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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution

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Hey Tigerkinney, did you see the NJPW IPPV? I've been getting into New Japan lately and figured you'd be a good person to ask about it.


Predictions Form


Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Sairento & Incognito


SHIP got the win last time, and I think Incognito needs the win the most.


Koto Arato, Go Takashi, Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date vs GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono, Dark Wolf II & Tian Long


I was tempted to go for even steven booking, but I think it will be more effective if Kuro are booked strong on this show.


Junichi Matsuo vs HUSTLE Umiro


I suspect Matsuo's losing streak will continue here


Kotei Yamato vs Meido Machine


Yamato will be too much for Meido


Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


Guardians are way above the forgotten.


Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa


Minamoto is challenging for the title, so he won't lose here.


Non Title: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Kan Mitsubishi


Easy win for Ichigawa


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Blood Spider Jr


Blood Spider Jr seems rather lost, while Inokuma has a storyline going on.


Soh Terajima vs Hunter Wolfe?


Wolfe is a comedy jobber.

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Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Sairento & Incognito

Close one but Hideki looks like the weak link here.


Koto Arato, Go Takashi, Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date vs GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono, Dark Wolf II & Tian Long

Coin flip but since I have Kuro winning the main event I go against them here.


Junichi Matsuo vs HUSTLE Umiro

Matsuo´s logic still puzzles me, how loosing a tag match when partner leaves you proves that he doesn´t need any help? Or better yet, that he´s better than the guys in winning team? :p Anyway Matsuo and his ego will have another loss here.


Kotei Yamato vs Meido Machine

Yamato is bigger name plus I could see Matsuo affecting the end result.


Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara

Way bigger names.


Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa

Ebisawa is doing good but not this good.


Non Title: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Kan Mitsubishi

No doubt on this one.


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Blood Spider Jr

This match could well start Inokuma´s push but I go other way around and have Spider winning thanks to his stable mates.


Soh Terajima vs Hunter Wolfe?

Fuku Wolfe won´t be getting a win here as though Soh is a jobber he is still step or two above Wolfe.

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Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Sairento & Incognito

Koto Arato, Go Takashi, Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date vs GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono, Dark Wolf II & Tian Long


Junichi Matsuo vs HUSTLE Umiro


Kotei Yamato vs Meido Machine


Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa


Non Title: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Kan Mitsubishi


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Blood Spider Jr

Soh Terajima vs Hunter Wolfe?

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Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Sairento & Incognito


Kuro gets the win back, but they need their top two guys to do it.


Koto Arato, Go Takashi, Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date vs GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono, Dark Wolf II & Tian Long


SHIP picked up another significant win.


Junichi Matsuo vs HUSTLE Umiro

It's not time for Matsuo to win, yet. I bet his first win is vs. Meido.

Kotei Yamato vs Meido Machine


Should be entertaining though.


Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


This is like the ultimate masked team. But do Z&T have something to say to PD about EM? They've been awfully silent about the Guardrama.


Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa


I bet Ebisawa gets in more offense than Kan, but still it's an easy win.


Non Title: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Kan Mitsubishi




Horiuchi Inokuma vs Blood Spider Jr


I have to agree, the win means something to Inokuma's storyline.


Soh Terajima vs Hunter Wolfe?


But which Wolfe will it be?

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Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Sairento & Incognito


Koto Arato, Go Takashi, Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date vs GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono, Dark Wolf II & Tian Long


Junichi Matsuo vs HUSTLE Umiro


Kotei Yamato vs Meido Machine


Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa


Non Title: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Kan Mitsubishi


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Blood Spider Jr


Soh Terajima vs Hunter Wolfe?

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Full Metal Panic Tour- Show #25


Tuesday 20th March 2012,

Sapporo Public Hall, Sapporo, Hokkaido

(1,000-Super No Vacancy)


Match 0: Hunter Wolfe vs Soh Terajima


DIASPORA's most confused wrestler, turned up as Hunter Wolf this time and he looked to be in a focused and serious mood. In fact Wolfe dominated Terajima and got a close two count with an X-PLODER suplex. Terajima went out for a powder and desperate to keep up the pressure Wolfe gave chase only for the 'Cloaked Assassin' to blindside him with a Black Box Shot.


Wolfe manages to kick out of Terajima's cover and then regained control with a series of clothesline only to then suddenly stop in the middle of the ring and start doing 'moe' cat poses.



Imagine the fact that some burly bearded man-starts doing this

in the middle of a wrestling match ?!?!

Terajima then suddenly stunned Wolfe with the Soh The Seeds of Tera (Forward Somersault Jawbreaker) to pick up the win.


Post match Wolfe banged the mat, frustrated by once again lapsing into his Fuku Machine alter ego.


Result: Soh Terajima [w] bt Hunter Wolfe [L] in 6:19 via pinfall (Soh The Seeds Of Tera)

Rating: 50


Takayuki Balls: That was actually a pretty fun pre-show match, with Wolfe-san looking as though he had been able to return to his old self only for his Fuku-Machine persona to suddenly appear and effectively cost him the match.



Main Show



These two were tagging together on the last show, but Inokuma's rejecton of joining Kuro-Nadeshiko, saw Spider take offence and challenge Inokuma to this match.


Blood Spider tries to engage Inokuma in a striking battle, but Inokuma soaks that up and soon enough he begins to use his size to overpower the smaller Spider. The 'Learning Lion' seizesd total control with a series of snap suplexes for a two count, before Spider decided to go out for a powder.


Inokuma remained calm and did not give chase, but Spider did manage to duck a clothesline and then stun Inokuma with a gamengiri, before planting the 'Learning Lion' with a running neckbreaker. Spider then began to pick up momentum connecting with a drop-kick and then following up with senton splash for a two count. The 'New Nightmare' then took Inokuma off balance with a spinning head-scissors but the 'Learning Lion' was able to counter the Web of Deception Octopus Stretch with a Samoan Drop.


Spider however quickly regained control with a spin-kick before heading up top but Inokuma was able to prevent the 'New Nightmare' from taking flight and Spider was sent back in the hard-way with a superplex.


Blood Spider then blew Poison Mist in desperation but ended up blowing it into the face of referee Ochida- who went down clutching his face. Inokuma took advantage of that mishap by low-blowing Spider, showing that he is not opposed to be using such tactics when the opportunity arises.


With Ochida still down Inokuma then further showed his sadistic streak by producing a Kendo-stick from under the ring, and then proceeding to strike it down upon Spider, whilst shouting out 'You'll never be this good Aki!'


When Ochida returned to his senses Inokuma was in complete control and when Spider was planted with the Sea-Change (Spinning Side Slam) the three count was just a formality.


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Blood Spider Jr [L] in 8:09 via pinfall (Sea Change)

Rating: 50


Takayuki Balls: Admittedly that was a bit of a bizarre 'heel vs heel' match that the fans couldn't really get invested in. Action was solid enough but the match just had a really weird vibe about it.


Post Match Comments:


Horiuchi Inokuma: Was I tempted to join Kuro-Nadeshiko. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, it's a chance to be part of a dominant group and be on a winning team and after years of being handicapped by having to tag with a useless lump like Aki-Kun, anything would be a step up from what I've had to suffer. But at the end of the day I looked at the scenario ahead of me again and I decided I didn't to become someone's stooge- just like Spider-san.


You see when I stopped him from interfering in the Kuro-Guardians match it wasn't that I cared who won, Spider-san just kind of annoys me- or more to the point what Spider-san is just annoys me- so I decided to do the right thing and put him in his place. Obviously he took offence to that and as you can see I've put him in his place again, now hopefully he won't get any stupid ideas like Aki-Kun and continue to try and drag things out between us.




This was a completely one sided match from start to finish and there was no surprises in guessing who dominated the match. Mitsubishi to his credit did show some fighting spirit by kicking out a Decaptitator (Running Bicycle Kick) and he did even managed to rally for a half minute spell before setting up for a Power Punch, but Ichigawa managed to duck the attempt connect with another Decapitator and then put Mitsubishi down for three after a Dragon Suplex.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 3:38 via pinfall (Dragon Suplex)

Rating: 62


Takayuki Balls: Crowd were more into this one-sided extended squash than the first match, but then again the crowd were just solidly behind the legend that is Ichigawa-san, where as in the opener the crowd's support was for neither man.




A fired up Ebisawa put Minamoto on the back foot right from the start of the match- feeling outbrawled and overpowered Minamoto bailed to the floor to re-group. Ebisawa was of course keen to keep the pressure on and gave chase only for Minamoto to bail back into the ring.


A frustrating couple of minutes of cat and mouse then ensued, but eventually it looked like Ebisawa had Minamoto corned out on the floor, only for Minamoto to lure Ebisawa into clotheslining the ring-post.


Minamoto then yanked Ebisawa's arm round the ring-post a few times for good measure and then continued to work over the arm when back in the ring. 'Rumble Heart' then looked to set up for the Harima DDT (Double Arm DDT) but Ebisawa managed to find a second wind, and counter with a sideslam before clutching at his arm.


Ebisawa continued to seize back control using his good arm to out-brawl Minamoto, and before 'Rumble Heart' could attempt to halt Ebisawa's momentum again he was flung across the ring wth a Belly2Helly (Release Belly to Belly Suplex)....


That could only get a two count though due to a weak cover from Ebisawa- who continued to try and shake some life back into the right arm that Minamoto had worked over earlier. Ebisawa then tried to set up for the Ebisawa Complex (Swinging Side Slam Backbreaker) but Minamoto managed to fight his way out with a series of side elbows before delivering a kick to Ebisawa's right arm. Ebisawa clutched at his arm- as Minamoto then mockingly went for a Dozer (Spear) but Ebisawa was able to move out of the way and then instantly responded with one of his own.


'Forceful Dagger' then scrambled across to make the cover but Minamoto had managed to bail to the floor. Learning from earlier this time Ebisawa did not give chase and waited for Minamoto to rise back to his feet and make his way back into the ring. When Minamoto did get back up onto the apron- Ebisawa intercepted 'Rumble Heart', attempting to bring the Heavyweight Title hopeful back in the hard-way with a suplex but Minamoto countered that by stunning Ebisawa with a jawbreaker across the top-rope.


Ebisawa staggered backwards, then stumbled forward right into the Akira Takano Tea Club Special (Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Armbar). Ebisawa bravely tried to grit his way through the pain but in the end could take no more and 'Forceful Dagger' was forced to tap.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 11:30 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)

Rating: 71


Takayuki Balls: Good competitive match- that showed that Ebisawa-san has the physical tools to compete with the very best of DIASPORA's Heavyweight division but at this moment in time lacks the experience and mental smarts to get the job done. Minamoto-san's such a dick these days in terms of his in-ring character, he is now effectively a heel, despite still being part of a face stable.


Post Match Comments:


Eikichi Minamoto: Ebisawa-san you're tough I'll give you that, but you're NOT the wrestler I am, you simply do not have the skills or the heart to be a champion and a champion is what I am. You may hold the belt right now Ichigawa-san but you're just keeping it warm for me, everyone knows I am superior and that last time you got lucky- well your failure to remain part of the Guardians is already showing that your luck is beginning to run out. There is more chance of Haruki Hanai having his feelings requited by Yakumo Tsukamoto than there is of you remaining as Heavyweight Champion after Flowers of Hell.




The Guardians trio quickly took control of the match in the early going and gave the crowd some early excitement with a trio of dives to the floor, when 'The Forgotten' went out for a powder.


However just when it looked like Talisman was about put away Kasuse with a Golden Idol (Shooting Star Press), Hidaka got in a cheap-shot from the apron, allowing for Kasuse to recover and bring Talisman crashing back in with the Grace's Fate (top rope hurracanrana rolled through into a rana pin)....


That got a close two count almost nabbing Kasuse an upset victory. 'The Forgotten' trio then continued to work over Talisman in their corner but Kotara then made the mistake of trying to powerbomb 'the Second Coming' and of course ended up being stunned with the Higurashi (Front Flip Facebuster)....


That gave Talisman enough time to get the tag into Zodiac who then took down Kotara with a Tilt-A-Whirl before transitioning nto the Flame Haze Crucifix Arm-Bar....


Hidaka managed to make the save but was unable to seize back momentum for The Forgotten and after Prime Dragon had taken out Kasuse with the Prime Driver (Over The Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver), Zodiac had taken care of Hidaka with the Zodiac Sniper (Sunset Flip Powerbomb), Talisman then sealed the victory with a Golden Idol (Shooting Star Press) upon Kotara.


Result: Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman [w] bt Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara [L] in 9:09 via pinfall (Golden Idol)

Rating: 63


Takayuki Balls: This delivered what was expected of it, the Guardians trio of masked Junior Division stars got to showcase the skills that have taken them to the top of the promotion, whilst The Forgotten trio got in a token control period to show that they are slightly above the rank of jobber. Though in all honesty their role is still one of jobbers- jobbers to the stars that is.


Post Match Comments:


Zodiac: People are pondering where Talisman-san and I stand regarding the 'chaos' engulfing the Guardians at the moment. Truth is whilst Minamoto-san's behaviour does worry me, I have complete faith in Dragon-san as leader and that everything will work out.


Talisman: To be honest I cannot really care right now about the problems with Minamoto-san. For sure I am proud to be a Guardian and will give it my all everytime I am in the ring and well yeah admittedly it will be better for everyone that things get resolved soon and we can all move on. But what's most important to me right now is carving a legacy alongside Zodiac-san and establishing Whispered as the greatest tag team the universe will ever see.




Match begins with some chain wrestling, neither can get the advantage so it ends up in a standoff....


Or rather a dance-off...Meido being the instigator but Yamato duly obliging in the fun and frolics, until he nails Meido with a fore-arm smash and then drills the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' with a Brainbuster for a two count.


Yamato then followed that up with a knee-drop off the ropes, before lifting Meido up and reeling the MOE! MONEY! man in for the End Game (Clutched Knee Strike Flurry) but Meido managed to weather the storm and then suddenly catch Yamato by surprise with a double leg takedown that the quickly transitioned into the Moe Moe Clutch (Double Leg Nelson Pin)...


Fortunately for Yamato he was just about able to reach his fingertips onto the bottom rope just before the count of three. 'Pin Point' re-took control with a Gamengiri and then a German Suplex for a two count, before looking to head up top but just as he was about to deliver a top-rope diving knee drop....



Meido threw up the Heart Symbol to cause the 'Moe Time'- Motion Freeze.


The 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' then brought Yamato crashing back in with a hurracanrana before quickly rolling through into the Nyan-Lock (Key Lock)...Yamato however managed to prevent Meido from fully synching in the submission hold and after a series of side-elbows then managed to turn Meido over into the Knightmare Frame (Bridging Cobra Clutch)......


Meido to his credit did manage to battle his way to the ropes and then in an attempt to halt Yamato's momentum once again threw up the Heart Symbol- but this time it had no effect, causing the announce team to observe that the bizarre phenomenom can only happen once per match.


Yamato then drilled Meido with the Gurren Driver (Scoop Slam Piledriver) to secure the victory- after a competitive showing from his bizarre opponent.


Result: Kotei Yamato [w] bt Meido Machine in 10:33 via pinfall (Gurren Driver)

Rating: 72


Takayuki Balls: Meido-san and Yamato-san worked really well together, so I must keep in mind for these two to have a re-match down the line sometime. This was just a really fun match as well with some genuienly excellent wrestling blending well with Meido's antics. Meido-san may have got his job in DIASPORA under rather cloudy circumstances but he is actually proving to be a valuable midcard commodity.




Matsuo is all fired up at the start and peppers HUSTLE with strike and kick combo's but the 'Ducker Diver' soaks up the early pressure and stops Matsuo in his tracks with a lariat. Umiro then takes control with a fireman's carry gutbuster/lariat combo that gets a two count before heading up top.


HUSTLE then went for the Hustle To The Top (Diving Elbow Drop) but Matsuo managed to move out of the way just in time before rocking HUSTLE with a Tornado Kick and then following up with a reverse STO for a two count. 'Sexy Zone' then followed that up with a standing shooting star press only for HUSTLE to get the knees up.


The 'Ducker Diver' then followed that up with a German Suplex Hold for a close two count, before hoisting Matsuo upon his shoulders only for 'Sexy Zone' to counter with a crucifix bomb and then a basement drop-kick. Matsuo then tried to set up for the J-Pop Powerplex (Twisting Falcon Arrow) but HUSTLE was able to block the attempt and looked to counter into the Hustle Brother (Legsweep DDT) only for Matsuo to stay a step ahead and plant HUSTLE with a Legsweep DDT of his own.


That got a close two count, as Matsuo headed to the top but HUSTLE rose back to his feet and cut Matsuo off from taking flight, peppering 'Sexy Zone' with a series of stiff fore-arm shots. HUSTLE then attempted to place Matsuo into a fireman's carry position but Matsuo managed to fight his way out, shove HUSTLE back down to the mat and then nail the 'Ducker Diver' with a missile drop-kick.


Matsuo then nailed HUSTLE with the Tornado Kick again before once again heading up to the top turnbuckle. This time Matsuo was able to deliver the Heavy Rotation (450 Senton) only for HUSTLE to get his knees up just in time. HUSTLE then caught Matsuo off guard with the Out-Hustled (Backslide Pin) and though 'Sexy Zone' kicked out it was a fraction too late, as the MOE! MONEY! man picked up the victory and once again condemn Matsuo to another frustrating loss.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Junichi Matsuo [L] in 10:46 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)


Rating: 62


Takayuki Balls: This was a solid match but there was also a feeling that it could have been a little bit better- almost as though neither guy was really at the top of their game for this one.

The Kuro-Nadeshiko team try to ambush the S.H.I.P quartet before they get to the ring, but S.H.I.P are ready for such an attack and quickly seize control in and outside of the ring, during a chaotic opening period that referee Ochida has problem keeping control of.


In the ring Hiro Date takes out Tian Long with a spear and then dumps the 'Imperial One' with a Rejection II (Backdrop Suplex) but distracted by what is going on outside Ochida is not in place to make three count, unlike Sugimura's somewhat suspect behaviour of late, it is a genuine mistake from Ochida and he does get across to count the cover, but Long is still able to kick out at two- when he should have been down for three.


When order is restored the S.H.I.P team are still in control and able to isolate Long in their corner. It looks to be all over once again when Long is turned inside out with an Arato Lariat and then dumped with the Gotch Suplex (Dead Lift German Suplex) from the former Heavyweight champ but Ochida was then pulled out of the ring as he was making the count.


Soh Terajima then sneaks into the ring and attempts to waffle Arato with a Black Box-Shot but gets turned inside out with an Arato-Lariat instead, however his distraction was not in vein as Long is able to roll out of the ring, a phantom tag is made and Arato is then nailed with a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash).


That should have put the Kuro-Nadeshiko quartet in control but Arato shows strong fighting spirit, shaking of the GUSHIKEN Smash to battle his way out of trouble and get the tag to Oda Yamawaki.


Yamawaki rocks GUSHIKEN with a drop-kick, and then decides to head up top, but 'Fearless' is soon cut off by Dark Wolf II.....Yamawaki manges to shake the 'Howling Menace' off but GUSHIKEN is able to recover and scoops Yamawakl off the top before planting the TWC man with GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) for a two count.


The 'Great Thunder' then tags in Chojiro Ono, who whips Yamawaki into the corner and goes for a corner splash but 'Fearless' see's it coming and and after nailing Ono with a drop-kick got the tag out to Hiro-Date.


Date takes down Ono with a chop-block and then attemtps to turn Ono over into the Date with Pain (Elevated Bosto Crab) but 'Epic Tsunami' manages to use his size and power to hold Date off and get the tag to Dark Wolf II.....


Dark Wolf II and Date engage in a brawling exchange, with Date seemingly taking control to set up for a German Suplex however the 'Howling Menace' counters the attempt with a sneaky low blow and then after a standing switch dumps Date with a German of his own for a two count.


Wolf then decides to head up top and then lands the Wolf's Rain (Diving Elbow Drop) upon Date......


That would have been three, had Oda Yamawaki not come in to make the desperation save. Ochida still manages to keep things under control with Wolf and Date still battling it out in the ring.....the 'Howling Menace' goes for the Wolf's Call (Sliding Lariat Pin) but Date manages to block and then the 'Stampeding Bull' then hits a desperation spear before getting the tag out to Go Takashi.


Takashi turns Wolf inside out with a clothesline and then manhandles the 'Howling Menace' with the Bartenders Swing (Giant Swing). 'Nippon Hart' then goes across to make the cover but is tripped up from the apron by Tian Long.


Wolf gets the tag out to GUSHIKEN, who then plants Takashi with the GUSHIKEN Firebomb (Thunder Fire Powerbomb), before tagging Tian Long in. Long then comes crashing down upon Takashi with the Corkscrew From Heaven (Corkscrew Senton) .......








Takashi somehow manages to barely get a shoulder up, but after an incredible display of fighting spirit he and S.H.I.P were somehow still in this match. Kuro-Nadeshiko think that should have been three and get in Ochida's face about it but there protests fall on deaf ears.


Despite that Takashi is still in the 'wrong part of town'..... and Kuro take turns to stomp away on 'Nippon Hart' before Ono goes for the Tsunami (Big Splash) but Takashi see's that coming and manages to move out of the way and then instead of looking to tag out he see's an opportunity to put Ono into the Dollars (Inverted Cloverleaf).


The rest of Kuro try to storm in to make the save but are quickly cut off by a trio of refreshed S.H.I.P counterparts. Yawawaki sends GUSHIKEN out of the ring with a drop-kick, Arato sends Long out to the floor with a lariat and Date does the same to Wolf with a spear.


Ono tries to power his way out but Takashi remains firm in his application of his signature submission hold and in the end with S.H.I.P able to hold off any intervention from his Kuro team mates, Ono see's no other option but to tap out giving S.H.I.P the victory and more signicantly Go Takashi a huge momentum boost by being the one to claim the victory.


Result: Koto Arato, Go Takashi [w], Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date bt GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono [L], Dark Wolf II & Tian Long in 17:57 via submission (Dollars)

Rating: 70


Takayuki Balls: Match was solid but just seemed to be lacking that bit of extra spark to take it to the next level, or more to the point it was a little hamstrung when Ono-san was lumbering round the ring. Speaking of Ono-san his failure to connect with the Tsunami (Big Splash) must be the most predictable thing in DIASPORA.


Post Match Comments:


Go Takashi: I'm proving that not only can I compete with the big boys here in DIASPORA but I can also get the better of them, and alongside Koto Arato I will prove so once again, when Team Ganbatte! become the new All Asia Tag champs.


Oda Yamawaki: It was a great win for S.H.I.P and congrats of course go to Takashi-san for forcing Ono-san to tap out- but come Flowers of Hell and it's between the Wrecking Crew and Team Ganbatte!, I'm afraid we are going to bring Takashi-san back down to earth, because we WILL regain our Tag Team titles.


GUSHIKEN: That young punk Takashi-san got lucky, because Ono-san had the foresight to do the right thing and live to fight another day. You see at Flowers of Hell, the Udon Noodle Killers will be at our unstoppable best.




First five minutes of this all Junior Division main event end up in a stale-mate mix of mat holds and intense strikes- no one backs down and no one is able to take control. The Break-through comes for Kuro-Nadeshiko, and unsurpisingly it's through nefarious means...Incognito eye pokes Shintaro Hideki and then plants 'Integral Prowess' with a Russian Legsweep.


Hideki gets right back up but then eats a Spinning Heel Kick from Incognito that further puts the Kuro-Nadeshiko duo in control. Sairento gets tagged in and he subjects Hideki to the Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curbstomp) for a two count. The Kuro duo then start choking Hideki with the tag rope, which Nori foolishly protests to referee Sugimura. Hideki then endures the face-wash and then stereo basement drop-kicks from the Kuro-pair.


Sairento then drilled Hideki with a Brainbuster for a two count, before tagging out to Incognito who had headed up top....


Incognito then went for a moonsault but Hideki managed to get out of the way just in time and then nail 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a superkick before making the tag out to Nori......


Accept referee Sugimura waved the tag off, as he did not see it due to a Kendo-stick wielding Sairento distracting him from looking at what was happening in the ring. A recovered Incognito then nailed Hideki from behind before attempting to plant the New Solution man with the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but Hideki managed to block the attempt and then counter into a Northern Lights Suplex......






Incognito kicked out but then found himself trapped in the Hideki Special Arm Bar......


Seeing that Incognito was in trouble Sairento, intervened stomping away on Hideki to release the hold....Nori then tried to get into the ring but was cut off by referee Sugimura, pleading that he was keen to secure order, this allowed for Kuro-Nadeshiko to get in a double team of Sairento delivering a Kuro-Stomp and then Incognito following in with a basement drop-kick- before a phantom tag was made to Sairento, who then headed up top and delivered a double stomp to Hideki.....








To the Kuro-Nadeshiko pair's frustration however Hideki showed great fighting spirit by kicking out. Sairento keen to finish the match then hoisted Hideki upon his shoulders, but Hideki again showed great fighting spirit, fighting his way out with a series of side elbows and then nailing Sairento with an Enziguri.


Hideki then looked to finally get the tag out to Nori only to find that Incognito had managed to sneak round the ring and pulled the S.H.I.P off the apron.....


A recovered Sairento then flung Hideki half way across the ring wth a release German suplex, before lining up for the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike To The Face) but Hideki managed to block the attempt at just the right moment and counter with a Dragon screw leg-whip before finally getting the tag out to a fresh and fired up Hiroto Nori.


Nori rocked Sairento with a drop-kick and then took the Kuro-leader off his feet with a basement drop-kick. The 'Silent Reaper' got straight back up but then found himself being peppered by the Endless Nori Kick Flurry, after the high kick to the head Nori went for the cover......








Sairento kicked out, and rose back to his feet only to be planted with a reverse STO. The S.H.I.P leader then headed up top, but just as he was setting up for the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press) he was cut off by Incognito.....Nori managed to kick 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' away but the distraction proved to be enough for Sairento to recover- pepper Nori with a flurry of fore-arm shots and send 'Battle' back into the ring the hard way with an Avalanche Death Valley Driver.....


Of course as Sairento slid across to make the cover, Nori's number one fan voiced her hysterical concern 'Come on Nori-Chan, show your fighting spirit!'








There's obviously nothing quite like the screeching words of a woman to motivate someone to keep fighting on.....


Sairento remained in control though and lifted Nori up for the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster) only for Nori to block the attempt and then counter into a Brainbuster of his own. A weary Nori then placed an arm across Sairento as a pin attempt....






Sairento managed to easily kick out before both wearily got back to their feet and then engaged in a striking battle. Sairento gained the advantage with an eye-rake and then went for a Yakuza kick off the ropes, only for Nori to shake off the eye-poke, and take Sairento off his feet with a basement drop-kick before getting the tag out to Shintaro Hideki.


Hideki then immediately nailed Sairento with a Superkick before following up with the Shiranui (Backflip Inverted DDT).........








Incognito managed to dive in just at the right moment to break up the three count. Hiroto Nori then comes back in tosses Incognito out to the floor and follows up with a tope con hilo press. Meanwhile back in the ring Hideki sets a dazed Sairento up once again for another Shiranui but the 'Silent Reaper' counters the attempt by crotching Hideki onto the top-rope.....


'Integral Prowess' falls into the tree of woe and then gets nailed with a basement drop-kick. Sairento then pulled Hideki into the middle of the ring, and then drilled the New Solution man with the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster)......








Nori comes in to make the save, but is then quickly pulled out of the ring again by Incognito. Nori and Incognito then battle it out on the floor, as Sairento hoists Hideki upon his shoulders only for 'Integral Prowess' to counter with a swinging DDT. It then becomes a race to see who can tag out first......


Unfortunately for Hideki...Tian Long and Dark Wolf II had suddenly appeared, in an attempt to help Incognito lay a beat-down to Nori on the outside, away from the eyes of referee Sugimura.


Inspired by the hysterical words of encouragement from his number one fan.... 'Don't let these bullies keep you down Nori-Chan, you can save the day!!' Nori tried to fight off the Kuro numbers game, but in the end it got too much and he was unable to get back to the apron to take the tag and Hideki ended up being nailed with a Bala De Dios (Flying Spinning Heel Kick from Incognito).....


'El Pesadilla Hermosa' then planted Hideki with the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver)......








Hideki showed great fighting spirit to kick out, but he remained in trouble and Incognito headed up top before crashing down upon Hideki with the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton)......








Incognito had secured the win for his team , ensuring that Kuro-Nadeshiko bounce back with a victory in the main event.


Result: Sairento [w] & Incognito bt Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki [L] in 21:38 via pinfall (Susurro De La Muerte)

Rating: 78


Takayuki Balls: Formula stuff, with the S.H.I.P duo's fighting spirit and loggerheads with Kuro-Nadeshiko's blatant cheating, which seems to be getting increasingly more effective with some questionable refereering lately from Sugimura-san. This won't go down as the best DIASPORA main event, but it was still enjoyable and still managed to be the best match on the show.


Hideki is tossed out to the floor, whilst Nori is fed back into the ring.....Nori eats a Yakuza kick from Sairento, before being Kuro-Stomped. In come Incognito, Dark Wolf II and Tian Long to put the boots to the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader.


This leads to the Nori obsessed female fan screaming 'Stop This!, Stop This at Once!,'


Sairento is now applying a choke hold to Nori, as Tian Long produces a pair of scissors.....


'NO! don't let them take your hair, come on where are your friends Nori-Chan.....if only I could...'


Luckily enough there is:


a) A security stooge to stop the obsessed female fan from doing something stupid, like jump the guard-rail and start attacking the Kuro-Nadeshiko guys


b) The 'Cavalry' does come just in time, in the form of the rest of S.H.I.P to prevent Kuro-Nadeshiko from cutting off some of Nori's hair and chase Kuro from the ring.


S.H.I.P stand tall at the end of the show, but with the main event victory and post match beat-down to Nori Kuro have still made a major statement.


Rating: 70


Takayuki Balls: Crowd responded pretty well to the post match segment at the end- though I was genuienly worried that Mio Mio was going to intervene- it's not that I'm worried for her safety, in all honesty I'm worried for the safety of our wrestlers- even the unfortunate fool that happens to be her boyfriend.



Overall: 75


Takayuki's Final Verdict: Not the best show in terms of the quality of the wrestling action, which was still solid but wasn't DIASPORA at it's very best but it did prove purposeful in helping to provide further build for the Mascara Contra Caballera cage match.

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Result: Soh Terajima [w] bt Hunter Wolfe [L] in 6:19 via pinfall (Soh The Seeds Of Tera)


Mildly entertaining with Hunter's Fuku personality messing up his possible win. Aside from that, predictable result.


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Blood Spider Jr [L] in 8:09 via pinfall (Sea Change)


Also expected. Inokuma is in a storyline and Blood Spider is the low man on the Kuro totem pole. Whatever that means. I'm mostly interested in where Inokuma ends up. If Kuro's not his speed, then it's either going solo or teaming with Minamoto. I guess it depends on how big of a star Tiger thinks he can be.

Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 3:38 via pinfall (Dragon Suplex)


The champ makes an appearance. Not much else to this match, Kan has no chance.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 11:30 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)


More of a fight but still we know who'll win. It was more about the story of Ebisawa hating Minamoto's tactics and ego and taking out his anger on the man. Unlike Ichigawa, Minamoto doesn't overpower Ebisawa, but he's too devious, ruthless and skilled for the younger wrestler.


Result: Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman [w] bt Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara [L] in 9:09 via pinfall (Golden Idol)


Disappointing, really. I think this is about as bad as PD, Z & T can look. Mio, Tiger and myself could be carried to a 70 by the Guardian Trio.

Result: Kotei Yamato [w] bt Meido Machine in 10:33 via pinfall (Gurren Driver)


I liked Yamato playing along before forearming Meido. Really good match, sooner or later Meido will need to get more serious so he can get a higher push. But that's unlikely to happen before TEW 2013.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Junichi Matsuo [L] in 10:46 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)


Flash pin protests Matsuo just a tiny bit but we all expected 3..2..1..HUSTLE HUSTLE! To win. I bet Meido gets a better match out of Matsuo.


Result: Koto Arato, Go Takashi [w], Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date bt GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono [L], Dark Wolf II & Tian Long in 17:57 via submission (Dollars)


Kuro-Nadeshiko think that should have been three and get in Ochida's face about it but there protests fall on deaf ears.


If only Sugimura was reffing this match.


Rather pedestrian for a DIASPORA semi-main. It got the story across, Go got his big win, but not even Super Porky could drag Ono's fat rear to a good match.


Result: Sairento [w] & Incognito bt Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki [L] in 21:38 via pinfall (Susurro De La Muerte)


This had to be the Nori letdown. The story won't build tension and we can't worry for Nori if he keeps winning. Well, Mio can but she's crazy. We continued Nori and Incognito's minifeud with the brawling outside, Kuro got to do what they do best, with the gang attack outside while Sugimura continues to be the most selectively blind referee in puroresu, which I love. Shiro Abe played the same role in AJW back in the middle 80's. Ah nostalgia.


Crowd responded pretty well to the post match segment at the end- though I was genuinely worried that Mio Mio was going to intervene- it's not that I'm worried for her safety, in all honesty I'm worried for the safety of our wrestlers- even the unfortunate fool that happens to be her boyfriend.


Well, she does have a large battle axe hidden in her purse.


Fairly meh card overall, but that's all Sapporo gets. Many promotions never even venture to that far north, especially when it's below freezing and Sapporo is finishing up the 15 feet of snow they get a year.

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DIASPORA present the penultimate leg of the Full Metal Panic! Tour at the Nagoya Central Gym in Chubu on Thursday 22nd March.


The main event match-up's see's the two men who will battle each other for the Heavyweight Championship at Flowers of Hell Hyotaru Ichigawa and Eikichi Minamoto test themselves in singles matches against hand picked opponents. And though Ichigawa and Minamoto have not exactly seen eye to eye, ever since Minamoto set his sights on becoming Heavyweight Champion it appears they are on the same wave length on picking on anothers opponents- that's because both of them will be facing one half each of the current Junior Tag Team champions with Hyotaru Ichigawa taking on Zodiac and Eikichi Minamoto up against Talisman.


The other high profile match see's Kuro-Nadeshiko and S.H.I.P continue their war heading into Flowers of Hell with Sairento, Incognito and GUSHIKEN battling with Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato and Oda Yamawaki, whilst another six man tag between the two faction's see's Tian Long line up alongside the Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) to take on Go Takashi and New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki)


In singles action Super Junior Champion Prime Dragon takes on Horiuchi Inokuma in an Openweight challenge, whilst Junichi Matsuo will look to secure his first victory in DIASPORA- when he takes on one half of MOE! MONEY! Meido Machine, up suffering a close defeat to Meido's tag partner HUSTLE Umiro at the previous show in Sapporo. Whilst HUSTLE himself will be in singles action against the unpredictable Xtinction.


Rounding out the main show card will be an all Heavyweight 4 Corner Survival featuring Hiro Date, Kan Mitsubishi, Taheji Ebisawa and Yachi Kotara, whilst the bonus pre-show match see's openweight tag action between the pairing of Aki Shimizudani and Shiki Hirasi up against the Kuro-Nadeshiko pairing of Chojiro Ono and Dark Wolf II.




Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 26 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....


Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show #26


Nagoya Central Gym, Nagoya, Chubu

Thursday 22nd March 2012.


~ Dangerous Obstacles~

Final (30 Min Limit): Super Special Picked Opponent Challenge Match

Heavyweight Champion- Hyotaru Ichigawa


'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Junior Tag Champion- Zodiac


~ Dangerous Obstacles~

Semi Final (30 Min Limit): Super Special Picked Opponent Challenge Match

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Eikichi Minamoto


'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Junior Tag Champion- Talisman


6th Match: (30 Min Limit ): Ultra Intense Six Man Battle- The Rage Never Dies!

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yawawaki


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Sairento, Incognito &

All Asia Tag Champion- GUSHIKEN


5th Match (20 Min Limit): Openweight Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Super Junior Champion- Prime Dragon


Horiuchi Inokuma


4th Match (20 Min Limit): Six Man Battle

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Go Takashi &

New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki)


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Tian Long &

The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Proving Point Junior Singles Challenge

Junichi Matsuo


'Representing MOE! MONEY!'

Meido Machine


2nd Match (15 Min Limit): Heavyweight 4 Corner Survival

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiro Date


Kan Mitsubishi


Taheji Ebisawa


Yachi Kotara


1st Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Singles Challenge

'Representing MOE! MONEY!'





Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Openweight Tag Team Challenge

Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Chojiro Ono & Dark Wolf II





Predictions Form

Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Zodiac

Eikichi Minamoto vs Talisman

Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki vs Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito

Prime Dragon vs Horiuchi Inokuma

Go Takashi, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long, Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr

Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine

Hiro Date vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Taheji Ebisawa vs Yachi Kotara

HUSTLE Umiro vs Xtinction

Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Chojiro Ono & Dark Wolf II


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Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Zodiac

Eikichi Minamoto vs Talisman


Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki vs Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito


Prime Dragon vs Horiuchi Inokuma

Go Takashi, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long, Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine


Hiro Date vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Taheji Ebisawa vs Yachi Kotara


HUSTLE Umiro vs Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Chojiro Ono & Dark Wolf II

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Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Zodiac


Eikichi Minamoto vs Talisman


Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki vs Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito


Prime Dragon vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Go Takashi, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long, Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine


Hiro Date vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Taheji Ebisawa vs Yachi Kotara


HUSTLE Umiro vs Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Chojiro Ono & Dark Wolf II

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Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Zodiac


Interesting matchup, but I think the Singles champion wins in a 1v1 match.


Eikichi Minamoto vs Talisman


Minamoto needs the win more going into his championship match.


Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki vs Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito

Incognito builds more momentom going into his title match.


Prime Dragon vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Outcome isn't in doubt, but this will be interesting to see how far Inokuma has come.


Go Takashi, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long, Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr


This is definitely Kuro's B team here.


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine


I could see Matsuo winning here, but I'm not entirely sure where the storyling is going.


Hiro Date vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Taheji Ebisawa vs Yachi Kotara


Either Date or Ebisawa take the win here.


HUSTLE Umiro vs Xtinction


Hustling his way to the top.


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Chojiro Ono & Dark Wolf II


Squash match to give the Kuro guys a little momentom following their loss.

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Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Zodiac

Interesting match-up but I expect heavyweight to go over here espesially since Ichigawa is your champion.

Eikichi Minamoto vs Talisman

Another interesting one but Minamoto will be winning this one.


Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki vs Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito

I did almost go for draw here as these teams are about as even as they can get but since those rarely happen in DIASPORA I go with Kuro mainly to push Incognito a little bit more.


Prime Dragon vs Horiuchi Inokuma

Not much question about the winner but interesting to see how well Inokuma is doing here.

Go Takashi, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long, Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr

S.H.I.P vs. Kuro A-teams might be close encounter but I fear that B-teams match-up is clearly on S.H.I.P´s favor espesially since Ono and Wolf II aren´t here.


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine

I agree with Tiberious4, I could see Matsuo winning here but not sure how the story would work if that happen.


Hiro Date vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Taheji Ebisawa vs Yachi Kotara

Ebisawa is good but Date is still higher on the ladders.


HUSTLE Umiro vs Xtinction

Squash to give HUSTLE some overness.


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Chojiro Ono & Dark Wolf II

Another squash.

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Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Zodiac


Should be an excellent match, but the heavyweight singles champion will come out ahead.


Eikichi Minamoto vs Talisman


I've been waiting for this match. The two biggest egos in the company in the same ring, face to face. I think Minamoto needs to win, but I could easily see this beak down into a draw as things get out of hand. This could also place a further strain on Guardians.


Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki vs Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito


This is so totally a toss up for me. I'll go with Sugimura not reffing and SHIP keeping some momentum with the win.


Prime Dragon vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Easy pick, but how good the match is will tell us alot about Inokuma's future.

Go Takashi, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long, Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr


Salty Delinquents let their partner down.


Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine


I want Junichi to be the DIASPORA version of BxB Hulk. But I think he's not ready for a win quite yet.


Hiro Date vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Taheji Ebisawa vs Yachi Kotara


Date is higher than Ebisawa.


HUSTLE Umiro vs Xtinction


HUSTLE with the easy win.


Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Chojiro Ono & Dark Wolf II


Whoever wins, the fans will lose.

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Thursday 22nd March 2012, Nagoya Central Gym, Nagoya, Chubu

(2,000-Super No Vacancy)


Match 0A: Aki Shimizudani & Shiki Hirasi vs Chojiro Ono & Dark Wolf II


The Kuro-Nadeshiko team dominated this one from start to finish, which was shocking to absolutelty no one, what was shocking though was that Chojiro Ono actually managed to connect with the Tsunami (Big Splash)...Shimizudani ending up the unfortunate victim.


Result: Chojiro Ono [w] & Dark Wolf II bt Aki Shimizudani [L] & Shiki Hirasi in 4:34 via pinfall


Rating: 43


Takayuki Balls: I heard that the nearby Lawson's were doing some special promotion on Curry Bread, it also seemed that everyone else got wind of that (I mean who doesn't like a bit of Curry Bread?!), well either that or no one (rightfully) cared about this stinker of a match.


Match 0B: The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs ??? and ??? II


The crowd who had turned up early were then treated to an unexpected bonus pre-show match, featuring The Forgotten up against a mysterious masked team...one that was introduced as Triple Question Mark and his partner Triple Question Mark II.


The Forgotten were in control for much of the match, though the mystery duo put up a decent fight and at times looked as though they might steal the win with some flash pins. In the end though Kasuse was able to secure the win after planting Triple Question Mark II with the Roll With It (Rolling Cutter)


Result: Hideaki Kasuse [w] & Kohei Hidaka vs ??? and ??? II [L] in 7:39 via pinfall (Roll With It)

Rating: 50


Takayuki Balls: Not exactly a great match, but it was at least better than the dire match that came before it. The Question Marks won't be a permament thing, they're just a couple of new signings that will debuting as their proper selves at Flowers of Blood.



Main Show



Xtinction gets in a cheap shot and peppers HUSTLE with kick combos but the 'Ducker Diver' fires back and sends Xtinction out of the ring with a lariat. HUSTLE then goes for a top con hilo only to be stopped mid move with an apron gamengiri from Xtinction.


'Everybody's Shadow' then rocks HUSTLE with a perfectly executed springboard drop-kick. Xtinction then followed up with the X-Marks The Spot (Standing Corkscrew Shooting Star Press) for a two count.


HUSTLE manages to fire back with a flurry of fore-arms before setting up for the German Suplex, only for Xtinction to fight his way out and stun the MOE! MONEY! man with an enziguri, leading to Xtinction then spiking HUSTLE with a perfectly executed X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT).....


HUSTLE however showed great fighting spirit by kicking out at two, leading to a frustrated Xtinction heading up top, but the 'Ducker Diver' rose back to his feet and then brought Xtinction in the hard way with an Avalanche Fireman's Carry facebuster.


HUSTLE then turned Xtinction inside out with a lariat, before planting Xtinction with the rolling fireman's carry slam.....the 'Ducker Diver' then headed up before crashing down upon Xtinction with the Hustle To The Top (Diving Elbow Drop).


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Xtinction [L] in 7:22 via pinfall (Hustle To The Top)

Rating: 61


Takayuki Balls: Now you'd think I'd be happy with this- this was a fun evenly contested sprint of an opening contest and for once Xtinction didn't botch a single move- to the point that I had to wonder if this actually was a same Xtinction from before and then it came to me that this was the same Xtinction after all, because he clearly didn't get the memo that this supposed to be an extended squash not a competitive match.




This four corner survival was basically a back and forth brawl between all four men, of course as is always the case with these sort of matches it was who happened to be in the right place at the right time as to who would emerge with the victory.


The finish came when Ebisawa turned Kotara inside out with a Dozer (Spear) only for Kan Mitsubishi to then blast Ebisawa with the Power Punch, but Mitsubishi failed to notice the prescence of Hiro Date who then dropped 'Fist of Granite' with the Rejection II (Backdrop Suplex) to pick up the victory.


Result: Hiro Date [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] + Taheji Ebisawa + Yachi Kotara in 8:05 via pinfall (Rejection II)

Rating: 55


Takayuki Balls: Total filler, this is the sort of match that could quite easily be on the pre-show rather than the main card, but it was solid enough for what is was.



Match #3: Junichi Matsuo vs Meido Machine


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JunichiMatsuo.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MeidoMachine.jpg


Before the match starts Meido Machine produces a plate with a slice of strawberry gateau and offers it to Matsuo, 'Sexy Zone' takes one look at it and then kicks the strawberry gateau into Meido's face....


The 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' licks the cream off his face and then goes into 'berserk' mode..... Matsuo suddenly has to contend with a whirlwind of elbow and knee strikes. That leads to 'Sexy Zone' going out for a powder. Meido then went for a flying fore-arm smash off the apron but got caught by Matsuo who planted the MOE! MONEY! man with a sideslam onto the apron.


Matsuo rolled Meido back into the ring and got a two count with a German suplex before heading up top.....Meido rose back to his feet but was then drilled with a Tornado DDT before Matsuo nailed the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' with the Tornado Kick for a two count.


'Sexy Zone' then set up for the J-Pop Powerplex (Twisting Falcon Arrow) but Meido was able to block that and countered into a snap suplex.....


Meido then continued to pick up momentum with a basement drop-kick before heading up top himself......


To then nail Matsuo with the Meido Beam missile drop-kick.


That got a close two count for Meido, who then looked to synch in the Nyan-Lock (Key-Lock) but Matsuo was able to quickly scramble to the ropes and force a rope-break before Meido could fully lock in the submission hold.


Matsuo then rocked Meido with another Tornado Kick after the rope-break before planting the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' with a slingshot suplex for a two count. Matsuo then headed up top, but before he could go for the Heavy Rotation (450 Senton).....




Meido threw up the heart symbol causing Matsuo to freeze on the top-rope.


Meido then brought 'Sexy Zone' crashing back in with a superplex but was unable to immediately follow up, with Matsuo quickly rolling out to the floor. Meido then followed Matsuo to the outside.....





Matsuo then stunned Meido with a DDT out on the floor, only for Fuku Machine to suddenly appear, and then rock Matsuo with an X-Ploder suplex. Fuku Machine then realised what he had just done and then lifted the still dazed Meido up before planting the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' with a powerbomb....


A conflicted Fuku Machine then walked up the entrance ramp, meanwhile referee Ochida had already applied a double twenty count and when both Matsuo and Meido came back to their senses it was too late for either of them to answer the count.


Result: Junichi Matsuo drew with Meido Machine in 10:15 (Double Count-Out)

Rating: 63


Takayuki Balls: Well it's progress for Matsuo-san, at least he didn't lose this time! The schmozz finish with Fuku Machine (Hunter Wolfe's) involvement admittedly did taint what was shaping up to be a decent match but as always when we make these sort of decisions there is reason behind his involvement.


Post Match Comments:


Junichi Matsuo is irate after the match and kicks over a rubbish pin on his way to the locker room, when he is suddenly confronted by the man who attacked him Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine.


Fuku Wolfe: Look man I'm sorry, I'm really sorry


Junichi Matsuo: You cost me the damn match!


Fuku Wolfe: I'm sorry


Meido Machine then walks in on the scene.....


Meido Machine: The only one he should be sorry to his me!


Junichi Matsuo: Why the hell is that!


Meido Machine: Because he needs to realise he ain't Hunter Wolfe no more


Junichi Matsuo: Look I don't know what weird spell you have this guy under, but for one it ain't working out too well for you....


Meido Machine: It's not a spell just a push in the right direction.....


Junichi Matsuo: Well who the hell cares, I would have beaten you anyway....


Meido Machine: What makes you seem so sure, I mean you haven't had a single win yet here in DIASPORA.....


Junichi Matsuo: And whose fault do you think that is!


Meido Machine: Yours?


Junichi Matsuo: Look I'm sick of you, you dress wearing freak and I'm sick of your stupid faux rapper partner too.


Meido Machine: All we did was try to offer you some much needed support but you threw it back in our faces


Junichi Matsuo: As I have stated many times before I don't need your help.


Meido Machine: Well you've really gotten quite far without it, haven't you?


Junichi Matsuo: This needs to end, so at Flowers of Hell, I will shut you and HUSTLE up once an for all.....


Meido Machine: How do you propose to do that?


Junichi Matsuo: Me and this guy right here......


Meido Machine: But weren't you moaning about this guy costing you the match....


Junichi Matsuo: I have since come to realise, that he has good reason to want to be as irriated with you, as I am.


Meido Machine: I really.....


Junichi Matsuo: Oh just shut up! Flowers of Hell......Me and Hunter Wolfe against you and HUSTLE and if we win, you stop bothering us.....


Meido Machine: And if we win, you admit that you need our help and follow our lead.


Junichi Matsuo: Fine then, but it won't come to that! I'll make sure of it!


The Kuro-Nadeshiko trio tried to jump their opponents before the bell but their S.H.I.P opponents were ready for such tactics- the match then quickly broke down into a chaotic brawl that spilled out to the floor.


Amidst the chaos Terajima tried to nail Hideki with a Black Box Shot but as has been the case so many times before got it superkicked into his face, but then Hideki was low blowed by Tian Long, and after Blood Spider Jr blew Poison Mist into the face of Yamato, they were then able to isolate Go Takashi.


The Kuro-Nadeshiko trio then worked over Takashi in their corner- using plenty of illegal tactics such as choking Takashi with the tag-rope, whilst one of them convenietly distracted referee Sugimura. Takashi however showed great fighting spirit however, as he survived the Emperor Lock (Inverted STF) from Tian Long and then got the knees up to block a Blood Drop (Senton Bomb) from Blood Spider Jr.


Takashi then blocked a Cloak and Dagger (Flying Neckbreaker) from Soh Terajima before delivering the Bartenders Swing (Giant Swing).....


Takashi then got the tag into a fired-up Kotei Yamato but Terajima was able to scramble across to get the tag to Tian Long. Yamato however was able to gain the advantage and plant Long with the Gurren MKII Driver (Sitout Side Driver) but when he went for the cover referee Sugimura was being distracted.


That drew an irate Takashi and Hideki back into the ring, who managed to break past Sugimura's attempt to keep them in their corner and prevent Yamato from being triple teamed more chaotic brawling ensued, until the S.H.I.P trio were suddenly able to get each of their opponents into a trio of submission holds, Yamato with the Knightmare Frame (Bridging Cobra Clutch) on Terajima, Takashi with the Dollars (Inverted Cloverleaf) on Tian long and Hideki with the Hideki Special (Northern Lights Suplex floated into a Cross Arm Breaker) on Blood Spider Jr.


None of the Kuro trio were able to break free, so referee Sugimura saw no other choice but to call for the bell, when Spider tapped out to Hideki.


Result: Go Takashi, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki [w] vs Tian Long, Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr [L] in 9:31 via submission (Hideki Special)

Rating: 65


Takayuki Balls: This match felt like an abridged version of a typical S.H.I.P vs Kuro-Nadeshiko multi person tag match, and there's not really much more I can about this contest other than that.




They circle one another for a bit at the start then decide to go for a test of strength, with the larger Inokuma coming out on top. The 'Learning Lion' shoves the Super Junior into the corner and then starts to rain down some chops....Dragon however moves out of the way and then turns then begins to pepper Inokuma with kicks. Inokuma staggers out of the corner and gets taken off his feet with a basement drop-kick. The 'Grand Pillar' then headed up top and then went for a flying cross-body as Inokuma got back to his feet but was caught by Inokuma who then planted Dragon with a sideslam backbreaker.


Inokuma then planted Dragon with a stalling vertical suplex for a two count, before attempting to lock on the Python Vise (Anaconda Vise) submission but the Super Junior Champion was able to scramble to the ropes.


Dragon then rocked Inokuma with the rolling wheel kick/palm strike combo but then found Inokuma a little too big to lift up for the Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver) before the 'Learning Lion' countered with a release belly to back suplex.


Inokuma then clotheslined Dragon out of the ring before keeping the pressure on with a flying fore-arm smash and then a scoop slam out on the floor. Inokuma rolled Dragon back in for a two count, before lifting Dragon back up to a vertical base. The 'Learning Lion' peppered Dragon with some fore-arm shots before whipping Dragon into the ropes to set up for the Sea-Change (Spinning Side Slam) but instead the 'Grand Pillar' was able to use the momentum for a cross-body block.


Inokuma kicked out at two, and then got Dragon in position to set up for the Kamikochi Suplex (Northern Lights Suplex) but the Super Junior Champion was able to block the attempt and then attempted to counter with a brainbuster....Inokuma then tried to counter back but Dragon was then able to plant Inokuma with a DDT.


The 'Grand Pillar' then applied the Dragon's Bite (Inverted Facelock Sleeper) but Inokuma was able to battle his way to his feet and back Dragon into the corner before raining in a series of back elbow shots. Inokuma then placed the dazed Dragon ont the top turnbuckle and set up for a superplex but Dragon was able to shake off the attempt and after a palm strike sent Inokuma back down to the mat, the Super Junior Champion then drilled the 'Learning Lion' with a Tornado DDT.


Inokuma kicked out at two, but the 'Grand Pillar' kept the pressure up with a rolling wheel kick/basement drop-kick combo before going for the Dragonsault (Springboard moonsault)......


It looked as though Inokuma was going to move out of the way in time, but Dragon still managed to connect and the impact must have still been enough as referee Ochida counted to three as the Super Junior champion emerged with the victory.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Horiuchi Inokuma [L] in 11:05 via pinfall (Dragonsault)

Rating: 63


Takayuki Balls: This had all the makings to be a good contest, and we booked it so that Inokuma-san was as competitive as possible without making it look as though Dragons-san was 'lucky' to win. Unfortunately these two had no 'chemistry' what so ever as opponents and their timing was all off- something that was highlighted by the botched finish to the match. On the grand scheme of things it does not matter all that much in terms of a push for Inokuma-san, as they are in different weight divisions and this can go down as a one off match that can be quickly forgotten about.


The opening few minutes see's the two sides engage one another in some hard hitting striking exchanges, with the Kuro-Nadeshiko team trying their best to take short-cuts but S.H.I.P shaking them off and firing right back. It's Koto Arato who makes the first real break through for his team, levelling Sairento with an Arato Lariat and then dumping the Kuro leader with a Gotch Suplex (Dead Lift German Suplex).....








Incognito dives in to make the save, but is quickly dispatched to the floor by Arato, but Sairento then gets a low blow in on Arato, whilst GUSHIKEN had referee Sugimura distracted. The 'Silent Reaper' then delivered a Kuro Stomp (surfboard curb stomp) to Arato before dragging 'Strong Dreamer' over to the Kuro corner.


Arato was then subjected to a facewash and then a double basement drop-kick but suddenly got an incredible burst of fighting spirit to take down both Sairento and Incognito with double clotheslines but was then levelled from behind by GUSHIKEN, who then planted Arato with a GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver)......






Both Nori and Yamawaki broke into the ring to make the save, but whilst Sugimura's back was turned in sending the S.H.I.P guys back to their corner the Kuro team combined to put the boots to Arato.....a blind tag was made and all of a sudden 'Strong Dreamer' found himself in the Silence (Pentagram Choke) submission of Sairento.


Arato just wouldn't give in though and managed to muster up the willpower to lift Sairento up and deliver a powerbomb into the turnbuckle, before collapsing onto the canvas. Arato did somehow get nearer to his corner and got the tag to Nori- but Sugimura did not see it!


An irate Nori and Yamawaki protested to Sugimiura, something that also didn't go un-noticed by Nori's number one fan 'Mr Referee, please take an eye-test!'


Incognito was back in taking down Arato with a basement drop-kick before heading up top...'El Pesadilla Hermosa' then went for a moonsault only for Arato to move out of the way, Incognito then managed to land on his feet but was then dumped with a release German suplex from 'Strong Dreamer' once again Arato made the tag out to Hiroto Nori and this time it did not go un-noticed.


Nori nailed Incognito with a springboard drop-kick and then took down 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a Tilt-A-Whirl before transitioning into the Yakisoba (Cross Arm Breaker).......


Incognito looked to be in excrutiating pain but luckily for him GUSHIKEN and Sairento were on hand to break up the submission. Yamawaki then tried to get into the ring, but all that did was divert Sugimura's attention and allow GUSHIKEN and Sairento to put the boots to Nori.


'Come on this ain't fair, don't let these bullies keep you down Nori-Chan!' screamed out Nori's overly enthusiastic female fan.


GUSHIKEN then lifted Nori up for the GUSHIKEN Firebomb (Thunder Fire Powerbomb) only for the S.H.I.P leader to fight off the attempt and counter with a springboard Tornado DDT. Nori however was then prevented from getting the tag out by Sairento, who nailed Nori with a Yakuza kick to the back of the head.


The Kuro-leader then appeared to be setting Nori up for the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster) only for 'Battle' to block the attempt and counter with the Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO)......


Nori got the tag to Yamawaki, who then planted the already dazed Sairento with the Sumida Bridge (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)......








Incognito broke into the ring to make the save but was quickly dispatched out of the ring by Koto Arato. Arato then lifted Sairento upon his shoulders as Yamawaki headed up top.......


Arato and Yamawaki then combined to deliver the Tokyo Wrecking Crew's signature double team move the Sky Tree (Doomsday Device) and then Hiroto Nori headed up top himself to come crashing down upon Sairento with the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press)








NO! referee Sugimura had been distracted by the sudden prescence of Chojiro Ono and the Salty Delinquents.....



Then all of a sudden Dark Wolf II snuck in and delivered and planted Hiroto Nori with the Howling Fury (Slingshot Powerbomb).....


'Get a grip, you old fool!' bemoaned Nori's number one fan.....



The rest of S.H.I.P then came out and chaotic brawling was now happening all around the ringside area. Meanwhile back in the ring GUSHIKEN nailed Yamawaki with a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash) and then planted 'Fearless' with a GUSHIKEN Firebomb (Thunderfire Powerbomb)......


Incognito then headed up top and came crashing down upon Yamawaki with the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton)......


Conveniently for Incognito and the rest of Kuro-Nadeshiko referee Sugimura suddenly only had eyes for what was happening in the ring and none of the extra activity going on at ringside.....








Kuro-Nadeshiko had stolen the win, and once again the crowd were left questioning Sugimura's competence as a referee. The announce team of Kogara and Saga were also questioning, whether or not there is something fishy going on with Sugimura, considering the amount of 'conveniently' favourable calls he has been making of late for Kuro-Nadeshiko.


Result: Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito [w] bt Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki [L] in 15:46 via pinfall (Susurro De La Muerte)

Rating: 82


Takayuki Balls: Crowd were HOT for this match, which combined some great action with some excellent in-ring storytelling. The chaotic finish did not take away from the match this time and actually added to the heat of the S.H.I.P- Kuro feud.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroto Nori: Once again Saireto you and your minions cannot beat us fair and square, but at Flowers of Hell, with New Solution alongside me, we will bring you and whichever two followers you have chosen to step into the cage with you down...and S.H.I.P will stand tall together.


Incognito (in spanish): I prove again, that I am the greatest.....I am one to earn victory and at Flowers of Hell I become Super Junior Champion!


The backstage interviewers then try to get a word with Sairento, about who else from Kuro-Nadeshiko will be stepping into the cage alongside him at Flowers of Hell, but all they are met with is deafening silence.



~Dangerous Obstacles-Act I'~

Match #7: Eikichi Minamoto vs Talisman


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EikichiMinamoto.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Talisman.jpg


Minamoto decides to engage Talisman in some chain wrestling to start with, but that favours the quicker Junior Division wrestler- who almost nabs a stunning early victory after the God Know's (Spinning Headscissors into a crucifix pin). That lead to 'Rumble Heart' heading out for a powder- it then looked like Talisman was going to take dive to the floor but he put the brakes on, before nailing Minamoto with a baseball slide.


Talsman then went to pitch Minamoto back into the ring, but 'Rumble Heart' managed to get in a cheap shot, before planting Talisman with a DDT on the apron to turn the match round in his favour. Minamoto then slowed the pace of the match down by working over the legs of Talisman and then looking to apply a Figure Four Leglock.


Talisman managed to scramble across to the ropes to force a rope-break but hobbled from having his legs worked over, he is then quickly nailed with a Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) by Minamoto- who then made a rather nonchalant cover for a two count.


'Rumble Heart' then lifted Talisman up for the Harima DDT (Double Arm DDT) but Talisman managed to fight his way out before stunning Minamoto with an Enziguri. The Junior Tag champion then followed that up by planting Minamoto with a springboard inverted DDT.


That got a two count before Talisman headed up top, but before the 'Second Coming' could take flight, Minamoto was back to his feet. Talisman then tried for a Tornado DDT but that was blocked by the Heavyweight Championship contender and countered into a front-suplex.


Minamoto then scooped Talisman upon his shoulders, possibly to set up for Gurugu Mawaru (Airplane Spin Samoan Drop) but before he could deliver it, Talisman countered with a crucifix bomb for a two count.


Minamoto managed to kick out and then regained control by peppering Talisman with some fore-arm smashes, before following that up with a tri-fecta of snap suplexes for a two count. 'Rumble Heart' then decided to take a leaf out of his opponents book and head for the top-rope but that wasn't Minamoto's comfort zone and Talisman was able to recover.....


The 'Second Coming' then tried to bring Minamoto crashing back in with a hurracanrana but that was blocked by Minamoto who then had Talisman in position for an Avalanche Powerbomb only for that to be countered into the Higurashi! (Front Flip Facebuster).......








Somehow Minamoto managed to kick out of that. Undettered Talisman headed up top and then came crashing down upon 'Rumble Heart' with the Golden Idol (Shooting Star Press) only for Minamoto to get the knees up.


As they both then staggered back up to their feet, Minamoto nailed Talisman with the Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) before following up with the Ode To Eri (Cradle Brainbuster).........








Talisman had put up a strong challenge, but in the end Minamoto proved too strong for his fellow Guardian.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Talisman [L] in 13:51 via pinfall (Ode to Eri)

Rating: 75


Takayuki Balls: Decent competitive match between two talented workers, but I get the feeling the crowd were maybe a little burned out from the previous match.



~Dangerous Obstacles Act II~

Match #8: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Zodiac


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyotaruIchigawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Zodiac.jpg


Zodiac and Ichigawa make a point of shaking one anothers hand before the match as a show of respect. They circle one another for a bit and then lock up, Ichigawa tries to take Zodiac down to the mat but 'Innovations God' slips out and then nails Ichigawa with a basement drop-kick to the face. Zodiac sends Ichigawa reeling with some kick combinations and then after ducking a clothesline goes for a springboard Enziguri only for Ichigawa to duck out of the way and then go for the Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick), Zodiac ducks under that and then takes Ichigawa off his vertical base with another basement drop-kick, before deciding to head up top.....


Ichigawa rises back to his feet but gets nailed with a missile drop-kick and is then taken down with the Escaflowne (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Bomb Pin).....








Ichigawa kicks out, but Zodiac manages to maintain control connecting with a roundhouse kick before synching in the Twelve Signs (Crossface/Cloverleaf Combo) on Ichigawa......


Fortunately though for Ichigawa ring positioning was in his favour and he was able to scramble to the ropes. Zodiac however remained in control and connected with a drop-kick that sent Ichigawa out to the floor. Zodiac then appeared to be going for the no hands somersault plancha but then put the brakes on, but then went for a double jump moonsault press......


However Ichigawa caught Zodiac and countered into a sideslam. The Heavyweight Champion then pitched Zodiac back into the ring and went for the cover......






Zodiac kicked out, but Ichigawa remained in control and delivered an over the knee back breaker to the Junior Tag champion, before following up with a delayed vertical suplex.......


That got another two count for Ichigawa, who then whipped Zodiac into the ropes and set up for the Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) but once again Zodiac had the move well scouted, ducking under and then sliding out from under the apron....But as Zodiac set up for a springboard move, Ichigawa cut 'Innovations God' off with a fore-arm smash and then brough Zodiac back in the hard way with a suplex.


Ichigawa then set up for the Dragon Suplex....Zodiac tried to fight his way out but Ichigawa held firm and eventually tossed Zodiac overhead......


Only for Zodiac to land on his feet and then rock Ichigawa with a leaping kick, but Ichigawa shook it off and then finally nailed Zodiac with the Decapitator.......








Zodiac kicked out but was then turned over into a cloverleaf submission by Ichigawa.......


The Heavyweight champion had the submission hold locked on right in the middle of the ring and Zodiac looked to be in deep trouble......


Referee Sugimura checked to see if Zodiac was ready to give up.........


But the Junior Tag champion, though looking on the verge of tapping wasn't about to give up hope of winning this match and he mustered up the fighting spirit to drag himself and Ichigawa across the ring and force the rope-break.


Ichigawa remained in control and set up for the Chugoku Spike (Cradle Piledriver) but Zodiac managed to wriggle free, land on the apron and then stagger Ichigawa with an apron Enziguri before delivering a springboard leg-lariat. Zodiac then decided to head up top, but Ichigawa was able to get back to his feet, however Zodiac was quick to react and lept off before catching the Heavyweight Champion in the Flame Haze (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Arm Bar)......


The excrutiating pain caused by the submission hold was etched into Ichigawa's face, but somehow the Heavyweight champion managed to fight through it, rise up to his feet and counter with a suplex, causing Zodiac to release the hold....


Ichigawa was unable to follow up with any sort of cover and when he rose back to his feet he was rocked with a leaping kick from Zodiac, who then took Ichigawa back down to his knees with a basement drop-kick.....Zodiac then waited for Ichigawa to return to his feet, before delivering a boot into the mid-section and then setting up for the Zodiac Sniper '98 (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb) but Ichigawa was able to hold firm and attemtped to counter back into a powerbomb of his own only for his arm to give way.....


Zodiac then rocked Ichigawa with a gamengiri and swept the legs out from underneath the Heavyweight Champion before going out onto the apron to deliver Another Universe (Springboard 450 Splash)........


But Ichigawa was able to get the knees up !


And when Zodiac staggered back up to his feet he was met with a fore arm-smash from Ichigawa who then planted Zodiac with a Dragon Suplex........








Zodiac managed to kick out, though it may well have been that Ichigawa did not have full control of the bridge observed color commentator Tadashi Saga.


Ichigawa then tried to set up for the Chugoku Spike (Cradle Piledriver) but once again the left arm that Zodiac had placed in the Flame Haze gave out. 'Innovations God' then swept Ichigawa's legs out again and then headed for the top turnbuckle.


But Ichigawa managed to rise back to his feet and cut Zodiac off from taking flight.....Zodiac then tried to shake Ichigawa off, but the Heavyweight champ held firm and sent 'Innvotions God' crashing back in with a superplex......


'White Light' then connected with a Decaptitator (Running Bicyle Kick) before lifting Zodiac up for the Chugoku Spike (Cradle Piledriver)......


This time Ichigawa was able to fight through the pain in his arm and drill Zodiac into the canvas.....








Zodiac shows great fighting spirit himself by kicking out but then immediately gets turned over into a Cloverleaf. Ichigawa has the submission hold locked on right in the middle of the ring and with not much fight left.....Zodiac see's no other option but to tap out!


Both Ichigawa and Minamoto were given tough examinations by their opponents, prior to their showdown at Flowers of Hell, but both came through with the victory.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] bt Zodiac [L] in 20:18 via submission (Cloverleaf)

Rating: 81


Takayuki Balls: Excellent main event, it wasn't quite able to steal the show over the S.H.I.P/Kuro six man but this was a smartly wrestled match, with Zodiac-san forcing Ichigawa-san to bring something 'new' out of his arsenal to defeat him.



Post match Eikichi Minamoto then comes out to congratulate Ichigawa on his victory with mocking applause, before stepping into the ring...Minamoto has a microphone in his hand but then drops it, feeling that the time for talking is obviously done with, he then gets in Ichigawa's face, retaining a smug smirk on his face, but Ichigawa does not waiver and just stares Minamoto down.


Before they erupt however, some guys in DIASPORA T-shirts get between them before they come to blows.


Rating: 78


Takayuki Balls: It's a tried and tested formula, the post match staredown but the crowd lapped it up and it really brought home, that there match for the Heavyweight Championship, is about more than just the title.



Overall: 78


Takayuki's Final Verdict: This was a solid final regular tour show, before the Flowers of Hell PPV on Sunday with good build for the Ichigawa/Minamoto and Kuro- S.H.I.P cage match main events.

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Flowers of Hell-Update


Despite not being able to get a word from the ever-silent Sairento about who else from Kuro-Nadeshiko would represent them alongside the 'Silent Reaper' in the Mascara contra Caballera Cage Escape match, during Thursday's show in Nagoya, details have now emerged who will be lining up alongside him.....



It has to be said Sairento's decision to choose trusted veteran Tian Long to step into the cage comes as no surprise, though the other member of the trio was always up in the air, with senior members such as Incognito and GUSHIKEN already tied up with competing for/defending championship's at Flowers of Hell. Some even thought that Kuro-Nadeshiko may have had a mystery member up their sleeve considering the delay in the announcement of their particpants alongside their leader Sairento. It seems though that Sairento now trusts Dark Wolf II enough to get the job done inside the cage and feels that the 'Howling Menace' can rise to the challenge in what will be his biggest match yet inside a DIASPORA ring.


However the DIASPORA match makers have also decided to put a further twist on the match, that will test the teamwork and loyalties of members on both the S.H.I.P and Kuro-Nadeshiko side....Whilst the unfortunate loser will be forced to remove their mask (anyone from Kuro) or have their head shaved bald (anyone from S.H.I.P) everyone who manages to escape the cage will be guaranteed a Super Junior title shot.

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DIASPORA- Effective Line: Episode 4

Theme Tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxEqRpsaEF8


Episode 4 of DIASPORA-Effective Line brings you action from the 6th March show from the Nagasaki Arena and the 8th March show at the Hiroshima Sports Park.


Action from Nagasaki is a six man tag between the Guardians trio of Hyotaru Ichigawa and the Junior tag champs of Zodiac and Talisman up against Kuro-Nadeshiko's Sairento, Incognito and GUSHIKEN, along with a Junior Division singles clash between Tian Long and Shintaro Hideki.


Hiroshima see's the Ichigawa/Whispered trio back in action yet again but this time their challenge is in the form of S.H.I.P's Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato and Koto Arato. Further action from Hiroshima see's a tension filled heavyweight tag match between ShimiKuma and the Guardians duo of Eikichi Minamoto and Taheji Ebisawa and a Junior tag team match between the devious Salty Delinquents and the unpredictable MOE! MONEY!


Nagasaki show: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1815851&postcount=349


Hiroshima show: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1821853&postcount=364

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Peaceful Reflections Of An Unexpected Bookerman



My first tour as the head booker of DIASPORA was almost at and end, just one more show go. And though it was a role that was somewhat strangely thrust upon me, I must say I have enjoyed the challenge even if just about everyone I have met seems to have several screws loose and that includes the man who employed me Prime Dragon. Anyone who thinks that a man who wears a mask 24-7, is normal, can't be normal themselves and yet though it seems I am deriding this weirdness that surrounds me, I have also gotten used to it. The big question is, would I return to my relatively normal life from before...the answer to that is Hell No!


But here I was back where it all began, Dotonbori, Osaka. Flowers of Hell was going to take place at the Osaka City Arena and it seemed fitting that the final show of the tour was going to be back in my hometown and the place where I was offered this job during an unforgettably strange encounter with Prime Dragon, Zodiac and briefly Hiroto Nori who had to rush back to his girlfriend (a girlfriend I would soon learn to be the dangerously obsessive Mio Mio). I couldn't help thinking back to that fateful day as I chomped down a bowl of Ramen, in the very restaurant that they met me...Kinyru. I also couldn't help thinking that if Nori-san had been with me then he would have probably already been on his tenth bowl- it truly defies logic how much a man of his relatively slender size can put away into his stomach- which must be the intestinal equivalent of the tardis.


After finishing up my bowl of Ramen, I headed back to my flat in Den Den Town. Though my flat was a modest and pokey space, it would be nice to get back there for a bit. You're on the road alot in this job and it really makes you appreciate your own bed and just your own surroundings in general.


Well I thought I was going to have a nice peaceful day to relax before the Flowers of Hell event the next day, when suddenly my intercom was rung......


'Hello is that Taku-Chan' said a high pitched girly voice




Oh come on, it's me!




Momo Nyan-Nyan!!


Great, just great.......

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Result: Chojiro Ono [w] & Dark Wolf II bt Aki Shimizudani [L] & Shiki Hirasi in 4:34 via pinfall


Lousy match but we predicted that as easily as we predicted the winners.


Result: Hideaki Kasuse [w] & Kohei Hidaka vs ??? and ??? II [L] in 7:39 via pinfall (Roll With It)


I'm surprised they didn't enter as Xtinction 2.0 and 3.0. I wonder who the new guys are.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Xtinction [L] in 7:22 via pinfall (Hustle To The Top)


Surprisingly good rating, maybe because it wasn't a squash.


Result: Hiro Date [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] + Taheji Ebisawa + Yachi Kotara in 8:05 via pinfall (Rejection II)


Space filler mostly. The only real interest was if Ebisawa was ready to make a big step up or not. Not, as it turns out.


Result: Junichi Matsuo drew with Meido Machine in 10:15 (Double Count-Out)


Um, ok. Minor league feud with Wolfe finally getting some time again. But his involvement seemingly dooms Matsuo, which means we may finally get to see Neko-Matsuo (nyan!)


that he has good reason to want to be as irriated with you, as I am.


Yeah, keeping working on the promos, Matsuo. Try 'He has as much reason to hate you as I do!'. More dancing, less talking.


None of the Kuro trio were able to break free, so referee Sugimura saw no other choice but to call for the bell, when Spider tapped out to Hideki.

Poor Sugimura, he's going to hear about that later.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Horiuchi Inokuma [L] in 11:05 via pinfall (Dragonsault)


Big write up for a fairly meh rating. Also more even than I expected. I wonder how much of the rating was bad chemistry and how much was Inokuma.


Result: Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito [w] bt Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki [L] in 15:46 via pinfall (Susurro De La Muerte)


Wow, why wasn't this the main event? You have champions and title contenders, Nori and Super Porky. Outside interference, brawling at ringside. Great, highly competative action in the ring And Sugimura refining his evil referee skills to new highs. No real storyline advancement, except maybe Incognito building up for his title match.


The announce team of Kogara and Saga were also questioning, whether or not there is something fishy going on with Sugimura, considering the amount of 'conveniently' favourable calls he has been making of late for Kuro-Nadeshiko.


Let alone where his new car came from. But I'm biased, I like the occasional evil ref gimmick.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Talisman [L] in 13:51 via pinfall (Ode to Eri)


A decent match but I hoped for more. Not only was I burned out after the previous match, but I expected more of an ego fueled clash of one ups man ship. Obviously that's not in the cards right now as Minamoto-sama prepares for his next big title shot. That really needs to be his name now. Minamoto-sama. It has a ring to it, and not only because the Minamoto clan controlled the Kamakura Shogunate back in the day.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] bt Zodiac [L] in 20:18 via submission (Cloverleaf)

Zodiac and Ichigawa make a point of shaking one anothers hand before the match as a show of respect.


I was hoping to see this.


Good match overall, excellent action without any real storyline distractions. Not much emotion/hate but plenty of competative fire and I am looking forward to Minamoto-sama vs sour old Ichigawa.

Momo Nyan-Nyan!!


Great, just great.......



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Curiosities Dangerous Wish


How the hell did that girl know that I was going to be in Osaka, and more worringly how the hell did she know my home address. Hideki-san has alot to answer for- well there is one way I can think of punishing him.


And why is it that ever person of the fairer sex that crosses my path these days is an absolute loon- it was bad enough having to deal with psycho girlfriend incarnate Mio Mio ( thankfully not my girlfriend, though I must admit with that rocking body of hers I wasn't the least surprised that Nori-san would have been tempted to taste that poisoned fruit), but now in the last month this kooky girl with an annoying penchant for talking as though she is a cat has also entered into my life. Well I suppose to be fair Dragon-san's lovely wife Misaki is pretty normal....then again she is blissfully married to a man who never removes his mask.... so NOT NORMAL AT ALL!!!


There was of course a big part of me that wanted to tell her to bugger off, and leave me in peace but I felt like I just couldn't turn the Cat-girl away...it's like I knew if I'd turn her away this time, she would just keep coming back until she had finally found this Wrestler that smelt of sunflowers. To be honest call it my own curiosity taking over from common-sense, I wanted to find out who the hell this guy was too, yet alone the cute but screwy girl waiting for my response at the other end of the intercom.....

'OK come on up I said' - I wasn't even going to ask how she got this address, I wasn't even going to waste the energy, coming to the realisation that the sooner I helped Momo bleeding Nyan-Nyan, the sooner she could step out of my life and I'd have one less crazy chick to deal with.


Yay!! I knew you'd come through Taku-chan


When I opened my door to Momo Nyan Nyan, due to the extended cold snap we were experiencing late into March she was dressed in a winter coat and as to be expected the ever present cat ears also adored her head. Now I must admit she did look rather cute and if I were half my age, she would be a fine catch- I'd probably even be prepared to put up with her annoying habit of adding nyan-nyan to virtually all her sentences.

This is a nice place you have here Taku-chan......


Really?- who was she trying to kid. I mean yeah it's my space and I was glad to be crashing out here, but I'd hardly come up with the term nice space, and then she came out with.....


Please let me stay the night here, come on please nyan-nyan!


Fantastic- this was turning even more awkward than I had originally envisaged....

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Result: Chojiro Ono [w] & Dark Wolf II bt Aki Shimizudani [L] & Shiki Hirasi in 4:34 via pinfall


Lousy match but we predicted that as easily as we predicted the winners.


I had to laugh at your the crowd loses whatever the outcome prediction for that match. I can think actually think of a worse match than this one though Ono vs Shimizudani- do I dare book that at some point just to see how terrible it would be?:p


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Horiuchi Inokuma [L] in 11:05 via pinfall (Dragonsault)


Big write up for a fairly meh rating. Also more even than I expected. I wonder how much of the rating was bad chemistry and how much was Inokuma.


I believe that the stinky rating for this one, had more to do with the awful chemistry than Inokuma. I don't think it would be an 80 or anything round that without the bad chemistry, but I was hopeful for somewhere around the low to mid 70's for this one.



Result: Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito [w] bt Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki [L] in 15:46 via pinfall (Susurro De La Muerte)


Wow, why wasn't this the main event? You have champions and title contenders, Nori and Super Porky. Outside interference, brawling at ringside. Great, highly competative action in the ring And Sugimura refining his evil referee skills to new highs. No real storyline advancement, except maybe Incognito building up for his title match.


Looking back I really should have gone with the six man as the main event, but I suppose I just wanted to do something different to the usual faction warfare tag in the main event slot.


Momo Nyan-Nyan!!


Great, just great.......




Great find with the pic....


That girl would so be Momo Nyan-Nyan :D

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Will the Real Momo Nyan- Nyan Please Stand Up!


Now if Momo Nyan-Nyan turning up here to my flat wasn't in my plans for the day, her wanting to stay here definitely wasn't. I was thinking of ways to break it to her that she couldn't stay, when she shot me THAT look, bringing her hands up like cat paws......


It's though THAT look/pose had some kind of magical powers that had brought me under her spell, because instead of saying no, I ended up coming out with.....


'Fine, but just for one night...you can stay, on the ....no you better have my bed, I'll kip on the floor for the night!'


'Taku-Chan you're the best nyan-nyan', was her excitable response, whilst a bit of me was dying inside at the realisation that not only had I decided to let the irritatingly cute girl stay the night at my place but I had also given up my bed for her and would be forced to endure an uncomfortable night on the floor.


I was starting to wonder, if this Sunflower Wrestler was a figment of her imagination and that she wasn't just scarily infatuated with me.....in some ways though I would be flattered by such attention but I would just not be prepared to deal with the consequences should her father find out and that's when it came out.....


'You know this wrestler who smells of Sunflowers that I'm searching for, well the honest truth is.....I think he may be my father.'


I mean why didn't she just come out and say she was looking for her father in the first place. She continued on though, in a somewhat sombere tone. That was the strange thing about this girl, 95% of time she would keep up this cutesy act but every often this more vunerable/delicate side would come through- as though the mask had slipped and the real Momo had seaped through....


'I've not seen him since I were four years old, and I'm not sure how I would react when I meet him, but I have to meet him and I think I have a good idea who it is now....I can't run away from this anymore I have to confront him.'


I don't think I needed to tell her that we had a show the next day at the Osaka City Arena....I just pleaded with her to confront her father after the show.


Question is just whose daughter is she and why did he apparently smell of sunflowers.


'Oh I remember he used to grow sunflowers nyan-nyan'


As quick as that 'the mask' had returned but I get the feeling that deep down Momo was somewhat angry with her father and that this act of her's was a way of dealing with the years of pent up frustration at the way this man (a man I had worked alongside for the past three months apparently) had abandoned Momo and her mother.

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Official Preview - DIASPORA- Flowers of Hell


Osaka City Arena, Osaka, Kansai

Sunday 26th March 2012


DIASPORA present the climax of their Full Metal Panic! Tour the 'Flowers of Hell' supershow from the Osaka City Arena and on PPV with PPV Japan.





~Extreme Resonance~

Final (No Time Limit): Six Way Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape:

Dark Wolf II (Kuro-Nadeshiko) vs Hiroto Nori (S.H.I.P) vs Kotei Yamato (S.H.I.P) vs Sairento (Kuro-Nadeshiko) vs Shintaro Hideki (S.H.I.P) vs Tian Long (Kuro-Nadeshiko)



vs ____________________ vs



Flowers of Hell's main event is not a match about championships but one of both personal and collective pride, as six combatants, three each from the S.H.I.P and Kuro-Nadeshiko factions step into the steel cage to put their hair or mask on the line. The last one left in the cage will be forced to remove their mask or have their head shaved.


The seeds for this match were sown, when after Kuro-Nadeshiko were victorious in a loser leaves unit match over The Guardians of DIASPORA, Hiroto Nori still feeling his rivalry with Sairento was unresolved made the challenge to the Kuro-leader. Feeling however that a straight singles contest would see Sairento call upon his fellow Kuro members to interfere, Nori suggested the Mascara Contra Caballera Cage match, knowing that putting his and fellow S.H.I.P members Hideki and Yamato's own hair at risk would be enough to tempt Sairento into the challenge. It wasn't until recently that Sairento named the two that would step into the cage with him Tian Long and Dark Wolf II and some are wondering if Sairento has complete trust with the pair he has chosen to fight alongside him. Though with the additional knowledge that anyone who escapes the cage will be granted a shot at the Super Junior Championship on the next tour, surely teamwork and loyalties will be tested on both sides.




~ Burn Brighter, Shine Stronger ~

Semi Final (60 Min Limit): Heavyweight Championship:

Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto (Guardians of DIASPORA) -V10 Defence



Hyotaru Ichigawa succesfully defended the Heavyweight Championship against Minamoto one month ago at Pro Wrestling Festival, but that has not stopped Minamoto in his pursuit of the title. And whilst things were heated before between these two (now former) stable mates, they have become even more intense especially since the last Bunkyo Hall show, where Minamoto appeared to turn on Ichigawa in the loser leaves unit match between the Guardians and Kuro-Nadeshiko, to effectively kick Ichigawa out of the Guardians unit.


This a match where both competitors will be hugely motivated, Minamoto will be motivated by coming up short in his last challenge in his continued pursuit of the title, whilst Ichigawa will be motivated not only by defending his title but also by exacting revenge on Minamoto for his role in costing Ichigawa his spot in the Guardians- question is will be an overly fired up and emotional Ichigawa actually work in Minamoto's favour?



~I Am The Superior ~

Match 5 (60 Min Time Limit): Junior Championship:

Prime Dragon (Guardians of DIASPORA) vs Incognito (Kuro-Nadeshiko) - V5 Defence



Prime Dragon saw off the double challenge of Hiroto Nori and Sairento at Pro Wrestling Festival and then successfully defended the title against Tian Long. Dragon now faces the challenge of Long's tag partner Incognito who defeated (albeit in somewhat nefarious fashion) S.H.I.P leader Hiroto Nori to earn this title shot.


Confident, many would say unbearably arrogant in his abilities- Incognito hasn't quite been able to climb to the very top of the mountain in DIASPORA but he has the skill and cunning to provide a very difficult challenge for the veteran champion. Will Incognito finally grab singles championship gold here in DIASPORA or will Prime Dragon find a way to bring his ageing body over the line and once again successfully defend the Super Junior Title



~ Bite What You Can Chew~

Match 4 (45 Min Limit): 3 way for the All Asia Tag Team Championship:

'Udon Noodle Killers'- GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono (Kuro-Nadeshiko) vs 'Tokyo Wrecking Crew'- Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date (S.H.I.P) vs

'Team Ganbatte!!''- Koto Arato & Go Takashi (S.H.I.P)- V1 Defence






At March's Bunkyo Hall show the S.H.I.P pairings of the Tokyo Wrecking Crew and Team Ganbatte!! faced each other in a contenders match for the All Asia Tag Team titles, only for the defending champions the Udon Noodle Killers to interfere in the match and cause a no-contest draw. It was however a tactic that would backfire on the super heavyweight Kuro-Nadeshiko duo, as the DIASPORA Championship comittee ruled that they would make their first title defence against both of, not just one of the S.H.I.P teams at Flowers of Hell.


Will the Tokyo Wrecking Crew avenge their loss to the UNK at Pro Wrestling Festival and regain the titles, or will the recently formed but fast rising pairing of Team Ganbatte emerge as new champions or can the Udon Noodle Killers overcome the odds stacked against them and make a successfull first defence of the All Asia Tag team titles.



~Expand Net, New Challenge Alert~

Match 3 (45 Min Limit): Open Challenge match for the Junior Tag Team Championship:

'Whispered'- Zodiac & Talisman (Guardians of DIASPORA) vs TBA & TBA



Since winning the Junior Tag Team Championship at Neon Genesis Evolution, the exciting pairing of Zodiac and Talisman, collectively known as Whispered have seen of the challenges from some of DIASORA's best Junior Tag Team teams including former champions New Solution, IMPERIOUS and the potential banana-skin of the bizarre MOE! MONEY!...this has led to the champions issuing a challenge to any Junior Heavyweight tag team from around the world to step up at Flowers of Hell and challenge for the titles.


Just who will Whispered's opponents be and do they have what it takes to dethrone the impressive champions.


~ Don't Call Me Marty! ~

Match 2 (20 Min Limit): No DQ Match:

Aki Shimiuzdani vs Horiuchi Inokuma



After weeks of making his feelings known that the felt Shimizudani was a weak link that was holding him back Horiuchi Inokuma turned on his tag partne and then after using illegal tactics soundly beat Shimiuzdani in a match between the pair. Inokuma's betrayal and nefarious win over Shimizudani, seems to have lit a fire under the man they call 'S-Pulse' who has insisted on this rematch under No DQ rules against his former partner. Can Shimizudani even the score and go some way to proving Inokua wrong or will the 'Learning Lion' prove his superiority over his former tag partner.


~ Shall We Dance, Break the Maid Dream Spell?~

Match 1 (20 Min Limit): Tag Team Challenge:

MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe



Junichi Matsuo has looked quite impressive since coming into DIASPORA, the only problem is- he can't seem to buy a win, something that has caught the attention of MOE! MONEY! who feel it is there duty to provide the allies that Matsuo is looking for- thing is 'Sexy Zone' doesn't seem to keen on reciprocating the feelings and in fact has convinced himself that MOE! MONEY's! interest in his matches has been a major contributerary factor in his lack of success thus far.


After a singles loss to HUSTLE and a double count-out draw with Meido Machine, Matsuo challenged MOE! MONEY! to a tag match, alongside a man who contributed to costing him a win over Meido- the identity confused Hunter Wolfe, Matsuo feeling that Wolfe who has often been turning up as Fuku Machine, is under some bizarre influence by MOE! MONEY! and by tagging alongside him and defeating MOE! MONEY! he can help break the 'spell' and for Wolfe to fully return to his normal self. MOE! MONEY! accepted the challenge but on one condition, if Matsuo/Wolfe lose they must heed guidance and advice from them.


Match 0 (15 Min Limit): 4 Corners Tag:

The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Yachi Kotara & Xtinction


This is a bonus match not on the PPV broadcast for the live crowd in attendance.




Prediction's Form


Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape: Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Sairento vs Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long *


* For this match the winner is somewhat irrelevant, choose who you think will be the one unable to escape the cage and be forced to de-mask or be shaved bald at the end of the show.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto


Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs ??? vs ???*


* Who are Whispered's Mystery Challengers?


No DQ: Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe


The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Yachi Kotara & Xtinction


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Prediction's Form


Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape: Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Sairento vs Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long *


My guess is that Tian Long is retiring, and this is a way to send him out in a main event match.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto


Ichigawa has had a good run, but I think it's time for him to drop the title.


Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito


Should be a good match, but I think Prime Dragon will retain.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


This is only their first defence, so I think the Udon Noodle Killers can steal a win here.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs ??? vs ???*


The mystery guys lost to the forgotten, so they aren't winning here.


* Who are Whispered's Mystery Challengers?


Ebi Kadivar and Paul Crowley? They're about the only tag team that would really be available and worth signing.


No DQ: Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Inokuma has potential, while Shimizudani probably won't be back next tour.


ShimiKuma (Shimizudani & Inokuma) vs Team Ganbatte! (Arato & Takashi)


...What? I don't think this match is supposed to be here.


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe


Wolfe never wins.


The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Yachi Kotara & Xtinction


To be honest it doesn't really matter who wins this match.

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