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jhdVerse: Become A Star

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Can't wait to see how round 2 comes out. On side note, much like TK... I'm working out the idea for an alter ego for Bryant if he joins Dragon... Crash Test Dummy...oh yeah!





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Thanks fellas. :D


Just wanted to put up a quick reminder that the deadline for Round #2 submissions is 1800GMT tomorrow. So that gives you about 27 hours to get it sent into a PM to me.


Thanks to the 7 people who have already sent me their submission, and I can't wait to read the ones on their way - the quality has been excellent so far! :D

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[Prophet takes to the Internet to cut a promo on Chaperone. One of the men back in WWWE that helped to hold him to the mid card status that eventually lead to the mental breakdown of becoming The Prophet.]




A 7 foot Monster casting a shadow of pain over AWF!




I know Pain!


Pain is just weakness leaving your body.


I have no weakness!


I will fulfill my prophecy and become AWF champion.


Fore I have prophesied your future Chaperone!!!


And see nothing...


But Pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!




DEREK GRACE: Jung Dragon. Golden Dragon champion. You're tough. You're dedicated. You didn't just win a title, you won a tournament to get it. You're the epitome of "Champion". Your name alone speaks of heritage and honor. That is all well and fine but for one little thing...


I wasn't in the tournament, Dragon. I wasn't here. You cannot call yourself a champion unless you defend your title against the best. I'm here to tell you that I'm the best! I'm fearless and have more dedication than you can ever imagine! I have nothing but respect for you, Dragon, but respect will not keep your title reign safe from me! I know your background, your abilities... your pedigree. None of those mean anything when the bell rings... and when it does, you had better be focused on me because I will NOT stop until I am Golden Dragon Champion!




[The cameras go backstage to where the viewers see a bizarre sight. In the frame is the youngster DISCO Fox, dressed over the top with a flashy suit on as well as his traditional fox mask and afro.]


DISCO FOX: “Yo’ Chaperone. I heard you’re a nasty piece of work. Maybe even the nastiest piece of work in AWF. Have you ever went long cold nights in the ghetto, searching for food? You don’t know what it takes to survive. I’ve danced and fought my way here, and playah I’m coming for you. You see, you remind me of a story my papa told me when I was little. This one time he was out doing this thang and this big bad wolf came up to him. He threatened my papa, so my papa did the only thing he could. He got up and jived all over the fool. Big wolf didn’t know what hit him. And Chaperone, when I see you, you can guarantee that is what I’m going to do to YOU! Peace out playahs”.




[As the scene starts, Jung DRAGON stands atop a corner turnbuckle, the Golden Dragon Championship held high above his head. As he dismounts and starts to head to the back, lights out in the arena! The legendary mask of Jung DRAGON appears on the screen and blood starts to drip down it in the image as a voice plays over the speakers.]


Dread Nocturn: Jung DRAGON, you won your title from no man. You cling to it because it gives you your identity as a wrestler, the face of the company. Were you to lose it...Well, the legendary DRAGON Michinoku never lost it, now did he? So hold on so tight to that title, that belt that you don't deserve, didn't earn. I know your dreams, your fears. And when I take that title from you, you will know, Jung DRAGON...You will know your nightmare.




[A backstage interviewer is standing by with Fargo Korben, who is standing a few inches away from a wall, looking directly at it.]


INTERVIEWER: Fargo, tonight you...


[Fargo spins around flailing his arms.]


FARGO: Sorry to hit that hat off your head, blother!


INTERVIEWER: I wasn't wearing a...


FARGO: Why not?!


[The interviewer pauses for a moment before proceeding.]


INTERVIEWER: You certainly seem excited for tonights match.


FARGO: Lemme tell you why I'm so glappy and upbeated, interviewer-blother! There's a party in Tennessee tonight; a victory party! Lemme let you in on some heavy duty factoids, blother! Tonight yours truly gets my long awaited shot at the chaaaaaamp!


[Fargo falls down on his back on the floor because of all the excitement, but proptly gets back up, almost pulling the interviewers shirt off in the process.]


FARGO: Nothin' to lose, blother! Nothin' to lose! That's a dangerous siturama, man! For you, Colorado, not for me, you see!? I gots nothin' to lose, because I gave it to my peoples! I never had nothin' to begin with, but I gave that away too, blother! I'ma fight for my peoples, for my populous, not for no thing! You can go right ahead and trapple and fillampage and punch and whatever else, and all you fight for is some thing, my Coloradomic blother! Goldanium and leather, man! Everybody knows we're the two best scientaftic grappstlers in the game, but I gots my peoples and all you gots is your wantin' for prestigiousnesses! That's why you lose! They callin' on me to do good and I ain't one to let nobody down, blother! That why that Seeeeeee-Dubyaaaa-Teeeeeee Heavyworld Championstrap is going home to Korben Mountain tonight!


[Fargo marches in a circle around the interviewer three times and then decides to stand directly in front of him, staring into the camera.]


INTERVIEWER: … Fargo Korben, ladies and gentlemen.


FARGO (muttering): … And other individuals too.




[browsing Youtube, you see a new video uploaded by PWI marked “My humble introduction to PWI”. You click on it and hit play. You see a well dressed man holding a microphone standing infront of a PWI banner, and he begins to speak. ]


IAGO DE BRÚN: Life is such a silly game, isn’t it? Filled with absurd rules designed to reward the simpleminded and punish the intelligent. Oh, how easy life must be for all the sheep, people like Scott Hall, who do as they are told with question or thought, never aspiring to rise above their station. Yes, people are content to remain as worms in the dirt, never knowing their full potential.


You see, you people insist on being bound by the lies and tyranny of morality and ethics. You dully nod your heads in agreement when told men and women should all love thine neighbour and should never take advantage of one another.


You are fools and sheep for that, and that is why none of your kind will ever know power like I shall. For I, learned in the ways of the world and its history, see the truth of mankind. It is not the men of valour and virtue like Scott Hart that rise to the highest station in life, but those who take them without mercy or thought for anyone else. Our kind are reviled as the snakes and wolves of society because we rebel from these moronic rules, but this hatred is not born from our actions, but from our triumphs. You watch in horror as it is we who conquer all obstacles in our path and ascend to the station of great princes and kings.


But hear me now; I am not your enemy, but your greatest ally. Trust me and follow my example. Cast off your friends who do not advance your agenda, snare potential benefactors in your web, heed not the example of men like Scott Hart and most importantly break the shackles of morality. You too can be great and successful like me, you too can know triumph.


The greatest virtue in life is having no virtues at all, and when you all learn that truth you shall all thank me.


My name is Iago de Brún, and I'm the most honest friend you could ever hope to know. PWI...The Hart family, I look forward to meeting you all, and showing you my ways.

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Derek Grace suprised me, originally he was I'll admit a character I didn't think too much about but that was a really good introduction for him.


Fargo was hilarious as always, if there's anything I wish its that one of us two don't win so I can sign the other into the same federation and play off some comedy feud.


Best promo of the first guys for me is Iago, I love Othello to begin with (English Literature Student) so I know the character well but it's the way that The Celt wrote it, just fantastic really.

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JOHNNY HOLLYWOOD: AWF, are you ready to be taken to the big leagues? It’s Hollywood or bust baby. See you sit at home and you watch you’re stupid wannabe stars, the guys who have no charisma, no star quality and then you watch me. The man that makes the ladies swoon and the guys look like goons. Take your big, noble champion. Chaperone. I’ve only ever seen two Chaperone’s, one was some second rate, low budget, horribly presented piece of garbage...the other was a film.


See there’s a difference between you and me Chaperone, there’s this special ‘it’ factor that I have and you want. While I’m making the stars, getting the fame and shining the lights; you’re looking up at them after I knock you out. When all’s said and done Chaperone I won’t be saying ‘I could’ve been a contender, I could’ve been somebody’ because at your expense its gonna be ‘the stuff that dreams are made of’ so stand up Chaperone and face me, man on man...’Go ahead, make my day’



Meido Machine's Favourite Customer


[Meido Machine has just served a pot of tea and what looks to some kind of cream cake with a strawberry on top to a mystery customer (who has his backed turned to camera) in what appears to be some sort of cafe.


Meido Machine is talking to the customer, but this 'conversation' seems to be rather one-sided...... ]


MEIDO MACHINE: I'm so so pleased you're the champion Dragon-sempai. Oh just being in your presence right now makes me so happy. You are Dragon, there really is no one better than you. Just to share some of your greatness, would make me so happy. I'd to anything to help you retain the Golden Dragon Belt. Maybe we can be tag partners, I'd love to train with you and share a room with you on the road. I'd make a great partner for you, I can make a very nice cup of tea and I'm a great cook too. Oh please let me join with you.....pretty please?'


[The camera then pans round to show that the 'customer' Meido Machine has been serving tea and cake too/gushing over....is in fact a dummy wearing a Jung Dragon mask.]




[standing backstage in front of an AWF backdrop stands everybodies favorite G.T.W specialist, "All Night" Mike. Looking extra tan today, he stares into the camera while receiving a chorus of boos from the fans. He smirked, and begins to speak.]


MIKE SANTORELLI: Whoa... What's the deal brosefs, and hosefs? Why all the hate? Wait... I know. Its cause everytime you see me, you realise how worthless you are. Its alright, I get it. If I was you people, I'd want to be me too. And just like all of you, Chaperone wants to be me too. Too bad there can only be one. And tonight, when I step in the ring tonight, he's gonna find out just how awesome I am. Cause I'm a Karma Chameleon, and all's fair in the squared circle dancefloor.


[He then walks off screen, and go to the ring with theeing announcer for our next match.]




[The camera opens on a pair of boots. Big, black battered boots with buckles.


The boots aren't moving but clumps of dark hair are falling around them.


The camera pans up and Red Bailey is staring into a mirror from a distance of about 6 inches whilst he hacks away at his hair with clippers only leaving his ginger beard untouched.]


SAM "RED" BAILEY: Jung Dragon - this is a personal message for you. I keep hearing that you're a great warrior. You've got heart and bravery and honour.

I'm not impressed. I don't have any of those things. I've just got an aching gutfull of hate, bitterness and resentment.

You see I want what you've got. The money, fame and success. But I'm different to you. I've got no heart. I've got no feelings, no honour. And I'm a ginger. I don't even have a SOUL."


[Red continues hacking away at his hair. He's not manic. He's not angry. He's just... blank.]




THE FLYING VERGOMOV: "There is something to be said for being the best... the very best... The elite, half a percentage point above the rest. To be on the level where no-one is your company.


Discipline must be my middle name. I train and work harder than anyone I know. I train and work harder to fight than anyone before me and in my sights is Jung DRAGON - the peak of wrestling.


Jung is very, very good. There is no way I can see myself at that level now, but it is where I want to get. When I started performing on the trapeze, Igor Arefiev was the main act. People - no, fans travel from all over the European continent to see him perform above their eyes. Seven years later, I was top billing. I was a performer everyone wanted to see. I was the biggest name on the posters.


How do I become the biggest name on the posters of DRAGON? Simple. I put the Golden Dragon Championship around my waist - and this is what I will do.


Not today. Not tomorrow. But sooner than you think. I was risking my life forever. I am now working out how to make my landings hurt every single one of you."




[Chaperone hoists the AWF Heavyweight Championship above a battered and beaten Drake Richards, Chaperone revelling in the heat from the crowd. Suddenly the lights in the arena go out, there is some confusion until the face of Tombstone appears on the titantron, a crazed look in his cold dead eyes. Tombstone slowly begins to speak.]


TOMBSTONE: Your time is up Chaperone, the end is nigh. You’ve deserted everyone who had your back, and now that you’ve destroyed Richards, there’s no one left to spoon-feed you. For too long you’ve been allowed to waltz around the American Wrestling Federation, for too long you’ve used those around you as pawns in your game of chess. Until now Chaperone, nobody has ever really had the guts to take you on, too make you pay for your sins. That is until now, you see I will not stop here Chaperone, I won’t be finished until I know that the maggots are feasting on your flesh, I will not stop until you have experienced the pain and suffering you have cause those around you, until you’re body has become nothing more than a shell. I’m going to make sure you pay for your sins. Time’s up Chaperone, you’ve dug your pit, and now, it’s time for me to push you into it.”


[The lights return as Chaperone lays face down in the middle of the ring in a pool of his own blood with the rest of the ringside deserted as the AWF go off the air.]

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First of all, I'd like to extend a huge thank you to the twelve participants for their promos - excellent work, I'm sure you'll agree. Unfortunately, only eight entrants can progress to Round #3.


Anyone who actually read the instructions for Round #1 will probably not read to do so again - I've just copied and pasted the original! As always, click on the link below to head to the survey - ratings are once again on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being 'great' and 1 being 'not so great'. Voting will close on Thursday January 19th at 1830 GMT.


Once voting is closed, the four participants with the lowest total scores will be eliminated, and the eight remaining entrants will progress to round three. If #8 and #9 cannot be split by their respective number of points, then the person with the most number of 5 (i.e. high) ratings will go through. If they share the same number of 5s then it will go to 4s etc. If by some weird and wonderful miracle the two or more people share the same scores, and the same positions of scores, then the four judges that selected the sixteen will be able to vote again (assuming they are happy doing so). If things are still level then I will cry and Shmoe and myself will select who goes through. :)


You must give every participant a score for both questions or you won't be able to submit your answers (you don't need to fill in the last text box though).


Oh, and I advise people to open the survey in another window, as you'll might need to read through the promos again as you answer the questions (I did!).


Voting is open to entrants themselves, anyone else on the forum, and even guests, if they can see the link (I can't remember what the limits for guests is anymore).


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Once voting is closed, the four participants with the lowest total scores will be eliminated, and the twelve remaining entrants will progress to round two. If #12 and #13 cannot be split by their respective number of points, then the person with the most number of 5 (i.e. high) ratings will go through. If they share the same number of 5s then it will go to 4s etc. If by some weird and wonderful miracle the two or more people share the same scores, and the same positions of scores, then the four judges that selected the sixteen will be able to vote again (assuming they are happy doing so). If things are still level then I will cry and Shmoe and myself will select who goes through.


Not to be a pain, but I think this paragraph may need some editing ;)

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This is really turning into a fun little competition. Really impressed with all the entries for this round, they really made it clear what makes each of these characters unique.


Like sebs and SWF Fan there were a few of the characters that I wasn't expecting much from that really changed my mind in this round. Now I'm getting curious as to what the next round will bring.


Fargo was hilarious as always, if there's anything I wish its that one of us two don't win so I can sign the other into the same federation and play off some comedy feud.


I think I may have to do a tag team of Hollywood and Fargo, simply to make use of Hollywood's need to "direct" the start of a match, and Fargo completely ruining it time and again, and other things of that nature. It'll probably go on for way too long before the eventual split, because I'll be having too much fun with the pairing. :D


But thank you for all the support/sabotage (whichever it may be). Trust that I am returning the favor...

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This is really turning into a fun little competition. Really impressed with all the entries for this round, they really made it clear what makes each of these characters unique.


Like sebs and SWF Fan there were a few of the characters that I wasn't expecting much from that really changed my mind in this round. Now I'm getting curious as to what the next round will bring.




I think I may have to do a tag team of Hollywood and Fargo, simply to make use of Hollywood's need to "direct" the start of a match, and Fargo completely ruining it time and again, and other things of that nature. It'll probably go on for way too long before the eventual split, because I'll be having too much fun with the pairing. :D


But thank you for all the support/sabotage (whichever it may be). Trust that I am returning the favor...


That idea sounds amazing, it could be comedy gold. Start it off with some wildcard tag tournament and put them together. Everytime Hollywood tells Fargo to wait outside while he starts the match, Fargo being excited to wrestle tags himself in and takes over. Have them be a pretty decent tag team though I may go a different route with the split than you would. But it's amazing that so many ideas have come so early :p

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Derek Grace suprised me, originally he was I'll admit a character I didn't think too much about but that was a really good introduction for him.


Fargo was hilarious as always, if there's anything I wish its that one of us two don't win so I can sign the other into the same federation and play off some comedy feud.


Best promo of the first guys for me is Iago, I love Othello to begin with (English Literature Student) so I know the character well but it's the way that The Celt wrote it, just fantastic really.


Thanks! He's the little engine that could. Underdogs are so fun.

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Great promo's everyone. Interested to see the results of this round, as again I had to give high votes to some people that I didn't see winning this thing when bio's were first posted. Infact I gave the highest score (combined, in this round) to someone who I wouldn't have cared if they went out in Round 1.
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Some tough competition out there for the Cross Dressing Otaku. I wouldn't be surprised or disapointed (well I would be a bit disappointed:p)if my creation failed to make the cut. It's not that I don't believe that Meido Machine has what it takes to win this competition, it's more the fact that competition is fierce, with everyone putting in their best efforts to really make their characters come alive.
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Competition is indeed fierce - the bottom six(ish) have been on constant rotation since the voting began! Big thanks to the 34 individuals who have already voted. As we had a couple of people who missed the voting last time around this is your 24 hour warning.


Results for Round #2 should be up tomorrow evening, while instructions for the remaining eight participants will be posted on Friday morning :)

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Okay, so the results are in and after 41 votes I can tell you that...


The Become A Star entrant with the best promo for Round #2 - as measured by both total score, and number of '5' scores - was...


Iago de Brún!


Not surprised by that, I must admit. That said, he was only one ahead of the second place participant in total scores.


And, the Become A Star entrant with the biggest promise so far, as measured by number of '5' scores only, was...


Iago de Brún!


But, the voters thought that the workers with the biggest promise based on total scores, with almost identical makeup of scores...


Christian Prophet & Johnny Hollywood!


As last time, good news unfortunately foreshadows the bad and I must reveal that the four Become A Star entrants to be eliminated after Round #2 of the competition are...


Meido Machine, Mike Santorelli, Sam "Red" Bailey and The Flying Vergomov


Commiserations, and thank you for all your hard work. All of you flitted in an out of the 'relegation' zone several times in the course of the voting so don't, by any means, take this as a defeat. Merely a delay in your character's quest for glory :D


Congratulations to the remaining eight participants, instructions for Round #3 will be up tomorrow!

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