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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution

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Loser Leaves Unit: Prime Dragon,Hyotaru Ichigawa, Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa vs Sairento, Tian Long, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono


Bonus Question: Who on the losing team will be be forced to leave their unit? Eikichi Minamoto


Hiroto Nori vs Incognito


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Junichi Matsuo vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


Dark Wolf II vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara

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Loser Leaves Unit: Prime Dragon,Hyotaru Ichigawa, Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa vs Sairento, Tian Long, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono


Tiger doesn't need to keep us guessing on who wins. The suspense is what Minamoto will do.


Bonus Question: Who on the losing team will be be forced to leave their unit?

A very hard question. The most interesting result for me is Prime Dragon losing. That leaves the weary veteran alone against the leaders of the other two factions in DIASPORA. I don't think there will be an outright backstab. Minamoto will try something egotistical to not only win the match but make sure he gets most of the glory for the win, Ichigawa will misinterpret what Minamoto's doing and interfere and in the confusion PD will be the one to pay the price. That will leave Ichigawa and Minamoto fighting over the leadership of Guardians, fighting over the heavyweight title, and both blaming each other for what happened to Prime Dragon.


Hiroto Nori vs Incognito


I think Nori and SHIP need this win more, but should be a good match.

Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro


MOE MONEY have already won just by being in this match.


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


I think Team Ganbatte has a storyline that would benefit from victory, and Koto is not getting another title shot soon so giving his team a push is a good use of Super Porky's talent.


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


New Solution are a little higher.

Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


It'll be fun to see where Inokuma goes from here.


Junichi Matsuo vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


SD with the odds they prefer. 2:1. Bet they still have to cheat.


Dark Wolf II vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara


Dark Wolf in the role he likes best, beating up jobbers.

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Predictions Form


Loser Leaves Unit: Prime Dragon,Hyotaru Ichigawa, Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa vs Sairento, Tian Long, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono


I've thought about the possibilities resulting from this match, but I just can't see a united Kuro losing against a Guardians team embroiled in turmoil.


Bonus Question: Who on the losing team will be be forced to leave their unit?


Really tough choice, but I'll go with Prime Dragon here. My first inclination was to go for Minamoto, but I think Prime Dragon would be the most interesting, as it leaves a power vacum in the Guardians.


Hiroto Nori vs Incognito


This has the potential to be a show stealer, but I'll take the SHIP leader here since I have Kuro winning in the main event.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro)


No way do the Champs lose here.


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Is Go anything more than SHIP's fall guy? Time to find out.


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


New Solution may be working in DRAGON much of the time, but they're still better than the forgotten.


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


I feel like we've already been through thism Inokuma needs to win decisively here and move onto bigger things; whether that means joining Kuro or something else entirely.


Junichi Matsuo vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


Somehow Matsuo will blame his loss on Moe Money.


Dark Wolf II vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara


It seems like Dark Wolf II's been in a holding patern for awhile; hopefully having TV will let you get his overness up quicker so he can stop squashing jobbers each week.

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O.O.C Note:


I was hoping to have the next show up this weekend- but I've not been feeling too well last few days and I've fallen a little behind schedule. So realistically I'm looking at middle of next week at the earliest.


Just thought I'd post this up out of courteousy, for those itching for this next show to be posted. :)

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Full Metal Panic Tour- Show #23


Tuesday 13th March 2012,

Bunkyo Hall, Tokyo, Kanto (2'000- Super No Vacancy)


Match 0: Dark Wolf II vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara


Standard four way fare, with an initial feeling out process leading to a rapid fire succession of near-falls after the match 'broke down' round about the five minute mark. Xtinction thought he had won the match when he took down Yachi Kotara. with a sloppy looking X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT) only for Kan Mitsubishi to deck 'Everybody's Shadow' with a Power Punch.


But Dark Wolf II then unbalanced Mitsubishi with a basement drop-kick before following in with the Wolf's Call (Sliding Lariat Pin) to secure the win.


Result: Dark Wolf II [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] + Xtinction + Yachi Kotara in 7:48 via pinfall (Wolf's Call)


Rating: 44


Takayuki Balls: In all honesty there was probably more exciting action over at the merchandise tables than in this match. Foregone conclusion who the winner would be, though in all honesty Dark Wolf II is a bit directionless at the moment. Terajima and Blood Spider may job more but they seem to have more of a 'purpose' right now.



Main Show


Match #1: Junichi Matsuo vs

The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)






This match has come about because Matsuo wants to show he is 'stronger' than MOE! MONEY! by doing what they did last week, by himself and that's defeat the Salty Delinquents.


No dancing girls this time with Matsuo- and 'Sexy Zone' showed he meant business right away by nailing the Delinquents with consecutive drop-kicks and then putting his body on the line by hurling himself over the top rope with a no hands plancha dive.


That put Matsuo firmly in control as he pitched Blood Spider Jr back into the ring and then got a two count with a Brainbuster, and then followed that up with a standing moonsault for another two count. 'Sexy Zone' then decided to head up top, only for Terajima to sneak in a Black Box shot from the apron. Blood Spider Jr then sent Matsuo crashing back in with a hurracanrana.


Terajima and Spider then proceeded to put the boots to Matsuo, before combinining on a double team flapjack for a two count. Terajima then planted Matsuo with a scoop slam, as Blood Spider Jr headed up top and then came crashing down upon Matsuo with the Blood Drop (Senton Bomb) but 'Sexy Zone' managed to get the knees up.


Matsuo then stunned Terajima with an Enziguri, before planting the 'Cloaked Assassin' with a J-Pop Powerplex (Twisting Falcon Arrow) but once again the Delinquents managed to make their numbers game count as Blood Spider Jr dived across to make the save....


Blood Spider Jr then spewed Poison Mist but Matsuo managed to duck out the way, and instead referee Sugimura ended up getting a faceful of mist and he ended up clutching at his face. Matsuo obliviosu to what just happened landed a roundhouse kick on the 'New Nightmare' before planting Spider with a Wrist Clutch Powerslam before heading up top.......


Matsuo then landed the Heavy Rotation (450 senton) upon Blood Spider- but to his frustration referee Sugimura was still down. Soh Terajima then sneaked in and nailed Matsuo with a Black Box shot, before planting 'Sexy Zone' with the Eastern Misery (Forward Russian Legsweep).....


Conveniently for the Delinquents Sugimura came to just as Terajima plonked Blood Spider on top of Matsuo. 'Sexy Zone' to his credit managed to kick out a two, but it was clear that the numbers game had caught up to him, and when Blood Spider Jr drilled Matsuo with the Lethal Bite (Double Underhook Piledriver) it was clear that Matsuo had been brave but foolish with this challenge.


Result: Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr in 8:34 via pinfall (Lethal Bite)


Rating: 58


Takayuki Balls: Fun opener...Matsuo-san showed enough here to suggest that had this been a regular one on one match, he could well have pulled off the win here- in the end his attempt to prove to MOE! MONEY! that he can stand on his own back fired.


Post Match Comments:


Junichi Matsuo is cutting a dejected figure in the locker-room when MOE! MONEY! appear


Junichi Matsuo: So you're coming over to gloat are you


Meido Machine: Far from it, but we did tell you that you need friends to survive


Junichi Matsuo: I can survive perfectly well on my own, and I certainly don't need any help from you or your faux-rapper friend.


HUSTLE Umiro: What's ya damn problem playa


Junichi Matsuo: I'm not the one with the problem- at least I'm true to myself......


HUSTLE Umiro: What you gettin' at fool


Junichi Matsuo: Just look at you two.....a gaijin who dresses up as a maid and a Japanese pretending that he's Black and from the ghetto....seriously....how can anyone take you SERIOUSLY!


Meido Machine: Oh we're serious alright.....


Junichi Matsuo: Sure anyone can take a man in a maid outfit and a golden masked gangsta rapper wannabe seriously....and if I start hanging round with you two idiots how is anyone going to take ME seriously.


HUSTLE Umiro: No One's taking you seriously right now fool


Meido Machine: My friend Mr Hustle here is correct, you keep going on about being taken seriously but at least we are able to win matches.


MOE! MONEY! then walk off, leaving those final words from Meido to hang in the air, before Matsuo can respond. Frustrated by yet another loss, 'Sexy Zone' then kicks over a nearby water-cooler.



Match #2: Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma



Shimizudani comes out all fired up against his former tag partner and takes the fight right to Inokuma. In fact it's probably the most focused and aggressive 'S-Pulse' has been for a while. Inokuma is unable to contend with the whirlwind brawling from his former partner and Shimizudani gets two counts with a Shimu-Lariat and an overhead Belly to Belly Suplex......


Shimizudani then went for the Chin Marker (Jumping Knee) but Inokuma was able to move out of the way and then bail to the floor for a powder. Shimizudani keen to keep the pressure on gave chase, but Inokuma stopped 'S-Pulse' in his tracks by throwing protein powder into the face of his former partner. Inokuma then creamed Shimizudani with a chair shot to the head, before rolling his partner back into the ring.


Inokuma then applied the Python Vise (Anaconda Vise) on his partner, but the submission was academic, as Shimiuzdani was out cold after the chair shot anyway.


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] in 4:06 via submission (Python Vise)


Rating: 43


Takayuki Balls: Seems like the fans were a bit cheesed off at the blatant cheating from Inokuma, as the contest was shaping up to be a surprisingly decent brawl. I think in all honesty they were more annoyed by the fact that Shimizudani wilted so easily after one chair shot.


Post Match Comments:


Aki Shimizudani is struggling to get back to his feet but it seems like he is trying to say something and he becomes even more agitated when he sees Inokuma walk into the room....


Aki Shimizudani: I want a......damn.....re-match


Horiuchi Inokuma: Give it up Aki- you ain't in my league...I proved it.


Aki Shimiuzdani: You proved nothing......


Horiuchi Inokuma: I really can't be all that bothered to give you another thrashing


Aki Shimizudani: You.....runn.....ing......sc.....ared !


Horiuchi Inokuma: Oh sure I am, you're dead on your feet and I'm scared of you.....


Inokuma then just laughs and begins to walk away, when Shimizudani then suddenly comes to life even more and then screams at his former partner


Aki Shimizudani: GIVE ME A RE-MATCH !!


Horiuchi Inokuma: Ok, Ok...I'll give you your re-match....


Aki Shimizudani: I am sick of your disrespect....!


Horiuchi Inokuma:You didn't deserve respect, then again if you showed this sort of fire when we together then things could be so different right now.....


Aki Shimizudani: I will KILL YOU Inokuma, KILL YOU!



Match #3: New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs

The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)






Even back and forth start, with The Forgotten holding their own against the former champs, to the point that they get the first real near fall after Kasuse catches Yamato with the Roll With It (Rolling Cutter), forcing a save from Hideki.


Yamato is able to turn things round when Hidaka misses the Flying Body Press and is then nailed with a drop-kick from 'Pin Point' who was then able to tag Hideki back in. 'Integral Prowess' got a close two count after planting Hidaka with a Northern Lights Suplex and then lined up for a Superkick only for Kasuse to get a cheap shot on Hideki from the apron, leading to Hidaka getting a two count with a falling jawbreaker.


The Forgotten then combined on a suplex/flying cross body combo that forced Yamato to come in and make the save for his partner. Kasuse then headed up top and went for the All About Yen (Diving Leg Drop) but Hideki was able to move out of the way and then nailed both of The Forgotten with consecutive superkicks.


Yamato was then brought back in and he went close with a Gurren Driver (Scoop Slam Piledriver) on Hidaka, Kasuse who made the save then ate another Superkick from Hideki before New Solution combined on the Keiyakusa (Superkick assisted German Suplex) on Hidaka to bring the match to an end.


Result: Kotei Yamato [w] & Shintaro Hideki bt Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka [L] in 9:03 via pinfall (Keiyakusha)


Rating: 52


Takayuki Balls: Both teams just sort of went through the motions with this contest- basically this was the 'filler' match on the card and that's exactly what they ended up delivering. It's not that this match was awful, it was just how can I put it....'meh'. New Solution are certainly capable of better, and so far are The Forgotten when push comes to shove- but in all honesty why would they go all out to impress in the 'filler' spot.



Match #4: All Asia Tag Contenders:

Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs

Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)









Being that these two teams are both part of the same stable, you would think there would be a feeling out process but Takashi feeling like the S.H.I.P member with the most to prove took the fight right to Hiro Date, by engaging Stampeding Bull in some stiff brawling......


Date was a little shell shocked from Takashi's aggression and 'Nippon Hart' further took control with a Bartenders Swing (Giant Swing) before following in with a charging fore-arm into the corner and then an Exploder Suplex for a two count.


Takashi then turned Date over into the Dollars (Inverted Cloverleaf) submission hold but Yamawaki saw that his partner was in danger and make the save, before connecting with a roundhouse kick upon Takashi to put the Tokyo Wrecking Crew in control. An impressive vertical suplex from Yamawaki brought a two count....before the Wrecking Crew combined on a double slingshot suplex for another two count.


TWC feeling that they had Takashi worn down enough , then set up for the Sky Tower (Doomsday Device) but 'Nippon Hart' managed to slip off Date's shoulders and countered with a release German Suplex, whilst Arato stepped into the ring and levelled Yamawaki with an Arato-Lariat.


Takashi then officially got Arato into the match, and 'Strong Dreamer' then levelled Date with another Arato Lariat before dumping 'Stampeding Bull' with the Gotch Suplex (Dead Lift German Suplex)


Yawawaki then came into make the save but suddenly the Udon Noodle Killers appeared and began attacking both teams.....


Referee Sugimura unfortunately lost control of the match and had to 'throw it out' as things descended into a chaotic brawl and with neither of the S.H.I.P duos able to declare themselves the number one contenders.


Result: Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date drew with Koto Arato & Go Takashi in 9:38 (no contest draw)


Rating: 54


Takayuki Balls: The crowd were non pleased about the finish, especially as the match was coming along to be a pretty good contest with plenty of fighting spirit. Mind you I'm prepared to take the hit here, this establishes the heel champions as being prepared to do anything to keep their challengers at bay and besides their actions won't go un-noticed by the championship comittee.



~We Like Fun, We Like Winning~

Match #5: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs

MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro)










There's no pre-match tom-foolery from the challengers, and there's a more serious demeanour than usual about them, so it's clear to see that they are taking this opportunity very seriously.


In some early mat and chain wrestling exchanges, Meido Machine more than holds his own against Talisman and almost ensnares the 'Second Coming' in the Nyan Lock (Key Lock). When HUSTLE and Zodiac are tagged in, the 'Ducker Diver' was able to use his extra size and power in this weight class to take control- building up steam with a series of clotheslines and then planting Zodiac with the rolling firemans carry slam, before Meido Machine followed in with a slingshot splash for a two count.


That put the challengers in control, with a German Suplex Hold from HUSTLE, bringing Talisman into the ring to make the save. MOE! MONEY! remained in control however as Talisman was intercepted and then planted with the challengers signature double team suplex.....









Feeling that they were fully in control MOE! MONEY! couldn't resist showing off some dance moves.......


But they had become overconfident, and a recovered Zodiac hit a springboard leg-lariat on HUSTLE whilst Talisman stunned Meido Machine with a falling double knee facebreaker. That put the champions in control, and they were able to combine with Poetry in Motion before Zodiac then planted HUSTLE with a Beetle Suplex for a two count.


Talisman had headed up top and then came crashing down upon HUSTLE with the Golden Idol (Shooting Star Press).......


That looked to be it for MOE! MONEY!'s challenge but the 'Ducker Diver' managed to emphatically kick out as though he had been possessed by some extra super-power.


HUSTLE 'Chocolate Parfait Thundered Up' and hit consecutive lariats on the champions, before planting Talisman with a Death Valley Driver, but he was too worn down to for the cover and used his last ounce of energy to get the tag to Meido Machine.



Meido Machine soon found himself in a two on one situation but threw up the heart symbol- causing Zodiac and Talisman to freeze in mid move- just as it looked like they were about to combine on a high low attack....Meido managed to manouevre himself out of the way and then head up top, before nailing Zodiac with the Meido Beam Missile Drop-kick- causing 'Innvovations God' to bundle into Talisman.


Talisman went falling out of the ring and was then levelled with a flying fore-arm smash off the apron by HUSTLE. Back in the ring, Meido Machine was able to then follow up the Meido Beam with a Fisherman Suplex for a two count, before rolling through into the Nyan Lock (Key Lock).....


Zodiac looked to be in deep trouble and it looked as though Meido might be able to pull off the shocking upset by forcing Zodiac to tap out, but Talisman had managed to shake off the cobwebs and got back into the ring to make the save.


Talisman was then interecepted by HUSTLE however, who set the 'Second Coming Up' for a Powerbomb - but that was off course a foolish move on the 'Ducker Divers' part as Talisman countered that into the Higurashi (Counter Front Flip Facebuster).....


But Meido then nailed Talisman with a drop-kick only for a recovered Zodiac to take Meido by surprise with the Escaflowne (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Bomb Pin).....


The 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' managed to kick out of that but he was left disorientated and soon found himself planted with a Zodiac Sniper '98 (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb)......


Meido managed to kick out at two and half, but Whispered were now fully in control and Zodiac combined with Talisman on the Steins Gate (Wheelbarrow dropped into a double knee gutbuster).....


HUSTLE managed to break in to make one last desperation save, but was drop-kicked out of the ring, and then taken out with a no hands corkscew plancha from Zodiac. Talisman then headed up top and came crashing down upon Meido with the Platinum Idol (360 Shooting Star Press) to secure another succesful title defence for Whispered.


Result: Zodiac & Talisman [w] bt Meido Machine [L] & HUSTLE Umiro in 12:59 via pinfall (Platinum Idol)


Whispered make V3 defence of DIASPORA Junior Tag Team Championship.


Rating: 70


Takayuki Balls: I don't think anyone in attendance really thought MOE! MONEY! would be walking away with the belts, so that did take away from some of the tension. That being said this was still a good match and both teams were pretty successful in blending together the champions fast paced all action style with the challengers more gimmicky/entertainment based spots.


Post Match Comments:


Zodiac: We took that challenge very seriously tonight.....HUSTLE and Meido might be strange fellows, but it has to be recognised that they are a good team and if we weren't ready for them, then we could well have fallen to an upset. Thankully both I and Talisman knew what we had to do....


Talisman: That's right- no matter who we face whether we've taken them on befoe or they're a completely new challenge- we are ready to face all comers and prove just why we are the best tag team in the world.




The winner of this match will put themselves into a strong position to challenge Prime Dragon for the Super Junior Championship. Nori wants another crack after coming up short in the Double Elimination Rules match (that also included bitter rival Sairento) at Pro Wresting Festival. Incognito was Prime Dragon's first challenger back in November and is keen to prove once agan that he should be considered amongst the top Super Juniors in DIASPORA.


Incognito goes to cheap shot Nori before the bell has even rung but the S.H.I.P leader is ready for it and he is soon putting 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' on the back foot with some kick and strike flurries. Nori then whips Incognito into the ropes and connects with a drop-kick but is unable to keep up the pressure when Incognito bails out for a powder.


Nori goes for a slinghsot press to the floor but Incognito manages to move out of the way and then hops onto the apron and goes for a moonsault press, Nori manages to move out of the way of that and connects with a knee into Incognito's mid-section. Nori goes to pitch Incognito in the ring, but 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' manages to sneak in a low blow, and then drills Nori with a DDT out on the floor.


Incognito pitches Nori into the ring, and nails 'Battle' with a slingshot senton for a two count. Incognito then stomped away on Nori for a bit, before lifting the S.H.I.P leader up and planting Nori with a Hangman's Neckbreaker for another two count.


Incognito then decided to head up top, but Nori managed to rise back to his feet and cut Incognito off from taking flight. But 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' was then able to block a superplex attempt from Nori, shoving the S.H.I.P leader down to the mat and then drilling Nori with a Tornado DDT.....








Nori kicked out but Incognito remained in control and as Nori staggered back to his feet Incognito set up for the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but with the over-zealous encouragement of a certain female fan ringing in his ears, Nori manages to block the attempt and then managed to spin Incognito round to plant 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a Reverse STO.


Nori wasn't quite able to instantluy follow up on that and both competitors took a bit of a breather to regain their bearings, before squaring up to each other and engaging in a strike battle- Incognito resorted to raking Nori's eyes and once again looked to set up for the Incognito Driver but Nori was able to block the attempt again and then rocked 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a Tornado Kick before then planting the dazed Incognito with a German Suplex Hold......








Nori then decided to head up top, but Incognito wasn't suffiencently worn down enough and after Incognito conveniently staggeed into the ropes to cause Nori to lose his footing...Incognito was able to bring Nori crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana only for Nori to roll through into a victory roll......






Incognito managed to then counter into a rolling cradle- the pair then countered one another with several pinning predicaments for a series of two counts.......


But neither one was able to keep the other down for three and in the end the pin exhange left both men disorientated and gasping for air.


Incognito goes for a spinning heel kick as they both get back to their feet but Nori is able to side-step out of the way and then rocks 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a roundhouse. Nori then reals off a flurry of kicks he calls the Endless Nori, but Incognito manages to duck the High Kick to the head and takes down Nori with a spinning leg-sweep before pulling off a standing moonsault only for Nori to get the knees up......


Incognito staggers to the corner, but is then nailed with a high velocity corner drop-kick from Nori.....Incognito slumps down to the mat and Nori goes across to the opposite corner and follows in with a cannonball splash- before placing the dazed Incognito onto the top turnbuckle.


'Battle' then sent Incognito crashing back into the ring with a superplex.......








Nori then stomped away on Incognito for a bit before looking to set up for a German Suplex but Incognito countered that attempt with another crafty low blow, before forcing a standing switch and setting up for the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but Nori shook off the low blow and managed to block the Incognito Driver before hitting a release German Suplex at the second attempt.


Nori then went for the corner drop-kick again but Incognito managed to moved out of the way and stun Nori with a slingshot facebuster.......


Incognito then reeled of a series of arm-drag on Nori before then connecting with a springboard Bala De Dios (Flying Spinning Heel Kick)......








Nori managed to kick out, but Incognito remained in control and 'Battle' soon found himself drilled into the mat with a Tombstone Piledriver......








Nori managed to kick out much to Incognito's frustration. The Kuro luchador then headed up top, as Nori's obsessive female fans screeched more desperate encouragment 'Come on Nori-Chan, get up, you can do it....everyone believes in YOU!'


Those words of encouragement seem to bring Nori to some life as he began to rise to his feet, but Incognito was a step ahead taking Nori down with an Inverted DDT before transitioning into the Sueno Permanente Sleeper Hold.......


Incognito had the sleeper locked on tight and Nori looked to be fading, despite his number on female fan screeching at him 'to keep fighting'......


Referee Sugimura checked on Nori, as Incognito continued to apply the sleeper hold.......


No response from the S.H.I.P leader


Sugimura checks again........


Still no response from Nori........


Sugimura gives Nori one last chance, as the over-zealous female fan cries out 'Wake Up Nori-Chan, Please wake-up, WAKE UP!'


Somehow those words must have got through to Nori, as he suddenly found some super human strength to rise back to his feet and shake Incognito off with a forward throw......


But 'Battle' was too worn down to follow up with any offence and after staggering into the corner, Incognito followed in with a handspring back elbow before planting Nori with a Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep.......








Nori managed to kick out, but remained rooted to the mat and Incognito headed up top once again.........


Incognito then went for a split-legged moonsault but Nori managed to roll out of the way at the last split second, before nailing Incognito with a basement drop-kick that sent 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' out to the floor.......


With the adrenalin starting to run through his veins once again, Nori then followed up with a tope con hilo, that sent Incognito crashing back first into the guard-rail and saw Nori somehow manage to land perfectly on his feet....right in front of his number one female fan......


Who the got a little over-familiar with Nori, by giving him a kiss!.......


Color Commentator Tadashi Saga, did remark that Nori didn't mind this development at all!


Nori then pitched Incognito back into the ring, before heading up top but Incognito was back to his feet, only for Nori to take 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' down with a flying head-scissors and then quickly following that up with the Yakisoba (Tilt-A-Whirl Cross Armbreaker).......


Incognito looked to be in absolute agony, but ring positioning was just about on the Kuro-Luchadors side, just as it looked like he would be forced to tap out Incognito managed to barely get a foot onto the bottom rope to force the rope-break........


Nori remained in control however and planted Incognito with a Reverse STO.....






Incognito kicked out but Nori was still the drivers seat and 'Battle headed up top and then went for the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press).......


But 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' was able to move out of the way and the last split second and as Nori staggered back to his feet he was then planted with an Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver)..........








Nori somehow managed to muster up the fighting spirit to kick out again, but he was unable to rise back to his feet as Incognito headed up top once again.........


But as Incognito looked to be setting up for Susurro De La Muerte, Nori did suddenly find the inner strength to rise back to his feet and then sent Incognito crashing back into the ring with an Avalanche Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO) !!








NO?!! Referee Sugmiura was knocked out cold- and TV replays wil show that for some reason he failed to get out of the way as Nori and Incognito came crashing down off the top-rope.....


Nori goes to revive Sugimura but suddenly finds himself being nailed with a Black Box Shot from Soh Terajima! and he is soon joined by Blood Spider Jr and Dark Wolf II in providing a beat-down to Nori


Nori's number one fans screeches 'Leave my Nori-Chan alone!' and 'Give them hell Nori-Chan'


Despite the three on one attack, Nori did find the fighting spirit to battle against the odds, roundhouse kicking the Black Box into Terajima's face, planting Blood Spider Jr with a Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO) and then taking down Dark Wolf II with a Tilt-A-Whirl and then almost ripping the 'Howling Menace' arm out of his socket with the Yakisoba (Cross-Arm Breaker)


But just as Nori had dispatched Dark Wolf II and the Salty Delinquents, Incognito suddenly stirred back to life and then planted Nori with the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver).......


Sugimura then suddenly woke from his slumber and crawled across to count then pin......








Nori wasn't going to give up without a fight, and he managed to kick out at the last split second......But despite the words of hysterical encouragment from a certain female fan, Nori was unable to rise to his feet and Incognito saw the opportunity to go up top once again........


The Kuro Luchador then came crashing down with the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton).......








Incognito had pulled out the win, but it has to be said that luck was on his side and Nori will feel that he had that match won- had it not been for Sugimura's 'carelessness' and then having to fend off an attack from Incognito's Kuro-Nadeshiko stable mates.


Result: Incognito [w] bt Hiroto Nori [L] in 20:31 via pinfall (Susurro De La Muerte)


Rating: 82


Takayuki Balls: An excellent match, and the result will come as something of a mild-shock, considering that Nori-san's push thus far on this tour has been a little more prominent. The decision to have Incognito win, wasn't just there to shake things up but putting Incognito into the title mix but it will also be leading somewhere with Nori and S.H.I.P.


Post Match Comments:


Incognito (in Spanish): I am superior than that ingrate Nori in every way- it is I who deserve to be Super Junior Champion- not him. I demand I am given title shot I deserve- I need to prove nothing- I am the best!



~Treacherous Doubt~

Match #7: Loser Leaves Unit:

Prime Dragon, Hyotaru Ichigawa, Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa

vs Sairento, Tian Long, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono






Whoever gets pinned or is submitted will be forced to leave their unit. Tensions appeared to be more strained with the Guardians coming into this match, due to Minamoto's recent selfish behaviour, but he has apologised for that behaviour and has vowed to prove that he is still on the same page as the rest of the Guardians.


Ebisawa and Tian Long start things off and 'Forceful Dagger' is able to over-power the veteran in the early going- an overhead belly to belly puts Ebisawa in complete control but Ono manages to sneak in a cheap shot from the apron just as Ebisawa was lining up for the Dozer (Spear).


Ebisawa then got worked over in the Kuro-Nadeshiko corner, enduring a facewash from Sairento but showing that he still had plenty of fight left by avoiding a corner avalanche from Ono and then nailing GUSHIKEN with a desperation Dozer (Spear)........


Long and Sairento then combined to block Ebisawa off from making the tag but 'Forceful Dagger' responded with a double clothesline and made the tag out to Prime Dragon. Dragon nailed Sairento with a rolling wheel kick and then Long with a palm-strike/Brainbuster combo for a two count.


GUSHIKEN then started to come into the ring but referee Ochida ordered 'Great Thunder' back to his corner only for Sairento to sneak back in and nail Prime Dragon from behind just as the Super Junior Champion was setting Long up for the Prime Driver.


Long then planted the 'Grand Pillar' with a Dragon Suplex for a two count before dragging the Guardians leader across to the Kuro-Nadeshiko corner. The Kuro quartet work over Dragon in their corner, with the champion being subjected to a Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curb Stomp) from Sairento, a senton splash from Tian Long and a corner splash from Ono.


GUSHIKEN then planted the Guardians leader with a GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) for a close two count, before tagging Sairento back in. The 'Silent Reaper' lined up for the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike To The Face) but Dragon had enough wits left to see it coming, blocking the attempt and countering with a Dragon screw leg-whip.


Sairento then looked to have prevented the 'Grand Pillar' from tagging out but Dragon managed to connect with an Enziguri and then get the tag to the Heavyweight Champion Hyotaru Ichigawa. 'White Light' then made an instant impact nailing Sairento with the Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick)








But GUSHIKEN was able to break into the ring to make the save. Ichigawa then lined up another Decapitator for 'Great Thunder' but GUSHIKEN's fellow Udon Noodle Killer, Ono got in a cheap shot from the apron.


Sairento still the legal man then nailed Ichigawa with a Yazuka Kick, and once again the Kuro-Nadeshiko quartet had managed to isolate a Guardian on their side of the ring. Kuro take turns pumelling Ichigawa in the corner, before Ono whips the Heavyweight champ into a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow) from his fellow All Asia Tag champion








Ichigawa manages to kick out but is then subjected to the GUSHIKEN Series (Triple Rolling German Suplex).......








Ichgiwa manages to kick out again much to GUSHIKEN's frustration. 'Great Thunder' hands things back over to his tag partner and with Ichigawa still rooted to the canvas Ono goes for the Tsunami (Big Splash) only for 'White Light' to move out of harms way at the last split second......


Ichigawa manages to muster up enough strength to crawl across to make the tag......Minamoto who has yet to get into the match is chomping at the bit to take the tag but Ichigawa ignores 'Rumble Heart' and decides to tag Ebisawa back in instead......


Minamoto and Ichigawa then have heated words out on the apron, and it soon starts turning into a shoving match with Prime Dragon desperately trying to keep the peace....the argument even averts the attention of referee Ochida......


Meanwhile back in the ring Ebisawa, soon finds himself in trouble, with the Kuro-Nadeshiko able to use the numbers game to their advantage.


Ebisawa was planted with a scoop powerslam from Chojiro Ono, before Sairento came crashing down upon 'Forceful Dagger' with a Double Stomp and then Tian Long followed up with the Corkscrew From Heaven (Corkscrew Senton)....








Eikichi Minamoto seeing that Ebisawa was in trouble broke into the ring to make the save, and then connected with a Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) on Sairento and then drilled Tian Long with a Harima DDT (Double Underhook DDT)- before being ushered out of the ring by referee Ochida.


Ebisawa then nailed GUSHIKEN with a Dozer (Spear)- Minamoto was ready to take the tag but Ebisawa completely ignored 'Rumble Heart' and made the tag to Prime Dragon instead much to Minamoto's frustration. Tadashi Saga commentated how Minamoto hadn't really done anything to warrant the cold shoulder in this match from his team mates but how clearly his team mates have not forgiven him for his recent behaviour- but if these issues aren't resolved soon the Guardians would clearly be heading for defeat.


A refreshed Prime Dragon seemed to be giving it a good though to keep the Guardians in this match, connecting with consecutive drop-kicks to both of the Udon Noodle Killers before nailing Tian Long with a Rolling Wheel-Kick and then planting the Imperial One with a Prime Driver (Over The Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)........








However Sairento came in to make the save, and once again a member of the Guardian was in trouble. 'Silent Reaper' whipped Prime Dragon into the Kuro corner and they all took turns to charge into the Super Junior Champion, before Sairento delivered a face-wash......


Sairento then dragged Dragon out into the middle of the ring before delivering a Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curb Stomp). That was then followed with a Brainbuster from the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader for a two count.


'Sairento' then taunted Dragon to get up, and though the Guardian leader began to rally with a few punches to Sairento's mid-section the rally was soon stopped in it's tracks and Prime Dragon soon found himself being spiked into the canvas with a Death Note (Spike Brainbuster)








Everyone from the Guardians broke in to make the save, before Minamoto and Ichigawa began getting into a shoving match with each other, however they both noticed that the Udon Noodle Killers were coming in to intefere and then intinctively they both nailed Ono and GUSHIKEN respectively with Decapitators (Running Bicycle Kicks)......


The match then began to break down with everyone brawling inside of the ring, but referee Ochida was keen to keep the match under control and ordered everyone who wasn't legal back to their corner.


Leaving just Sairento and Prime Dragon in the ring......



Dragon still looked to be out cold from the Absolute Terror- the 'Silent Reaper' dragged Dragon back up to his feet and then placed the seemingly lifeless body of the Super Junior Champion upon his shoulders, as he began to set up for Ryuk's Apple (Cuthtroat Inverted Death Valley Driver) but all of a sudden Dragon came back to life and countered with a crucifix bomb.....


The 'Grand Pillar' then nailed Sairento with a Rolling Wheel-Kick and followed up with the Prime Driver 2000 (Wrist Clutch Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver) but the Super Junior Champion was too worn down to make a cover and was simply looking to tag out......


Prime Dragon reached out his hand to make the tag.........



And slapped the hand of Eikichi Minamoto....the Guardians leader had shown faith in Minamoto- unlike Ichigawa and Ebisawa who had clearly refused to tag Minamoto into the match when they had the opportunity to do so.


Minamoto comes in like the proverbial fiery house and levels Tian Long with a clothesline before delivering the Gurugu Mawaru (Airplane Spin Toss) before following up with a Decapitatator (Running Bicycle Kick)....Rumble Heart then lifted Long back up to a vertical base before drilling the Imperial One with the Ode To Eri (Cradle Brainbuster)......








GUSHIKEN came in to make the save but was then taken off balance with a Tilt-A-Whirl from the still fresh Minamoto, who then instantly applied the Akira Takano Tea Club Special Arm Bar.....


Despite the submission hold being null and void due to GUSHIKEN not being the legal man, Chojiro Ono still came in to make the save but as the Udon Noodle Killer went of the Tsunami (Big Splash) Minamoto let go of the hold and Ono ended up eating the canvas.........


The wounded (both physically and mentally) All Asia Tag Champions then rolled out of the ring with Minamoto standing tall but Tian Long had managed to recover and got the tag out to Sairento- who instanly made an impact by nailing Minamoto with a Yakuza Kick, however that sent 'Rumble Heart' stumbling backwards toward the Guardians corner- where Ichigawa tagged himself back in with a blind tag.......


Ichigawa nailed Sairento with a Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) and then followed up with a Dragon Suplex......








Sairento managed to kick out but then Ichigawa transitioned into the Cross-Arm Breaker......


The Kuro-Nadeshiko leader was trying desperately to hang on but he couldn't take the pain any longer.......


Sairento was tapping.......


Kuro-Nadeshiko had lost their leader! ......


But referee Ochida had not seen Sairento tapping out as the rest of the Kuro- team entered the ring with plunder and that was enough of a distraction for the referee's eyes to be adverted from the action....


Realising what had happened Ichigawa got up to divert Ochida's eyes back to the match......


Minamoto then entered the ring......


And then proceeded to take low-blow the Heavyweight Champion!


That brought Ichigawa down to his knees- as Minamoto showed his true colours to a chorus of jeers from the fans.....


A recovered Sairento then nailed Ichigawa with the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike To The Face)








Hyotaru Ichigawa had been forced out of the Guardians- and all because of the treacherous Eikichi Minamoto much to the disdain of the fans and his own stable mates.


Result: Sairento [w] , Tian Long, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono by Prime Dragon, Hyotaru Ichigawa [L], Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa via pinfall 27:57


* Hyotaru Ichigawa can no longer team with Guardians of DIASPORA


Rating: 80


Takayuki Balls: This didn't have the fluid teamwork and high spots of some DIASPORA main events, and at times with Kuro-Nadeshiko dominating so much of the match the action was a little plodding by DIASPORA standards but the drama and the tension of the match built throughout and by the end the fans were on the edge of their seats.


Post Match Tian Long goes up to Minamoto and out-stretches a hand, as if to say 'Come on join us'.......


But 'Rumble Heart' boots Long into the mid-section and then plants the Imperial One with a Harima DDT (Double Underhook DDT) a clear indication that he rejects being part of Kuro-Nadeshiko......



Minamoto whose actions are becoming more and confusing, grabs a microphone.....


Eikichi Minamoto: Sorry Kuro-Nadeshiko but I'm a Guardian through and through


Prime Dragon: I'm not sure I want you as a Guardian though, not after what you just did.


Eikichi Minamoto: Oh what you going to do so Dragon-san, kick me out? Wouldn't be very advisable would it- do you want 'your' team to become even weaker?


Prime Dragon: I don't, but I can non longer trust you.....


Eikichi Minamoto: Look I trust you, the only one I could no longer trust was Ichigawa-san.....he was clearly going to turn on me- you saw how he was in that match....you saw how refused to tag to me.


Prime Dragon: That I cannot deny.....


Eikichi Minamoto: See and I'm pretty sure in time Ichigawa-san would have turned on you too....


Prime Dragon: It's possible I must admit.....


Taheji Ebisawa: I can't believe you're even possibly buying this crap from Minamoto-san......


Prime Dragon: Look I've known Minamoto-san for longer than you Ebisawa-san.....


Eikichi Minamoto: Yeah whose opinion is he going to trust Ebisawa-san, yours or someone he's known for years....like me.


Prime Dragon: What you did should be unforgivable but.........


Taheji Ebisawa: Unbelievable- Dragon if Guardians fall apart you've only got yourself to blame.....you know what I'm done...as long as you accept Minamoto-san as a Guardian...consider me an ex Guardian...


Prime Dragon: I don't want to see you go Ebisawa-san


Taheji Ebisawa: Well do the right thing and kick out Minamoto-san...


Prime Dragon: But I can't do that......


Taheji Ebisawa: Why not?


Prime Dragon: I just can't......


Taheji Ebisawa: Weak.....like I said...I'm done....DONE!


Suddenly S.H.I.P appear out on the entrance ramp and Hiroto Nori has a microphone......



Hiroto Nori: Oh it's all about Guardians and Kuro isn't it? S.H.I.P are still here and we couldn't care less about your lovers spat Guardians, however as sick as we are of that.....your opponents tonight piss me and the rest of the shippers off even more.....


Kuro-Nadeshiko we despise you, and though we are men who believe in the fair rules of combat- you and bull-crap are pushing us ove the edge. I should be the number one contender for Prime Dragon's Super Junior Championship and both the Tokyo Wrecking Crew and Team Ganbatte here beside me were like me screwed out of earning a title shot- due Kuro sticking the noses in......


Here's what I propose Udon Noodle Killers should face both sets of shippers or if they refuse to defend their title soon- they should be stripped of them.....


Championship committee representative Takyuki Kunomasu then grabbed a microphone.....



Takayuki Kunomasu: The board will sanction that match- Udon Noode Killers need to prove themselves as champions- failure to comply will lead to them being stripped of the titles.


The UNK look far from happy about that development- whilst the Tokyo Wrecking Crew and Team Ganbatte! both look pleased about that......


Hiroto Nori: Thank you for doing the right thing Kunomasu-san- but that still doesn't make up for what happened to me earlier and I'm being pushed over the edge here. So here's what I propose...I want Sairento in the ring again. But I'm sure if I had him in the ring again- he'd just get his Kuro-goons to intervene whenever I was on top.......


Now I could fight fire with fire so to speak but S.H.I.P do not believe in resorting to such methods.....


At the Flowers of Hell supershow I want Sairento in a cage, but it's not just all about me....these two men beside me New Solution also want to a piece of Kuro...


So what I'm proposing is something that will announce S.H.I.P as the major force in DIASPORA......


Mascara contra Caballera*- Cage escape match !


* Hair vs Mask


Like I said I've got two guys willing to go into battle with me.... now just find two willing to go into battle with you Sairento. So do you accept my challlenge- Silent Reaper?


Sairento just nods and then makes a throat slash gesture.....



One can only assume that Nori's challenge has been met. Nori and New Solution are willing to put their hair on the line in order to get the hands on Sairento- and Sairento not being one to back down from a challenge has agreed to put his mask on the line, but just who will step into the cage alongside him at Flowers of Hell.


Rating: 77


Takayuki Balls: That post match talky bit went down pretty well- as it set alot of stuff up- at first it just looked to be fall out from Ichigawa being forced out of Guardians but then Hiroto Nori and S.H.I.P came along an stole some of the spot-light. Not only are the UNK forced to defend the All Asia Titles against both S.H.I.P teams but Nori really stepped up in his war with Sairento by proposing that they put everything on the line in a Mascara Contra Caballera Cage escape match.



Overall: 78


Takayuki's Final Verdict: One cannot say that wasn't an eventful Bunkyo Hall show- as well as providing good action throughout it also set up alot of things for the Flowers of Hell PPV at the end of the month. Surely everyone's highlight of the show though was an all too rare appearance by myself!

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Result: Dark Wolf II [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] + Xtinction + Yachi Kotara in 7:48 via pinfall (Wolf's Call)


OMG, I'm so busy. Working on a Joshi Puroresu mod for TEW 2013, have to do 1,000 words of writing tonight, play with the cats, watch the GeekandSundry Pandemic video. And Tiger posts his card today!


Am I not entertaining? Neither was this match.;)


Result: Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr in 8:34 via pinfall (Lethal Bite)


and instead referee Sugimura ended up getting a faceful of mist and he ended up clutching at his face.


Sure he wears glasses and ducked right away. But somehow he will be blind until Salty Delinquients can win.


SD have to cheat to win, as expected but I'm rooting more and more for Matsuo.


Conveniently for the Delinquents Sugimura came to just as Terajima plonked Blood Spider on top of Matsuo.


So convenient. He was 'blind' just long enough to miss the cheapshot but miraculously his vision cleared when SD could win. And where did Sugimura's new Rolax come from, anyway?


Meido Machine: My friend Mr Hustle here is correct, you keep going on about being taken seriously but at least we are able to win matches.




Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] in 4:06 via submission (Python Vise)


Eh. The match had to happen but the sooner the feud is over the better. I may be harsh here, but the match quality was just not there. I'm hoping Inokuma can do better on his own.


Result: Kotei Yamato [w] & Shintaro Hideki bt Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka [L] in 9:03 via pinfall (Keiyakusha)




Result: Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date drew with Koto Arato & Go Takashi in 9:38 (no contest draw)


Referee Sugimura unfortunately lost control of the match and had to 'throw it out'

Instead of ejecting UNK and restarting the match, he denies UNK's rivals a chance at victory. I wonder if he's reffing the main event...

Result: Zodiac & Talisman [w] bt Meido Machine [L] & HUSTLE Umiro in 12:59 via pinfall (Platinum Idol)


The least suspenseful match in Disapora history. But so what. We expected entertaining and got it. Plenty of action and spots, but mostly it's just to show how far Moe Money have come. They are still a comedy team, but they are no longer jokes.


Match #6: Super Junior Contenders: Hiroto Nori vs Incognito


Is it just me or is this match missing pictures?


right in front of his number one female fan......Who the got a little over-familiar with Nori, by giving him a kiss!.......


So romantic!


Result: Incognito [w] bt Hiroto Nori [L] in 20:31 via pinfall (Susurro De La Muerte)


Sugimura then suddenly woke from his slumber and crawled across to count then pin......


I'm sensing a trend. Keep it up, Sugimura, Kuro4Life!


The match of the night for sheer action, if not storyline. More Mio, better ratings? Might be worth keeping in mind. And she sells better than Sairento.


Result: Sairento [w] , Tian Long, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono by Prime Dragon, Hyotaru Ichigawa [L], Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa via pinfall 27:57


But referee Ochida


Finally a fair match.


The second best action match of the night, but the richest in story and emotion. And who predicted Ichigawa losing? Not me!

and we couldn't care less about your lovers spat Guardians


Nori's just saying what you are all thinking, admit it. There's something weird about PD's devotion to Minamoto, and vice versa. It's such a bad relationship. “I despise you, but I love you!” “Come on baby, you're the only one I trust.”


So much is in upheaval now. With Guardians disintegrating the entire title picture in DIASPORA changes. Ichigawa and Ebisawa are gone. PD can't count on Minamoto, but we're already discussed their tortured relationship. SHIP suddenly have an unbeatable chance at winning the tag titles. Well, unless Sugimura is reffing. Nori lost, but has vaulted back into the spotlight with the challenge to the silent no-seller. Is there already a maskless picture of Sairento or a bald Nori pic? That could be a hint who'll win. I have to go with Nori on this one, if only because Mio will go ballistic if he loses his hair and another loss would keep Nori buried. The trend now seems to be building up SHIP. But who'll team with Sairento? If it's a mystery partner, Ichigawa would be possible. He won't like Kuro, but how far will he go to get revenge on Minamoto? Deal with the devil time? Or does he take the high road and go with SHIP. And if so, how does Arato Superporky feel about that?


And most importantly, Moe Money converted a Wolfe to wearing a cute sailor outfit. How long before Matsuo gives in and wears a catboy outfit, hopefully complete with the super cool mechanical cat ears that automatically move as your mood changes. Matsuo Neko Neko Nyan!

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The main event of DIASPORA's latest leg of their Full Metal Panic! Tour saw Heavyweight Champion Hyotaru Ichigawa forced out of the Guardians of DIASPORA, after being turned on by Eikichi Minamoto and then falling victim to an Absolute Terror from Kuro-Nadeshiko leader Sairento, and this was after Ichigawa thought he had the match won when Sairento had tapped out to the Crucifix Arm Bar.


Post match Minamoto was offered a chance to jump to the other side, but a Harima DDT to Tian Long meant that he flat out rejected that offer and then went about convincing Guardians leader Prime Dragon that he had done the right thing by kicking out Ichigawa. Taheji Ebisawa bought none of it and quit Guardians in disgust and disbelief that Dragon did not kick out Minamoto.


Ichigawa was unable to confront the man that turned on him Minamoto after the match but he did have these comments to say to press post-show:


What Minamoto-san did, did not surprise me at all; he's be jealous of my position for a while now and I for one did not buy that he was apologetic for his recent actions. What I am irritated at right now is how Dragon-san has bought into his crap- and I'm deeply offended that Dragon has decided to trust Minamoto-san over me....


The right thing for Dragon-san to do there and then was to disband Guardians because as soon as Minamoto-san turned on me- he had ripped the heart out of it anyway- The Guardians that stand before you now are just a shell. At least Ebisawa-san had the sense to see through Minamoto-san, I just can't see why Dragon-san cannot see the same. It baffles me why he is being so foolish.


I do not want to beat sense into Dragon-san, I still see him as a friend, if a rather misguided one right now. But right now I do feel like beating Minamoto-san senseless and I'll even offer him another shot at the DIASPORA Heavyweight Championship. He want's this title so badly, he won't turn down stepping into the ring with me.

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Minamoto kinda pulled a Cyber Kong...I liked how it was Ichigawa (simply because I over looked that possibility, don't ask me why). I also liked the public reason for doing it by saying Ichigawa was gonna turn on the Guardians but we all know Minamoto wants that big gold belt.


I'm looking forward to the Mascara contra Caballera Cage escape match as I love the mix of Lucha Libre and puroresu. I highly doubt we will see Sairento become unmasked but TK you're full of twists so I'm holding out hope for something fantastic either way.



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And most importantly, Moe Money converted a Wolfe to wearing a cute sailor outfit. How long before Matsuo gives in and wears a catboy outfit, hopefully complete with the super cool mechanical cat ears that automatically move as your mood changes. Matsuo Neko Neko Nyan!


Those cat-ears are uber cute but would be utterly embarrasing for a man to wear them.....


Oh that's probably the point :D

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DIASPORA's Full Metal Panic! Tour concludes on Sunday 25th March with the Flowers of Hell pay per view at the Osaka City Arena.


Prior to the recent Bunkyo Hall show, no matches had been set for the show but the fall-out from Bunkyo Hall has seen the DIASPORA Championship Commitee rubber stamp the following matches....


Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape Match:

Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Shintaro Hideki vs Sairento vs ??? vs ???


Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Ninamoto


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew vs Team Ganbatte!!


Word from the DIASPORA office is that there will probably be three more matches added to the card, one of which will be a Junior Tag Team Championship defence by Whispered.

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Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Shintaro Hideki vs Sairento vs ??? vs ???


Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Ninamoto


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew vs Team Ganbatte!!

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Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Shintaro Hideki vs Sairento vs ??? vs ???


Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Ninamoto


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew vs Team Ganbatte!!


Midnightnick, it's not a card preview/prediction sheet :p Last post was just the DIASPORA website press release on what matches had been signed up thus far for the PPV. There's three more regular tour shows to come before the PPV anyway.

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Sunny Sunny Happiness?


I was feeling quite pleased at how the latest Bunkyo-Hall show went down...it wasn't perfect, we probably tested the fans patience with the amount of shenanigans that went down and the puroresu purists would surely have not been happy about that. But the main event matches delivered and most of all it brought on the storylines currently running in DIASPORA and set up the bulk of the Flowers of Hell supershow.


There was of course though one over matter I had to attend to - meeting up with a high school age girl, who had a tendency to litter hit speech pattersn with cat-speak. Unfortunately what you just read wasn't a figment of my imagination, apparently this was something I had to do.

Momo-chan, or Momo Nyan Nyan as she insisted on referring to herself had attended the wrestling show, because I invited her to. You see she came to me out of the blue asking to find the sunflower wrestler (whoever he is) but immediately I was put-out by the fact that this stranger had my phone number and I wanted to find out who gave it to her- I figured given the fact she was trying to find a wrestler, it would be one of a number of persons I currently work with.




Momo nyan-nyan


When I met up with Momo, she was as ever in Momo Nyan Nyan character-cat ears upon her head and giving me a cutesy smile as soon as she saw me. In small doses the whole Nyan-Nyan thing was admittedly very cute and I could see how it bring the customers of the maid cafe she works at to become weak at the knees- but to put on that act pretty much the whole time, became a bit irritating. It's like someone who has Takoyaki every day- Takoyaki's great but would you want it as your meal every single day?


After some banal small talk, I finally got down to the matter at hand- the vital question I needed to ask her....But hang on there was something else I had just noticed about Momo Nyan Nyan, her cat-ears were moving...the ears were moving! It's like they would perk up every so often and then drop down again.


I had to stay focused though and ask her what I really needed to ask, did she recognise anyone at the show.


'Ummm.....yeah..... I think....erm .. I do'


It was all well and good her recognising someone but did she have name, I needed a name






'Aaah yeah....Hi.....de.....ki.......Hideki-nyan-nyan ....HIDEKI NYAN NYAN!'


Well that came as something of a surprise, she said it was someone who attended her maid cafe, I was sure the main culprit would have been Meido-Machine......


'Hideki-nyan-nyan is very good customer....he great dancer....nyan nyan'


Great dancer or not I wanted to know how he got my phone number and why the hell he was passing it on to random people I'd never met before. Mind you I did have some idea of who could have passed it on to Hideki-san....out of all the people in DIASPORA who would have my contact details, who would be the mostly likely to let them slip to Hideki. Whilst I was pondering things over Momo 'Nyan-Nyan' was still babbling away about great a dancer Hideki-san apparently is.


'Hideki-nyan nyan know Hare Hare Yukai dance, he can do all the moves, I can only really do Mikuru's part's well but Hideki nyan nyan can do it all...isn't that wonderful nyan-nyan'


http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRiTJBH3x8u9uX8xHdofgzeh_UJqCX-T9aS7njdN3tRNYFUEzc-Ahttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShintaroHideki.jpg http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRloB9xT_Nxp4hzpeh2CFm4nFMZOxHPiuQnE6QOuMqJryBFqyS1


The culprit himself Hideki-san.....never mind that he's giving away my contact details to random strangers, because all can be forgiven whe you know all the moves to Hare Hare Yukai


Yeah just wonderful, I wasn't in the mood to confront Mr Dancing Perfection just now, but I would make sure he wouldn't dance his way round the questions I was going to ask him, when I did.


Momo nyan-nyan then reminded me that she was still looking for this so called sunflower wrestler. It would of course help though if she even knew who this guy was, and why did she need to find him anyway and besides since when did sunflowers even have a scent to them anyway?


'erm.......sunflower wrestler is someone I know, someone who was close to me.....but I have not see him since I were five!'


She was trying to track down someone she had not seen since she was five, so it figured she might not recognise who she is trying to find, but just why was this person so important to her.....


' I just need to find him....I just need to.....and I just know he's here.....but I can't quite remember him.....I need to find him'


I noticed the act dropping from Momo-chan and she was starting to become visibly upset about not being able to recognise the person she was desperately trying to find.


I didn't know what to do- did I go over comfort her? I mean she might get the wrong signals if I went over and did that...this was now becoming a very awkward situation.......


That is when I had never been so happy to see Meido-Machine walk past, seeing the strange sight of an man dressed in a maid costume, maid Momo nyan-nyan's mood suddenly perk up....




Sometimes it just needs a man in a maid outfit, to make things feel a little less awkward.


'Aaaawww....how cute, Meido-man, Meido-man.....funny, funny....nyan-nyan!'


Irritating as her nyan-nyan act was, I was at that moment in time happy to see it back, because I literally did not know what do with the emotionally traumatized Momo nyan-nyan I saw saw moment's ago before me.

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Following an eventful show at Bunkyo Hall in Tokyo, DIASPORA's Full Metal Panic! Tour moves on to Iwate Hall in Tohoku on Thursday 15th March.

Headlining the show will be three tag team showdowns between S.H.I.P and Kuro-Nadeshiko. Hiroto Nori will be looking to get instant revenge against the man who defeated him at Bunkyo Hall when he teams up alongside Oda Yamawaki to take on Incognito and GUSHIKEN. Whilst the other S.H.I.P vs Kuro showdown sees Koto Arato team with Hiro Date to take on Sairento and Chojiro Ono. The final of the three S.H.I.P-Kuro showdowns is an all junior divison affair that see's former Junior Tag champions New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) take on the pairing of Tian Long and Dark Wolf II.


Further Junior Tag Team action see's Super Junior Champion Prime Dragon team with Junior Tag Champion Talisman to take on The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka).


Following the fall out of Hyotaru Ichigawa being forced to leave The Guardians of DIASPORA, Taheji Ebisawa took the decision to follow the Heavyweight Champion out of the stable, the pair team up to take on Kan Mitsubishi and the man they feel is responsible for Ichigawa being forced out Eikchi Minamoto.


Junichi Matsuo seems to have issues with MOE! MONEY! and has found a tag team partner in the form of Yachi Kotara to take on the recent Junior Tag challengers. Meanwhile Aki Shimizudani is looking for revenge on Horiuchi Inokuma and the two will face off in tag team action- Shimizudani will be teaming with fellow DIASPORA struggler Shiki Hirasi, as the pair look to prove their worth- whilst Horiuchi Inokuma will team up alongside a mystery partner.


In a Tag Team match heavy show- the lone singles match on the card see's Junior Tag champion Zodiac take on Kuro-Nadeshiko's Soh Terajima. Singles action will also feature on the pre-show with S.H.I.P's Go Takashi up against the unpredictable Xtinction.



Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 24 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....


Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show #24


Iwate Hall, Iwate, Tohoku

Thursday 15th March 2012.



Final (30 Min Limit): S.H.I.P vs Kuro-Nadeshiko Tag Team Battleground- FINAL Stage

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori & Oda Yawawaki


'Representing Kuro Nadeshiko'

Incognito &

All Asia Tag Team Champion- GUSHIKEN



Semi Final: (30 Min Limit ): S.H.I.P vs Kuro-Nadeshiko Tag Team Battleground- Second Stage

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Koto Arato & Hiro Date


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Sairento &

All Asia Tag Champion- Chojiro Ono



6th Match (30 Min Limit): S.H.I.P vs Kuro-Nadeshiko Tag Team Battleground- Opening Stage

'Representing S.H.I.P'

New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki)


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Tian Long & Dark Wolf II



5th Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Tag Team Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Super Junior Champion- Prime Dragon &

Junior Tag Champion- Talisman


The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)



4th Match (20 Min Limit): No Love Lost Tag Team Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Eikichi Minamoto & Kan Mitsubishi


Heavyweight Champion- Hyotaru Ichigawa

& Taheji Ebisawa



3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Singles Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Junior Tag Champion- Zodiac


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Soh Terajima



2nd Match (15 Min Limit): Proving Point Tag Team Challenge #2

MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro)


Junichi Matsuo & Yachi Kotara



1st Match (15 Min Limit): Proving Point Tag Team Challenge #1

Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi


Horiuchi Inokuma & ????



Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Openweight Singles Challenge

Go Takashi vs Xtinction




Predictions Form


Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs Incognito & GUSHIKEN


Koto Arato & Hiro Date vs Sairento & Chojiro Ono


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


Prime Dragon & Talisman vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


Eikichi Minamoto & Kan Mitsubishi vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Zodiac vs Soh Terajima


MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs Junichi Matsuo & Yachi Kotara


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Horiuchi Inokuma & ????


Go Takashi vs Xtinction


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Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs Incognito & GUSHIKEN


Koto Arato & Hiro Date vs Sairento & Chojiro Ono


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


Prime Dragon & Talisman vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


Eikichi Minamoto & Kan Mitsubishi vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Zodiac vs Soh Terajima


MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs Junichi Matsuo & Yachi Kotara


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Horiuchi Inokuma & ????


Go Takashi vs Xtinction


BTW, HELL YES! I was wondering when or if we would see a Mascara contra Cabrella Steel Cage match. Can't wait for that!

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Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs Incognito & GUSHIKEN

This could go two ways, either you continue to build Incognito up for title shot or Nori gets a win back in order to re-establish himself. I go with option number one but this could easily go either way.


Koto Arato & Hiro Date vs Sairento & Chojiro Ono

Another tough one but since I picked Kuro on last one I pick S.H.I.P here.


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs Tian Long & Dark Wolf II

And yet another close call, I go with real team over random pairing.

Prime Dragon & Talisman vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)

Finally an easier pick, Dragon would win this even without partner.


Eikichi Minamoto & Kan Mitsubishi vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa

This will be interesting one but Mitsubishi is the weak link as far as this one goes.


Zodiac vs Soh Terajima

Easy win.


MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs Junichi Matsuo & Yachi Kotara

Matsuo would need better partner to get a win on his win column.


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Horiuchi Inokuma & ????

I still believe that Shimizudani is one his way out and then there is that mystery man rule too.


Go Takashi vs Xtinction

Squash in order to build Takashi up.

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That's what I get for heading on GDS in the middle of a raging house party. I predict things that arent even prediction sheets.


Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs Incognito & GUSHIKEN


Koto Arato & Hiro Date vs Sairento & Chojiro Ono


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


Prime Dragon & Talisman vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


Eikichi Minamoto & Kan Mitsubishi vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Zodiac vs Soh Terajima


MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs Junichi Matsuo & Yachi Kotara


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Horiuchi Inokuma & ????


Go Takashi vs Xtinction

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Very interesting result last show with Ichigawa being kicked out of the guardians. I'm curious as to where he'll go now. I could see the Guardians further splitting with Ichigawa forming a stable of his own and Minamoto recruiting a few guys such as Inokuma to support him.


Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs Incognito & GUSHIKEN


Koto Arato & Hiro Date vs Sairento & Chojiro Ono


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


Prime Dragon & Talisman vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


Eikichi Minamoto & Kan Mitsubishi vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


I was going to ask what Mitsubishi thinks of Minamoto's actions, but he's probably just happy to be here.


Zodiac vs Soh Terajima


MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs Junichi Matsuo & Yachi Kotara


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Horiuchi Inokuma & ????


Inokuma reveals his partner is Hirasi! What a twist! Okay probably not, but either way I see Inokuma winning.


Go Takashi vs Xtinction

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Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs Incognito & GUSHIKEN


This is a tough one. I think Nori needs the win here. If he keeps losing before the big match, I'm going to assume he has to win it to get momentum back. A Nori win here keeps us guessing.


Koto Arato & Hiro Date vs Sairento & Chojiro Ono


This balances out the SHIP win above. I just don't see faction leader and tag team champ losing this.


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


Tough pick again. Dark Wolfe has been Feasting on jobbers to get pop. Ultimately, I think the named team gets the win, but I could see it going either way.


Prime Dragon & Talisman vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


Easy pick.


Eikichi Minamoto & Kan Mitsubishi vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Minamoto and Ichigawa are almost equal. Ebisawa is above Mitsubishi but not by much. Ichigawa gets a little measure of revenge but I won't be surprised if Minamoto abandons his partner before the match is done.


Zodiac vs Soh Terajima


Easy, unless Sugimura is reffing.;)

MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs Junichi Matsuo & Yachi Kotara


Moe Money have the momentum. And part of Matsuo's story right now is losing. I don't sere that changing here.


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Horiuchi Inokuma & ????


Tiger is willing to break the rule for mystery opponants but I think Aki and Hirasi are just too weak.


Go Takashi vs Xtinction


Young Lion gets a win.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Full Metal Panic Tour- Show #24


Thursday 15th March 2012, Iwate Hall, Iwate,

Tohoku (1'915- No Vacancy)


Match 0: Go Takashi vs Xtinction


Xtinction got an early jump on Takashi, with an Asai moonsault to the floor before 'Nippon Hart' could even get into the ring......


'Everybody's Shadow' continued to apply the pressure once back in the ring, getting a two count with his standing corksrew moonsault he calls X Marks The Spot. Xtinction then headed up top but lost his footing on the top turbuckle and that allowed for Takashi to bring him crashing back in with a superplex.


Takashi then took complete control with the Bartenders Swing (Giant Swing) before placing Xtinction in the Dollars (Inverted Cloverleaf)- Xtinction managed to get out of that by raking at the eyes and then after nailing Takashi with an Enziguri set up for the X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT) but 'Nippon Hart' was able to block the attempt and then plant Xtinction with the DRRR!! (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver) to secure the victory.


Result: Go Takashi [w] by Xtinction in 6:47 via pinfall (DRRR!!)


Rating: 53


Takayuki Balls: Only one of these guys has a long term future with DIASPORA- it doesn't take a genius to work out which one that is, but this wasn't at all bad for a pre-show match.



Main Show



The announce team immediately comment that, it looks as though Inokuma has done a deal with the devil so to speak, as his partner for this match is revealed to be Blood Spider Jr. Does this mean then that Inokuma has joined Kuro-Nadeshiko?


Spider and Inokuma tried to get an early jump on their opponents but a fired up Shimizudani and Hirasi were ready for such tactics, and the underdog pairing managed to control the early going managed to isolate Blood Spider Jr. Hirasi managed to slap the STF on Spider, only for the new 'Nightmare to fight out of it' and then Shimizudani levelled the Salty Delinquent with a Shimu-Lariat only for Inokuma to make the save.....


The former tag partners then ended up brawling out on the floor, that drew the attention of referee Makoto enough for Blood Spider Jr to sneak in a Poison Mist attack on Hirasi, before nailing ' Shiny Dagger' with a high head kick..... Hirasi manages to kick out of that but then got caught in the Web of Deception (Spinning Headscissors transitioned into an Octopus Stretch) and with Shimizudani engaged in brawling with Inokuma, Hirasi had no other option but to tap out.


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma & Blood Spider Jr [w] bt Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi [L] in 7:49 via submission (Python Vise)


Rating: 50


Takayuki Balls: Serviceable enough for the opener- Shimizudani and Inokuma continue their feud (which I promise will be resolved by the end of the tour- no point dragging out something as dull and fruitless as this beyond that) whilst Blood Spider gets a decisive win. Question is, is has Inokuma sold his soul to Kuro-Nadeshiko?



Match #2: MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs

Junichi Matsuo & Yachi Kotara

No J-Pop dancing girls with Matsuo, and 'voice of DIASPORA' Shun-En Kogara reveals that Matsuo won't be giving the fans that privillege until he's won a match. Kotara and HUSTLE started things off, and after engaging some basic brawling Kotara gets an early advantage with an old school eye-poke.


'Rough Rider' then managed to place HUSTLE in the Bend of Will (Bow and Arrow Hold) but the 'Ducker Diver' managed to fight his way out and then struck back by levelling Kotara with a lariat, and then following that up with a senton splash for a two count.


Matsuo and Meido were then tagged in after that- taking each other with some quick paced technical mat wrestling exchanges that ended up in a stand-off. Meido then challenged to Matsuo to a 'dance off' but 'Sexy Zone' took umbridge to that and gave the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' a hard slap....


Meido fired back but then got nailed with a Tornado Kick, before being planted with a Corkscew Neckbreaker for a two count. Matsuo then headed up top and came crashing down with Heavy Rotation (450 Senton) only for Meido to get the knees up.


Meido then got the tag to HUSTLE, who then hoisted Matsuo upon his shoulders to plant 'Sexy Zone' with the rolling firemans carry slam. The 'Ducker Diver' then decided to head up top only for Matsuo to spring back to life and send HUSTLE crashing back in with an avalanche Exploder Suplex.


Matsuo then could have had the opportunity to tag a re-freshed Kotara back into the match, but he chose not to much to the 'Rough Rider's' disblief and frustration. But Matsuo did remain in control nailing HUSTLE with one of his trademark Tornado kicks, before planting the 'Ducker Diver' with the J-Pop Powerplex - but just at that moment Meido Machine threw up the 'Moe Time' Heart Symbol-



Causing time to freeze within the ring. Meido then nailed Matsuo with the Meido-Beam missile drop-kick.


That gave HUSTLE enough breathing room to get the tag out to his partner- and when Matsuo went to do the same he found that he had no partner to turn to- as Kotara frustrated by what he saw as selfishness by Matsuo had hopped off the apron and had headed off down the entrance ramp to the back.


MOE! MONEY! then combined on their signature double team snap suplex,








Before HUSTLE Umiro, sealed the victory with a Hustle To The Top (Diving Elbow Drop).


Result: Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Junichi Matsuo [L] & Yachi Kotara in 8:33 via pinfall (Hustle To The Top)


Rating: 62


Takayuki Balls: A fun fast paced match that went down pretty well with the fans. Matsuo-san continues to look impressive in defeat, and someone that once this 'losing streak' angle is over, has the potential to established themselves further up the card. MOE! MONEY! continue to be entertaining and whilst Kotara-san will never amount to anything more than lower card fodder, he put in a decent shift here that will not hurt his chances of being kept around on the roster.


Post Match Comments:


Junichi Matsuo: Well that just proves it, I don't need anyone's help and I certainly don't need MOE! MONEY's! help either- because I'll prove I'm better than either of them. I'm issuing a challenge to those clowns.....both of them can face we me one on one in singles matches. Though I could defeat both of them together, I'm not going to give them the chance to pull off some funny stuff- I learned that lesson from my match against the Salty Delinquents.




Zodiac keeps Terajima off balance in the early going with his superior chain wrestling and almost nabs an early victory when he catches Terajima off guard with the Escaflowne (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Bomb Pin).


The 'Cloaked Assassin' managed to survive that and then bailed to the floor for a powder, only for Zodiac to come crashing down upon him after a no hands corkscrew plancha. Zodiac then went to pitch Terajima back into the ring but the Salty Delinquent managed to sneak in a low blow and then waffled Zodiac with a Black Box Shot- which somehow manages to escape the attention of referee Sugimura.


Zodiac still managed to kick out after being pitched into the ring but Terajima remained in control and the Cloaked Asassin got another two count after the Cloak and Dagger (Flying Neckbreaker). Terajima then set up for the Eastern Misery (Forward Russian Legsweep) but Zodiac managed to fight his way out and then counter into a Beetle Suplex (Tiger Suplex) for a two count before heading up top.


However just as Zodiac looked to be setting up for the Universe (450 Splash) Terajima managed to conviently stagger up to his feet and into referee Sugimura, who just so happened to stumble against the ring-ropes causing Zodiac to lose his balance up top.


Terajma then set Zodiac in position for an avalanche Soh The Seeds of Tera (Forward Somersault Jawbreaker) but Zodiac was able to block the attempt and then counter with a diving bulldog.


Terajima then staggered back up to his feet, before being booted in the mid-section and then promptly spiked into the canvas with a Zodiac Sniper X (Front Flip Piledriver) and once Zodiac hits any opponent - it's all over.


Result: Zodiac [w] bt Soh Terajima [L] in 8:09 via pinfall (Zodiac Sniper X)


Rating: 69


Takayuki Balls: About what you would expect from this match, Terajima-san's unabashed cheating means he won't go down that 'easily' but in all honesty it's still a straight forward victory for Zodiac.




Minamoto started things out with Ebisawa, but when Ebisawa took control with some clotheslines and a release German suplex...'Rumble Heart' scrambled to his corner and tagged in Mitsubishi. 'Fist of Granite' was briefly on top with some fire-plug brawling but Ebisawa fired back and soon took control getting a two count with a Belly2Helly (Release Belly to Belly Suplex) before turning Minamoto over into the Okinawan Crab (Reverse Boston Crab)....


Mitsubishi showed some fighting spirit by making it to the ropes and then he nailed Ebisawa with his great equalizer the Power Punch (Right Hook Punch) but Mitsubishi was too worn down to follow up with a cover.


Ring positioning was on Ebisawa's side so he got the tag to Ichigawa first....Mitsubishi then went to make the tag but Minamoto wanted no part of a vengeful fired up Ichigawa and he had already started to bail up the entrance ramp. Colour commentator Tadashi Saga pondered if there was something fascinating going on in the back tonight because first Kotara and now Minamoto had bailed out on their tag partners and headed up the entrance ramp.


Mitsubishi showed some fighting spirit by kicking out of a Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) but was then put down for three with a Dragon Suplex from the Heavyweight Chanpion.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] & Taheji Ebisawa bt Eikichi Minamoto & Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 8:40 via pinfall (Dragon Suplex)


Rating: 64


Takayuki Balls: This was more there to continue Minamoto-san's egotisical behaviour causing the Guardians to implode, the match itself was relatively short and Minamoto barely featured in the match but the action that was there was solid and the ex-Guardians looked relatively strong in victory.


Post Match Comments:


Eikichi Minamoto: Our team lost because lets face it Kan Mitsubishi is deadweight, why Dragon-san keeps him around is truly puzzling to me....


That's when Mitsubishi walks in and then gets in Minamoto's face....


Kan Mitsubishi: Who the hell you calling deadweight....


Eikichi Minamoto: I'll be up front with you here.....YOU!


Kan Mitsubishi: Ebisawa-san was right.....as long as you're in Guardians I wan't no part it....until Dragon-san see's sense.


Eikichi Minamoto: Oh yeah sure the Guardians are really going to weakened by the great Kan Mitsubishi walking out on us. :rolleyes:


Kan Mitsubishi: The only thinking weakening Guardians is you....you and your Ego!




The Forgotten gain the advantage after Kasuse gets a cheap shot in on the apron after Hidaka was out chain wrestled by Talisman. The Forgotten then worked over Talisman in the corner for a bit and got a close two count off the suplex/flying cross-body combo.


But the 'Second Coming' was able to block a Roll With It (Rolling Cutter) from Kasuse and counter with a corkscrew neckbreaker before getting the tag into Prime Dragon. Dragon pulled off the rolling wheel-kick, palm-strike, Brainbuster combo for a two count before the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault) prompted a desperation save from Hidaka.


Hidaka was soon drop-kicked out of the ring though, and then taken out with a spectacular shooting star press to the floor by Talisman that drew a few gasps from the crowd. Kasuse had managed to recover however and nailed the Super Junior Champion from behind, before tossing the 'Grand Pillar' with a release German suplex but Dragon landed on his feet and Kasuse turned right round into a rolling wheel kick before being planted with the Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver) for three.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] & Talisman bt Hideaki Kasuse [L] & Kohei Hidaka in 8:44 via pinfall


Rating: 69


Takayuki Balls: All in all this match was just 'solid' and was the relatively easy win expected for Dragon and Talisman over the glorified jobber team of The Forgotten, but the match was lifted a little by the Guardians pairing being over with the fans and Talisman's ability to pull of the unexpected such as his crazy shooting star press to the outside.




New Solution took control of the match in the early going, managing to isolate Tian Long in their corner- wearing the veteran down with trademark combinations such as the running bulldog/basement drop-kick combo and a snap suplex followed by a diving knee-drop.


Yamato then placed Long in the Knightmare Frame (Bridging Cobra Clutch) but just at that point referee Sugimura was distracted by Dark Wolf II......Long then sneaked in a low blow on Yamato whilst Sugmiura wasn't looking and almost snatched victory with a quick roll-up. Hideki then came in to vent at Sugimura, but with the refs back turned again, the Kuro pair combined to put the boots to Yamato.


Long and Wolf then proceeded to try and grind Yamato down, but 'Pin Point' showed great resolve by kicking out of a Dragon Suplex from Long, and then after a chokeslam/ Wolf's Rain (Diving Elbow Drop) combination.


Yamato then managed to reverse a Emperor Driver (Sit-Out Side Powerslam) attempt into a Gurren MK II Driver (Sitout Side Driver) but 'Pin Point' was too worn down to follow up with a pin- but his attempts to tag out were thwarted by Dark Wolf II who charged out of the corner to get a cheap shot in on Hideki. Long then managed to tag out to Wolf, who managed to ensare Yamato into the Holo's Dream (Three Quarter Nelson Choke) submission, but just as it looked like Yamato may be forced to tap out....Hideki was able to make a desperate last ditch save.


Hideki then nailed Dark Wolf II with the Superkick, providing Yamato with the opportunity to get his tag partner back into the match. Hideki continued to turn things round for New Solution, with Dark Wolf II staggering into another Superkick and then being planted with the Shiranui.


That looked to have earned victory, but Tian Long was able to dive back in to make the save and then take 'Integral Prowess' off his feet with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip. A recovered Dark Wolf II then planted Hideki with a German Suplex for a two count, before Long headed up top. The 'Imperial One' went for the Corkscrew From Heaven ( Corkscrew Senton) but Hideki was able to move out of the way and then connect with a low superkick. Dark Wolf II then came in but was quickly intercepted by Yamato who took the 'Howling Menace' off his feet with a basement drop-kick.


Hideki then planted Tian Long with a Northern Lights Suplex, whilst Yamato tried to neutralize Dark Wolf II- but the 'Howling Menace' was able to break free before Sugimura could make the three count.


New Solution however combined to take out Dark Wolf II with the Keiyakusha (Superkick assisted German Suplex), Long still the legal man then nailed Hideki from behind. But 'Integral Prowess' shook off the attack to nail Long with yet another superkick, before planting the Imperial One with the Final Base (Half Nelson Wheelbarrow Driver) to secure the victory.


Result: Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki [w] bt Tian Long & Dark Wolf II [L] in 16:42 via pinfall (Final Base)


Rating: 77


Takayuki Balls: Good competitive Junior Tag match with New Solution's experience as a team probably being the deciding factor in the match. Long-san and Wolf-san looked solid as a team, and if Long-san wasn't at that age where he could retire at any moment, then I feel that would be a teaming that could have legs. Yes I know that Long-san already has a tag partner in Incognito-san but that team is gradually being phased out as I look to give Incognito-san more of a singles push.


New Solution are celebrating when Tian Long low-blows Kotei Yamato.....Sairento and Chojiro Ono who are up for the next match then come out to join in on a beat-down but they are then interercepted by their up-coming opponents Koto Arato and Hiro Date- as they end up engaging in a chaotic brawl in amongst the crowd.


Rating: 67



The start of the match pretty much segues on from the post match brawl at the end of the last match, the match officialy starts with Sairento and Date engaging one another in some back and forth striking- that ends in a stale mate before they turn things over to their respective tag partners. The two big men were like two immovable objects with neither one giving an inch. Arato tried to build up a little more head of steam, as he wound up for an Arato-Lariat but Sairento got a cheap shot in from the apron.


That lead to Arato being isolated in the Kuro-Nadeshiko corner. Despite being subjected to a Yakuza Kick, Corner Splash and a Face-wash before being Kuro-Stomped (Surfboard Curbstomped) by Sairento, Arato still showed great fighting spirit by kicking out and then showed even greater fighting spirit by ducking a roaring elbow from the Kuro-Nadeshiko Leader and then tossing Sairento overhead with a release belly to belly suplex....


Arato then looked to get the tag out to Date, but unfortunately Sairento was able to cut him off and Ono nailed the former Heavyweight champ from behind. Ono then planted Arato with a scoop powerslam, before Sairento came crashing down with a double stomp for a two count.


Ono then came crashing down with the Tsunami (Big Splash)......


Arato wasn't able to move out of the way.....








But 'Strong Dreamer' still had enough spirit left to kick out much to the frustration of the Kuro-Nadeshiko pair. Ono then tried to set up for the Okinawa Battle Bomb (Spinning Powerbomb) but Arato was able to return fire with a series of fore-arms before rocking Ono with an Arato-Lariat.


Arato then managed to apply a sleeper hold to Ono, but 'Epic Tsunami' was able to stay on his feet , but the All Asia Tag Champ was still forced back to the S.H.I.P corner where Date was able to make the tag.......


Accept referee Ochida did not see it.....an honest mistake as the positioning of Ono's body, meant that the tag made by Date was easy to miss......Date wasn't so forgiving of the mistake and argued the call, but all that did was put Arato back in danger as Sairento Yakuza kicked Arato behind Ochida's back, Ono rolled out and after a fake-tag Sairento was back in to subject Arato to three consecutive Kuro-Stomp's (Surfboard Curb Stomps)


But to Sairento's frustration Arato was still able to kick out, but 'Strong Dreamer' still wasn't out of danger as Sairento ensnared him in the Silence (Pentagram Choke).......


Arato somehow managed to muster up the willpower to make it to the ropes..........


Sairento becoming increasingly frustrated at Arato's incredible fighting spirit, got rained in a few cheap-shots on the rope-break but 'Strong Dreamer' shook them off and levelled Sairento with an Arato-Lariat.....Arato was too worn down though to follow up and simply looked to get the tag back out to Hiro Date.


But Sairento was again able to prevent Arato from making the tag, cutting the former Heavyweight champ down with a basement drop-kick......the 'Silent Reaper' then lined up for the Absolute Terrror (Front Knee Strike) but 'Strong Dreamer' was able to block, return fire with a fore-arm smash and then plant Sairento with a desperation sit-out powerbomb before collapsing to the mat with absolutely nothing left to give.


Fortunately for Arato ring positioning was in his favour and he managed to muster up enough strength to finall get Hiro Date back into the match before Sairento could get the tag out to Ono.


Date turned the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader inside out with a spear, before planting the 'Silent Reaper' with a German Suplex Hold.....


That got a close two count, but Date remained in control and 'Stampeding Bull' drilled Sairento with the Rejection (Fisherman Brainbuster).....








Ono however came in to make the last ditch save, Date managed to take Ono down with a chop-block, before turning his attention back to Sairento only for the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader to suddenly ensare Date in the Silence (Pentagram Choke)......


Arato was a spent force, so Date had to try and get out of the submission predicament on his own, but Sairento had the submission hold locked on right in the middle of the ring......


Date tried to get to fight his way back to his feet/to the ropes but the 'Silent Reaper' was relentless in his application of the submission hold and in the end Date saw no other choice but to tap out.


Result: Sairento [w] & Chojiro Ono bt Koto Arato & Hiro Date [L] in 16:17 via submission (Silence)




Takayuki Balls: Something a little different from the usually high octane action expected of DIASPORA match, this was more about a 'story' being told in the ring and the fans actually seemed to appreciate the change in style from the previous match. Arato-san's fighting spirit came across really strong here, and the fans were hot for Hiro Date finally being able to get tagged into the match- though in the end Date's efforts were in vein due to Arato literally being a spent force, giving the Kuro team the advantage.



~S.H.I.P vs Kuro-Nadeshiko Tag Team Battleground- FINAL Stage~

Match #8: Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs

Incognito & GUSHIKEN


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HirotoNori.jpg& http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OdaYamawaki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Incognito.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GUSHIKEN.jpg


Incognito and Hiroto Nori start out and engage in some quick based chain wrestling exchanges, Nori gets the better of them and Incognito goes out for a powder- Nori thinks about a dive to the floor but puts the brakes on backflipping into the ring before tagging in Yamawaki- at the same time GUSHIKEN is tagged in by Incognito.


The Heavyweights exchange strikes, but it's Yamawaki who makes the break through, showing off his superior athleticism by nailing 'Great Thunder' with a drop-kick. GUSHIKEN manages to stay on his feet but is taken down with a basement drop-kick, before Nori is tagged in to land a slingshot senton splash.


GUSHIKEN kicks out of that, but Yamawaki manages to tie the All Asia Tag champ into a Figure Four Leglock. GUSHIKEN manages to power out of that but is taken back down with another basement drop-kick.


Nori is tagged back in and peppers GUSHIKEN with a few-kicks, before turning things back over to Yamawaki- this time 'Fearless' goes after GUSHIKEN's arm- getting a wrist-lock- before Nori delivers a diving double stomp to the arm. The S.H.I.P continue to methodically work over GUSHIKEN- unlike when Kuro-Nadeshiko isolate an opponent it's all within the letter of the law but their slow dismantling of GUSHIKEN is just as relentless.


Incognito eventually loses his cool and comes into the ring, which referee Sugimura decides that he cannot ignore. Chojiro Ono and Sairento victorious from earlier somehow manage to sneak in -



Though how anyone can miss someone of Ono's lumbering size sneaking in, is rather hard to believe- a fact not missed by the commentary team. Ono and Sairento nail Nori and Yamawaki with kendo sticks, as Incognito continues to conveniently keep Sugimura occupied.


Right at that point Nori's number one fan/stalker screams out 'Mr Referee are you blind?!'


Sugimura eventually turns his attention back to the match, right at the convenient moment where GUSHIKEN is able to tag Incognito back into the match. 'El Pesdilla Hermosa' then plants Nori with the Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Leg-sweep....it may only getting a two count but it puts the Kuro-Nadeshiko pair in control.


Incognito and GUSHIKEN then proceeded to try and wear down Nori in their corner, using the dirty tricks expected of a Kuro-Nadeshiko pair such as choking Nori with the tag rope- something that foolishly draws protests from Yamawaki, that only ensure that Sugimura's back is conveniently turned to the Kuro pairs blatant cheating.


Of course the obsessed Nori-fan is still on Sugimura's case 'Hey Blindo, this ain't fair..do your job,how dare you let those nasty people get away with what they are doing to my Nori-chan!


Nori however gets a window of opportunity when GUSHIKEN goes for a corner clothesline, but slowed up from still being on a 'bad wheel' from earlier it gives Nori enough of an opportunity to move out of the way, but as Nori sets up for a springboard drop-kick he is clipped off the apron by Sairento. The Kuro leader then tosses Nori into the ring-steps before pitching his rival back into the ring.


GUSHIKEN then drilled Nori with the GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver).......








Nori kicked out but the Kuro pair remained in control and Incognito immediately followed up with a moonsault.......








But with his obsessive fans words of 'encouragement' ringing in his ears ' Kick out Nori-chan, don't you dare lose, dont' you dare!!'


The S.H.I.P leader was again able to kick out however much to Incognito's frustration. 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' then set up for the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but Nori was able to block the attempt and then spin Incognito round into a reverse STO.


The S.H.I.P then looked to get the tag out to Yamawaki, but Incognito was able to grab Nori's leg only for Nori to nail 'El Pesdilla Hermosa' with an Enziguri. Nori then got the tag to Yamawaki, but Sugimura missed the tag due to Sairento and Ono getting up on the apron and the S.H.I.P leader was nailed from behind by GUSHIKEN, who then dumped Nori with the GUSHIKEN series (Triple Rolling German Suplex).........


'Don't give up, don't let these bullies beat you, don't let them beat you Nori-chan!' cried out the hysterical female fan


Sugimura turns round to count the pin.....








But he is pulled out of the ring by Shintaro Hideki.....Sairento angered by that intervention then nails Hideki with a Yakuza kick, but the S.H.I.P cavalary continues to arrive with Yamato, Arato and Takashi all coming down to ringside to chase away the intefering precence of Sairento and Ono.



Nori remains in trouble however, and after being dragged back into the Kuro-Nadeshiko corner- he found himself rooted to the mat as Incognito headed up top to then come crashing down upon the S.H.I.P leader with the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton)......


But Nori managed to get the knees up. That managed to save Nori from being pinned again by Incognito but he was still on the wrong side of the ring and Incognito was able to tag GUSHIKEN back in first. 'Great Thunder' retained control with a few clubbing blows and began to set up for a Powerbomb, but Nori was able to counter with a victory roll and then nailed the All Asia Tag champion with a basement drop-kick to the face.......


Nori was then finally able to get the tag into Oda Yamawaki who then took down GUSHIKEN with a flying cross-body.....






GUSHIKEN managed to kick out, but then ate a spin-kick from Yamawaki, before cut down with a basment drop-kicks to the knees......


Yamawaki then placed GUSHIKEN in the Figure Four leglock, only for Incognito make the desperation save before Yamawaki could truly synch it in. GUSHIKEN remained rooted to the mat however and 'Fearless' headed up top but all of a sudden Blood Spider Jr appeared to blow Poison Mist into the face of Yamawaki- whilst Sugimura was tied up with Incognito.



Accept the surprising thing was, Spider was prevented from blowing the mist into Yamawaki's face by his tag team partner from earlier Horiuchi Inokuma. Inokuma planted Spider with a Sea-Change (Spinning Side Slam) out on the floor- before walking back up the entrance ramp- leaving the crowd and announce team confused as to where he stands right now.


Meanwhile back in the ring Yamawaki did managed to take flight, as he came crashing down upon GUSHIKEN with a Frog-Splash.....








GUSHIKEN managed to powerfully kick out but remained rooted to the canvas ...... Yamawaki then decided to go up top again, only for Incognito to prevent him from taking flight again by grabbing at the legs of the Tokyo Wrecking Crew man. Yamawaki managed to shake Incognito off, but Incognito's prevention was enough for GUSHIKEN to rise back to his feet, and then set Yamawaki back into the ring the hard way with a biel throw.


GUSHIKEN then nailed Yamawaki with the GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Fore-Arm Smash), before turning things over to Incognito. 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' waited for Yamawaki to stagger back to his feet, before drilling 'Fearless' with an Inverted Tornado DDT...quickly transitioning to the Sueno Permanente (Sleeper)....


Yamawaki however somehow managed to muster up the strength to rise back to his feet and then force Incognito release the hold by backing Incognito into a corner. Incognito retained control with a Gamengiri before heading up top, before going for a Tornado DDT but Yamawaki managed to block the attempt and then counter into the Tokyo Tower (Vertical Suplex Side Slam)......


Yamawaki was too worn down to go for the cover, but it did buy him enough time to get a fired-up Nori back into the ring. Incognito however managed roll out for a powder- though that didn't stop Nori from soaring through the ropes, to wipe out Incognito with a tope con-hilo. However Nori was soon struck with a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash) from GUSHIKEN who had hopped down off the apron.


GUSHIKEN then delivered a GUSHIKEN Bomb (Thunder Fire Powerbomb) out on the floor- before pitching Nori back into the ring....moments later Incognito crawled back in and then proceeded to make the cover......








Once again with the hysterical words of encouragement from his number one fan giving him inspiration 'Don't just do it for me Nori-chan, do it for yourself, do it for the me that believes in you!'


Nori showed his fighting spirit by kicking out. A frustated but revitalized Incognito, then lifted Nori back up to his feet, before planting 'Battle' with the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver).....








Seeing the desperation of the situation, Yamawaki made the save , but 'Fearless' was quickly ordered back to his corner by Sugimura. With Sugimura's back conveniently turned once again, the Kuro pair looked to double team Nori, but a Spinning Heel kick assisted German Suplex went awry for Incognito and GUSHIKEN, when Nori managed to break free of GUSHIKEN's grasp and Incognito nailed 'Great Thunder' instead.....


Nori then planted Incognito with the Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO) but was too worn down to go for the cover......


Unfortunately for the S.H.I.P leader Incognito was able to tag out first- and GUSHIKEN was able to prevent Nori from from making the tag. After a few clubbing blows GUSHIKEN then set up for the GUSHIKEN Firebomb but Nori was able to fight his way out, and then after building up a head of steam- snared 'Great Thunder' in the Yakisoba (Tilt--A-Whirl Cross Arm Breaker)......


GUSHIKEN was clearly in excrutiating pain and it was clear he had not fully shaken off having his arm worked over earlier in the match.


Seeing how desperate the situation was Incognito came in to make the save, only for Yamawaki to intercept (El Pesdilla Hermosa) and tie Incognito up with abdominal stretch. Incognito however managed to break free of Yamawaki and force Nori to break the hold, but then Yamawaki immediately clotheslined Incognito out of the ring, before delivering a flying fore-arm smash off the apron.....


Back in the ring Nori continued to be in control against GUSHIKEN, peppering 'Great Thunder' with the Endless Nori kick-flurry, the high kick to GUSHIKEN's head putting 'Great Thunder' flat on his back. With Yamawaki keeping Incognito at bay, Nori then headed up top to then coming crashing down upon GUSHIKEN with the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press)...






Three !!!


Despite all the obstacles put in their way Nori and Yamawaki had emerged with the victory from a dramatic main event.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] & Oda Yamawaki bt Incognito & GUSHIKEN [L] in 21:35 via pinall (Yakisoba)


Rating: 82


Takayuki Balls: An excellent main event, that managed to blend together the quicker paced action of the Junior Tag encounter between Kuro and S.H.I.P with the in-ring story telling of the semi main event. Lots of extra stuff going on outside of the ring, and it could have easily ended up as an overbooked mess but they managed to hold it together and in the end Nori bounced back from his loss to Incognito with a decisive pinfall victory over GUSHIKEN.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroto Nori: S.H.I.P showed tonight that in the face of adversity we can battle our way to victory the right way. No matter what is put in front of us, we will continue to overcome and march our way to victory. Sairento you and your minions will be smashed apart by us, because it certainly won't be the Guardians who rid DIASPORA of your cancerous prescence, it will be us....it will be S.H.I.P because we are united as one.....united with Strength, united with Honor, united with Integrity and always performing to the very best of our abilities!



Overall: 77


Takayuki's Final Verdict: For a relatively throwaway B-Market show, with a pretty random card (I would dub this show- 'Night of the Random Tags') it ended up being a pretty solid card, that gradually built in quality throughout the show.

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DIASPORA- Effective Line: Episode 3


Theme Tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxEqRpsaEF8


Episode 3 of the most action packed 90 minutes of Puroresu on television brings you action from the February 28th Feb show from the Hyogo Prefectural Gymansium in Kobe and the March 2nd Show at the Tokushima Civic Hall in Shikoku- plus highlights from the DIASPORA Pro Wrestling PPV!


Action from Kobe see's Kuro-Nadeshiko and S.H.I.P go to war in a Makoto Style Elimination match, whilst Prime Dragon defends the Super Junior Championship against Tian Long


Whilst Tokushima provides Junior Tag team action with Prime Dragon teaming with Junior Tag champion Talisman to take on the Kuro-Nadeshiko pair of Sairento and Incognito.


Kobe Show Feb 28th:



Tokushima Show March:



DIASPORA Pro Wrestling Festival:




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Check Check One Two



I was just passing by the locker room, when I heard what can only be described as bad 'rapping' emanating from it:


'I'm Feeling the Flow

We're Going For Gold

Wrecking Da House

About Da Blow'


I felt for sure it was bound to be HUSTLE Umiro practicing some lame raps- because after all coming up with lame raps is part of his gimmick......

But when I opened the door, it wasn't HUSTLE at all that was delivering this hideous cacophany, it was Oda Yamawaki.....




' I'm M.C Yama

I'm a man with no Stammer

Ain't gonna put me in the Slammer

For Terrible Grammar'


But they should put him in the 'slammer' for crimes against music- seriously someone needs to tell 'MC Yama' that his rhymes are 'whack'. I wasn't going to be so cruel though to be the one to break that news to him, but I did think to myself as I walked on- don't give up the 'day job' you're actually pretty good at that.

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DIASPORA take their Full Metal Panic! Tour to the Sapporo Public Hall in Hokkaido on Tuesday 20th March, as they head towards the tour finale the Flowers of Hell PPV in Osaka on Sunday 25th March.


S.H.I.P and Kuro-Nadeshiko will continue their war with another, with Hiroto Nori tagging with Shintaro Hideki to take on Sairento and Incognito in the main event. All four men will be looking to build momentum heading into Flowers of Hell, with Nori, Hideki and Sairento all sent to enter the Mascara contra Caballera cage match, whilst Incognito will change Prime Dragon for the Super Junior Championship.


The semi main event see's an 8 man war, with the two teams set to challenge for the All Asia Tag Team Titles the Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Yamawaki & Date) and Team Ganbatte! (Arato & Takashi) combining their forces to take on the Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono), Tian Long & Dark Wolf II.


Junichi Matsuo challenged MOE! MONEY! to series of singles matches, with HUSTLE Umiro first to take up the challenge- despite not being able to secure that elusive first win yet in DIASPORA, Matsuo is adamant he is better than the team he feels has been more of a hindrance than a help to him since his arrival in DIASPORA. Meanwhile the other half of MOE! MONEY! Meido Machine will be in singles action against Kotei Yamato.


The increasingly arrogant nature of Eikichi Minamoto has caused the Guardians of DIASPORA to implode over the past month, with Kan Mitsubishi being the latest to quit the faction. Mitsubishi won't be getting a chance to try and take out his frustrations on Minamoto and will in-fact take on another former Guardian in singles action the Heavyweight champ Hyotaru Ichigawa. That's not say that Minamoto won't escape being on the receiving end of another vengeful former Guardian as Taheji Ebisawa steps into the ring with the man who will challenge Ichigawa once again for the Heavyweight Title at Flowers of Hell.


It appeared on the last show that Horiuchi Inokuma had joined Kuro-Nadeshiko when he partnered up with Blood Spider Jr- but during the main event in Iwate, Inokuma prevented Blood Spider from interfering. The 'New' Nightmare seems to have taken offence to Inokuma's rejection of joining Kuro-Nadeshiko and has challenged to the 'Learning Lion' to a singles match.


Rounding out the main show the champion Guardians trio of the Super Junior champ Prime Dragon and the Junior Tag champs Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) take on 'The Forgotten' trio of Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka and Yachi Kotara.


The bonus pre-show action for those who can get to the show early see's Soh Terajima take on Hunter Wolfe- though as ever no one really knows if Wolfe will show up, Fuku Machine or a bizarre combination of both.


Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 25 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....



Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show #25


Sapporo Public Hall, Sapporo, Hokkaido

Tuesday 20th March 2012.


~Accelerated Intentions~

Final (30 Min Limit): Hyper Intense Main Event Tag Team Showdown

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori & Shintaor Hideki


'Representing Kuro Nadeshiko'

Sairento & Incognito


Semi Final: (30 Min Limit ): 8 Man War

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) &

Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

All Asia Tag Champions- Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono),

Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


6th Match (20 Min Limit): Proving Point Junior Singles Challenge

Junichi Matsuo


'Representing MOE! MONEY!'



5th Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Singles Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Kotei Yamato


'Representing MOE! MONEY!'

Meido Machine


4th Match (20 Min Limit): Six Man Tag Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Super Junior Champion- Prime Dragon &

Junior Tag Champions- Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman)


'Representing The Forgotten'

Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka &

Yachi Kotara


3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Heavyweight Singles Battle

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Eikichi Minamoto


Taheji Ebisawa


2nd Match (20 Min Limit): Non Title Challenge

Heavyweight Champion- Hyotaru Ichigawa


Kan Mitsubishi


1st Match (20 Min Limit): Openweight Singles Battle

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Blood Spider Jr


Horiuchi Inokuma


Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Openweight Singles Challenge

Soh Terajima vs Hunter Wolfe?





Predictions Form

Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Sairento & Incognito

Koto Arato, Go Takashi, Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date vs GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono, Dark Wolf II & Tian Long

Junichi Matsuo vs HUSTLE Umiro

Kotei Yamato vs Meido Machine

Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara

Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa

Non Title: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Kan Mitsubishi

Horiuchi Inokuma vs Blood Spider Jr

Soh Terajima vs Hunter Wolfe?


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Result: Go Takashi [w] by Xtinction in 6:47 via pinfall (DRRR!!)


Better than the usual opener but just as predictable.

Result: Horiuchi Inokuma & Blood Spider Jr [w] bt Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi [L] in 7:49 via submission (Python Vise)


Yep, Inokuma has sold his soul. But maybe to Minamoto, who'll need to be doing some recruiting for Guardians the way things are going. I'm sure PD won't mind Minamoto adding a few like minded people.;)


Result: Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Junichi Matsuo [L] & Yachi Kotara in 8:33 via pinfall (Hustle To The Top)


Pretty much as expected. Moe-money have the Moe-mentum and this feud has a little of everything. It gives MM a chance to keep getting wins and lets Matsuo grow in defeat. If he just joined Moe Money, he could come out with backup dancers doing a Magnum Tokyo dance, including money tucked into his tights. I'd be there;)

Result: Zodiac [w] bt Soh Terajima [L] in 8:09 via pinfall (Zodiac Sniper X)


About as good as we can expect from Soh. Zodiac carries him like a fireman but there was never any doubt of the result. Sugimura isn't reffing this match.;)


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] & Taheji Ebisawa bt Eikichi Minamoto & Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 8:40 via pinfall (Dragon Suplex)


Almost a non match really. Minamoto took no part and seemed happy to drive Deadweight Kan out of Guardians. Ichi-Ebi pick up an easy win and should make a good continuing team. Minamoto still needs a minion. A Ralphus.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] & Talisman bt Hideaki Kasuse [L] & Kohei Hidaka in 8:44 via pinfall


Alot of one sided matches tonight. Are we in a small market? Yes, we are.


Result: Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki [w] bt Tian Long & Dark Wolf II [L] in 16:42 via pinfall (Final Base)


Dark Wolfe continues to be the jobber bully. Too bad NS are not jobbers. The actual team beat the bad guys and SHIP picks up a big win.


Result: Sairento [w] & Chojiro Ono bt Koto Arato & Hiro Date [L] in 16:17 via submission (Silence)


Sairento stays hot, but I still have a soft spot in my heart for Arato. Fighting spirit in a body that would make Yoshie proud is just too good a combination.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] & Oda Yamawaki bt Incognito & GUSHIKEN [L] in 21:35 via pinall (Yakisoba)


This match was what the whole card was really about. SHIP stepping up to face Kuro as Guardians fade. With Nori having to overcome enormous odds to emerge victorious.

Right at that point Nori's number one fan/stalker screams out 'Mr Referee are you blind?!'


See? See? I've always half figured Tiger thought I was crazy going on about Sugimura. About his expensive watches and nice cars, all on the meager wages offered by DIASPORA. But if Mio thinks I'm right then I can't be wrong! Evil refs FTW.


that only ensure that Sugimura's back is conveniently turned to the Kuro pairs blatant cheating.


I rest my case.


This was an inch away from World War III in a wrestling ring, with so many people making their presence known. Nori doing his Super Hero Hulk act to fight through everything KURO could throw at him to get the big win. It's a small market card, but we've seen the first big steps for SHIP.

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