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The London-Verse

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Name: Nathan Burke :The Dark Druid:

Age: 25

Size: Middle Weight

Ring Style: Technician

Nationality: British

Based In: UK

Appearance: Tall, Slim face with a almost cadaver like look to it, sunken cheeks. Small mustache and goatee. Evil look in his eyes. Hooded cloak that is down resting on his shoulders.

Finisher: Spike DDT


Stats: Menace is high with Ent skills being solid tool Flashy in the ring. Solid in other skills. Likes to stalk his foes from the shadows.


Bio: Nathan Burke was a local indie wrestler for a number of years but never seemed to make an impact anywhere. He had the size and skills but never seemed to find a way to break through to the rosters of the bigger federations. After a time honing his craft, Nathan began to look at why he wasn't able to make the transition to a larger company.


Nathan decided that his look was too plain and took a shot at redefining himself. Donning a cloak and wearing some make up to lighting up his face, darken his eyes and adopting a mustache and goatee, Nathan became The Dark Druid and set his sights on becoming the next break out star.


This new look and dedication caught the eye of local promoters and soon Nathan was able to make the jump from indie performer to rising star. Nathan now uses his new name to drive fear into the hearts of his opponents. Nathan relishes the chance to use both in ring and out of the ring psychology to get the upper hand on anyone that faces him.

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Name: Dave Doleman

Age: 24

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: English

Appearance: Scruffy hair, scruffy beard, scruffy... can you have 'scruffy' eyes? If so, he has them.

Ring Style: Psychopath

Finisher: Read All About It (Superkick), The Breadline (STO)

Stats: Good mic skills, charisma and acting. Decent brawler with enough performance skills to not kill his opponent or the crowd, but nothing special.

Bio: Dave "The Big Issue" Doleman was a regular sight outside Jobcentres across the North East, until he was spotted by a local wrestling promoter. After a few months of training, he turned out to not be quite as useless at wrestling as he is at the rest of life, and was even able to translate his former 'career' into a gimmick, usually played as a heel opportunist who benefits from the work done by others in tag, triangle and four-way matches.

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Thanks for those that submitted characters for the UKWF character contest. The window for this promotion has now closed. The winners have been selected and rendered. In fact all of the active roster have been rendered and I will now add them into the database and open a new competition within the next few days.


In fact, I have had an interesting idea for a competition which will require you guys and girls to provide a voice......................

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Hey everyone.


Tiberious and I should have UKWF finalised this weekend which will enable a stream of the the promotion overview to take place. I'll post the specifics when I know for sure.


As a side note, for those of you who submit characters for the London-Verse, it would mean a lot for the managerial competition if we can get a good number of entries to vote upon. If you can find the time to submit a manager it would be greatly appreciated.



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It is now time to open up the next character submission contest for the London-Verse. For this installment, the promotion in question is the Tropical Grapple Kingdom out of Puerto Rico. See the bio below for more details:


"In the hot summer of 1988, Tropical Grapple Kingdom opened its doors for the very first time. Founded by Carlos Mora Sr., TGK is a traditional wrestling promotion that gives equal importance to both storylines and the in-ring product.


Whilst TGK will likely never be more than a regional promotion set in a picturesque landscape, the locals of San Juan routinely turn out to visit Mora's baby. It is also not uncommon to see the occasional big star within the business make special appearances for the very popular Carlos Mora."


Let's get creative people. :)

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Name: Juan Carlos

Age: 24

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Nationality: Spanish

Appearance: A crown, pencil moustache, robes and short black hair.

Ring Style: Entertainer

Finisher: Coronación (Michinoku Driver II), Campesino Crusher (Death Valley Driver)

Skills: Extremely charismatic but average all round skills.

Bio: Calling himself "The Uncrowned King of Spain", Juan Carlos is an extremely charismatic worker. Unfortunately for him, his gimmick is all he has as he is an extremely bland worker who doesn't do much to leave an impression in the mind of the audience. He decided to move to Puerto Rico recently as his wife originally came from there.

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Name: Hideo Nakajima

Age: 29

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Japanese/Asian

Appearance: Whatever you have suitable to a baseball loving character...baseball cap, etc.

Ring Style: Cruiserweight

Finisher: The Homerun Kick (Trouble in Paradise)

Stats: Decent all-round but nothing special, best in flying.


Bio: Hideo Nakajima is a unique character in the world of wrestling, who is currently performing in Puerto Rico for the Tropical Grapple Kingdom. Nakajima has never been a spectacular wrestler, but his ability to draw a reaction from the crowd has seen him travel all across the globe to wrestle. Nakajima uses the gimmick of a die hard baseball fan and often enters the ring fully clad in baseball gear and carrying a bat with him at all times. Although the gimmick is over the top and often performed in a comedic manner the gimmick is just an extension of Nakajima's real life personality, as he is a true baseball fanatic who is known for encouraging fellow wrestlers into fantasy baseball leagues.


However the gimmick has landed Nakajima in trouble in the past. While competing in Mexico Nakajima began bringing a baseball to the ring, and before his matches attempt to hit it out into the crowd. Nakajima would always miss the ball for comedic value before throwing it to a member of the crowd. However one night Nakajima accidentally hit the ball and hit a female member of the audience, breaking her nose. This sparked a mini riot and Nakajima had to be escorted from the ring by police before his match had even begun and the show called off as a result. Nakajima has not competed in Mexico since with promotors citing safety fears as the reason.

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Name: Tyson Jackson

Age: 24

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Barbados/Black

Appearance: http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/8224/m105o.jpg

Ring Style: Technician

Finisher: The Barbados Stretch

Stats: Good tech skills, anything else is up to you.


Bio: Tyson Jackson is a skilled technical wrestler who hails from Barbados. Unlike the majority of his contemperaries from the Carabbian(Sp?) Tyson has shyed away from playing the stereotypical guy from the islands and instead prefers to coldly and technically dismantle his opponents

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Name: Rasta Riley

Age: 20

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: American

Appearance: A white boy rasta wannabe http://www.nothingbutcostumes.com/images/rascos/1220.jpg

Ring Style: Spot Monkey

Finisher: Up In Smoke (Crossbody off the Top Rope) The Dread Lock (Inverted Figure 4 Leg Lock)

Skills: Average level in all the top row stats. High in charisma but low in mic skills.

Bio: The so called "Rasta Warrior", Rasta Riley is a trust fund baby from the upper crust of Connecticut. At age 18, he moved out to Jamaica with a few of his other rich buddies and began living the Rastafarian lifestyle. When that got boring, he heard about the Tropical Grapple Kingdom in Puerto Rico and began wrestling opening level matches for them.


Never a popular figure in or outside the ring, most people would rather laugh at Riley rather than pay attention to the fact he is fairly talented for such a young age.


The question is, is Riley dedicated enough to professional wrestling or will he get bored and move on to his next fad?

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Name: Ghede Danto

Age: 30

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Black

Nationality: Haitian

Appearance: Black, bald head, white face paint, beads around neck

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: Voodoo Curse (Sitout Piledriver)

Skills: High in brawling, charisma, acting and menace

Bio: Carlos Vega was a pretty bland wrestler who for years had bounced around a number of smaller independent promotions. Tropical Grapple Kingdom gave him a tryout dark match and liked what they saw but still had a problem with his blandness. Vega went back to his Haitian roots and came up with the gimmick of Ghede Danto, a Haitian Voodoo Loa (a voodoo spirit prayed to). Ghede Danto is the Voodoo Loa of the Sphere of Death.


From the minute he stepped foot in TGK, Ghede Danto has caused fear and terror in the promotion. His entrance to the ring sends chills up and down your spine. The "tormentor of souls" will continue his path of suffering until he realises his goal of holding the promotions main title.

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NAME:Gary Guillermo: Crimson Wave

AGE: 25

SIZE: Middleweight




RING STYLE: Luchador

FINISHER: The Red Tide (Moonsault)

SKILLS: Mediocre in everything, slightly higher in Charisma.

BIO: Gary Guillermo has been a longtime name in the indy circuit. However it hasn't always been a good name. In the beginning he was a fat out of shape comedy Luchador. In interviews all he would do is yell out his ring name "Crimson Waaaaaaaave!". He was completely atrocious in the ring, his pure bulk keeping him from performing well.


in 2010 a ring injury led to him taking time off. In his time away from the ring he has dropped weight and improved his skills. Once returning to the ring he is now dedicated to becoming a star and the Wave has a new-found focus.

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Name: Marco Rivera

Age: 22

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican

Nationality: Puerto Rico

Appearance: C0cky grin and short black hair combed up.

Ring Style: Entertainer

Finisher: Welcome to Puerto Rico (Running Powerbomb dropped over the knees)

Skills: Extremely charismatic with above average all round skills.

Bio: Marco Rivera "The Puerto Rican Prince" as he calls himself, is a c0cky young man from San Juan and considers himself the hottest prospect in his homeland of Puerto Rico. It looks like he may have caught the eye of Carlos Mora Sr. Owner of Tropical Grapple Kingdom Puerto Rico premier wrestling promotion.

After sending video's and photos of himself to Mora, Rivera finally worked a dark match for TGK. After the match it is said the brash Rivera looked at Mora and stated "Come on Carlos! Just look at me, I'm The Prince of Puerto Rico! You have to sign me because I'm just, that, good".

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Name: Juan Columbus

Age: 28

Size: Heavyweght

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: American

Appearance: Explorer garb and other cheesy Christobol Columbus get up

Ring Style: Entertainer

Finisher: Land Ho! (Snakes eyes on the turnbuckle)

Skills: In ring nothing to write home about, but decent mic skills.

Bio: Juan Columbus is an explorer, an adventurer and most of all a true gentleman. A decedent of the great explorer Christopher Columbus, Juan too explores new frontiers in the name of adventure. Juan's latest conquest in the Puerto Rican company Tropical Grapple Kingdom, where he assist the resident king in vanquishing evils of the land, as any good explorer should.


At least, that is the off the wall character played by Erick Davis. Davis was once just another indy wrestler with nothing to separate him when he came up with the Columbus character. While still just a face whipping boy, it is clear his creativity and charisma may be enough to take him somewhere in this wacky world of wrestling.

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Name: Dredd real name: Cal Ryder

Age: 48

Size: Big Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Texan

Nationality: Texan

Appearance: Dredd is an aging brawler is face has suffered the ravages of too many hardcore brawls, coupled with years of alochol abuse. His once luscious black locks have widow peaked badly, though his refuses to admit and still lets his hair sit at shoulder level. His full beard is now more grey than black.

Ring Style: Straight-Up Brawler

Finisher: Concrete Piledriver

Stats: A+ Menace; High camera skills. Good psych. Decent brawling stats. Nil tech. Nil Flying. Low Sex appeal.


Cal Ryder was once a highly promising prospect, dominating opponents on the Texas Independent circuit in the late 80's/early 90's with his powerful style. Scaring children with his menacing stare and captivating audiences with his wonderful words. "The Monster" had a breakthrough earning work with a major japanese promotion, but a major knee injury on his farewell, curtailed his career. He was sent in the a downward spiral living on scotch, vicodin and loose woman. And working what shows he could between knee and back injuries.

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Name: Tyree Mosca

Age: 24

Size: Middle weight.

Ethnicity: African American

Nationality: USA

Appearance: Stocky, about 5 foot 10. Medium sized Afro. Wears colorful bandana. Happy look on his face. Very Baby face in look and attitude.

Ring Style: High Flyer.

Finisher: Springboard moonsault

Stats:Great flying and flash. solid chain wrestling. All other stats around D or so.

Good selling and safe in the ring.


Bio: Tyree was born down in Tampa and spent his youth running the beaches with his bodybuilder dad. His father took him to his first wrestling show at the tender age of 10 and after that it was love at first sight. Tyree took to the sport as few do. His great passion and drive would win over his father's objections and led him to working the local indie scene, finding any place to train and learn the craft.


Tyree's natural athletic ability combined with his bodybuilding gave him great strength in his legs and now Tyree uses those mighty muscles to fly through the air and lay out his opponents. Tyree is a bit reckless in the ring as he loves to be as flashy and stylish as he can be. His favorite moves are using a chair to launch himself either over the top rope or using it as a springboard to crash into someone in the corner. This style is tough on the body and even though Tyree knows that, he can't help but try to pop the crowds and wow his fans.

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Name: Piteraq

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Muscular

Skills: More athletic than entertaining

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Canadian/Inuit


Piteraq has taken his name from the Greenlandic chilly, strong and sometimes devastating winds, which can reach up to 80 m/s in wind speed. Piteraq's name reflects not only his Inuit heritage, but also his intense and powerful wrestling style.


Despite Puerto Rico's being a tremendously exotic place for an Inuit, or maybe because, it seems like the TGK has a new upcoming attraction in Piteraq. He may take the fans by storm...

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Name: Rico McAllister

Age: 24

Size: Middle weight.

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: Puerto Rican

Appearance: Colourful and flashy. Has a short black afro. Has no facial hair

Ring Style: Cruiserweight

Finisher: Welcome To The Islands! (Shooting Star DDT)

Stats:High Charisma, Flashiness, Sex Appeal, Star Quality and Aerial Stats, Average in everthing else.

Face Gimmick: Patriot

Heel Gimmick: Show Stealer

Alter Ego: Rico (used in TGK)


Bio: Rico McAllister (often shorted to Rico) is one of Puerto Rico's flashiest, sexiest & patriotic wrestlers. A fan of pro wrestling, Rico trained to become a wrestler, making his debut at 17 for the now defunct Electrical Wire Pro Grappling Company, where he was one of the company's main heels during his five year-tenure, winning two EWPGC Shockwave titles and being the final man to hold the title.


As long as he stays away from injury (his career was once held back after a botched Springboard Moonsault to the outside, resulting in a severe concussion), which is risky given his style of wrestling, he should have no problem being one of Tropical Grapple Kingdom's main wrestlers in a few years.

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