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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution

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Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show 5


Tuesday 17th January 2012,

Nagoya Central Gym, Aichi, Chubu (1,815)


Match 0: Hustle Umiro vs Meido Machine


This match started with a bizarre dance off between HUSTLE and Meido, with HUSTLE doing some break dancing and Meido doing a J-Pop idol style routine. They did actually decide to 'wrestle' about five minutes in and after three minutes of some pretty solid chain wrestling it was HUSTLE that came out on top with the Out-Hustled (Backslide Pin)


Result: Hustle Umiro [w] bt Meido Machine [L] in 8:16 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)


Rating: 47


Takayuki Balls: This one was very much played for 'comedy', which didn't entirely go down well with the DIASPORA audience, but I was hardly going to send them out-there in some highly intense match in the pre-show slot.



Match 1: Hunter Wolfe vs Oda Yamawaki


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HunterWolfe.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OdaYamawaki.jpg


There's a little bit of history already between these two, as it was Yamawaki who handed a debut loss to Hunter Wolfe in a tag match, a few shows back and they started with some hard hitting exchanges, with the gaijin newcomer Wolfe, holding his own with one half of the All Asia Tag champions. In fact it was 'Ronin Thunder' who came closest to grabbing victory first when he caught Yamawaki with an X-PLODER suplex for a two count.


Yamawaki however managed to gradually seize control of the match and secured the win with the Tokyo Tower (Vertical Suplex Side Slam) after a well contested ten minutes.


Result: Oda Yamawaki [w] bt Hunter Wolfe [L] in 9:48 via pinfall (Tokyo Tower)


Rating: 59


Takayuki Balls: This was a solid match, but unfortunately Hunter needs to build his overness before fans truly care about this matches, and besides this was always going to be a foregone conclusion, no matter how much we presented Hunter as being able to hang with Yamawaki-san.



The new pairing of Heavyweight Champion Ichigawa and DIASPORA newcomer Ebisawa, started the match stronger but the momentum was reversed when Inokuma blocked German suplex attempt from Ebisawa and then dumped 'Forceful Dagger' with a high angle belly to back.


That put ShimiKuma in the driving seat, but Ebisawa showed real fighting spirit, consistenly kicking out of what the established duo could dish out at him and trying to fight back as best he could, though it was luck of ring positioning that saw him get his foot on the bottom rope at the last split second to avoid being counted out for three, after being planted with Inokuma's Kamikochi Suplex (Northern Lights Suplex)....


However Ebisawa got the opening he needed to get Ichigawa back into the match, when he avoided Shimizudani's Chin Marker (Jumping Knee) and then nailed 'S-Pulse' with the Dozer (Spear).......


Ichigawa then got back into the match, and planted Shimizudani with a Dragon Suplex, and though Inokuma dived across to make the save, he was then nailed with another Dozer, from Ebisawa who charged out of the corner to send 'Learning Lion' flying half way across the ring.


Ichigawa then placed Shimizudani in the Cross Arm-Breaker and with his partner taken out, 'S-Pulse' had no other choice but to tap out.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] & Taheji Ebisawa bt Aki Shimizudani [L] & Horiuchi Inokuma in 11:08 via submission (Crucifix Arm Bar)


Rating: 70


Takayuki Balls: What a difference one man can make to a match, because this is pretty much the same match as the one from the Shikoku show, save the fact that Mitsubishi was replaced by Ichigawa. But Ichigawa's prescence made the fans actually care about the match, and the quality of his work, also seemed to raise the game of the other's within the ring.


Post Match Comments:


Hyotaru Ichigawa: Ebisawa-san is strong, and one day I see a future where he can become a champion- I feel in order for him to have the best guidance possible to stay upon the path to success, he should be guided by the best.


Taheji Ebisawa: It would be an honour to fight alongside you and the rest of The Guardians-this is more than I can really ask for, but thank you, truly thank you Ichigawa-san.




Minamoto played to the crowd at the start of the match, but Hirasi who probably felt somewhat disrespected that he wasn't being taken seriously was having none of it and took a more aggressive stance. 'Rumble Heart' rallied back and then had Hirasi upon his shoulders for the Gurugu Mawaru (Airplane Spin Samoan Toss) but Hirasi blocked the attempt and drileld Minamoto with a DDT for a two count.


Hirasi then took control, working over Minamoto's legs to set up for the Ankle-Lock, but 'Rumble Heart' was able to kick Hirasi away and then built up steam with a series of clotheslines before stunning 'Shiny Dagger' with an atomic drop. A Gurugu Mawaru and then an Ode to Eri (Cradle Brainbuster) followed to secure the victory for the Guardian's fan favourite.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Shiki Hirasi [L] via pinfall (Ode to Eri)


Rating: 61


Takayuki Balls: Solid match for what it was an uppercarder vs jobber match. Surprisingly Hirasi was actually on offence for most of the match but he never really looked like causing the upset at any point during the contest.




The S.H.I.P came out of the gates faster and almost grabbed an early victory when when had their opponents in a trio of submissions, Yamato had Dark Wolf II in the Knightmare Frame (Bridging Cobra Clutch), whilst Nori and Hideki had Long and Terajima neutralised in abdominal stretches but Dark Wolf II was able to reach the ropes, and force the rope break.


After that the Kuro trio went out for a powder, only for their S.H.I.P opponents to come soaring throught the ropes with a trio of dives. However Kuro took advtantage of S.H.I.P's impatience and got some cheap shots in out on the floor.


When things had settled Hideki had been isolated in the Kuro corner, 'Integral Prowess' kicked out of a Cloak and Dagger (Flying Neckbreaker) from Terajima and then gutted it out to survive Tian Long's Dynasty Lock. Hideki then seemed to get the break he needed when Terajima accidently nailed Long with a Black Box shot and was then sent flying off the apron with a superkick from Hideki. Dark Wolf II however then planted Hideki with a spinebuster, before heading up top- but 'Integral Prowess' moved out of the way of the Wolf's Rain (Diving Elbow Drop) and got the tag into his partner Yamato.


After that the momentum was all with the S.H.I.P trio, and though a Gurren Driver (Scoop Slam Piledriver) from Yamato on Tian Long and then the Keiyakusha (Superkick assisted German Suplex) from New Solution upon Dark Wolf II was unable to put the Kuro trio away....Terajima who was a virtual non factor after being superkicked off the apron, was the one who eventually succumbed after tapping out to the Yakisoba (Tilt-A-Whirl Cross Arm Breaker) of Hiroto Nori.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w], Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Dark Wolf II, Soh Terajima [L] & Tian Long in 14:39 via submission (Yakisoba)


Rating: 69


Takayuki Balls: Solid if somewhat formulaic six man tag. It did feel like they were holding back a little here, because this was by all intents and purposes a fairly meaningless midcard contest. Though admittedly those were my instructions, so why should I be surprised by this?!


Post Match Comments:


Hiroto Nori: Neither Kuro, nor The Guardians are the strongest here in DIASPORA, S.H.I.P are! Tommorow night I will beat Sairento and then I will defeat Prime Dragon to become the Super Junior Champion.


Shintaro Hideki: Fact is Nori-san will become Super Junior champion and Yamato-san and I, shall continue to prove me are the best Junior Heavyweight tag team in the world- but of course we are not about words, we are about action and we proved just we are all about in that ring tonight.


Tian Long: The quest to take those belts away from you New Solution, is not over, it shall never be over, and as for you Nori-san prepare to sent to hell and back. I have fought Sairento-san many times, and I know for one know better than you what it takes to defeat him. DO you really think you have what it takes to defeat Sairento, Do you?!




Blood Spider Jr got an early advantage, after sneaking in a knee shot to Prime Dragon's groin and almost nabbing an early upset victory with a schoolboy for a two count. The Super Junior Champion attempted to rally back during the early going but 'The New Nightmare' was a step ahead during the early exchanges and only the sheer determination of the Guardians leader, saw him survive Spider's Web of Deception (Spinning Headscissors into Octopus Stretch) submission hold.


A bull-dog from Blood Spider, kept in control- as he then headed up top to set up for the Blood-Drop, only to be cut off by Dragon who then sent Spider in the hard-way with the Iconoclasm. Prime Dragon then took control with a rolling-wheel kick, and then a Brainbuster for a two count, before setting up for the Dragonsault, only for Chojiro Ono to stick his unwanted oar in and shove Dragon to the floor.


Blood Spider Jr then followed up a suicide dive, before pitching Dragon back into the ring. After getting a two count with a roll-up, the 'New Nightmare' set up for the Lethal Bite (Double Underhook Piledriver) but 'the Grand Pillar' managed to block the attempt and countered into a back body drop. Blood Spider then in desperation spewed his Poison Mist, but Dragon ducked and it ended up going into the face of Ono instead, who looked ready to intefere again. Dragon then nailed Blood Spider with a superkick and then followed up with the Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver) to secure the win.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Blood Spider Jr [L] in 12:34 via pinall (Prime Driver)


Rating: 75


Takayuki Balls: I would have expected Dragon-san to he able to carry Spider Jr to a decent match, but this was probably slightly better than I would expected it to be. Dragon-san helped to put the young newcomer over to look relatively dangerous, without really harming his own reputation by falling to an upset loss for fluking the win with a roll-up pin.


Post Match Comments:


Prime Dragon: Spider-san perhaps brought better than I expected tonight, I shall give him credit there, even if the path he has chosen is a foolish one. I also do not kid myself, every match for me is a hard one, I realise I am not getting any younger and perhaps the irony in my name is that I am indeed past my prime.....But I have the heart of a champion and every night I believe I can and shall win.




Opening exchanges of this Junior Division tag were fairly evenly matched, but the Guardians pair seemed to be a step ahead, so the Kuro pair went out for a powder only to get taken out with stereo moonsaults to the floor by Zodiac & Talisman. Talisman then pitched Sairento into the ring and then headed up top again but got cut off by 'Silent Reaper' who then set Talisman up for an avalanche Death Valley Driver, but Talisman shook off the attempt and took Sairento down with a spinning sleeper slam for a two count.


Talisman's momentum however was halted when Incognito tripped him up on the apron and then stumble into a yakuza kick from Sairento. The Kuro pair then worked over Talisman in their corner, with Sairento subjecting 'the second coming' to a facewash and then Incognito hitting a corner to corner missile drop-kick.


Incognito then set up for the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but Talisman was able to block and countered with a spin out side powerbomb for a two count, before looking to get the tag to Zodiac....


But Sairento charged out of his corner and knocked Zodiac to the floor, before the Kuro pair hit a basement drop-kick/Kuro-Stomp combo....... Talisman managed to kick out but remained in trouble and he was soon drilled with a Brainbuster from Sairento for yet another two count.


Incognito then headed up top and looked about to put a seal on a win for Kuro with the Susurro La Muerte (630 Senton) but with one last burst of energy Talisman popped up to his feet and nailed 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a jumping high kick.....Talisman then avoided a Yakuza kick from Sairento, before taking down 'Silent Reaper' with a spinning sleeper slam, enabling him to finally get the tag into Zodiac.


Zodiac took Sairento down with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors and transitioned into the Escaflowne (Crucifix Pin) only for Incognito to make the save, but 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' was sent dizzy too by Zodiac who then applied the Flame Haze (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Arm Bar) upon Incognito.


Incognito looked set to tap out, but luckily for him Sairento was on hand to stomp away upon Zodiac. Sairento regained control with a Brainbuster on Zodiac, and the Kuro pair continued to seize back the momentum with a string of double teams ....that included a rope hung assisted senton splash and a flying knee drop assisted Death Valley Driver but each time Zodiac was able to dig deep and kick out at two.


It did look to be all over however when Incognito drilled Zodiac with a Tornado DDT and immediately transitioned into the Suento Permanente sleeper. But a revitalised Talisman was on hand to make the save...before sending both Kuro men to the floor with a drop-kick on Sairento and a spinning headscissors on Incognito, before spectacularly putting his own body on the line to wipe out the Kuro pair with a shooting star press to the floor!


Talisman then pitched Incognito back into the ring and after planting 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a spin out side powerbomb for a two count....then headed up top, only for Sairento climb upon the apron and nail Talisman with a Black Box shot, whilst referee Sugimura was being distracted by a decoy Black Box from regular Black Box abuser Terajima.


Sairento then brought Talisman back in the hard way with a superplex, before Incognito sprung back to his feet to then plant the 'Second Coming' with an Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver)....


Zodiac dived across just in time to make the save and was then able to take down both of the Kuro pair with a double springboard drop-kick. Zodiac then planted Incognito with the Zodiac Sniper '98 (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb).....


Sairento not only makes the save, but knocks Zodiac senseless with the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike)........


Zodiac looks to be out and his rolled over for the pin, but Talisman manages to make the desperation save and then stuns Sairento with the God Know's (Spinning Headscissors into a crucifix pin).....


Sairento kicks out and then connects with a yakuza kick, before drilling Talisman with the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster). The 'Second Coming' shows incredible fighting spirit by kicking out at two, but is then placed in the Silence (Pentagram choke) and with Zodiac still out cold from being nailed with the Absolute Terror, Zodiac's protege passes out. On this occasion Kuro were just too strong for their opponents.


Result: Sairento [w] & Incognito bt Zodiac & Talisman [L] in 20:36 via submission (Silence)


Rating: 82


Takayuki Balls: An absolutely thrilling semi-final, quite possibly the Junior Tag action, is what we do best right now. I must say I was impressed with Talisman here, yes I know he ended up taking the fall here but he showed that he belonged in their with his more experienced opponents and perhaps 'stole the show'. He may have been a right pain in the ass before the show in Hiroshima, but to his credit, he's not let that affect his effort inside of the ring.


Post match Sairento spots Prime Dragon, points at the Super Junior Champion and makes a throat slash gesture, followed by a belt sign.....


Prime Dragon picked up a microphone and said that Sairento can make all the threats he likes, but when it comes down to it, that he is better and has always been better and that must drive Sairento absolutely mad......


Hiroto Nori then slid into the ring and said that aren't they forgetting that Sairento has to get past him first. Nori said he was sick of playing second fiddle to these two egomaniacs, whilst they were all part of the DIASPORA Four and said that he will prove that he has stepped out of both of their over-bearing shadows by firstly defeating Sairento at Bunkyo-Hall and then taking the Super Junior title from Prime Dragon at the first PPV of the year Neon Genesis Evolution!


Rating 70



Match 7: #1 Contenders Match for Heavyweight Championship:

GUSHIKEN vs Koto Arato


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GUSHIKEN.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KotoArato.jpg


You could tell right from the start that these two behemoths, wanted a shot at the heavyweight championship, as they took next to no time in laying into one another with lefts and rights. The first few minutes of back and forth hard nosed brawling lead to stale mate, until GUSHIKEN raked the eyes of Arato.


'Great Thunder' then planted Arato with a Uranage slam for a two count, before whipping Arato across the ring into the turnbuckle. GUSHIKEN then came charging in with a corner splash, but Arato was able to move out of the way and then unloaded on GUSHIKEN with a series of fore-arms, 'Strong Dreamer' then went for a charging fore-arm but was caught by GUSHIKEN and planted with a one armed side slam.


GUSHIKEN then set up for a GUSHIKEN Firebomb (Thunder Fire Powerbomb) but Arato was able to slip off and then really back with another flurry of fore-arms before sending 'Great Thunder' tumbling out of the ring with a clothesline. Arato then followed that up with a shoulder tackle off the apron, sending GUSHIKEN crashing against the guard-rail. Arato then attempted to haul 'Great Thunder' back into the ring, but GUSHIKEN stood his ground and then drilled Arato with a GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) out on the floor.......


GUSHIKEN then waited for referee Ochida to count Arato out, but 'Strong Dreamer' managed to haul himself back into the ring before the count reached twenty..... GUSHIKEN remained in control though and reeled Arato in to set up for the GUSHIKEN Firebomb....Arato stood his ground and once again rallied with more fore-arms and elbows.......


A mid ring collision with both going for clotheslines, then occurred and referee Ocida started a double count......


Arato was up first and he was able to rock GUSHIKEN with a spear for a two count. Arato then looked to apply the Dreamland (Rear Naked Choke) but GUSHIKEN was able to rise to his feet before Arato could truly synch in the submission hold and backed 'Strong Dreamer' up into a corner.....


GUSHIKEN then nailed Arato with the GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash).......








Arato kicked out, but remained in trouble, as GUSHIKEN stepped up the pace and sent Arato ragged with the GUSHIKEN Series (Triple Rolling German Suplex)......








To GUSHIKEN's frustration, Arato was still able to kick out......


After pacing around for a bit GUSHIKEN set up for the GUSHIKEN Firebomb 02 (Elevated Powerbomb) but Arato was able to find a burst of fighting spirit to block the attempt and then rock GUSHIKEN with a flurry of forearm/elbow smashes......


Arato then rocked GUSHIKEN with an Arato-Lariat but 'Great Thunder' managed to stay on his feet, only for Arato to GUSHIKEN with another Arato-Lariat and then show off an incredible amount of strength by dumping GUSHIKEN with the Arato-Suplex (Half Nelson Choke Suplex)......


Arato however collapsed to the mat from exhaustion and was unable to make an immediate cover, but GUSHIKEN remained planted to the mat and Arato crawled across....








GUSHIKEN kicked out...and then tried to rally back but the momentum had shifted in Arato's favour and he nailed 'Great Thunder' with a front side Arato-Lariat and then one to the back of GUSHIKEN'S head, before applying the Dreamland (Rear Naked Choke)......


GUSHIKEN appeared to be fading, but then suddenly found another burst of energy to begin battling his way back up to his feet, but Arato was able to adapt and for the second time in the match dumped 'Great Thunder' with the Arato-Suplex (Half Nelson Suplex)........






Three !!


Arato had emerged victorious in this battle of real heavyweights, and will be looking to reclaim the Heavyweight Championship he lost to Hyotaru Ichigawa,.


Result: Koto Arato [w] bt GUSHIKEN [L] in 15:05 via pinfall (Arato Suplex)


Rating: 68


Takayuki Balls: This slog-fest of a main event was a real disappointment, and looking back I really should have put this on before the molten hot Junior tag that came before and I think the crowd were perhaps a little too burnt out to care about two fattish men 'no-selling' fore-arm smashes for most of the match. I know now that unless it's two 'heavyweights' than can bring the work-rate, it's best to put the Juniors on, or at-least have a mixed tag in the main event slot. It's your mistakes you learn from however, you'd never learn anything if you got it right all the time.


Post match Chojiro Ono enters the ring and levels Arato from behind with a lariat to the back of the head....GUSHIKEN gets up to join Ono in delivering a beat-down to Ono, but before they can do too much damage...the 'cavalry' arrives in the form of the All Asia Tag champs, the Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki).


The show ends with Arato and the TWC standing tall in the ring, whils the UNK back up the entrance ramp and signal to the champions, this is not over and they are coming for their belts.


Rating: 68


Post Match Comments:


Koto Arato: Ichigawa-san, watch out because I'm coming back for my world title and soon enough S.H.I.P shall hold all the belts here in DIASPORA.


GUSHIKEN: One lucky win for Arato-san does not make him better than me and I have not given up on becoming Heavyweight Champion, but for now I shift my focus towards you Wrecking Crew, myself and Ono-san are hungry for those belts you have round your waists..and we WILL destroy you for them!



Overall: 71


Takayuki's Final Verdict: Our 'worst' show yet, but I actually think this was a pretty good show, up until the end...it's not that the end was bad, but the semi main and what went down post match, definitely should have been swapped round with the actual main and what went down post match there. Instead of ending white-hot as it could have done, it unfortunately ended in a bit of a low-key whimper. And I do take fully responsibility for that- as I said in my assessment of Arato-GUSHIKEN, I shall learn from the mistakes I made here.

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I do have one complaint. Minor quibble, really. But I'm curious on you using match numbers instead of grades. You were still using grades on the last Burning Hammer project, were you not?


I just changed to using numbers in game, to get a more accurate reading on how good each segment/match was and just carried it over to the diary this time round. I can always show each match/segment as a dual grade showing both numbers and letter grades.


Good show and writeup as always.


So the audience cared more about a ShimiKuma match then the #1 Contenders main event match? Ouch. (Okay it was more a Ichigawa vs some guys match, but still.)


I put it down to the previous match being so awesome, that the crowd was a bit 'burnt out' and that seeing two fat men slogging away wasn't going to re-ignite their excitement. I really should have swapped the main and semi around, as two of the four are main eventers, the other is an upper-mid and the last one is my most promising young midcarder, even if he is a bit of backstage pain.


One final note on the star rating- I noticed that thus far this diary has had six votes at a 4.33 average. That mean five have given this five stars and the one-star bandit has pitched in with their rating. Because that jack-ass had put their 'rating' in, the diary now shows as a '4 star' diary and not a '5 star' diary- even though 5 out of the 6 gave this 5 stars.


Well my guess is they have set out to achieve, what they aimed to achieve and that's to bring the rating of my diary down and to piss me off in the process. But really what's the point?- Pretty sad existence in my opinion, if that's how they get their kicks.


Anyway that's the last of my groans about the abuse of the star rating system on here- normal service will be resumed.

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I just changed to using numbers in game, to get a more accurate reading on how good each segment/match was and just carried it over to the diary this time round. I can always show each match/segment as a dual grade showing both numbers and letter grades.


I actually use numbers while playing as well. Or dual, to be more accurate. Its nice to see exactly if someone has improved at all in a given skill.


In diaries, it has always just bothered me a slight bit. Really just a personal preference. But it feels... too exact. Its like lifting the veil to reveal the game mechanic a bit too much. I don't mind that happening in OOC posts where something is explained. But beyond that, it feels like it takes a way a bit from my immmersion as the reader. I might be alone in that, though, so I don't think changing what you're doing is necessary. I'm going to be reading no matter ;)


Good show. I enjoy the "learning process" apsect of it as well. Apologies for missing out on predictions. I was catching on reading the last few shows after my post yesterday and had copied the prediction form. Then I saw you actually posted the show. Since predicting on a card already posted seemed a touch redundant, I held off.


Also, I have to give kudos to jhd1 and Schmoe. They've created some cool characters and some great visuals to go along with it. I love how you're bringing them to life.

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'Ganbatte, Kunomasu-san!!'





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimeDragon.jpg http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxGlDkmyhgt4cbHlBfBVSouhIbfHTyM4d7R2vpD-c4hs5GBmj1


Another night spent with Dragon-san.



Another night spent with Misaki-san



Prior to the next show at the legendary Bunkyo Hall in Tokyo, I was summoned to a meeting once again with Prime Dragon at his house in Yokohama. I thought this couldn't be good, but at least I could feast my eyes on the beautiful Misaki once again- That actually just depresses me, because I should not be having these sort of thoughts when regards it the wife of my pay master.


When I got to Dragon-san's house, it was Misaki who greeted me with her lovely smile....such a classy beauty, she looked as elegant as she did the last time. Dragon-san probably doesn't realise how lucky he is.


Anyway just as I suspected Dragon-san wanted to meet with me regarding the diminishing quality of the shows since I had been given the task of booking them.....


' Kunomasu-san you started strongly, but lately the shows have not been as good'


I said that I thought that the last show was actually pretty good in my opinion......


'Perhaps this is where you show your naivety Kunomasu-san, yes the last show in Nagoya was solid, up until the end,....the main event was weak'


Tell me about it, it's that plodder of a main event between Arato-san and GUSHIKEN that killed the show, did I really need reminding of it and besides I'm not the one who actually went out into that ring and wrestled- there's only so much I can do as head booker.


'That may be the case, that you yourseld do not perform in the ring, but you should be able to read the situation, you should by now be able to tap into what our fans like'


I've been here less than a month and he already expects me to be in tune with the DIASPORA fan base.....


'Look I know this is a learning process for you and I am willing to let you come through a few teething troubles, but you should be aware that our main focus is the Super Juniors and that's what our fans want to see'


So why even bother with a heavyweight division?


'We are an equal opportunities employer, and our fans still respect the heavyweight action but they are there to provide a contrast- our top belt here in DIASPORA is the Super Junior title, and it's our top belt for a reason- it's what OUR fans want to see in the main event'


I was beginning to get the impression that Dragon-san, deep down in his heart would want DIASPORA to be an exclusively Junior Heavyweight Promotion, but for some reason he didn't quite have the nerve to go full steam ahead with that idea and settled for a traditional promotion with both Junior and Heavy divisions, but one where the major focus had been flipped on it's head.


' Kunomasu-san, do not worry too much...your job is safe for now, and I would not even think of firing you after just one month, I wan't to see you succeed as much as you do'


Well that's nice to know, after all he was the one who appeared to be desperate to want me, or perhaps it was Zodiac-san who was more desperate for someone, just anyone to take over the book.


'It's just that it's the Bunkyo Hall show tomorrow, and we need to be at the top of our game for this, apart from the super-shows that are broadcast on PPV, these are our most important shows and we should be aiming for a home-run'


Well I am aware of the importance of these shows, I remember going to a few shows at the Bunkyo as a kid and then as a teenager, I actually recall seeing a Prime Dragon match......


'Did you enjoy my match?- The one you saw, and did I win'


Well honestly I can't remember all that much about it now, but I'm pretty sure it was a good match and I cannot remember if he won or lost. Truth is since I graduated high-school, I had rarely been to a wrestling event, until now- It was not that I lost interest in wrestling, but my focus was on being a games developer- the fact that I had the urge to make a wrestling booking simulation showed that I had never lost a passion for this business, I had now found myself caught up in.





Bunkyo Hall- Where legends are made


And it would be fantastastic to go to Bunkyo Hall once again- it's not the biggest of venues, in fact it's a rather modest size venue that just about squeezes in 2000 paying customers- But for some reason it just has an aura about it, and you can feel the history as soon as you step into it's halls. It truly is the 'Mecca of Fight'.


And though Dragon-san had assured me my position was safe for now, I knew the pressure was on to deliver a strong show at Bunkyo Hall and bounce back from a couple of poor shows.....


Once again Dragon-san was hospitable enough to 'put me up' for the night and I was grateful for the bed and to once again enjoy the lovely Misaki's delicious home cooking. But on this night I could not sleep.....

The words of Misaki, during a brief moment when Dragon-san had departed the room, were playing in my head....


'Do your best, Primey truly believes in you'


I promised I would do that, but was my best good enough and besides I couldn't help but also think about how cute Misaki is.....and here's her telling me how much her husband believes in me.

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O.O.C Post


As you may have read, at the start of the diary- I said that it would go a hiatus, as I would be going to Japan for a few weeks. That time is coming near, as I fly out next Friday.


The next show is the 'Bunkyo Hall' Tokyo show, and apart from a PPV this seems to be a good point to 'pause the diary'- and to be honest this is the point I was aiming for, before I go on holiday.


I'm going to be working on the next show over the Easter Weekend, and aim to have it up by Tuesday/Wednesday. After that the diary will be on hiatus until beginning of May. Preview post and Predictions form will be coming up in the next post.

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DIASPORA's Full Metal Panic! Tour continues with their first trip of the year to the legendary Bunkyo Hall.


The main event see's the Super Junior Division take centre stage, as former champion and Kuro-Nadeshiko leader Sairento faces off against S.H.I.P leader Hiroto Nori to decide who will face Prime Dragon for the Super Junior Championship at DIASPORA's first PPV of the year Neon Genesis Evolution, on Sunday 29th January at the Shizuoka Sports Park.


Prime Dragon will be in action himself, in a non title champion vs champion match when he faces off against one half of the Junior Tag Champions Shintaro Hideki. Whilst Hideki's partner Kotei Yamato will go one on one with a former Super Junior Champion in the form of Zodiac.


Following his defeat to Koto Arato in the Heavyweight number one contenders match at the preceding show, GUSHIKEN alongside his tag partner Chojiro Ono attacked the former champion, until the All Asia Tag champs, the Tokyo Wrecking Crew made the save for their stable mate. One half of those tag champs Oda Yamawaki will step up alongside Arato to face off with the Udon Noodle Killers, in a No DQ match.


Hyotaru Ichigawa offered Taheiji Ebisawa a chance to join the Guardians on a permanent basis following their tag victory over ShimiKuma, but it appears that Prime Dragon wants to test the mettle of the newcomer further, and Ebisawa will tag with Kan Mitsubishi against Ichigawa and Eikichi Minamoto in a 'proving ground' match.


A man who appears to find himself in similar circumstances to Ebisawa, is fellow DIASPORA newcomer Go Takashi...accept he seems to have the attentions of S.H.I.P, having fought in matches with and against them. This time he tests himself against an S.H.I.P member in the form of All Asia Tag champion Hiro Date.


Rounding out the main show card is Junior Tag team action with former champions IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) facing off with 'The Forgotten' (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


An openweight 4-way featuring Blood Spider Jr, Talisman, Xtinction and Yachi Kotara provides bonus action for those who can get to the show early.


Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 6 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....



Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show #6

Bunkyo Hall, Tokyo, Kanto

Thursday 19th January 2012.


~Extreme Desires~

Final (45 Min Limit): Contenders Match for Super Junior Championship

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'



Semi Final: (30 Min Limit): Non Title Champion vs Champion Showdown

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Super Junior Champion-

Prime Dragon


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Junior Tag Champion-

Shintaro Hideki


5th Match (30 Min Limit): No DQ Tag War

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono)


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Koto Arato &

All Asia Tag Champion-Oda Yamawaki


4th Match (30 Min Limit): Junior Division Challenge Match

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'



'Representing S.H.I.P'

Junior Tag Team Champion-

Kotei Yamato


3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Proving Ground Tag Team Match

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA

Heavyweight Champion-

Hyotaru Ichiagawa &

Eikichi Minamoto


Taheji Ebisawa &

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Kan Mitsubishi


2nd Match (20 Min Limit): Proving Ground Singles Match

'Representing S.H.I.P'

All Asia Tag Champion-

Hiro Date


Go Takashi


1st Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Tag Challenge

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito)


'The Forgotten' (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


Match 0 (10 Min Limit): 4-Way Fray

Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara





Predictions Form

Junior Contenders: Hiroto Nori vs Sairento

Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Shintaro Hideki

No DQ: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki

Zodiac vs Kotei Yamato

Hyotaro Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi

Hiro Date vs Go Takashi

IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs The Forgotten (Kasuse & Hidaka)

Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara


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Junior Contenders: Hiroto Nori vs Sairento


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Shintaro Hideki


No DQ: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki


Zodiac vs Kotei Yamato


Hyotaro Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi


Hiro Date vs Go Takashi


IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs The Forgotten (Kasuse & Hidaka)


Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara

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Predictions Form


Junior Contenders: Hiroto Nori vs Sairento


Nori will get his chance eventually, but right now Sairento seems like the guy with all the momentum and story heading into the title match.


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Shintaro Hideki


It's a one on one match, so as the singles champion Prime Dragon definitely has the edge.


No DQ: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki

This is a hard choice because GUSHIKEN and ONO are being built as tag challengers, but Arato is a heavyweight contender. I'll take SHIP just because GUSHIKEN is past his prime and Ono is not likely to ever be more than a big monster while Arato is at the peak of his career and Yamawaki could well be a future heavyweight champion. Though the NO DQ rules mean we'll likely see a brawl between the stables and I wouldn't be shocked if Kuro stole the win.


Zodiac vs Kotei Yamato


I see more potential for an upset in this SHIP vs Guardian match since Zodiac isn't in the title picture at the moment, but I think he has one too many moves in his arsenal for Yamato to handle.


Hyotaro Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi


A current and future heavyweight champions versus some guys. Oh wait the guys their facing are a part of the same faction? Well I guess that means they'll shake their hands after they flatten them.


Hiro Date vs Go Takashi


Don't see the new guy going over a current champ.


IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs The Forgotten (Kasuse & Hidaka)


While Tigerkinney may love teasing us by having the guy he's supposed to push lose matches I don't think this match will be anything but a squash.


Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara

At first I wanted to pick HUSTLE, but then I realized you hadn't put him in the match. I assume because he's too busy recording his new dance album.

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Junior Contenders: Hiroto Nori vs Sairento


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Shintaro Hideki


No DQ: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki


Zodiac vs Kotei Yamato


Hyotaro Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi


Hiro Date vs Go Takashi


IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs The Forgotten (Kasuse & Hidaka)


Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara

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As you may have read, at the start of the diary- I said that it would go a hiatus, as I would be going to Japan for a few weeks. That time is coming near, as I fly out next Friday.


If you see Yuji Nagata, just remember to yell this.


Oi! WCW no jobber dewa arimasu ka?


Now, on with the show!


Result: Hustle Umiro [w] bt Meido Machine [L] in 8:16 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)

This is a match I'd have fun watching. The dancing, the cross dressing just screams Japanese indy sleaze. Though DIASPORA is not really an indy promotion, I like a little comic relief to break up the seriousness.


Result: Oda Yamawaki [w] bt Hunter Wolfe [L] in 9:48 via pinfall (Tokyo Tower)


Not really a sushi break match but Hunter's going to have to work hard to make the fans care.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] & Taheji Ebisawa bt Aki Shimizudani [L] & Horiuchi Inokuma in 11:08 via submission (Crucifix Arm Bar)


While we can tell Ebisawa is getting the bigger push, since just being in the ring with the champ gives him a boost. Teaming with the man and getting the win helps even more.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Shiki Hirasi [L] via pinfall (Ode to Eri)


but Hirasi who probably felt somewhat disrespected that he wasn't being taken seriously


Who is he again? I'm mildly surprised Hirasi got so much offense, just a fluke or does the booker see something in him?


Result: Hiroto Nori [w], Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Dark Wolf II, Soh Terajima [L] & Tian Long in 14:39 via submission (Yakisoba)


The Nori-Tian rivalry grows. The sheer hatred. Mr. Protection against Mr. Girlfriend. This matched needed more Mio.


Terajima accidently nailed Long with a Black Box shot


I swear I'm just waiting for Terajima to run into the ring with the black box, toss it to a Nori, clap his hands loudly and fall down just in time for the referee to look over. No one would have trouble believing Nori could take the box from Terajima.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Blood Spider Jr [L] in 12:34 via pinall (Prime Driver)


This match scored a lot better than I expected. I love the Blood Spider name so I hope this is a sign of good things to come.



Result: Sairento [w] & Incognito bt Zodiac & Talisman [L] in 20:36 via submission (Silence)


I just imagine Incognito coming out in a T-Shirt with large print reading 'YOU DON'T KNOW ME.' Best match grade of the night and the best write up as well. Plenty of fast action and evidnetly Talisman has been behaving himself, since his profile has been rising. He lost but it's not a loss that will hurt him. And Sairento remains strong. And silent.



Result: Koto Arato [w] bt GUSHIKEN [L] in 15:05 via pinfall (Arato Suplex)

DIASPORA is kinda of weird sometimes. It's almost like NOAH with the brutal stiffness, somber seriousness and the strong push for heavies. But the talented and very over juniors and the fast action is more like a Michinoku Pro or Dragon Gate. Though they are missing a Magnum Tokyo or BxB Hulk for the sex appeal. Arato wins this but the lack of quality and heat in the match suggests Hyotaru Ichigawa has nothing to worry about.


I wrote the above comment before reading the follow up posting but Primey is on to something. and I like calling him Primey. I really do think DIASPORA could survive without a heavy and junior division. A smaller number of the best heavies would have more impact then, no pun intended.


Enjoy the trip to Japan!

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Junior Contenders: Hiroto Nori vs Sairento


Tough pick. I just think this match is better for building up Sairento the baddass and Nori can come back later for revenge.


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Shintaro Hideki


Primey, hee!


No DQ: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki


Better name, more suited to no DQ, and maybe Mr. Black Box will hit the right guy this time.


Zodiac vs Kotei Yamato


Zodiac keeps his name in the win column while waiting for a chance at a big match.


Hyotaro Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi


Ebisawa in another match with the champ. The booker definitely sees promise in him. Ichigawa ges the pin though.


Hiro Date vs Go Takashi


IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs The Forgotten (Kasuse & Hidaka)


This is a good chance to remind the boss you are keeping Tian strong.


Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara


Who will Xtinction be this time? The comedy guy? The MMA shoot style guy? Meido Machine getting in touch with his inner enigma? Blood Spider will get some moves in but as long as Talisman behaves at the local ramen shops he'll get the win.

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Junior Contenders: Hiroto Nori vs Sairento

Could go either way or even draw but I go with Sairento who has been slighly stronger so far IMO.


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Shintaro Hideki

Hideki is respectable opponent but I don´t see any reason why he should go over Prime Dragon


No DQ: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki

Tough one but Noodle Killers are the ones who are lookong to get a tag title shot and winning this one should help plus that no DQ clause likely plays on their favour.


Zodiac vs Kotei Yamato

Like Tiberious4 said there is some potential on surprise in this one but I don´t see why tag champ should go over Zodiac right now.


Hyotaro Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi

Not much question here, I guess this is a training match with guys on same stable on either sides.


Hiro Date vs Go Takashi

Takashi isn´t nearly established enough to go over Date.

IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs The Forgotten (Kasuse & Hidaka)

Long needs some wins in order to satisfy that owner goal and Forgotten is pretty much a jobber team anyway.


Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara

I just don´t see anyone going over Talisman here so Mr. Big Ego gets a win.

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As you may have read, at the start of the diary- I said that it would go a hiatus, as I would be going to Japan for a few weeks. That time is coming near, as I fly out next Friday.


Although I've missed the last couple of predictions I have been reading the shows and as one would expect they have been excellent! I know you're not going just yet, but have a great holiday TK! :D


Junior Contenders: Hiroto Nori vs Sairento

Tough one, but I think Nori's more of a future face for the division, while Sairento has the potential to run with the belt now.

Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Shintaro Hideki

It's Prime Dragon. Nuff said.

No DQ: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki

I just think the No DQ stip suits the Noodle Killers slightly better. Otherwise I would have gone for their opponents, though more out of preference than anything else.

Zodiac vs Kotei Yamato


Hyotaro Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi

Kan Mitsubishi is definitely the weak link in this match. Ebisawa could be huge given the right development, but this is Japan and he's not going over Ichigawa and Minamoto anytime soon.

Hiro Date vs Go Takashi

Same as above, really.

IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs The Forgotten (Kasuse & Hidaka)

Bit onesided this methinks.

Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara

I think Blood Spider and Talisman are your brightest stars in this match, but Talisman has the added advantage of being the protege of the boss.

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I've started reading this as it's jhdverse more than anything. I've never "got" Japanese diaries before but this is really quite good. I think I need to give them more time. The shows are really well presented and superbly written.


I'm still trying to work my way through the whole thing so some of these picks are pure guess work/based on the last show only...


Junior Contenders: Hiroto Nori vs Sairento

There was a belt sign and a throat gesture - It's good enough for me.


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Shintaro Hideki

Let's get the Champion going into his title defence on a roll.


No DQ: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Koto Arato & Oda Yamawaki


Zodiac vs Kotei Yamato


Hyotaro Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto vs Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi


Hiro Date vs Go Takashi


IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs The Forgotten (Kasuse & Hidaka)


Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara

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I've started reading this as it's jhdverse more than anything. I've never "got" Japanese diaries before but this is really quite good. I think I need to give them more time. The shows are really well presented and superbly written.


Aren't most of the Japanese diaries on these boards mine anyway- well at least the one's that last any considerable amount of time :p


Good to have you on board as a reader anyway :)


Anyway I'm actually a little bit ahead of schedule and will be posting the next show up this evening, so if anyone else wants to get any last minute predictions in- get them in now. Not having to go to work for the last few days, really helps in getting a show out quicker and this crappy weather (it's raining on a bank holiday- no suprise) means that I could concentrate my efforts on getting the show done.

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Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show 6


Thursday 19th January 2012, Tokyo Bunkyo Hall, Kanto (2,000- SUPER NO VACANCY!!)


Match 0: Blood Spider Jr vs Talisman vs Yachi Kotara vs Xtincion


Typical 4-way contest with a feeling out process, before it breaks down and then transitions into a rapid fire succession of near-falls. The finishing stretch saw Blood Spider Jr nail Kotara with a Jumping High Kick, following a burst of Poison Mist, only to get drilled by Xtinciton with a sloppy looking X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT). Talisman however would have the final word, catching Xtinction off guard with the God Knows (Spinning Headscissors Crucifix Pin)


Result: Talisman [w] bt Blood Spider Jr + Yachi Kotara + Xtinction in 7:37 via pinfall (God Knows)


Rating: 62


Takayuki Balls: Despite Xtinction being as sloppy as ever, this was actually pretty good for what it was, and kept the fans in their seats- rather than wondering around looking for merchandise and/or food.




The main show begins with S.H.I.P in the ring, Nori says that he will defeat Sairento and then go on to win the Junior Championship from Prime Dragon at Neon Genesis Evolution. That brings out both of the rival factions The Guardians and Kuro.



Prime Dragon agrees that the first part could happen, but the second part isn't going to. Sairento just stares at both of them with cold blooded intensity. Tian Long takes the microphone for Kuro and warns both Nori and Prime Dragon that Sairento will Curb Stomp them into Oblivion....Sairento makes his customary throat slash gesture and points at both of his fellow stable leaders.


Nori says he is not afraid of Sairento, and then goes on to mock the rest of Kuro by claiming that they hold no titles in DIASPORA. Tian Long says that will all change soon, and it starts with the great Sairento destroying Nori and then IMPERIOUS and the UNK will take the tag titles from S.H.I.P.


Prime Dragon has the final word, saying that as The Guardians have the two singles champion in himself and Ichigawa, surely they are the strongest!


Rating: 65


Takayuki Balls: I'd say a good portion of the crowd weren't really interested in hearing the same old 'we're better than you, no we're better than you, we're better than both of you' waffle from this lot and were probably more interested in getting a Bento Box or whatever they feel like snacking on. I do find it intriguing though that one of the stable leaders (Sairento), does not speak and gets one of his minions (Tian Long) to do the talking.




The Forgotten were faster out of the gates in this match, and Hidaka almost got a surprise early pin when he took down Tian Long with the Flying Cross Body. Soh Terajima waving his Black Box around, provided a decoy for IMPERIOUS to get themselves back into the match with some cheap shots (eye rakes/low blows)......


Kasuse then found himself in the 'Rapid Ricky' position, having to endure a beat-down from IMPERIOUS.....'Bitter Pill' showed some real determination however and managed to battle his way to the ropes after being placed in Incognito's Suento Permananente (Sleeper transtioned into after a Tornado DDT) .....Tian Long then planted Kasuse with a chokeslam, and Incognito headed up top but a determined Kasuse had a burst of energy and sprung back up to take 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' by surprise with the Grace's Fate (Top Rope Hurranrana, rolled through into a rana pin)....


Tian Long was able to make the save but was then drop-kicked out of the ring by Hidaka. 'The Forgotten' then combined on a running bulldog/basement drop-kick combo and then subjected Incognito to a Flying Cross Body/Suplex combo, that almost brought them the upset win, had it not been a for a last ditch save from Tian Long......


Seeing that the situation was getting desperate for his stable mates, Terajima once again got up on the apron, with referee Ochida unfortunately taking the bait, allowing for Blood Spider Jr to enter the ring and spew Poison Mist into the faces of both of The Forgotten.


Hidaka was then planted with an Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) by Incognito, whilst Kasuse was planted with a chokeslam from Tian Long. Long then headed up, and then came crashing down upon Kasuse with the Corkscrew From Heaven (Corkscrew Senton) to complete a victory that IMPERIOUS probably thought would come easier to them.


Result: Incognito & Tian Long [w] bt Hideaki Kasuse [L] & Kohei Hidaka in 11:58 via pinfall (Corkscrew From Heaven)


Rating: 74


Takayuki Balls: That was a pretty thrilling opening contest, and perhaps one that was a little bit more competitive than perhaps some would have expected, considering The Forgotten don't rank particularly highly. The thing with them, is that as individual talents they are totally dispensible, but they seem to be pretty solid as a team and even though I don't see them as 'champion' material, they are at least doing enough as a team right now for me to consider keeping them around when their contracts come up.


Post Match Comments:


Tian Long: New Solution, it's not over till we have OUR belts back, it's not over till we have destroyed you once and for all, it never be over, as long as you can still fight another day!


Kohei Hidaka: Oh I reckon if one of the poster boys got screwed like we did right there, there would be a major up-roar but because it's us, no one will care...because that's how it is round here.



Match #2: Go Takashi vs Hiro Date


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoTakashi.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroDate.jpg


In terms of an offence ratio, this match was completely dominated by the All Asia Tag champion, but Takashi showed plenty of fighting spirit, even kicking out of a Rejection II (Backdrop suplex). It was that point that Date, began to get a little bit flustered that he was unable to put Takashi away and for brief point in the match 'Nippon Hart' rallied back and even managed to get a close two count after nailing Date with the Headless Ride (Running Neckbreaker).....


Date soon retook control however and whilst Takashi was able to kick out of the German Suplex Hold, he saw no other choice but to tap out after being placed in the Date with Pain (Elevated Boston Crab)


Result: Hiro Date [w] bt Go Takashi [L] in 9:16 via submission (Date with Pain)


Rating: 58


Takayuki Balls: A solid if somewhat mostly one sided match up. Takashi shows enough promise to be a solid addition to the roster, but like all the newcomers needs to be given the time to get himself over with the fans.



This tag match between the leading lights of the heavyweight branch of The Guardians and the lower tier/preliminary members, looked as though it was going to be over in flash when Minamto planted Mitsubishi with the Gurugu Mawaru (Airplane Spin Samoan Drop) but 'Rumble Heart' took too much time playing to the crowd, and was rocked with a Dozer (Spear) from a charging Ebisawa.


Unfortunately for Ebisawa, Ichigawa made the save and 'Forceful Dagger' soon found himself isolated in the veterans corner. But Ebisawa showed plenty of fighting spirit, kicking out of a Dragon Suplex from Ichigawa and then blocking an Ode to Eri (Cradle Brainbuster) attempt from Minamoto, before countering with an Ebisawa Complex (Swinging Side Slam Backbreaker)....


But he had very little left to give and was unable to follow up with a pin but did had just enough left to get the tag to Mitsubishi. Minamoto was able to avoid the Power Punch however, and then countered a Brainbuster attempt from Mitubishi into the Harima DDT (Double Arm DDT) and with Ebisawa out of gas, that was enough for the established Guardians to secure the win.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 10:24 via pinfall (Harima DDT)


Rating: 68


Takayuki Balls: Another 'competitive' squash but the fans were pretty into this, due to the prescence of the Heavyweight champ and the charismatic Minamoto. Ebisawa also got plenty of opportunity to show 'fighting spirit' which is what this match was all about, and Mitsubishi the weakest member of the quartet in this match by far, time in the ring was kept to a minimum.


Post Match Comments:


Hyotaro Ichigawa: Ebisawa-san showed plenty of spirit out there, I do not see why Dragon-san would not think he would be a valuable addition to our ranks, I think he has proven his worth to us.




A fast pace was set in this Junior Division match-up from the very start- with Yamato and Zodiac engaged in some lighting quick chain wrestling exchanges....


The match then went up another gear when Zodiac sent Yamato to the floor with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors and then followed up with double jump moonsault press- only for Yamato to catch Zodiac and drill 'Innovation's God' with a Gurren Driver (Scoop Slam Piledriver) out on the floor......


Yamato pitched Zodiac back into the ring, but somehow the former Junior Champion got his shoulder up at the last split second. Yamato then tried to lift Zodiac up for the End Game (Clutched Knee Strike Flurry) but Zodiac was proving hard to lift up. 'Pin Point' then decided to head up top and went for a Frogsplash but crashed and burned and Zodiac almost nabbed the win with a La Magistral Cradle.....


Zodiac then avoided a Jumping High Kick from Yamato and took down the Junior Tag champion with a Dragon Screw Leg-whip...another Dragon Screw followed, before 'Innovations God' applied the Twelve Signs (Crossface, Cloverleaf combo) but Yamato was able to battle his way to the ropes.....


Zodiac remained in control and set up for the Zodiac Sniper (Sunset Flip Powerbomb) but Yamato was able to block and countered with a back body drop, Yamato then tried to nail Zodiac with a drop-kick but his standing leg gave out and Zodiac was able to regain control.....


Zodiac then nailed Yamato with a spin-out powerbomb for a two count, before going out onto the apron, to come soaring back in with Another Universe (Springboard 450 Splash), but Yamato was able to get the knees up and then suddenly snare Zodiac in the Knightmare Frame (Bridging Cobra Clutch)..... Zodiac however had plenty of fight left in him, and 'Innovations God' was able to battle his way to the ropes to force the rope-break......


Yamato retained momentum with a flurry of elbow strikes, before whipping Zodiac into he corner and regaining the feeling in his legs, followed up with a leaping knee strike in the corner. 'Pin Point' then dragged a dazed Zodiac up with him as he climbed to the second turnbuckle and appeared to be setting up for an Avalanche Gurren Driver.


Zodiac was able to block the attempt however and countered with a Super DDT!


Yamato kicked out at two, but clearly the more dazed of the two, was unable to prevent being taken down with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors from Zodiac who immediately transitioned into the Flame Haze (Crucifix Arm Bar). 'Innovations God' had the submission locked on right in the middle of the ring, and with such an excrutiating hold being applied to him, Yamato saw no other choice but to tap away and concede defeat.


Result: Zodiac [w] bt Kotei Yamato [L] in 12:33 via submission (Flame Haze)


Rating: 79


Takayuki Balls: Can't really ask for much more than that, they did exactly what was expected of them and that was to put on a good match, and that's exactly what they did.


Post Match Comments:


Zodiac: I need to get back in a title hunt, but for now out of respect of my friend Dragon-san, I will stay away from trying to reclaim the Super Junior Championship...however that does not mean that the Junior Tag belts are not off limits....and it's an achievement that has aluded me thus far.



As expected with the No DQ rules in place this one quickly broke down into brawling all around Bunkyo Hall, and though the Udon Noodle Killers had the size advantage, the S.H.I.P duo of Arato and Yamawaki were much more dynamic and seemed to come out of the blocks quicker. The UNK however soon took advantage of the lack of rules, and Yamawaki found himself being subjected to having a trash-can tossed over him by Ono and then powerslammed onto a pile of chairs, as the staff had to kindly ask the fans to vacate their seats. Whilst Yamawaki was being dominated by Ono, Arato and GUSHIKEN had taken their fight up to the balcony of all places and it looked at one point as though Arato was going to toss GUSHIKEN over the top- thankfully for reasons of not actually wanting to face a criminal lawsuit that didn't actually happen.


When things settled down the UNK was in control with Arato having been GUSHIKEN Bombed (Thunder Fire Bomb) onto a merchandise table, after being kicked in the nuts by the 'Great Thunder'. Meanwhile Ono had set up a table in the ring, and placed the groggy Yamawaki onto the table. Ono then slowly climbed up to the second turnbuckle and went for a Tsunami (Big Splash), but he took so long that Yamawaki was able to move out of the way and 'Epic Tsunami' went crashing through the table....Yamawaki then went for a quick pin, but found it quickly broken up by GUSHIKEN......


'Great Thunder' then set up for a GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) buy Yamawaki managed to shake off the attempt and countered with a sleeper hold....GUSHIKEN staggered into the corner and managed to force 'Fearless' to release the hold. Only to then turn right into an Arato Lariat, and though he managed to stay on his feet he was then rocked with a Fearless (Flying Clothesline from Yamawaki).....


Arato followed up with another Arato Lariat, and GUSHIKEN was down, but Ono had recovered and he managed to break up the pin attempt. Yamawaki and Arato however combined on double spear, as they continued to build the momentum in their favour....but the No DQ rules meant that outside interference was allowed, and everyone in Kuro-Nadeshiko, ( except Sairento-who was preparing for the main event) intervened to prevent the S.H.I.P pair from putting the UNK away.....


Yamawaki was taken out with Poison Mist from Blood Spider Jr and then a Black Box shot from Terajima, before being tossed out to the floor, whilst Arato had to suffer every member of Kuro charging at him in the corner.....But before GUSHIKEN could charge in with one last big splash he was drop-kicked by Kotei Yamato who had seen enough, before Date and Hideki combined with Yamato to nail GUSHIKEN with a modified Keiyakusha (Superkick assisted suplex)


Arato meanwhile had turned things around on Ono and a recovered Yamawaki cleaned house on the rest of the Kuro members.....Ono then found himself being charged at every S.H.I.P member in the corner, finishing with an Arato Lariat......


Soh Terajima then looked set to nail Arato with the Black Box, but once again was denied the opportunity to intefere, courteousy of a superkick from Shintaro Hideki. Arato and Yamawaki then took down Ono with a double team suplex, before Arato then placed Ono in the Dreamland (Rear Naked Choke).....


GUSHIKEN was up but was neutralised with a basement drop-kick from Yamawaki, and with his partner unable to make the save, referee Ochida called for the bell- as the S.H.I.P duo managed to overcome the Udon Noodle Killers, despite the No DQ stip seemingly being in the rule breaking Kuro pairs favour.


Result: Koto Arato [w] & Oda Yamawaki bt GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono [L] in 11:42 via submission (Dreamland)


Rating: 72


Takayuki Balls: I wouldn't exactly say this was one for the purists, and had the violence been a little more OTT, then this wouldn't have been out of place on a Lethal show- but you know what a little bit of 'garbage' wrestling is actually kind of fun once in a while and as they say variety is the spice of life. The fans seemed to agree too, and it was more fun seeing Arato and GUSHIKEN go at it in a 'garbage' brawl, than seeing them plod through a regular match.


Post Match Comments:


Koto Arato: Kuro, we beat you in a match that apparently suits you and your dishonorable ways better, but we fought past your crap and we showed you that WE are stronger.


Oda Yamawaki: Real strength, real honor, real integrity and real ability to perform- that's what S.H.I.P is all about and we showed that it can defeat anything put in front of us...UNK, do you really think you're good enough to win these belts from me and Date-san....I don't think so!


GUSHIKEN: S.H.I.P you got lucky, because on this night everything conspired against me and Ono-san, but come NGE! the UNK will be standing tall and the Wrecking Crew, shall be left wrecked!




The beginning of this match between two of DIASPORA's champions, is an evenly matched exchange of chain wrestling....that leads to a stalemate and a nod of respect between the pair, despite the fact they are representing different factions. Hideki however immediately tries to take advantage of the 'lull' trying to nail Prime Dragon by surprise with a superkick, but the 'Grand Pillar' is ready for it, blocking the attempt and then countering with a Dragon screw.


Perhaps a little enraged by that, Dragon got a little more aggressive and went to work targetting the legs of Hideki, eventually placing the Junior Tag Champion in a Figure Four. Hideki was able to make it to the ropes however and force the rope break. Dragon remained in control and planted Hideki with a Brainbuster for a two count, before going for the Dragonsault (Springboard moonsault)......


Hideki however was able to get the knees up, but was unable to take advantage with a quick cover, as he clutched at his knees, still feeling the persistent legwork of the Junior Champion. Hideki was however able to turn things in his favour when, he was able to plant Dragon with an STO. Hideki continued to build momentum with a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count, before attempting to set Dragon up for the Shiranui (Backflip Inverted DDT), but the 'Grand Pillar' was able to block the attempt and crotched Hideki onto the top turnbuckle.


Dragon then nailed Hideki with a leaping palm strike, and then attempted to bring 'Integral Prowess' crashing back in with an iconoclasm, but Hideki was able to block the attempt and nailed Dragon with a missile drop-kick. Both staggered back up to their feet, and Hideki went for the Superkick....Dragon was able to move out of the way and then nailed the Junior Tag Champion with a enziguri, before setting up for the Prime Driver (Over The Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver), but Hideki was able to hold off the attempt and then countered with the Hideki Special (Northern Lights Suplex into a Cross Arm Breaker)..........


Though his mask was hiding the pain on his face, you could see that the Guardians leader, was flailing away in agony- but he was able to show just why he is the Junior Champion, as he gritted through the pain, and somehow managed to get to the ropes......


Hideki was still in control through, and set Dragon up for the Final Base (Half Nelson Lifted Wheelbarrow Driver), but the 'Grand Pillar' was playing possum and countered into a victory roll- but his arm was still hurting from the Cross Arm Breaker and was unable to keep as strong grip, to get the leverage to ensure that Hideki's shoulder would be down for three.


Hideki then went for a superkick, but Dragon managed to block it with his arm- but it was his bad arm, and he still left himself open to be set up for the Shiranui, but the 'Grand Pillar' was able to counter the attempt yet again, shoving Hideki into the turnbuckle and then stunning 'Integral Prowess' with a falling double knee backbreaker.......


Dragon then nailed Hideki with a rolling wheel kick and then a Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Pileddriver)..........


Perhaps it was because Dragon wasn't quite able to hook the leg properly but Hideki managed to just about get his shoulder up off the mat before three, but 'Integral Prowess' remained rooted to the mat and that gave the 'Grand Pillar' enough time to once again try for the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault) .....unlike earlier in the match, Hideki was unable to get the knees up and this time Dragon was able to keep Hideki's down for the three count and ensure that he comes out on top, of what ended up being a challenging encounter with one half of the Junior Tag champions.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Shintaro Hideki [L] in 15:47 via pinfall (Dragonsault)


Rating: 82


Takayuki Balls: Zodiac-Yamato was good, but this one between their partners was even better..... They managed to get the crowd to buy into the fact that Hideki might possibly pull off the upset over Prime Dragon. Just a really great match all round, showing why Dragon-san is still one of the best despite his advancing years and why Hideki-san is tipped to be a future star.


Post Match Comments:


Prime Dragon: Hideki-san gave me a tough match out there, and truth be told every match is tough out for me these days....I'm not getting any younger and every time I go out there it is a physical battle and be it Nori-san or Sairento-san at NGE, I shall expect another gruelling examination on this body of mine. I really do not know how much more this body of mine can take, but I shall keep fighting until it fails me, because inside I am hungry to be the best as ever! And it is over my dead body, that someone willl have to take the Super Junior Championship away from me!


Shintaro Hideki: For this night, I shall admit that Dragon-san showed he was stronger than me, but I believe that one day I will have what it takes to defeat him and one day stand atop the Junior Division summit.




~Extreme Desire~

Match #7: #1 Contenders Match for the Super Junior Championship: Hiroto Nori vs Sairento


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HirotoNori.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Sairento.jpg


Sairento is intent on winning the Junior Title back from Prime Dragon, but Hiroto Nori stands in his way and the S.H.I.P leader is on a mission to prove that his time is now and that he is better than both Sairento and Prime Dragon- who can win through here and keep 'their mission' on course.


The bell goes and it kicks off, and it kicks off as an ugly brawl with no quarter given by either man...Nori's giving up weight to the heavier Sairento but is giving as good as he gets, and with referee Sugimura struggling to keep control it soon spills out to the floor.....


It's when things get more chaotic that the match turns more into a Sairento's favour, and the sadistic Kuro leader took full advantage, sneaking in a punt to Nori's lower regions before dropping the S.H.I.P leader with a Brainbuster onto a pile of chairs.


Sairento then broke up the floor count of Ref-Sugimura with it almost at twenty, before turning his attention back to Nori...but the S.H.I.P man stunned the 'Silent Reaper' with an overhead Kick.


Nori then planted Sairento with a reverse STO onto a chair, before gingerly making it back into the ring........


Sugimura applies another twenty count, and for a moment it looks like Nori might just win this by count-out but Sairento manages to make it back in.......


Nori keeps up the pressure by peppering Sairento with a combination of rapid fire-kicks...a basement drop-kick brings the 'Silent Reaper' down to his knees and Nori follows up with another to Sairento's face for a two count, before deciding to head up top......


Sairento however sits right back up, in a eerie fashion and cut's Nori off from taking flight. The 'Silent Reaper' goes to bring Nori back in the hard-way with a superplex, but 'Battle' fights of fthe attempt with a series of stiff elbows and then goes for a Flying Cross Body....


But Sairento catches Nori, and counters into a Backbreaker. The Kuro leader then whips Nori hard into the turnbuckle and follows up with a knee into 'Battle's' mid-section. Sairento then stomps away on Nori in the corner before following up with a vicious face wash. Sairento is feeling even more sadistic however and sets Nori up for another face-wash.... His actions drawing the attention of one such hysterical female fan in the front row, begging the Kuro leader to 'Stop It!, Please Stop It!' and urging Nori to get-up with 'Come On Nori-san, I love you!'


For some reason Nori seems to take inspiration from the hysterical fans words and avoids the running knee from Sairento, slipping out onto the apron, and then stunning the 'Silent Reaper' with a leaping kick from the apron...that staggers Sairento backwards and Nori follows up with a springboard drop-kick......


Sairento just seems to shake that off however and downs Nori with a Lariat.......Nori's giving everything he has, but it just seems as though Sairento is like some sort of indestructible robot. Sairento lifted the dazed Nori, upon his shoulders....and he looked to be that he was setting up for Ryuk's Apple (Cuthroat Inverted Death Valley Driver)......


But Nori manages to fight off the attempt and then out of nowhere, shocks Sairento with the Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO)........








Sairento kicks out and then eerily sits right back up again...... Nori keeps his cool however and fires off a series of kicks, finishing with a low roundhouse to the seated Sairentol, essentially delivering a modified version of his Endless Nori kick flurry. With Sairento down, the S.H.I.P leader goes for the cover again.....








Sairento kicks out again, but this the kick out his less emphatic and despite not putting the Kuro leader away, Nori seems confident that the might just be able to put the 'Silent Reaper' away.......


'Battle' drags Sairento into position and then heads up top, and then takes flight with the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press).....


But Sairento managed to move out of the way at the last split second, ending up as a 'crash and burn' for the S.H.I.P leader....


Sairento then went for the Absolute Terror (Front Knee to the Face) but Nori still had enough wits about him to side step out of the way and then nail the 'Silent Reaper' with a basement drop-kick.......


Nori then followed up with another flurry of kicks to the Kuro leader and then snapped off a Tilt-A-Whirl headscissors, immediately transitioning into the Yakisoba (Tilt-A-Whirl, Cross Arm Breaker).......


But Sairento manged to fight throught the pain, and then lift Nori up, before forcing 'Battle' to release the painful submission with a powerbomb against a turnbuckle......


Nori staggered out of the corner into a knee strike from Sairento, who then drilled Nori with a Death Note (Spike Brainbuster)......








The sadistic Sairento, lifted Nori up before the three count, and then proceeded to dish out a Kuro-stomp (Surfboard Curb Stomp) to the S.H.I.P leader...Sairento's cruel actions once again drawing the attention of Nori's number one fan, who was screaming at Sairento to 'stop it' and 'leave my Nori-san alone'....DIASPORA's commentary team of Kogara and Saga making the observation that his Nori obsessed female fan seemed to be at every show.


Sairento then made an arrogant cover, with one foot atop Nori's chest after the Kuro-stomp......








Nori showed he had some fighting spirit left by kicking out.....such defiance only seemed to aggrivate Sairento more, and the sadistic leader of Kuro-Nadeshiko, made his customary throat slash gesture before placing Nori upon his shoulders.......


RYUK's APPLE (Wrist Clutch Inverted Death Valley Driver)........








Nori was done, he had given it all he had but on this occasion Sairento was too strong for him, and it was the Kuro leader who would be heading for show down with his great rival Prime Dragon at Neon Genesis Evolution, to do battle of the Super Junior Championship.


Result: Sairento [w] bt Hiroto Nori [L] in 21:11 via pinfall (Ryuk's Apple)


Rating: 77


Takayuki Balls: I thought that was a pretty thrilling main event, but apparently the 'no selling' was a bit overboard and took away from the match- I thought part of Sairento's whole schtik was to no sell his opponents offence- so what the hell is there to complain about?!! No pleasing some of these fans, is there?



Post Match- Prime Dragon comes out onto the entrance ramp and stares down his forthcoming opponent at Neon Genesis Evolution, not a word is set....but the atmosphere is so tense...it feels like it could 'kick off' at any moment.....


Rating: 81



Overall: 78


Takayuki's Final Verdict: Thought I put together a pretty good effort for my first Bunkyo-Hall card...unfortunately the main event, though exciting was let-down by a lack of selling- which to be honest is kind of a ridiculous way to be penalised from ending up with an even better show; as part of Sairento's schtik, is to be this virtually indestructible silent type.

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Thursday 19th January 2012, Tokyo Bunkyo Hall, Kanto (2,000- SUPER NO VACANCY!!)

Welcome to Cherry Road Engarde! I'm Miko Kubota and this is the Bunkyo Hall report. And today we see a sellout for Diaspora, surely a good sign for the promotion. As we all know, if you are not popular in Tokyo, it doesn't matter how much the yokels in Hakodate like you.


Result: Talisman [w] bt Blood Spider Jr + Yachi Kotara + Xtinction in 7:37 via pinfall (God Knows)


The part of Xtinction today was played by popular Nerima Ward comedy-acrobat Mousse, though his nearsightedness might explain the sloppy tiltawhirl. Otherwise, all was as expected. The suspense when dealing with Talisman at this level is not if he's good enough to win. It's if he had another Okonomiyaki meltdown and needs to be punished.


I'd say a good portion of the crowd weren't really interested in hearing the same old 'we're better than you, no we're better than you, we're better than both of you' waffle from this lot and were probably more interested in getting a Bento Box or whatever they feel like snacking on.

Okonomiyaki right here! Bacon okonomiyaki, squid okonomiyaki, kimchi okonomiyaki, right here!


Result: Incognito & Tian Long [w] bt Hideaki Kasuse [L] & Kohei Hidaka in 11:58 via pinfall (Corkscrew From Heaven)


Imperious might have hoped for an easier victory, but I doubt the audience was in doubt. But for right now Forgotten do seem to be a 'total is greater than the sum of their parts' team. So they are great for making a good tag team match. And Mr. Protected gets another win.


Result: Hiro Date [w] bt Go Takashi [L] in 9:16 via submission (Date with Pain)


Not a sushi break match, amazingly. The buttkicking/loser shows fighting spirit type match is very traditional and this came off well for as short as it was.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa & Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 10:24 via pinfall (Harima DDT)

I woujld say Mitsubishi laying down for the fall means Takayuki has big plans for Ebisawa, but I suspect the loser was left up to the road agent. Either way, I like Ebisawa. I think because I initially mistook his sunglasses for CIMA style goggles.


Result: Zodiac [w] bt Kotei Yamato [L] in 12:33 via submission (Flame Haze)

And interesting match. The first big write up and while it felt like a good match Zodiac pretty clearly felt like the better wrestler. Maybe he can team up with Chinese Zodiac to go for the titles. “Scorpio, Libra, Saggitarius!” “Rat, Tiger, Dragon!” “Mercury is rising in the house of Neptune!” “And the signs are auspicious!”


Result: Koto Arato [w] & Oda Yamawaki bt GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono [L] in 11:42 via submission (Dreamland)


I guessed wrong on this match but I'm happy to have done so. It means my buddy Koto 'El Super Porky de Puroresu' Arato won. It was a good brawl and an excellent change of pace for the usual, standard puroresu DIASPORA normally emphasises. I want to see more of Arato and GUSHIKEN.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Shintaro Hideki [L] in 15:47 via pinfall (Dragonsault)

Match of the night, to my surprise. I'm liking Hideki more and more. Maybe he's the one to ship with Nori. There was plenty of good action and after the all out brawl of the last match, having a fair, hard fought match with some respect between the wrestlers was a bonus.


Result: Sairento [w] bt Hiroto Nori [L] in 21:11 via pinfall (Ryuk's Apple)


There was always something compelling about a good indestructible wrestler. But it easily turns to suck when the superman fails to show just the right level of 'maybe he -can- be hurt'. Good, violent match, I was rooting for Nori. I was feeling a little burned out by this point though.


His actions drawing the attention of one such hysterical female fan in the front row


Hello Mio-Mio! I'm still waiting to see if Ms. Yandere is type 1 or type 2.


Sairento however sits right back up, in a eerie fashion


This is strangely familiar but I can't quite place where...;)

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Hello Mio-Mio! I'm still waiting to see if Ms. Yandere is type 1 or type 2.


Well you did say Nori's last match didn't have enough Mio-Mio :D


This was the perfect match to get her involved though, what with her beloved getting a butt-kicking from the evil masked sadist. I'd say as Nori actually is her boyfriend, she's type 1 (possessive) but fans watching on the TV not knowing Mio-Mio actually is Nori's girlfriend would probably think she is a type 2 (obsessive).....


* In the stables post of Page 1....Taheji Ebisawa and Go Takashi have now been officially added as members of Guardians and S.H.I.P.


Well that's it for me, in terms of updates to this diary, for a while. I'm going to try my best to keep up with the board in general and other diaries whilst I'm out in Japan- but the availability of Wi-Fi isn't all that great out there and I'm not going out there to spend my time in internet cafes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I'm back from Japan- which was absolutely awesome, though I probably should at least leave it a few years now before another return trip and visit somewhere else next year :p


I'm going to be catching up on some of the other diaries I was following before I went away, and maybe checking in to some new ones that catch my eye first; plus i've got other non GDS board stuff to catch up with as well, so don't expect an actual diary post until later in the week.


I also wrote up a 'diary' of my experiences on the Japan trip- think I might post it up in the Dog Pound; though it'll probably just expose my Otaku-ness even more :D

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The Vehement of Mio Hirasawa


Well I thought my first Bunkyo Hall show, went pretty well- but there was certainly one person who was not happy about the outcome of the main event...




You know you can't get enough of her- it's Mio Mio! And yeah I know this picture will bear no resemblence to the description that is about to follow, but for the sake of consistency- I will continue to use this Gravure idol magazine shot of Mio Mio- no matter what the situation is.


There she came storming towards us, with her long golden hair, ultra short skirt, high heels and a tight leather jacket with a blouse, where the button's were undone just enough to show her ample cleavage....


The admittedly alluring sight was of course Nori's girlfriend Mio Hirasawa, or rather Mio Mio- but of course this was one girl who was off limits, because it was well known that she had eyes for one person and one person only and that's Nori-san himself.


It was clear though that she was not in a happy mood....


'Oh my poor Nori-chan, why did someone let that nasty masked man assault him!'


I wondered if she actually knew that as real, as we tried to make it look, at the end of the day what we do for a living is scripted, though to be honest I do wonder sometimes if some actually do step into that ring and fight as though it was real, and one of the main culprits of this is Sairento himself- so perhaps the scarily besotted Yandere does have a point after all, because it looked as though Sairento wasn't exactly pulling any of his punches so to speak.


'I demand to know who is responsible for letting my Nori-Chan get into such state- I demand to know now!'


She looked to be on the verge of tears, but come on she should just pull herself together and move on, it's not as though Nori-san actually died in there or anything like that, and what's with the cutesy chan aswell?!


Unfortunately there just had to be someone who would wilt under the pressure, and perhaps scared of Mio Mio's reputation, regular jobber Shiki Hirasi pointed her toward my direction. Well with that error of judgement, Hirasi-san had hardly strengthened his chances to rise the ranks from his current regular jobber role.


Mio Mio, then stormed up to me, and proceeded to jab a glittery nailed finger into my chest.


'I want to know why, you let my sweet little Nori-chan get assaulted'


I told her, you do realise that Nori is a wrestler, and that at the end of the day it's his choice to step into the ring and fight


'Of course I know that!, But, but, but- that nasty masked man went too far, and now my little Nori-Chan is going to have to stay in bed'


Then in a moment of extreme braveness or perhaps extreme stupidity, I quipped to Nori-san's notoriously obsessed girlfriend, that him being in bed is surely a good thing, and that she could spend even more time being close to him....


She then smilled and titled her head in a cutesy way, that would scream out 'moe moe' as if physical actions in themselves could speak.


'I guess you're right, I will be able to spend lots more time with him.....'


Before her face suddenly turned scarily aggressive.......


'That's if he was back in our bed, and not in a hospital bed!'


I then suggested to her, that perhaps she could disguise herself as a sexy nurse, and I'm pretty sure she would look pretty hot in a nurses uniform. In fact, there was no denying it Mio Mio was hot, and it was easy to see why she would be consider something of a 'catch', well certainly before you got to know her personality.


She was far from happy with my latest quip though, as she continued to jab an accusing glittery finger against my breast bone....


'Look mister, this isn't funny, not funny at all.....you need to take some responsibility for your actions'


Hey all I did, was book the match, I'm not the one who was attacking your beloved- perhaps you should take it up with Sairento, or the nasty masked man as you insist on calling him.....


'Perhaps I will, can you tell me where he is, because he needs to pay for what he did'


I said, I had no idea where Sairento-san now was. I literally didn't know where he had got to, but even if I did, I would still say the same thing. I mean it's one thing to get in my face, but getting in the face of a legitimate bad-ass in Sairento-san is another thing entirely. Then again I'm not sure who I would be more worried for in that argument, because I have the feeling that Mio Mio, is so besotted with Nori-san that she would do anything to stand up for her beloved, and when I say anything I literally mean anything.

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