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Hall of Fame 2012 Nominations

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Alright, so this is going to go in two parts. The Nomination phase and the Voting phase. The Voting Phase is going to come later so I'll explain that part when we get there. The Nomination phase goes like this:


1. Each person gets 3 choices for Nomination to be placed in my pm box. Only those sent to my pm box will be counted.

2. Each choice gets 1 point per Nomination

3. Self-Nomination IS allowed in this phase but not in the next phase.

4. Those who are already in the Hall of Fame get double the points for being in the Hall of Fame, so instead of 1 point per Nomination, they get 2 points per Nomination.

5. Top ten in points move on to the Voting phase.

6. Feel free to post publicly in this thread who your nominations are and why people should vote for them.

7. Anyone who has run a diary is eligible.

8. Hall of Famers already are as follows: Monkeypox, Scapino1974, Tristram, Adam Ryland, Nevermore, Tigerkinney, KeefMoon, J Silver, James Casey, BigPapa42, Marcel Fromage, Reaper, Dragonmack, Eisen-verse, Self and Phantom Stranger

9. Any further questions, feel free to ask on this thread or in my pm box.

10. This will run for one month, until March 8 at 12 Noon EST.


Nominees So Far


1. angeldelayette=11 points

2. NoNeck=9 points

3. Wildfire1324=7 points

4. infinitywpi=6 points

The Final Countdown=6 points

Oldschool=6 points

7. jhd1=5 points

Brifidelity=5 points

9. Boltinho=4 points

codey=4 points

11. Genadi=3 points

michgcs=3 points

13. dse81=2 points

Eidenhoek=2 points

15. olympia=1 point

BHK1978=1 point

Jaded=1 point

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I'm not sure I follow this, but probably because I'm confusing it with the Diary of the Year voting. Are you supposed to just list the names of three diary writers you think should go into the Hall of Fame? If so, shouldn't existing HoF members be excluded from voting? Otherwise we'll all vote for the same people again... :confused:#


EDIT: Also, is this for people who have run a diary in 2011 or people who have run any diary at all?

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I think that it means that the votes of people like myself and PS will count double - obviously we're special :p


And anyone who has written a diary at any point should be eligible - the HoF recognises all-time achievements, not just in the last calendar year. I imagine I'll be voting for brifidelity, for example, who ran a diary way back on 2005 and who hasn't been around for a long time.

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I think that it means that the votes of people like myself and PS will count double - obviously we're special :p


And anyone who has written a diary at any point should be eligible - the HoF recognises all-time achievements, not just in the last calendar year. I imagine I'll be voting for brifidelity, for example, who ran a diary way back on 2005 and who hasn't been around for a long time.


Aha! Now it all makes sense. Thanks James! :)

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I'm not sure I follow this, but probably because I'm confusing it with the Diary of the Year voting. Are you supposed to just list the names of three diary writers you think should go into the Hall of Fame? If so, shouldn't existing HoF members be excluded from voting? Otherwise we'll all vote for the same people again... :confused:#


EDIT: Also, is this for people who have run a diary in 2011 or people who have run any diary at all?


I think that it means that the votes of people like myself and PS will count double - obviously we're special :p


And anyone who has written a diary at any point should be eligible - the HoF recognises all-time achievements, not just in the last calendar year. I imagine I'll be voting for brifidelity, for example, who ran a diary way back on 2005 and who hasn't been around for a long time.


James Casey has that one correct on both counts. The HoF is for all-time achievements as I can imagine that some of mine might be from the old guard as well.


angel, you might want to clarify whether or not people are allowed to nominate themselves. I'm not going to nominate myself either way, but there might be others who want to do that.


I put something in the rules about that but just to clarify here, I am allowing self-nomination in the first part but not in the second.

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Is the HOF just for TEW diaries or overall contribution to the community? If it is the latter, I would nominate sebsplex for creating the GDS-verse.


Could someone please clarify for me?


We have had special honorary nominations, such as Adam Ryland for creating the game and all. But this has been for the TEW diaries overall.

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Ah, OK. Sorry sebs, I tried. :)


Sebs is actually a superb diary writer too, as it happens. Unfortunately his last couple of efforts didn't make it too far in. Well worth checking out though, especially the first DAVE show which was genius wrapped up in a diary post. :D (In all seriousness, the writing, and story, is superb and a must read for anyone wanting to start a diary.)

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my nominees are


Angeldelayette - for consistent and continuous excellent diaries, even if he does make a lot of them ;):D


No Neck - For some of the most original and detailed alternate scenario dynasties in the Cornellverse, which are also high quality offerings.


infinitywpi - Its a tradition for every new version of TEW to have a Welcome to the Coastal Zone, and only infinitywpi can turn the minimalist diaries of his into legend.

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infinitywpi - Its a tradition for every new version of TEW to have a Welcome to the Coastal Zone, and only infinitywpi can turn the minimalist diaries of his into legend.


quoted for truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. because the truth will set you free and that is what little jimmy is telling me I need.

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