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NWA 1989: Rise To Glory

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  • Hello everyone and welcome to my brand new NWA 1989 diary.
  • This diary will go much like the WWF 1989 Kayfabe Returns Diary by TheBlake in that there will be very little to no breaking kayfabe here. Thank you to TheBlake for your wonderful diary located here: WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns
  • Every show will be posted over the weekend. So either Saturday or Sunday you can expect a brand new show.
  • That being said, the first show will not be until September 10 or 11, giving plenty of time to get those predictions in.
  • There will be a 'B' Show in NWA Worldwide but it won't be given any predictions and just a bare bones writeup.
  • Three diaries? Can you handle that? I think so, especially with my recap style of writeup. Those two other diaries are here: WWE 2011: Bragging Rights! and here: The Flying Menace (USPW/Cornellverse)
  • I hope you all enjoy!

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September 1989


Main Eventers

Junkyard Dog

Ric Flair (NWA World Heavyweight Champion)

Ricky Steamboat



'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Lex Luger (NWA United States Heavyweight Champion)

Michael 'P.S.' Hayes (NWA Tag Team Champion)

Sid Vicious (Managed by Teddy Long)

Terry Funk (Managed by Gary Hart)


Upper Midcarders

Road Warrior Animal (Managed by Paul Ellering)

Road Warrior Hawk (Managed by Paul Ellering)

Scott Steiner (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Stan Lane



Bam Bam Bigelow

Butch Reed (Managed by Woman)

Kevin Sullivan

Mike Rotundo



Beautiful Bobby Eaton

'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert

Ole Anderson

Rick Steiner (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Steve Williams


Al Perez

Buzz Sawyer (Managed by Gary Hart)

Cactus Jack

Dan Spivey (Managed by Teddy Long)

Dick Slater (Managed by Gary Hart)

Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin (NWA Tag Team Champion)

Norman The Lunatic (Managed by Teddy Long)

Ron Simmons (Managed by Woman)

The Iron Sheik


Lower Midcarders

Flyin' Brian

Shane Douglas

Tommy Rich


Fatu (Managed by Paul E. Dangerously)

Rip Morgan

Samu (Managed by Paul E. Dangerously)

The Great Muta (Managed by Gary Hart)



Jason Knight

Johnny Ace


Bill Irwin

Scott Hall

The Dragonmaster (Managed by Gary Hart)


Enhancement Talents

Ranger Ross


Nitron (Managed by Woman


Women's Division


Occasional Wrestlers



James E. Cornette

Missy Hyatt


Gary Hart

Paul E. Dangerously

Paul Ellering

Teddy Long




Gary Michael Cappetta

Gordon Solie

Jim Ross


Colour Commentators



Nick Patrick

Randy Anderson

Tommy Young


Bill Alfonso


Authority Figures

Sam Strong


Road Agents

Bob Caudle

Magnum T.A.


Nick Bockwinkel




Ted Turner


Tag Teams

Dynamic Dudes (Johnny Ace and Shane Douglas) (Occasional)

Midnight Express (Beautiful Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane) (Regular)

Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk) (Regular)

The Steiners (Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner) (Regular)


Doom (Butch Reed and Ron Simmons) (Regular)

The Fabulous Freebirds (Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin and Michael 'P.S.' Hayes) (Regular)

The Samoan Swat Team (Fatu and Samu) (Regular)

The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey) (Regular)

Varsity Club (Kevin Sullivan and Mike Rotundo) (Regular)



The Horsemen (Ole Anderson and Ric Flair)


J-Tex Corporation (Buzz Sawyer, Dick Slater, Gary Hart, Terry Funk, The Dragonmaster and The Great Muta)

Varsity Club (Kevin Sullivan and Mike Rotundo)

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World Championship Wrestling

Saturday Week 1 September 1989


Prediction Key:

'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat



The Dragonmaster vs. Sting



Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes



Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner



NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious




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Yay! I always enjoyed your NWA 89 diaries - good to see you give the timeframe another crack!


World Championship Wrestling

Saturday Week 1 September 1989


Prediction Key:

'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: In my 87 diary (cheap plug!), Orton might stand more of a chance but by 1989 there's only going to be one winner here and that's The Dragon


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting

Comment: J-Tex's lowliest member does his job but I still expect some Muta interference.


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: Johnny Ace + Shane Douglas + Skateboards = Lame


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Toughest match on the card to call especially with no title on the line but I think Luger is probably ready for a move to the very top of the card before Steiner is


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment: Unless you're going for a way out there first show then Flair will take the W here but I think the Funkster might show his hand as well.


Signs: Jobber-Tex Corporation suck!

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'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: Should still be a great match, but Steamboat is the one who still has main event potential


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting

Comment: squash...


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: Varsity club, was one of the most underated teams of all time in my book


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Luger is seeing main events... Steiner is not.....yet


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Flair makes Viscious look good, but Flair could also make a broomstick look good..

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Prediction Key:

'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: Orton will look good in the match, but Steamboat is da bomb


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting

Comment: Sting wins, interference sets up his first big feud of the legacy


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: Sullivan NOT managed by Woman. Hmmmm. They wont need much help as Ace will be too busy figuring out how to run the WWE.


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Steiner should be focusing on tag matches. Steiners (w/ Missy Hyatt) vs Doom (w/ Woman) - oh my, CAT FIGHT! Can we get them to fight over bacon on a pole? I digress, Luger wins one for the bad guys


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment: Flair's stable looks a little bare - who will the 2 other Horsemen be? Match could be more to set up a tag feud with horsemen vs Skyscrapers while a suitable singles contender emerges.



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Here we go again, eh AD? :p


World Championship Wrestling

Saturday Week 1 September 1989


Prediction Key:

'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment:Orton is best to be a JTTS, especially in this one.


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting



Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: I'm sure that eventually you can make something out of Douglas, you're better off pushing forward with Rotunda right now.


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Steiner is still very new to the NWA here, and while he's your future, that's still a little too in the future for right here and now.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment: Whether via a DQ or just a win, either way I see some interference here.



just a massive four fingers

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Wow, man! I greatly appreciate the kind words and the plug! Glad to see that people are enjoying it, and even more glad to see more diaries from this era popping up. It's been a blast playing with the WWF, and I kid you not, I was contemplating starting a "just for fun" game with the NWA a few days ago. But I'll read your diary instead haha.


Anyways, on with the predictions:


'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: Should be a very good match, but Steamboat gets the win.


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting

Comment: Sting, Sting, and more Sting in this one.


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: The Dynamic Dudes are simply awful. I'd take Gary Michael Capetta and Jim Ross over these two.


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Punch, kick, slam. So basically, these two go all out, and Luger wins.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment: Well since no one else said it.....WHOOOOOOOOO!


Sign: Luger vs. Steiner = *****!

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World Championship Wrestling

Saturday Week 1 September 1989


Prediction Key:

'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: Steamboat in what should be a very good match.


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting

Comment: Another main eventer to win, this time a solid squash.


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: Much better team wins


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Solid matchup in a few years, but now Luger goes over


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment: I'm sensing a DQ or something fishy here, hopefully sets up a big feud.


Signs: Teddy Long bought his suit at the fair!!!

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'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment:The future is still bright for Ricky but Bob's days in the sun are behind him.


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting

Comment:Squash no question


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: I will never ever take Johnny Ace's side on anything


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment:Scott's future may be bright but the future isnt here not yet.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment:I think Ric goes over because the J-Tex corp gets Sid DQ'd


Signs: I came to see The Horseman!!!

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Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: I think Steamboat will go over Orton, it will help his rise to the top.


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting

Comment: Silly Squash Match Predictions Are Silly


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes - Draw

Comment: I personally do not like Kevin Sullivan... But then again Johnny Ace is on the other team so... DRAW!


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Scott Steiner... he needs the momentum.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment: Was their any doubt who was going to win this?


Signs: UNLEASH THE DRAGON (For Ricky Steamboat)

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'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment:Steamboat is still fresh off his matches with Flair


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting

Comment: I expect a solid back and forth 20+ min match....wait Dragonmaster sorry lets cut that back to about 8 min total segmant


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: Ugh don't care for either


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Luger dosen't need the title and Scott could make a good challanger


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment: WOOOOO!


Signs: the guy behind me can't see

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Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far! A great turn-out so far! Now, let's get to some comments.


Yay! I always enjoyed your NWA 89 diaries - good to see you give the timeframe another crack!


Great to see you predicting here, Ritchardo! This was a great time frame IMO for the NWA. Such great talent here.


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: Varsity club, was one of the most underated teams of all time in my book


I agree that Varsity Club is vastly underrated. But with guys like Mike Rotundo and Kevin Sullivan, it seems like it should be a pretty good team, right?


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: Sullivan NOT managed by Woman. Hmmmm. They wont need much help as Ace will be too busy figuring out how to run the WWE.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment: Flair's stable looks a little bare - who will the 2 other Horsemen be? Match could be more to set up a tag feud with horsemen vs Skyscrapers while a suitable singles contender emerges.


Yeah, I decided that Sullivan being managed by Woman just wouldn't fit the whole Varsity Club attitude and era so I definitely made that change in the data.


As far as the other two Horsemen go, who knows who might show up to make the Horsemen 4 again. :)


Here we go again, eh AD? :p


Yep. Here we go again, my friend. Great to see you predicting in here. Always great to see those who have followed within the past coming back.


Wow, man! I greatly appreciate the kind words and the plug! Glad to see that people are enjoying it, and even more glad to see more diaries from this era popping up. It's been a blast playing with the WWF, and I kid you not, I was contemplating starting a "just for fun" game with the NWA a few days ago. But I'll read your diary instead haha.[/i]


This is definitely a great era to be a part of in professional wrestling as a whole. Just the sheer amount of tag teams here is amazing as compared to today. Glad I could give you your NWA fix right here. And your diary is definitely deserving of the plug. Go Jake the Snake!


Signs: Teddy Long bought his suit at the fair!!!


This sign definitely made me crack up!


Remember, the first show won't be up until about a week from tomorrow. So plenty of time to get those predictions in!

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World Championship Wrestling

Saturday Week 1 September 1989


Prediction Key:

'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: 'Cowboy' Bob Jobber.


The Dragonmaster vs. Sting

Comment: Squash.


Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes

Comment: Iron Mike is the difference maker.


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Though Steiner gives Luger a big-time run for his money here.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious

Comment: New Champ! Yeah, I did it.


Signs: I wanna rub baby oil all over Lex Lugers back!! No Homo.

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Monday Week 1 September 1989

Hartford Civic Center (New England)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B


The Brainbusters defeated Canadian Power House to retain the WWF World Tag Team titles...C+

Virgil defeated Jim Powers...C-

Honky Tonk Man defeated Bushwacker Luke...C

Dusty Rhodes defeated Mr. Perfect...B

The Ultimate Warrior defeated Hulk Hogan to retain the WWF Intercontinental title...B

Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated Rick Rude...B



Monday Week 1 September 1989

Roy Wilkins Auditorium (Mid West)

Attendance: 5,000

Show Rating: B-


Destruction Crew defeated Badd Company...C

The Top Guns defeated Mando Guerrero and George

Col. DeBeers defeated Curtis Hughes...C

Candi Devine defeated Wendi Richter to retain the AWA Womens title...D+

Greg Gagne defeated Scott Norton to retain the AWA TV title...C

Larry Zbyszko defeated Brad Rheingans to retain the AWA World Heavyweight title...B



Friday Week 1 September 1989

Rosemont Horizon (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: C+


Col. DeBeers defeated Akio Sato...C

Yukon John defeated D.J. Peterson...E

The Top Guns defeated Mike George and Mando Guerrero...C-

The Trooper defeated Kokina Maximus...E+

ANGLE: Brawl involving Sgt. Slaughter and Nikita Koloff...C+

Buck Zumhofe defeated Jerry Lynn...C-

ANGLE: Skit involving Candi Devine, Wahoo McDaniel and Col. DeBeers...C-

Jake Milliman defeated Brad Rheingans...D-

Curtis Hughes defeated Hector Guerrero...D

Candi Devine defeated Wendi Richter to retain the AWA Womens title...D

Greg Gagne defeated Kevin Kelly to retain the AWA TV title...D

ANGLE: Skit involving Wendi Richter and Larry Zbyszko...C+

Destruction Crew defeated Badd Company...D+

Nikita Koloff defeated Sgt. Slaughter...C+

Larry Zbyszko defeated Wahoo McDaniel to retain the AWA World Heavyweight title...C+

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Saturday Week 1 September 1989

Location: Charles Koch Arena (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .00




[The show begins with a recap video of last week's World Championship Wrestling. The recap focuses on matches that included Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk and The Great Muta!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/ripmorgan.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/eddiegilbert.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/missyhyatt.jpg

Rip Morgan vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert


[in a match that had some good action and average heat, 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert defeated Rip Morgan in 8:11 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.]


Winner: 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert (Via Submission @ 8:11)

Match Rating: C-






[A promo is shown featuring Gary Hart and The Dragonmaster! Gary says that Sting isn't going to make it to face The Great Muta in the ring because this Saturday night on World Championship Wrestling he is sending in The Dragonmaster to get the job done. And he will get the job done because Sting is NOTHING compared to the J-Tex Corporation!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/jasonknight.jpg

The Great Muta vs. Jason Knight


[in a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Great Muta defeated Jason Knight in 5:40 by pinfall with a Moonsault Press.]


Winner: The Great Muta (Via Pinfall @ 5:40)

Match Rating: C




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/ironsheik.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/bobbyeaton2.jpg

The Iron Sheik vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton


[in a match that had some good action and average heat, Beautiful Bobby Eaton defeated The Iron Sheik in 10:26 by pinfall with an Alabama Jam.]


Winner: Beautiful Bobby Eaton (Via Pinfall @ 10:26)

Match Rating: C+






[Our show ends with a preview of this week's World Championship Wrestling. That show this Saturday evening will feature such matches as The Dragonmaster vs. Sting, 'The Total Package' Lex Luger taking on Scott Steiner and an NWA World Heavyweight title match as 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair defends the belt against one half of the Skyscrapers tag team: Sid Vicious!]

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Saturday Week 1 September 1989

Location: Charles Koch Arena (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 2.37




[Jim Ross and Gordon Solie welcome everyone to World Championship Wrestling this evening! The first thing they discuss is the beautiful and brand new TurnerTron. A big screen set up to take wrestling fans where they've never been before: backstage at a wrestling event! What a card we have in store for you, including our main event where 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair will defend the NWA World Heavyweight title against one half of the Skyscrapers tag team: Sid Vicious! As the camera pans around the arena, we see a bunch of people holding up four fingers, including one fan with one of those foam hands that have four fingers sticking in the air.]


[speaking of Ric Flair, his music begins to play and the crowd within the Charles Koch Arena goes absolutely wild with 'Whooooo's!' Ric Flair comes out from the back styling and profiling like only he can in a sequined robe. He pauses and points to a fan with a sign reading: 'I came to see The Horseman!!!' Flair gets in the ring and focuses the attention of his interview not on his matchup later tonight but on his scheduled match for NWA's Fall Brawl. That is his match with Terry Funk for the NWA World Heavyweight title. He tells Funk that while the man from Amarillo is a living legend, he is not the Nature Boy. He doesn't style and profile. While Ric Flair is living the charmed life, he is living day to day and that's not the style of Ric Flair or the Horsemen. The Horsemen are living large each and every day of the week. Flair pauses, interrupted by the presence of a figure walking down to the ring.]




[it's Terry Funk! Funk walks right down to the ring and steps inside, getting face to face with Ric Flair. He tells Flair that he is a no-good yellow bellied piece of garbage. He says he would get nose to nose with Ric Flair but he'd have to leave the building. The words between the two eventually leads to a fight! Flair uses chops and Funk uses fists until road agents and security members can come in the ring to break things up.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/boborton.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/rickysteamboat2.jpg

'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat


[Our opening contest here on World Championship Wrestling could be a main event anywhere in the world. Two world-class athletes step inside the ring to do battle in what is an open match between the two. Both men get in some shots and Orton nearly seals the deal when going for a spinning toehold but Steamboat gets out of that. Nearing the 12 minute mark, Steamboat heads to the top rope and comes off with a Flying Body Press, turning it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ricky Steamboat (Via Pinfall @ 11:49)

Match Rating: B


[The bell sounds and the crowd gets on their feet for this big victory for the Dragon Ricky Steamboat! The Dragon celebrates by going to the top turnbuckle and flashing the Hawaiian love sign to all of his fans out there celebrating with him. He points one of the signs to a fan who is holding up a sign reading: 'UNLEASH THE DRAGON!' The celebration is cut short, though, when the Dragon is shoved off the second turnbuckle and down onto the protective mats on the floor below!]




[The Total Package Lex Luger has arrived! The NWA United States Heavyweight Champion exits the ring and puts the boots to Steamboat. Luger drops to his knees, mounting Steamboat and punching away at the head and skull. He gets up and makes the signal for the Human Torture Rack! The crowd boos, looking for help and it comes in the form of security breaking the fight up before Steamboat can get racked.]






[The opening chords of 'Iron Man' by Black Sabbath brings the fans to their feet as Paul Ellering leads out the Road Warriors! All three men step inside the ring where Ellering grabs a microphone. He begins the interview by focusing on Paul E. Dangerously. He begins by saying that Dangerously's wishbone is where his backbone ought to be. And he is going to be wishing that he hadn't put his Samoan Swat Team in the ring with the Road Warriors. These two men? They're not like your average geeks down the block. They are the Road Warriors, the future NWA World Tag Team Champions.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/kendonagasaki.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/sting4.jpg

The Dragonmaster vs. Sting


[Our second match of the evening was a little bit of a surprise to most fans in how good it is. The match is fast-paced, though The Dragonmaster relies a little more on brawling, while Sting is fundamentally sound in all areas of the wrestling business. Sting gets The Dragonmaster in the corner and climbs, beginning to throw punches, getting to ten as the camera directs to a sign reading: 'Jobber-Tex Corporation suck!' Around the eight minute mark, Sting sends The Dragonmaster into the corner and catches him with a Stinger Splash! Dragonmaster falls over and Sting makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Sting (Via Pinfall @ 8:27)

Match Rating: B


[A big win for the ever-popular Sting! As he rises up, Gary Hart signals toward the back and another figure comes running toward the ring, sliding inside.]




[it's The Great Muta! Muta slides in and catches Sting with a series of kicks before Sting can defend himself. Gary Hart comes in, motioning to Muta, who looks to Sting -- Asian Mist! The Mist goes right into the eyes of Sting, blinding him! Sting waves his arms around for a moment before he gets taken down by another kick by Muta. The crowd boos but Gary Hart raises Muta's arm in the air.]






[Through the use of the brand new Turner-Tron for those in the building and the use of video for those watching at home we are taken to a backstage interview with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair! Flair's focus at the moment is on his match tonight with Sid Vicious. He talks about Vicious's dominance in the tag team ranks alongside Dan Spivey but this isn't tag team wrestling. This is one on one with the Nature Boy. This is where Ric Flair rules the roost and tonight Sid Vicious is going to find out why Ric always says to be the man, you have to beat the man. Whooooooo!]






[A video plays following that interview that touts the menace and strength of Sid Vicious. Vicious is shown in the wrestling ring, using moves such as Choke Slams and side slams. He is shown beating people both inside the ring and outside the ring. The video ends with a compilation of Power Bombs from Vicious. Can Ric Flair overcome this man tonight?]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/kevinsullivan.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/mikerotundo.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/johnnyace.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/ShaneDouglas3.jpg

Varsity Club vs. Dynamic Dudes


[Our third match of the evening is a match that is only slightly a cut above average. That is mostly due to the hard work of Kevin Sullivan and Mike Rotundo, who dominate this encounter. A fan in the front row is shown holding up a rather large sign that reads: 'the guy behind me can't see!' It might be better after viewing this match. Around the eight minute mark, Rotundo catches Shane Douglas with an Airplane Spin, while Sullivan knocks Johnny Ace off the apron. Rotundo makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! An impressive win for the Varsity Club!]


Winners: Varsity Club (Via Pinfall @ 8:21)

Match Rating: C+






[Through the use of the Turner-Tron or video for those of you at home, we head backstage where Rick Steiner is walking by the catering table. He pauses there where he gets attacked from behind by Michael 'P.S.' Hayes and Jimmy 'Jam' Garvin! The crowd inside the arena boos at the assault as Hayes throws Steiner on top of the catering table and then throws punches. Garvin shoves his NWA World Tag Team title belt into the face of Steiner, telling him he'll never come close to the belt! As officials arrive on the scene, we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/luger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/ScottSteiner22.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/missyhyatt.jpg

Non Title

Lex Luger vs. Scott Steiner


[Of course Scott Steiner is oblivious to what happened to his brother backstage as he was preparing to come out here to face 'The Total Package.' As Luger comes out, a fan sign is shown reading: 'I wanna rub baby oil all over Lex Lugers back!! No Homo.' This is actually a rather solid match between the two that shows off some technical skill by Steiner and also the brawling skill of the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion. A fan in the arena stands, holding up a sign reading: 'Luger vs. Steiner = *****!' Steiner catches Luger with a Steinerline and an overhead belly to belly suplex late in the match, drawing a two count. Luger manages to rake the eyes of Steiner and catches him with a Running Forearm shot, sending Steiner to the mat. Luger makes a quick cover and places his feet on the ropes for leverage: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Lex Luger (Via Pinfall @ 10:16)

Match Rating: B




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/ricflairc.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/sidvicious3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/theadorerlong.jpg

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Ric Flair defends vs. Sid Vicious


[Our main event this evening is not as good as many people would have thought as these two wrestlers simply do not click at all inside the ring. During the entrance, Teddy Long yells at a fan who is holding up a sign reading: 'Teddy Long bought his suit at the fair!!!' Back in the ring, Sid Vicious uses his power to throw Flair around like a rag doll in the early moments and throughout most of the match. Flair refuses to give in to the larger opponent, though. Vicious scores several near falls as Teddy Long looks on, arguing with the referee a few times, saying that certain pinfalls should have been three counts. There is definite interference by Long that nearly leads to a brand new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. One critical mistake occurs, though, when Vicious goes for a knee drop and Flair rolls out of the way. From that point on, Flair focuses on the knee of Vicious, including banging it against the ring post. Flair draws in some definite momentum but can never quite get Vicious into the Figure 4. At one point, Teddy Long jumps on the apron and Flair goes over, ready to punch him. But this simply served as a distraction. Vicious charges and Flair moves, the momentum carrying Vicious into Long! Long gets knocked off the apron and Flair rolls Vicious up: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Pinfall @ 12:17; Ric Flair retains the NWA World Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: C+


[What a win for the Nature Boy! The NWA World Heavyweight title belt is brought in the ring and given to Ric Flair as Sid Vicious leaves the ring, talking to Teddy Long about what just happened. A sign is focused in on at that point reading: 'HORSEMEN RULE!' Flair raises the belt in the air until he is assaulted from behind.]




[To no one's surprise, Terry Funk and Gary Hart have entered the ring! Funk has a branding iron and he is beating Flair among the head and shoulders with it! The crowd boos this move and begin chanting 'Flair, Flair, Flair!' all in an effort to get Ric Flair back up. But Flair remains laying on the mat and Gary Hart stomps on him a moment before calling the insane Terry Funk off the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The show ends with Terry Funk standing in the center of the ring with the branding iron and Ric Flair laying at his feet.]

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Welcome to the NWA Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of December in-game time (basically ends after Starrcade).


We had several perfect scores on this first edition of World Championship Wrestling. Congratulations to Ritchardo, Oldschool, olympia, Beejus, TheBlake, SHaynes23 and rvdjrv2002!


1. Ritchardo=1 Win

Oldschool=1 Win

olympia=1 Win

Beejus=1 Win

TheBlake=1 Win

SHaynes23=1 Win

rvdjrv2002=1 Win

8. sanityisforbidden=0 Wins

guyver3=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

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World Championship Wrestling

Saturday Week 2 September 1989


Prediction Key:

Loser Leaves Town: The Great Muta vs. Sting



Buzz Sawyer vs. Ole Anderson



Bill Irwin and Rip Morgan vs. Midnight Express



Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams



Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Scott Steiner



Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog




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I like what I see here, you've got yourself a new reader ;)


Loser Leaves Town: The Great Muta vs. Sting

Comment: Muta is prolly on a 3 appearance contract ...


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ole Anderson

Comment: -


Bill Irwin and Rip Morgan vs. Midnight Express

Comment: Named team over random pairing.


Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

Comment: -


Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: coin flip ...


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Comment: -

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Loser Leaves Town: The Great Muta vs. StingComment:

Muta heading to Japan? glad to see hometown hero Sting coming out on top of this feud this time around


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ole Anderson


villians get a tainted win over the Horseman boss


Bill Irwin and Rip Morgan vs. Midnight ExpressComment:

Midnights rock


Mike Rotundo vs. Steve WilliamsComment:

could be a scientific rules type match with their amateur backgrounds, but expect this one to break down into a brawl which favors Doc


Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Scott SteinerComment:

Scott had a B rated match with Luger for crying out loud, so he can be expected to become a solid singles wrestler.


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog


Terry Funk that dirty dog!! attacking Flair while he was admiring my sign!! Every dog has his day - it just won't be JYD's day yet

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Loser Leaves Town: The Great Muta vs. Sting

Comment: Guessing this means Muta is going to Japan, which I guess isn't terrible as it frees up a pretty solid spot for one of your other lower card men, but it sucks in that you'll be missing out on his talents.


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ole Anderson

Comment: Just a bit of fuel for the Flair/Funk feud.


Bill Irwin and Rip Morgan vs. Midnight Express

Comment: Yay Midnights!


Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

Comment: In the death of Muta, perhaps we'll see Orange County get the nod that the Rising Sun would have?


Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Just a way to give the Steiners a shot at the tag belts.


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Comment: JYD is best served as JTTS.



Sayonara, Muta!

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I love this diary so far. Good formatting and I like the booking so far.


World Championship Wrestling

Saturday Week 2 September 1989


Prediction Key:

Loser Leaves Town: The Great Muta vs. Sting

Comment: Sting is the franchise!


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ole Anderson

Comment: When I think of the NWA one of the names I think of is Ole Anderson.


Bill Irwin and Rip Morgan vs. Midnight Express

Comment: Have to go with the legendary tag team here.


Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

Comment: I like Rotundo but Dr. Death seems like the right guy for the win here.


Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Scott but I think it will be by DQ.


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Comment: Terry Funk is a guy I see in the title picture while JYD is on his last legs I feel.


Signs: None

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Loser Leaves Town: The Great Muta vs. Sting

Comment:like others have said, assuming Muta is heading back to Japan


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ole Anderson

Comment: Love this match, and for no particular reason going to go Mad Dog here


Bill Irwin and Rip Morgan vs. Midnight Express

Comment: Team with name beats Team without name


Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

Comment: But a cheap win


Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: I like Hates..Rooting for Hayes...but Scott Steiner in 1989 is the future


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Comment: reviving their great rivalry from 85...Would love to see it re-ignite but JYD is on his way out now

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Loser Leaves Town: The Great Muta vs. Sting

Comment: I really hope this isnt the end of Great Muta in the NWA


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ole Anderson

Comment: If Muta looses J-Tex needs the win here


Bill Irwin and Rip Morgan vs. Midnight Express

Comment: Come on seriously this is like the most obvious msatch this week.


Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

Comment:Just following a hunch


Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Steiners are going on a tag title run and they need the wins to seem like credible contenders.


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Comment: Should be a good match maybe even MOTN but Funk goes over.



Signs: 4 Forever!

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