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WWE 2012: Attitude Adjustment

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* Smackdown scored a 4.39 on Syfy. This is down from last week's 4.65.


* Dark Matches were highlighted by the Usos versus Johnny Curtis and Alex Riley as well as Michael McGillicutty against Yoshi Tatsu. Given McGillicutty's recent promo it seems he's over his ring rust coming back from injury.





* The WWE has come to terms with a few Legends for them to act in a myriad of ways. Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham have signed on as Road Agents and possibly part time trainers in FCW. In a surprising move, following a weekend of meetings, Vince McMahon has convinced John Layfield to return to the company in an undetermined position.


* House Shows earned $166,666 this week.





* Winter (Katrina Walters, ie Katie Lea) no-showed TNA's Genesis PPV where she was slated to fight for the Knockouts Title. Thus far no word on why.


*Being that we're a week away from the Royal Rumble not only is the Road to Wrestlemania beginning, but the annual 2 months of activity for the Undertaker is closing in. Sources tell us that the plan for the Deadman will give him someone he's never faced before on the biggest stage of them all. But is it someone who can legitimately challenge the streak?

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Royal Rumble Contract Signing Live on Raw


WWE Champion CM Punk is headed on a collision course with Interim General Manager John Laurinaitis' hand picked champion Dolph Ziggler this Sunday at the Royal Rumble. But before the WWE Champion and his cocky opponent locks up at the Royal Rumble they must sign their contract which they will live on Raw. With only 6 days away from their epic WWE Championship match at the Royal Rumble what will happen when Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk sit down to sign their contract? Mr. John Laurinaitis has promised to be on hand, there could be fireworks.


Speaking of John Laurinaitis the Interim GM is throwing his muscle around yet again. In recent weeks Kane has been terrorizing the WWE Universe all in an attempt to get John Cena to admit and embrace his inner hatred. John Cena has thus far resisted but will that change this week? By order of the GM John Laurinaitis John Cena will face Smackdown superstar The Big Show. Kane is sure to be lurking about somewhere will there finally be an explosion from the leader of Ce-Nation?


Finally last Friday on the live edition of Smackdown from the UK Shane McMahon once again made a shocking appearance on a WWE broadcast when during the main event. "The Money" has still not addressed the WWE Universe and we still don't know what "the end" is. Will Shane finally show up on Raw this week or will the guessing game continue?


The 25th Anniversary of the Royal Rumble is THIS SUNDAY! Don't Miss Raw SuperShow LIVE This Monday on USA Network!


Confirmed Matches:


The Big Show vs John Cena

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/rawheader.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

[A video is shown of last week’s Monday Night RAW, specifically focusing on the matches between John Cena and Dolph Ziggler, and CM Punk versus Kane]</p><p> </p><p>

---------------</p><p> </p><p>

[Once the opening theme plays the customary pyro and welcome by the announcers gives way to the WWE Champion who is sitting cross legged in the middle of the ring, a single spotlight illuminating him in the darkened arena.]</p><p> </p><p>

Punk: "If John Laurinaitis has his way, one week from tonight when Monday Night RAW comes on the air, I will no longer be the WWE Champion. Last week he planned to make Big Daddy Goon the special referee to screw me. I’m sure he’s got something up his sleeve for tonight when we do this fancy contract signing. But at the end of the day, all little Johnny’s promises and all little Johnny’s plans mean absolutely zero. </p><p> </p><p>

"They mean zero because no matter what he thinks or says or does, he cannot take away the fact that when it comes to professional wrestling I am the best in this business. In this company, in any company, I am the pinnacle of our industry. It’s something I pride myself on. The symbolism of the moment should not escape our illustrious General Manager, nor should it escape my opponent this Sunday. </p><p> </p><p>

"This spotlight I’m sitting in is the culmination of over a decade of literally blood, sweat, and tears. For every person who ever encouraged me to reach this point in my career I had twenty who told me to my face that it would never happen for me. I would never reach the WWE. I would never be the WWE Champion. I would, to put a fine point on it, piss away my career and waste my time. But the lesson is, if I’d listened to those people, people like John Laurinaitis, I wouldn’t be sitting here in front of thousands in attendance and millions watching at home. I’ve made a life out of beating the odds and overcoming everything in my path.</p><p> </p><p>

"Now every week, RAW gains new viewers so it’s possible that some of you are watching right now and don’t know who I am so allow me to introduce myself. My name is CM Punk. I am the WWE Champion. I am also the greatest wrestler in the world. And I promise you, and everyone in the sound of my voice that one week from tonight I’m going to be back in this ring, holding this belt above my head, and there isn’t a damn thing anyone….anyone can do about it.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox vs Cody Rhodes and Beth Phoenix</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Match starts off with the divas in the ring and Alicia takes a beating from Beth. She constantly tries to reach Ryder but Beth is too much and is working on her neck and back area. Finally Beth makes an error when she whips Alicia into a turnbuckle and makes a running clothesline attempt. Alicia moves out of the way and Beth crashes chest first into the buckle and knocks the wind out. This gives Alicia a chance to tag in Ryder which brings in Rhodes. </p><p> </p><p>

Rhodes and Ryder trade holds until a poke to the eye gives Rhodes the upper hand. He starts pounding down Ryder and attempts illegal roll ups. Finally Ryder gains some momentum but that is stopped when Beth distracts the ref allowing Rhodes to hit a low blow. He sets up for the Cross-Rhodes but Alicia, with the ref distracted, runs in and delivers a low kick of her own. This brings in Beth and all four fight it out. </p><p> </p><p>

Beth throws Alicia out and is met face to face with Zack Ryder. She tries to distract him as Rhodes sneaks up from behind but Ryder sees it coming, sidesteps Rhodes who crashes into Beth. With Beth down the IC and US Champions go to the floor and Beth watches from the ring and never sees Alicia slip in from behind and roll her up for the 1..2...3.</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Beth glares furiously as Alicia signals to her waist that the Diva's title is hers just 6 days from now at the Royal Rumble</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners: Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox</strong></p><p> </p><p>

---------------</p><p> </p><p>

[A replay of Brodus Clay’s attack on R-Truth last week is shown. ] </p><p> </p><p>

---------------</p><p> </p><p>

[The camera finds Brodus Clay backstage with the Miz. The Miz hands Clay a zipped duffle bag]</p><p> </p><p>

Miz: “Don’t bother counting it, it’s all there. I want you to consider it a down payment though. If you can put R-Truth out of commission so he misses the Royal Rumble, or even better, has to retire, I’ll pay you ten times that much.”</p><p> </p><p>

Clay: [looking at the bag] “Pleasure doing business with you.”</p><p> </p><p>

Miz: “Just remember, he can’t make it to the Rumble this Sunday.”</p><p> </p><p>

Clay: “Yea yea, no problem. You won’t have to worry about him at all.”</p><p> </p><p>

[The Miz walks off, all smiles, but when he’s gone, Clay’s demeanor shows he dislikes the Miz as much as anyone else—money or no money]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>R-Truth vs Brodus Clay</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Clay is introduced first but on his way down the ramp, R-Truth runs up behind him with a chair and whacks him across the back. Clay merely stumbles down the ramp but when he turns to face his attacker, Truth swings for the fences and hits him in the head, knocking him down. Truth has a wild look in his eyes, shouting about ‘blood money’ as he continues to slam the chair down into Clay. Referees finally pull him away and disarm him. The referee of record in the match rules Truth to be disqualified as Clay rolls to his knees, cold eyes staring down Truth.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by Disqualification: Brodus Clay</strong></p><p> </p><p>

---------------</p><p> </p><p>

[The Smackdown Rebound is shown, reminding everyone of last week’s main event which ended with the Big Show knocking out Daniel Bryan by punching him through a chair.]</p><p> </p><p>

---------------</p><p> </p><p>

[Wade Barrett comes out from the back with a microphone in hand. He sneers at the crowd as he steps into the ring and grabs a chair. He sits down in the middle of the ring and looks up at the Wrestlemania 28 logo before speaking]</p><p> </p><p>

Barrett: "This Sunday is the Royal Rumble, the start of the road to Wrestlemania. At stake is a chance to be in the main event at the biggest stage of them all to challenge for the world championship of the winner's choice. Make no mistake about it when the dust clears this Sunday I will be the one making that choice. </p><p> </p><p>

"When people talk about the Royal Rumble we hear alot of numbers. Last year it was about how the match was expanded to 40 WWE superstars, this year its about how we're back to 30. We hear about the importance of drawing #30 versus drawing #1. We hear about how many people are eliminated and how long a superstar lasts. But there is only one number I bloody care about: 11.</p><p> </p><p>

"11 represents the number of past Royal Rumble winners who went onto Wrestlemania and won the championship of their choice. 11 WWE superstars have entered that match and won it all at the biggest show of them all. You see I don't give a damn whether I am #1 or #30. I don't care if I eliminate 1 guy or 29 guys. All that matters to me is that I am the last man standing at the conclusion of that match this Sunday and I will do whatever it takes to make that my reality. </p><p> </p><p>

"So take a good look at who is sitting before you tonight WWE Universe and get ready. I will win the Royal Rumble match this Sunday, I will go to Wrestlemania and 13 may be an unlucky number, but 12 is the new number of destiny - I guarantee it."</p><p> </p><p>

[barrett drops the mic, gets up from the chair and walks to the back]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sheamus vs Jack Swagger w/Vicky Guererro</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Both men try and out-strong the other but neither gain an advantage until Vicky tries to trip Sheamus. He chases her around the ring but he runs right into a clothesline from Swagger. Swagger dominates for the next couple of minutes but when he telegraphs a corner charge Sheamus makes him pay with a boot to the face, followed by a double arm smash. Swagger is dropped by a series of clotheslines and when he gets to his feet he’s looking a little disoriented. Sheamus charges in but Swagger backdrops him over the top rope. Sheamus holds onto the ropes and plants himself on the apron. When Swagger turns he swings for the fences which Sheamus ducks. Sheamus grabs him with his back turned and ties him into the ropes and with the crowd chanting along, smacks his forearm into Swagger’s chest ten times. Swagger is released from the ropes and staggers to the middle of the ring. When he turns, he catches the Brough Kick in the mouth. That gives Sheamus a 1-2-3.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Sheamus</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

[A replay is shown of the finish of the previous match with Sheamus gaining a victory over Jack Swagger]</p><p> </p><p>

---------------</p><p> </p><p>

Michael Cole: “Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re less than a week away from the Royal Rumble and what a night it’s going to be. First and foremost the Royal Rumble match itself. Remember that whoever wins the battle royal will call their shot for WrestleMania 28.” </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/rrmatch.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Lawler: “And which champion will they face? Will they be the same champions coming out as we had going in?”</p><p> </p><p>

Michael Cole: “I think we’re going to see both championships change hands. “</p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Lawler: “That’s a pretty bold prediction.”</p><p> </p><p>

Michael Cole: “It’s an intelligent prediction. There is no way that Daniel Bryan can weather the storm of the Big Show in a Last Man Standing match. </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/rrworldchampionship.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

And there is equally no chance for CM Punk to overcome everything that’s lined up against him in his title defense against Daniel Bryan.”</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/rrwwetitle.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Lawler: “I agree that both champions have a lot to overcome but I wouldn’t count against either of them.”</p><p> </p><p>

Michael Cole: “And we haven’t even talked about the Divas Championship. </p><p>

Alicia Fox as we saw tonight is in for a long night when Beth Phoenix gets her hands on her one on one.”</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/rrdivastitle.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Lawler: “It’s been longer than I can remember since anyone has frustrated and flustered the Divas Champion. Alicia Fox might have a chance if she gets Beth off her game.”</p><p> </p><p>

Michael Cole: “One thing is for sure. This Sunday night will begin the Road to WrestleMania and as we see each year, nothing ever goes according to plan.”</p><p> </p><p>

---------------</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The camera finds John Laurinaitis in his office when David Ortunga walks in.]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Laurinaitis: “David, are all the arrangements made for tonight?”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Otunga: “Yes Sir. I’ve got every security guard in the building making sure Punk and Ziggler don’t get within fifty feet of each other until the ceremony.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Laurinaitis: “Excellent. And the other arrangement?”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Otunga: “All taken care of. If things go like you predict it’ll be child’s play.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Laurinaitis: “Punk says I’m out to get him, but the truth is, his mouth is his own worst enemy.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

---------------</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Drew McIntyre w/William Regal vs Alex Riley</strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

McIntyre seems possessed by an aggressive streak we haven’t seen before. Attacking Riley before the bell, he rams his shoulder through the turnbuckles into the post. With William Regal barking orders outside, McIntyre goes to work on the shoulder, bad enough that the referee checks with Riley to see if he wants to quit but he won’t. McIntyre seems to be almost enjoying this. Riley attempts to gain some momentum following a standing dropkick and backdrop but his shoulder slows him down. McIntyre goes in for the kill, hitting a gut wrench suplex, then bounding off the ropes to kick Riley in the head. Finally he puts Riley on his stomach, and locks in the Regal Stretch while its inventor looks on with a cruel smile. Riley has no option but to tap.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Winner: DrewMcIntyre</strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">COMMERCIAL BREAK</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

[A graphic is shown to hype the main event on Friday Night Smackdown. The World Champion Daniel Bryan goes up against the maniacal Kane]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/sdpromoweek4.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

---------------</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

[A video is shown to hype the upcoming match at Wrestlemania XXVIII]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><a href="" rel=""><strong><object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTdv9QAcnRk?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTdv9QAcnRk?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object></strong></a></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

---------------</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

[John Cena is shown walking down the hallways, looking very focused—his match versus the Big Show is next!]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">COMMERCIAL BREAK</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>John Cena vs The Big Show</strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

The Big Show begins the match by trying to end it in once punch, getting a glancing blow on Cena, causing him to back off quickly. Show tries to corner him but Cena avoids him and bounds off the ropes to shoulder block the big man but it has no affect. When Cena tries again, Show clotheslines him with little effort. For the next few minutes Cena is on the receiving end of punishment ranging from open hand chop slaps to the chest to having a 450lb man stand on you. Cena rolls to the outside for a breather but the Big Show follows him. Show charges Cena when he’s resting against the post but Cena moves and he rams head first. Cena takes advantage staggering Show backwards with some big right hands. Show shoves Cena away with one hand to clear some space but Cena hops onto the apron then flies off with a clothesline which knocks Show backwards into the announcer’s table, collapsing it backwards. Cena climbs back into the ring, and watches the referee begin his count.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

[suddenly Kane appears on the Titantron, sitting in what appears to be a maintenance room. Cena turns his attention from the Big Show on the outside to Kane]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Kane: “John, I hope I’m not interrupting you. Sitting down here I can hear the whole arena exploding with every punch, every kick. They’re really into this match, but as always they’re not into you. Look beyond the ten year olds wearing your shirt or the middle aged women who think you’re so handsome. Focus on everyone else and listen to them John. Their hatred for you is palpable. They chant Cena…sucks. They think Cena…sucks. They believe Cena…sucks. And yet you say you can rise above the hate? I think you’re fooling yourself just like you fool yourself in thinking you’re going to win the Royal Rumble this Sunday. I promise you two things for this Sunday. You will not be the winner of the Royal Rumble and you will finally embrace the hate. See you Sunday.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Cena shakes his head and turns to finish his match but what he didn’t see was the Big Show standing right behind him. When he turns, he catches a huge right hand to the jaw and drops unconscious. Show makes the cover and gets the victory.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Winner: The Big Show</strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">COMMERCIAL BREAK</span></strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

[John Laurinaitis is in the ring along with a table and two chairs. He calls Dolph Ziggler down to the ring and the challenger arrives with Vicky Guerrero. He then calls down the WWE Champion and CM Punk is nowhere to be seen. He calls for him again and once more, the champion is absent. Finally as Laurinaitis is set to ask for a third time, clearly looking agitated, Cult of Personality hits and the crowd goes wild. Punk comes down to the ring, holding the belt above his head with one arm and both competitors take a seat.]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Laurinaitis: “Gentlemen, the contract there on the table has been checked over by me and my chief legal counsel, David Otunga. The terms are simple. CM Punk will defend his WWE Championship against Dolph Ziggler. The title can only change hands via pinfall or submission. Punk, as Champion I’d like you to sign first.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

[Punk glances at the GM, then Ziggler dismissively. Picking up the pen he signs his name on the contract.]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Laurinaitis: “Thank you. Mr. Ziggler, if you would sign as well.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

[Ziggler makes a flamboyant show of signing his name. Once he signs he flicks the pen at Punk, causing both men to shoot to their feet, nose to nose]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Laurinaitis: “There you have it ladies and gentlemen. At the Royal Rumble it will be WWE Champion CM Punk defending against future WWE Champion Dolph Ziggler!”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

[Punk has finally had enough. He bolts from his side of the table and grabs Laurinaitis by his suit lapels. With Punk’s attention diverted, Ziggler flips the table over to find an aluminum baseball bat strapped to the bottom of the table. He retrieves it and swings for the back of Punk’s left knee. Punk crumples, holding his leg. Ziggler moves in, jabbing Punk in the ribs with the end of the bat. Finally he turns Punk on his stomach, and places the bat under his chin, choking him. Punk futilely reaches for the ropes as if that will save him but Ziggler is intent, screaming ‘go to sleep’ over and over. Even Vicky Guerrero looks concerned as the show goes off the air with Punk passing out.]</strong></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/pwinsiderlogo.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Raw Report</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

*Dark matches saw the Briscoes defeat Primo and Epico as well as a rare female triple threat match in which Lufiso defeated Cheerleader Melissa and Allison Danger.</p><p> </p><p>

*Raw scored a 7.63, up from last week’s 7.14 which is a good sign headed into the Royal Rumble.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>News & Notes</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

* Three well known names have called it a career. Harley Race, DDP, and Rick Steiner will all be walking away from the business by the end of February.</p><p> </p><p>

* Mark Henry will not be able to compete this week in the Rumble. However expect some surprises.</p><p> </p><p>

* The Undertaker's opponent has been selected and when its revealed many fans will both surprised and excited. It's a first time match up at WM and and WWE is hoping it will be a show stealer</p><p> </p><p>

* Backstage, the heel turn of the Usos was met with high marks and several members of the creative team feel they have a lot of potential in their new roles.</p><p> </p><p>

* Don't be shocked to see a Sheamus and Swagger feud down the road. Their match was one of the best on Raw and they enjoy working together.</p>

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Don't Miss The Final SmackDown Before The Royal Rumble This Sunday!


Last Week on Smackdown The Big Show took his feud with World Champion Daniel Bryan to another disgusting level by openly stalking and mocking Bryan's girlfriend, AJ, before assaulting D-Bry. With just two days until Daniel Bryan defends the World Heavyweight Championship against the Big Show Bryan must first square off with the evil and twisted Kane. How will Bryan focus on his opponent this week when his match with the Big Show looms over him and will the Big Show get involved?


In two days at the Royal Rumble Dolph Ziggler will challenge WWE Champion CM Punk for the WWE title in a heated contest but first he must come to SmackDown. 2 days before the Royal Rumble Vickie Guerrero will bring her charges, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger, to SmackDown to team up against Sheamus & R-Truth.


At the Royal Rumble Wade Barrett promises to leave the Rumble as the #1 Contender for the championship of his choice. In recent weeks he has laid waste to anyone standing in his way with his own Barrett's Barrage. This Friday on Smackdown Wade Barrett will go one-on-one with Santino. Will Santino be another victim of the Barrett Barrage as it steam rolls to the Royal Rumble and perhaps Wrestlemania?


Finally just two days before he steps into the Royal Rumble Match, Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, will appear on Smackdown. The smug and arrogant champion will defend his Intercontinental Championship against Yoshi Tatsu. Will Rhodes head to the Royal Rumble with momentum or will his road to Wrestlemania begin with a pothole on Smackdown?


The Royal Rumble is This Sunday Live On Pay Per View. Don't Miss Smackdown this Friday on SyFy!


Confirmed Matches:


Kane vs Daniel Bryan


R-Truth and Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger


Santino Marella vs Wade Barrett


Intercontinental Championship

Yoshi Tatsu vs Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes

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[A video plays to open the show, highlighting last week’s episode, specifically the Big Show knocking out World Champion Daniel Bryan]




Michael Cole: “Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown. I’m Michael Cole alongside Booker T. Booker, tonight we have a main event that could headline any event, World Champion Daniel Bryan against the Big Red Monster, Kane.”


Booker T: “Cole, Kane seems like he’s been on a mission since he returned and it usually centers around John Cena but he’s in the house tonight and Daniel Bryan better be careful just two days away from a Last Man Standing match versus the Big Show.”


Michael Cole: “In addition to that big match we have a huge tag team match tonight. Sheamus teams with R-Truth to take on Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler.”


Booker T: “Ziggler will try and win the WWE title this Sunday but he better be focused of Sheamus will kick his teeth down his throat.”


Michael Cole: “I don’t think you can say try and win. His attack on CM Punk on Monday gives him a clear advantage over the WWE Champion.”


Booker T: “Don’t count CM Punk out of anything. Matter of fact….”




[The announcers’ banter is interrupted by a familiar song]


<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CZ8_B805Bw?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CZ8_B805Bw?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>



[The Miz strolls down to the ring]


Miz: “We are two days away from me getting my career right back where I belong, and that is the main event of WrestleMania. I am going to walk out of the Royal Rumble the number one contender to whichever championship I choose and it doesn’t matter what number I am assigned. I am the greatest athlete this company has ever seen. I am the greatest wrestler this company has ever seen. And I was damn sure the greatest champion of all time. At the WrestleMania I will reclaim what's mine. At the Royal Rumble I will show that I am the best Superstar in this business and tonight, I’ll just prove it one more time.”




The Miz vs Ted Dibiase


Miz attacks Dibiase before he’s even though the ropes. Controlling the opening moments Miz makes sure he keeps telling Dibiase how great he is but Dibiase manages to shut him up when he reverses a whip into the corner and sends Miz in chest first. Staggering back to the middle of the ring, Miz is knocked flat by a perfectly placed dropkick. Dibiase presses his advantage hitting a swinging neckbreaker followed by a knee drop to the Miz’s forehead. Miz rolls out of the ring for a breather and when Dibiase follows, Miz surprises him with a knee in the gut, then rams him face first into the post. Miz gets him back in the ring, then waits for Dibiase to stand before hitting the Skull-Crushing Finale.


Winner: The Miz






[backstage Alicia Fox is signing a few autographs when Natalya approaches her]


Alicia: “And what do you want?”


Natalya: “Calm down, I come in peace. I wanted to give you some credit. You’re driving Beth crazy and I think you have a really good chance to beat her on Sunday. If you do, I’d like to challenge you for that title.”


Alicia: “I’d be a pleasure to defend and retain against someone like you.”


Natalya: “See, that’s why you’re actually not going to win. You can’t keep focused.”


[Natalya takes several steps back, then from behind Beth Phoenix attacks Alicia, knocking her to the floor with a forearm, and then both of the Divas of Doom begin stomping her. Beth straddles Fox and begins to slam her head into the floor as officials converge on them and separate them.]

Beth: “I’m going to make you cry little girl! This Sunday you aren’t walking out with my title, you’ll be lucky if you can even walk out!”


[Officials tend to Alicia who looks to be in considerable pain]




Wade Barrett vs Santino Marella


From the initial tie up its apparent Barrett is in a foul mood. He takes every advantage and every dirty tactic to keep control. Marella can barely get in an offensive attack while Barrett is suffocating in his attacks and power. Half way through the match Barrett is almost toying with him. He throws Santino over the top rope, collects him from the outside, rolls him back in only to do it all again as if practicing for the Royal Rumble. Finally he puts him out of his misery with a big lariat clothesline for the 1-2-3.


Winer: Wade Barrett




[backstage Eden is standing by with Drew McIntyre and William Regal]


Eden: “Drew McIntyre, a few weeks ago you were on the verge of being fired and lately you seem to have caught fire. To what do you attribute your newfound winning streak?”


[McIntyre is about to reply when Regal intercedes]


Regal: “Let me answer that Ms…I don’t even know who you are. Standing here with us is the chosen one. The man who when it’s all over will go down as the greatest this business has ever known. What he has been lacking is the motivation to seize upon his talents. He no longer lacks that motivation which makes him a very, very dangerous individual. I promise you and everyone else that by the end of the night this coming Sunday, everyone will know who Drew McIntyre is and everyone will have reason to fear.”






[A video is shown to remind the audience of the vicious attack on the World Tag Team Chamoions, Air Boom by the Usos.]




[backstage, Eden is standing by with stern looking man]


Eden: “I’m here with WWE Medical Coordinator Doctor Michael Joseph.

Doctor, what update can you give us on Air Boom?”


Joseph: “Eden, both Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne have gone through a battery of tests and I can tell you all X-Rays were negative but both suffered extensive injuries.”


Eden: “Will they be able to participate at the Royal Rumble?”


Joseph: “Absolutely not. I don’t think we have a timetable for them yet.”


Eden: “Thank you Doctor. Michael, back to you.”




Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger vs Sheamus and R-Truth


Ziggler begins against Sheamus and the Irishman’s strength quickly causes him to tag out. Swagger has more luck and controls the early moments along with Ziggler with quick tags but when R-Truth gets a hot tag, he begins to clean house. He sends Swagger into the corner, then puts him on the top rope, before hitting a superplex. Truth doesn’t have much time to celebrate as Ziggler enters the ring, causing Sheamus to enter. The referee stops Sheamus allowing Ziggler to hit the Zig Zag on Truth. He’s smirking for the moment before something catches his eye and he quickly hops from the ring and runs up the ramp. We soon see why he’s running---CM Punk hops the barricade amongst the fans, baseball bat in hand. He chases Ziggler up the ramp and into the back. Sheamus is begging for the tag and just as Swagger gets to his feet he lunges to stop Truth but Truth makes the tag. Sheamus is back in and flattens Swagger with two big clotheslines before nailing the Brough Kick for the victory.


Winners: Sheamus and R-Truth






[A video is shown of what happened in the previous match with CM Punk, baseball bat in hand, chasing Dolph Ziggler into the backstage area and following him out of sight]




[The RAW Rewind is shown highlighting the match between John Cena and the Big Show, Kane’s interruption, and the big knockout punch.]




[The Big Show is alone backstage, the only object in his dressing room is a punching bag]


Show: “Daniel Bryan is a little coward .”


[A thudding right hand]


Show: “Daniel Bryan is going to get knocked out this Sunday.”


[A hammering left hook]


Show: “Daniel Bryan…is dead meat.”


[He hits it again with a right hand that the bag becomes detached from the ceiling. He stands over the bag, staring at it]




[backstage Sheamus, still happy from his win, comes face to face with Wade Barrett]


Barrett: “You better enjoy tonight because you won’t be celebrating on Sunday.”


Sheamus: “You know Barrett, for someone who talks tough and acts tough, I’ve seen little boys like you before. Deep down you’re afraid.”


Barrett: “And what exactly am I supposed to be afraid of?”


Sheamus: “I’ll tell you what you’re….oh…hey Randy.”


[barrett swings around, his face giving away his fear of who might be behind him but there is no one there. When Barrett turns back to face Sheamus, the Great White can’t stop smiling.]


Sheamus: “Nah, I’m sure you’re right. Not afraid of a thing.”


[sheamus walks away, leaving Barrett scowling]






Intercontinental Championship

Cody Rhodes © vs Yoshi Tatsu


Cody doesn’t seem to be taking is challenger seriously until Yoshi ducks a clothesline and swings around with a chop that floors Rhodes. An expression half anger and half embarrassment comes over Cody’s face and from that point it’s all business. The two put on a very entertaining back and forth match with each man answering the other, move for move, counter for counter. Rhodes finally seizes control when he dodges Yoshi’s top rope dropkick attempt, then quickly hits Cross Rhodes for the victory.


Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes




[Ezekiel Jackson is walking backstage when he’s ambushed by Mark Henry. Henry smacks him across the back with a chair, then floors him with a clothesline. After a few stomps, he picks up Jackson and rams his head first into the wall. Henry doesn’t allow Jackson to fall though. Instead he scoops him up and delivers a World’s Strongest Slam through a table. As officials rush to break up the altercation Henry is just smiling…until Teddy Long comes on the scene.]


Long: “That’s it! I will not have you doing whatever you want, whenever you want.”


Henry: “What’re you gonna do about it?”


Long: “I”ll tell you what I’m gonna do about it. You are suspended from the Royal Rumble playa! And don’t think you’re gonna put your hands on me because if you do…you’re fired. You feel me?”


[Henry throws a complete fit but restrains himself..barely…from grabbing Long before storming away, leaving Long looking nervous as if he wasn’t sure if his threat would stop Henry and thankful it did.]




Cole: “Ladies and Gentlemen, we just received word via the Rock’s official Twitter page. Take a look at this!




Booker T: “I bet you anything this has to do with getting a little closer look at John Cena.”


Cole: “Really? Ya think?”


Booker T: “Shuddup Cole.”




[backstage Daniel Bryan and AJ are found in front of his dressing room]


Bryan: “I’m not going to argue about this AJ.”


AJ: “I don’t want you going out there alone.”


Bryan: “And I don’t want you getting in a bad situation, either with Big Show or Kane.”


[she hesitates but then nods, and gives him a kiss for good luck. He ushers her inside then turns to go to the ring looking forcused.]






Non-Title Match

Daniel Bryan vs Kane


Bryan spends the opening minutes light on his feet keeping away from a stalking Kane. His luck runs out when Kane gets a hand on him and launches him into the corner where he begins to pepper the champion with rights and lefts. Bryan deflects what he can and escapes the corner to regroup. This allows him to lure Kane into the opposite corner and when Kane charges, Bryan sidesteps then lights him up with a series of stiff sounding kicks which nearly put Kane on a knee. He shoves Bryan away and when the champion comes back in to attack, Kane grabs him by the throat and launches him over the top rope. Kane follows him outside and the when he tries to launch Bryan into the ring steps, the champion reverses it and sends Kane in, toppling the stairs over. Bryan climbs onto the apron and has thoughts of going back in to beat the count but instead he runs over and climbs to the top. When Kane gets to his feet, Bryan flies off with a cross body block flattening the Big Red Monster. Bryan slides under the rope as Kane sits up but as he’s beginning to climb in, John Cena’s music plays and he appears on the stage. Kane’s attention is drawn by a resolute Cena standing there for the taking. Kane doesn’t keep track of the referee’s count and when it reaches nine, Cena gives him a salute and walks backstage. Kane turns but it’s too late and he’s counted out.


Winner: Daniel Bryan


After the match Kane slides into the ring and floors Bryan from behind. He’s a maniac, infuriated from Cena’s trick. He slams Bryan’s face into the mat several times, then covers his mouth and nose with his hand, putting his weight on the champion’s back until the referees can pry him off.




[Teddy Long is in his office shaking his head, having watched the main event when Triple H walks in.]


Triple H: “Hey Teddy, I don’t want to bother you or anything but I need to talk to you.”


Long: “Anytime Boss, what’s up?”


Triple H: “Last week when you were over in the UK, Shane McMahon showed up out of the blue and was sitting in the stands. Did you know that was going to happen?”


Long: “No way. I was just as surprised as anyone else.”


Triple H: [nodding and motioning to the monitor] “Kane’s really out of control.”


Long: “Yea, but I’m not gonna be the one to get in his way.”


[Triple H is silent as he keeps watching Kane’s antics and the show goes to black]

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-Following in RAW's footsteps of posting a big rating this week Smackdown blew the doors off Syfy's Friday night with a 5.91 rating. The week before was only 4.39. There was a lot of smiling this morning at the pre-Rumble meeting when these numbers came in.


-Dark Matches saw Kelly Kelly and Eve defeat Ms.Chif and Sara Del Ray as well as Roderick Strong defeating Tyson Kidd.





-House Show income this week topped $151,000


-WWE continues to reach into its recent past to build the future. Both Nora Greenwald (Molly Holly) and Amy Dumas (Lita) were signed to multi faceted contracts. We are to understand they'll help train/mentor the new crop of Divas as well as do promotional aspects for the WWE.


-Mark Henry's "suspension" was just a way to mask the disappointing news that his injured groin was not quite ready. We're told there should be no issue come time for Elimination Chamber next month.


-WWE plans to re-organize their backstage personnel specifically creative team, road agents, and developmental trainers and they have been in talks with several hall of famers to come back in stints to perform those jobs. Needless to say several of the people who have been backstage for decades might be looking for work soon if the Attitude Era is returning behind the scenes.


-WWE also plans to expand their developmental structure by either opening a new company or coming to terms with a current one to compliment FCW.





-Fans should be in for quite a show this evening. The Royal Rumble always has its share of surprises but it seems the WWE has pulled out all the stops for tonight. We've been sent some phone pics by our sources of some of the big names backstage but we don't want to ruin it. Let's just say that this year's match will feature no less than 10 former World Champions (some of them are still actively employed).


-Insiders predict CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler to be the match of the night but we're hearing a quiet momentum building for Daniel Bryan and the Big Show.


-The Rock is in the building!

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Special Attraction Contest:


Predict the 30th man in the Royal Rumble and win the chance to book the ending of a match at the Elimination Chamber.


It can be anyone. Active Roster, Retired wrestler, manager, announcer, you never know who will show up.



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[A video opens the show highlighting the major stories headed in: CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan and the Big Show, Beth Phoenix and Alicia Fox, and John Cena and Kane]




[Following the pyro and panning the crowd, the camera focuses on the announcer’s table which boasts Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and a returning Josh Matthews]


Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Royal Rumble. I’m Michael Cole, beside me are Jerry The King Lawler and making his return from injury at the hands of Kane, Josh Matthews.”


Matthews: “Thank you Michael. It’s great to be back.”


Cole: “Tonight the road to WrestleMania begins and it starts in a big big way. Three title matches will set the stage for one of the most anticipated Royal Rumble matches in history.


Lawler: “And what three matches they are. We’ve watched for weeks how these six competitors have gotten to this stage.”


Matthews: “That’s right King, from the Big Show kidnapping Daniel Bryan’s girlfriend, to Alicia Fox getting under the skin of Beth Phoenix to the just plain dislike between CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler.”


Cole: “I don’t mean to interrupt you guys but I’m getting word that there is a disturbance outside the arena. Let’s go there now.”




[Outside the arena Mark Henry stomps towards the main entrance. He comes to a stop when over a dozen security guards block his path. He steps left, they step right. He steps right, they step left. Nothing he shouts or threatens makes any of them flinch. Swearing revenge on Teddy Long this Friday on Smackdown, Henry retreats but the guards stay put]




[Eden is standing by backstage with the Big Show]


Eden: “I’m here with the Big Show. In a moment you’ll be walking out to the ring for your chance to win the World Heavyweight Championship. In recent weeks you’ve done everything possible to manipulate…”


Show: “Manipulate?! Eden, that’s not that I did. I didn’t manipulate anyone. I took control of the situation. I created this opportunity for myself.”


Eden: “By kidnapping AJ and ransoming this Last Man Standing match.”


Show: “Some might see it that way. But I don’t really care what others see. I care about that title and mark my words Eden. Tonight I’m going to walk out the World Heavyweight Champion. And Daniel Bryan won’t walk out at all.”


[He moves past her, leaving her looking unsettled]




[A video is shown to remind the fans everything that’s lead up to the Last Man Standing match tonight]




World Heavyweight Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Daniel Bryan © vs The Big Show


The Big Show is all business from the beginning of the match, controlling Bryan through his strength and cutting off the ring. Bryan tries escaping his predicament by landing a series of stiff kicks to Big Show’s legs which buys him a little time. Going at the Big Show with hit and run attacks, he slows the big man down, once managing to duck out of the way of a charge into the corner and respond with a spinning heel kick which staggers the Big Show. Bryan has the momentum , however when he attempts to come off the second rope, Show catches him around the throat, and delivers a big choke slam. The referee begins to count but somehow Bryan is on his feet thanks to the ropes, on the seven count. Show moves in for the kill, leaning in and connecting with a headbutt, knocking Bryan clear through the ropes. The referee begins his count again. By seven Bryan is on his knees, and right as the referee hits nine, he reaches up and uses the bottom line to pull himself to his feet, swaying. Show grabs Bryan and pulls him up over the rope into the ring, before launching him into the corner. Show charges and avalanches the champion.


With Bryan slumped in the corner, the Big Show goes to the outside and retrieves a chair. Bryan is slowly pulling himself to his feet and the Big Show is just waiting to take his head off when AJ comes running down to the ring. She calls for Big Show to drop the chair. He tells her to get out of here. Undaunted she climbs onto the apron, then the top rope. When Show moves to get her down she throws her arms around his neck and kisses him. Shocked, he drops the chair before putting her back on the top rope with a dopey smile. What he doesn’t see is Daniel Bryan on his feet , holding the chair that he dropped. When he turns, he bends down for the chair but then realizes it isn’t there. Eyes wide, he looks up, head still bowed as Bryan brings the chair down on his skull. Show drops to a knee but out of instinct tries to hop up. Bryan hits him again, now he’s down on all fours. AJ hops off the turnbuckle and Bryan climbs to the top, chair raised above his head. When Big Show stands he jumps off and swings down, catching right right on his crown. Show falls straight back like a redwood. The referee begins his count. At eight the big show raises his head, but by nine he drops it back down to the mat.


Winner and still World Heavyweight Champion: Daniel Bryan




[As Bryan and AJ celebrate, Drew McIntyre and William Regal hi the ring. As Regal grabs AJ to hold her back, McIntyre blasts Bryan from behind. Before the Champion can figure out what’s going on McIntyre is on him, picking him up and sending him over the top. McIntyre follows and when Bryan stands he high kicks him in the temple. McIntyre goes to the corner and picks up the top of the ring steps. As AJ pleads for him to stop, McIntyre charges in when Bryan gets to his feet and floors him with a direct shot to the head. McIntyre tosses the stairs aside and stands over the unmoving champion.]




[A replay is shown of Drew McIntyre’s attack on Daniel Bryan, including several slow-mo replays of him slamming the ring steps into Bryan’s head]




[by the time the show comes back, medical personnel are attending to Bryan as AJ stands off in tears. They load him onto a stretcher out of precaution and the camera follows them taking him through the back to a waiting ambulance. Along the way people standing by offer him support and the ambulance drives away once he and AJ are loaded in the back.]




[Triple H is on his phone as he walks backstage]


Triple H: “No, I haven’t seen him yet but I know he’s here….I don’t know what I’ll do…..Steph I promise you I’ll handle it, okay? Yea, love you too.”


[He ends the call then comes to a stop. The camera holds for a second, then pans back as the Rock steps into the shot]


Triple H: “Rock.”


Rock: “Triple H, you’re looking very…corporate.”


Triple H: “Gotta dress the part I guess.”


Rock: “I know what you mean and I’m glad I ran into you. If anyone can help me, you can.”


Triple H: “What’cha need?”


Rock: “I need to know where John Cena’s dressing room is.”


Triple H: “Rock, I don’t want trouble tonight. We’ve got too much riding on WrestleMania.”


Rock: “No worries. I just want to say hello, tell him good luck.”


Triple H: [He hesitates] “it’s down the hall, sixth door on the left.”


Rock: “Thank you.” [He reaches out and straightens Triple H’s tie] “See you around.”


[The Rock walks off, while Triple H just silently watches, his lip curled slightly in a sneer]




[A video is shown of a map of the United States with all states blacked out and outlined in yellow. Slowly the state of Michigan begins to pulse, faster and faster as the camera pans in. The pulsing sounds like a heartbeat…then the state stays bright yellow and the sound of a flatline is heard before several bulletholes appear to be shot into the state moving diagonally left to right ]






[Eden is backstage with Dolph Ziggler in his dressing room. As she’s talking he’s on the floor doing pushups]


Eden: “I am here with Dolph Ziggler who is…..actively preparing for his big title match tonight against CM Punk. Now Dolph, what do you think…”


Ziggler: [stops doing pushups and sits up] “I think you ought to be quiet and let me talk. Tonight is the end for you Punk. Tonight I take your title and I head to WrestleMania as the WWE Champion. That just…sounds right, doesn’t it? Dolph Ziggler, WWE Champion. Look at me. The body, the brains, and the beauty outside the ring, [Vicky fawns]. After tonight, the CM is going to stand for Completely-Mastered…by your’s truly.”


Eden: “I..see. Back to you Michael.”




[A video is shown to remind the fans everything that’s lead up to the Divas Championship match tonight]




WW E Divas Championship

Beth Phoenix © vs Alicia Fox


Beth charges at Alicia right as the match begins but Fox dodges it and sends Beth into a turnbuckle chest first. When Beth stumbles out Alicia is there with a dropkick to her back sending Beth falling through the ropes to the floor. Alicia goes up top and does a cross body from the top rope inside the ring to the arena floor. She rolls Beth in and comes in herself and quickly ducks a clothesline from Beth and rolls her up for a quick two count. Alicia is on fire with punches to Beth but she falters when she sends Beth into the ropes and ducks down to give her a back drop. Beth uses the moment to drop Fox face first on to her knee.


From there Beth is in charge and begins to kick at Fox's back and use power moves to damage Fox's neck. She locks Fox into an stf but Alicia will not tap out and eventually makes it to the ropes. Beth drops Alicia with a powerbomb for a two count and goes up top for a moonsault. At the last second Alicia rolls out of the way and Beth crashes to the mat. Realizing this is her chance Alicia kicks at Beth and eventually sets her up for a victory roll but Beth is ready. She reaches up with Alicia on her shoulders and pulls her down by the legs, wraps Alicia's arms behind her back and lifts her up for the Glam Slam. Alicia is out and Beth covers to retain her Diva's Championship.


Winner and still WWE Divas Champion: Beth Phoenix




[A replay is shown highlighting how Beth Phoenix retained her WWE Divas Championship]




[Eden races up to Drew McIntyre and William Regal as they head to their locker room and points a mic at McIntyre]


Eden: “Drew why did you viciously attack Daniel Bryan earlier tonight?”


[McIntyre doesn't answer but Regal grabs the microphone and does]


Regal: “I'll bloody tell you why sweetheart. This man right here has been humiliated and made a fool of for far too long. Theodore Long abused his power and forced Drew McIntyre's hand. Drew did not understand how this company works so he came to me for guidance and together we are going to show all of the WWE Universe just how far Drew has been pushed. You see Drew McIntyre is tired of sitting back and waiting for his chance. He is tired of the politicians in this company and he is tired of being made a fool of. Drew McIntyre is the future of this industry..he's the reason I am still here, and Daniel Bryan just found out what happens when you cross us. Tonight we are putting Smackdown on notice: Drew McIntyre will not be denied. Now bugger off.”


[McIntyre smirks as Regal pushes Eden away and they head into the locker room and slam the door]




[beth Phoenix enters the backstage where she encounters Natalya and the Bella twins. Natalya is quick to congratulate her but the Bellas seem subdued.]


Beth: “Aren’t you going to congratulate me, girls?”


Nikki: “Uh, yea. You really dominated Beth. Great job.”


Brie: [nodding] “She never knew what hit her.”


Beth: That is the worst congratulations I’ve ever heard. I am the Glamazon and that is the response I get?!


[The Bellas look at each other when Beth strikes, slamming her title belt into Nikki’s head. Before Brie can react, Natalya is on her. Natalya swings her around and launches her over a table into some trash cans.]


Beth: “The next time I speak to you, you both better show me some respect.”


[The Divas of Doom leave, while the Bellas try and pick up the pieces]




[Eden catches up with WWE Champion, CM Punk backstage]


Eden: “CM Punk…”


Punk: [politely holds up a finger to quiet her] “You want to know about my match tonight, right? Okay, I’ll tell you about my match tonight. I am going to face a man who has everything going his way. He has the support of the man running RAW, John Laurinaitis. He has a very effective manager on the outside in Vicky Gurerrro. He’s a hell of a good wrestler but I am a better one. I am the best in the world, Eden. This year the Hall of Fame will induct the Four Horsemen and they were known as a symbol of excellence. This belt that I’m holding is my symbol of excellence. As long as I am the WWE Champion it backs up my words--Best in the world. Dolph Ziggler, deep down you think you’re going to win tonight. You think you’re headed to WrestleMania. But you won’t be there with this belt and you won’t be there at my expense. Tonight I make you *my* stepping stone and tonight I add one more notch on this belt. There’s nothing John Laurinaitis can do about it, there’s nothing that Vicky Guererro can do about it, and there is nothing..absolutely nothing…that you, Dolph, can do about it.”




[A video is shown to remind the fans everything that’s lead up to the WWE Championship match tonight]




[John Laurinaitis comes out onto the stage along with David Otunga.]


Lauinaitis: “Ladies and Gentlemen. I have an important announcement. If nothing else I am a man who believes in fairness. I believe in second chances. So my announcement tonight is that the loser of the WWE Championship match shall also be entered into tonight’s Royal Rumble for a chance to gain a rematch if he so chooses with the man who defeats him tonight.”


[Laurinaitis waves to the fans but Otunga quickly whispers something to him]


Laurinaitis: “My legal advisor reminds me that I forgot the best part of this second chance. The loser shall be entered into tonight’s Royal Rumble…as the second entrant. Thank you all!”




WWE Championship

CM Punk © vs Dolph Ziggler w/Vicky Guererro


The two men go move for move with each other in the opening minutes with neither having a decisive advantage. When Punk begins to gain control, Ziggler ditches to the outside but Punk follows and take the opportunity to whip Ziggler into the post, sending him airborne on the rebound. Punk presses his advantage, chopping and kicking Ziggler back towards the announcers table but Ziggler out of desperation picks Punk up and drops him on the table. When Punk recovers he turns right into a high kick to the head. With Vicky shouting encouragement, Ziggler rolls Punk back into the ring and spends the next several minutes working him over, getting two close pinfall attempts. Punk is barely moving as Ziggler waits for him to be in position for a Zig Zag when suddenly the classroom scene we saw in that series of videos appears on the titantron with ‘The End is Here’ playing




<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqmNVwMPdLQ?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqmNVwMPdLQ?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>


Ziggler and Vicky aren’t sure what’s happening. The crowd is on edge and then erupts as Shane McMahon comes from under the ring, kneeling outside the ring. Ziggler and Vicky have their backs turned and when Ziggler turns and sees him he runs at the ropes. Shane drops down which causes Ziggler to stop at the ropes and threaten him. Shane stares smirking and then suddenly points behind Ziggler who turns around and walks right into the arms of CM Punk who has used this distraction as a chance to recoup. Punk lifts him up and delivers the Go To Sleep. He makes the cover as the referee comes to and counts a very slow 1----2---3. Shane smiling and satisfied hops the barricade and heads back out through the crowd as CM Punk stares in shock and confusion before celebrating with his WWE Championship.


Winner and still WWE Champion: CM Punk




[A replay is shown highlighting how CM Punk took advantage of the distraction afforded by Shane McMahon to retain the WWE Championship]




[The camera finds Ricardo Rodriguez getting ready for the Royal Rumble as Del Rio barks orders and commands.]


Del Rio: “Remember, you’re out there representing me. Fighting for my WrestleMania opporuntity. Do not let me down Ricardo.”


[Rodriguez only nods quickly and keeps prepping under more barking and commands]




<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uToolQz666g?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uToolQz666g?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>




[John Cena is in his dressing room getting ready for the Royal Rumble when we hear the door open. Suddenly Cena is on his feet and when the camera pans back we see the Rock enter.]


Rock: “Calm down Fruity Pebbels, I come in peace.”


Cena: “Say what you have to say and be done with it. I’m a little busy.”


Rock: “That’s exactly why the Rock is here—to wish you good luck.”


Cena: “You serious?”


Rock: “Absolutely. As you know the winner of the Royal Rumble gets a title shot at WrestleMania but obviously you’re going to be busy getting your monkey ass whipped by the most electrifying man in all of entertainment today…so, I have it on good authority that if you win tonight, your title shot will happen at the Elimination Chamber event.


Cena: “Which means….”


Rock: “Which means that if you win at Elimination Chamber, that the biggest match of all time at WrestleMania will also have a title on the line. And the Rock will happily wish you good luck tonight and next month so that when he layeth the Smacketh Down on you at WrestleMania he walks out with the hardware to call himself once again the People’s Champ.”


Cena: “It’s a shame then that when I beat you…as I will beat you….that you’ll not be the People’s Champ, you’ll shine a little dimmer as the most electrifying man, you’ll simply be..Dwayne.”


[The two have a nose to nose staredown before the Rock takes a step back]


Rock: “See you in Miami.”


Cena: “You damn sure will.”


[The Rock leaves, with Cena staring stone faced]




[The camera finds John Laurinaitis in his office when Kevin Nash walks in, wearing his ring gear.]


Nash: “You wanted to see me?”


Laurinaitis: “Kevin, yes. I wanted to take a moment and not just wish you good luck, but encourage you to fight back. Triple H singled you out and made you the number one entrant. How would you like to see the look on his face when you survive to the end and become a number one contender?”


Nash: [grinning] “He’d have it coming.”


Laurinaitis: “Go get’em Big Daddy Cool.”


[Nash just looks at him for a moment, before giving a slight head shake and walking out]




(TBC in a 2nd Post)

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[smackdown announcer Lillian Garcia stands in the ring as the opening bell sounds]


Garcia: "Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for the Royal Rumble Match. In a moment the participants who drew numbers 1 and two will come out to begin the match. Then every two minutes thereafter another superstar will come until all 30 have entered the ring.


Elimination will occur when a WWE Superstar has been thrown over the top rope with both feet hitting the arena floor.


After all 30 have entered the last man standing will be declared the winner and will earn a championship match of his choosing at the main event of WRESTLEMANIA!!!"






#1 Kevin Nash

#2 Dolph Ziggler


Kevin Nash and Dolph Ziggler begin the match. Ziggler calls for a truce and tells Nash if they wait for the third man they can help each other survive. Nash seems open to this arrangement and they face the ramp as the countdown begins. However when it gets to five Ziggler attacks Nash as the fans await the third participant.


#3 Ezekiel Jackson(Nash and Ziggler still alive)


Jackson hits the ring and cleans house, clotheslining Ziggler causing him to helicopter and then charging Nash in the corner. Finally they are able to double team him but the countdown has begun.


#4 Justin Gabriel(Nash, Ziggler, and Jackson still alive)


Gabriel hits the ring and immediately goes after Ziggler while Jackson and Nash battle it out against the ropes. The two of them exchange punches when Gabriel hits a drop kick which sends Ziggler over the top rope but he hangs on and is on the apron. Right when Gabriel is about to eliminate him, Nash breaks free of Jackson and clobbers him from behind. Nash easily launches him over the top rope to the floor.


#5 Ricardo Rodriguez(Nash, Ziggler, and Jackson still alive)

Rodriguez, on behalf of Alberto Del Rio is number five and he cautiously enters the ring. Just as he’s entering, Jackson clotheslines Nash over the top to the floor and goes back to work on Ziggler who has returned to the center of the ring. Rodriguez hangs out, occasionally helping Ziggler but mostly keeping his hands clean.


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#6 The Great Khali(Ziggler, Jackson, and Rodriguez still alive)

The look on Rodriguez’s face tells the tale as Khali climbs into the ring as the first surprise of the night. Backing up the personal ring announcer, the giant cries out in something non-english and brings a crashing chop down on Rodriguez’s head, springing him over the top rope to the floor. At the same time Jackson put Ziggler down with a powerslam and the two big men bump into each other back to back. Jackson, though big himself is fast enough to avoid Khali’s attacks and gets the better of him while Ziggler recoups.


#7 Brodus Clay( Ziggler, Jackson, and Khali still alive)


Clay hits the ring and immediately goes to work on Khali. The giant tries to fend off both Clay and Jackson but he’s starting to lose the battle. When they both pick up a leg he begins to hang on for dear life but Ziggler springs into action and helps topple him over the ropes. Clay and Ziggler then begin to work on Jackson and have him close to elimination when the timer begins anew.


#8 Santino Marella( Ziggler, Jackson, and Clay still alive)


Santino enters the ring and saves Jackson by attacking Clay from behind. Clay turns, almost incredulous at Santino. He throws Santino half way across the ring then returns to Jackson who’s still hanging on. Santino picks himself up, and pulls the cobra out, getting it ready to strike. He taps Clay on the should and when he turns, the cobra strikes!....to no effect. Santino is all embarrassed smiles as he backs up. Now Clay is angry and he begins peppering Santino with lefts and rights.


#9 Cody Rhodes( Ziggler, Jackson, Clay, and Santino still alive)


In the midst of the chaos the Intercontinental champion hits the ring and immediately tries to help Ziggler eliminate Jackson but Ezekiel fights back and floors them both with a double clothesline. Clay has Santino up on the turnbuckles trying to push him off. When the countdown is almost finished, Santino catches himself on the apron.


#10 Alex Riley(Ziggler, Jackson, Clay, Santino, and Rhodes)


Riley is on his way to the ring with Clay blasts Santino off the apron but he falls into Riley’s arms. They look at each other in surpise while clay taunts them both to get in the ring. Sensing the opportunity, Rhodes, Jackson, and Ziggler all join together to eliminate Clay then begin their three way brawl again. Riley drops Santino on the floor next to Clay eliminating him, before climbing in the ring and setting his sights on Ziggler.


#11 Jack Swagger(Ziggler, Jackson, Rhodes and Riley still alive)


Swagger is next up and as soon as he’s in, he goes after Jackson. After so much attention, Jackson is worn down and Vicky’s clients team up to eliminate him. Meanwhile, Riley has moved onto Rhodes and has him on the verge of elimination. Ziggler and Swagger attack him from behind and are in the process of beating down Riley when the next competitor is announced.


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#12 Dusty Rhodes ( Ziggler, Jackson, Rhodes and Riley still alive)


Cody Rhodes stares in disbelief as his father comes down the aisle wearing a smile from ear to ear. The ‘Dream enters the ring as his son is screaming thing at him like ‘what are you doing here?!’ Unbeknownst to Cody, Riley has been eliminated thanks to the combined efforts of Ziggler and Swagger and with his back turned, the duo turn their sights onto him and while he’s berating his father they strike from behind. As Cody fights off elimination his father comes to the rescue. Pulling Ziggler off the pile, Dusty delivers a bionic elbow. Swagger is the next to get one. Dusty and Cody share a high five and square down on Swagger and Ziggler when Cody strikes his father from behind and quickly dumps him over the top. With the three heels in the ring, they all turn their sights onto the next combatant.


#13 Sheamus(Ziggler, Swagger, and C. Rhodes still alive)


Sheamus hits the ring and lays waste to everyone in sight. Flooring Swagger, Rhodes, and Ziggler in line with clotheslines, the Great White then drops them again with running forearms. Wasting no time to get the numbers more in his favor he picks up Ziggler by the hair and throws him first into swagger, then into Rhodes like a battering ram. Finally he just launches him over the rope but Ziggler hangs on, barely. He goes flying however, when Sheamus hits the Brough Kick.


#14 David Otunga( Swagger, C. Rhodes, and Sheamus still alive)


Otunga isn’t in the ring more than a few seconds before Sheamus sends him right over the ropes with a clubbing double forearm. He then goes back to work on Rhodes and Swagger. Sheamus is on fire as he bench presses Rhodes above his head and slams him down with a military press. He has Swagger up in the same way when the next entrant is announced.


#15 Michael McGillicutty( Swagger, C. Rhodes, and Sheamus still alive)


McGillicutty slides into the right and hammers Sheamus to the gut, causing him to drop Swagger. Rhodes begins attacking Sheamus along with the other two but they can’t get him into position to eliminate him Their task gets harder with the next entrant.


#16 R-Truth( Swagger, C. Rhodes, Sheamus, and McGillicutty still alive)


R-Truth comes sprinting down to the ring and the first person he goes for is Swagger. The crowd is electric as he sends Swagger into one corner and rushes in with a jumping shoulder block. Sheamus has fought back as well and now has Rhodes trying to hang on from being eliminated. McGillicutty peels away and attacks Truth from behind as the next entrant is up.


#17 Tyson Kidd( Swagger, C. Rhodes, Sheamus, McGillicutty, and Truth still alive)


Kidd puts his skills to good use by going to the top rope right off the bat. Unfortunately for him, Sheamus throws Rhdoes into the ropes which shakes them and causes Kidd to crotch himself. McGillicutty takes advantage by shoving Kidd off the top and onto the floor. He then holds Sheamus in place but when Swagger runs in with a high kick of his own, Sheamus ducks and McGillicutty catches it right in the mouth. R-Truth is quick to rush in and go for the kill on McGillicutty but his momentum takes both of them over the ropes together to the floor.

The crowd is on their feet when the next surprise entrant arrives.


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#18 Batista( Swagger, C. Rhodes, and Sheamus still alive)


Batista hits the ring and his first order of business sending Rhodes to the floor by launching him over the top rope. He turns and waits for an opportunity and when Sheamus has Swagger in position, Batista moves in and flips them both over the top rope. Standing alone in the ring, Batista soaks up the cheers and boos from the crowd.


#19 Mason Ryan(Batsita still alive)


Mason Ryan is next and it’s like looking in a mirror. They go through the routine of shoulder blocks that won’t move either of them and then lock up. They exchange some heavy power shots without either man getting an advantage. As the clock ticks down, Batista begins to maneuver Ryan into position along the ropes.


#20 Zack Ryder(Batista and Ryan still alive)


The United States Champion is in at number 20 and he hits the ring with a lot of energy. Attacking Batista from behind he and Ryan double team the former world champion but that ends when the axiom of every man for himself comes into play and Ryan turns on him, pounding his back with heavy forearms before sending him into Batista. Batista grabs Ryder and hits him with a big Batista Bomb, but he also opens himself up to a kick in the head by Ryan by putting himself in a seated position.


#21 Jinder Mahal(Batista, Ryan, and Ryder still alive)


Mahal is next and goes straight for Ryder as Ryan presses his advantage on Batista. Picking up the US Champ he hits a side slam and then a back breaker. As the clock ticks down Batista moves quickly to scoop up Ryan and power him over the ropes to the floor.


#22 John Cena(Batista, Ryder, and Mahal still alive)


Love him or hate him the fans are on their feet as Cena hits the ring. Batista turns from taunting Ryan and looks at his old arch nemesis. Before he can do anything though, Ryan hops back onto the apron and pulls Batista over much to the fury of the Animal. With that taken care of, Cena saves Ryder from elimination and the two of them send Mahal to the floor. They look at each other with respect them go at it, neither man getting an outright advantage but then they both stop cold when the next competitor is announced.


#23 Kane(Ryder and Cena still alive)


Kane hits the ring and when both Cena and Ryder charge him he grabs them both and delivers a double choke slam. Kane clearly wants Cena by himself and sets upon punishing Ryder while keeping Cena down as well. When it looks like Kane will get his way, the fourth surprise entrant hits the scene.


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#24 Montel Vontavious Porter(Ryder, Cena, and Kane still alive)


MVP is back on the scene and he goes right for the Big Red Monster. Staggering Kane back into the corner he does his best to try and eliminate him but Kane is too strong. Kane whips MVP into the ropes but its reversed and when he rebounds, MVP lays flat. Kane hops over him, right into the arms of Cena, who hikes him up on his shoulders and delivers an Attitude Adjustment over the top rope. They don’t have any time to celebrate as the next man is announced.


#25 Wade Barrett(Ryder, Cena, and MVP still alive)


Barrett floors all three men, and quickly eliminates Ryder following a swinging neckbreaker. MVP is next though he fights off Barrett’s attempts long enough to allow Cena to get involved. A lot of bad blood is brought to the surface and Cena hammers Barrett, hitting a back drop suplex followed by the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Before Cena can do more, the new man is announced and all eyes are on him.


#26 Drew McIntyre(Cena, MVP, and Barrett still alive)


The man who sent the World Heavyweight Champion to the hospital earlier in the night immediately goes for Cena and the two of them go back and forth. MVP takes the opportunity to try and eliminate Barrett but McIntyre stops him. The two Europeans form a bond and begin working together and eliminating MVP but when they go for Cena he floors them both with a double shoulder tackle. Cena signals that he’s going to go to the top but when he begins to climb there is a burst of fire from the turnbuckle and he falls down to the ground holding his eyes and writhing in pain.


#27 The Big Show(McIntyre and Barrett still alive)


The Big Show is next and he looks extremely angry after his defeat earlier in the night. Barrett and Mcintyre keep their agreement in place and both attack him. Show defends himself by flooring McIntyre with a clothesline and hitting a right hand WMD on Barrett, who rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope. Show turns his attention on McIntyre and backs him into a corner delivering loud open palmed chest chops. He only takes his eyes off him when the new competitor arrives.


#28 Ted Dibiase( McIntyre, Barrett, and Big Show still alive)


Dibiase goes headlong into the Big Show and sticks the big man with striking attacks before moving away again. Dibiase baits the Big Show into coming near the ropes when McIntyre comes back into the fray and they, along with a recently returned to the ring Barrett all go for him. They have one leg in the air and are working on the second when the 29th man is announced.


#29 The Miz( McIntyre, Barrett, Big Show and Dibiase still alive)


The Miz goes right into the effort trying to get the Big Show eliminated but he keeps fending them off, finally landing a head butt to every man standing before giving a roar to the crowd and pulling down his shoulder strap to show he means business. One by one the men stand up and he puts them down with choke slams. He’s the only man standing when the last participant is announced.


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#30 John Bradshaw Layfield( McIntyre, Barrett, Big Show, Dibiase and Miz still alive)


The long white limo pulls up and out pops the former World Champion, JBL. He makes his way to the ring slowly, knowing that the longer he takes, the more people could be eliminated. With the Big Show focused on him, the five others finally get to their feet and join together to eliminate him. Only then does JBL get in the ring but he hangs back and allows the others to do the heavy lifting. Dibiase and Miz work each other over as the truce is ended when McIntyre attacks Barrett from behind. JBL tells Miz to send Dibiase his way but when Miz whips Dibiase into the corner where JBL stands but Dibiase reverses it and JBL hits the Clothesline from Hell on the Miz. JBL looks less than sympathetic and immediately goes to eliminate the Miz which he does with Dibiase’s help. JBL motions that they should team up against the other two and Dibiase nods to shake hands but when they do, he pulls JBL in and applies the Million Dollar Dream. Soon JBL is blubbering and out cold on the mat. Dibiase leaves him there and moves towards McIntyre who almost has Barrett over the top. He flips them both over but doesn’t see that while McIntyre falls, Barrett hangs on. Dibiase picks up the near dead weight of JBL and is all smiles thinking he’s moments away from going to Wrestlemania. As if by a sixth sense, he turns and sees Barrett and takes it to him, backing him up against the ropes with rights and lefts. Barrett looks woozy as Dibiase whips him towards JBL but Barrett reverses it a moment after JBL out of instinct drops and holds the rope down. Dibiase goes right over. JBL, still dazed has it in his mind that he’s won and he raises his hand in triumph but when he turns, he gets a kick in the stomach from Barrett and is launched over the top.


Winner of the 2012 Royal Rumble Match and Going to the Main Event of Wrestlemania: Wade Barrett




[Wade Barrett celebrates his victory by climbing the turnbuckles and pointing to the WrestleMania logo hanging in the rafters as the show goes off the air]

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Which Champion Will Wade Barrett Choose?


Last night at the Royal Rumble Smackdown star Wade Barrett made good on his promise to head to Wrestlemania. In a Royal Rumble Match that saw the return of 5 former WWE Superstars and lasted nearly 70 minutes long Wade Barrett outlasted all 29 other superstars winning the Royal Rumble match and earning himself a World Championship match of his choosing in the Main Event at Wrestlemania. The question now is which champion will Barrett choose? Barrett will be in the house tonight on Raw will we find out quickly who Barrett will bring his barrage to at Wrestlemania?


Last night at the Royal Rumble CM Punk defeated Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Championship but it was not without controversy. Shane McMahon, who has yet to announce why he has returned to the WWE, made a shocking appearance and distracted the arrogant challenger. Dolph Ziggler has been fuming backstage all day and the question remains: Why did Shane McMahon get involved last night? And what will be the fallout?


Speaking of fallout after successfully defending his World Championship against The Big Show in a Last Man Standing match, Daniel Bryan, was assaulted brutally by Drew McIntyre. Bryan was carted off from the arena in an ambulance. What is the condition of the World Heavyweight Champion?


Finally Raw Interim General Manager John Laurinaitis and Smackdown General Manager have been meeting all day long. The result of their meetings is the headlining match at Elimination Chamber in a few weeks time. Beginning tonight on Raw there will be a series of play in matches that will determine the 6 men to enter the chamber match. The winner of that match will challenge whichever Champion that Wade Barrett decides not to face at Wrestlemania. The play in's begin tonight with Raw's lovable Santino Marella vs Smackdown's Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes.


The Road to Wrestlemania Has Begun! Don't Miss Raw SuperShow LIVE Tonight on USA Network!


Confirmed Matches:


Santino Marella vs Cody Rhodes

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-The Royal Rumble scored a 7.11 buyrate last night and made over two million dollars in total revenue which helped the WWE end January well over the line in the black.


-Feelings backstage ranged from loving the show to thinking it merely served its purpose.


-There were no major injuries coming out of the night.






-WWE has sent feelers to OVW about purchasing them for use as a developmental territory.


-The return of Batista nearly didn't happen. His flight was delayed twice and he reached the building only an hour before he went out to the ring. Had he not been able to make it, plan B appears to have been Triple H himself as a pinch hitter.


-WWE has surprised nine people on their main roster with a pink slip this morning. The unusual move which is usually made after WrestleMania may signal a change in business practices.


  • Aksana
  • Harvey Whippleman
  • Jack Lanza
  • Kaitlyn
  • Maxine
  • Noah Wilson
  • Steve Lombardi
  • Tony Garea
  • Val Venis






-The recent crop of female hires will begin paying dividends soon.


-Rumors are swirling that WWE has filed paperwork with the FCC to mark the Monday Night RAW following WrestleMania as TV-14, not the recently accustomed TV-PG.


-The tag team scene which has been less than stellar in the last few years may be remolded as the strongest in recent memory if a few more pieces fall into place.

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Your partner was included in my praise just so they know. I know you guys work as a team and this dynasty is top notch. I know busy lives lead to shows being far and few between but I hope you can get a few more shows up so I can spread the good word on this. Big fan here guys.
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[The show opens with commentary from last night’s Royal Rumble and still photos showing CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Beth Phoenix retaining their titles, John Cena being the victim of another Kane attack, and Wade Barrett winning his shot at WrestleMania]




[As the show begins, Wade Barrett’s music hits and he strolls down to the ring looking pompous.]


Barrett: “Far be it from me to be the kind of man who says I told you so, but…..”


[The crowd heaps boos on him]


“For the last several weeks, time and time again I have stood before you and proclaimed that you were looking at the winner of the Royal Rumble. Low and behold here I am and the fate of a world champion is in the palm of my hand. I alone will choose who will sacrifice themselves and their title to me at WrestleMania. Now I know all of you are sitting on pins and needles awaiting my decision. The WWE Championship….or the World Heavyweight Championship? I have thought long and hard over the last twenty four hours about that decision and I have come to a conclusion. I have concluded that it’s none of your damn business who I will target. I have plenty of time to give you and the champion of my choice a head’s up. Let them both sweat it out because at the end of the day, no matter who I pick, I will walk out of WrestleMania a champion.”




[Following Barrett’s speech, the camera focuses on the announcer’s table.]


Cole: “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Monday Night RAW and you’ve just witnessed the winner of last night’s Royal Rumble. Beside me as always is Jerry the King Lawler and Jerry, it doesn’t sound like Wade Barrett is in any hurry to announce his pick.”


Lawler: “If I were in his shoes I wouldn’t either. Why tip your hand?”


Cole: “But what a way to start a big time show tonight. We’ll have our first Elimination Chamber play-in match between the Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes and that goofball Santino Marella.”


Lawler: “I just want to see if the ring can contain our main event. Sheamus will go one on one with the Big Show!”


Cole: “You have a disappointed Irishman and an angry and embarrassed giant. It should be great but before we get there, we’re going to witness a triple threat match for the United States Championship…..right after these messages.”






United States Championship

Zack Ryder © vs Tyson Kidd vs Jack Swagger


Swagger and Ryder begin the match working together to overwhelm the champion. Ryder fights back, sending swagger over the top when he pulls the rope down during a bull charge. He then turns his attention on Kidd. The two go back and forth while Swagger recuperates on the outside. Ryder climbs to the top, but Swagger shoves him off to the outside floor. Before Kidd knows what happened Swagger is on him and uses his size and strength to beat down the smaller opponent. Finally Swagger gets Kidd in the ankle lock. Kidd is trying to drag himself to the ropes but he can’t quite get there. Suddenly Ryder appears on the apron and he climbs to the top. Kidd’s maneuvering has put the champion and Swagger face to face and he flies off the top, hitting a spectacular Rough Ryder. He makes a quick cover and the referee counts to three.


Winner and still United States Champion: Zack Ryder




[A replay is shown of how Zack Ryder was able to retain his United States Championship by hitting the Rough Ryder on Jack Swagger while he had Tyson Kidd in the ankle lock]




Backstage, Beth Phoenix is in her dressing room when Nikki and Brie Bella enter.


Nikki: “You wanted to see us?”


Beth: “Yes. Girls, I’ve been feeling really bad about what happened last night. I was still hyped up from dominating Alicia Fox and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you like that.”


Brie: “I have to admit, I didn’t expect an apology tonight.”


Beth: “Oh, it’s not an apology. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I should have let them do it for me.”


[The door slams behind the Bellas and when the camera pans two women we’ve never seen before attack them from behind. As Beth just watches, the Bellas are beaten in front of her and left on the floor.]


Beth: “Girls, may I introduce Mischief and Sara Raydell, my Glaminions. From now on, anyone who wants to get to the greatest Divas champion in history has to go through them first.”




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No Disqualification

Brodus Clay vs R-Truth


The two of them don’t wait for the bell. They’re after each other from the get-go with Clay gaining an advantage through sheer size. When Truth fights back he’s clotheslined over the ropes. Clay follows him but Truth suckers him in and when Clay hits the floor Truth gives him a punch in the mouth. Truth holds the advantage for a few moments, peppering Clay with kicks, punches, and every foreign object he can get his hands on. However when Clay is rolled back into the ring he’s on his feet quickly and Truth walks right into a spinning side slam. Clay follows that with a devastating powerbomb, then his patented heart punch. That gets the three count.


Winner: Brodus Clay




[Drew McIntyre and William Regal are backstage with Matt Stryker]


Stryker: “I’m here with Drew McIntyre and his…advisor William Regal. Gentlemen, last night at the Royal Rumble you sent Daniel Bryan the World Heavyweight Champion to the hospital. I think most people want to know what is your next move?”


Regal: “You’re bloody lucky that you’re not our next move. Be that as it may, our next move is to have this deserving young man, Drew McIntyre to be crowned the World Heavyweight Champion. This Friday on Smackdown we’re going to call out that wreck of a General Manager Teddy Long and demand that he strip the title away from a fallen champion.”


Stryker: “And if he refuses to do that?”


Regal: “Then he takes his chances, now doesn’t he?”




[A graphic is shown to announce the third member of the Hall of Fame Class of 2012…former World Champion, Bob Backlund! The announcers spend a few moments talking about his career highlights.]







When we return from the commercial break, John Laurinaitis is in the ring.

Laurinaitis: “Ladies and Gentlemen, on the heels of last night’s fabulous Royal Rumble I am out here to announce……


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[Triple H walks down to the ring as the fans are on their feet. He calmly walks up the stairs where Laurinaitis is waiting with his hand out to shake and a big fake smile. HHH motions like he’ll shake his hand, then takes the microphone out of his other hand.]


HHH: “Get out.”


[Laurinaitis begins to argue but Triple H doesn’t look like he’s in the mood and the interim General Manager beats a hasty reteat]


HHH: “I’m out here for two reasons. The first is to give an update on John Cena who is not here tonight due to the injuries he suffered during the Rumble when a turnbuckle…. mysteriously shot fire into his face. He suffered some minor facial burns and he is currently being evaluated as far as his eyesight is concerned, I don’t have an update beyond that.

The second thing I’m out here to do is call out Kane because I, and everyone in this building knows that you were responsible for what happened so get down to thing ring right now.”


[A few moments pass before Kane’s music along with the accompanying fire appears and the Big Red Monster comes down to the ring, a smirk on his lips]


HHH: “You can start this conversation off in a good direction by getting that grin off your face because I don’t find what you tried to do last night remotely amusing. In case you haven’t seen, we have kind of a big deal happening in two months called WrestleMania and your little stunt last night has put the biggest match in WWE history in jeopardy. Do you understand that? Do you understand that your antics over the last month have finally crossed the line?”


Kane: “You’ve known me long enough to understand that I don’t care about these people, or you, or John Cena’s well being, or your precious WrestleMania match. I care about pain and suffering and I will not stop until that is accomplished to my satisfaction.”


HHH: “Then you leave me no alternative. I have a job to do and that job first and foremost is to protect this company’s best interests. As of right now Kane, you’re sus….”


[Kane punches Triple H out of nowhere, staggering him before grabbing him around the throat and dropping him with a chokeslam. Kane slides out of the ring and pulls Triple H out by his arm as well. He rams Triple H backwards into the apron a few times, then whips him into the post, which audibly dings. Triple H is bleeding from the forehead and trying to crawl out of instinct when Kane happens upon him again and throws the time keeper out of his seat to take his chair. One smack across the back, two-three-four. Kane walks to the steps and unhinges them, tossing the top section and leaving the base. Picking up a barely conscious Triple H, he hoists him upside down and drives him head first with a tombstone on the steps. The lockerroom nearly empties of referees and officials and they separate Kane from his victim and medical services arrive on the scene. As we go to commercial Kane’s previous grin is a full fledged smile.]








Elimination Chamber Play-In #1

Cody Rhodes vs Santino Marella


Santino doesn’t have much of a chance to start the match when Cody jumps him as he’s entering the ring. Rhodes has an expression of determination and anger which he normally doesn’t show. Try as he might, Santino can’t gain any ground until Cody gets a little cocky and goes to the top but he takes too much time playing to the crowd and when he comes off, Santino buries a punch into the gut, flipping Cody in the air. Santino has caught his second wind and he hits his accustomed spots of an hip toss and headbutt to Rhodes sternum. With Rhodes down, Santino unleases the Cobra to the fans’ delight. Santino waits and when Rhodes stands he goes in for the kill but Cody dodges to the side and goes around behind Santino, delivering Cross Rhodes for the 1-2-3.


Winner and first competitor in the Elimination Chamber: Cody Rhodes




[Following the match Rhodes wants a mic]


“Rhodes: Last night was one of the worst nights of my life. Not only did I not win the Royal Rumble, I was sabotaged by my own flesh and blood. My father decided to interject himself into my business…my destiny. He came out of retirement in order to embarrass me and keep me down because he knows that I am not only a far bigger superstar than my brother ever was I am destined to be a bigger superstar than my father ever was. So he seeks to humiliate me, distract me…but I am here before you not just as the Intercontinental Champion but when I walk out of the Elimination Chamber with a title match at WrestleMania, I will eclipse my entire family.”




[A graphic is shown to hype what Drew McIntyre and William Regal have promised for this Friday night.]








[The familiar video which opens with thunder and lightning is shown again. As before, in the clouds the date of 4-1-12 glows but then the point of view of the camera flies into the date. We travel through the clouds with more lightening on all sides, then without warning the view dips down towards the ground at high speeds. The landscape is barren with an old town as we zoom towards it. Just before we strike the ground, the video goes to black.]




Natalya vs Tamina


It’s a case of brawn versus technical skills and early on Natalya’s technical skills are paying big dividends as she goes after Tamina’s left knee early and keeps working on it. Out of instinct, Tamina lashes out like a wounded animal, keeping Natalya at bay but eventually when Natalya gets through the early defense, she walks right into a trap. Tamina gets ahold of her and uses some power moves but it’s evident that her knee is really bothering her. When she floors Natalya with a short clothesline, she climbs to the top to emulate her father’s Superfly splash but when she leaps, she can’t get proper distance or height with her leg in the shape it’s in. She misses the mark and Natalya is quickly up putting her in the Sharpshooter. Tamina doesn’t last long at all once it’s applied.


Winner: Natalya




[John Laurinaitis is pacing in his office, on his phone while David Ortunga waits and watches.]


Laurinaitis: “Alright, keep me appraised.”


Otunga: “How bad it is?”


Laurinaitis: “They don’t know yet. Triple H is still unresponsive at the hospital.”


Otunga: “So what are you going to do?”


Laurinaitis: “I’m going to carry out his wishes. Next week I’m calling Kane out and I’ll make sure he gets the punishment he deserves.”


[Otunga looks concerned but nods slowly]




[sheamus is headed to the ring as he walks backstage. The main event of the evening is next. The Great White versus The Big Show!]






Sheamus vs The Big Show


Brute strength versus larger brute strength rarely works out well for the former and it is the case in the beginning of the match. The Big Show uses his size and strength to put Sheamus in an unusual situation—physical underdog. It’s all going the Big Show’s way until he whips Sheamus into the ropes but misses the clothesline. Sheamus rebounds off the ropes and slams into the Big Show with a clothesline of his own which rocks him backwards. When he comes at Sheamus again, Sheamus hoists him up with a titanic bodyslam that shakes the ring. When Show gets back to his feet eventually, Sheamus rushes in with the Brough Kick but Show sidesteps and grabs him around the throat. He lifts him up for the chokelams but Sheamus squirms out of the grip. When Show turns around, Sheamus hits a standing Brough Kick. That gets a three count for him.


Winner: Sheamus






[As we return from break the crowd jumps to their feet when the music of the WWE Champion hits.]



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Punk: “I couldn’t help but overhear Wade Barrett at the beginning of the show saying he told us so. Well I hate to piggyback off of someone like him but I find myself tonight in a similar situation. Now I’m not trying to rub the WWE Universe’s nose in my victory last night. But there is one person who does deserve to be reminded over and over that when it comes down to it, at the end of the day, I am the best in the world at what I do and as a matter of fact….”



<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5vKe1IUpjM?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5vKe1IUpjM?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>



[Dolph Ziggler arrives and heads down to the ring]


Ziggler: “Punk, you can stand in this ring and you can lie to yourself and you can lie to these people but you can’t lie to me! You know and I know that you were ready to lose that WWE title last night and if it hadn’t been for your buddy Shane McMahon I’d be the WWE Champion right now.”


Punk: “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Ziggler: “I don’t? Remember a few weeks ago we were in this ring and what happened? Shane McMahon shows up and I lose my opportunity to become the champion. Last night, I have you dead to rights and what happened? Shane McMahon shows up and you retain your title. Everyone in this arena sees the pattern and you want to pretend that you are somehow innocent in this whole affair.”


Punk: “Get to the point.”


Ziggler: “The point is, if you want to claim to be the best you need to prove it on your own, like a man...like a real champion. Beat me one on one without assistance and without an excuse.”


Punk: “You know, you’re like everyone else I’ve ever overcome. When its all said and done you just can’t accept the fact that you lost. So now you want to blame me, you want to blame Shane McMahon, you want to blame the guy down here in the first row whose wearing a shirt that’s waaay too tight for him. I don’t deal with excuses or with sour grapes. You want another match?”


Ziggler: “Yea, I want another match.”


Punk: “You know something Dolph you do have a point. You did get screwed last night so maybe you have a right for another match. Let me think about this for a moment.”


[Punk steps to a turnbuckle and puts his hands to his head like he is really pondering it. Dolph gets impatient and comes over but Punk puts his hand out and mouths "I'm thinking, I'm thinking". Finally after a long break Punk who is standing next to the ropes picks up his mic]


Punk: "No."


[Punk drops the mic and slides out of the ring before Dolph can charge at him. He shakes his head in mocking as he walks up the ramp and holds the WWE title high. Dolph and Vickie scream bloody murder as Raw goes off the air.]

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Raw Report


*Dark Matches saw Drew McIntyre defeat Roderick Strong and Mark Henry went over Alex Riley in a squash match to get the ring rust off Henry. He is now cleared to compete for those wondering.


*Raw scored a 6.84, down from last week’s 7.63 which was not unexpected but still dissappointing.




News & Notes


* Expect HHH to sell the beating by Kane for awhile.


* WWE was turned down by both Ohio Valley Wrestling and Wrestling Revolution Project for takeovers and developmental organizational deals. The search continues.


* Cody Rhodes suffered a bruised pectoral in his match against Santino Marella. He's working through it but he's likely to have a light load headed into Elimination Chamber.


* The debut of Mischief and Sara Raydell (Ms.Chif and Sara Del Ray for those not paying attention) should be the opening salvo in what some are calling the next diva revolution. Sources backstage indicate the girls are gaining respect through their dedication to their craft.


* There are concerns that some members of the roster who have received a push or a lot of TV time are not living up to the spotlight and may soon see that attention taken away. The #1 candidate seems to be Brodus Clay who plays a monster well enough but in a locker room which has Kane, Mark Henry, Big Show, etc, he may be the odd man out...especially with some familiar faces set to return soon who will necessitate TV face time themselves.


*Our sources tell us the Briscoes are close to being brought up full time which is likely not to be flashy. Sentiments are they will get over due to their work ethic, much like the Hardys a decade ago without a flashy debut.

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What Will Theodore Long Decide?


This past Sunday at the Royal Rumble World Champion Daniel Bryan, after surviving a last man standing match with the Big Show, was brutally attacked by Drew McIntyre and William Regal leading to Bryan being taken to a hospital. Monday on Raw Supershow McIntyre and Regal promised to call out Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long to strip Bryan of his championship due to injury to presumably place it on McIntyre's shoulders. What will Theodore Long decide? And will we get an update on the champion's condition?


The Royal Rumble was a big day for the leader of Barrett's Barrage, Wade Barrett, as he outlasted 29 other WWE Superstars past and present to win the Royal Rumble match and earn himself a championship match in the Main Event of Wrestlemania! The question now is who will Barrett choose? With so much uncertainty regarding the World Title will Barrett throw his name in the ring to be Smackdown's new World Champion? Or will he head to Wrestlemania to challenge for the WWE Championship? Perhaps we will find out this Friday.


The Big Show is said to be furious at his shocking loss to Daniel Bryan at the Royal Rumble but that must be put on hold as he must team with Raw's big man, Brodus Clay, against the team of Raw's R-Truth and Smackdown's Sheamus. It is Raw vs Smackdown in a tag team match in the main event of Smackdown this Friday.


On Monday prior to Raw John Laurinaitis announced to WWE.com that he and Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long have agreed to the elimination chamber match at the ppv in a few weeks time. The agreement? The match will feature 3 Raw Superstars and 3 Smackdown Superstars with the winner facing whichever champion Wade Barrett chooses to not face at Wrestlemania. The matches will be decided in 6 play in matches and on Monday Night Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes qualified and is in the Chamber. Friday on Smackdown The Miz will face Yoshi Tatsu in the next Elimination Chamber Play In Match. Who will join Rhodes in Satan's Structure with a chance to go to Wrestlemania? Find out Friday.


The Road to Wrestlemania has begun! Don't Miss Smackdown this Friday on SyFy!


Confirmed Matches:


R-Truth & Sheamus vs Brodus Clay & The Big Show


Elimination Chamber Play In Match

Yoshi Tatsu vs The Miz

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[The show opens with a still photos of the Royal Rumble along with commentary which focuses on Daniel Bryan retaining his title and then being attacked by Drew McIntyre as well as Wade Barrett winning the Royal Rumble match]




[Following the pyro, the camera focuses on the announcer’s table with Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, and Booker T.]


Cole: “Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown. I’m Michael Cole and alongside me, Josh Matthews and Booker T. Guys tonight we have several big matches and it will begin in a few moments with the second play-in match for the Elimination Chamber. On Monday we saw Intercontinental champion Cody Rhodes punch his ticket and tonight it’s the Miz against Yoshi Tatsu.”


Matthews: “In addition we’re going to see a triple threat tag team match to determine the number one contenders for the tag titles which are held by a still-injured Air Boom.”


Booker: “And then there’s the main event. The Big Show and the undefeated Brodus Clay against Sheamus and R-Truth. There’s a lot of bad blood there.”


Cole: “And to top it all off we know that Drew McIntyre and his advisor William Regal will call out General Manager Teddy Long concerning World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan and his medical condition following their attack on him last Sunday at the Royal Rumble.”


Matthews: “Speaking of the Royal Rumble, Smackdown’s own Wade Barrett is headed to WrestleMania to face the champion of his choice—whoever that may be.”


Booker: “Okay fellas we done enough talking, let’s get to the ring.”







The Miz seems to take this match for granted in the beginning of the match but Yoshi shows him the error of his ways by sending him to the mat with three successive chops to the chest. The more the Miz scrambles, the more on his heels he becomes thanks to Yoshi’s offense. Finally Miz reverses an Irish Whip into the ropes and buries a knee deep in Yoshi’s gut. The expression on the Miz’s face is one of anger, having been embarrassed for a few moments. He goes to work on Yoshi with tenacity, focusing on his neck. Finally with a smirk to the crowd he hits the Skull Crushing Finale.






[The Miz addressed the crowd following his victory]


Miz: “And there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Standing before you is the next winner of the Elimination Chamber. There is no question that I am destined to reclaim my spot at WrestleMania and walk out a world champion. I don’t care if it’s the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship. I deserve to be the focus of this company and I deserve to be recognized as the best. I know it and all of you know it. I don’t care who is in that chamber. I don’t care who is the champion at the time of my victory. Because at the end of the day there is only one truth, one constant in this world that all of you and everyone in the back needs to keep in mind and it’s that I’m the Miz, and I’m…AAWWEEESSOOMMEE!”






[Returning from commercials, we see Teddy Long in his office when an angry Mark Henry storms in.]


Henry: “Teddy, we need to talk..right now.”


Long: “Alright Mark, what’s on your mind?”


Henry: “I want to be in the Elimination Chamber and you’re gonna put me in it.”


Long: “And why am I going to do that?”


Henry: “Because if you don’t, bad things are gonna happen around here.”


Long: “Hold up Playa. First off I am the General Manager of this show so if you even touch me, you’ll be suspended so long you won’t remember your last match. Second, as you know we’re holding these play-in matches and the schedule has already been set.”


Henry: “So you’re telling me no?”


Long: “The answer…is no.”


Henry: “Then it’s out of my hands…but the blood will be on your’s.”


[Henry storms out while Long looks very concerned.]




[A graphic is shown to hype a big match on next week’s Smackdown. An Elimination Chamber play-in match pitting Sheamus against the All American American Jack Swagger]









All six men brawl in the beginning of the match but it eventually gets down to Primo and Gabriel. Within the first five minutes all six men have been tagged in and Ryan’s strength begins to take over when he sends Primo and Epico over the top with a double clothesline, then powerslams Hunico. Gabriel climbs to the top to initiate a big move to finish the match when the Usos hit the ring, chairs in hand. Jey floors Ryan with a chair shot to the skull while Jimmy swats Gabriel off the top to the floor below. When Hunico and Camacho are the next two to be sent to the floor and when Primo and Epico climbs onto the apron they’re sent flying into the announcer’s table with double running forearms. The referee calls for the bell and for help, ruling the match a no contest.






[Jey Uso motions that he wants a mic]


Jey: “As you can see, my brother and I have made it clear over the past few weeks that we are the most dominant tag team in the WWE. These six suckers were supposed to be number one contenders. We are the men who put Air Boom on the shelf. We are the men who just laid waste to every single man littering this ringside. And we did it to prove just what kind of men we are. And we learned it from the baddest man in the history of the WWE.



<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY3p7PSAuLg?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY3p7PSAuLg?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>




[Rikishi enters the ring, hugging both of his sons before taking the mic]


Rikishi: “I can’t think of a better reason to come to this ring, in front of all you suckers and wannabe’s than to be here with my boys. As Jey said, they are the most dominant tag team in the WWE. The only things they’re missing are the tag team titles."


[He points at Epico and Primo who are slowly crawling into the ring and his sons begin putting a beating on them, finally tossing them over the top.]


"We’re setting down a challenge right now. At the Elimination Chamber my boys against Air Boom for the Unified Tag Team Championships in a Samoan Street Fight. Show up if you can, survive if we let you.”






[A graphic is shown to hype Elimination Chamber Play-In match #3 this Monday Night. United States Champion Zack Ryder versus the Big Show]






[A video package is shown to remind the audience of Kane’s attack on Triple H which left him hospitalized]






DiBiase knows his only hope is to keep Kane on the defense and from the opening bell he gives him all he can handle. Kane covers up and lashes out occasionally waiting for the second generation Superstar to make a mistake. That happens when DiBiase backs up for a charge into the corner. When he runs in, Kane sidesteps and launches him over the turnbuckles and onto the floor. Kane follows him out to the floor and drives him back into the post twice before rolling him back into the ring. Climbing to the top, he waits for DiBiase to stand before he flies off with a clothesline. He puts DiBiase out of his suffering with a big chokeslam.


However after the three count he begins to suffocate an already incapacitated DiBiase. The referee orders him to stop but he won’t. Kane just keeps laughing as Ted squirms on the mat before finally passing out. The referee whispers to Lillian Garcia and she announces that he has reversed his decision due to Kane’s actions.






[Following the match Kane gets a mic from ringside]


Kane: “At the Royal Rumble I kept my promise to John Cena. I promised him that by the end of the night he would finally have hate in his heart and if he doesn’t hate me after what I did to him, well, let’s just say I’ll be very very surprised. Then there’s Triple H. He learned the hard way that what the monster wants, the monster gets. Both men have felt my wrath but I’m not done with one of them. John, I’m begging you..[Kane drops to his knees in the ring]…begging you to embrace the feelings which are swirling in your soul and when you’ve done that come and see me. I’ll be waiting.”






[When the show returns from break, Drew McIntyre and William Regal are already in the ring.]


Regal: “We demand that General Manager Theodore Long come down to this ring this instant!”


[Teddy Long comes down to the ring, looking apprehensive]


Long: “Alright Gentlemen, what’s the problem?”


Regal: “The problem is you’ve had it out for Drew McIntyre, the future star of this company, since the first moment you laid eyes on him. You demanded he win matches, you demanded show himself to be a champion. Well what kind of champion do you have now?”


Long: “Speaking of that attack I think a fine is in order…”


Regal: “The only thing in order is for you to show yourself to be a leader of this brand. A leader who has to make the tough decisions.”


Long: “Such as?”


Regal: “Daniel Bryan has been destroyed. We made sure of that at the Royal Rumble. He cannot compete, he cannot defend this title he clings to, so there is only one option available.”


Long: “Cut to the chase.”


Regal: “We demand that you strip Daniel Bryan of the World Heavyweight Championship this moment.”


Long: “I’ve been talking to the doctors all week, I know of his condition.”


Regal: “And so, will you do your duty?”


Long: [visibly sighs] “Alright…I will not strip him of the title right now. However, he has one week. If he cannot step into this ring in seven days I will have no choice but to remove him as the World Heavyweight Champion.”


[Regal and McIntyre nod their heads in approval as Long leaves the ring.]




[The RAW Rewind is shown reminding the audience of the confrontation between WWE Champion CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler this past Monday night]






These two men have had their share of interactions over the past year and their mutual dislike is evident when they lock up and Jackson launches Barrett into the corner. Barrett signals he wants another try but it’s just a ruse to sucker Jackson in. Barrett launches a high knee, and then nearly drops Jackson to a knee with a big right hand. Barrett continues his onslaught but when he telegraphs a backdrop Jackson kicks him in the face, then floors him with a clothesline. Jackson takes the unusual step of going to the top rope but Barrett dives for the ropes and crotches him. With Jackson already high up, Barrett takes advantage of the positioning and loads him on his shoulders, taking a few steps forward and delivers the Wasteland. That gets a three count victory.






[With Jackson on his back, the crowd rises when a familiar entrance theme hits]





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[Henry walks down to the ring and Barrett looks concerned but Henry enters the ring and goes right to work on Jackson who he’s had trouble with for weeks. Dropping a big elbow, then hitting a splash off the ropes, he picks Jackson up and nails the World’s Strongest Slam. He calls to Barrett to pick Jackson up while he climbs to the second rope. He then orders Barrett to lift Jackson up to him. When he’s got him secured, Henry flies off delivering a second WSS this time from the second rope. As Barrett quickly leaves the ring not trusting Henry, the World’s Strongest Man looks down at Jackson with a cold stare.]






<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g403zOUpMis?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g403zOUpMis?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>




[Wade Barrett is walking backstage when Teddy Long catches up with him]


Long: “Wade, I was wanting to ask you about WrestleMania but now I want to know what all that was out there with Mark Henry.”


Barrett: “I don’t know what you mean.”


Long: “You and Mark Henry almost put Ezekiel Jackson through the ring.”


Barrett: “I didn’t do anything but protect myself and my title shot at WrestleMania. You know how unpredictable Mark Henry is. He could have just as easily lashed out at me. Better poor Exzekiel than me.”


Long: “Well Wade you might want to play it close to the vest but as General Manager I am going to give you only three weeks to announce your intentions about WrestleMania.”


Barrett: “Or else what?”


Long: “You just try me.”


[Long stoms away, clearly annoyed]






The Big Show and Sheamus begin the match and its not long before Clay gets the tag and he batters Sheamus from corner to corner. Sheamus hits a blind tag to R-Truth who ambushes Clay from behind when he has his eyes on Sheamus. Truth and Clay’s known dislike is evident as they brawl around the ring. Truth is in trouble as he’s double teamed in the corner. Sheamus enters and it’s a four man brawl. Sheamus sends the Big Show over the top with a big clothesline as Clay whips Truth into the corner but when he charges him, Sheamus cuts him off with a Brough Kick to the side of the head. A dazed Truth makes the cover for the 1-2-3.






[R-Truth is celebrating in the ring but when he hops out, he turns right into a huge right WMD by the Big Show. The Big Show looks down at Truth, his expression showing nothing but disgust]

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Smackdown Report:


*Smackdown scored a 4.63 rating on Syfy. Last week's was 5.91


*Dark Matches saw some new faces appear. Roderick Strong worked against Antonio Cesari (known in other companies as Claudio Castagnoli). A six man tag was also held with the Briscoes teaming up with Seth Rollins (aka Tyler Black) against the team of Michael McGillicutty, Kevin Nash (surprised the crowd) and Criss Thorne (aka Chris Hero).



News & Notes:


*House shows brought in over $180,000 this week.


*WWE has delivered on its promise to expand its developmental system coming to terms with two new promotions, Combat Zone Wrestling and CHIKARA. Stampede Wrestling would have been the third but they declined the offer.


*The first two names to be sent to a new promotion were both Ezekiel Jackson and Brodus Clay. The attack by Henry this week on Smackdown was to get Jackson off television and in the case of Clay, he just wasn't catching on which was a big disappointment given the amount of airtime he was given. This disappointment was evident with this past Smackdown where the previously unbeaten Clay was the man cleanly pinned for the loss.


*The WWE after its recent firings has reached out to some former Superstars, several of the Hall of Famers to take a more hands on role with training the younger wrestlers. The plan is to name a head trainer in each of the promotions with several veterans under him. While we don't know the breakdown of the assistant trainers we have been told by reliable sources that Ricky Steamboat will continue as head trainer of Florida Championship Wrestling, Shawn Michaels has agreed to help with CHIKARA, and Stone Cold Steve Austin will be working with Combat Zone Wrestling.


*Jerry Lawler will be retiring from in-ring competition very soon.



Rumor Mill:



*The 9th Wonder of the World has decided to return to Wrestling. When asked if they'd be interested in her return, an unnamed person at WWE responded "hahahahahaha." Direct quote folks.


*Expect WWE to seek several new developmental contracts in the near future.


*Some say WWE Superstars which is currently airing on WWE.com in a thirty minute slot will be expanded to an hour next month in order to get some younger names more exposure.


*Internally there's a lot of hype about WrestleMania 28. Several people we talked to feel that with the amount of new talent and well known names coming back to the WWE that post WM may be explosive for the company.

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