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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution

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'I can't believe Sushi Sue is hosting my old show, Sushi Sue of all people!, Sushi Sue what in the hell are the producers thinking!'


Those words came out of a hysterical Makoto Makoto, former wrestler and our road agent and also a former presenter/anchor for a terrible daytime TV show, where himself and some Z-list nonentities would talk about current events and comment on clips. Apparently one of these nonentities that appeared on his show was Sushi Sue a fat tranvesite 'comedian'. I say comedian in inverted comma's because Sushi Sue is about as funny as a nuclear holocaust- despite the fact that he and his PR Machine bill him as Japan's Most Loved Transvestite.




Sushi Sue- Japan's Most Loved Gender Confused Person.


I told Makoto-san, who cares and that surely he should be glad to have moved away from being involved with such trash. But apparently Makoto-san was actually quite proud of his stint as a TV host and that it was only his love of wrestling and Prime Dragon's passion for the DIASPORA project that pulled him away from his new career. I also got the impression from his ranting and raving about Sushi Sue, that Makoto-san had personal beef with the cross-dresser.


When I crashed out on the hard bed of the 'all expenses spared' bed of the cheap-ass hotel Dragon-san put us all up in, I turned on the TV- and what should happen to be on but the crappy show that Makoto Makoto used to host now fronted by the diabolical Sushi Sue.


They were in the middle of some report, where some nerdy looking reporter, was visiting a tiny Unagi restaurant, that does one dish. That one dish being Unagi on rice! but the tiny restaurant attracts thousands of customers a day, because it's like the best Unagi on rice ever! Or so the report would have you believe- this was then followed by another report where some admittedly cute looking female reporter went to a Sake Brewery- that you guessed it brewed the best Sake ever!- All this whilst a little box in the bottom corner of the screen showed Sushi Bloody Sue and some other goons in the studio reacting/gurning to these insightful reports.


I know that Makoto-san surely couldn't have been any worse than Sushi-Sue in hosting this show, but the fact is you can't polish a turd, and this show was a turd. Unfortunately this show was one of many turds that presented itself on my TV- as I flicked the channels. Look I'm a proud Japanese, but our TV is terrible.....


Still why worry about such things, I had plenty to occupy my mind and thinking about such trivial matters was hardly worthy of my time.

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DIASPORA return to the Tokushima Civic Hall in Shikoku for the latest leg of the Full Metal Panic! Tour on Thursday 2nd March.


The main event see's a star studded Junior Division tag match as The Guardians pair of Super Junior Champion Prime Dragon and one half of the Junior Tag champs in Zodiac takes on the Kuro-Nadeshiko pair of Sairento & Incognito. The semi main see's a unique openweight clash between S.H.I.P's Hiroto Nori and Kuro-Nadeshiko's GUSHIKEN, can the S.H.I.P leader overcome the size and power of the All Asia Tag champion?


Eikichi Minamoto has been rubbing up his stable mates the wrong way with his recent attitude, but despite all that has gone on, he still remains a member of the Guardians and he will line up alongside Junior Tag champion Zodiac against the S.H.I.P pair of Hiro Date and Shintaro Hideki. And there is another Guardians vs S.H.I.P clash with an all heavyweight tag contest between Hyotaru Ichigawa and Taheji Ebisawa up against Oda Yamawaki and Go Takashi.


Horiuchi Inokuma has grown frustrated with his tag team partner Aki Shimizudani, and noticeably this change in attitude has come after Inokuma put in an impressive (albeit losing) performance against the Heavyweight Champion Hyotaru Ichigawa, now the young lion has another chance to show that his stock is growing when he takes on the former champion Koto Arato.


The Kuro Nadeshiko trio of Chojiro Ono and the 'Salty Deliquents' (Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima) will be looking to prove to their leader Sairento that they can get the job done, when they take on the bizarre trio of MOE! MONEY! and Fuku Machine. Question is can MOE! MONEY! really trust their tag partner, who has yet to really decide whether he wants to be their ally Fuku Machine or their foe Hunter Wolfe.


A pair of Junior Division matches round out the show with a three way between newcomer Junichi Matsuo, Kotei Yamato and Kohei Hidaka and a straight up one on one contest between Dark Wolf II and Hideaki Kasuse


Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 20 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....



Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show #20


Tokushima Civic Hall, Tokushima, Shikoku

Thursday 2nd 2012


~Stars Burn Brighter~

Final (45 Min Limit): Star Powered Junior Tag Team Showdown

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Super Junior Champion- Prime Dragon

& Junior Tag Champion- Talisman


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Sairento & Incognito


~Beast Slayeth~

Semi Final: (30 Min Limit ): Furious Openweight Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

All Asia Tag Team Champion-

GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono


6th Match (30 Min Limit): Openweight Tag Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Eikichi Minamoto &

Junior Tag Champion-Zodiac


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki


5th Match (20 Min Limit): Heavyweight Singles Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Koto Arato


'Representing ShimiKuma'

Horiuchi Inokuma


4th Match (20 Min Limit): Heavweight Tag Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Heavyweight Champion- Hyotaru Ichigawa &

Taheji Ebisawa


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi


3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Six Man Openweight Challenge

MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) &

Fuku Machine?


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

All Asia Tag Champion- Chojiro Ono &

The Salty Delinquents (Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima)


2nd Match (15 Min Limit): Junior Singles Challenge

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Dark Wolf II


'Representing The Forgotten'

Hideaki Kasuse


1st Match (15 Min Limit): Junior Three Way

Junichi Matsuo


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Kotei Yamato


'Representing The Forgotten'

Kohei Hidaka


Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Openweight Singles

Shiki Hirasi vs Xtinction





Predictions Form

Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento & Incognito

Hiroto Nori vs GUSHIKEN

Eikichi Minamoto & Zodiac vs Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki

Koto Arato vs Horiuchi Inokuma

Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa vs Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi

Meido, HUSTLE & Fuku vs Ono, Terajima & Blood Spider

Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse

Junichi Matsuo vs Kotei Yamato vs Kohei Hidaka

Shiki Hirasi vs Xtinction


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I'm still here! Though was too busy until today.


Result: Blood Spider Jr [w] bt Hunter Wolfe [L] in 6:50 via pinfall (Blood Drop)


Standard Wolfe, yawn.


Result: Dark Wolf II [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 5:25 via pinfall (Wolf's Call)


Hey, jobbers are useful! Always nice to see Dark Wolf getting a win.

Result: Meido Machine [w] & HUSTLE Umiro bt Aki Shimizudani [L] & Horiuchi Inokuma in 8:08 via pinfall (Meido Beam)


Advances the ShimiKuma storyline but pretty average otherwise. No interviews, so it feels like a inbetween match.


Result: Soh Terajima [w] bt Junichi Matsuo [L] in 10:10 via pinfall (Soh The Seeds of Tera)


As expected. Terajima works well as a gatekeeper for the youngest guys. Matsuo has some dues to pay. The interview afterwards tells us a lot more about Matsuo than the matches have. He's not a fun loving loon. He's dead serious sexy.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac [w] & Talisman bt Yachi Kotara, Kohei Hidaka [L] & Hideaki Kasuse in 11:27 via submission (Flame Haze)


Wipeout! The guys with the gold get the win, easily.


Result: Koto Arato [w] & Go Takashi bt Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 11:40 via pinfall (Arato Suplex)


El Super Porky with another win, with the help of his protege. But just as important, it advances the Minamoto storyline both in the lack of interest in teamwork and the disrespect he shows his partner. Which contrasts with Arato and his protege.


Result: Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono bt Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato, Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date in a Makoto Style Elimination in 24:31 by 2 survivors (Hiroto Nori was the final elimination)


Yay, Mio's still here! Good fast action and something other than the traditional 1 on 1 finish with the face coming back against long odds.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Tian Long [L] in 17:43 via pinfall (Dragon's Flame)


Good action but short write up. So a nice warm down card after the big event. Hangover is another good way to put it. Kinda of fast for another title shot, but at least the match was good enough the Kobe fans would not be disappointed.

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Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento & Incognito


Hiroto Nori vs GUSHIKEN


Eikichi Minamoto & Zodiac vs Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki


Koto Arato vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa vs Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi


Meido, HUSTLE & Fuku vs Ono, Terajima & Blood Spider


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


Junichi Matsuo vs Kotei Yamato vs Kohei Hidaka


Shiki Hirasi vs Xtinction

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Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento & Incognito


Hiroto Nori vs GUSHIKEN


Eikichi Minamoto & Zodiac vs Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki


Koto Arato vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa vs Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi


Meido, HUSTLE & Fuku vs Ono, Terajima & Blood Spider


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


Junichi Matsuo vs Kotei Yamato vs Kohei Hidaka


Shiki Hirasi vs Xtinction

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I've been pretty busy the last few weeks, but I've caught up and I have to say you've done a great job in continuing to put out consistently entertaining shows, Keep up the good work.



Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento & Incognito


Hiroto Nori vs GUSHIKEN


Eikichi Minamoto & Zodiac vs Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki


Koto Arato vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa vs Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi


Meido, HUSTLE & Fuku vs Ono, Terajima & Blood Spider


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


Junichi Matsuo vs Kotei Yamato vs Kohei Hidaka


Shiki Hirasi vs Xtinction

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Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento & Incognito

Could go either way but I think that Kuro would get more from the win over Dragon as both Sairento and Incognito could well challenge Dragon for the title.


Hiroto Nori vs GUSHIKEN

This one is pretty hard but I go with heavyweight guy here as I think that loss would hurt GUSHIKEN more than it does hurt Nori because of the size difference that those two have.


Eikichi Minamoto & Zodiac vs Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki

Guardian pair is stronger and with S.H.I.P pair being two tag guys from differend teams this looks to be an easy one but Minamoto throws a wrench to this with his recent attitude.... I go with upset here to further the Minamoto angle.


Koto Arato vs Horiuchi Inokuma



Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa vs Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi

Ichigawa is just too strong.


Meido, HUSTLE & Fuku vs Ono, Terajima & Blood Spider

I could see this one going either way as it´s the three least important members from Kuro but I still think that they pack more punch than comedy team and Wolfe.


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse

Wolf continues his strong showings by getting another win over semi-decent opponent.


Junichi Matsuo vs Kotei Yamato vs Kohei Hidaka

Yamato has so far been the most important guy from these three.


Shiki Hirasi vs Xtinction

Pretty much anyone can beat Xtinction.

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Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento & Incognito


I have to agree with Z. Sairento and Incognito gain way more from a win here in terms of story with Whispered and PD.


Hiroto Nori vs GUSHIKEN


Nori with the quality win.


Eikichi Minamoto & Zodiac vs Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki


I think Minamoto gets the win, but his ego overflows. Even if Zodiac brushes it off, Talisman's ego may take offense.


Koto Arato vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Arato smash!


Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa vs Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi


Ebisawa and Takashi are almost even. But Ichigawa is way over Yamawaki.


Meido, HUSTLE & Fuku vs Ono, Terajima & Blood Spider


Low level heels over the comedy team, with Fuku taking the loss.


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


DW seems to be the designated 'beat the jobbers' guy lately.


Junichi Matsuo vs Kotei Yamato vs Kohei Hidaka


Time for some fanservice to get the win.

Shiki Hirasi vs Xtinction


No matter who Xtinction is, he's still a jobber.

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Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento & Incognito


Hiroto Nori vs GUSHIKEN


Eikichi Minamoto & Zodiac vs Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki


Koto Arato vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa vs Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi


Meido, HUSTLE & Fuku vs Ono, Terajima & Blood Spider


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


Junichi Matsuo vs Kotei Yamato vs Kohei Hidaka


Shiki Hirasi vs Xtinction

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Full Metal Panic Tour- Show #20


Thursday 1st March 2012,

Tokushima Civic Hall, Tokushima, Shikoku (738)


Match 0: Shiki Hirasi vs Xtinction


A fast paced and evenly contested match. Xtinction was in the drivers seat in the early going, but he lost his footing on the top turnbuckle when going for a shooting star press, which allowed Hirasi to bring 'Everybody's Shadow' crashing back in with a superplex.


Hirasi then managed to lock in the STF, only for Xtinction to slip his way out and then stun Hirasi with the X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT), which left 'Shiny Dagger' stunned long enough for Xtinction to pick up a rare victory.


Result: Xtinction [w] bt Shiki Hirasi in 5:06 via pinfall (Spot X)

Rating: 48


Takayuki Balls: This match ended up being much better than expected- I think that had to do with the fact that they showed good chemistry as opponents and also that both seemed motivated to show that they deserve better than jobbing/making regular appearances in the pre-show slot. Whilst one match isn't going to change my mind, they did themselves no harm here.



Main Show



Matsuo came out first with his Bishojo dancers, but once again the fans are denied a dance routine, when Hidaka decides to jump Matsuo from behind. The two then brawl with another on the floor only for Yamato to then take both out with a suicide dive.


The bell offically ran to beign the match and Yamato almost got a quick victory with the Gurren MK II Driver (Sitout Side Driver) on Hidaka- but Matsuo was able to break that up. The match then continued on at a fast pace with a consistent stream of near-falls, with Matsuo coming extremely close to victory when he trapped Yamato in the Fanservice (Double Leg Cradle).


Matsuo seemed to take control when he took out both of his opponents with a Tornado DDT/Drop-Kick sequence before heading up and going for the Heavy Rotation (450 Senton) upon Hidaka. But Red-Dog was able to move out of the way and quickly snare Matsuo into a schoolboy roll-up, only for Yamato to intervene with a basement drop-kick.


'Pin Point' then entrapped Matsuo in the End Game (Clutched Knee Strike Flurry) only for Hidaka to nail Yamato from behind. However Yamato remained in control and planted Hidaka with the Gurren Driver (Scoop Slam Piledriver) to secure the win.


Result: Kotei Yamato [w] bt Junichi Matsuo + Kohei Hidaka [L] in 8:14 via pinfall (Gurren Driver)

Rating: 55


Takayuki Balls: These three packed in a decent amount of action into the short amount of time they were given. Basically this was one of those matches, that delivered what it needed to.




Kasuse tried to take the match to the mat, but Dark Wolf II overpowered 'The Forgotten' man and was soon setting the pace with a more hard-nosed brawling style. After it seemed like the Howling Menace had worn Kasuse down enough he then planted 'Bitter Pill' with a German Suplex for a two count before heading up top.


But Kasuse had some fight left and he prevented Wolf from taking flight, before sending the Kuro-Nadeshiko man crashing back in with a top rope hurricanana before floating through into the Grace's Fate rana pin, but Wolf managed to kick out of that and immediately countered with the Wolf's Call (Sliding Lariat Pin) to grab the victory.


Result: Dark Wolf II [w] bt Hideaki Kasuse [L] in 7:40 via pinfall (Wolf's Call)

Rating: 44


Takayuki Balls: I was expecting better of this match, but apart from a pretty neat ending sequence, this was a boring plodder of a match that felt longer than the 8 or so minutes it ran for. It's like if the workers in the match before did everthing they could to get the most out of the short time frame of their match, Wolf and Kasuse unfortunately did exactly the opposite here. Both are normally better than this, so I'll just put this down as a bad day at the office.



The MOE! MONEY! trio look to be on the same page, when they start performing a terrible rendition of the Hare Hare Yukai dance routinebut then Fuku Machine suddenly realises who he is and suddenly clotheslines both of his partners before shouting '**** This, I'm Hunter Wolfe!' and then storming out of the ring, effectively turning the match into a handicap match in favour of the Kuro-Nadeshiko trio.


MOE! MONEY! take a methodical beating, but HUSTLE does show some great fighting spirit, when he Chocolate Parfait Thunder's up and almost grabs a win against the odds when he drills Blood Spider Jr with the HUSTLE Brother (Legsweep DDT).


After being denied the win through Terajima's intervention, HUSTLE got the tag into Meido Machine, but the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' was unable to overcome the numbers game and in the end fell victim to a thunderous Okinawa Battle Bomb (Spinning Powerbomb) from Ono.


Result: Blood Spider Jr, Soh Terajima & Chojiro Ono [w] bt Meido Machine [L], HUSTLE Umiro & Fuku Machine

Rating: 48


Takayuki Balls: This was definitely more about continuing to put over an angle (Fuku/Wolfe's identity problem) than delivering a great match. I'm sure some fans in the crowd (those minus a sense of humour) may have loved seeing MOE! MONEY! get handed a beating- even if those delivering it were three of Kuro-Nadeshiko's B squad.




This was an evenly contested Heavyweight tag match, with neither side really having a sustainable advantage throughout the match and with everyone coming close to securing the victory for their team- Takashi almost got an up-set win over Ichigawa when he planted the Heavyweight Champion with the DRRR!! (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver), whilst Yamawaki and Ebisawa exchanged near-falls with the All Asia Tag Champion planting Ebisawa with the Sumida Bridge (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex), whilst 'Forceful Dagger' returned fire with the Ebisawa Complex (Swinging Side Slam Backbreaker).


In the end though it was the Guardians pair who was able to emerge with the victory, with Ichigawa forcing Takashi to tap out of the Crucifix Arm Bar after Ebisawa had neutralized Yamawaki with the Dozer (Spear).


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] & Taheji Ebisawa vs Go Takashi [L] & Oda Yamawaki in 11:39 via submission (Crucifix Arm Bar)

Rating: 68


Takayuki Balls: Just a solid competitive middle of the card match, with the main event talent coming out looking the strongest (as he should) but the rest also getting plenty of opportunity to shine.




Inokuma comes out all fired up and tries to engage Arato in a standup brawl, but that proves to be a mistake, and 'Strong Dreamer' is able to use his size and power to dominate the early going....an Arato-Lariat brings the former Heavyweight Champion a close two count, before Inokuma rolls out to the floor to re-group.


Arato patiently waits for Inokuma to get back into the ring, but this time that actually back-fires as refreshed Inokuma ducks another Arato-Lariat and then unbalances 'Strong Dreamer) with a Chop-Block before following up with a Swinging Neckbreaker.


Inokuma then methodically worked over the neck of Arato, with a second rope knee-drop across Arato's neck bringing 'Learning Lion' a two count. Inokuma then feeling that Arato was sufficiently worn down enough, applied the Python Vise (Anaconda Vise) submission but Arato was able to use his strength to battle his way to the ropes.


Inokuma remained in control though and he was soon setting Arato up for the Kamikochi Suplex (Northern Light Suplex) but Inokuma struggled to get the big man up and over, and in the end Arato came back to life and suddenly countered with a Release Belly to Belly Suplex.


An Arato-Lariat then completely turned the momentum once again, before 'Strong Dreamer' then planted Inokuma with the Arato-Suplex (Half Nelson Choke Suplex).....Inokuma showed fighting spirit by kicking out at two but he was unable to escape being trapped in the Dreamland (Rear Naked Choke), the 'Learning Lion' still refused to give it up but with the submission applied right in the middle of the ring and with the life squeezed out of Inokuma, referee Ochida was left with no other choice but to call for the bell.


Result: Koto Arato [w] bt Horiuchi Inokuma [L] in 11:45 via submission (Dreamland)

Rating: 73


Takayuki Balls: The result of the match would come as a surprise to no one, but the competiveness of it might to some. Inokuma gave it a real go (being noticeably on top for the middle portion of the match) but Arato proved far too strong an opponent to overcome in the end.


Zodiac and Hideki started things off, and engaged in some fast paced chain wrestling...Zodiac got the better of the exchanges but Hideki almost connected with a Superkick, leading to a stand off between the pair.


Date out-brawls Minamoto after being tagged in and looked to be setting up for a German suplex, but 'Rumble Heart' managed to battle his way out and then go for a powder, before stepping back in and then deciding to tag Zodiac back in.


Zodiac was able to use his speed to keep Date off balance, almost nabbing victory with the Escaflowne (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Bomb) but a Tornado DDT attempt was cut off and then countered into a superplex from the All Asia Tag champion.


The S.H.I.P pair then took control of the match, with Date placing Zodiac in the Date with Pain (Elevated Boston Crab) and Hideki getting a two count with a Northern Lights Suplex. Zodiac showed great resillience though and countered a Final Base (Half Nelson Lifted Wheelbarrow Driver) attempt from Hideki into a victory roll. Zodiac then ducked a superkick from Hideki and countered with a boot into the mid-section and the Zodiac Sniper'98 (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb) but Date was there to make the save.


Date then drilled Zodiac with the Rejection (Fisherman's Brainbuster) but the Junior tag champion, again showed resillience by kicking out, which he had to do because Minamoto was showing little interest in attempting to make the save for his partner.


Date then set up for the Rejection II (Backdrop Driver) but Zodiac managed to flip onto his feet and suddenly stun 'Stampeding Bull' with a tilt-a-whirl facebuster. Zodiac then looked to tag out to Minamoto, but this tag partner showed little interest in making the tag and a recovered Date then went for a spear only for Zodiac to move out of the way and then stun Date with the Zodiac Sniper-X (Front Flip Piledriver)


Hideki then entered the ring however and nailed Zodiac with a superkick, before setting up for the Shiranui, but somehow Zodiac still had enough wits about him to block the Shiranui attempt and counter with a Beetle Suplex (Tiger Suplex) after a two count Zodiac then headed up top, but just as he was setting up Minamoto made a blind tag....


'Rumble Heart' then waited for Hideki to get back to his feet, before drilling 'Integral Prowess' with the Ode to Eri (Cradle Brainbuster) to secure the win for his team, even though it was Zodiac's resillience and innvovation that had really earned the Guardians pair that victory.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] & Zodiac bt Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki [L] in 13:48 via pinfall (Ode to Eri)

Rating: 76


Takayuki Balls: The S.H.I.P pair played their part, but the focus here was very much about their opponents- Zodiac wrestled like he was fire, which he had to do because of Minamoto's nonchalant attitude towards the match. Minamoto-san stealing the victory at the end continues to highlight his descent into dickness.


Post Match Comments:


Eikichi Minamoto: Once again I have to come in and save the day, because I'm.....


Zodiac: Save the day?, Really?!


Eikichi Minamoto: Lets face it, if I didn't intervene when I did, you would have lost the match for us....


Zodiac: I'd like to know what match you were watching....oh yeah you weren't watching it, you were sat on your backside, whilst I did the work of two men....


Eikichi Minamoto: Who really cares about your so called heroic efforts, what everyone remembers at the end of the day, is who got the job done.....and the one to get the job done was, your's truly......


Zodiac: I already had the job done, but you just tagged yourself in and took all the glory for yourself.....


Eikichi Minamoto: Oh didn't look like you had Hideki-san finished off to me, I'd rather like to think my intervention was rather vital.


Zodiac: I think everyone preferred you when you were living in the School Rumble fantasy, rather than the fantasy of your own self-worth.


Eikichi Minamoto: I don't live in any fantasy, it's time everyone woke up to the reality of my greatness.




Nori uses a hit and run strategy to keep GUSHIKEN off balance at the start of the match, peppering the Udon Noodle Killer with kicks and then moving away before the All Asia Tag champ can retaliate. A basement drop-kick from Nori forces GUSHIKEN to crumble to his knees, and 'Battle' see's that as an opportunity to head up top, but 'Great Thunder' returns to his feet and sends Nori back in the hard-way with a biel throw off the top turbuckle.


GUSHIKEN then seizes control with a series of clotheslines, and then toss into the corner followed by a corner splash and an overhead Belly to Belly Suplex for a two count. GUSHIKEN then set up for the GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) but Nori managed to slip off and then stun 'Great Thunder' with an Enziguri before drop-kicking the All Asia Tag champ out of the ring.


Nori then went for a slingshot flying crossbody to the floor, but that proved to be a mistake with GUSHIKEN catching Nori in mid-air and then bodyslamming the S.H.I.P leader onto the ring-steps. 'Great Thunder' then powerbombed Nori into the same ring-steps....causing a hysterical female fan to scream at GUSHIKEN 'You leave my Nori-chan alone, you fat-man are going to pay for what you have done!'


GUSHIKEN just ignored the hysterical female fan, and stomped away on Nori, before pitching the S.H.I.P leader back into the ring. GUSHIKEN then went for a series of covers, but to his growing frustration Nori had enough fighting spirit to keep kicking out. A frustrated GUSHIKEN then paced around for a bit before setting up for the GUSHIKEN Firebomb (Thunder Fire Powerbomb) but Nori came back to life and countered with a DDT in mid-move. Nori then stunned GUSHIKEN with an overhead kick, followed by a basement drop-kick to take 'Great Thunder' off his feet.


'Battle' then headed up top once again and this time connected with a missile drop-kick on GUSHIKEN, only for 'Great Thunder' to shake it off and nail Nori with a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash). That could only bring GUSHIKEN a two count however, 'Great Thunder' then went for the GUSHIKEN Series (Triple Rolling German Suplex) but Nori somehow managed to flip out of the final suplex and then stun GUSHIKEN with a spinning kick. Nori then peppered GUSHIKEN with the Endless Nori (Kick Flurry ending with a high kick to the head).....


'Great Thunder' rose back to his feet but was immediately met with another high head kick, before Nori headed up top once again. The S.H.I.P leader then came crashing down upon GUSHIKEN with the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press).......


GUSHIKEN managed to powerfully kick out, but unfortunately for him that emphatic kick out was s second too late, as Nori picks up the win by the skin of his teeth.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] bt GUSHIKEN [L] in 12:41 via pinfall (Flying Bonito)

Rating: 75


Takayuki Balls: Decent big man vs little man match-up- Nori-san goes over here because right now he's being put over as being a bit more important than GUSHIKEN-san. GUSHIKEN-san may well hold championship gold, but the All Asia Tag belts are in all honesty the 'lowest' belts in the DIASPORA pecking order- where as Nori-san is very much involved in the race for the Super Junior Title (the top belt) and is a stable leader. The nature of the finish though means that both guys come out looking relatively strong.


Post Match Comments:


GUSHIKEN: Stupid referee, I think a damn Grade Schooler could count better than that idiot ever could...that moron cost me the match, cos he couldn't damn well count.....


An angry GUSHIKEN then proceeded to kick over a trash can and then punch a hole in a locker before storming out.


Hiroto Nori: It was close, and I always knew this would be a tough match but I got the job done. And I would continue to keep getting the job done, because I've not given up on the goals of winning the Super Junior Championship and leading S.H.I.P towards being the dominant force here in DIASPORA, but they are goals that will be reached the right way. No short-cuts will be taken, so if that means doing things the hard way so be it....I am willing to do things the hard-way, because there have been and there will be setbacks but both I and S.H.I.P are strong enough to overcome those setbacks and reach our goals.



Talisman and Incognito kicked things off, with some Talisman getting the better of some chain wrestling exchanges to the frustration of the Kuro Luchador. Talisman plants Incognito with a Tilt-a-Whirl Faceplant and then tags in Dragon, but Incognito is able to scramble across to his corner before Dragon can keep the pressure on to tag in Sairento.


The Super Junior Champion and his fearsome nemesis, stare each other down and then go strike for strike...Dragon's ability to go toe to toe with Sairento, frustrates the Kuro-Leader and he resorts to sneaking in a suspiciously low knee shot to the groinal area of the champion....causing the 'Grand Pillar' to double over and leave himself prone to being drilled with a DDT.


That puts the Kuro pair in control of the match, with Dragon tossed into their corner and then subjected to a Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curbstomp) and a double facewash. Sairento then drilled Dragon with a Brainbustrer for a two count before tagging Incognito, who then headed up top and went for a moonsault but the Super Junior Champion managed to move out of the way and then stun Incognito with a rolling wheel kick, before looking to scramble across to make the tag.....


But Sairento had sneaked round to the other side of the ring, and had tossed Talisman into the barricade, meaning that Dragon had no one to tag out to. Incognito then managed to get Sairento tagged back in, and the 'Silent Reaper' delivered another Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curbstomp) to Dragon- this time making the cover for a two count.


Sairento then hoisted Dragon upon his shoulders to set up for a Death Valley Driver, but the 'Grand Pillar' still had enough left in the tank to counter with a crucifix bomb and then stun Sairento with a Rolling Wheel Kick, only for Incognito to then nail Dragon with a springboard Bala De Dios (Flying Spinning Heel Kick).....


Incognito was not the legal man however and referee Sugimura rightly ordered him back to his corner and it then became a race to see who could tag out first, unfortunately for the increasingly worn down Dragon it was Sairento who managed to make the tag..... Incognito then set Dragon up for the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but the Super Junior Champion was able to block the attempt, spin Incognito round and counter with an STO, before finally getting the tag into Talisman- who took down 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a diving headscissors take-down.....


Talisman then stunned Incognito with the God Knows (Spinning Headscissors into a Crucifix Pin).....








Sairento dived into to make the save, but was then interecepted by Dragon, who nailed Sairento with a Palm Strike and then looked to be setting up for a Brainbuster, only for the 'Silent Reaper' to get in an eye-poke and then bail to the floor for a powder, along with Incognito.


The Guardians pair however were keen to keep the momentum on their side, going for stereo moonsault presses to the floor. Talisman then pitched Incognito back into the ring and planted 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a German suplex for a two count, before heading up top. Talisman then came crashing down upon Incognito with the Golden Idol (Shooting Star Press)








But Sairento was able to break free from Dragon and make the save. Sairento then nailed Dragon with a Yazuza Kick, before a recovered Incognito nailed Talisman with a spinning heel-kick. Referee Sugimura then proceeded to get some form of order in the match by ordering Sairento back to the Kuro corner. Incognito kept the pressure on Talisman with a springboard inverted DDT for a two count before heading up top......


Talisman rose back to his feet but was immediately drilled with an inverted Tornado DDT from Incognito who immediately transitioned into the Suento Permanente Sleeper.....


Seeing that the situation was getting desperate for Talisman, Dragon darted into the ring to make the save but was immediately ordered back to his corner from Sugimura, who was keen to keep the match under control. Incognito then set up for the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but once again found his attempt at that move thwarted and Talisman countered with a tilt-a-whirl facebuster- before getting the tag to Prime Dragon.....


Dragon nailed Incognito with a spinning wheel kick and then drilled 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with the Prime Driver (Over the shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)......








Incognito managed to kick out, but remained rooted to the mat and Dragon set up for the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault) only for Sairento to come along and Yazuza Kick Dragon in mid-air to the floor.....the Super Junior Champion took a nasty fall on the apron to the floor, where the sadistic Sairento then proceeded to deliver a double stomp off the apron to the 'Grand Pillar' before pitching Dragon back in for Incognito.


Incognito then headed up top and came crashing down upon Dragon with the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton)......








Talisman managed to make the last ditch save, before single handidly turning things around on the Kuro pair with a pair of spinning head-scissor take downs and then a spectacular springboard faceplant on Sairento.....


Talisman then officially took the tag from the weary Prime Dragon, before nailing Sairento with a spinning overhead kick and then heading up top, but Incognito got up on the apron and prevented Talisman from taking flight- that allowed Sairento to recover and send Talisman crashing back into the ring with an Avalanche Death Valley Driver.....








Talisman kicked out, but he remained in trouble and Sairento immediatly drilled the 'Second Coming' with the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster)......






Three !!


This time it was the Kuro-Nadeshiko pair who were able to deliver the final blow and emerge with the victory.


Result: Sairento [w] & Incognito bt Prime Dragon & Talisman [L] in 19:48 via pinfall (Death Note)

Rating: 79


Takayuki Balls: This didn't have the flow of a match, where you would have two regular teams going at it, but the skill and personality of the competitors involved went someway to making up for that. All in all this was typical of a smaller market main event, where the competitors just went out there and did their thing, with no real focus on advancing a feud/story or suddenly busting out something 'new'.



Overall: 76


Takayuki's Final Verdict: This was solid enough for a show in what most people would be consider to be the 'smallest' market- that of Shikoku. Not really alot else to say about this one, in all honesty.

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DIASPORA- Effective Line: Episode 1


Theme Tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxEqRpsaEF8


DIASPORA's weekly TV show makes it debut on Japanese Sports Vision 3, at 6 PM on Friday March 2nd 2012.


This episode brings you action from the Bunkyo Hall, Tokyo from February 7th and the Nagoya Central Gym from February 9th.


Featured matches from Bunkyo Hall see Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) make the first defence of the Junior Tag Team titles they captured at Neon Genesis Evolution against the previous champions New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki). Plus from the same show we see one of the most intense matches in DIASPORA history as Sairento and Hiroto Nori do battle in a No Rope, No DQ match.


A star studded Junior Division six man provides the featured match from the Nagoya show, with the Guardians trio of Prime Dragon, Zodiac and Talisman locking horns with the Kuro-Nadeshiko unit of Sairento, Incognito & Tian Long.


Do not miss the Television debut of the most exciting promotion in Puroresu!


Bunkyo Hall show Feb 7th:



Nagoya show Feb 9th:


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The Wrestler That Smells of Sunflowers




So we're on our way to our next show in Nagasaki, when this cryptic e-mail pops up in my In-Box





Apologies for the sudden intrusion but I think you might be able to help me find someone that I am after. I believe you are travelling to Nagasaki, which is where I too will be heading, I am looking for the wrestler that smell's of sunflowers and it is my belief that you know this person.


Please meet me at the Ringer Hut restaurant, when you get to Nagasaki- I must meet the Sunflower Wrestler and I know that you will be able to help me.


- Momo Ayako



It must be said that I had several issues to raise with this proposal from this random acquaintance;


1. How in the hell did this Ayako-san get my e-mail address in the first place?


2. I don't know any wrestler that smells of sunflowers, and besides sunflowers don't really have a smell anyway


3. She wants to meet up at Ringer Hut- Which one though, because Ringer Hut's a chain restaurant, she could have at least chosen a more specific restaurant than just Ringer Hut, and not even specify which one.


4. As if I'm going to meet up with some random stranger anyway, who am I to know the person behind the e-mail isn't some whack job, out to get me.


Mind you I'm actually struggling to interact with anyone 'normal' lately- it seems that everyone I come in contact with are a few small steps away from being locked up-


I sometimes wonder if I am in fact the one going mad, and that fateful meeting in Osaka with Dragon-san etc was in fact the beginning of some kind of weird dream/coma that I've not yet woken up from- but I do not remember hitting me head on something or getting hit by a car or anything like that.....


Oh well reality or not, I can't say that my life right now is dull and I really should be thankful that I'm not stuck on the soul sapping treadmill of your regular salaryman.

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Result: Xtinction [w] bt Shiki Hirasi in 5:06 via pinfall (Spot X)


Wow, Xtinction with the rare and no one saw it.;)


Result: Kotei Yamato [w] bt Junichi Matsuo + Kohei Hidaka [L] in 8:14 via pinfall (Gurren Driver)


This is the more logical result, but I was cheering for Matsuo.


Result: Dark Wolf II [w] bt Hideaki Kasuse [L] in 7:40 via pinfall (Wolf's Call)


Dark Wolf with another pop building win.


Result: Blood Spider Jr, Soh Terajima & Chojiro Ono [w] bt Meido Machine [L], HUSTLE Umiro & Fuku Machine


Nice angle with the match. I'm all for Hunter never knowing who he is from moment to moment and with the Kuro B team in play it was never going to be a great match.

Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] & Taheji Ebisawa vs Go Takashi [L] & Oda Yamawaki in 11:39 via submission (Crucifix Arm Bar)


Solid, reasonably competative. That's about all we can say about this. There were 15 minutes to fill in this card and this match did a good job.

Result: Koto Arato [w] bt Horiuchi Inokuma [L] in 11:45 via submission (Dreamland)


Once again Arato delivers a quality match. Though it was more even than I expected. Arato is at loose ends now, not in any title pictures or storylines. Resting up, waiting to explode upon DIASPORA again with the force of a charging bull. Just you wait.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] & Zodiac bt Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki [L] in 13:48 via pinfall (Ode to Eri)

Called it. Minamoto with the win, despite teaming with that chimpira Zodiac.


Eikichi Minamoto: I don't live in any fantasy, it's time everyone woke up to the reality of my greatness.


Talisman: Wait, there's only room in this federation for one supremely talented superstar unhinged egoist and that's me!


It's the match we're all waiting for.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] bt GUSHIKEN [L] in 12:41 via pinfall (Flying Bonito)


Keep Nori busy with a quality win. But this is just keeping him active on a week where he's not in the middle of the storyline. And keeping Mio happy.


Result: Sairento [w] & Incognito bt Prime Dragon & Talisman [L] in 19:48 via pinfall (Death Note)


I was thinking an 80 for the match, but close enough. In Shikoku you are performing for farmers and their cows anyway. So good effort but nothing exceptional.


Plus from the same show we see one of the most intense matches in DIASPORA history as Sairento and Hiroto Nori do battle in a No Rope, No DQ match.


Just don't do a 'Fans bring the weapons' match, you never know what Mio would bring.

I am looking for the wrestler that smell's of sunflowers and it is my belief that you know this person.


Ok, so now we have a crazy cosplay person getting involved. Should be interesting!

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Result: Xtinction [w] bt Shiki Hirasi in 5:06 via pinfall (Spot X)


Wow, Xtinction with the rare and no one saw it.;)


It will go down in the annuals of DIASORA history, as some sort of mythical story. It's like the history books will say that it did happen, but did anyone actually bear witness to it :D


The wrestler who smells of sunflowers bit is of course a blatant homage to a certain Samurai based anime (recently reviewed by the way in Tigerkinney's Anime Reviews)- I'm not too ashamed to plug my work :p- Anyone who has seen that series, will also know why they want to meet up in Nagasaki is significant.


Doing the preview's for the TV show, isn't essential because it's for shows that have gone- but I'd thought it be fun to imagine what would get chosen for the highlights package. I imagine Effective Line being very similar to Dragon Gate-Infinity.


Each episode will feature about 3 to 4 'featured' matches, chosen from two shows- though next weeks is a 'catch up' show and covers two weeks worth of shows (so that's 4 shows), rather than one- I though the Bunkyo Hall show from Feb was a good starting point though for the TV.


The matches chosen won't necessarily all be the one's with the best ratings- things like importance (title defence) and angle advancement will probably more be taken into consideration, plus also a bit of variety to showcase the roster.

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DIASPORA's Full Metal Panic! Tour continues as they return to the Nagasaki Arena on Tuesday 6th March.


Six man action main events the show with the Guardians trio of Heavyweight champion Hyotaru Ichigawa and the Junior Tag champs Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) clashing with the Kuro-Nadeshiko trio of Sairento, Incognito and GUSHIKEN. Sairento & Incognito emerged with the victory for Kuro-Nadeshiko at the previous show in Shikoku, can they continue that momentum or will the Guardians show their champion pedigree and strike back?


Junior Division singles action makes up a strong portion of the show, the semi main event see's two former Junior Tag Team champions clash with New Solution's Shintaro Hideki up against Tian Long of IMPERIOUS. Hideaki Kasuse goes up against the Super Junior Champion Prime Dragon in a non title challenge, whilst Kotei Yamato is up against one half of MOE! MONEY!, HUSTLE Umiro. A four corner survival feauring HUSTLE'S tag partner Meido Machine, Kuro-Nadeshiko's Soh Terajima, Xtinction and Junichi Matsuo rounds out the all Junior Division action.


Heavyweight Division action is provided with a pair of singles matches, that see's Team Ganbatte's Go Takashi take on the challenge of All Asia Tag champ Chojiro Ono of the Udon Noodle Killers- whilst two men who have not been seeing eye to eye with their own team-mates lately clash with Eikichi Minamoto taking on Aki Shimizudani. Further heavyweight division action is provided with a tag clash between the former All Asia Tag champions the Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki and Hiro Date) up against the Guardians pair of Taheji Ebisawa and Kan Mitsubishi.


Rounding out the main show card is an openweight tag contest between the S.H.I.P pair of Hiroto Nori and Koto Arato up against 'The Forgotten's' Kohei Hidaka and Yachi Kotara. Bonus pre-show action see's Horiuchi Inokuma up against Hunter Wolfe or Fuku Machine.


Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 21 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....



Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show #21


Nagasaki Arena, Nagasaki, Kyushu

Tuesday 6th March 2012.


~Battleground Never Stops~

Final (45 Min Limit): High Octane Six Man Main Event

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Heavyweight Champion- Hyotaru Ichigawa

& Junior Tag Champions- Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman)


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Sairento, Incognito &

All Asia Tag Champion- GUSHIKEN


Semi Final: (30 Min Limit ): Junior Division Singles Battle

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Shintaro Hideki


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Tian Long


7th Match (20 Min Limit): Non Title Singles Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Prime Dragon


'Representing The Forgotten'

Hideaki Kasuse


6th Match (20 Min Limit): Heavyweight Singles Challenge

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

All Asia Tag Champion- Chojiro Ono


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Go Takashi


5th Match (20 Min Limit): Openweight Tag Chalenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori & Koto Arato


'Representing The Forgotten'

Kohei Hidaka &

Yachi Kotara


4th Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Singles Challenge

'Representing MOE! MONEY!'



'Representing S.H.I.P'

Kotei Yamato


3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Heavyweight Singles Challenge

'Representing ShimiKuma'

Aki Shimizudani


'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Eikichi Minamoto


2nd Match (15 Min Limit): Heavyweight Tag Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi'


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date)


1st Match (15 Min Limit): Junior Division 4 Way Survival

Junichi Matsuo


'Representing MOE MONEY!'

Meido Machine


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Soh Terajima




Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Heavyweight Singles

Horiuchi Inokuma vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine





Predictions Form


Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & GUSHIKEN


Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Hideaki Kasuse


Chojiro Ono vs Go Takashi


Hiroto Nori & Koto Arato vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kotei Yamato


Aki Shimiuzdani vs Eikichi Minamoto


Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Yamawaki & Date)


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine vs Soh Terajima vs Xtinction


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?


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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & GUSHIKEN


Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Hideaki Kasuse


Chojiro Ono vs Go Takashi


Hiroto Nori & Koto Arato vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kotie Yamato


Aki Shimiuzdani vs Eikichi Minamoto


Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Yamawaki & Date)

Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine vs Soh Terajima vs Xtinction


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & GUSHIKEN

Coin flip, I thibk that the Guardian side is slighly stronger but I also believe that Kuro guys need the win more and this is pretty much the best line-up they could have.


Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long

I think that Long is slighly above on pecking order, because of owner goal if nothing else.


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Hideaki Kasuse

Non-title but still I don´t see Dragon dropping this one.


Chojiro Ono vs Go Takashi

This one is actually quite close, Takashi has been build up enough to go over and beating Ono would be logical next step as I rate Ono somewhat high on heavyweigh ranks. Still I go with Ono this time.


Hiroto Nori & Koto Arato vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara

Yes, I´m sure :p


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kotei Yamato

Umiro is comedy midcarder right now and Yamato should be slighly above that level.


Aki Shimiuzdani vs Eikichi Minamoto



Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Yamawaki & Date)

Wrecking Crew are good enough ot go over the two weakest Guardians.


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine vs Soh Terajima vs Xtinction

First win? Matsuo has a shot here but I could see Soh or even Meido getting a win here too.


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?

Inokuma seems to be getting a small push and that should be enough to go over Fuku Wolfe.

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & GUSHIKEN

They need the win more.


Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long


Mr. Protected needs a win.


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Hideaki Kasuse


One sided.


Chojiro Ono vs Go Takashi


Ono gets a much needed win.


Hiroto Nori & Koto Arato vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


Total destruction.


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kotei Yamato


HUSTLE is more entertaining.


Aki Shimiuzdani vs Eikichi Minamoto

And his ego will keep growing.


Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Yamawaki & Date)


Easy pick.


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine vs Soh Terajima vs Xtinction


Soh is a little above the others. I can see Meido distracting Matsuo if there are any plans to continue that story.


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?


Fuku Machine is entertaining but still just enhancement.

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & GUSHIKEN


Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Hideaki Kasuse


Chojiro Ono vs Go Takashi


Hiroto Nori & Koto Arato vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kotei Yamato


Aki Shimiuzdani vs Eikichi Minamoto


Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Yamawaki & Date)


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine vs Soh Terajima vs Xtinction


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & GUSHIKEN


Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Hideaki Kasuse


Chojiro Ono vs Go Takashi


Hiroto Nori & Koto Arato vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kotei Yamato


Aki Shimiuzdani vs Eikichi Minamoto


Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Yamawaki & Date)


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine vs Soh Terajima vs Xtinction


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & GUSHIKEN


Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Hideaki Kasuse


Chojiro Ono vs Go Takashi


Hiroto Nori & Koto Arato vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kotei Yamato


Aki Shimiuzdani vs Eikichi Minamoto

Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Yamawaki & Date)

Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine vs Soh Terajima vs Xtinction


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?

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Full Metal Panic Tour- Show #21


Tuesday 6th March 2012,

Nagasaki Arena, Nagasaki, Kyushu (1'969-No Vacancy)


Match 0: Horiuchi Inokuma vs Fuku Wolfe


Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine comes out and he's wearing the school skirt, but not the Sailor Fuku. The skirt wearing bad-ass takes the fight right to Inokuma taking control with a flurry of clothesline's before getting a two count with the Hunting Strike (Discus Elbow Strike).


A German suplex brings DIASPORA's most confused wrestler another close two count, before planting Inokuma with the Redemption Bomb (Sitout Powerbomb)...Just when it looks like Wolfe/Fuku whoever he may be, is about to pick up his first win- he suddenly gets the urge to dance- as though he's being controlled by someone else.


Inokuma recovers and sneaks a schoolboy roll up on Fuku Wolfe. The confused one kicks out but is then met with a boot into the mid-section by Inokuma, 'Learning Lion' then plants Wolfe with the Kamikochi Suplex (Northern Lights Suplex) to pick up the win.


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Fuku Wolfe [L] via pinfall (Kamikochi Suplex)

Rating: 48


Takayuki Balls: As a 'wrestling' match this wasn't too great, but it was quite entertaining as far as pre-show contests go.



Main Show



In this four way contest, the competitors had to tag themselves into the match to be involved. Meido Machine and Xtinction started things off with Meido using his superior mat skills to mostly be in control. The 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' got a two count with a Hangman's Neckbreaker on Xtinction and then decided to tag in Junichi Matsuo.


Meido wanted to 'work' with Matsuo and form an alliance to take control of the match, even signalling Matsuo to join him in a J-Pop inspired dance routine, but all he got was a spin-kick into his face from 'Sexy Zone'. Xtinciton however stunned Matsuo with the X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT) but Soh Terajima was able to sneak in and make the desperation save.


From there on the whole having to tag in and out rule seemed to fly out of the window- as the match transtioned from the build up to the finishing stretch. Matsuo looked to have the match won when he he planted Xtinction with the J-Pop Powerplex (Twisting Falcon Arrow) only for Meido Machine to throw up the heart symbol and cause the 'Moe Time' motion freeze.



Meido climbed up top and nailed Matsuo with the Meido Beam missile drop-kick only to then be pie-faced with a black box shot from Terajima. Xtinction then stirred back to his feet but was caught with an Eastern Misery (Forward Russian Legsweep) from the 'Cloaked Assassin' as the Kuro man found himself to be the one in the right place at the right time to pick up the win.


Result: Soh Terajima [w] bt Junichi Matsuo + Meido Machine + Xtinction in 9:29 via pinfall (Eastern Misery)

Rating: 52


Takayuki Balls: As opening contests go the crowd were pretty into this- some good fast paced action and enough time to get across a 'story' within the match.


Post Match in the press comments area, Meido Machine and Junichi Matsuo get into a light shoving match and accuse each other of costing the other one the match.




The Tokyo Wrecking Crew quickly took control of this match, being able to isolate Ebisawa in their corner. 'Forceful Dagger' showed some admirable fighting spirit though by kicking out of the Sumida Bridge (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex) from Yamawaki and gritting his way through the Date with Pain (Elevated Boston Crab). Ebisawa then nailed Date with the Dozer (Spear) - which bought him enough time to get the tag out to Mitsubishi.


Mitsubishi was unable to connect with the Power Punch on Date however, and was ruthlessly put away with the Sky Tree (Doomsday Device) from the former All Asia Tag champs.


Result: Oda Yamawaki [w] & Hiro Date bt Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 6:41 via pinfall (Sky Tree)

Rating: 52


Takayuki Balls: Solid extended squash- The Guardians 'job squad- well actually Ebisawa-san showed enough fight to keep this reasonably competitive without ever really looking likely to pull off the upset.




Shimizudani goes to nail Minamoto with the Shimu-Lariat, 'Rumble Heart' sidesteps it then all of a sudden catches 'S-Pulse' with the Akira Takano Tea Club Special (Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Arm Bar)......


Shimizudani tries to make it to the ropes, but can't take the pain and is forced to tap out rather embarrasingly, with not even a minute of match time passed.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] in 0:44 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)

Rating: 51


Takayuki Balls: Sometimes a ruthless squash, just needs to be exactly that- this was one of those occassions.


Post Match Comments:


Eikichi Minamoto: I expect to be facing the best that DIASPORA has to offer, because I AM .....The BEST.....but no what do I get, I get some garbage I don't even have to break a sweat to beat, whilst golden boy Ichigawa is in the main event.



Match #4: Kotei Yamato vs HUSTLE Umiro


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoteiYamato.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HUSTLEUmiro.jpg


The early going see's them engage in some fluid counter for counter mat wrestling, that ends up in a standoff. They lock up again but Yamato decides to up the pace and switches to more of a striking tactic, but HUSTLE is able to fire right back.


And it's the 'Ducker Diver' that takes control with an atomic drop/lariat combo for a two count. HUSTLE then plants Yamato with a rolling fireman's carry slam before heading up top, but before he can take flight- 'Pin Point' rises back to his feet and cuts HUSTLE off before bringing 'Ducker Diver' back into the ring with a superplex.


Yamato then stuns HUSTE with a gamengiri, before planting the MOE! MONEY! man with a German Suplex for a two count, before floating over into the Knightmare Frame (Bridging Cobra Clutch) but HUSTLE shows his fighting spirit by gritting his way through the pain and making it to the ropes.


Yamato remains in control after the rope-break, and sets up for the Gurren Driver (Scoop Slam Piledriver) but HUSTLE manages to slip his way out and counters with the Hustle Brother (Legsweep DDT)........


That gets a very close two count, before the 'Ducker Diver' decides to head up top once again, this time he manages to pull off the Hustle To The Top (Diving Elbow Drop) but Yamato manages to move out of the way at the last split second. 'Pin Point' then nails HUSTLE with a basement drop-kick before reeling the MOE! MONEY! man in for the End Game (Clutched Knee Strike Flurry) but HUSTLE manages to withstand the barrage and then suddenly catches Yamato by surprise with the Out-Hustled (Backslide Pin)


Yamato manages to get his shoulders up, but he gets them up a fraction too late and HUSTLE just about sneaks the victory, in this evenly contested match. 'Pin Point' looks frustrated by the loss, as HUSTLE celebrates with a spinneroonie. It looks as though Yamato is about to take his frustation out on HUSTLE but then thinks better of it, realising that he's a member of S.H.I.P and not Kuro-Nadeshiko.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Kotei Yamato in 11:16 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)

Rating: 64


Takayuki Balls: Just a good even midcard contest. It may surprise some given the way these two have been portayed, but the more comedic HUSTLE was pretty much as over as Yamato coming into this match. And that's the thing with the MOE! MONEY! team in general- they did start out as pure low-card comedy fodder, but they've gotten themselves over (yes Meido's pop is growing too) and we're now seeing them transition into being a little more competitive- but I must be mindful not to take away what made them interesting in the first place.


Post Match Comments:


HUSTLE Umiro :


Hustle get out a piece of paper and then in terrible broken engrish, whilst trying to sound as though he's from the 'streetz' proceeds to give his 'post match' comments.


Every one thinkin' we only dere to only have fun, well fun is what we down with but me and me main main the Meido Man, we in some serious biz-ness...gonna be shootin' straight for the top and hustlin' for some gold, like we are for realz...you get me playaz.


Kotei Yamato: Maybe subconciously I understimated HUSTLE, and I think thats always the danger when you lock up with someone like him. He didn't really beat me, but in the rules of this sport he did defeat me and that's something I've just got to accept and move on. Am I happy about the loss, no far from it but we in S.H.I.P take losses on the chin, no matter how frustrating they may be.....move on and try to do better next time.





This match was what everyone expected it to be an extended squash, the 'Forgotten' duo of Hidaka and Kotara did manage to get in some token offence but never looked like pulling off the upset and it was only a matter of time before Nori and Arato put this one away- the ease of their victory summed up by the fact that Nori's number one fan/stalker as commentator Tadashi Saga referred to her- never once looked worried that 'her man' was in trouble.


In the end it was Nori who secured the win, snaring Kotara in the Yakisoba (Tilt-A-Whirl Cross Arm Breaker) to secure the tap out victory.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] & Koto Arato bt Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara [L] in 8:22 via submission

Rating: 52


Takayuki Balls: This match was pretty much carried by Nori and Arato's combined star power. S.H.I.P's top dogs barely looked like they needed to break a sweat to get the win in this one. Only a fool would have backed Hidaka and Kotara.




Takashi bravely tried to challenge Ono to a toe to toe brawl but that proved to be a foolish decision and 'Epic Tsunami' was able to overpower his opponenent. Ono showed off his power with some body-slams, before whipping Takashi into the corner.


'Nippon Hart' still had enough wits about him to move out of the way of corner clothesline, and then unbalanced Ono with a chop-block, but the All Asia Tag Champion managed to stay on his feet and level Takashi with a clothesline for another two count.


Ono then looked to set up for a powerbomb but Takashi managed to counter with a front-sleeper. Ono did begin to fade under the pressure of the submission hold but got a second wind and charged Takashi into the corner. Ono then pummelled away on Takashi in the corner, before climbing up to the second turnbuckle (which looked to be barely taking his weight)......


Ono then went for the Tsunami (Big Splash) but the time it look him to struggle to find his way balance enabled Takashi to move out of the way just in time. 'Nippon Hart' then saw an opportunity to lock on his signature Inverted Cloverleaf submission he calls Dollars.


Ono however was able to power his way out of the hold and retake control with a clothesline. 'Epic Tsunami' was moving slowly however and that allowed Takashi to recover and take Ono off balance with a chop-block. 'Nippon Hart' then decided to head up top and came crashing down upon Ono with a diving knee-drop......


That brought a two count and Takashi once again looked to apply the Dollars (Inverted Cloverleaf) but Ono was again able to use his size and power to power out of the move. Ono seized back control again and this time was able to plant Takashi with the Okinawa Battle Bomb (Spinning Powerbomb) to secure the win.


Result: Chojiro Ono [w] bt Go Takashi [L] in 10:07 via pinfall (Okinawa Battle Bomb)


Rating: 54


Takayuki Balls: The general story they were trying to tell here was quite solid, but the execution resulted in a slow-plodding match. That's mostly down to Ono-san who I'm coming ro learn is fine in short bursts during tag matches but is likely to drag things down when you put him out there in singles competition. Also someone needs to tell him, not to attempt climbing the turbuckles ever again, I genuinely thought the ring was going to collapse.


Post Match Comments:


Chojiro Ono: No one can contend with my power, especially not some young punk like that Takashi-san I was in the ring with...dare to step into the ring with me again and I will squash you.




Kasuse gets a cheap shot in right on the bell and continues the assault on Dragon to take control of the match in the early going. 'Bitter Pill' plants Dragon with a snap suplex for a two count and then stomps away on the Super Junior Champion, before posturing to the fand and shouting out 'You will respect me!'


That bit of posturing cost Kasuse, as Dragon recovered and stunned 'The Forgotten' man with a Rolling Wheel Kick. Dragon then drilled Kasuse with a Brainbuster for a two count, before setting up for the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault) only for Kasuse to recover and shove Dragon to the floor- where the Super Junior Champion ended up crashing into the guard-rail.


Kasuse followed that up with a baseball slide, before dropping the 'Grand Pillar' with the Roll With It (Rolling Cutter) out on the floor and then sliding back into the ring, as he looked for the count-out loss.


Referee Ochida began the twenty count, and when Dragon managed to get up on the apron he was intercepted by Kasuse and brought back into the ring the hard-way with a suplex, but to 'Bitter Pills' frustration, Dragon was able to kick out at two.


Kasuse continued to stomp away on the 'Grand Pillar' before deciding to head up top, but Dragon got back to his feet and stunned Kasuse with a leaping palm strike. Dragon then went for a hurranrana but it was countered mid-move into a sunset flip by Kasuse for a two count.


'Bitter Pill' then side-stepped a rolling wheel kick from Dragon and stunned the 'Grand Pillar' with a leg-lariat before planting Dragon with a running neckbreaker for another two count. Kasuse then whipped Dragon into the corner, before following up with a running fore-arm smash. 'Bitter Pill' then pitched the dazed Super Junior Champion onto the top-rope and sent the 'Grand Pillar' back into the ring with a superplex.....


That got Kasuse another two count, before 'Bitter Pill' then went up top once again, Kasuse once again reminded the fans about wanting respect from them, before crashing down upon Dragon with the All About Yen (Diving Leg Drop) but his hesistation through posturing cost him as the 'Grand Pillar' managed to move away just in time.


Dragon then followed up with Rolling Wheel Kick, a palm strike and then a Prime Driver (Over The Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver) for a close two count, before going for the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault), this time Dragon connected and despite being on the backfoot for most of the match, the Super Junior Champion emerged with the victory and reputation intact.


Result: Prime Dragon [w} bt Hideaki Kasuse [L] in 10:06 via pinfall (Dragonsault)

Rating: 74


Takayuki Balls: Perhaps a little better than expected, considering no one would have bought Kasuse-san beating Dragon-san, plus the fact that Kasuse-san's last outing against Dark Wolf II was hardly great stuff, so he bounced back well here. Yes he was in there with a true ring general but Kasuse had to carry much of the offence in this match and get the crowd to believe his offence was effective. They did a good job of getting the crowd to believe that Kasuse-san could pull it off, or at least they told a very solid story here of Kasuse having a chance to cause an upset, against a superior opponent on an 'off day' but throwing it away by losing focus.


Post Match Comments:


Prime Dragon: I've really been feeling it of late, every match I take on seems to be a tough challenge and I don't know how much longer I can hold out....being champion, maintaining my status as number one is taking me toll on me. But you know what I wouldn't change that position being the top dog, means that you will have it tough everytime you step into that ring, but to be champion you must be prepared to fight them head on and until I can't move a single muscle in this body- I will keep fighting.



Match #8: Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShintaroHideki.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TianLong.jpg


As soon as the bell rang, these two wasted no time in going after each other with striking offence, rather than cagily feel each other out- Hideki seemed to be kicking and striking more effectively putting the Imperial One on the backfoot but Long went to his box of dirty tricks by raking the face of Hideki and then sneaking in a knee to the groin, before planting 'Integral Prowess' with a DDT.


The pace of the match then slowed down as Long methodically worked over Hideki- mostly targetting the neck, before dumping the New Solution man with a high angle belly to back suplex for a two count. Long continued to remain in control, as he methodically worked over the neck of Hideki, before dropping down to the mat to apply the Dynasty Lock (Inverted STF).....


Hideki however showed some strong fighting spirit, by battling his way to the ropes.....Long then tried to get a cheap shot in on the rope break but Hideki managed to side-step the attempt and then stun Long with an Enziguri, Hideki then drop-kicked Long out of the ring before following up with a slingshot cross-body press.


Hideki then pitched Long back into the ring, before going for the Superkick, but Long was able to move out of the way and then sweep 'Integral Prowess' off his feet with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip. Hideki staggers up to his feet but is then goozled by Long and planted firmly with a chokeslam for a two count.


The 'Imperial One' then dragged Hideki back up to a vertical base and set up for the Emperor Driver (Sit Out Side Powerslam) but 'Integral Prowess' managed to block the attempt and counter into a Northern Lights Suplex......


That got Hideki a close two count, before the New Solution man then began to set up for the Final Base (Half Nelson Lifted Wheelbarrow Driver) but Long had the move well scouted and countered into a Victory Roll for a two count.


Back up on their feet Hideki went to connect with the Superkick but Long was able to sidestep put of the way and then goozle Hideki again to deliver another one of his signature chokeslams. Long then decided to head up top , but he was soon cut off by Hideki before he could take flight.


'Integral Prowess' then tried for superplex but Long managed to shove Hideki back to the mat. The 'Imperial One' then went for a flying fore-arm smash but was turned inside out in mid-air with a Superkick from Hideki!








Long managed to barely get a foot onto the bottom rope- If Hideki had moved Long a fracture towards the middle of the ring, he would have had this match won. Hideki then dragged the dazed Long back up to a vertical base, and set up for the Shiranui (Backflip Inverted DDT) but Long managed to block the attempt and then countered with a release Dragon Suplex.


Long scrambed across to make the cover, only for Hideki to stagger back up to his feet and connect with another Superkick only to collapse to the mat himself......


Hideki picked himself back up off the mat first and then decided to head up-top- seeing Long stirring back to his feet he connected with a missile-drop-kick and then looked to set up for the Shiranui (Backflip Inverted DDT) again, but just as earlier Long had a counter for the move this time dumping Hideki with a high angle belly to back suplex- dropping Hideki down right on his neck. Long then immediately followed that up with a Dragon Suplex......








Hideki managed to kick out but remained rooted to the mat as Long headed up top, before crashing down upon 'Integral Prowess' with the Corkscrew From Heaven (Corkscrew Senton)








Hideki was able to kick out in time, as the cunning veteran Tian Long managed to edge this contest.


Result: Tian Long [w] bt Shintaro Hideki [L] in 15:30 via pinfall (Corkscrew From Heaven)

Rating: 78


Takayuki Balls: Good singles match between two good talents, one coming towards the end of their career, the other with plenty of years ahead of him. In the end the we had this play out as Long-san, the veteran working the smarter match and pulling out the victory.


Post Match Comments:


Tian Long: Kuro-Nadeshiko are united and we shall reign supreme tonight- I have done my part by taking Hideki-san to school, now watch our great leader Sairento lead our men into battle and defeat the trio of undeserving champions put before them!


Shintaro Hideki: I don't need someone to point out that tonight was not a good night for New Solution, but together we are stronger and we will rise to the top once again. Tonight was a blip not the end of the world- we will bounce back, really we will, we have to.




The Kuro-Nadeshiko trio ambush the Guardians before they can even get in the ring- resulting in the match beginning with a chaotic brawl out on the floor. GUSHIKEN pitches Talisman back into the ring to officially start the match and sets up for the GUSHIKEN Firebomb 02 (Elevated Powerbomb) only for the Second Coming to counter into a flip out facebuster (Kogara on commentary making a point that it's becoming evident that you don't powerbomb Talisman)........








Talisman's powerbomb counter, now being called out on commentary as the Higurashi almost brought victory but Sairento was on hand to make the save, and then promptly Kuro-Stomped (Surfboard Curbstomped).....meanwhile Hyotaru Ichigawa and Zodiac were left laying on the floor after Sairento and Incognito sneaked in a few chairshots whilst referee Sugimura's eyes were on what was happening inside the ring.


Sairento passed on pinning Talisman after the Kuro-Stomp, and instead decided to toss the 'Second Coming' into the Kuro corner. Talisman then endured a sustained period of punishment, suffering stereo face-washes from Sairento and Incognito and then being irish-whipped into a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash) from GUSHIKEN but Talisman refused to give up - despite the odds not looking too good.


Talisman then looked to be making a breakthrough when he nailed GUSHIKEN with an Enziguri after slipping out of a GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) attempt and then following that up with a springboard inverted DDT..... But when the Junior Tag champ looked to make the tag out to Zodiac or Ichigawa....both Incognito and Sairento charged out of the corner to knock them off the apron and drag the increasingly worn down Talisman back into their corner.


GUSHIKEN then planted Talisman with a powerslam before Sairento then headed up top and delivered a diving double-stomp, followed by a moonsault from Incognito......








Talisman still refused to give in much to the increasing annoyance of the Kuro trio. Sairento then ordered GUSHIKEN to whip Talisman into the opposite neutrel corner. Incognito followed in first with a spinning heel-kick, Sairento then nailed Talisman with a Yakuza Kick and then GUSHIKEN came charging with a corner clothesline but somehow Talisman still had enough wits about him to move out of the way just in time, slip under the ropes and nail GUSHIKEN with a springboard drop-kick, the Junior Tag champion then rolled clear of a Yazuka Kick from Sairento and finally got the tag out to the Heavyweight Champion Hyotaru Ichigawa.


Ichigawa nailed Sairento with the Decapitator (Running Bicyle Kick) but was then levelled with a clothesline from GUSHIKEN. 'Great Thunder' then began to set Ichigawa up for the GUSHIKEN Bomb (Thunder Fire Powerbomb) but of all a sudden Ichigawa managed to trap GUSHIKEN's right arm into the Crucifix Arm Bar.......


GUSHIKEN however still managed to muster up enough strength to powerbomb Ichigawa into the corner, but then clutched at his arm- his face etched with his excrutiating pain before the gave to Incognito.


Ichigawa had staggered up to his feet, but was soon nailed with a spinning heel kick from Incognito, before El Pesadilla Hermsoa then downed 'White Light' with a springboard inverted DDT before the Kuro Luchador transitioned into the Sueno Permanente sleeper hold.


Ichigawa looked to be fading out of the match and referee Sugimura went to check on the Heavyweight champion..........


Sugimura raised Ichigawa's arm up once.....


No response.......


DIASPORA's senior ref raises the arm again......


Still no response........


One last chance for Ichigawa to prove he can carry on and keep this match alive.......


This time Ichigawa responds, suddenly finding a burst of fighting spirit to rise to his feet and fight his way out of the sleeper hold, eventually countering with a simple forward toss. Ichigawa then connected with the Decaptitator (Running Bicycle Kick) before collapsing to the mat from exhaustion.


It then came a race to see who could get the tag out first, unfortunately for Ichigawa it was Incognito-who was nearer to his corner and got the tag to Sairento. But the heavyweight champ mustered up one last burst of energy to connect with yet another Decapitator (Running Bicyle Kick) and get the tag out to Zodiac. 'Innovations God' then entered the match in spectacular fashion by crashing down upon Sairento with an Another Universe (Springboard 450 Splash).......








In total desperation Incognito pulled referee Sugimura out of the ring and then tossed into the guard-rail......preventing the three count from being made. Some more Kuro-Nadeshiko members then stormed the ring.....



Ichigawa was then tossed into the corner , and then subjected to every member of Kuro-Nadeshiko charging at him. Sairento then set up for the Yazuka Kick but all of a sudden Taheji Ebisawa appeared and Dozered (Speared) Sairento right out of his boots.



Everyone else from the Guardians (sans Minamoto) also came out and we have a mass chaotic brawl on our hands between the two factions. The chaos continues for the next five or so minutes until Talisman, Zodiac and Prime Dragon all head up top and pull off a trio of corkscrew moonsaults to the floor- this is utter chaos and referee Sugimura is still oblivious to what has been going on.


A recovered Ichigawa then see's Sairento stirring back to his feet but all of a sudden Eikichi Minamoto appears and delivers a Decaptitator (Running Bicyle Kick).......



To Sairento!


But then Minamoto boots Ichigawa in the mid-section and plants the Heavyweight Champion with a Harima DDT (Double Arm DDT) before dumping his stale-mate upon Sairento and then making a belt gesture before leaving the ring.


Referee Sugimura finally wakes up and slides back into the ring to make the count......








Sairento just about gets his shoulder up just in time- But both Sairento and Ichigawa are barely moving and referee Sugimura applys a double ten count........


Both manage to stagger up to their feet to beat the count and then stumble into the corner, where Zodiac and Incognito respectively tag themselves in.


Zodiac nails Incognito with a leg-lariat rebounding off the ropes and then plants 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with the Zodiac Sniper '98 (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb)........








GUSHIKEN made the save, and then drilled Zodiac with the GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) but referee Sugimura rightly made note that he was not the legal man.


A recovered Incognito however has now headed up top and looked to be setting up for the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton) but then was suddenly cut off by Talisman who stunned Incognito with a leaping kick from the apron. Talisman then sent Incognito crashing in with a hurracanrana.......


Right into a Tilt-A-Whirl from Zodiac, who quickly transitioned it into the Flame Haze crucifix Arm Bar.....


Just when it looked like Incognito would be forced to tap away the match, GUSHIKEN intervened again, making the save with a leg-drop down upon Zodiac, causing 'Innovation's God' to release the hold.


But GUSHIKEN was then stunned with an Enziguri from Talisman- 'Great Thunder' however shook it off, clotheslining the 'Second Coming' and then lifting Talisman up for a powerbomb but obviously he did not learn from earlier and once again the Junior Tag champion countered with the Higurashi (Flip Out Facebuster)......


Talisman and Zodiac then turned their attention back to the legal man Incognito and began to set up for Steins Gate (Wheelbarrow dropped into Double Knee Gutbuster), but Sairento then appeared and Yazuka kicked Zodiac just as 'Whispered' were delivering their signature double team.


Sairento then Yazuka kicked Talisman before delivering the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster) to Talisman. Incognito then stirred back up to his feet and then planted Zodiac with the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver).......






Ichigawa begins to stir and looks to get into make the save.....


But he's too late Sugmiura's hand has already slapped the mat for Three!


After nearly half an hour of action it was the Kuro-Nadeshiko trio who managed to emerge with the victory from this chaotic match with contant twists and turns throughout.


Result: Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac [L] & Talisman in 29:12 via pinfall (Incognito Driver)

Rating: 80


Takayuki Balls: Entertaining, if at times chaotic main event. It did seem at points the match was going to just end up as a total mess, and the fans really did have to suspend their belief at the total incompetence of the refereeing- there was several times where the match should have ended in a DQ or been 'thrown out' but what the hell we know our fans hate those sort of finishes. Ending sequence was absolutely fantastic though and Minamoto by attacking/making a point to Ichigawa during the chaos, essentially cost the Guardians the match- as Ichigawa was unable to recover in time to make the save.


Post Match Comments:


Incognito (in Spanish): You are looking at the greatest luchador that ever lived, that infidel Zodiac is no match for me, I proved it right there and then, he simply ain't in my class- no one is in my class!


GUSHIKEN: The destruction has only just begun- Kuro Nadeshiko will reign supreme- we shall crush anyone who stands in our way. Guardians, S.H.I.T be prepared, be prepared for your imminent demise!


Hyotaru Ichigawa: Minamoto-san it's clear we can no longer function in the same team together, because you can no longer bear to see me as champion. You may not have aligned yourself with Kuro-Nadeshiko but you have become as corrupted as them, in fact you may be even worse than them- because you have become so consumed by your own self interest. Dragon-san needs to make a choice, it's either you or me and if he is the man I think he is, he will choose me.



Overall: 77


Takayuki's Final Verdict: A solid show, that increased in quality as it went on- which is what we tend to aim for when we put together the cards for each show. The fans in Nagasaki surely got there money's worth ......


what's this a random text ?!!.....


'Where are you?- Thought we were meetin' up at Ringer Hut'

- Momo xoxo


Seriously?! How the hell did get she my cell number- and what's with the hugs and kisses at the end?!

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O.O.C Note


So i've been thinking about how to keep this thing going for TEW2013- because as intriguing as the new Cornellverse will be, I'm having way too much fun with this diary and the Thunderverse as it's now called to suddenly cut the legs out from underneath this project.


That being said this TEW2010 'chapter' of DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution should end quite soon.....


One of the frustrating things about this diary is that I'm using the original version of the Thunderverse, before all the expansions were done to it (hey that's the problem with being the first!)


Anyway the plan I have in mind is to end this at the end of the current tour (which will be 5 more regular tour shows + the final PPV)....


Then wait for TEW2013 to come out and for the Thunderverse conversion to be made for that- I will then adjust that conversion to be as close as possible to the status of the gameworld at the end of this diary. Well adjusting everything might be a bit of a pain- but certainly the status of DIASPORA will have to be as close to what it is- for there to be some sort of continuity.


Anyway I plan to finish this 'chapter' with both an explosive tour ending PPV and an intriguing/shocking cliff-hanger for Takayuki's backstage ramblings and revelations....

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