Owusu

Arjen Van Den Leyne vs. Pablo Rodriguez©: WASA World Heavyweight title

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Well, I know I promised at least a show a week...



But not happening this week. Goin' out of town for a few days, so... yeah. Look for the next WASA sometime early next week. Until then, consider this a shameless bump for more folks to be able to take a look at the rebirth of South African wrestling and get some picks in. :cool:

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Name: Wael Hossam

Age: 33

Nationality: Egyptian

Alignment: Heel

Bio: Wael Hossam is a rarity, an Egyptian pro wrestler. He uses a very old fashioned amateur style, which he has mastered to the extent of being almost unbeatable on the mat. He joined INSPIRE in 2006 after impressing with his work in Europe, but lasted less than a year before he walked out on the promotion, and the business, after a notable lack of success.


Following his departure from INSPIRE, and the wrestling business, Wael Hossam fell on lackluster times. After a lengthy career in wrestling seemingly ended by a poor showing in Japan, Hossam went from being one of Egypt's most prized athletes to seemingly vanishing into the streets of Cairo (though, contrary to popular rumor, he was not mauled to death by a pack of wild dogs). When Victor Goliath made him an offer of employment, the money and opportunity to prove he's capable of more than the mediocrity seen during his time in INSPIRE. Given his demands for the best of the best, it would appear Victor Goliath firmly believes this as well.


Loving the dynasty so far except that Wael Hossam is alive.

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