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NOTBPW: The Prodigal Stone

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So if they're Turks, that means Huggins is Rude? Stone has the red hair (well, a little), but Freddy isn't even close to bald...

Edit: or black, for that matter.


And you shot yourself with that semi-main. Yes, yes, not power-booking, but still...makes me a little sad.


Then again, you're doing better than my early NOTBPW, and that's with trying to maximize results.

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Prediction Standings:


Eidenhoek: 4/6

Wallbanger: 3/6

Rayelek: 3/6

LiquidSwords: 3/6

TakerNGN74: 3/6

Bigpapa42: 2/6

20LEgend: 2/6

Emark: 2/6

Midnightnick: 2/6

Codey: 2/6

Tigerkinney: 2/6

FuelFan0102 : 1/6

Phantom Stranger: 1/6


Definitely a hard card to call, and there's a couple of decisions which I'm sure are raising some questions already. I'll explain what is not a spoiler and the rest when I make my end of month commentary (or rather, end of PPV cycle commentary).


If I could have made a new signing in the window of time I had available, Maverick's challenger would most likely have been somebody new. Unfortunately, three days makes it reasonably unlikely somebody will come to the table so quickly, so Maverick gets fed a fellow technician and the Can-Am Blondes get something to do whilst I try to balance my card.


The draw in the main event... I just didn't want to give anybody too much rub just yet. DeColt/Bloodstone win, and it makes my only two Main Event faces look weaker. The Stones win, and the champion looks like a chump. I don't generally use tit-for-tat booking, but neither team needed to lose this.



So if they're Turks, that means Huggins is Rude? Stone has the red hair (well, a little), but Freddy isn't even close to bald...

Edit: or black, for that matter.


And you shot yourself with that semi-main. Yes, yes, not power-booking, but still...makes me a little sad.


Then again, you're doing better than my early NOTBPW, and that's with trying to maximize results.


Agreed, I definitely shot myself in the foot. For some reason, I was expecting better than that - a sort've 'Hayes' overness + Hash's skill = better grade' deal. Obviously that didn't quite work, probably because I'm used to booking performance = popularity (even with the product changes, we're still rated more on performance... and dodgy finishes aren't allowed). It's a learning experience, unhelped by the fact that one or two of the angles just weren't very good.


Haha, my choices of music are eclectic. I'm not very good at theme songs, so there's a REALLY RANDOM assortment of music. If you're equating them to Turks though, Edd's definitely the Reno to Freddy's Rude. Personality wise, if nothing else.



Very enjoyable Bloodstone was great Edit: oh and Harrison Hash winning is awesome one of my favourites


Thank you! I'm trying to do a fair amount with both Bloodstone and Hash, which should become clearer in later shows.

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This Means War



Kayfabe's Dead, Long Live Kayfabe



Streetz: Yo my people, you're listenin' to Canada's premier wrestlin' podcast. All the hottest news and views in the biz' can be found right here. Bringin' you the word on the streets... I'm Streetz!



Nomad: And I'm Nomad, entertaining you because I care. Also because 4C fired me.



Streetz: But you ain't bitter!



Nomad: Of course.



Streetz: Well of course what everyone's talkin' about right now is the return of THE one and only 24 hour party animal Edd Stone! He's back north of the border folks, and he's got a whole new swagger!



Nomad: That suit probably cost more than we both make in a year, Streetz.



Streetz: That's cause we pay you in potato chips, man.



Nomad: And tacos.



Streetz: And tacos.



Nomad: Anyway, Edd's back home and the internet's up in flames about it, everyone's wandering the exact situation - have been since Edd dropped his All-Action title back in TCW on such short notice. And since we are the premier podcast in Canada-



Streetz: Wrestlin' podcast.



Nomad: Huh?



Streetz: Wrestlin' podcast. You say 'premier podcast' and you could get us sued. We get away with wrestlin' cause we're the best by default.



Nomad: Being the only one and all?



Streetz: Yeah.



Nomad: Fine. And since we are the premier wrestling podcast in Canada, what would we be if we didn't bring you the hottest stories in Canadian wrestling on demand?



Streetz: We'd be liars, Nomad.



Nomad: And we sure aren't liars.



Streetz: ...Mostly.



Nomad: Mostly.



Streetz: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present our guest for the evenin'... Edd Stone!



Edd: Whassup fools?



Nomad: Great to have you with us, Edd.



Edd: Had nothing much else to do with the night, so what the hey, thought I may as well come on.



Streez: Ain't that a glowin' commendation?



Nomad: Well Edd, it's the question everyone's dying to know... why did you come back? Hell how did you come back? Old Man Canada pretty much blacklisted you, we all thought that bridge was burned.



Edd: Well we didn't reel out the construction crews, that's for sure. Let's just say I'm more of a scholar than Dad ever gave me credit for.



Nomad: Pretty enigmatic there, Edd. How'd you enjoy your debut?



Edd: Oh man, it was awesome. Pop was off the charts, y'know? Loved every second of it.



Streetz: And of course, we all saw your new buddy Huggins from LA... anythin' to that special relationship.



Edd: *laughs* He's my best friend, Streetz, nothing else. Kinda like you and Noma- ... okay not really like you two, but y'know. We're buddies.



Nomad: Have you got any comment to the rumours that NOTBPW is 'under new management'?



Edd: Ahh I wouldn't say that, not just yet. Things are gonna change though.



Streetz: So goin' forward, what are your aims in NOTBPW? What are you lookin' to accomplish?



Edd: Do what this gang of 'technical masters' never could do and put CGC in the grave! *laughs* Nah but seriously, I'm just looking to have a good time, maybe put a few new ideas out there and do what my family has always loved doing, and that's wrestle.



Nomad: There you have it, Edd Stone himself.



Streetz: Stay tuned for more hard-hittin' stories. Next up - Mammoth, man, monster, or menace to cake-kind?...





The following day...









Edd looks up from his cornflakes, bleary eyed, to glance at his dad. "Yo?"



Dan Sr. slides a print out across the dining room table to his son. Edd takes a couple of tries to focus on it.



"Explain this."



" 'Edd Stone says he will bury CGC! The war is officially on!' ...Awww nuts."



Edd faceplants into his cereal bowl.

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Wednesday Week 2, January 2010


With a shocking return for the prodigal son of NOTBPW, Edd Stone, in the books, it seems that the company may never be the same again. Tune in as our new executive of the board (and his assistant) sets out to stamp his mark on his father's promotion!


Our opener of the evening will see brand new tag team champions Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh defend their titles against a debuting combination - we at NOTBPW know little about them, apart from the fact they calls themselves the Nest of Vipers. Can the new champions get their reign officially off the mark?


Next up, and Kristabel Plum will once again be in non-title competition, this time matching herself against the cunning Lauren Easter. The women's champion suffered a serious setback last week, can she redeem herself with a win here?


Another debut will follow, with hot young talent Jacob Jett meeting veteran Canadian Dragon in what is set to be a clash between two very similar styles. Will youth or experience prevail?


The fourth match of the night will see the return that so many have been waiting for - Edd Stone will team up with Freddy Huggins as a team we've been told will be going by the moniker of 'The Executives'. Their oppnents? The very game combination of The Shooting Star Erik Strong and newcomer Davis Wayne Newton, a trainee of the great Rip Chord.


Our next contest, we have been informed, will be another 'John Maverick Open Submission Challenge'. What exactly is the meaning of Maverick's association with the Can-Am Blondes, and more importantly, is it even welcomed? Maverick's opponent, we're told, will not be a new face - we wish whoever they are the best of luck!


Our semi-main event of the evening will see Harrison Hash in action for the second consecutive week, this time facing the one and only Canadian champion: Steve DeColt. Hash scored a major upset last week in unseating the ferocious RK Hayes - could he do the seemingly impossible and knock off the world champion?


The main event is sure to be a barnstormer of a match. Board representative Edd Stone has announced it as a number one contender's match, with the winner going on to main event Big City Brawl for a shot at the Canadian title. Dan Stone Jr., Jeremy Stone, Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone will all be in action in what will definitely be a war.






Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)



Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter



Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett



Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives




John Maverick vs. ???

(Bonus available)



Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash




Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)



Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter



Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett



Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives




John Maverick vs. ???

(Bonus available)



Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash




Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)

Ahahahahah. Ahahahahah. Ahahahahahaaaaa... Yeah. Maybe in a couple years, ACPW alums.



Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter



Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett



Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives

It's a real shame this won't be Jack and Alex DeColt, because that would be HI-LARIOUS.



John Maverick vs. ???

(Bonus available)

One of the Fighting Irish, maybe?



Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash

Because no panda mask.




Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

Otherwise Freddie has to tell Jeremy why not.

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)


Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter


Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives



John Maverick vs.???


Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash



Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)


Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter


Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives




John Maverick vs. ???

(Bonus available)

Im going for James Justice. No real reason for doing so


Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash




Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)


Well can't say I was too impressed with the decision to put the tag belts on Westybrook & Cavanagh, basically because I think Cavanagh really sucks. But you aren't going to hot-shot the titles and you certainly aren't going to hot shot them to a debuting team brought up from the indys.


Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter


Non title again, but unlike last week I actually see Easter as a contender, so a non title win is a way of quickly building up a challenger.


Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett


Canadian Dragon isn't all that good, he's jobber material for a fed of NOTBPW's size...Jett isn't the finished article (awful psychology but he should improve that working in NOTBPW) but he has a lot of potential and should debut with a strong decisive win here.


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives


Strong & Newton are a pair of blue chippers with potentially bright futures but the Executives are the two main characters in this diary (Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins) and somehow I don't see them being of the 'booker and owner who won't push themselves' type.



John Maverick vs. ???

(Bonus available)


Probably another jobber, Phantom might be on the right track with one of the Fighting Irish so I'll go for C.H Threepwood (oh sorry Jason O'Conner). He's still C.H Threepwood to me !!


Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash


Hash may have scored an upset over Hayes, but looks to me you're just pulling the trigger on the inevitable Hayes depush early, if he does get one over the World Champion then I think we're in for a shocking Harrison Hash megapush.



Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Dark Angel's the least likely of the four, I see the ageing cruiserweight as a main event gatekeeper these days. Bloodstone's a heel, so I'm ruling him out too....just depends on which Stone will get to have a crack at taking down DeColt first...coinflip landed on Jezza.

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)


Westybrook is the only guy close to decent in the match.


Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter


Lauren's one of the better women in the world. Might as well shoot her a non-title win.


Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett


He's the American Dragooooon...wait, no he's not. Give Jett a bit of a boost over a no-name. I don't think I've ever pushed CanDrag.


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives


Most obvious pick on the card.



John Maverick vs. ???

(Bonus available)


Maverick wins again, until...The Natural, I think, is the challenger. Love, I mean; he's the technician. Too soon for that to happen, so...hrm. Within the company? Julian Watson would be awesome, but he's heel.


Dammit, looking through the roster and I messed up the Flash notes again.


This is difficult. He's beaten who, Lord James King and-oh, that's it. We're still early in.


Can't be Hash nor Dark Angel. Not Watson, so...Erik Strong or one of the Fighting Irish, PS is right. Strong's on the card, so


Jason O'Conner is the mystery man. He's a proto-Maverick, in any case.


Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash





Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Definitely not either of the heels; this is too important a match (that is, the championship matchc to come) to have an avoidable penalty.


Jeremy is friends (moreso) with Edd, but not with Freddy. Dan's the better all-round worker. They've tied with DeColt/Bloodstone before.


I picked Dan because he had the win last week.

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I only got one right last time, let's see if I can do even worse this time around!




Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)

As the board's resident ACPW mark, I need to support my boys.



Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter

Why not?


Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett

CanDrag has always stuck out like a sore thumb in NOTBPW, and Jett is just super cool.


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives

Build for the future



John Maverick vs. ???

(Bonus available)

I'm going to continue to guess Mario da Silva until he shows up.


Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash

Could he get two upsets in a row? Sure.



Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

Freddy books 'Jezza' to win so he doesn't break off every one of his limbs, one by one.

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)


Just no way a debuting team wins the titles off of a team that just won them. You are a braver booker than I making Danny a project.


Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter


Easter will be good but isn't there yet. Plum isn't that much better, but she wins here.


Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett


I actually like CanDrag, but in comparison, Jett needs a strong start.



Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives


Not seeing you book your own boys weak, especially to Strong/Newton.



John Maverick vs. ???

(Bonus available)


I will join the O'Connor bandwagon. Wait, I started the O'Connor bandwagon last show! :p


Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash






Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Jezza makes the most sense from a narrative standpoint.

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic) - NOTBPW, even with Edd Stone, isn't the home of one week champions.


Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter


Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives - I imagine Freddy to put himself at the top for all the rejection he gets everywhere else and to be better than JEZZA!~



John Maverick vs. ??? - Jason O'Connor

(Bonus available)


Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash - Or the rise of Hash? Nah



Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone - Fred fears Jezza.

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)


Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter


Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives



John Maverick vs. ??? Jason O'Conner

(Bonus available)


Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash



Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)


Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter


Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives



John Maverick vs. ??? Robbie McNamara(Bonus available)


Steve DeColt vs. Harrison Hash



Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

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Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)

Ahahahahah. Ahahahahah. Ahahahahahaaaaa... Yeah. Maybe in a couple years, ACPW alums.


Random, probably-only-appeals-to-me trivia - at this point the Vipers are actually still with ACPW. Mid-High level Cult, as I am now, means that my first bunch of signings were PPAs.




Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavangh © vs. The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic)


Well can't say I was too impressed with the decision to put the tag belts on Westybrook & Cavanagh, basically because I think Cavanagh really sucks. But you aren't going to hot-shot the titles and you certainly aren't going to hot shot them to a debuting team brought up from the indys.


This is one of the things that'll definitely get an explanation post-Big City Brawl.




Show to come shortly!

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Location: Caribou Arena

Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT!)

Being shown live on CBN (1.38)





Tommy London, Tom Townsend, Victoria Stone








Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh © vs. The Nest of Vipers



The newest boys on the block find themselves up against the newly-minted NOTBPW Tag Team champions with a golden opportunity on their debut. We’re quickly filled in by the commentary team that the team up of Westybrook and Cavanagh now have an official name: Wild West. There’s something of a sense of this being a ‘by the numbers’ type of bout, as although both Mimic and Dagger show promise, they also have very little name value. However, The Vipers eventually manage to isolate Westybrook for a stretch, using underhanded tactics when necessary, but this comes to a close when Westybrook just POWERS out of a Mimic leglock to tag out to Cavanagh. Moments later, having cleared Dagger from the apron, Cavanagh nails a sickening powerbomb on his opponent – a move which looks utterly devastating on the far-smaller Mimic. The three count is academic.



Wild West def. Nest of Vipers in 8:17 with a Sit-Out Powerbomb. 48/D+

Wild West make defence #1 of their Tag team titles.






Kristabel Plum vs. Lauren Easter



The champion comes out with all guns blazing into this contest, clearly desiring to make amends for last week’s defeat. In the early going, Easter manages to take full advantage of Kristabel’s aggression by punishing her for every errant attack – London observes that the champ is too fired up, not thinking with a clear head. However, once Plum is given some time to calm down with a serious time out of painful, mat based holds, she starts wrestling in a much more controlled manner. A burst of energy later, and Kristabel catches Easter off guard with a picture perfect Plum Tucker.



Kristabel Plum def. Lauren Easter in 7:35 with a Plum Tucker. 54/C-






Canadian Dragon vs. Jacob Jett



Another debut here, and a mightily impressive one like that. Seizing his first opportunity in the big time with both hands, Jett struts much of his considerable arsenal against an often-overwhelmed Canadian Dragon. Late on in the match, Dragon capitalises on an evaded dropkick to start getting some of his own offence in, but Jett simply shows another string to his bow by taking his opponent to the mat and working him over there. Just a couple of minutes later, Jett nails an absolutely spectacular sunset-flip powerbomb off the top rope, a move that Tommy London informs us is called the Jett Take Off.



Jacob Jett def. Canadian Dragon in 10:24 with a Jett Take Off. 55/C-







Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives



As this match gets underway, Tom Townsend has plenty of praise for the combination that has been dubbed ‘The Executives’, fawning over how they have ‘finally ended the bias of the Stones’. Needless to say, Victoria Stone is none too happy about this, but to her credit remains completely professional… if determined to criticise every last mistake Edd and Freddy make. And they make a fair few. The c0cky duo are very full of themselves and don’t seem to be taking their opponents entirely seriously, spending almost as much time high-fiving and fist bumping over good double teams as they do actually wrestling. This very nearly costs them, as Huggins gets nailed with a bone-crunching fisherman’s suplex by Davis Wayne Newton off a hot tag from an exhausted Erik Strong. If not for the timely intervention of Edd’s boot to DWN’s face, it would most certainly have been a three count. DWN is all but out cold as Freddy slowly stirs, tagging out, and Edd’s Impaler DDT Party’s Over puts the exclamation point on the match .



The Executives def. Erik Strong & DWN in 12:29 with a Party’s Over. 65/C








. Only, it’s cut off by ‘Suicide Blonde’, and Maverick rolls his eyes as the Can-Am Blondes emerge from backstage.






The Natural: Ladies and gentlemen here he is! The man himself, the one and only John Maverick! The guru of grappling! The sensei of submissions! The archduke of armbars and the legend of leglocks! What you are about to witness is a true clinic of technical wrestling, if, that is, anybody is bold enough to accept the MAVERICK SUBMISSION CHALLENGE!



Maverick stares at the Blondes, who continue to caper and posture at ringside, a gaze that doesn’t break until an opponent comes out down the ramp.








http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/JohnMaverick.jpg w/http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/TheNatural_alt1.jpghttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/OwenLove_alt2.jpghttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Events/vs7.jpghttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/CHThreepwood.jpg

John Maverick w/The Can-Am Blondes vs. Jason O’Connor


In a rare singles excursion, O’Connor tries his luck against Maverick, who is clearly in no mood to mess around (Unlike the Blondes, who have insisted on remaining by the ring). O’Connor barely manages to hold his ground in the early going, Maverick keeping on top of him with slick chain wrestling, transitioning from hold to hold very smoothly. Reassessing, O’Connor tries to make it into a fist fight, knocking Maverick onto the back foot temporarily before getting taken down with a clinical leg scissor. The Deadly Silence – and a tap out – ensue.



Maverick def. Jason O’Connor in 10:53 via submission with a Deadly Silence. 65/C








DeColt gets Mojave desert heat as he comes down to the ring, belt over one shoulder and microphone in hand. He gives the audience a smug smirk, standing in the ring and basking in the hatred.



Steve DeColt: Jeez guys, that really hurts, you know? It just gets me right here.



He puts a hand to his chest.



Steve DeColt: I mean, just because I’ve humiliated each and every opponent that’s crossed my path in this company, just because I took the Canadian title on my first year here… It’s almost as if I’m just, well, too good for you to like! But you know what? Now that I’m the undisputed Canadian champion, I’ll prove to you that I’m a fighting champion. It’s not as if anybody is anywhere close to good enough to dethrone me, is it? That’s right – I’m putting the title on the line, just to show you what a great sport I am. So well, come on out, Panda Boy! You’ve got a great opportunity to get yourself destroyed on national TV!








Steve DeColt: Step right up, Panda Boy! You’re going to find out that I am DEGREAT! DEMASTER! DECOLT!







Steve DeColt © vs. Harrison Hash



As if his promo hadn’t made that clear enough from the start, DeColt has no respect for his opponent whatsoever, offering a handshake, only to jerk his hand back and run it through his hair. Hash retaliates by kicking DeColt clean in the head, tossing him to the mat with a judo throw and locking in a nice tight armbar. Startled, DeColt manages to claw his way to the ropes, rolling out of the ring in an attempt to regain his bearings. At official Matthew White’s eight count, DeColt climbs back into the ring, a much more focused, serious expression on his face. DeColt’s subsequent strategy is nothing fancy; he hits hard, he hits fast and does everything he can to keep Hash from stringing together any offence. Easier said than done, shown early on when Hash catches an attempted stomp, sweeps DeColt’s standing leg and gets a nice heel hook sunk in. The end comes as Hash ascends the turnbuckle and the champion lunges desperately for the top rope, crotching Hash. DeColt throws his opponent to the ground and as Hash tries to recover, hits the ropes and nails the DeColt Stampede to put an end to a very competitive match.



Steve DeColt def. Harrison Hash in 17:53 via pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. 81/B

Steve DeColt makes defence #1 of his Canadian title








Gasping for breath, DeColt grabs a microphone and calls out to his downed opponent.



Steve DeColt: Hey! Hey Panda Boy! I think someone’s here to see you!



Hash levers himself to his hands and knees and looks to the entrance ramp…






To see R.K Hayes charging down to the ring. Hash manages to stand just as Hayes slides under the bottom rope (and DeColt bails out), but after wrestling a match like that, he’s in no condition to fight back. For the second time in as many weeks, Hayes completely destroys Hash, leaving him down and out in the ring.



Match #7




Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone



This four way match is an intense and often absolutely wild affair, crisp sequences of holds between all four men interspersed with dynamic bursts of high flying from Dan Jr. and Dark Angel. All of the combatants get opportunities to showcase their strengths and of particular note is a period of outright dominance by Bloodstone, triggered off by an attempted Stone Ankle Stretch from Dan Jr., something which seems to drive him absolutely livid, once again showing shades of his younger, more psychotic self that had long proved his Achilles’ heel. In this case, however, it allows Bloodstone to send Dark Angel flying from the ring, to drop Jeremy Stone on his head with a HUGE piledriver and to proceed to throw Dan Jr. to the outside, pursue him, and bust his face open on the ring post. Indeed, so focused on Dan Jr. is Bloodstone that he does not see Dark Angel manage to clamber up onto the ring apron, then the turnbuckle, targeting Jeremy with the Fallen Angel Moonsault… NO! Jeremy Stone rolls out of the way, Angel crashes and burns! Jeremy capitalises! Stone Hold! Stone Hold! Bloodstone hears the roar of the crowd and makes a beeline for the ring – no! A bloodied Dan Jr. grabs Bloodstone’s leg and pulls him from the apron! Dark Angel has no way to escape! He’s fading – fading…



Angel taps out!



Jeremy Stone def. Dan Stone Jr., Bloodstone & Dark Angel in 20:29 via submission with a Stone Hold to Dark Angel. 89/B+

Jeremy Stone is #1 contender



Overall Rating: 81/B

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Prediction Standings:


Wallbanger: 11/13 (+7 +1 bonus - impressive clean sweep!)

Eidenhoek: 10/13 (+5 + 1 bonus)

TakerNGN74: 9/13 (+5 +1 bonus)

Tigerkinney: 9/13 (+6 +1 bonus)

Briskout: 8/7 (One heck of a debut!)

Emark: 8/13 (+6)

Phantom Stranger: 7/13 (+6)

Bigpapa42: 6/13 (+4)

Midnightnick: 5/13 (+3)

FuelFan0102 : 4/13 (+3)

Boltinho 3/7 (Welcome!)

Rayelek: 3/13

LiquidSwords: 3/13

20LEgend: 2/13

Codey: 2/13


Please let me know if I've made any counting errors here, my maths can sometimes be pretty suspect.



- Obviously this card was a fair shake easier to call. If the number one contender's match seemed a little rushed in terms of storyline, that's because it, well, was. I've never booked NOTBPW before - the only big company I've played for any great length is TCW, and it conditioned me to expect the PPV to come at the END of the month, not in the middle of it. Luckily I realised before this next show, but most of the upcoming matches will not have anywhere close to the build I'd have wanted in an ideal world.


Still, learning experience, in future I'll be better in sync.


As a couple of people correctly mentioned, the main event was basically a toss up between Dan Jr. and Jezza - NOBTPW has a strong face/heel divide, and with my current reliance on strong main events (balancing the undercard overness and skill being a work in progress), I couldn't afford to make it heel vs. heel. Dark Angel I don't especially rate in that whilst his perfomance skills are amazing, his top rows are on a sharp downward slope.


Lastly, I'm hoping I'm not being too blatent with the use of the 'usual suspects', so to speak. I went back and forth on signing DWN in particular, but ultimately gameplay practicalities won out. NOTBPW start with a fairly small roster and an undercard weighted with guys that to a large extent, aren't good enough for the soon-to-be-National company that NOTBPW is. I've found them harder to play, certainly, than the CPU led me to believe, lol. In any case, I've been trying to stick mostly to Canadian signings (mostly), in which terms DWN does kind've become a no-brainer. Ah well, excuses excuses.

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“Tag me in! Tag me in!”



“Dude gimme a sec I’m trying!”



“He’s completely DESTROYING you”



“That’s ‘cause he’s freaking huge!”



“And also slow!”



“He’s using Pie-Fu on me!”






“The martial art of the extremely fat! Your mom knows it!”






“I so went there.”



“I guess that means my mom could kick your ass then.”



“Oh snap!”



Fist bump, explosion noise.



“Dude he’s going to pin you if you don’t tag out.”



“These guys are way broken, man. It’s ‘cause they’re a ‘legend’ tag team.”



“Or maybe you just suck.”



“And I’m using a terrible character.”



“Or maybe you just suck.”



“There’s a very, very slim chance, I guess… - oh dammit!”



“Damn damn – look, there! Totally saved your sorry butt.”



“You distracted the referee, man!”



“Should I have magicked you out of the pin?”



“He just low blowed me!”



“Tag, tag, tag, tag!”



“Sorry, too busy clutching my nuts.”



“But enough about last night!”



“…Ouch. Awww crud.”



“What the hell!? He just knocked me off the apron!”



“Who’s gonna tell him he can’t?”



“Good point, I’d be scared of getting my head twisted off-OW!”



“DUDE! That’s like, second degree murder!”



“I think his boot is imprinted on your face.”



“Wow. They kicked our asses.”



“They kicked YOUR ass. You wouldn’t let me in the ring.”









“Too bad these guys aren’t still in NOTBPW. They’d be awesome in the tag team division.”



“Billy’s retired now though. He had a team with… what’s he called? Awesome hair dude.”









“What about Larry? He’s pretty beast. He’s like, a 90 overall.”



“Dude you can’t scout people through video games.”



“Why not?”



“They gave me like, a 72 in Total Mayhem.”



“What was I?”






“Totally accurate!”



“Shut it, Edd.”



“Seriously though, Larry’s good. I used to watch his matches when –“



“Edd I was there. I watched them with you.”



“…Oh yeah.”



“Are you baked or something?”



“No! Maybe a liiiiittle drunk though.”



“Right. … Isn’t Larry in Japan now? Rahn used to watch tapes of those deathmatches for fun.”



“Oh yeah… “It ain’t a match unless somebody’s bleedin’ “, right?”









“Want me to go find Larry's number? I bet your dad still has it.”



“Yeah. 90 overall, remember-“



“You are an ass.”



“A finely-toned ass!”



“…No comment.”

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