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CZCW: Some Things Never Change

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Sammy Bach's theme tune must be Cult Of Personality. Just thought I would share that thought. :p


But on a more relevant note, not sure how Mitico will get along with Ole, he seems too serious for it, but it could grow on me.

"Cult of Personality" would be too copy-cat, I think. Don't worry, though, I've got a good theme for Bach already picked out.

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Sammy Bach vs. Organizing The Women's Division

Emma Chase's House

Los Angeles, California

Tuesday, Week 1, August 2011




Alexis Lee Littlefeather


Red Mesa, Arizona


Fiery Women's Wrestler

Top Rope Tomahawk (Springboard Double Axe Handle), Littlefeather Leap (Diving Elbow Drop)


Alexis Lee is a Babe of Sin City, but don't hold that against her. In her time in the company, she has emerged as one of the best performers on the roster. A former showgirl, Alexis won't disappoint in the visual category, and is becoming a better wrestler day by day. She is known for her fiery spirit in the ring, coming out with everything she's got. A true Women's Division diamond in the rough.


"When G suggested this one to me, I laughed. A former showgirl in the ring with wrestlers that have gotten years and years of training? But, after watching some highlights of her on tour, she has proven to be somewhat of a hit with the fans. It might be her good looks, but I appreciate her dedication and energy in the ring. She might make it in this business."




Amber Allen


Kansas City, Missouri



Cross Arm Breaker, Northern Lights Suplex


Amber Allen is a young woman who is awesome in the ring. And she'd love to tell you all about it. Protege of Canadian women's wrestling star Stephanie "Principessa" Chee, Allen is a wonder with her technical skills. Picked up during our Midwest stays in the "Taking Both Coasts" Tour, Allen has wowed fans of women's wrestling and can't wait to make her mark when the division gets officially rolling at Wave of Fury.


"Think of Amber as the female
El Mítico Jr. Except she doesn't wear a mask. And she's American. Basically, she is a talent before her time in technical wrestling, and is primed to take over. Not a lot of people know about her now, but just give her some time...she'll be a star."




Ashley Grover


Chicago, Illinois


High-Flying Cruiserweight

Chicago Hope (450 Senton)


Farrah Hesketh spent some time down here in San Diego following her retirement from AAA, doing almost everything non-wrestling related for the company. She has been missed since her departure to CGC in 2008, where she has been ever since. But Farrah didn't stop contributing to CZCW's success, as her protege Ashley Grover is now wrestling for us. Picked up with Amber Allen on the Midwest section of the tour, she has superb flying skills that rival most of the men on the roster. Ashley always will provide excitement for this Women's Division.


"Ashley can learn a lot from the other women on this roster. If she can do that, we've got a future champion on our hands. Her top-rope attacks are some of the best I've ever seen in women's wrestling, and she only has room to grow. Bright future for this young woman from Chicago."




Dragon Kuroda


Tokyo, Japan



Dragon Suplex (Straight Jacket Electric Chair Suplex)


One of the best Japanese workers to have never been picked up by 5 Star Supreme Wrestling, Japan's premier joshi organization, Ginko "Dragon" Kuroda is known for her flawless, fluid technical wrestling. A true student of joshi, Kuroda's skills make her one of the best women's wrestlers on the planet. Her arrival in the States has been celebrated by women's wrestling fans nationwide, making the mysterious Dragon one of the most highly anticipated debuts for CZCW at Wave of Fury.


"This woman is a legend without ever being in a major organization. For some reason 5SSW has never offered her a contract, so her skills and fame have been spread at countless smaller shows throughout Japan. Her skills are amazing, and she's got a character that is equally impressive. Long live the Poison Mist!"




Jana Marie Bowen


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada



The Bowen Technique (Flying Legdrop-to-Facecrusher)


Jana Marie Bowen was well on her way to success in NOTBPW's Women's Division, but was cut out of nowhere during a budget crisis. Her new job with CZCW is her first run with a name promotion since that, and she's been introducing herself to the American wrestling scene just fine. A strong and independent woman who is one of the hardest workers on the roster, JMB will truly be a star in this division. The Bowen Technique is an awesome finisher, and it looks to get her a good bit of victories during her time in The Zone.


"JMB is one tough chick, and she has a lot of talent to burn. Like Art Reed, she was trained by some of the best in the business...the Stone family. I assure you that North of the Border is going to be kicking themselves down the road...they will have never wanted to let this great women's wrestler slip through their fingers."




Tamara McFly


Boston, Massachusetts



McFly Roll (Rolling Snapmare-to-Pin), Delorean Driver (Back to Belly Piledriver)


Tamara McFly is the best non-AAA women's wrestler in America, having been cut alongside Jana Marie Bowen from NOTBPW a few years back. While JMB hasn't been in a promotion since, McFly had a couple of tours in Japan before shocking the world by signing with the Babes of Sin City. No one saw this coming. McFly insists that real wrestling is about to catch on in the wildly risque promotion, and she's been there since 2009. A popular figure in the Southwest, McFly is a huge pickup for CZCW, where she will be at the top of the division by default.


"Sean McFly's little sister is full of surprises, like the BSC signing. But she's good...really good. NOTBPW is really missing out on a great wrestler, if you ask me. With G's help and AAA, we are going to make this division the best women's division in the world...and Tamara will be one of the ones leading the charge."


Special thanks to the great Wallbanger for his list of women's division theme music, which were all used. (Alexis' music was picked by me.)


If anyone's got an idea for Ashley Grover, hit me up via PM. While you're at it, Jackson and Prudence still don't have anything...


Lower card is coming soon, and we'll be ready for Wave of Fury 2011. The light at the end of this dark tunnel of backstory is approaching...

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Sammy Bach vs. Organizing The Lower Card

Emma Chase's House

Los Angeles, California

Tuesday, Week 1, August 2011




American Elemental and Baja Love Machine
w/SoCal Sunny

The Baja Boys


Chula Vista, California and Tijuana, Mexico


Japanese Junior and Lucha

AmEl- Inferno Splash (630 Degree Splash), Earth Breaker (Tiger Bomb)

BLM- LAX Departure (Shooting Star Legdrop), Welcome to Tijuana (Springboard Hurricanrana)


The Baja Boys are a new tag team in CZCW, formed by the return of two beloved company stars. American Elemental's early days in CZCW netted him a championship before he went to Japan to train more under the influence of the Elemental line. Baja Love Machine, formerly of the Californian variety, left CZCW in early 2010 and headed to Mexico to learn more about the art of lucha, of which he has been a fan of all his life. He was adopted by scores of fans in his new home of Tijuana, and he triumphantly made his return to CZCW in July under a mask and a new name. Together as The Baja Boys (with the newly reinvented manager SoCal Sunny, formerly Little Miss Sunshine), they bring a best of both worlds in cruiserweight action to their original homes of Southern California.


"AmEl is one of the greatest flyers in the world today, and BLM could very well be at that level before his career is over. Both men have the potential to shoot up the card in a heartbeat, and they're fun-loving and flying antics have won over the fans in their brief time together. This has the makings of a major tag team in the future."



Jared Johnson and KC Glenn

The Carolina Demolition Crew

Charlotte, North Carolina and Greenville, South Carolina


Hard-Hitting Wrasslin'

Jared- Carolina Crossface (Crippler Crossface), MDK Powerbomb (Spinning Sitout Powerbomb)

KC- Carolina Crossface (Crippler Crossface), Tune Up The Sunshine Band (Facebreaker DDT)

The CDC- Demolition Device (Doomsday Device w/ Elevated Diving Bulldog)


The Carolina Demolition Crew were picked up in the Southeast tour, and they have delivered nothing but solid, hard-hitting wrasslin' for The Zone ever since. These two men, both trained by outstanding overall wrestlers (Johnny Bloodstone and Joey Minnesota), specialize in their never give up, never back down, come out swinging style of Southern wrestling. Technical masters that have deceptive size, these two men are on the verge of becoming world-class wrestlers. Whenever The CDC enter, prepare for demolition...and a lot of it.


"All-star talents right here...I'm so glad that the company picked these guys up. With most of the young talent in North America having already been swooped up by SWF, these two men are crown jewels in the independent scene. And I love their style. No questions asked, hit you in the mouth and slam you on your head. They can do it all, especially Glenn. I can't believe how great these guys are for their size, and I can't wait to see how far they go in this company."




Jeremiah Monroe


Oakland, California



High Velocity Headbutt (Diving Headbutt)


Jeremiah Monroe, formerly with the last names Bullfrog and Moose, is a new man. Since 2003, he's been that fun-loving, animal-named cruiserweight that everyone loved to see bounce right back up when he got knocked down. But, in this past year, we've learned a lot about Monroe. Following a leave of absence caused by the death of his brother to gang violence, Monroe came back with a serious, but not bitter, attitude. He dedicates every match to the memory of his little brother Darius, and we've learned more about his tough past in these past few months. He's turned into a serious wrestler, rising above the remains of a shattered home and pushing through, wanting to reach the top at the end of it all.


"When I saw that Jeremiah was STILL in CZCW, I honestly laughed. I feel like a jerk now, because I learned about his struggles in the past few months. I just still thought he was that little jobber that wasn't ever going to hang it up. But he's tougher and more serious now, bringing some pop to the undercard. It'll be up to him to see where he goes from here...I'm not playing sympathy on him for a push. And he knows that. Is that rough? No, it's how we're gonna do business here. Jeremiah understands that and knows he'll have to keep fighting to reach his dreams."




John Antony


Jacksonville, Florida

(credit to 1234)

Freak Show Power

Samoan Drop, Scoop Slam


John Antony debuted last month for CZCW, and some fans recognized him as Ant-Man from the independent ranks. Antony immediately sprung into attack mode, screaming that he came to CZCW so he could bury that childish gimmick. He is "too good" for that character, and it doesn't matter that his strength resembles what an ant does...he got that from pure hard work. He says that he is going to be the best in the world in no time, so step aside, bad gimmicks...Ant-Man is dead. Long live the reign of John Antony.


"This guy right here is a freak. And that's all I can say about him. He's picked up what you would consider giants in this business and slam them left and right...freak. He doesn't want the gimmick anymore, as specified in his contract? Great...but you're still a freak in my book. Hopefully wrestling fans like freak shows, is all I can say."




Rav and Bali

The Rabid Samoans


The Isle of Samoa


Brawling and Puroresu

Rav- Rhino Charge (Running Spear), Samoan Crab (Inverted Boston Crab)

Bali- Samoan Driver (Sitout Piledriver), Unbreakable Sleeper


Rav and Bali, AKA The Rabid Samoans, are two vicious fighters from the long line of Samoan wrestling heritage. By far the deadliest men to enter a CZCW ring, Rav and Bali have been terrorizing the CZCW tag division since their arrival in late April. Slams, spears, and straight punches are just some of their weapons of destruction. The only way anyone has ever beaten these two savages is by pure smarts and strategy. But that can only take you so far...only the bravest have stared down The Rabid Samoans and walked away from it in one piece.


"These dudes are brutal. Japanese wrestling gets a little too wimpy for them sometimes, and that's saying something. They are stiff strikers and crushing assassins when it comes to throws and holds. Watching a match with them is like watching a bunch of car crashes...the violence is sometimes too rough for your eyes, but you won't stop watching it."



The Rest of the Roster...



Cliff Anderson

Ring Announcer and Play-by-Play Commentator



The Guru

Color Commentator and Head of Women's Division



Pee Wee Germaine and Wilson Carlisle

Head Referees



Miss Jakki

Backstage Interviewer



Eric Tyler

CZCW President and Executive Producer of Coast to Coast

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I must say that at first I was just extremely interested in this diary due to Sammy's back story. But sir, with your introduction of Jared Johnson to CZCW--I friggin' LOVE this dairy!! :D

And all of our great Southern cows thank you for that remark. Now, how much do you like this dynasty???


Yeah, me going over the roster would now be redundant. Still, good to see you've got some sweet ol' Southern Rasslin'!

It's the best you can have, if you ask me.


You might not be able to do the roster, but I've given you a job now...


Check your inbox.



Going to plan out Wave of Fury this weekend, and probably post the preview for it Tuesday night sometime. (Going to Warped Tour in ATL Monday...pumped!) So...get ready. It's coming very, very soon.

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CZCW: Your First And Only WarningBy Terrance Ward

Apparently my bosses (yes I do have bosses), decided that they want me as the website’s regular reporter on all things CZCW. I’m half-convinced Stallings put them up to it to provide more internet buzz around the California-based promotion. Not to toot my own horn, but I am pretty well known across the Internet Wrestling Community.


But be warned, Stallings & co. I’m on your ass now (no homo), and I expect quality. Or I rain hellfire.

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Sammy Bach vs. The Early Critics

The Coastal Resort

San Diego, California

Monday, Week 1, August 2011



Everything was set.


Everything was in order.


Everything was A-OK.


Except for me.


Try booking a show for the first time. It felt like I poured out my entire being for this one card, putting every ounce of energy I had into it. Pouring over notes for hours upon hours, I had crafted a wrestling masterpiece.


Or at least what I thought was a wrestling masterpiece.


CZCW had been booked the same way for years upon years, and here I was, coming to change it up...for the better.


But the haters were already coming out. Longtime CZCW fans pounded the message boards, cursing the name of JK Stallings, Jr. and whoever this new company president was. They said that this company should stick to its roots, keep doing what has been done for two decades. They hated the nationwide tour, as it kept their wrestling promotion away from home too much.


Selfish little punks.


They called Stallings a bully that terrorized Cliff Anderson until he relinquished the company. Stallings was going to run the company into the ground, when they had the opportunity to stick to their guns and show TCW that they were the number one show in town.


The nearsightedness of these people amazed me. A product with no expansion in decades has a chance to beat TCW? No freaking way.


They were Anderson purists who planned to boycott the company if it didn't turn out the way they wanted it to. They were followers of a man who lacked vision but was greedy enough to sell his pride and joy for a few bucks from Stallings.


If they only knew what I knew.


Still, the battle was raging in my head. Even if these people were a faction of fans, they still represented The Zone. These guys had been a part of this company (kind of) for a lot longer than I had.


I swore to put fans first. But Eric, JK, and I were the catalysts of change...change that a group of fans didn't like.


I tracked the message boards and CZCW's site, which has a comment section for almost every page on it, to find just how many of these people there were. How much of our fanbase did they make up?


These fans, eyes closed to progress, the ones who were bashing the tour, the new roster members, and even the CZCW vets who had embraced the changes...they were unloading on the boards.


I talked to Eric about this several times. He told me that this might just be an outspoken minority, a small group of rebels. Did the average fan post on these things? Yes, there were some positive remarks from fans, but they were getting drowned out by the pessimistic old-schoolers.


"Like Stallings told us, it all hinges on the success of this first iPPV," Eric told me in our last conversation. "We'll find out who on the roster is sold out to this new CZCW, and if the fans really like it.


"Who knows? Maybe we're right and these guys that are bad-mouthing us are just a select few. But be realistic, Sammy. We could be dealing with a vast majority, and we are going to either turn them to the way it's going to be done from now on...or go down swinging."


His final words were trapped in my brain.


We can't do all of this right and none of this progress we're visualizing will never come to pass if our fans aren't behind it. The Zone is known for their die-hard fans...will their loyalty continue?


Like usual, my thoughts were interrupted by a pop-up on the corner of my laptop screen. I had been zoned out, sitting in an old office, looking out one of those one-way windows inside CZCW's training grounds. The Resort was a tough school and only the toughest recruits got out and into the company. I was there to secretly watch a couple of students, but the thoughts of alienating our fans drug me back to those boards again.


Thankfully this e-mail from Stallings distracted me.


I began to read it, skimming through all of Stallings usual "We're so excited to have you here" and "We know you're the guy to take us into the future", something he threw into every message. I knew that he was just trying to be friendly and put some confidence in me...but it got a little annoying at times. The whole line of "I know I've already told you this, but..." was getting old.


But the end of his message got me interested. Through all of the "Good luck on Saturday" and "I know that it's going to be a classic" lines, I saw a link to a YouTube video. He called it StallCorp's hype video for Wave of Fury, and he had his tech people plaster it all over the wrestling sites and message boards...even had it put on the sites of the other promotions we were allied with.


I clicked on the link and waited for the video to buffer.


San Diego, this is what's coming to you in a few days. Welcome to the new Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling...


<object height="25" width="30"><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" <="" embed="" height="25" width="30"></object>


The video begins with the soft, steady sounds of the ocean, set to the calm opening of the song "Marianas Trench" by August Burns Red. Waves are crashing peacefully, and everything is serene. Black and white video clips from old CZCW events pop in and out, mostly images of wrestlers getting ready for matches.


But when the music starts to pick up, the images start to change. The wind and waves get rougher as the images of the same wrestlers in action. The scenes are hard-hitting and go well with the music. Shots of the CZCW faithful are mixed in, too, as they are on their feet for their beloved roster.


And then the song goes to pure metalcore chaos. As the lead man screams,
"This ship is sinking!!!"
, images of monster waves and the most intense wrestling CZCW has ever seen obliterates the screen in full color. We see the stiffest shots, the craziest spots, and the most extreme use of weapons. Teeth-rattling slams and terrifying locks are shown next, camera zooming in on the raw emotion that is on everyone's faces.


The video shifts to clips of the long-running rivalry between Donnie Jackson and James Prudence. The music fades in volume whenever we hear the commentary behind a select few of the clips, Cliff Anderson and The Guru calling their way through this bloodthirsty mayhem.


Towards the end of the song, though, we see some still images of the matches on tap for the show. Giant waves crash throughout, serving as transitions between the announced matches. We hear bits and pieces of commentary and thoughts from the wrestlers themselves and the graphics for their match are on-screen.




American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon


The Guru:
Five men will enter the six-sided ring to kick of Wave of Fury 2011...who will emerge victorious in this battle of some of the best high-flyers in the world today?





The Savage Samoans vs.
El Mítico Jr. and ???


Cliff Anderson:
The havoc-bringing duo from Samoa has rocked the foundation of CZCW! El Mítico Jr. has challenged these two beasts, but he can't go at it alone! The unknown CZCW president has announced that he has found a "suitable" partner for him...who will it be? And will these two men be able to stand up to these monsters...and live to tell about it?






Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

First Time Ever


Tamara McFly:
I have faced Thunder Hike. I have faced Sensational Ogiwara. I have never gotten the chance to face the Dragon. Kuroda, we will meet in the ring at Wave of Fury. Some people will be thrilled about your American debut...but don't think I'm going to get caught up in the hype. You are a legend, no doubt. But this welcoming party isn't going to lay down to your tricks or your fame. Welcome to The Zone, Kuroda.






Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century


Travis Century:
The time is drawin' near, my children! The end is nigh!!! REPENT...REPENT!!! The Church is comin' together, growin' day by day...our presence will be revealed in the near future...it's time for this company to turn from their sins OR FACE THEIR IMPENDING DOOM! Masked Cougar has sold himself to the dark ways of these new powers. He speaks of the greatness of these changes...he is nothin' but a traitor! A hypocrite! A sinner!!! He hides behind his mask while the company that he claims to love is comin' to this...it will not end well for you, Cougar. Not. At. All.






The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

CZCW Tag Team Championship Match


Cliff Anderson:
The Cali Dragons have clawed their way back to the top of the tag division, ready to take back their titles from Shoot Club. But I guarantee that the Club will not let their titles slip away easily...get ready for another thrilling installment to this legendary tag team rivalry!






Art Reed Open Challenge


Art Reed:
The open challenge still stands...for months I have called out the best of the best to come down and face me. One by one, in every city we've visited...they have all fallen. At Wave of Fury, this will not change. If you think you have what it takes to defeat the Pure Athlete, go ahead. But remember that all I do is win. I am the best in this company...and the best in the world.






Fox Mask vs. ???

CZCW World Championship Match


Cliff Anderson:
Fox Mask is the king of all things CZCW, and he looks to continue his reign into the new age of this company. At Wave of Fury, he'll face a hand-picked opponent by the anonymous CZCW president and executive producer of Coast to Coast...for the World title. Can Fox protect his turf against an opponent that is worthy enough to challenge for the title right off the bat? Who will leave San Diego with the gold?






Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

"I Give Up" Match


Donnie Jackson:
I will never give up to you, Prudence. Ever. There is nothing you can do to make me submit to your twisted self. Prepare for the fight of your life.


James Prudence:
Donnie, this is the end of the line for you. You WILL submit to me and prove that I was always the stronger man. When you screwed me over and got that title behind my back...you didn't deserve it. I told you that you weren't even the best wrestler on the team, let alone the entire company. It's always been me. You cost me my title for the last time. The entire Coastal Zone...and now, thanks to the power of technology, the entire world...will watch you finally accept the truth that you are nowhere near the Platinum standard.





The video ends with The Guru's thoughts on the entire card and, especially, the main event.


The Guru:
Wave of Fury 2011 will be a historic night in CZCW history, no doubt. But don't think the name of the event is just a clever one with no meaning behind it. These matches will have nothing but fury loaded into them from bell-to-bell. We have two title matches, an open challenge from one who claims to be the best in the business, and several mystery opponents...and we haven't even mentioned the main event yet!


Fury is what describes the Jackson vs. Prudence rivalry. Not jealousy, hatred, bitterness, or anything else...just fury. Both men will come out with the sole intent of making the other one submit to them in the most humiliating of ways...telling the referee that they give up.


Be prepared for a night of fury.

CZCW Wave of Fury 2011

Official Prediction Card


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon



The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess:



Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly



Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century



CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club



Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess:



CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess:



"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence


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Appear to be having problems with your pictures, oh I'm here for another t-shirt too :)


CZCW Wave of Fury 2011

Official Prediction Card


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Generally, the most over with the best skill. Glenn is a tag guy, Campbell is still just the son of Nemesis, Skye is a jackoff and Snap is old. Give Elemental the big win.


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and Champagne Lover

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: Champagne Lover

Comment: Champagne in CZCW seems a certainty, he'll instantly boost ratings and make for a future champion.


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: She's a freaking McFly, gold should be shooting out her ass.


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: Still one of the big players, still has the pop. Will only lose if you're trying to zap him of overness ready for retirement.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: This is where I'll lose this prediction I think. It could go either way, the exciting high flying martial arts team of the Dragons, or the beat the crud out of them team of Shoot Club. Purely because Coleman is as much of a jackass as Peter Valentine for me in these games, Cali Dragons to keep the belts.


Art Reed vs. Sammy Bach

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Sammy Bach

Comment: This is where you (Bach) come in and I think, Reed is claiming to be the best in the world, Bach's character would seem it as well. Again I think I'll lose this here, it'll be having Reed walk out of the match giving you a count-out, or Reed doing something bad to gain the win. Do you zap your momentum on your debut? Do you put yourself over one of the bigger stars? Count Out win. It proves nothing.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. Shawn Gonzales

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Shawn Gonzales

Comment: You said that one guy signed had great matches outside of TCW and SWF, it means that it's either this guy or Acid for the pop boost anyway, Gonzales comes in and takes the belt. Would show a stronger force in CZCW for the future. Whoever the mystery guy is (be it Gonzo or Acid) will take the title for the heel minority.


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: It's the blow off match between the two surely, why put the heel over? Make Jackson the hero that withstands it all and then goes on to face him above.

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wow thats a lot of matches...


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Im going for CZCW legends first


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: UK Dragon

Comment: Samoans have all become squash-fodder on these boards


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment:dont know Kuroda


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment:tight one. Cougar is a Zone boy but Century is a big name


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: this is SoCal yeah?


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Acid

Comment: Art needs a nice boost


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Mainstream Hernandez

Comment: Youve given FM loads of love so far


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: Jimmy cant tap on show #1

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Wave of Fury: Place Your Bets

By Terrance Ward


The hype videos are already online (and look rather nice), so I figured I'd give my opinions as to who's getting momentum coming out of WoF.


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Give it to the old-school and the better one of the pair. The new fans need to respect the men who built this company.


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

Comment: El Mitico's a star waiting to happen. The SS are a tag-team that can rise to the occasion at any point.


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: Catalyst for upcoming CZCW Women's Championship? Doesn't matter, but McFly's the better talent in my opinion, and Kuroda can still get over by throwing down with her.


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: Century's the man. Plus I'm expecting a Church-run-in.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: Best of the old-school. How can they not?

Art Reed vs. ???

Comment: Never doubt the question marks, or Stalling's purse. But Reed needs a win to start credible.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

Comment: Fox Mask is a CZCW legend. Even he wouldn't get beat by a Stalling's hire. I hope.


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: James Prudence. But only because I like his valet.


Terrrance's comment: Where's the Xtreme Championship?

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CZCW Wave of Fury 2011

Official Prediction Card


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Crazy guy to take the first new era win


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: Champagne Lover

Comment: Big fan of the Samoans


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: Just who I know more


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: I'd be surprised if Cougar is near his pop.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: Eith all the new names I fancy The Dragons to do a lot in this CZCW proving they are still the best regardless of who is brought in.


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Sammy Bach Randy Bumfhole

Comment: ??? are always difficult, but Sammy can't lose


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Wanted to say Bach but I'll go with Randy Bumfhole. Changed to Sammy Bach

Comment: He is the man, I have a feeling Sammy may put him over. Sammy's way of showing he's not super pushing himself. In fact no I'm switching my guesses


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: The face shouldn't give up

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CZCW Wave of Fury 2011

Official Prediction Card


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Remmy Skye probably has the highest overness, even though I wouldn't categorize him as the best wrestler or high-flyer.


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: Champagne Lover

Comment: They are simply brutal.


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: Dunno.


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: Gotta give his cult some credibility.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: The best tag team in CZCW.


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Acid

Comment: All he does is win.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Sammy Bach

Comment: Fox Mask is the king of the zone.


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: He's the better worker.

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CZCW Wave of Fury 2011

Official Prediction Card


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Remmy Skye is awesome, and an original Zoner. He should get the nod here.


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: Champagne Lover

Comment: Going with popular opinion here.


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: I think he's more over in the US.


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: Give him a win to give his cult credibility.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: The best tag team outside of the big two, so should get the nod here.


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Mainstream Hernandez

Comment: Needs the win to give credibility to his "best in the world" claim.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Acid

Comment: Fox Mask is THE man in the zone. I think he has to go over here. I was going to pick Sammy as his mystery opponent; but I think Bach showing up at CZCW would be a huge deal, and I think losing could taint that moment slightly.


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: Prudence is super talented. I would usually say slow push him to try and stop him being stolen too early, but since CZCW now have the money to compete... I say go nuts :)

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JK Stallings should sue the people from picturepush.com :p


Anyway, predo's.


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon



The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: Pablo Rodriguez

Comment: Lover seems reasonable, but am going to be different and go with P.Rod. And Mitico will probably get a win here, even if it is just a DQ win.


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: While a Kuroda win would be interesting, I feel McFly should get the win.


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: Travis has a good character, so should get the win here.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: Putting them over here will increase there credibility a lot.


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Jacob Jett (No reason why, just a stab in the dark)

Comment: If Art Reed is to be viewed as a real competitor he has to win here.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Acid

Comment: Acid seems like a good fit for the Zone, but Fox Mask should stay as champion for now.


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: Not much of a fan of either, but Prudence is better in my opinion.

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CZCW Wave of Fury 2011

Official Prediction Card


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon



The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: Extraordinario Jr.



Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly



Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century



CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club



Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Steve Flash



CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Acid



"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence


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Guest codey

American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Skye is the best bet here. The other guys are tag wrestlers aside from Campbell, who's not ready yet.


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: Angel de Mexico, but does he really need one?

Comment: Mitico needs no explanation.


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: She'll be the face of the division.


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: He's old, but he's still a big name for you to use here.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: The Dragons trying to get the belts back will be the story going forward.


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Paradigm?

Comment: Reed smash.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Sammy Bach

Comment: Bach On Yo Back


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: Only because I'm assuming you've got him on a written.

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CZCW Wave of Fury 2011

Official Prediction Card


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment:I see Ash starting to come into his own here


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess:Champagne Lover

Comment:The Samoans beat down the opposition


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment:standard women's match


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment:also go with the mask


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment:Cali all the way


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess:Acid

Comment:kinda up in the air on this one.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess:Sammy Bach

Comment:Sammy makes his debut


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence


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CZCW Wave of Fury 2011

Official Prediction Card


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Skye's the most over here so is the safest bet, only other possibility is Elemental but he needs to build his overness back up.


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: Extraordinario Jr.

Comment: The Samoans look as though they are built to be a dominant force in the tag division, I see the partner being someone more prepared to pay their dues in the midcard and a talented but inexperienced luchador ike Extraordinario Jr seems a good fit.


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: McFly's the more over in North America.


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: The experienced heel gets the win here, I never really see Cougar as being anything more than mid-card fodder at Regional or above. He's reasonably talented but not talented enough for me to get behind him as 'future star' material.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: Could go either way, but I see the Dragon's taking this and for them to move onto a feud with the Samoans over the belts.


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Sammy Bach

Comment: Bach makes his CZCW in a high profile match, and they go to a time limit draw- in a match where both of them come out looking like winners.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Acid

Comment: The debutant comes in and defeats the home-town hero, Acid will initially get a face pop (being the sort of fanbase who would mark for Acid) but the fact he will beat Fox Mask for the belt and perhaps do it a slightly screwy fashion will garner him instant 'public enemy number one' heel heat by the end of the show.


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: If this is the blow off, then the face in the feud surely has to take this...perhaps will get the sort of situation though where Jackson goes so overboard that he essentially turns heel in the process.

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American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Skye's a stalwart.


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: Angel de Mexico

Comment: Usually mystery partner stip would swing it, but I expect TSS to power through.


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: More rep.


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: I expect Century to be a stand out character in your version of CZCW, starting hot.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: They're just better.


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Mainstream Hernandez

Comment: No idea.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Sammy Bach

Comment: Old CZCW icon returns to face the everlong Fox.


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: Depends on whether this is intende to end their constant feud. If so, the face would normally win, but I think there's far more to this story yet.

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American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon



The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess:



Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly



Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century



CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club



Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess:



CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess:



"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence


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American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: I really think it'll be Remmy, but I have personal bias towards KC.


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: El Heroe Mexicano

Comment: I think Champagne is too big, Mexicano is younger, and has a brighter future. A duo with him and Mitico could be amazing.


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: McFly!


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: Bigger name, better personality, more potential for storylines.


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: One of my favorite teams in North America, I think the Club will win, but I hope the Dragons pull it off.


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: One of the Bumfholes

Comment: Art should be built to look dangerous. A convincing win over a big name should do the trick


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Sammy Bach

Comment: Sammy has all the momentum of the IWC, and losing here shows he isn't selfish.


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: I've always liked Donnie J more, simple as that

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Very entertaining read, can't wait for the show


CZCW Wave of Fury 2011

Official Prediction Card


American Elemental vs. Ash Campbell vs. KC Glenn vs. Remmy Skye vs. Snap Dragon

Comment: Remmy Skye is awesome, always was, always has been, he has the best spots and he should be in the World Title Competition soon, I go for him winning this fairly


The Savage Samoans vs. El Mítico Jr. and ???

BONUS- Mystery Partner Guess: No Idea

Comment: Whoever the mystery partner is, I am guessing he and El Místico Jr. will own the Savage Samoans


Dragon Kuroda vs. Tamara McFly

Comment: Dragon seems the cooler fighter, would be fun to have the whole "Japanese owns every American" shtick for a while


Masked Cougar vs. Travis Century

Comment: I don't care if Century is old, he's awesome and he should have a cool run until he eventually retires


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club

Comment: I hate the idea of changing a Title in the first show of a Diary, might be the only person here


Art Reed vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: No idea

Comment: Once again, guessing The Mystery Opponent owns the non-Mystery guy.


CZCW World Championship Match

Fox Mask vs. ???

BONUS- Mystery Opponent Guess: Sammy Bach

Comment: I know it sounds weird, but having Sammy Bach come in, fight for the Championship Match and have Fox Mask win clear would be the perfect "We're not gonna pull the bull**** TCW pulls"


"I Give Up" Match

Donnie Jackson vs. James Prudence

Comment: James Prudence is one of my favorite Fighters, hoping and expecting him to win

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Glad to see all of the predictions...warms my heart.


Happy to report that I am halfway through writing Wave of Fury 2011...don't have a ETA for when it will be up.


The events will be much, much longer than the TV show, so it will take time to get this one out. It's a big one filled with twists and turns, and I also don't want to rush through it. Want to make this first show a classic, just like JK would want it.


To those of you who haven't predicted, you've got some time.


Until next time,


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