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Road to Glory Redux: WTW

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Well, there is a certain spirit to the Road To Glory challenge. A series of rules to be followed, to adapt our play-style, create a fresh experience and compare our performances with our fellow players. There's even a high-score to beat.


However, I think Remi's tactic does follow the letter of the rules. The challenge isn't about building a promotion. It's about building your User until they're capable of getting a 95+ match. Sacrificing a few months to build funds is a risk/reward situation. You can afford better opposition, but you'll skip out on matches. Is one match with Sara Marie York better training than three with Britney Hollywood? Or Amber Allen? I definitely leaned towards quantity over quality in the beginning, multiple matches on multiple cards a month, as soon as I could afford them. Remi's simply going the other way.

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Does it matter if it is or isn't "In the spirit of the game". It's a game it's supposed to be fun, not to have some huge dispute about whether we are "cheating". We don't have WWE, TNA, NFL or even NASA on our arse about it.

This argument shouldn't have been risen anyway.


Like I siad its his game and he can play however he wants. We should all play to our own tastes. I still hold to my feeling of what's the point of making us start with so little money if we're just going to skip time to just gain it right back. But then I suppose self is right he'll only have 4 shows his first year where as other people will have had 12 or 8 if they tour or whatever number they use.

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However, I think Remi's tactic does follow the letter of the rules. The challenge isn't about building a promotion. It's about building your User until they're capable of getting a 95+ match. Sacrificing a few months to build funds is a risk/reward situation. You can afford better opposition, but you'll skip out on matches. Is one match with Sara Marie York better training than three with Britney Hollywood? Or Amber Allen? I definitely leaned towards quantity over quality in the beginning, multiple matches on multiple cards a month, as soon as I could afford them. Remi's simply going the other way.


Yep, and my first instinct was to do just that. Miggy and Littlefeather could headline shows for eight months and we'd continue growing and advancing. But it wouldn't be fun. One of the main reasons I run with larger rosters than normal is because booking the same handful of people all the time, bores me. One of the reasons my zero'd out games stall at mid-Regional is because, while I've kept most of my talent, I'm bored because almost all of them have faced each other at some point so I'd be rehashing things. Yes yes, that's wrestling but it gets tiring after a while.


Like I siad its his game and he can play however he wants. We should all play to our own tastes. I still hold to my feeling of what's the point of making us start with so little money if we're just going to skip time to just gain it right back. But then I suppose self is right he'll only have 4 shows his first year where as other people will have had 12 or 8 if they tour or whatever number they use.


Now you see. As I said, in a way, I'm handicapping myself because I'm suppressing the growth arc of the user character. As we all know, in-ring work develops a worker FAR faster than inactivity. Less activity means she doesn't grow as quickly which means it'll take me more time to get to the point I need to be. But that's okay because being able to put on cards that I myself would be interested in seeing is worth that sacrifice. I'm not using all of the workers I have on every show (no indy promotion does, unless the workers in question are working for free - like dojo boys/girls). But having those additional (and expensive) workers under contract means I can do a lot more storywise, than I could otherwise. Believe me, the urge to min/max to the top is STRONG but those games don't typically hold my attention for long. I've been infected by the Self virus. If the stories don't come together/mesh, I lose interest.



Update will be up in a few hours, and the first show soon after that. :)

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The issue shouldn't be whether or not he's having fun; it's whether or not he's following the RtG rules. And I remember, though it's not a real post I believe (there is a post in the topic of me saying this before) that there was a rule against being inactive for a certain number of months. Since it's not in there, what he's doing isn't against the rules. Yay.


For the record, I am not playing a RtG game; my guy starts at 18. Oops.

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The two women stared at the calendar counting down until the first show. As Migdalia chomped at the bit, eager to get her first show (ever) as a booker under her belt, Tsuki advised caution. "Make sure we can afford the bonanza you're planning."


After a while, Miggy began to think that maybe the bonanza wouldn't be necessary. While she mulled that over, she began receiving responses from the feelers she had sent out.


Based on Honey's recommendation, she signed Heather Halo ($200/16). And then began the run on refs.


Pee Wee Germaine - $600/16

Dwight Kumas's demand for $900 per appearance was declined, as was Jonathan Taylor's request for $300 (In explaining it to Tsuki, she said "He's only slightly better than Heather...but he can't do anything BUT ref. He's not 50% better than Heather.").


Our managerial ranks were bolstered by the addition of Charlene ($100/20), Kammy Ling (she of the 79 sex appeal and 68 charisma; $100/18) and, surprisingly, Julie Forletta ($100/17). That completely eliminates our balance problem and gives us economical options for onscreen, non-wrestling talent. But there were still some offers that had not been responded to yet, including a few people who Miggy was convinced would be huge stars for WTW.


The next day started with the addition of Reese Paige to call the matches ($500/16). This was a strategic signing in that there was a belief in the WTW office that Reese could take the non main events and really do well with them as she improved. Honey, of course, campaigned for the addition of Sienna DeVille, who signed on for a very competitive rate ($100/17). And Miggy, in a fit of pique not seen since the Sara Marie York signing, brought who she felt would be the breakout star of WTW's managerial corps, Persephone, in at $150 for 17 months. Then the balance was shifted as Kali Fornia was signed to a very budget friendly deal ($100/17). Then the additions of Abi Romanov ($100/18) and Maryam Vega ($150/18) added to that. It was at this point that Tsuki inquired as to why she was carrying so many managers.


"We're looking for something. I dunno how to describe it, maybe chemistry? We're looking for people who work well with our people who may not be so great outside the ring. And yes, I count myself among those numbers. The vast majority of our managers won't get beyond this contract. I'm hoping that a few of them turn out to work well but I don't think all of them will. Besides, they cost us nothing unless we use them."


That out of the way, Miggy got back to David Poker of RIPW to advise him that they had procured the referees they needed already. However, sensing an opportunity, she signed ACPW's young head referee Royce Greig ($450/18) and then broke the news to Pee Wee Germaine that his two day stay on the roster of WTW had come to an end. To his credit, he took it like a pro and wished us well.


With the business end taken care of, it was time to get creative!

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"We need to move. Time's a-wastin'" was how Tsuki was greeted one morning, as she stepped into the small office serving as WTW World Headquarters.


"I need you to look this over."



WTW Tejano Fever


Tsuki Kawamata vs Dharma Gregg


Round 1 of the Lone Star Title Tournament

Amber Allen vs Dahlia


Soft & Sexy vs Acid Rock


"Is this the first show?", Tsuki inquired.


"Sure is, in two weeks."


"This doesn't look as expensive as your Southern Comfort draft."


"It's not. Tally it up."


"Wow, that's really good. Can we go with this?"


Just as Tsuki said that, Miggy was tapping out a text on her cell phone. A few moments later, the text message tone answered.




"What's our marketing plan?"


"We use our existing contacts to paper high traffic areas with our flyer. I'm hoping I can at least get a few friends from UT to stop in and check us out."

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Walking backstage, nerves on edge, Migdalia was shocked at how many people had shown up for the show. Then she remembered that in her haste to get the show scheduled and secure the venue, she had forgotten to specify which brand the show would belong to. Chalking it up to a rookie mistake and wrnt toward the locker rooms to apologize to everyone who wouldn't be appearing tonight. On her way, she heard a rather excited conversation taking place between Etsuko Arihyoshi and Melody. With words, names, and sounds that transcend their presumed language barrier (like Ducati, Harley, and 'grrrrrrrr'), it seemed the two women were getting on well based on a common interest. As she rounded the corner, she got to hear the tale end of a story being told by Littlefeather about her time on a touring production of Stardust that had everyone in stitches. Taking a deep breath, she went into the locker room....


As the ring was being set up, Reese Paige pulled her aside. "Don't worry about that. This is your first show. People expect some bumps in the road."


"I need to make it up to them. What's the chances of us making 50 grand this show?"


"I've seen the "crowd". You've got no shot."



WTW Tejano Fever

Sunday Week 4 February

Held at the Colorado Springs Bar (Mid South)

Attendance: 16



The show opens with Honey welcoming the crowd to the show. She cuts to the ring where Dharma Gregg is standing by with Tsuki Kawamata interviewing her on how she feels to be in the new company. Tsuki says WTW is her chance to finally show the American fans what she can do. She runs down her time in AAA and says here, she'll be the company's 'ace', it's biggest star. Things begin to go downhill when Dharma mentions that Tsuki has "never even been within sniffing distance of the midcard" anywhere she's worked. Tsuki takes offense and slaps Dharma and the interview devolves into a brawl.



Honey mentions that a match between the two has been booked for tonight. But first, we have a match between Soft & Sexy (Dahlia & Britney Hollywood) against Acid Rock (Nurse Darla & Roxy Kitten).


The first match in WTW history turns into quite a spectacle as Dahlia and Britney (in a short glittery number) dance down to the ring followed by their opponents who fume as they enter the ring with no fanfare. The match progresses quickly with Dahlia squaring off with Nurse Darla through much of the match. Eventually it devolves with all four women in the ring going at it until referee Heather Halo restored order. After leapfrogging a spear attempt by Nurse Darla, sending the evil health care provider into the corner knocking her partner off the apron, Dahlia began her dance that apparently signals for the end. With a kick to the gut, she dropped Nurse Darla with her finishing move, which the fans are told is named the Killswitch.



In an unannounced match, just for the fans in attendance, the Neptune Twins took on the team of Etsuko Arihyoshi & Miss Information in quite the competitive bout. As the twins kept their distance from the pair of technicians, they put on a tag team clinic using creative double team maneuvers with their unique form of innate chemistry. Finally, Kathy takes advantage of an inattentive Miss Information who, in her desire to keep Jen locked into a particularly painful looking abdominal stretch, didn't notice the blonde twin stick her long leg out which Kathy slapped. As the crowd's reaction clued her in, she shoved Jen away (allowing her to block Etsuko's path)....only to turn right into Kathy's Trident Kick.



The next match is the first in a tournament to crown the first ever WTW Lone Star champion as Amber Allen takes on Dahlia. The action is fast and furious as Amber patiently allows Dahlia to control the earlygoing, content to keep her grounded as much as possible. Lots of back and forth action leads to a sequence where Dahlia ducks under a lariat attempt and puts Amber down with a springboard dropkick. For the second time tonight, Dahlia looks into the crowd and starts into her salsa dance. But apparently Amber had done her homework as, just as Dahlia tried for the double underhook, Amber sank her hips, rolled under, grabbed Dahlia and in one fluid motion, had her shoulders pinned to the mat at the end of a Northern Lights Suplex. Three seconds later, Amber Allen had advanced!



Honey begins to hype the main event, listing the experience of both Dharma and Tsuki. Recounting the events that opened the show, she tells the fans to expect anything in this match.



Note to Miggy: Never put Dharma in another main event, duh. This match was overshadowed by everything that preceded it. It was just a disorganized mess. Tsuki finally puts a merciful end to things with a Flying Leg Lariat.



Overall: 22



Miggy's notes: I probably should have done the job to Tsuki. I'm also probably going to have to hide Dharma in the Sister Act division. Ah well, not too bad for a first show (ever).

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As we went over the financials for Tejano Fever, many of my fears were dispelled.


Despite a $3500 show, WTW still came out of the month ahead by $1500 and change, though admittedly not using our top tier workers. While the main event was a colossal disappointment, a lot was learned (not the least of which was 'don't book Dharma in a main event'). As great a color commentator as she is, it would probably be in our best interest to keep her in the Sister Act division where we could pair her with someone who could cover for her in-ring shortcomings. Maybe I could do that, who knows? Britney doesn't need protecting, after all.


That also tempers many of my plans for Southern Comfort. A 6-way ladder match for the world title was what I had in mind but if we do that, there's no way we could book anyone else for the show. Plus, we'd have to increase our non-wrestling costs since only Dewey could be expected to adequately ref a match like that. Something to think about, I guess.


Two weeks before Southern Comfort, Connie Morris comes in to tell us she's accepted an offer to tour with 5 Star. A curious move to me considering how they unceremoniously dumped her a few years back, but it shouldn't conflict with our scheduling. Honey was beside herself as a few days prior, her top titleholder Tamara McFly did the same thing.


News broke out of Europe that Trance, one half of the tag team The Party Animals, apparently lived up to the name as he died of an OD.


TCW got over the hump and rose to being considered an International promotion. Though I probably shouldn't worry about that, I can think of a couple of people I have under contract that they might be interested in to 'fill some gaps' in their roster (Persephone, in particular).


And then the rumors were proven true: AAA let Vixxen go. As soon as the news broke, I got a text from my boss: GO GET HER!!111!


So I tried. But then the very next day, she announced she would be retiring soon. When I told Tsuki what she was asking for, she laughed and then looked at the stack of flyers on the desk. Picking one up, she smirked and said, "You were going to do this match one way or another." I tried to look noncommittal but...


Yeah, I was.



WTW Southern Comfort


Dahlia & Kinuye Mushashibo vs Arihyoshi & Information


WTW Lone Star Qualifying match

Littlefeather vs Roxy Kitten


Dahlia & Olivia Diamond vs Acid Rock


WTW Lone Star Qualifying Match

Nurse Darla Knight vs Britney Hollywood


WTW World Title Ladder Match qualifier

Dahlia vs Connie Morris


WTW World title 5-way ladder match

Melody vs Principessa vs Tsuki Kawamata vs Missy Masterson vs ???

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  • 3 weeks later...

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WTW Southern Comfort</strong></p><p><strong>

Sunday Week 4 March</strong></p><p><strong>

Held at the Colorado Springs Bar (Mid South)</strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 9</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

The first match starts immediately as Dahlia and Kinuye Mushashibo face off against the technical duo of Etsuko Arihyoshi and Miss Information. A spirited contest that didn't expose any of the participants, the match came to an end after Kinuye hit the Blue Dream on Arihyoshi.</p><p>

<strong>29</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Honey hypes the upcoming matches, focusing on Tsuki, Connie, Nurse Darla, Littlefeather, Britney and Roxy. She also wonders what kind of outfit referee Heather Halo will wear this time.</p><p>

<strong>38</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Littlefeather punches her ticket to the next round of the Lone Star tourney as the Feather Fall stops Roxy in her tracks.</p><p>

<strong>29</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Dahlia and Olivia team up to face the Acid Rock duo and on one hand, the match disappoints but on the other hand, we see firsthand that Dahlia and Olivia work like a well oiled machine together. Olivia lands the Diamond Cutter on Roxy for the win.</p><p>

<strong>27</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Honey hypes the main event matchup as well as the match to decide who the fifth person in the title match is.</p><p>

<strong>41</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Nurse Darla gets her spot in the next round of the Lone Star tournament by defeating Britney Hollywood with an assist from her tag partner, Roxy Kitten.</p><p>

<strong>19</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Connie Morris manhandles her way to a spot in the main event by beating Dahlia with the Missouri Plough.</p><p>

<strong>31</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Honey hypes the fact that we'll crown our first ever WTW World champion tonight in the main event featuring Melody, Principessa, Tsuki, Missy, and Connie Morris.</p><p>

<strong>41</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A long night comes to a close as Connie Morris becomes the first WTW World champion as dropkicks Melody off a ladder only to scamper up and grab the belt herself.</p><p>

<strong>39</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall: 36</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Miggy's notes: We have a tag team possibility with Olivia and myself showing excellent chemistry together. Now to build a few more teams to bring the Sister Act division to the forefront.</p>

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