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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution

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Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape: Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Sairento vs Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto


Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs ??? vs ???*


* Who are Whispered's Mystery Challengers? The Ambassador's Club Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley


No DQ: Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe

The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Yachi Kotara & Xtinction

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Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape: Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Sairento vs Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long *


* For this match the winner is somewhat irrelevant, choose who you think will be the one unable to escape the cage and be forced to de-mask or be shaved bald at the end of the show.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto


Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs ??? vs ???*


* Who are Whispered's Mystery Challengers?


No DQ: Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe


The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Yachi Kotara & Xtinction

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Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape: Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Sairento vs Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long *


* For this match the winner is somewhat irrelevant, choose who you think will be the one unable to escape the cage and be forced to de-mask or be shaved bald at the end of the show.


I agree with Tiberious4 about Long being likely the one who loses mask and possibly because he is retiring. I wonder if your stable shake-up will include Kuro and S.H.I.P too as both this and the three way tag title match look like matches that could possibly cause tension in either/both groups. My guess is that Wolf is the one causing tension here as he can hardly rise much further in Kuro with Sairanto and Incognito (and Long if he isn´t retiring) above him so he would benefit from a move to elsewhere espesially if there will be a new stable which currently looks quite likely in my opinion.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto

You are doing good job with Minamoto as I actually want him to lose but unfortunately there isn´t much fresh match-ups left for Ichigawa so it´s time for a change.


Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito

Incognito did a good job of getting this title shot over Zodiac, Sairento and Nori but I doubt that you would put the belt on him yet. I mean he is already having ego problems so it just doesn´t look like a good idea.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)

Interesting to see how this one works out as there is big potential problem for S.H.I.P here. Still I don´t see Killers losing the titles yet so they make successful defense this time.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs RIKU & Toson Soseki*


* Who are Whispered's Mystery Challengers?

I don´t see new team getting the titles this quickly. No idea about new guys but while Kadivar and Crowley would be safe bets they have been seen in almost every diary so I go with something else and pick RIKU & Toson Soseki instead.


No DQ: Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma

I guess that this will end here and Inokuma seems to be the one who have future in DIASPORA so he picks the win.


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe

I guess we might have another stable forming here but it isn´t the one I was talking earlier.


The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Yachi Kotara & Xtinction

I would like to pick Forgotten but I´m guessing that Kuro jobber pair actually has the edge here. Ebisawa and Mitsubishi has a shot too but I think that their lack of tag experience comes back to haunt them.

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* Who are Whispered's Mystery Challengers?

I don´t see new team getting the titles this quickly. No idea about new guys but while Kadivar and Crowley would be safe bets they have been seen in almost every diary so I go with something else and pick RIKU & Toson Soseki instead.


It won't be RIKU, he's a Light Heavyweight so he would exceed the weight restrictions for the Junior Heavyweight tag titles. Anyone up to 'Middleweight' in the Thunderverse is eligible.


On a more general note, I'm aiming to have the show up for next weekend, so anyone who does feel like predicting- has till them to get them in.

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Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape: Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Sairento vs Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long *


If I were booking I'd go with the choice that causes the most drama. Nori. Just imagine his reaction. And Mio's! But if we're trying to push SHIP jobbing Nori again isn't the best way to go. Sairento is too tired to his mask and gimmick. Revealing that he's a wrinkled man who's losing his grey hair won't do much for his intimidation. So I'll join the crowd and guess Long. Anyone else losing would be meaningless.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto

Minamoto is entertaining. And if he loses then Ichigawa will have beaten him twice and Arato, what, three times? I don't see any challengers coming up so it's time for a change. Besides, a title change will only add to the hatred.


Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito


Should be a great match, though.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


I foresee much outside interference and Sugimura earning his pay. And the extra money KURO is slipping to him as well.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs ??? vs ???*


Tiger rarely gives a win to ?'s. So unless he found so really big stars Whispered keep the belts.


No DQ: Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


The real question, does Shimi have a role ijn the company after this?

MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe


And we'll see the return of Fuku Hunter and the debut of Matsuo Neko Neko Nyan! It's also worth noting that in the US dressing up in a catgirl outfit for Halloween is fun. But ending every sentance with Nyan! annoys people quickly.


The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Yachi Kotara & Xtinction


KURO jobbers need every win they can get.

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Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape: Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori vs Kotei Yamato vs Sairento vs Shintaro Hideki vs Tian Long *


* I'll stick with the common prediction and go with Long to unmask.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto


Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Incognito


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs ??? vs ???*


* Don't know the Tverse quite well enough to guess with any degree of education.


No DQ: Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe


The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Yachi Kotara & Xtinction

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It won't be RIKU, he's a Light Heavyweight so he would exceed the weight restrictions for the Junior Heavyweight tag titles. Anyone up to 'Middleweight' in the Thunderverse is eligible.


Oops, I totally forgot about weight restrictions, guess that´s why I never put any into any title I have, I always forgot about them anyway. :o


Oh well, I would never get that one right anyway so I keep my prediction, maybe RIKU would get into diet that makes him get under the weight limit. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...


Flowers of Hell


Sunday 25th March 2012, Osaka City Arena, Osaka, Kansai (5,000-Super No Vacancy)


And Live on PPV with PPV Japan


Match 0: The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka) vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi vs Yachi Kotara & Xtinction


After a fairly extended 'feeling out process' between all four teams, things begin to 'break-down' round about the six minute mark...beginning with a Kohei Hidaka drop-kick to Kan Mitsubishi, that sent 'Fist of Granite' out to the floor and ended with Xtinction almost killing himself by over-shooting a springboard Shooting Star Press and ended up wiping out his own tag partner Yachi Kotara and landing in the crowd.


Somehow Xtinction ended up unscathed and he pitched Hideaki Kasuse into the ring, and went for a springboard move only for his own tag partner Kotara to pull him down off the apron bodyslam Xtinction onto some ring-steps before walking up the entrance ramp (one has to wonder if this becoming a theme for Kotara- random tag partners that piss him off).


Back in the ring Kasuse gets back to his feet but is then nailed with a Dozer (Spear) from Ebisawa.. Ebisawa however was then planted with the Bite and Bark (Running Bulldog) from Kohei Hidaka. Hidaka however was the blinded with Poison Mist and then nailed with a head-kick by Blood Spider Jr.


Kasuse was back in to break up the pin and then plant Spider with the Roll With It (Rolling Cutter) but was then levelled with the Power Punch from Kan Mitsubishi. However Terajima then sneaked in a Black Box Shot followed by a Soh The Seeds Of Tera (Forward Somersault Jawbreaker) to secure the victorty for the Salty Delinquents


Result: Soh Terajima [w] & Blood Spider Jr bt Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka + Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi [L] + Yachi Kotara & Xtinction in 10:38 via pinfall (Soh The Seeds of Tera)

Rating: 51


Takayuki Balls: It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't particularly great either and it probably went on too long considering the talent involved- then again it's a DIASPORA pre-show match so the fans should be atuned to the mediocrity by now.



Main Show (PPV Broadcast Begins)


The PPV kicks off as it always does with a brief history of the feuds that have lead to the matches for the pay per view, main focus is on the Kuro-Nadeshiko, S.H.I.P feud that has led to the six way Mascara Contra Caballera Cage match and the Heavyweight title showdown between Hyotaru Ichigawa and Eikichi Minamoto, highlighting that their feud has become about more than just being the 'champion'.




Then as is tradition for all DIASPORA pay per views- Hoshikuzu Kandelaar by Stereopony then kicks in and we get a full rundown of the PPV card.


Rating: 75




Meido Machine and HUSTLE Umiro just start randomnly dancing at the start of the match, but their opponents are in no mood for such 'nonsense' and attack MOE! MONEY! only for DIASPORA's strangest tag team to counter with stereo drop toe holds, followed by stereo leg-drops.


MOE! MONEY! then combine to take down Hunter Wolfe with their signature double team snap suplex








And then repeat the same to Junichi Matsuo for a two count. HUSTLE then plants Matsuo with the rolling firemans carry slam, before deciding to head up top but Wolfe gets a cheap shot in on the 'Ducker Diver' from the apron, allowing for Matsuo to recover and nail HUSTLE with a leaping Tornado Kick. Matsuo then brought HUSTLE crashing with a hurracanrana, before Wolfe then followed up with an X-Ploder suplex, before Matsuo followed up with a standing corkscrew moonsault for a two count.


Matsuo and Wolfe then worked over HUSTLE in their corner with Wolfe planting the 'Ducker Diver' with a German Suplex Hold for a two count. Matsuo was tagged back in and went up top before crashing down upon HUSTLE with the Heavy Rotation (450 Senton)......










Matsuo thought he had finally earned that elusive victory but HUSTLE had drawn strength from the Chocolate Parfait that Meido Machine had waiting for him. HUSTLE remained in trouble however and Matsuo began to set up for the J-Pop Powerplex (Twisting Falcon Arrow) but HUSTLE managed to block the attempt and then strike back with a lariat, before scooping Matsuo upon his shoulders and following up with a Death Valley Driver.


That lead to HUSTLE finally getting Meido back into the match. The 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' took Matsuo down with a double leg takedown and then immediately transitioned into the Moe Moe Clutch (Double Leg Nelson Pin).......








But Wolfe was on hand to break up the pin, and then plant Meido with a powerbomb before officially tagging back into the match. Wolfe then nailed Meido with the Hunting Strike (Discus Elbow Strike)..........








But Meido showed strong fighting spirit to kick out, which he needed to because HUSTLE was engrossed in eating his Chocolate Parfait. Wolf then tagged Matsuo back in and set up for an X-Ploder Suplex, whilst Matsuo looked to be going for a Tornado Kick....



Somehow though Meido still managed to throw up the Heart Symbol to cause the Moe-Time Time-Freeze.....


Meido then slipped out of Wolfe's clutches, and Matsuo ending up accidently nailing Wolfe with the Tornado kick. That then seemed to awaken 'Fuku Machine' who then bizarrely began a random J-Pop style dance routine in the middle of the ring......


Meido Machine then drop-kicked Matsuo out of the ring, before tagging HUSTLE back in, who then took Hunter Wolfe....errr Fuku Machine down with the Out-Hustled (Backslide Pin).......








But Wolfe had suddenly returned to his senses and kicked out, but then suddenly the match took a suprising twist when Junichi Matsuo slid back into the ring and then nailed Wolfe with another Tornado Kick......


A smile then came across Matsuo's face, as though he had come to the realisation 'if you can't beat them, join them'.......HUSTLE had then got the tag back into Meido Machine, who then headed up top.....


Shouted out M-M- Meido BEAAMMM!! and then nailed Hunter Wolfe with his signature Missile Drop-Kick......








MOE! MONEY! had emerged with the victory, though surprisingly it was Matsuo who ended up helping them to win and not due to Wolfe's identity issues.


Post match Matsuo shook MOE! MONEY!'s hands showing that the was fully on board with being associated with them. Hunter Wolfe then rose back to his feet and the fans wondered if the gaijin heavyweight was about to go berserk but, instead he took up Meido's offer to don a Sailor-Fuku and join in with a celebratory dance routine.





Result: Meido Machine [w] & HUSTLE Umiro bt Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe [L] in 9:40 via pinfall (Meido Beam)

Rating: 64


Takayuki Balls: By no means a wrestling classic and not one for the purists, but this was a fun way to start the show and the finish/post match antics may go down as one of the strangest ways for a stable to have formed in the history of wrestling- then again always expect the unexpected whenever MOE! MONEY's! involved.


Post Match Comments:


Junichi Matsuo: Truth is all this time I was battling myself, now I've opened my eyes- that's all Meido and HUSTLE were trying to do, and because I was so desperate to be taken 'seriously' I was at odds with them, but how the hell can I be taken seriously when I kept on losing. Hopefully I kicked some sense into Fuku Machine too, because here in DIASPORA it's obvious you need allies and that you're just a fool, if you don't have others to back you up round here.




Shimizudani confronts Inokuma on the entrance ramp and immediately lays into his partner. 'S-Pulse' is all over Inokuma like a rash in the early going and he tosses Inokuma into the ring-steps before pitching his former partner into the ring to officially start the match.


Shimiuzdani continues to dominate/out-brawl Inokuma and he connects with the Shimu-Lariat for a two count, before lining up for the Chin-Marker (Jumping Knee Strike) but Inokuma manages to side-step that before bailing out to the floor to re-group.


Shimizudani keen to keep the pressure steps out to the floor but Inokuma gets a cheap shot in and then goes to look for some plunder, he emerges with a kendo-stick but a recovered Shimizudani slams him into the ring-post instead. Shimizudani pitches Inokuma back into the ring, and then after thinking about going for a cover, decides to pick up the Kendo-stick instead. Inokuma begs off, Shimiuzdani takes a swing but misses and Inokuma manages to sneak in a low blow before rolling 'S-Pulse' up into small package.








Shimizudani kicks out and then regains some control with some fore-arm smashes, before planting Inokuma with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Shimizudani again thinks about going for the cover but once again picks up the Kendo-Stick intead, this time 'S-Pulse' gets a few shots in before tossing the stick aside......


But he still doesn't go for the cover and instead goes out of the ring and produces a table, he takes too long setting it up though, allowing for Inokuma to recover, pick up the Kendo-stick and get a few shots in one of his own....


'S-Pulse' shakes them off however and levels Inokuma with a Shimu-Lariat. Shimizudani then gets in a flurry of fore-arm smashes before propping a dazed Inokuma up against the table. 'S-Pulse' then lines up for a Chin-Marker (Jumping Knee) but Inokuma see's it coming and moves out of the way at the last split second and Shimizudani ends up colliding with the table.


Inokuma then planted Shimizudani with a Belly to Back suplex........








'S-Pulse' managed to kick out but then found himself entrapped in the Python Vise (Anaconda Vise)...Inokuma had the submission hold locked on right in the middle of the ring.....


Shimizudani tried to fight his way out of it but referee Ochida could see that he was fading fast.....


And after 'S-Pulse' failed to bring his arm up for a third time in succession, Ochid had no other choice but to call for the bell and declare Inokuma the winner.


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Aki Shimiuzdani [L] in 9:37 via submission (Python Vise)

Rating: 56


Takayuki Balls: And I think we can safely say that this total non starter of a feud is now (thankfully) over. I've got nothing personal against Shimizudani-san as a person but he's a boring wrestler who I doubt will be getting any better at the age of 35 and Inokuma-san has potential but is still somewhat 'green' and has plenty of room for improvement- so this match was about as good as it was ever going to be.


Post Match Comments:


Horiuchi Inokuma: Aki-Kun tagging you held me back because of your incompetence, everyone could see I was the star of ShimiKuma and I've proved it by beating your sorry ass twice in a row. Don't bother asking me for another match, because I want to face real competition here in DIASPORA....because have to beat you down all the time is holding me down as much as having carry you in our failure of a tag team.



~Expand Net, New Challenge Alert~

Match #3: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs

The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DIASPORA_JrTag.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DIASPORA_JrTag.jpg


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Zodiac.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Talisman.jpg


There's little suprise to who the mystery opponents were, former UPJ Junior Tag Division members The Ambassadors Club have been linked with finding their way to DIASPORA ever since it's inception and now it's eventually happened, question is can they make an immediate impact by beating the current Junior Tag champs.


Kavidar and Zodiac start out, they engage in some chain wrestling which Zodiac gets the better of until the 'High Sheik' takes control with a knee into Zodiac's mid-section. Kavidar turns it over to Crowley, and the gaijin pair continue to target Zodiac's mid-section using simply but effective offence such as whipping Zodiac into a knee lift. Zodiac however digs deep and hits a flying cross body on both of his opponents before looking to get the tag out.....


Kavidar prevents him from doing so, only for Zodiac to nail the 'High Sheik' with an Enziguri and get the tag out to Talisman anyway. Talisman takes down Kavidar with a spinning head-scissors and then sends an on-charging Crowley out of the ring with a drop-kick. Zodiac steps back into the ring and it looks as though Whispered are going to do stereo dives to the floor but they put the brakes on when they see The Ambassadors Club manouevre themselves out of harms way.


Things settle down with Talisman locking up with Crowley, Crowley tries to take things to the mat but the 'Second Coming' matches the 'New Prince of Old School' hold for hold much to the British wrestlers frustration. Crowley gets a bit more aggressive throwing in some fore-arm smashes, but Talisman weathers the storm and then takes down Crowley with the God Knows (Spinning Headscissors into a Crucifix Pin).....








That almost had Crowley down for three, but Kavidar was able to make the save. Kavidar then proved to be enough of a distraction for Crowley to get a cheap shot in from behind, that drew some protests from Zodiac but all that did was divert referee Sugmiura's attention away from The Ambassadors Club putting the boots to his partner.


The Ambassadors Club then looked to wear down Talisman in their corner, once again utilising the Irish whip into a knee lift combo, and also bringing out an over the knee backbreaker from Crowley followed by a second rope diving knee drop from Kavidar. The 'High Sheik' then applied the Magic Carpet (Camel Clutch Surfboard) but the 'Second Coming' managed to dig deep and make it to the ropes.


Crowley stepped back in, but he obviously hadn't done his scouting properly on Talisman as he went for a powerbomb and that resulting in the 'Second Coming' countering with the Higurashi (Front Flip Facebuster counter).....


That brought Talisman enough of a window to tag in Zodiac, and as Crowley staggered back to hsi feet he was met with a boot into the mid-section and then planted with the Zodiac Sniper (Sunset Flip Powerbomb)......








Crowley managed to kick out but remained planted to the mat, and 'Innovations God' headed up top... Kavidar moved acrossed the apron however and began to get in some cheap-shots, until Talisman came over and knocked the 'High Sheik' down, however it proved to enough of a distraction for Crowley to recover and get back to his feet. 'The New Prince of Old School' then tried for a superplex but Zodiac was able to fend off the attempt and knocked Crowley back down to the canvas, before tumbling down upon Crowley with the Universe (450 Splash)......


But Crowley got the knees up and then turned Zodiac over into the Prince's Lock (Arm Trap Crossface)........


Zodiac was in major trouble as Kavidar held Talisman back from getting into the ring to make the save.......


Zodiac looked to be on the verge of tapping and it looked as though we were about to have new Junior Tag champs but Talisman eventually managed to break free from Kavidar and make the all important last ditch save.....


Talisman was quickly dispatched out of the ring again, as Crowley hit a snap suplex and then Kavidar entered the ring to pull off Sheik From Above (Double Jump Moonsault).......








But to the challengers frustration Zodiac managed to kick out.....Crowley then set up for the Majestic Suplex (Crossface Chickenwing Suplex) but 'Innovations' God' managed to slip out and counter with a Beetle Suplex (Tiger Suplex)......






Kavida quickly broke that up but was then taken out with a springboard leg-lariat from Talisman. Whispered then re-took control whipping their opponents into the corner and then following with with stereo running corner drop-kicks. Both of Whispered then headed up top, but both of the Ambassadors Club quickly got back to their feet only to be taken down with stereo Tornado DDT's.


The Ambassadors Club then rolled out of the ring to try and re-group but Whispered keen to keep the momentum shift in their favour, wiped out the challengers with stereo somersault plancha's.


Zodiac then pitched Paul Crowley back into the ring and planted the 'New Prince of Old School' with the Card of Doom (Cross Legged Sit Out Scoop Slam Piledriver).....








Kavidar broke back into make the save, but was quickly dispatched with a drop-kick from an on-rushing Talisman, who then combined with Zodiac to plant Crowley into the canvas with the Steins Gate (Wheelbarrow dropped into a Double Knee Gutbuster).....








The Ambassdors's Club had put up a strong challenge, and were in control for much of the match but once Whispered got their momentum going, there was no stopping the champions from making another successful title defence.


Result: Zodiac [w] & Talisman bt Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley [L] in 13:17 via pinfall (Steins Gate)

Whispered make V4 defence of DIASPORA Junior Tag Team Championship.

Rating: 73


Takayuki Balls: The outcome of this match would have surprised no one, but the DIASPORA newcomers but in a good showing and looked a threat, until the momentum shift where the champions took over and looked the dominant force that they have been since winning the titles at Neon Genesis Evolution.


Post Match Comments:


Zodiac: Ambassadors Club came in and they gave us a good challenge but at the end of the day they're just not in Whispered's League


Talisman: Someone will need to step up to our level of awesomeness, if they think they can take these titles from us, but our combined awesomeness pierces the heavens and goes beyond the universe itself.




The defending champion's Udon Noodle Killers drop out to the floor forcing members from the two S.H.I.P teams to start things off. Yamawaki and Takashi are in and kick things off with some neat technical exchanges...Yamawaki manages to out-maneouvre Takashi and gets the tag to Date.


Date lays into Takashi with some hard chops but 'Nippon Hart' fire's right back.....the intense but respectful brawl however is broken up by GUSHIKEN who cheap shots Takashi from the apron and tag himself in, but is met with spear from Date.


Takashi manages to tag himself back in though, and takes down Date with lariat.....Takashi then tags in Arato, and 'Strong Dreamer' tosses Date overhead with a Belly to Belly suplex. Takashi tags back in and connects with jumping knee drop for a two count.


Date manages to scramble out of further harms way and gets a tag back to Yamawaki. Ono then cheap shot tags Takashi. Yamawaki tries to surprise Ono with some rapid fire-kicks but 'Epic Tsunami' just shakes off and levels 'Fearless' wiith a clothesline. Ono whips Yamawaki into the corner and goes for the running corner splash but 'Fearless' moves out of harms-way and the connects with an Enziguri followed by a springboard flying fore-arm smash.


Yamawaki brings Ono to his knees with a basement drop-kick, before tagging in Date, before the Tokyo Wrecking Crew manage to muster up their combined strength to impressively plant Ono with a double team back drop-suplex!......








Takashi makes the save and then connects with a fore-arm smash before wailing away with some knife-edged chops on Date. Takashi then sends Date flying out of the ring with the Bartenders Swing (Giant Swing) but then gets nailed with cheap shot from behind by Ono. Takashi however is well positioned and he manages to stagger across and get the tag to Arato.


Arato rocks Ono with series of Arato-Lariat's and then combines with Takashi to take down Ono with a chop-block/lariat combo......








Ono kicks out and then suddenly the Salty Delinquents appear and attack Tokyo Wrecking Crew outside of the ring. Wrecking Crew fire back, and the Delinquents get cold feet about trying to engage the former All Asia Tag champs in a brawl but referee Sugimura's eyes are diverted long enough from what is happening in the ring and Ono turns things round with pair of low blows on Team Ganbatte!! before tagging GUSHIKEN back in.


But Takashi manages to shake off the low blow and rocks GUSHIKEN with a flurry of fore-arm smashes. Yamawaki however then manages to tag himself back in, to continue what Takashi started by peppering 'Great Thunder' with a flurry of kicks. GUSHIKEN manages to shake off the pressure though and fires-back with some fore-arms smashes, before seemingly having Yamawaki dazed enough to set up for the GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) but Yamawaki manages to slip off and connects with a Gamengiri. Yamawaki then winds up for a basement drop-kick.


Only to be cheap-shotted from the apron by Ono, that enables GUSHIKEN to recover who then connects with fore-arm smash and then plants Yamawaki with a scoop-slam......


The Udon Noodle Killers then worked over Yamawaki with some double-teams putting the boots to him before planting 'Fearless' with a double Uranage slam for a two count. Ono then tried to apply a sleeper hold to Yamawaki but 'Fearless' slipped out and rocked 'Epic Tsunami' with a gamenigiri.


Ono shakes it off and connects with a clothesline but Yamawaki gets right back up and fires back with a drop-kick.....before both make the decision to tag out to their respective partners. Date ducks a clothesline from GUSHIKEN and then winds 'Great Thunder' with a spear.


GUSHIKEN stays on his feet, only to then be levelled with another spear from the 'Stampeding Bull'.....








Ono makes the save but gets chop-blocked by Date (who the announce team refer to as being on 'fire') who then places 'Epic Tsunami' into the Date with Pain (Elevated Boston Crab).....


Ono begins to power out of the hold however, only for Date to change tactic and incredibly muster up the strength to plant the considerably larger Ono with the Rejection II (Backdrop Suplex)....


Only trouble with using up all that effort is that the 'Stampeding Bull' is out of gas to follow up with an immediate cover......


He eventually manages to scramble across and lays an arm across Ono......








Takashi breaks up the pin to keep Team Ganbatte's title hopes alive.....Date however seems to take offence to that and gets into s shoving match with his stable mate. The fresher Takashi gets the better of the exchange and then whips Date into an Arato-Lariat....Only for GUSHIKEN to then nail Arato with a GUSHIKEN Smash (Running Fore-arm Smash), before 'Great Thunder' then double clothslines both Date and Takashi to the floor.


But Arato shakes off the GUSHIKEN smash and rocks 'Great Thunder' with an Arato lariat. Yamawaki then enters the ring however and then sends Arato into GUSHIKEN with a drop-kick. Both go tumbling out to the floor and Yamawaki heads up top- as everyone else begins to engage in some chaotic brawling, before crashing own on everyone with a flying cross body press.


Tokyo Wrecking Crew emerge from the chaotic brawling in control, and the pitch Ono into the ring. Date takes down 'Epic Tsunami' with a spear, as Yamawaki heads up top.....'Fearless' the comes crashing down with a Frog Splash......








Takashi however makes the save and then takes control with a fore-arm smash on Yamawaki, before planting 'Fearless' with the DRRR!! (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver).....








But Date manages to slide back in to make the save for his partner. Date backs Takashi up with a some fore-arms and then lines up for a spear only to then suddenly eat an Arato-Lariat.


Arato then plants Date with the Arato Suplex (Half Nelson Choke Suplex) but is then levelled with a clothesline from behind by Ono. 'Epic Tsunami' then plants 'Strong Dreamer' with a side-slam and then goes for the Tsunami (Big Splash).....


And actually manages to connect!








Takashi makes the save with a diving knee-drop but then eats a leg-lariat from Yamawaki, who then plants 'Nippon Hart' with the Sumida Bridge (Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex).....








GUSHIKEN makes the save but is taken down with a leg-lariat/chop-block combo from the Tokyo Wrecking Crew who are quickly taking control of the match. The Wrecking Crew turn their attention back to Takashi, and Date places 'Nippon Hart' upon his shoulders as Yamawaki heads up top......


Sky Tree (Doomsday Device) connects!








The Tokyo Wrecking Crew think they have regained the titles but referee Sugimura was pulled out of the ring by GUSHIKEN.....


Ono then enters the ring and after picking up of the tag belts proceeds to nail the Tokyo Wrecking Crew and then Koto Arato with a series of belt shots......


Takashi then gets back up and staggers right into an Okinawa Battle Bomb (Spinning Powerbomb).....


Just at that moment referee Sugimura slides back into the ring (commentator Tadashi Saga calls Sugmiura's behaviour suspicious) ......










Takashi shows fighting spirit by kicking out but is then planted with a GUSHIKEN Firebomb (Thunder Fire Powerbomb).....






TWC and Arato have shaken off the belt shots and begin to rise back to their feet.....




But it's too late as the Udon Noodle Killers manage to sneak away with the victory and make a successful and controversial first defence of their All Asia Tag Team titles.


Result: GUSHIKEN [w] & Chojiro Ono bt Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date + Koto Arato & Go Takashi [L] in 13:06 via pinfall (GUSHIKEN Powerbomb)

Udon Noodle Killers make V1 Defence of the DIASPORA All Asian Tag Team Championship

Rating: 74


Takayuki Balls: A really good brawl between all three teams, that felt always on the verge of descending into utter chaos, without ever feeling like a mess. Udon Noodle Killers win in a relatively nefarious manner but the win didn't feel all that cheap and all six men came out looking relatively strong from the match.


Post Match Comments:


GUSHIKEN: No one can stop us, we are the most dominant tag team in DIASPORA and we will be the most dominant team in the entire history of wrestling...


Oda Yamawaki: Udon Noodle Killers once again you find a way to sneak away with our titles, but we will make sure that you won't run far....because we will keep pursuing you, until we get them back.


Koto Arato: Takashi-san and I fought bravely, but events conspired against us....we will not give up though and anyone who stands in our way be the dishonorable or honorable will not stop us from becoming the champions.



~I Am The Superior~

Match #5: Super Junior Championship:

Prime Dragon vs Incognito




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimeDragon.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Incognito.jpg


Incognito gets up into Dragon's face during the introductions and then goes to cheap shot the Guardians leader as soon as the bell goes but Dragon blocks the attempt and soon has Incognito on the back foot with a flurry of kicks.


The 'Grand Pillar' then connects with a palm strike, Dragon then reels Incognito in for a Brainbuster but 'Incognito' manages to slip out and then bail out for a powder. Dragon keeps his cool and does not go out to the ring to chase. Dragon then went for the rolling wheel kick just as it looked like Incognito was getting back into the ring, but 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' managed to quickly slip back out to the floor before Dragon could connect.


That frustrated Dragon, who this time did drop to the floor to give chase- Incognito then sneaked back into the ring, and then nailed the 'Grand Pillar' with a spinning heel-kick- sending Dragon crashing off the apron. Incognito then followed up with a slingshot hurracanrana that sent the defending champion crashing against the barricade. Incognito then pitched Dragon back into the ring and then went for a standing moonsault, Dragon however managed to move out of the way but Incognito landed on his feet and nailed the 'Grand Pillar' with another spinning heel-kick before planting the champion with the Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep for a two count.


Incognito then proceeded to stomp away on Dragon and then taunt the champion with some paint-brush slaps- that only seems to fire Dragon up though- who rallies with some kicks and strikes only for the rally to be halted by a blatant kick into Dragon's groin by Incognito.


'El Pesadilla Hermosa' gets a firm warning from referee Ochida, but he just laughs if off as Dragon tries to shake off the effects of the low blow. The 'Grand Pillar' gets to his feet but is met with another spinning heel kick from Incognito, who then follows up by planting Dragon with a springboard inverted DDT for a two count.


Incognito then decides to head up top, only for Dragon to get back to his feet but 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' is a step ahead and he takes Dragon down with an inverted Tornado DDT before quickly transitioning into the Sueno Permanente Sleeper Hold......


The Super Junior Champion's hope of retaining the title seemed to be fading away, but as referee Ochida raised Dragon's arm up for a third time, the 'Grand Pillar' was somehow able to muster up the fighting spirit to not only rise back to his feet but eventually counter into a Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver).....


Dragon of course was too worn down to immediately follow up with a cover but it was enough to keep him in the match and halt Incognito's momentum. When they rise back to their feet Dragon takes control with a Rolling Wheel Kick, and then drills Incognito with a brainbuster for a two count. Dragon then goes for the Dragonsault (Springboard moonsault) but Incognito moves out of the way, however the 'Grand Pillar' lands on his feet and drop-kicks Incognito out to the floor. Dragon then heads up top, and then connects with a moonsault press out to the floor.


Dragon then went to pitch Incognito back into the ring, but El Pesadilla Hermosa had another dirty trick up his sleeve, poking his fingers into Dragon's eyes and then planting the champion with an Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) out on the floor......


Incognito then slid back into the ring and referee Ochida started a twenty count, whilst Incognito celebrated like he had already won the match and the title- even going as far as doing a series of cocky backflips......


Then it suddenly dawned on 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' that the title can't change hands on a count-out.....Incognito with the count down to four, all of a sudden hurridly dragged Dragon down to his feet and pitched the champion back into the ring.....before going for a quick cover.....








Dragon managed to barely get a foot onto the ropes, much to Incognito's frustration- had the Kuro Luchador pulled Dragon a little further into the middle of the ring, then he may well have had a new champion right there.


Incognito then paced around for a bit before deciding to head up top, but Dragon managed to rise back to his feet only for 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' to nail the champion with the Bala De Dios (Flying Spinning Heel Kick), before following up with a Tombstone Piledriver.....








Dragon kicks out again, to Incognito's immediate frustration. The Kuro Luchador lifts the still dazed Dragon back up to a vertical base and sets up for the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but the 'Grand Pillar' manages to block the attempt and then gets a standing switch before countering with a Dragon Suplex.....


Incognito manages to land on his feet but is then immediately nailed with a Palm Strike, before being drilled with the Prime Driver 2000 (Wrist Clutch Belly to Back Piledriver).....








Dragon decides to head up top as Incognito remains planted to the mat, but Incognito manages to rise back to his feet and then conveniently pull referee Ochida into harms way, just as it looked like Dragon was about to take flight...that causes the 'Grand Pillar' to hesistate enough for Incognito to nail Dragon with a leaping kick and then send the defending champion crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana.....


Dragon manages to rise back to his feet but is then immediately spiked into the canvas with a pop-up poison rana from Incognito.....








Dragon still won't stay down for three.....Incognito is so flabbergasted by that, he gets in Ochida's face about the referee's ability to count. But he spends too much time protesting and Dragon recovers to catch Incognito off guard with a school boy roll up








Incognito manages to just about kick out of the flash pin and then re-takes control with what looks to be a reverse Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curbstomp to the chest).....Incognito then laid a few more boots into Dragon for a good measure before heading up top....


Feeling that he had Dragon sufficiently weakened Incognito then proceeded to pose on the top turnbuckle before setting up for the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton) but all of a sudden Dragon sprung back to life and Incognito was then sent crashing back into the ring with the Dragon's Flame (Moonsault Side Slam)....








Incognito's arrogant postering had given the Prime Dragon the window of opportunity he needed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and retain the Super Junior Championship.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Incognito [L] in 13:39 via pinfall (Dragon's Flame)


Prime Dragon makes V5 Defence of the DIASPORA Super Junior Championship

Rating: 83


Takayuki Balls: Dragon-san and Incognito-san went all from the start of the match and the pace never really let up from beginning to end and despite the quick pace they worked this match they still managed to get over the nuances of their characters to get the crowd truly invested in the contest with Incognito-san coming across as an arrogant prick (which sad to say doesn't actually require any acting from him), whilst Prime Dragon continues to look resillient as champion- with his never say die attitude, once again seeing him keep the Super Junior Championship round his waist.


Post Match Comments:


Prime Dragon: Being Super Junior Champion here in DIASPORA is no easy ride, everyone is gunning for you and you have to be at your best everytime you step into the ring....lesser men may wilt under such pressure but I am always up for the challenge and as your as I can fight, I will do everything I can to remain the champion. The likes of Incognito-san may be younger and faster than me, but do they have my fighting spirit?...I think the fact that I still hold this title, speaks for itself.



~Burn Brighter, Shine Stronger~

Match #6: Heavyweight Championship:

Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyotaruIchigawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EikichiMinamoto.jpg


Minamoto sticks out his hand, and wants Ichigawa to shake it before the match, the fans know that he's not showing respect here and he's just being a dick and Ichigawa isn't falling for it either, and instead 'Rumble Heart' gets met with a fore-arm smash.


Minamoto tries to fire back, but the striking battle in the early going favours a fired up Ichigawa fuelled by vengeance. Ichigawa builds up some traction and whips Minamoto into the corner before delivering a flurry of knife-edged chops before placing a somewhat shell shocked Minamoto onto the top turnbuckle.


Minamoto however shakes of a superplex attempt with an eye-rake and then knocks Ichigawa down with a flying shoulder tackle. Minamoto then went to set up for the Harima DDT (Double Arm DDT) but Ichigawa held off the attempt and fired back with another rally of fore-arms before whippin Minamoto into the ropes....Ichigawa then lined up for the Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) only for Minamoto to bail out to the floor for a powder.


Ichigawa being the veteran that he is doesn't take the bait and waits for Minamoto to get back into the ring.....which Minamoto eventually does only to bail out to the floor again.....this process repeats for the next few minutes- with Minamoto's chickenshit mind games frustrating the fans and Ichigawa.


Ichigawa's patience eventually wears thin, and when Minamoto gets up on the apron, 'White Light' tries to bring Minamoto in the hard way only for 'Rumble Heart' to counter by flinging the top-rope into Ichigawa's throat......


Minamoto then pulled the stunned Ichigawa out to the floor and, before attempting to whip Ichigawa into the ring-steps but the defending champion managed to hold firm and reversed the attempt. Ichigawa then went to follow in with a Decaptitator (Running Bicycle Kick) but Minamoto managed to move out of the way and then chop-blocked Ichigawa's legs out from underneath him.


Minamoto then rolled into the ring to break referee Ochida's twenty count, and then waited for Ichigawa to hobble back to his feet before nailing the champion with a Decaptitator of his own. Minamoto then pitched Ichigawa into the ring but instead of going for the cover, lets Ichigawa get to his feet instead, only to take the champion down with another chop-block.


Minamoto would then proceed to work over the leg of Ichigawa whilst at the same time taunt the champion, occasinally allowing Ichigawa to hobble back up to his feet only to take the champion back down again with a chop-block or drop toe hold. It was clear that Minamoto wasn't just trying to break down Ichigawa physically he was also trying to break the champion down mentally.


Unfortunately for Minamoto, Ichigawa has the strong will of a champion and Rumble Heart went to the same well once too often, with 'White Light' eventually able to grab hold of Minamoto and fire in some fore-arm smashes before dumping 'Rumble Heart' with a Dragon Suplex......








A failure to maintain a bridge allowed for Minamoto to kick out....Ichigawa retained control with a series of chops but when he went to connect with the Decaptitator (Running Bicycle Kick) once again, Minamoto saw it coming and took Ichigawa down with a dragon screw leg-whip......


This time Minamoto then got more 'serious' in following that up and placed the defending champion into a Figure Four Leglock.....


Minamoto has it locked on right in the middle of the ring, and Ichigawa does look to be on the verge of tapping, but the champion finds the fighting spirit to not only no tap out but also muster the strength to turn the Figure Four over and all of a sudden Minamoto found himself in need of scrambling across to the ropes to force the rope-break.


Minamoto tries to get in a cheap shot after the rope-break but Ichigawa blocks it and then reels off a series of chops that put Minamoto on the back-foot.....'Rumble Heart' tries to bail to the floor to re-group but Ichigawa manages to cut Minamoto off and then plants 'Rumble Heart' with aBrainbuster.


Ichigawa then went to set up for the Chugoku Spike (Cradle Piledriver) but Minamoto countered with an eye-rake and then tried to counter into the Ode to Eri (Cradle Brainbuster) but Ichigawa managed to block that only for Minamoto to regain control yet again with a knee-shot into Ichigawa's groin before drilling the champion with the Harima DDT (Double Underhook DDT).....








Ichigawa manages to kick out but remains rooted to the mat. Minamoto trash talks the champion and then decides to head up-top but he takes too much time posteuring and Ichigawa finds a burst of fighting spirit to cut Minamoto off and then send 'Rumble Heart' crashing back in the hard way with a superplex......


When they both staggered back up to their feet Ichigawa went for the Decaptitator (Running Bicyle Kick) but once again Minamoto saw it coming and countered with a Dragon Screw leg-whip......Ichigawa however sprung definatly back up to his feet. And that show of fighting spirit left Minamoto in enough of a daze for Ichigawa to reel off another flurry of chops before planting Minamoto with a Dragon Suplex.....








Minamoto kicks out but then suddenly found himself trapped in Ichigawa's Crucifix Arm Bar.....


But ring positioning is in Minamoto's favour and he is able to quickly scramble across to the ropes and force the rope-break before Ichigawa can truly sink the submission hold in.....


Ichigawa doesn't let up the pressure though after the rope-break, unleashing a furious flurry of chops, before looking to drill Minamoto with the Chugoku Spike (Cradle Piledriver) but 'Rumble Heart' manages to slip out and then bails out to the floor to re-group much to the champion's immediate frustration.


Ichigawa is keen to keep the pressure on, so he goes out onto the apron and goes to nail Minamoto with a divinfg fore-arm smash- however that out of character risk take from 'White Light' does not pay off, as Minamoto moves out of the way and after an awkward landing for Ichigawa, Minamoto takes the champion off his feet with a basement drop-kick.


Minamoto then pitched Ichigawa back into the ring and then taunted the champion to get back to his feet before connecting with another basement drop-kick. Minamoto then taunted Ichigawa with some paint brush slaps, but that only seemed to fire the champion up- who unleashed another furious flurry of chops.....


Minamoto shakes them off, and then lines up for a Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) of his own but Ichigawa see's it coming moves out of the way and then finally nails Minamoto with the move that 'Rumble Heart' has stolen from him








Minamoto manages to kick out, the announe team of Kogara and Saga observing that Ichigawa's Decaptitator may not have been at full impact, due to him hobbling around on a 'bad wheel'.


But 'Rumble Heart' seems dazed enough for Ichigawa to stil be in control, and once again the champion looked to finish Minamoto off with the Chugoku Spike (Cradle Piledriver) but just as Ichigawa was lifting Minamoto up, his legs buckled underneath him.....


Minamoto managed to pull away and then just as Ichigawa was rising back to his feet, Minamoto nailed 'White Light' with a Decaptitator......


Ichigawa defiantly shook it off and mustered up the strength to rise back to his feet, but he couldn't prevent Minamoto pulling off the Akira Takano Tea Club Special (Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Arm Bar)......


Minamoto had the excrutiating hold locked on right in the middle of the ring.....


But Ichigawa stubbornly wouldn't give up and attempted to fight through the unbearable pain and rise back to his feet......


Which incredibly he started to do.....


But then his legs buckled underneath him again, whilst at the same time Minamoto was relentless in his application of the Arm Bar submission.


And with nowhere to go Ichigawa, see's no other option but to tap away the match and the Heavyweight title to Minamoto. 'Rumble Heart' had a finally done it, he had won the Heavyweight Championship- though his accomplishment is not met with the universal cheers and applause many would have expected for him a few months back.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa [L] in 25:35 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)

Eikichi Minamoto wins the DIASPORA Heavyweight Championship

Hyotaru Ichigawa fails in V10 Defence.

Rating: 83


Takayuki Balls: Ichigawa-san and Minamoto-san put on a real wrestling clinic with this match- it wasn't all that flashy but they showed here that you don't need to have lots of head-drops and kick-outs to produce a great match. They told a simple story here (Minamoto-san continuing to work over Ichigawa-san leg) which they executed superbly and with Minamoto-san really growing into his role as an arrogant heel the fans were fully behind Ichigawa-san in his attempt to retain the title.


Minamato receives the DIASPORA Heavyweight title belt, and what looks to be some over-sized bowling trophies, and apparently a years supply of crab from Kani Doraku from some dignatries and some Yukata clad Bishojo girls.


Minamoto then gets given a mic and proceeds to give a victory speech......


' I dedicate this win to Goto Yuzan, Goto Genkai, Yakushamaru Koji, Koriyama, Tani Hayato, Anegasaki Tae, Sasakura Yoko, Osakabe Itoko, Tennoji Noboru, Mihara Kozue, Sagano Megumi, Otsuka Mai, Yuki Tsumugi, Suga Ryuhei, Yoshidayama Jiro, Nishimoto Ganji, Tawaraya Satsuki, Aso Hiroyoshi, Nara Kentaro, Fuyuki Takeichi, Sara Adiemasu, Togo Masakazu, Rara Gonzaresu, Hari Makkenji, Ichijo Karen, Imadori Kyosuke, Hanai Haruki, Takano Akira, Suo Mikoto, Suzuki Masaru, Nakamura, Sawachika Eri, Karasuma Oji, Napoleon, Pyotyr, Harima Shuji, Tsukamoto Yakumo, Tsukamoto Tenma and Harima Kenji!!!!.....


Without them this wouldn't have been at all possible- thank you !'


Then following one of the bizarrest victory speeches in wrestling history Minamoto then drops down the mic and leaves the ring with the belt and trophies.


Rating: 68


Takayuki Balls: I don't know what to say here- either Minamoto-san's obsession with a certain manga got the better of him or he's trolling the audience- his natural charisma saved this from being a complete disaster but believe you me this wasn't what he had in mind for a victory speech.


Post Match Comments:


Hyotaru Ichigawa: Minamoto-san congratulations on finally beating me and becoming the Heavyweight Champion. Unlike you I can be gracious in defeat but do not think for a second that you have ended me- I will come back stronger from this defeat and I will regain the title.



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The fans in attendance are given a 20 minute intermission, whilst the cage is being set up for the main event. For those watching the PPV broadcast, they are shown a condensed version of last months PPV main event the Double Elimination rules Super Junior Junior Championship 3-way featuring the defending champion Prime Dragon and two of the men who will be competing in tonight's main event Hiroto Nori and Sairento.






The loser of the match has to have their head shaved or de-mask, whilst there is also added spice with the five escapees all being guaranteed a Super Junior Championship shot on the next tour. A successful escape is signified when a wrestler grabs one of the five flags at the top of the cage.....


There is a 'ban' on anyone being able to climb the cage during the first five minutes of the match, meaning that everyone has to engage in fighting one another before they can even think about making their escape for freedom.


After the tension filled introductions with the members of Kuro-Nadeshiko and S.H.I.P staring daggers into another, the bell rings and to no one's surprise it takes them literally no time at all to start wailing into another.....


Because this broke down pretty quickly into a chaotic brawl, it was pretty hard to keep track of what was going on with everyone inside the cage, so what will just be highlighted for the remainder of this recap are the most important/interesting bits happening inside of the cage at that time......


After some intense but pretty basic brawling for the first few minutes, it appears that Kuro-Nadeshiko were taking control but S.H.I.P were proving resillient at it was them who struck with the first big move when Hiroto Nori fended off a chokeslam attempt from Tian Long and planted the 'Imperial One with a Reverse STO....Nori however then ate a Wolf's Call (Sliding Lariat) from Dark Wolf II. Yamato then struck back with a diving knee drop off the second turbuckle for S.H.I.P but then got Yazuka Kicked by Sairento, who in turn was nailed with a Super Kick from Hideki.


Right at that moment a claxton then sounded, that the competitors could now try to escape the cage. Hideki being the only one standing at that point, saw his opportunity and began to climb the cage, but then had second thoughts when he realised that we would be putting Yamato and Nori at a three on two disadvantage.


Hideki however gets goozled by Tian Long as he goes for a dive off the cage and is choke-slammed against the side of the cage. Dark Wolf II nails Hiroto Nori with a lariat from behind, then the S.H.I.P leader eats a Yakuza Kick from Sairento. Kotei Yamato goes for a running elbow smash on Sairento but the Kuro leader side-steps and 'Pin Point' is flung against the cage.....


Hideki gets back up and goes for a Superkick only for Dark Wolf II to take 'Integral Prowess' off his feet with a basement drop-kick. Kuro-Nadeshiko then subject their S.H.I.P to triple face-washes. Kuro-Nadeshiko continued to put the boots in, and then further put a marker down on their domination, when Sairento drilled Nori with a Death Valley Driver, Tian Long planted Hideki with the Emperor Driver (Sit Out Side Power Slam) and Dark Wolf II powerbombed Kotei Yamato.


The announcers make a point of pointing out that there is a certain female fan in the front row who doesn't like what she's seeing.


The three Kuro members then each climbed up to a turbuckle....Tian Long comes crashing down upon Hideki a Senton splash, Sairento delivers a diving double stomp to Hiroto Nori, Dark Wolf II then looked set to deliver the Wolf's Rain (Diving Elbow Drop) to Kotei Yamato but instead of following the lead of his stable mates to dish out further punishment to the S.H.I.P trio, the 'Howling Menace' saw it as an opportunity to climb up to the top of the cage and grab one of the flags to become the first one to 'escape' and earn himself a Super Junior Title shot.


Dark Wolf II looks ecstatic but back inside the cage Sairento and Tian Long look less than pleased with their stable mates opportunistic decision.


Escape #1: Dark Wolf II in 12:59


Sairento is so pissed with Dark Wolf II, that he makes his infamous throat-slash gesture and then points up to Dark Wolf II- Tadashi Saga at the announce table, observed that Dark Wolf II just may have issued his own severing from Kuro-Nadeshiko by not following his leaders orders.


That of course lead to some lack of focus for Sairento and Long to continue applying the pressure to their three S.H.I.P opponents, something the S.H.I.P took full advantage of when Sairento was suddenly nailed with a Superkick from Hideki and then Long was planted with the Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO) from Hiroto Nori.


That put the S.H.I.P trio in control- Nori then concentrated on dishing out puniishment to Sairento peppering the Kuro-leader with the Endless Nori (kick flurry-ending with a high-kick to the head) whilst New Solution, focused on Tian Long, who soon found himself being subjected to the Keiyakusha (Superkick assisted German Suplex).....


All three S.H.I.P members then went to make their escape from the cage, but Sairento popped back up to his feet and prevented Nori from doing so, ramming the S.H.I.P leader's face into the cage, causing Nori to fall back down to the canvas. Sairento then looked to make the escape himself only for Kotei Yamato to race across the ring and send the 'Silent Reaper' crashing back in with a superplex.....


Shintaro Hideki meanwhile was almost at the top of the cage when Tian Long had grabbed hold of his feet.....'Integral Prowess managed to kick Long off however and with the sides evenly matched, had no hesitation this time round in being the second man to grab one of the flags and successfully avoid having his hair shaved off at the end of the match.....


Escape #2: Shintaro Hideki in 16:28


Sairento and Nori begin brawling with one another again, whilst Long and Yamato are going at it. Yamato tries for the Gurren Driver (Scoop Slam Piledriver) but Tian Long slips off and then blatantly kicks Yamato in the groinal region, before planting 'Pin Point' with the Emperor Driver (Sit Out Side Powerslam).


With Yamato down Long goes across to help Sairento double team Nori- they combine on a Yakuza Kick assisted Choke-slam before Sairento delivers a Kuro-Stomp (Surbfoard Curbstomp) to Nori...Yamato rises back to his feet and then begins to climb the cage- however he has second thoughts, and that hesistation results him him being clubbed from behind by Tian Long and then dumped with a Dragon Suplex.


Meanwhile Sairento continues to put the boots to Nori, which isn't going down too well with the S.H.I.P leader's obsessive female fan....'Come on those nasty masked men, can't do that to my Nori-Chan!'


Sairento in complete control then drilled Nori with the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster) but instead of taking it as an opportunity to climb out of the cage he decided to bring a table out from under the ring with sadistic intentions obviously in mind. Sairento places the dazed Nori upon the table and then orders Tian Long to climb up to the top turnbuckle.......


Yamato however gets back up and drop-kicks Sairento against the cage- causing Long to lose his balance on the top turnbuckle- Nori comes back to his senses and soon enough he is joining Yamato in an attempt to suplex Long through the table. Sairento however shakes off being drop-kicked against the cage.....


And what results is a 'tower of doom' spot with Sairento powerbombing Nori and Yamato whilst they suplex Tian Long through the table that Sairento had brought into the ring.


Sairento who took the least damage, lifted up Yamato upon his shoulders but Nori got back up to make the save, before the S.H.I.P duo combined on an Enziguri assisted Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO)....


Yamato and Nori then looked to make their escapes from the cage , but unfortunatelty for them the Salty Delinquents had climbed up the other side of the cage and Yamato was met with a faceful of Poison Mist from Blood Spider Jr and Nori was whacked over the head with a Black Box shot from Terajima, before they could grab one of the flags.


Some S.H.I.P cavalry arrived in the form of the Tokyo Wrecking Crew, but the damage had been done and Sairento and Long were able to recover and the Kuro Nadeshiko pair were able to further prevent Nori and Yamato from escaping. Yamato was then sent crashing back down to the mat with an Avalanche Death Valley Driver!! from Sairento


Long meanwhile had overtaken Nori in the race to be the next one to escape the cage, but was met with afore-arm smash from Hiro Date, before he grab one of the flags- causing him to take an almighty fall back down to the mat.


Nori re-grouped and looked to be on the verge of escaping when he had the realisation that Yamato would be left all alone with Sairento and Long in the cage......


Nori climbed down to the turnbuckles and nailed the Imperial One with a missile drop-kick before helping Yamato prevent Sairento from making is escape by bringing the 'Silent Reaper' crashing back in with a double team superplex !


Nori and Yamato then took the opportunity to dish out the punishment to Sairento.....Nori peppering Sairento with the Endless Nori kick flurry and Yamato following in with the End Game (Clutched Knee Strike Flurry).....


On the other side of the ring though Tian Long, with Nori and Yamato's focus on beating down Sairento saw the opportunity to climb up the cage and make his escape...the S.H.I.P duo noticed this and then thought let him escape because they had Sairento just where they wanted him.


Escape #3: Tian Long in 24:24


Nori then seemed to order to Yamato that he can handle things from here on, and gave the New Solution man his blessing to try and escape the cage.....


'Pin Point' however made a bit of an error when he grabbed the remaining corner flag, instead of the one placed at the mid point of the cage, leaving Nori with a more challenging escape.


Escape #4: Kotei Yamato in 25:40


Sairento gets back to his feet but is met with another flurry of kicks from Nori, before being drillled into the canvas with a Brainbuster from the S.H.I.P leader. Nori then see's his chance to climb the cage, but can't seem to get a grip for some reason (as though someone has poured a greasy substance on it to reduce grip.....


Nori gives up on that and climbs across to one of the corners (and then attempt to shuffle across the top of the cage to the final flag) but then he see's Sairento begin to get back to his feet and then flies off the top of the cage with an insane flying cross-body.


'Battle' then began to climb the cage again, only for Sairento to sit back up in an eerie fashion and pull Nori down, before setting the S.H.I.P leader upon his shoulders. Nori fought his way out with a series of side-elbows and then planted the 'Silent Reaper' with an Avalanche sunset flip powerbomb!!


Nori then looked to be making his escape again, but then suddenly had second thoughts and with Sairento still prone on the mat, decided instead to go for one more big move to finish the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader off....


'Battle' then came soaring off the top turnbuckle with the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press)......


Only for Sairento to roll out of the way and for Nori to crash and burn ......


Then when Nori rose back to his feet, he was then nailed with the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike To The Face) by the 'Silent Reaper'.....


Kuro-Nadeshiko then had one more trick up their sleeve when GUSHIKEN and Ono flung a rope ladder over the cage- in place of where the final flag was placed......


Sairento then began to climb the rope-ladder and though Nori bravely got back to his feet before Sairento had grabbed the flag- it was too little too late- and the S.H.I.P was the one left in the middle of the ring- facing the devastating realisation that he was about to have his hair shaved off....


The obsessed fan of Hiroto Nori looks absolutely devastated by the result, realising that her 'man' will have to go through the humiliation of having to be shaved bald.


Final Escape: Sairento in 31:49


Result: Hiroto Nori [L] in 31:49 when Dark Wolf II, Shintaro Hideki, Tian Long, Kotei Yamato and Sairento all escaped the cage, in a Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape Match.


Hiroto Nori will have his head shaved as part of the wager.....


Rating: 83


Takayuki Balls: It was always going to be tough following two superb title matches but the six men who stepped into the cage (in particular the final four of Nori, Sairento, Yamato and Long) were able to rise to the challenge. This main event had all the drama it promised mixed in with intense brawling and some insane high-spots.



Post match they set up the chair in the middle of the ring, that a visibly upset Nori will have to sit on whilst getting his head shaved. Sairento man handles Nori for a bit, which of course doesn't go down too well with Nori's number one female fan....


'You leave my Nori-Chan alone, please stop this, stop this now!' she cried out, but her cries were falling on deaf ears.



Long begins the shaving, and can't help having a self satisfied grin emerge across his face....next it appears to be Dark Wolf II's turn, but Sairento snatches the sheers away from him and shoves the 'Howling Menace' aside....making it obvious he is still not happy with Dark Wolf II's early escape.


Sairento is a bit rough with the sheers, whilst Nori's fellow S.H.I.P members Hideki and Yamato (racked with guilt) are forced to watch.


It is of course coming all too much for the obsessive female fan, and she tries to jump over the guard-rail but luckily security on hand to prevent her from doing something stupid....


Sairento's rather rough shaving of Nori , is visibly angering Hideki and Yamato who confront the Kuro-leader over it but then Tian Long and Dark Wolf II sneak in a pair of low blow's on new solution- with Dark Wolf II finding an immediate way to try and get himself back in the good graces of the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader.


The Kuro trio then begin a beat-down of the S.H.I.P trio, including now shorn Hiroto Nori but then the Tokyo Wrecking Crew and Team Ganbatte!! come out to their fellow members rescue....a huge melee happens....and somehow amongst all this Nori escapes.....


And goes across to embrace his number one fan....


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_hirotonorialt1.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MioHirasawa-11.jpg


Credit to MJ Stark for the 'bald' Hiroto Nori

and The Enforcer for Mio 'Mio Mio' Hirasawa renders


He says 'I'm sorry Mio-chan'


And then get's slapped across the face!


But then the two embrace one another and then head up the entrance ramp together- leaving the announce team even more confused as just who this woman is, amongst a rather chaotic end to the show and to DIASPORA's Full Metal Panic! Tour.


Rating: 77


Takayuki Balls: Yeah I finally budged, I thought one of these days Mio-Mio is going to do something really stupid- so if she's really that desperate to get involved with our shows and be round Nori-san every waking minute of the day- then why not make her be part of the show. I'm sure fans will be wondering if this actually was the plan from beginning but nothing could be further from the truth.


Kuro-Nadeshiko came across as sadistic, nasty heels during the head shaving (Sairento in particular), whilst this should also set up Nori-san even more as a sympathetic babyface and give him even more motivation for revenge against Sairento.



Overall: 78


Takayuki's Final Verdict: And somehow despite the last three matches all being an 83....the show works out at a final grade of 78? Don't ask me how the reviewers work out the final grade of the show, perhaps they were irritated by Minamoto-san's bizarre post match victory speech. :rolleyes:

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Reserved for Mascara Contra Caballera cage match-


Will be posted a little later this evening......


Should I wait? Nah, I am the very rebel!


Result: Soh Terajima [w] & Blood Spider Jr bt Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka + Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi [L] + Yachi Kotara & Xtinction in 10:38 via pinfall (Soh The Seeds of Tera)


Better than the usual dark match. For what that is worth. This was really just a 'who's not in big matches or good matches, I'll dump them all together' type of match.


Main Show (PPV Broadcast Begins)


Maybe so, but your link was already taken down for copyright violations.


Result: Meido Machine [w] & HUSTLE Umiro bt Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe [L] in 9:40 via pinfall (Meido Beam)


For no real reason, I played Disco Inferno for this match. Interesting, this song scared my kitten almost as much as the first time he heard a Tarzan yell (he hid under the bed for an hour before coming out after the tarzan yell).


Interesting if typical Moe Money match. The drama was a lot of fun, as was Matsuo's sudden change of heart and Fuku Hunter's identity issues. Poor guy, I wonder what he thought he was getting into when he came to Japan?


Truth is all this time I was battling myself, now I've opened my eyes


And Matsuo is the only one in the stable without an over the top persona. Will we finally see Cat Boy Matsuo (nyan!)? If not then what other weird change does Tiger have in mind.


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Aki Shimiuzdani [L] in 9:37 via submission (Python Vise)


Tiger did everything he could with this match. Mercifully the feud is over and Inokuma can move on to bigger and better things. Like a feud with Meido and Hustle? Inokuma's not ready for any of the top champions, the closest I can see him getting is junior tag titles, if he can find a good partner.


Result: Zodiac [w] & Talisman bt Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley [L] in 13:17 via pinfall (Steins Gate)



Zodiac gets the better of until the 'High Sheik' takes control with a knee into Zodiac's mid-section.


High Sheik? Is it pronouncedf Sheek or Shake?



Ebi Kavidar = High Sheik

Paul Crowley = New Prince of Old School


Good debut for the new guys but otherwise no real surprises. KaviCro at least looked like worthy title aspirants, so we should see a lot more from them. I keep wondering why Tiger always jobs ?s. He's the only one I read who does this and I'm sure there is a good reason.


Result: GUSHIKEN [w] & Chojiro Ono bt Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date + Koto Arato & Go Takashi [L] in 13:06 via pinfall (GUSHIKEN Powerbomb)


Takashi breaks up the pin to keep Team Ganbatte's title hopes alive.....Date however seems to take offence to that and gets into s shoving match with his stable mate.


Sportsmanship-Honor-Integrity-Professionalism is all well and good, but we're fighting for a title here!

'Epic Tsunami' then plants 'Strong Dreamer' with a side-slam and then goes for the Tsunami (Big Splash)..... And actually manages to connect!


Isn't that a sign of the apocolypse? And just a month before the Mayan end of the world. I'm scared!


commentator Tadashi Saga calls Sugmiura's behaviour suspicious


Along with most of the fans, including a goth girl in the front row yelling “I told you so!”


Sugimura : No one can stop us, we are the most dominant tag team in DIASPORA and we will be the most dominant team in the entire history of wrestling...




Strong match, the tension in SHIP was good. I doubt it's foreshadowing anything for the future, it's just two competative teams who both want to be the best. All the chaos and Sugimura action we expected to help seal the win for KURO.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Incognito [L] in 13:39 via pinfall (Dragon's Flame)

Then it suddenly dawned on 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' that the title can't change hands on a count-out


I always used to laugh in WWE when the challenger tossed the champion out of the ring and the commentators would talk about this.


This was a strong sprint. This and the semi-main match are really going to set the bar high for the main event. No one believed Incognito was going to win except him, but that added to the fun. Prime Dragon continues to project the Batman vibe of 'I will suffer to uphold the needs of my fans'. As Prime Dragon would say “I'm not the champion they want, but I am the champion they need and...wait, does that make sense?”


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa [L] in 25:35 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)

A good New Japan style heavyweight match. Ichigawa aggressive with striking, Minamoto continues to be devious. I hope the crowd is not burned out for the main event. Ichigawa-Minamoto are golden for their raw hate, the way their styles mesh so well and how evenly matched they are now. But Minamoto had to win this. It livens up the title, giving new life to old challengers like Arato who had already lost to Ichigawa three times. Besides, his egotism is entertaining.


As for his interview, I'm just glad Minamoto acknowledges the role School Rumble had in his recent success.


Miko Note: Holy crap, up to 30 pages.


Result: Hiroto Nori [L] in 31:49 when Dark Wolf II, Shintaro Hideki, Tian Long, Kotei Yamato and Sairento all escaped the cage, in a Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape Match.


Rating 83, so I guess this match lived up to the preceeding matches. I still wonder if there was a crown burned out note. But with a 83 I suspect not.


Am I the only one thinking Nori looked like he's wearing a bald mask?


Excellent match, with the Dark Wolf drama as well as well as seeing who would abandon their friends to escape on SHIPs side as well. The rope ladder for Sairento was awesome! I think this is the best possible result. I didn't change my pick but I was thinking yesterday that anything less than Sairneto losing his mask or Nori going all Charles Xavier would be a let down. And I'm not sure Sairento is the same badass without the mask. And besides, now we get all the wonderful Mio drama as a result of this!


Great match that got across all the important points. No idea how you get a 78 out of that though.


I thought one of these days Mio-Mio is going to do something really stupid- so if she's really that desperate to get involved with our shows and be round Nori-san every waking minute of the day- then why not make her be part of the show.


I wonder if this was the plan from the beginning?


I'm sure fans will be wondering if this actually was the plan from beginning but nothing could be further from the truth.



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Reserved for Mascara Contra Caballera cage match-


Will be posted a little later this evening......


Should I wait? Nah, I am the very rebel!


You just couldn't wait could you :p


Result: Soh Terajima [w] & Blood Spider Jr bt Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka + Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi [L] + Yachi Kotara & Xtinction in 10:38 via pinfall (Soh The Seeds of Tera)


Better than the usual dark match. For what that is worth. This was really just a 'who's not in big matches or good matches, I'll dump them all together' type of match.


That's exactly what it was, I think the only roster member I couldn't shoe-horn into the show was Shiki Hirasi and to be honest who cares about Shiki Hirasi.


Main Show (PPV Broadcast Begins)


Maybe so, but your link was already taken down for copyright violations.


Result: Meido Machine [w] & HUSTLE Umiro bt Junichi Matsuo & Hunter Wolfe [L] in 9:40 via pinfall (Meido Beam)


For no real reason, I played Disco Inferno for this match. Interesting, this song scared my kitten almost as much as the first time he heard a Tarzan yell (he hid under the bed for an hour before coming out after the tarzan yell).


Interesting if typical Moe Money match. The drama was a lot of fun, as was Matsuo's sudden change of heart and Fuku Hunter's identity issues. Poor guy, I wonder what he thought he was getting into when he came to Japan?


More than likely this wasn't what Hunter Wolfe had in mind (or perhaps more to the point what the guy who created him for the Thunderverse Become A Star Competiton had in mind) :p


Truth is all this time I was battling myself, now I've opened my eyes


And Matsuo is the only one in the stable without an over the top persona. Will we finally see Cat Boy Matsuo (nyan!)? If not then what other weird change does Tiger have in mind.


I don't think Matsuo necessarily needs to have a weird gimmick to fit in with this group- now that's he's 'relaxed' and stopped trying to be all 'serious'- I'll probably just re-emphasize his J-Pop Idol 'Dancing' gimmick- would be pretty cool if someone like that is the 'straight-man' in a stable :p


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Aki Shimiuzdani [L] in 9:37 via submission (Python Vise)


Tiger did everything he could with this match. Mercifully the feud is over and Inokuma can move on to bigger and better things. Like a feud with Meido and Hustle? Inokuma's not ready for any of the top champions, the closest I can see him getting is junior tag titles, if he can find a good partner.


It would be a bit difficult for Inokuma to challenge for the Junior Tag titles, when he's a heavyweight (though with weight changes in TEW2013 perhaps he could drop enough weight to do so).


Result: Zodiac [w] & Talisman bt Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley [L] in 13:17 via pinfall (Steins Gate)




Maybe a little harsh on The Ambassadors Club, they did have some previous in Japan as part of the UPJ Junior Division- albeit I'm guessing they probably weren't massively over given their middle of the road overness levels.


Zodiac gets the better of until the 'High Sheik' takes control with a knee into Zodiac's mid-section.


High Sheik? Is it pronouncedf Sheek or Shake?



Ebi Kavidar = High Sheik

Paul Crowley = New Prince of Old School


Good debut for the new guys but otherwise no real surprises. KaviCro at least looked like worthy title aspirants, so we should see a lot more from them. I keep wondering why Tiger always jobs ?s. He's the only one I read who does this and I'm sure there is a good reason.


The Sheik thing, is a bit like the pronounciation of Tomato. It's not necessarily a conscience decision to job ?s- I think sometimes it's more the fact that I have mystery opponent idea- bring someone in and then realise they don't really have the overness levels to go over someone, other than a 'jobber' on the roster. Though it's more just a problem I've had playing with the original Thunderverse mod. It's a good mod, but there's just not quite enough talent to go round- though i'm guessing that's fixed with some of the additions in later versions of the mod.


Result: GUSHIKEN [w] & Chojiro Ono bt Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date + Koto Arato & Go Takashi [L] in 13:06 via pinfall (GUSHIKEN Powerbomb)


Takashi breaks up the pin to keep Team Ganbatte's title hopes alive.....Date however seems to take offence to that and gets into s shoving match with his stable mate.


Sportsmanship-Honor-Integrity-Professionalism is all well and good, but we're fighting for a title here!


'Epic Tsunami' then plants 'Strong Dreamer' with a side-slam and then goes for the Tsunami (Big Splash)..... And actually manages to connect!


Isn't that a sign of the apocolypse? And just a month before the Mayan end of the world. I'm scared!


It probably is a sign of the apocolypse,that someone was too slow to move out of the way of Ono's Tsunami (Big Splash).


commentator Tadashi Saga calls Sugmiura's behaviour suspicious


Along with most of the fans, including a goth girl in the front row yelling “I told you so!”


Sugimura : No one can stop us, we are the most dominant tag team in DIASPORA and we will be the most dominant team in the entire history of wrestling...




Strong match, the tension in SHIP was good. I doubt it's foreshadowing anything for the future, it's just two competative teams who both want to be the best. All the chaos and Sugimura action we expected to help seal the win for KURO.


I had to check back that I didn't write Sugmiura said that in the post match comments. The crooked ref, has been a fun character to write for. You're spot on with the two S.H.I.P teams, I don't really have any plans to have a full blown 'blood' feud between them- just two teams who want to be the best and just happen to be part of the same stable. I don't want to over-do it with the whole 'stable imploding due to in-fighting thing'.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Incognito [L] in 13:39 via pinfall (Dragon's Flame)


Then it suddenly dawned on 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' that the title can't change hands on a count-out


I always used to laugh in WWE when the challenger tossed the champion out of the ring and the commentators would talk about this.


This was a strong sprint. This and the semi-main match are really going to set the bar high for the main event. No one believed Incognito was going to win except him, but that added to the fun. Prime Dragon continues to project the Batman vibe of 'I will suffer to uphold the needs of my fans'. As Prime Dragon would say “I'm not the champion they want, but I am the champion they need and...wait, does that make sense?”


Well with Prime Dragon- I'd also imagine that he is also the man the fans want as champion- being something of an 'icon' and all. Though there are probably some fans who will see him as a 'boring invicible hero'.... Not too dissimilar to CIMA in Dragon Gate- The fact that one of his finishers is a re-named version of CIMA's Schwein- is somewhat of a homage :p



Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa [L] in 25:35 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)


A good New Japan style heavyweight match. Ichigawa aggressive with striking, Minamoto continues to be devious. I hope the crowd is not burned out for the main event. Ichigawa-Minamoto are golden for their raw hate, the way their styles mesh so well and how evenly matched they are now. But Minamoto had to win this. It livens up the title, giving new life to old challengers like Arato who had already lost to Ichigawa three times. Besides, his egotism is entertaining.


As for his interview, I'm just glad Minamoto acknowledges the role School Rumble had in his recent success.


With the striking and 'Working a body part' A New Japan style Heavyweight contest, was definitely the inspiration for his match up.


I can't imagine School Rumble had any role in Minamoto's recent success but given that he's obsessed with the series, in his mind he was. :p


Result: Hiroto Nori [L] in 31:49 when Dark Wolf II, Shintaro Hideki, Tian Long, Kotei Yamato and Sairento all escaped the cage, in a Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape Match.


Rating 83, so I guess this match lived up to the preceeding matches. I still wonder if there was a crown burned out note. But with a 83 I suspect not.


Am I the only one thinking Nori looked like he's wearing a bald mask?


Excellent match, with the Dark Wolf drama as well as well as seeing who would abandon their friends to escape on SHIPs side as well. The rope ladder for Sairento was awesome! I think this is the best possible result. I didn't change my pick but I was thinking yesterday that anything less than Sairneto losing his mask or Nori going all Charles Xavier would be a let down. And I'm not sure Sairento is the same badass without the mask. And besides, now we get all the wonderful Mio drama as a result of this!


Great match that got across all the important points. No idea how you get a 78 out of that though.


I think most people picked Tian Long to lose the mask- with the fact that he is nearing retirement. He proved to be a pretty good curveball in that sense, but it would have felt alot more 'flat' than Nori having his head shaved, or Sairento being forced to de-mask.


I thought one of these days Mio-Mio is going to do something really stupid- so if she's really that desperate to get involved with our shows and be round Nori-san every waking minute of the day- then why not make her be part of the show.


I wonder if this was the plan from the beginning?


I'm sure fans will be wondering if this actually was the plan from beginning but nothing could be further from the truth.




What you have to remember there, is that I'm writing 'in character' when I'm making my comments. Albeit the avatar- character is not too far away from my own personality.


Truth is I didn't originally plan for Mio Mio to come onto the DIASPORA roster- but once she gained 'Ascended Extra' status- then the plan was for her to actually be part of the game, rather than just an extra character within the diary.

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DIASPORA- The Appraisals


Now you may all be wondering, what ever happened with that Momo Nyan-Nyan girl, did she ever find the so called 'sunflower wrestler' she was looking for? Well perhaps she did, but that's a story whose ending I will reveal at a later date, for now I'm having to type up roster appraisals for the boss to peruse over. Here's the first batch:


Aki Shimizudani


Overall Record: 3-18-0


'Decision' Record: 0-13-0


Average Match Rating: 56


Best Match: vs Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) w/ Horiuchi Inokuma: Full Metal Panic! Tour 15- Rating 73

Worst Match: vs Taheji Ebisawa: Full Metal Panic! Tour 16- Rating: 43

Takayuki's File: To say that Shimizudani-san did not have the best of tours would be an understatement of seismic proportions. He did not earn a victory in any of his matches, had an embarrasing loss to Eikichi Minamoto in under a minute (losing to Minamoto is nothing to be ashamed about, but going down in under a minute is) and he saw his tag team with Horiuchi Inokuma break up.


The hard facts are, Shimizudani-san is one of the blandest workers on the roster, and I don't really see much of a long term future for him in DIASPORA. He'll be sticking around for the next tour, in the capacity of a talent enhancer for the Heavyweight ranks but as soon as his contract runs out/some young heavyweight's graduate from Pro Wrestling Refuge he will on his merry way.


Blood Spider Jr


Overall Record: 9-12-0


Decision Record: 6-10-0


Average Match Rating: 56


Best Match: vs Prime Dragon (Non Title match): Full Metal Panic! Tour 5- Rating 75


Worst Match: vs Kan Mitsubishi: Full Metal Panic! Tour 17- Rating 38


Takayuki's File: The original plan for Blood Spider Jr was to have him team regularly with fellow DIASPORA newcomer Dark Wolf II- a pairing that probably wouldn't have been instant world beaters but probably would have been established as a solid mid-ranking team by the end of the tour.....only problem with that idea is that Spider-san and Wolf-san had absolutely no chemistry what so ever as tag team partners.


Spider-san did eventually form a regular tag team with Soh Terajima- collectively known as the 'Salty Delinquents' a pairing that won't be earning Match of the night awards any time soon but have found a niche as shamless lower tier heels- that the fans love to hate.


In fact Spider-san had managed to chalk up a half decent win-loss record by the end of the tour, with six of the nine victory coming courteosy of the 'New Nightmatre' albeit all those victories were against low card opposition.


Spider-san is still very green at this stage in his career and has plenty of improving to do before he can even be considered to rise above his current lower mid-card role but he is very young and there is enough suggestion that he has the potential to make a mark of his own in the wrestling business and add to the Blood Spider legacy started by his father.



Chojiro Ono


Overall Record: 15-10-1


Decision Record: 5-5-1


Average Match Rating: 67


Best Matches: w/ Sairento & Incognito vs Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon & Talisman: Full Metal Panic! Tour 17


Loser Leaves Unit Match: Kuro Nadeshiko (w/Sairento, Tian Long & GUSHIKEN) vs Guardians of DIASPORA (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon & Taheji Ebisawa: Full Metal Panic! Tour 23


Both Matches rated 80.


Worst Match: vs Aki Shimizudani + Dark Wolf II + Shiki Hirasi: Full Metal Panic! Tour 26 - Rating 43


Takayuki's File: Ono-san is currently one half of the All Asia Tag Team champions alongside GUSHIKEN, as the Udon Noodle Killers and though admittedly there are more talented pairings- the UNK play there part as 'bully boy' heels pretty well. Ono-san himself isn't a great wrestler and in singles competiton he tends to struggle to put on decent matches but as part of a tag team and used in short bursts he can be part of a decent to great match, depending on the talents of the people he is in with the ring with.


One has to wonder though if Ono-san cut back a little on his udon noodle intake and dropped some weight, could he develop into an even better worker?



Dark Wolf II


Overall Record: 10-11-0


Decision Record: 9-6-0


Average Match Rating: 62


Best Match: Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape match vs Hiroto Nori + Kotei Yamato + Sairento + Shintaro Hideki + Tian Long: Flowers of Hell- Rating 83


Worst Match: Aki Shimizudani + Chojiro Ono+ Shiki Hirasi: Full Metal Panic! Tour 26 - Rating 43


Takayuki's File: As mentioned with Blood Spider Jr, the original plan for Wolf-san was for him to be part of a regular tag team with his fellow DIASPORA newcomer, but of course I didn't forsee the dreadful chemistry for that pairing. In fairness Wolf-san probably would have broken out on his own as a singles performer sooner or later.


Admittedly though for much of his tour he has been a little directionless, despite picking up a solid amount of victories, most of those wins have like his originally intended tag partner come against lower card talent- however his involvement in the Mascara Contra Caballera main event at the Flowers of Hell PPV, is an indicator that I don't intend to have Wolf-san stagnate as a directionless midcarder that feeds on jobbers.


In fact one of the stipulations of the Mascara Contra Caballera Cage match, saw all the escapees earn a Super Junior title shot on the next tour- that of course will be Wolf-san's most high profile DIASPORA match to date and his performance in that match could go a long way in deciding just how far he can rise in DIASPORA for the forseeable future.



Eikichi Minamoto


Overall Record: 21-6-0


Decision Record: 18-1-0


Average Match Rating: 72


Best Match: w/Zodiac vs Prime Dragon & Hyotaru Ichigawa: Full Metal Panic! Tour 16- Rating 84


Worst Match: vs Aki Shimizudani: Full Metal Panic! Tour 21- Rating: 51


Takayuki's File: Minamoto-san will enter the next tour as the newly crowned Heavyweight Champion after a transformation that has seen him evolve from a slightly goofy fan favourite babyface into an arrogant heel whose selfishness has seen him rise to the top of the heavyweight ranks but has also set off the implosion of the Guardians of DIASPORA stable that he is still a part of.


Given how strong his push has been in the last two thirds of the tour, it would be surprising to some that his first PPV match was a throwaway card filler but being involved in such an insignicant match was in fact the very first catalyst for Minamoto-san's transformation. Since that transformation Minamoto-san's rise to prominence in DIASPORA has only grown stronger, 21 times he was the winning side (18 of those victories via himself), and of his six defeats only the once was he the one to take the fall and that match happened to be his first challenge of the Heavyweight Championship against Hyotaru Ichigawa.


Both of his title matches against Ichigawa-san were excellent, though admittedly both of those matches were against an experienced ring general that rarely has an off night and question's will be asked if Minamoto-san can produce the goods as champion against a variety of challengers other than Ichigawa-san.

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DIASPORA- The Appraisals- Part II


Here we go with the next round of appraisals


Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine


Overall Record: 0-17-0


'Decision' Record: 0-13-0


Average Match Rating: 48


Best Match: vs Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) & Taheji Ebisawa w/ MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro): Full Metal Panic! Tour 14- Rating 66


Worst Match: vs Kan Mitsubishi: Full Metal Panic! Tour 7- Rating 29


Takayuki's File: When Wolfe-san entered Japan and sign on for us at DIASPORA, he probably didn't think he'd end up being forced to wear a Sailor Fuku and working an identity crisis gimmick, in his mind he was going to be some gaijin bad-ass....well that's all well and good if you're winning matches but the fact is the fans only bought him as nothing more than jobber fodder, so the decision was made to steer him in a different direction.


That direction has still seen him lose every match he's been involved in (jobbing 13 times), but he still finds himself in a better position within DIASPORA- than had he carried on as regular Hunter Wolfe...in a nutshell had he not been given a 'character' he'd be the gajin equivalent of Shiki Hirasi.



Go Takashi


Overall Record: 12-11-1


Decision Record: 7-9-1


Average Match Rating: 61


Best Match: vs GUSHIKEN & Sairento w/ Oda Yamawaki: Full Metal Panic! Tour 22- Rating 76


Worst Match: vs Shiki Hirasi: Full Metal Panic! Tour 14- Rating: 37


Takayuki's File: Takashi-san has been a solid addition to the Heavyweight ranks of DIASPORA and has his 'fighting spirit' gimmick has proven to be a good fit with the S.H.I.P stable he became part of and has gone down well with the fans. He's yet to be part of a truly great match but a few 'no one cares' matches against low card opposition apart he has generally played his part in being a solid and consistent midcard performer.


His young lion/veteran pairing with former Heavyweight Champion Koto Arato as Team Ganbatte!! has proven to be a good addition to the heavyweight tag ranks and it's not unfeasible to think that the pairing could have an All Asia Tag Title reign within their future.





Overall Record: 13-12-1


Decision Record: 9-6-1


Average Match Rating: 74


Best Match: w/Sairento vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Prime Dragon- Full Metal Panic! Tour 1- Rating 83


Worst Match: w/ Chojiro Ono vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi - Full Metal Panic! Tour 8- Rating 61


Takayuki's File: If you look at GUSHIKEN-san's average match rating and the fact he has not been in any bad/no one cares matches- he looks like one of our top performers, the fact is as part of Kuro-Nadeshiko's 'A' unit he gets put in a lot of star studded matches with more talented performers.


That's not to say that GUSHIKEN-san is a poor performer and that he hasn't played his part in those matches, in fact he came into DIASPORA with a huge amount of respect amongst the fans and was seen as one of the lynchpins of the Heavyweight division. However he had the spotlight upon himself- he produced the most poorly received main event of the Full Metal Panic! Tour a sluggish Heavyweight contenders match against Koto Arato.


That match went a long way to killing GUSHIKEN's singles push and steered him towards the tag ranks, alongside Ono-san. The heavyweight bully pairing have proven to be a succesful combination and are the current All Asia tag champs and with a relatively thin division, that is where GUSHIKEN-san's immediate future lies, though an excursion back into the singles ranks will not be out of the question and perhaps he should be given a chance to prove that his match with Arato-san was just a bad day at the office.


Interesting fact GUSHIKEN was involved in two Makoto Style Elimination matches between Kuro-Nadeshiko and S.H.I.P, in the first match he was the sole survivor and winner of the match, however in the second version he was (in somewhat of a shock) the first elimination.



Hideaki Kasuse


Overall Record: 4-14-0


Decision Record: 3-5-0


Average Match Rating: 59


Best Match: vs Zodiac & Prime Dragon w/Kohei Hidaka- Full Metal Panic! Tour 3- Rating 77


Worst Match: vs Dark Wolf II: Full Metal Panic! Tour 20- Rating 44


Takayuki's File: Kasuse-san was missing from a good chunk of the tour, due to a stomach injury that kept him out for a month. In truth though that had little consequence on his position within the DIASPORA ranks and injury or no injury he would still be placed as a lower to mid card gatekeeper.


Now some may speculate that he is being held down in this position because of rumours that he used PED's in the past, but for one I fight that hard to believe when he's afraid of needles and the fact of the matter is he is a solid but unspectacular worker that unless he shows improvement within the next few years has career low end midcarder written all over him.



Hiro Date


Overall Record: 14-10-2


Decision Record: 7-4-2


Average Match Rating: 65


Best Match: Makoto Style Elimination Match- S.H.I.P (Date, Yamawaki, Yamato, Hideki) vs Kuro-Nadeshiko (GUSHIKEN, Ono, Incognito, Tian Long): Full Metal Panic ! Tour 4- Rating 79


Worst Matches: vs Aki Shimizudani, Horiuchi Inokuma & Shiki Hirasi w/ Oda Yamawaki & Kotei Yamato : Full Metal Panic! Tour 18

vs Kan Mitsubishi & Kotei Yamato w/Oda Yamawaki: Full Metal Panic! Tour 21


Both Rated 52


Takayuki's File: A consistent solid performer Date-san is an important piece in our Heavyweight Division, There's no reason why he couldn't make his mark as a singles competitor- at 35 he is still in the prime of his career....though admittedly that is the age where it could be make or break for him to rise from dependable midcarder to knocking on the main event but right now it's more important for us for Date-san to remain part of the tag ranks, because though the Tokyo Wrecking Crew are no longer the All Asia Tag champions they remain the lynchpins of a heavyweight division that is admittedly a little bit thin on the ground.


There is of course also the option that both Date-san and his equally talented partner try to prove themselve as both strong singles and tag team performers at the same time, but that lack of focus usually ends up with talent getting lost in the shuffle.

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DIASPORA- The Appraisals- Part III


Another round of appraisals- this edition features three roster members than can be considered to be amongst our top performers.


Hiroto Nori


Overall Record: 13-13-1


'Decision' Record: 12-5-1


Average Match Rating: 73


Best Matches: vs Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman w/ Kotei Yamato & Koto Arato: Full Metal Panic! Tour 22


Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape Match vs Dark Wolf II, Kotei Yamato, Sairento, Shintaro Hideki & Tian Long


Both Matches Rated 83


Worst Match: vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara w/Koto Arato: Full Metal Panic! Tour 21- Rating: 52


Takayuki's File: Poor Nori-san, not only does he have to suffer having to go home to his super-possessive girlfriend Mio-Mio everynight, he has now ended up looking like someone wearing a bald cap (saying that his hair should have begun to grow back by the start of the next tour). One could say that this man is prepared to suffer for love and suffer for his craft.


Looking at things from a Kayfabe win-loss perspective Nori-san's record in the big matches on the last tour wasn't too great and he might start getting the reputation as something of a big match 'choker' amongst the fan-base but the fact that he keeps getting himself into important matches, shows that he is a valued part of the DIASPORA main event and I can assure everyone, his psycho girlfriend included that his fortunes in the important matches will turn round eventually.


In fact with Mio Mio being hired onto the roster, out of fear she might doing something crazy anyway at one of our shows- it's not just a case of keeping Nori-san happy, it's also a case of keeping her happy and if Nori-san is doing too many 'jobs' for her liking, I don't think I'll be seeing my nexy birthday.



Horiuchi Inokuma


Overall Record: 9-15-0


Decision Record: 8-4-0


Average Match Rating: 55


Best Match: vs Hyotaru Ichigawa: Full Metal Panic! Tour 14- Rating 82

Worst Match: vs Shiki Hirasi: Full Metal Panic! Tour 16- Rating: 34


Takayuki's File: Inokuma-san is a promising young heavyweight but one who still has plenty of room for improvement. Part of a solid but unspectacular tag team with Aki Shimizudani that team was broken up, following an angle where Inokuma became frustrated at being 'held down' by teaming with someone that constantly loses.


I'll hold my hands up here, breaking up that team may have been a decision I was too hasty with, the Heavyweight Tag ranks lack depth and it's hard to see right now, even without a deadweight tag partner just how much further Inokuma can rise up the DIASPORA ranks, as he's not quite ready to mix with the big boys.


It was in fact a good performance against one of the big boys that probably triggered my hasty decision but the quality of that match was probably largely due in part to the fact that Ichigawa-san could probably get a decent match out of a broom. Sure ShimiKuma would have still been pushed as the number 4 team in the heavyweight tag ranks but at least Inokuma-san would have still had some direction.


But it's a decision I must live with, and instead of fretting over it, I should find a 'new' direction for Inokuma-san- more than likely that could well involve becoming part of another tag team.





Overall Record: 14-11-0


Decision Record: 11-3-0


Average Match Rating: 57


Best Match: vs Sairento: Full Metal Panic! Tour 4- Rating 72


Worst Match: vs Kohei Hidaka, Yachi Kotara & Shiki Hirasi w/ Meido Machine & Hunter Wolfe: Full Metal Panic! Tour 6- Rating: 36


Takayuki's File: Umiro-san isn't someone who is going to be 'stealing' the show with Match of the Night candidates, but he is proving to be a valuable and fun asset for the midcard and despite not really mixing it with our top line players he is someone who holds his popularity with our fans.

The 'Hustler' gimmick he cultivated during his time in THAT promotion I dare not mention, had pretty much played itself out, which is why we went ahead with accentuating the wannabe rapper part of his gimmick...then for some reason he suggested he be paired up with the newly arrived Meido Machine.


I was surprised that Umiro-san wanted to be paired up with the bizarre new recruit but luck would have it their odd couple pairing has proven to be a stroke of genius. Originally I saw the act as nothing more than low card comedy fodder and that eventually Umiro-san would come to me with a 'I need to be taken seriously' speech and ask me to break up the team because he was fed up doing this comedy jobber schtik. But that isn't what happened, they actually began to get over with the fanbase and as well as helping the newcomer Meido establish himself, HUSTLE is more popular than he's ever been.



Hyotaru Ichigawa


Overall Record: 21-5-0


Decision Record: 14-3-0


Average Match Rating: 76


Best Match: vs Eikichi Minamoto & Zodiac w/ Prime Dragon: Full Metal Panic! Tour 16- Rating 84


Worst Matches: vs Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara w/ Zodiac & Talisman: Full Metal Panic! Tour 19


vs Kan Mitsubishi: Full Metal Panic! Tour 25


Both matches rated 62


Takayuki's File: There is little doubt that our Heavyweight Division would be in a much poorer state were Ichigawa-san not around. He seems incapable of putting on a bad match, something highlighted by the fact that he carried a green young lion like Horiuchi Inokuma to a great match.

He may have just lost the Heavyweight Championship to Eikichi Minamoto but that was just to freshen things up and it would be foolish to de-push Ichigawa-san from his current main event status, when despite being 42 years old and perhaps entering that phase of his career where you expect him to begin to decline as a performer, he still appears to be at the top of his game.


I mean this as no disrespect to Ichigawa-san, but hopefully sooner rather than later that time will come when we are less reliant on him being our go to guy for the Heavyweight Division, because long term we need young talent to come through but of course pushing young talent should not come at the expense of such a valuable asset.





Overall Record: 16-9-0


Decision Record: 9-3-0


Average Match Rating: 78


Best Match: vs Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman w/ Sairento & Tian Long: Full Metal Panic! Tour 13- Rating 84


Takayuki's File: Incognito-san may be a bit of an insufferable egomaniac but one cannot deny his talent's as a wrestler, and he can at least go some way to be able to back up his high opinion of himself. Just like Ichigawa-san, Incognito seems incapable to having a bad match- but whilst Ichigawa-san just gets on with it, Incognito-san has to let everyone know just how great he is and how he should be the biggest star in the whole damn universe.


It's that egotism, that makes people wary of making him a champion, because I'm pretty sure if this guy was given a title, the world itself may collapse under the weight of his own ego. Truth be told the guy is already a lost cause in that sense and we may as well appreciate his exceptional talents and perhaps one day I might just be crazy enough to grant him that title that his talent deserves.

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DIASPORA- The Appraisals- Part IV

The fourth batch in the Appraisal process, that possibly Prime Dragon himself only really cares about....


Junichi Matsuo


Overall Record: 0-9-1


'Decision' Record: 0-6-1


Average Match Rating: 61


Best Match: vs Tian Long: Full Metal Panic! Tour 22- Rating 69


Worst Match: vs Meido Machine + Xtinction + Yachi Kotara : Full Metal Panic! Tour 21- Rating 52


Takayuki's File: Matsuo-san is a promising young talent we feel will be a good long term addition to our Junior ranks, in the short term he probably won't be a major player but give it a few years when the likes of Dragon-san and Long-san have hung up their boots, we think he has the still developing skills and charisma to be a top line player for us.


Of course fans might not have that perception right now with the 'can't buy a win' angle he has kicked his DIASPORA career off with, but we wanted to introduce him in a different way to the usual new guy that beat's up jobbers- of our new Junior Heavyweight's Dark Wolf II had already secured that role.


However don't expect the losing streak to carry on for too much longer and for him to start picking up some much needed victories on the next tour.



Kan Mitsubishi


Overall Record: 4-17-0


Decision Record: 2-17-0


Average Match Rating: 53


Best Match: vs Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse w/Talisman: Full Metal Panic! Tour 2- Rating 69


Worst Match: vs Hunter Wolfe: Full Metal Panic! Tour 7- Rating 29


Takayuki's File: Mitsubishi-san is a poor wrestler, who quite frankly I don't see improving to the point where he can be an asset to us in anyway. He only maintained a push just above being an out-right jobber by the fact that he somehow managed to find his way onto one of the main stables and before that he was once one half of the All Asia Tag champions with that revered in-ring workhorse Chojiro Ono :rolleyes: (no wonder the belts had crap all prestige prior to the Tokyo Wrecking Crew's run with the belts). However with him now officially booted out of Guardians, expect him to slip even further down to the basement, where his (lack of) talent belongs.


Put him in there with some quality/over wrestling talent and he can be carried along to having a half decent match but as highlighted by his stinking pre-show match with a totally unknown Hunter Wolfe (the worst of the tour) he's incapable in raising his game by himself- for some inexplicable reason I booked that match again on another pre-show...it was marginally better (due to Wolfe being a little better known by that stage) but it still sucked.



Kohei Hidaka


Overall Record: 5-18-0


Decision Record: 4-9-0


Average Match Rating: 56


Best Match: vs Prime Dragon & Zodiac w/Hideaki Kasuse: Full Metal Panic Tour! 3-Rating 77


Worst Matches: Full Metal Panic Tour! 8: vs Meido Machine, HUSTLE Umiro & Hunter Wolfe w/Shiki Hirasi & Yachi Kotara: Rating 36

Takayuki's File: Much of what can be said about Hidaka-san, was covered by my appraisal of his tag partner Kasuse-san. The older of the two, it's probably even more the case that Hidaka-san probably won't grow much further from his current position with us.


To be honest, whilst that's probably not great for him- that's fine for us- as he's a solid lower card hand we won't feel guilty for keeping around in that kind of role.



Kotei Yamato


Overall Record: 13-13-0


Decision Record: 6-4-0


Average Match Rating: 71


Best Matches: Full Metal Panic! Tour 22: vs Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman w/ Arato & Nori


Flowers of Hell: Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape vs Dark Wolf II, Hiroto Nori, Sairento, Shintaro Hideki & Tian Long

Both matches rated 83


Worst Matches: Full Metal Panic! Tour 17: vs Aki Shimizduani, Horiuchi Inokuma & Shiki Hirasi w/ Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki

Full Metal Panic! Tour 23: vs Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka w/Shintaro Hideki


Both matches rated 52


Takayuki's File: Yamato-san's win-loss record reflects the midcard position he has right now within DIASPORA, and the percpetion that he is an above average performer but someone who probably isn't quite there yet to truly cement himself amongst the upper echelons of the DIASPORA roster.


The decision to end New Solution's run with the Junior Tag titles during the tour, was less to do with not having any faith in their capabilites but more due to the fact that they also have comittments with Dragon Pro Wrestling in America- however they are proving that they can handle that tough travelling schedule and when push comes to shove they see us as the priority.




Koto Arato


Overall Record: 14-12-1


Decision Record: 9-2-1


Average Match Rating: 71


Best Match: Full Metal Panic! Tour 22: vs Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman w/Hiroto Nori & Kotei Yamato- Rating 83


Worst Match: Full Metal Panic! 21: vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara w/Hiroto Nori- Rating 52


Takayuki's File: Arato-san the first ever Heavyweight Champion in DIASPORA, is another well valued veteran amongst our heavyweight division- whilst he's probably not quite in the same league as Ichigawa-san in being able to carry a broom to a good match, our heavyweight division would be much weaker without his prescence.


After he failed to win back the Heavyweight title in his third attempt from Ichigawa, his focus was turned towards the tag titles and grooming a veteran/young lion team with S.H.I.P rookie Go Takashi- it's something that has helped Takashi-san get over but also keep Arato-san relevant whilst we kept him away from challenging the title, because his rivalry with Ichigawa-san had run it's course (for now). However with a new Heavyweight Champion in place for the next tour in Minamoto-san, there of course will be that temptation to once again focus Arato-san back towards singles competition.

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DIASPORA- The Appraisals- Part V

Just two more editions to come after this batch....


Meido Machine


Overall Record: 6-16-1


'Decision' Record: 3-13-1


Average Match Rating: 56


Best Match: vs Incognito: Full Metal Panic! Tour 10- Rating 73


Worst Match: vs Kohei Hidaka, Shiki Hirasi & Yachi Kotara w/ HUSTLE Umiro & Hunter Wolfe : Full Metal Panic! Tour 8- Rating 36


Takayuki's File: This chancer forced his way onto the roster for reason's I know longer care about- why don't I care anymore that this guy got a spot with us under shady circumstances- I don't care because he's actually ended up being an asset in the lower card for us. His bizarre gimmick has actually gotten over with the fans and beyond the gimmick he's actually shock of all shocks a pretty decent wrestler.



Oda Yamawaki


Overall Record: 16-9-2


Decision Record: 8-4-2


Average Match Rating: 67


Best Matches: vs Sairento & Incognito w/Hiroto Nori: Full Metal Panic! Tour 24


vs GUSHIKEN, Sairento & Incognito w/ Hiroto Nori & Koto Arato- Full Metal Panic! Tour 26


Both Rated 82


Worst Matches: vs Aki Shimizudani, Horiuchi Inokuma & Shiki Hirasi w/ Kotei Yamato & Hiro Date: Full Metal Panic! Tour 17


vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi: Full Metal Panic! Tour 21


Both Rated 52


Takayuki's File: Yamawaki-san is someone that no doubt will be a future Heavyweight champion- he has the skills and he has the star quality to go all the way to the very top in this business.


At 26 there's still plenty of time on his side before we truly pull the trigger on a singles run for him and there is still the matter that right now he is probably a bigger asset to a heavyweight tag division that would be a hell of alot poorer without the Tokyo Wrecking Crew, at the same time though we don't want to wait too long in strapping the proverbial rocket to Yamawaki-san.



Prime Dragon


Overall Record: 21-3-0


Decision Record: 12-0-0


Average Match Rating: 77


Best Matches: vs Sairento, Tian Long & Incognito w/ Zodiac & Talisman: Full Metal Panic Tour! 13


vs Eikichi Minamoto & Zodiac w/ Hyotaru Ichigawa: Full Metal Panic! Tour 16


Both matches Rated 84


Worst Matches: vs Kohei Hidaka, Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara w/ Zodiac & Talisman: Full Metal Panic! Tour 25


vs Horiuchi Inokuma: Full Metal Panic! Tour 26


Both matches Rated 63


Takayuki's File: Dragon-san succesfully defended the Super Junior Championship 4 times against 3 different opponents, was only on the losing side three times, and of those losses he was never the one to take the fall and to top it all off he was also involved in the two top rated matches on the tour and he's doing all this at the Age of 47!

Quite simply this man is an ageless wonder- DIASPORA just would not be the same without this masked god of the wrestling ring walking amongst us.





Overall Record: 17-8-1


Decision Record: 12-3-1


Average Match Rating: 78


Best Match: vs Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman w/ Incognito & Tian Long : Full Metal Panic Tour! 13- Rated 84


Worst Match: vs Meido Machine: Full Metal Panic! Tour 16- Rated 65


Takayuki's File: Sairento-san the silent sadist- the leader of Kuro-Nadeshiko and without question our top heel (though admittedly that could be challenged if Minamoto-san continues with his jerk-ass ways), the scariest thing though about him is that the Sairento character isn't just a gimmick, the guy even carries an evil bad-ass aura with him away from the ring.


Put simply Sairento-san is probably the employee I'd want to keep on the right side of the most, even more so than the main boss Dragon-san- because I get the feeling he's not someone you should cross- which is why I better not mention that despite being a great in-ring performer that never has a bad match, he could be an even better one if he actually 'sold' other people's offence once in a while- because I get the feeling that any criticism, constructive or not will probably be met with being curb-stomped into a new world.


Oh crap I just have, I just hope Dragon-san deletes that last bit and not yet Sairento-san see my constructive criticism.



Shiki Hirasi


Overall Record: 1-15-0


Decision Record: 0-11-0


Average Match Rating: 47


Best Match: vs Incognito: Full Metal Panic! Tour 2- Rating 69


Worst Match: vs Horiuchi Inokuma: Full Metal Panic! Tour 16- Rating 34


Takayuki's File: Right now Hirasi-san is our resident uber-jobber, he is the guy who even jobs to the jobbers...that is how low he is on the DIASPORA food chain.


The thing is, looking at this guy in training he's not actually a bad wrestler- he's no Ichigawa-san but he certainly knows his way round a wrestling ring better than says a Mitsubishi-san. It's just that he has such a stench of 'jobber' about him right now that the fans simply don't care about Shiki Hirasi.


So in order for Hirasi-san to make any sort of progress, he will need to be repackaged- that might not be an entirely terrible idea, especially as he's still at that age (26) where his career can be salvaged from heading down the road of becoming a perma-jobber.

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DIASPORA- The Appraisals- Part VI


The penultimate set of appraisals- why did Dragon-san force me to do this laborious exercise?!

Shintaro Hideki


Overall Record: 11-14-0


'Decision' Record: 7-10-0


Average Match Rating: 71


Best Match: Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Match- vs Dark Wolf II, Hiroto Nori,Kotei Yamato, Sairento & Tian Long: Flowers Of Hell- Rated 83


Worst Match: vs Soh Terajima: Full Metal Panic! Tour 16- Rated 38


Takayuki's File: Despite dropping the Junior Tag Titles and ending up with a losing record, Hideki-san still had a solid tour, proving himself to be a reliable midcard performer. In fact much of what can be said for Hideki-san, was already covered in my assessment for his regular tag partner Yamato-san. Both are promising talents, who can prove themselves capable of not looking out of place in the main event but quite ready yet to BE the main event. For the forseeable future New Solution, both individually and collectively will continue to be reliable components of the DIASPORA midcard.



Soh Terajima


Overall Record: 12-11-0


Decision Record: 7-8-0


Average Match Rating: 56


Best Matches: vs Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki w/ Incognito & Tian Long: Full Metal Panic! Tour 1- Rated 79


Worst Matches: vs Shintaro Hideki: Full Metal Panic! Tour 13- Rated 38


Takayuki's File: Terajima-san isn't the best wrestler around,but he's also far from the worst either, he's unlikely to ever be part of the best match of the night but he's solid enough in the lowercard role he is currently being employed for.


Right now, along with his fellow 'Salty Delinquent' Blood Spider Jr, he finds himself in the role of being somewhat of a designated 'loss post' for the Kuro-Nadeshiko stable, with his blatant cheating working against weak/inexperienced opposition but being ineffective against stronger opponents. After he came out on the wrong end of a feud with Shintaro Hideki, which admittedly made him look like a bit of a chump, there was a concerted effort on our part to have Terajima-san to pick up a few wins against low tier opposition to prevent him from falling further down the DIASPORA ladder.



Taheji Ebisawa


Overall Record: 11-12-0


Decision Record: 7-4-0


Average Match Rating: 59


Best Match: Loser Leaves Unit: vs Sairento, Tian Long, Chojiro Ono & GUSHIKEN w/ Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto & Hyotaru Ichigawa: Full Metal Panic! Tour 23- Rated 80


Worst Match: vs Shiki Hirasi: Full Metal Panic! Tour 7- Rated 36


Takayuki's File: Ebisawa-san is someone we feel one day could be a breakout star for our Heavyweight division, but at this moment in time his kind of treading water within DIASPORA, and though his performances have generally been solid thus far, he has rarely been in any great matches- admittedly he's not really been given the opportunities to be in great matches- often finding himself up against lower to middle tier opposition.


The tour just gone was about building Ebisawa-san up with some wins, but wins against DIASPORA's bottom dwellers are no longer going to cut it for Ebisawa-san, if progress is going to be made in helping him one day climb towards main event status.





Overall Record: 20-7-0


Decision Record: 9-4-0


Average Match Rating: 70


Best Matches: vs Incognito, Sairento & Tian Long w/ Prime Dragon & Zodiac : Full Metal Panic Tour! 13- Rated 84


Worst Matches: vs Blood Spider Jr, Xtinction & Yachi Kotara: Full Metal Panic! Tour 6


vs Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara w/ Hyotaru Ichigawa & Zodiac: Full Metal Panic! Tour 19


Both Matches Rated 62


Takayuki's File: Inside of the ring Talisman-san, is seen as the second coming of his tag partner Zodiac-san, outside of the ring though his egotistical attitude see's him have more in common with another masked high flyer Incognito. His jerkish behaviour can be a bit of a pain at times, though like Incognito-san he is a talented performer who can back up his high opinion of himself in the ring and it's talent I just feel like I can't hold back- resulting in him winning the Junior Tag Titles with his mentor Zodiac.

The team of Whispered are proving themselves to be an exciting pairing, and thus far pairing him with Zodiac-san seems to be keeping Talisman-san in lin and unless Talisman-san really steps out of line again, then there is no reason why there can't be continued success for Whispered on the next tour.

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DIASPORA- The Appraisals- Part VI


We've finally done it- we've are now at the end of the Appraisals, exercise that Dragon-san insisted that I do.


Tian Long


Overall Record: 13-12-0


'Decision' Record: 7-5-0


Average Match Rating: 73


Best Match: vs Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman w/ Sairento & Incognito: Full Metal Panic! Tour 13- Rating 84


Worst Match: vs Yachi Kotara & Kohei Hidaka w/Blood Spider Jr: Full Metal Panic! Tour 10- Rated 51


Takayuki's File: Despite being almost 50, Long-san is still in great shape and is still able to perform at a level where he can still pull his weight in high profile match-ups. However there is admittedly a bit of a conflict with just how much we should still be pushing him. Dragon-san has a sense of loyalty towards Long-san, and feels that the veteran's talents should still be respected enough for him to still be pushed as a top line player, but though I do respect those sentiments, I also feel at Long-san's age he should be putting younger talent over- because DIASPORA's long term future will not be built on the old guys.





Overall Record: 1-18-0


Decision Record: 1-11-0


Average Match Rating: 57


Best Match: vs Zodiac & Eikichi Minamoto w/Yachi Kotara- Full Metal Panic! Tour 1- Rated 76


Worst Match: vs Shiki Hirasi, Shintaro Hideki, Yachi Kotara- Full Metal Panic! Tour 15- Rated 41


Takayuki's File: Xtinction-san is someone who does have some talent, but he's too inconsistent and too prone to making botches, that it's hard to push someone so unreliable above being the Junior Division's resident designated jobber. In fact the guy is so inconsistent from one match to the next, it's hard to tell if it's actually the same person entering the ring under that mask of his.


He has also been moaning about not getting enough of a push, and feeling he should be getting more wins....well at least one of his incarnations has, so with a somewhat cancerous backstage attitude as well as being unreliable, it seems unlikely we will be renewing Xtinction contract when it comes up for renewal.



Yachi Kotara


Overall Record: 1-20-0


Decision Record: 0-10-0


Average Match Rating: 55


Best Match: vs Zodiac & Eikichi Minamoto w/Xtinction- Full Metal Panic! Tour 1- Rated 76


Worst Match: vs HUSTLE Umiro, Meido Machine & Hunter Wolfe w/Shiki Hirasi & Kohei Hidaka: Full Metal Panic! Tour 8- Rated 36


Takayuki's File: Kotara-san is a solid talent, but he just lacks those extra qualities such as charisma and star power to get fans invested in him as a talent- all in all he is absolutely ideal as someone used to put other talent over- which exactly the role he is being utilized in, and at the age of 37 it seems unlikely that role will change.


As long as Kotara-san is content enough to accept that staying with DIASPORA probably won't result in him climbing above being a lower-carder then we will be happy enough to keep him around.





Overall Record: 23-4-0


Decision Record: 11-2-0


Average Match Rating: 77


Best Matches: vs Incognito, Sairento & Tian Long w/ Prime Dragon & Talisman : Full Metal Panic Tour! 13


vs Prime Dragon & Hyotaru Ichigawa w/ Eikichi Minamoto: Full Metal Panic! Tour 16


Both Rated 84


Worst Match: vs Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara w/ Hyotaru Ichigawa & Talisman: Full Metal Panic! Tour 19 -Rated 62


Takayuki's File: Zodiac-san is a incredible talent, shown by the fact that he had involvement in the two best matches on the Full Metal Panic! Tour. Really someone of his talents should be challenging for the top prize in DIASPORA the Super Junior Championship but for now alongside Talisman-san he is bringing excitement to our tag ranks, as one half of the Junior Tag Team champions-Whispered.


For the forseeable future, we won't be cutting the Whispered push short, but one day it would be nice to see Zodiac-san make another singles run.



Footnote: The Ambassadors Club of Ebi Kavidar and Paul Crowley- have only had two matches (and one of them was under masks)- it's too early to say what impact they can have in DIASPORA- but my initial assessment is that they can provide enough solid middle tier tag team to our ranks

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I enjoyed the appraisals you did for each guy. I would have said this earlier, but I wanted to wait until you were finished.


Incognito having the highest average match rating doesn't surprise me too much, in the longer jhdverse games I play he usually ends up all over their top 10 match ranking. Then again if you ever did decide to give him the title he'd probably walk out on you to "find a new challenge." :p

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I enjoyed the appraisals you did for each guy. I would have said this earlier, but I wanted to wait until you were finished.


Incognito having the highest average match rating doesn't surprise me too much, in the longer jhdverse games I play he usually ends up all over their top 10 match ranking. Then again if you ever did decide to give him the title he'd probably walk out on you to "find a new challenge." :p


In all of the games I run, Incognito runs off to UPJ like the evil backstabbing white masked dog he is. :p

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I enjoyed all the appraisals for the wrestlers. The use of the Decision record is a nice touch. It's the more iumportant record since it's not impacted by being on top of a losing team or being carried to a win by a stronger partner. I have to admit I'm in favor of keeping guys like Mitsubishi even if their push lowers. If a wrestler has been a big part of the company in the past they should not be simply fired when they are no longer talented enough to stay on top. It's a matter of loyalty. On the other hand, Xtinction is a jobber with no history and little use.
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