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New York City Wrestling: Old School Lives On

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“The big thing Steve brought to the booking team was consistency”


Michael Bull is deeply contemplative, clearly trying to phrase his next statement as inoffensively as possible


“Hugh’s a really creative guy, full of good ideas, but he’s also…I wouldn’t say inconsistent, but he doesn’t always work as hard as he could do and when you push him he just throws ideas out there without really polishing them. The rest of us, me and Frank and the Principals, we did our best to counter-balance that but we all knew, and I include Hugh in this, that he wasn’t forced to listen to us. Steve, though, was very much Hugh’s equal, and besides even Hugh listens to a guy with Steve’s reputation. That meant when he said ‘this needs work’ or ‘I think it would work better if we do this’ then chances are it would actually happen, whereas if we’d tried it before Hugh would probably just ignore us.”






“I would’ve done too”


Hugh grins his most rodentian grin


“Michael’s not only right, he’s being way too nice. I was pretty much an @sshole those first few months- the whole booking gig became a big excuse to throw my weight around and f*ck with people. That’s not to say I wasn’t 100% dedicated to putting together the best NYCW shows people had ever seen- I may be a piece of work but the company is bigger than anything else- but I was enjoying the side effects of the job way more than I should have been. Bringing Steve in, making us joint chiefs or whatever, it meant I had someone right there to keep focussed. Anybody else on the booking team tried it, I ignored them and made it very obvious I was doing it, but you didn’t ignore Steve Flash. The guy picked up on how good Tom Gilmore was before just about anybody else, he made Acid into the closest he ever got to being a star pre-mask…heck, he even managed to make Al the Hillbilly look like a half-competent wrestler back in Rapid Pro. Steve has legacy up the wazoo, and besides, he’s Steve Flash, why would you ignore him?”






Steve laughs, clearly highly amused


“He really said that? Man, he must be getting old


“Truth is, Hugh was every bit as difficult as he says, but nobody really minded. It was kind of a trade-off, you had the ego and bullsh*t but you also had a guy who’d rip himself in half if he thought NYCW needed it and wasn’t afraid to do whatever it took to make our shows as good as they could be. Yeah he wasn’t a perfect booker but when you got the good Hugh, and we did most of the time, he’d come up with three ideas at a time and they’d all be good ones. All I did was trim the fat and refine the basic idea. Way I see it, working with Hugh was like mining for diamonds- what you pull out of the ground is definitely the genuine article, but it needs a little extra polishing and cutting before you put it up for sale.


“Plus of course, when you get it from Africa you wind up feeling like you’ve exploited someone”


Steve bursts out laughing again.






“The Battle of the Bronx was part my idea, part Steve’s. As I recall the idea came from Des Davids’ contract- he had a guaranteed title run due and I couldn’t figure out a way to slot him into our plans. Steve came up with the idea of having a tournament, and I actually had the idea of the Battle. Originally it was going to be a battle royal with a trophy but we figured, 10 men tied down to one match? We’d have to make it so long half the guys would be dying by the end of it. So what we did instead was, we turned it into a stipulation match.


“Now, back in the old territory days, just about every promotion had one or two gimmick matches that were pretty much they’re speciality, the match types that they used as big attractions. Championship Wrestling from Boston had the Taped Fist Match, APWF did the pole matches, and the TWL had Texas Tornado Mayhem matches and Caged Warfare- a lot of people think it was CGC who invented it, back at the first WrestleFestival in ’93, but Texas had used a version back in the 80’s whenever they were blowing off an Outlaws feud. We had the Five Points Street Fight, but that’s a blow-off match, not really something you can throw in as an annual stipulation match with a trophy or whatever. So what I said was, let’s take Caged Warfare and build from there, it’s a great stipulation and one that we can take in a new direction. The Battle of the Bronx- I think it was Mikey Bull who came up with the name- was basically a singles rejig of the Caged Warfare Format. One ring, open topped cage, two guys start the match and a new competitor enters every three minutes until there’s five dudes in the cage- that’s 9 minutes of set-up action, which given our general stamina levels left a good amount of time for the real battle at the end. To win, you basically have to beat all four other guys into unconsciousness- I’m a big fan of Last Man Standing rules, it always makes the winner look good.”






The Stomper groans


“Do you have any idea how hard it was to put together a script for five people? Throw in the cage and I wound up thinking Hugh was deliberately making my life difficult. Normally, odd numbers means one guy has to go out of the ring or something, but when you throw the cage in everybody’s stuck right there, nowhere to put the spare whilst you keep the rest of the match tidy. I don’t tend to get too involved with what the booking team but for that one I went straight to Hugh and told him, change this up because it’s not gonna work. Of course he ignored me, but I’m sticking to my guns- we were lucky it worked out as well as it did”






“Stomper’s a great road agent but the five-man problem really exemplifies the big issue I had with his work. He thinks in a really conventional way, and okay he puts together great matches but the layout’s nothing new, it’s full of old beats and ideas that the guys have to lay some innovation on top of. Part of the deal with keeping the five-man set-up for The Battle of the Bronx was to try and force Stomper to be unconventional, to throw out new rhythms, new ways of structuring a bout. Maybe it was a d*ck move to pull, but guess what? I’m a d*ck, it comes with the territory. If Stomper didn’t want his booker making life difficult for him he should’ve put somebody else in charge.”






“I stayed way out of that conflict”


Steve grins cheerfully, clearly enjoying the memory


“Hugh and Stomper, those two could go at it for days if you let them, which had the advantage of distracting them whilst I made sure we had the rest of the card put together. That’s not a criticism- Hugh’s a great creative mind and Stomper knows what our fans like better than anyone- but if you want to do a quick job they’re not the best guys to have around. Stomper will argue with everything you try and do and Hugh’s idea of quick is so quick it’s kinda ludicrous.


“For example, we needed another marquee match to sell the show with. Logical thing to do was to make that a title match, put me in that slot and give me a new opponent to make it interesting. We thought about Cameron Vessey- back then he was already starting to stand out as a real talent and a future star- but then Mikey pointed out that Danny Rushmore was a bigger name, had more ticket value and less chance of still being worth revisiting. We could do me and Cam anytime, but me and Danny, which by the way sells itself on size differential alone, that wasn’t a match we’d be able to do forever so it made sense to do it as quickly as possible. As for the undercard, we already had Phil/Dave and Storm/Generals set up, throw in a match for Sam Ford and a women’s match and we were good to go.”




Card for NYCW The Battle of the Bronx



Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll


Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker


Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch

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Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll


Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker


Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch

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Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore


Love Rushmore but Flash is king. Should be a great match or program barring bad chemistry.



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank


There ya go ya ego maniac lol.



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©


Unless DDD has improved stamina LaGrenier needs to solidify, plus I like him.



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm


Hmm hard one as both are good, I'll stick with the Generals for now.


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll


Both are talents Ford is just a bigger one.


Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker


Training match.


Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch


heels need some momentum.

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Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore


I like Rushmore, but I don't see him taking the title.



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank


Des Davids is winning unless you really enjoy screwing with us.



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©


I don't see a title change happening here.



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm


I'll take the safe bet and go with the champions retaining.


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll




Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker


I know you boosted Animal Harker, but I doubt it was enough to warrant him going over Sanders.


Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch


I get the feeling you're higher on McFly than either of the two heels here.

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Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore

Steve is too good to lose out here.



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank

Did I hear the words 'Contractual Obligation'?



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©

Phil will hold this a while.



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm

Looooooooong reign ahead here.


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll



Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker



Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch

Tammy does not just lose.

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Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll

Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker


Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch


1. What the heck is the Five Point Street Fight? Because it sounds AWESOME. Could totally be NYCW's version of Test of Steel (cough Phantom Stranger) or Caged Hell (cough James Casey)

2. Where's Masked Mauler? You better not be leaving my main man out?

3. Battle of the Bronx also sounds awesome, though not as awesome as Five Point Street Fight. I always prefer one-night tournaments in comparison to big fights that put a half a dozen decent workers into one match, if possible.

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Loving this, actually a friend linking it was what brought me back over to the forums and indirectly led to me stopping my incessant lurking of 4+ years. I'm not sure if that's high praise or not, yet! Watch this space. Awesome as always though, and really oughtta to throw in my two pence for once. So:



Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank


Because I think you DO enjoy screwing with us, and I love to be contrary!



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll


Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker


Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch


Tammy can lose when it's not her fault, right? Riiiight?

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Loving this, actually a friend linking it was what brought me back over to the forums and indirectly led to me stopping my incessant lurking of 4+ years.


I know what you mean; this diary was the one that made me sign up to the forums after 6 or so years of reading and following diaries. It's a quality diary for one of the best C-verse companies imo.



Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore

Rushmore has done well, but I don't see him as champion



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank

I agree with terrybgoode here - besides, why would Des fall out with you if he won this match and got his title reign? Going with Frank and his brass knucks here



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©

LaGrenier retains here, a shame cos DDD could be great



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm

Generals win here to avenge the 1 on 1 loss from last month


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll

Sammy should win this, especially with his new gimmick


Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker

Tainted win


Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch

Heels need a win, don't see it though

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Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore - I like Danny, but he's not a champ at the moment.



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank - Singh is an awesome, awesome character.



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier © - Long LaGrenier run would be fun.



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm - Love the Storm, and with three title matches it feels like there should be a change.


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll - The way you've changed Sammy The Shark's character is awesome.


Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker - Much, much better.


Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch - Much, much, much, MUCH better.


I finally got round to reading this last week, by the way, having not been doing much diary reading for 12 months or so - great stuff, really enjoying it!

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1. What the heck is the Five Point Street Fight? Because it sounds AWESOME. Could totally be NYCW's version of Test of Steel (cough Phantom Stranger) or Caged Hell (cough James Casey)


Alas, if I recall correctly, a Five Points Street Fight is just a Street Fight with a fancy name.

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1. What the heck is the Five Point Street Fight? Because it sounds AWESOME. Could totally be NYCW's version of Test of Steel (cough Phantom Stranger) or Caged Hell (cough James Casey)


Alas, if I recall correctly, a Five Points Street Fight is just a Street Fight with a fancy name.


Damn it. Now I have to try and expand on it.

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Work continues apace on getting this game up and running again, but in the meantime I've got a small problem with accessing the forums. As I said a few posts ago, I've recently had to get my computer formatted and cleaned to get rid of a virus, and now when I try and access any specific thread of the GDS forums an alert comes up saying 'Internet Explorer cannot open the website [insert address here, as I say it seems to be any given thread that the problem's on rather the main forums list]'. I'm not very computer savvy so I've no idea why this is- can anybody help?


EDIT: Never mind, switched browsers and it's fine. Oh, and here's the fan question and the 24 hour bump. This comes to us from Hyde Hill


Question for Honest Frank: "Apart from yourself who do you feel is the most underrated wrestler in NYCW?"


Honest Frank: It's got to be Danny Rushmore. The man's an absolute beast, one of the biggest and best wrestlers in NYCW, and somehow he's stuck dealing with that punk Sam Ford. I mean, seriously guys, why has he not gotten his title shot yet?

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Just want to say I have been watching this since it started and it has been fun to see NYCW portrayed the way you have done it.



Steve Flash © vs. Danny Rushmore



Black Hat Bailey vs. Des Davids vs. Cameron Vessey vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Honest Frank



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©



The Ring Generals © vs. Natural Storm


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll


Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker


Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch

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OOC Note: Sorry this is late, yesterday was busier than expected



NYCW The Battle of the Bronx

Live to DVD from The Ministry

Saturday, Week 4, August

Audience: 1,000 (SOLD OUT!)


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Remmy Honeyman vs. Ant-Man

This was a quick run-out for these two to make sure they got some ring-time this month, and followed the success of last month’s dark match with a similarly strong showing. Ant-Man’s still a rather dull worker outside of his big power spots (embodied here with a gorilla press drop and a delayed vertical suplex), but his charisma and star quality make up for that on the whole, and Remmy was the perfect worker for him to go up against. Honeyman’s whole style is based around bouncing around for the other guy, and whilst I could see that counting against him in most singles matches we kinda short-circuited it here by giving him a clear victory- when he’s down as having 80% of the offence in a match even Remmy can’t undercut himself by giving too much to the other guy. He took the win here, rolling out of a second vertical suplex attempt and into the Honeyman Special for the pinfall.

Winner: Remmy Honeyman Match Rating: D+



The Show


Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The New York Doll

This was largely a quick filler match to kick the show off and give Sam a match on the show. It was a solid bout, though, as you’d expect from these two. Okay, so Doll isn’t one of our strongest workers, but he’s a good hand and can get it done in the ring provided you don’t mind it a fairly straightforward brawl. As for Sammy, he’s shown a fair bit of improvement over the last six months- his bumping, brawling, chain wrestling, submissions, mic work and charisma have all improved noticeably, and it’s reflected in his much crisper technique and more physical brawling. Plus, of course, his popularity in the Tri-State has steadily increased and that’s had a very positive impact on the way the crowd responds to his offence (especially when you throw in his new, more hard-edged gimmick- it’s not that they didn’t like the old one, but I still say this fits a face character more). Naturally enough he took the win here, nailing the Shark Attack for the victory.

Winner: Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford Match Rating: D+




From there we’re headed backstage to the Promo Position to hear from Danny Rushmore


“When I first came to NYCW Jennifer Williams paid me a lot of money to stay away from the Empire Title whilst Black Hat Bailey held it, but now there’s a new guy holding it, which means it’s my turn to get that belt. Congratulations, Steve, you’re now topping the pain list. Tonight I will break you in half and take that title, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. Say goodbye to the belt Steve, and you might wanna make sure your health insurance is paid up too- after tonight, you’re gonna need it”


Playing up Danny’s menace always delivers good results, and it was no different here.

Rating: C-




Tamara McFly & Amber Allen vs. Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch

This was a solid match but a little dissapointing when you compare it to what each of these girls can do individually. The main issue was chemistry- Amber and Tammy aren’t a particularly good team, and whilst they’re both capable workers (Amber’s psychology has improved to merely bad) they weren’t strong enough to compensate for the awkwardness of their teamwork. Fortunately they kept that to a minimum and tended to just do straight tags in and out rather than going for lots of double-teams and flashy tag spots. That was really the defining feature of the match- Eve and Emma stuck to standard singles spots as well, so this felt more like a couple of singles matches stuck together than a true tag match. Not that that’s an inherently bad thing, and all four of these girls are good enough to put on a solid match individually or in a group, but to my mind it did take away from the match in comparison to what our tag division can do, and that was reflected in the crowd’s reaction to this. Eve and Emma took the win here, after Eve caught Tammy with the ankle lock- Tammy held out as long as she could but after Emma caught Double A with the Payback she was forced to tap out or risk losing her ankle.

Winners: Eve Grunge & Emma Bitch Match Rating: D




Match over it’s time to head TO THE BACK, where Jen’s on hype duty for Sanders vs. Harker


“Do you have any idea what you’ve done Harker? Last month, you and your two-bit punk of a partner beat Old School Principals, against all laws of god and nature. Now I’ve got two of the angriest wrestlers in the world to deal with, and all they can think about is getting their hands on you. So thanks, Harker, thanks for making my life so much more difficult- tonight, you’re gonna get hurt. I hope you’re happy, Harker, ‘cos you just made your life a whole lot worse”


This was a good promo from Jen, ramping up the spiteful side of her character to good effect.

Rating: D+




Rick Sanders vs. Animal Harker

I wasn’t sure if this one would deliver to the same standard as the tag match last month- Harker’s still kinda dull on offence, and I wasn’t sure how much impact Remmy had had on the rating- but clearly this feud is working as this was another good match. I’m gonna put this down to psychology; Rick and Harker are both capable of calling matches in the ring at our level, and that lifted the match and gave it a really good energy. As I said before, Harker’s still not an exciting worker when it comes to his offence, but his psych and selling mean that he can usually hold a match together and make his offence matter, plus his consistency means that you don’t tend to see him botching spots, which always makes for a better match. Rick, meanwhile, remains one of our most dependable workers, and whilst I can’t help but feel that he’s unlikely to really get as far as the main event again, he’s a fantastically useful midcard act and someone that a lot of our younger guys can learn from. He got the win here after Jen Williams distracted the ref long enough for Rick to nail a Rick Sanders Low Blow before rolling Harker up for a pinfall victory.

Winner: Rick Sanders Match Rating: D+




It’s once again time to head to the Promo Position, where Hannah Potter is on hype duty for the tag title match


“When I left the Supreme Wrestling Federation, one thing made me happier than anything else, and that’s that I’d never have to see your face again, Kristen Pearce. Now I’m here in New York City Wrestling, and who’s the first person I see? You. Well, tonight, I’m gonna show why I’m better than you’ll ever be. These men, Natural Storm, are America’s Most Dangerous Tag Team, and I’m gonna make sure they go straight to the top of this company. First step on that road is taking care of The Ring Generals, and who should they have in their corner but Kristen the joke Pearce? I’m going to enjoy tonight. Boys…let’s take care of business”


Well, that sure as heck worked. I hadn’t realised this, but Hannah’s actually our top star by some way, so the reception to this was very much a surprise.

Rating: C




The Ring Generals vs. Natural Storm

This was a good match, but I want to see if we can’t get something better out of these guys. Right now the main issue is experience- these two teams have been together for years but they’ve yet to develop the kind of instinctive familiarity with one another that Rick and Mauler have. That’ll come with time, though, and in any case it’s not like they aren’t delivering at the moment. The Generals are really establishing themselves as a key part of the company- Dean in particular has really come on in recent months- and Marv’s chemistry with Kristen Pearce really adds an extra dimension to their work. As for the Storm, they haven’t shown the same improvement or chemistry with their manager, but they’re both already competent brawlers and when your manager is Hannah Potter it doesn’t matter what the heck you do people will get into it anyway. Unsurprisingly she got involved quickly and constantly, always ready to leap to her team’s defence whenever it looked like Mikey might actually penalise them for something they did and moving to distract him from their brutality whenever she could. Kristen was equally quick to get involved, though, encouraging her boys to fight back and occasionally taking pot shots at her long-time rival (well, in theory- they managed guys who wrestled a few times back in Supreme but any actual rivalry is more-or-less invented for our storylines). In the end the Ring Generals took this via DQ- Kristen got onto the apron to protest some fairly flagrant nastiness from Eddie Howard, only for the Giant to hoist her into the ring and nail the Crash and Burn on her, invoking a DQ on the grounds of inter -gender violence (strictly a no-no in this company ever since the first show, when Miss Bliss was taken down by Brutus McBride).

Winners: The Ring Generals Match Rating: D+




Philippe LaGrenier vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

Phil’s really establishing a reputation for predictable reliability- with the exception of his first match (which was dogged by bad chemistry, remember) all his matches have delivered to the same solid, entertaining but unflashy level. That’s a lot to do with his level of improvement; working weekly shows in Canada has helped him to improve but it’s mainly shoring up his weak spots rather than polishing his strengths, and those weaknesses tend to be counterbalanced by his charisma and star quality. As for Dave, he’ll only ever be a brawler but he’s a good example of the style, and his athleticism and charisma make him a useful midcard worker who’s in with a chance of moving up the card in the unlikely event of some improvement in his fundamentals. Story-wise, this match was brawl from bell to bell, with neither guy really making use of any semblance of technique (largely ‘cos neither of them have any) and instead concentrating on pummelling one another. Michael did his best to control this one, but when Phil quit the ring and Dave followed with a baseball slide it became clear that he wasn’t doing much good. The pair continued to brawl at ringside, with the ring-steps, apron and time-keeper’s bell all seeing more action than they’re generally used to as Dave and Phil tried their best to lay the other out. Eventually, of course, Michael Bull was forced to start the 10-count, and with both men more interested in pummelling one another than getting back in the ring the match ended with a double count-out.

Winner: None Match Rating: D+




It’s promo time, as Singh’s on hype duty for the Battle of the Bronx


“The Battle of the Bronx. Five Men enter, one man leaves. Tonight, that one man is gonna be your friend and mine, The Sensai of Sensational, Mr. Sensational Singh! There’s one important thing I wish to talk about, though- Cameron Vessey. Now, I know you don’t like me- I don’t know why, who could hate this body? But I know you hate me. So tonight, in that cage, I know you’ll be coming after me with everything you’ve got, and that’s one heck of a lot of talent and whole dollop of rage on top of that. But you know what? I say bring it on! Tonight, baby, it’s go time in Singh-land, and I am gonna rock and roll all over you!”


Singh’s starting to really connect with his character on the mic- we’re kind of playing him off as a cocky face with a lot of self-confidence, and I think it’s starting to come off. Not that the reaction was all that different to usual, but with the character locked in it can only improve.

Rating: D




More promo time, as we cross-fade to Jennifer Williams, also on hype duty for the Battle


“Des Davids- god’s gift to the terminally stupid. I hate to tell you this, Davids, but high school ended years ago, so this whole football jock thing you’ve got going on? It’s done. Right now you’re just another muscle-bound lunkhead who’s picked a fight that’s way out of his league. Now you’re packing some serious body-mass, and I’ll even credit you with knowing what to do with it, but do you have any idea who it is you’re dealing with? Black Hat Bailey is one of the best there’s ever been. He’s been to the top of this business, higher than you can ever hope to go, and tonight? Tonight’s not a battle, it’s pest control”


This was another solid promo from Jen, and a slight step-up on Singh’s in terms of reaction.

Rating: D+




It’s time for another promo, this time from Honest Frank, and for once we’re not at the Promo Position. Instead, we’re outside The Ministry


“The Battle of the Bronx- Five Men Enter, One Man Leaves. Tonight, that man will be Honest Frank. Now I know what people think of me- I’m smart, a real master of the mind games, but has he got what it takes in the cage? Well, I got three letters for you. X. F. W. Whilst Bailey was swanning around Supreme carrying that hoss Jim Force around, whilst Singh was styling his hair in Bombay, heck, while Des and Cam were still in short trousers, I was wrapping Genghis Rahn’s head in barbed wire and dropping Eddie Peak through flaming tables! Tonight, boys, you ain’t dealing with Honest Frank, you’re dealing with the American Psycho Frankie Future, the man so hardcore DaVE got scared and ran! Tonight is my night, and anyone gets in my way I will rip them to shreds! And in case you wondering, that is the honest truth and I ain’t lying this time!”


This was one of Frank’s best- I don’t see us revisiting the American Psycho that often, but reminding everyone that he used to exist adds an extra dimension to Frank’s usual, more cerebral style.

Rating: C-




The Battle of the Bronx

This was a good match, and whilst we’ve probably done better elsewhere this more than justified the match’s creation. Besides, I always knew we’d be looking at something that wasn’t up to the standard some of our singles matches can get to- five guys is a lot of bodies to build around, after all, even when they’re as solid a bunch as these guys. As for narrative, we started this one with Cameron and Singh and a big dollop of violence as the two continued their feud with extreme unction. Cameron was able to claim the advantage, thanks to liberal usage of the cage as a weapon and a big dollop of foul play (no ref in the cage, so whilst there are theoretically rules it’s much harder to enforce them). The next guy out was Des Davids, though, and whilst he and Singh didn’t team up as such neither of them had any love for The Old School and it showed in their combined assault on Cameron. He held up well, largely thanks to a combination of viciousness and cheating, but by the time the next competitor was announced as Black Hat Bailey Cam had been busted open on the cage wall. The Old School pairing quickly teamed up, however, and whilst Cameron was hardly at his best between them they were still able to take control of the match, hot-shotting Singh into the cage wall and then double-teaming Des. The Colt fought back, and hard, but this wasn’t Bailey’s first time in a cage and Davids was soon every bit as bloody as Cam. By the time the clock counted down to Frank’s entrance Singh was back on his feet, and all four men were embroiled in a vicious brawl that the cage was clearly struggling to contain. When Frank entered, though, things got really crazy: in addition to the Brass Knuckles he’d smuggled in a baseball bat and a lead pipe (advantage of that jacket, lots of space to hide stuff in), and it wasn’t long before he’d laid out everyone else with wild weapon shots. Des was the first man back to his feet, and it was then that it got really crazy as the match devolved into an even wilder brawl than it already was (if that’s actually possible). Cameron was the first man to be eliminated- Singh went to the top of the cage and Cam followed him up, only to find himself on the wrong end of a front suplex from about 10 foot in the air that took the already battered Vessey firmly out of the match. Singh wasn’t given much of a chance to enjoy his victory, though, as the minute he was back down in the ring Bailey and Frank teamed up to beat him down, eventually tossing him through the Cage Door to take him out of the match. Of course, no sooner was Singh down than Frank turned on Bailey, nailing him with a Brass Knuckles Punch right between the eyes before throwing him into a Diving Quarterback Sack from Des Davids that bounced Bailey off the cage wall and into unconsciousness. That left Frank and Des as the last two in the match, and of the two Frank was clearly the fresher. Which naturally meant that it was time for a big face comeback, as Des rallied despite Frank’s determined Brass Knuckles assault, pulling the classic catch-his-fist-and-smacking-him-back routine before coming off the ropes with a Quarterback Sack that seemed to be the end. Frank staggered back to his feet before the 10-count though, and went out of the cage to grab the cage door and drag it back in, setting Des up for a Best Policy on the cage door. Des powered out of the move, though, slamming Frank onto the door himself before going up to the top of the cage and coming down with a thunderous Diving Splash that left both men down. Des managed to stagger back to his feet at 9, though, making him the winner.

Winner: Des Davids Match Rating: C-




Steve Flash vs. Danny Rushmore

This wasn’t as carnage-filled or eventful as The Battle of the Bronx, but given that our crowd has always preferred solid wrestling to big spots and bloodbaths this definitely got a better reception (not that they don’t enjoy some violence, mind, it’s just a question of preference). Plus, of course, the story of dominating monster heel vs. battling underdog face is one that New York was virtually built on (see, for example, any match featuring Morpheus), so Stomper knew exactly how to make this one work. Initially things were pretty much even as both men slugged it out, but Danny’s power eventually gave him the edge and he was quick to bust out the big power moves in an effort to put Steve away. The veteran wasn’t quick to go down, though, with his combination of strategy and heart keeping him in the game even when it looked like there was no way he’d be able to even stay conscious, let alone fight back. As you might expect (especially if you’ve ever seen, oh, any monster heel match ever), that led to Danny increasingly losing his cool, unleashing bigger and bigger moves in an effort to put Steve down for the count and losing ever-increasing amounts of cool whenever Flash kicked out of a pin and got back into the game, even as he ended every bout of offence with a rapid boot to the gut or lariat. With that state of affairs ongoing it was only a matter of time until Danny flipped his sh*t and just went for a straight-up beatdown, and sure enough he soon went from trying to beat Steve to trying to beat him up. Rather than end him, though, that gave the champ the opening he needed to lure The Mountain up and set him up for the Sharpshooter, unleashing a flurry of low-slung dropkicks and working Danny’s legs over with a succession of holds and strikes. Rushmore fought back with a vicious Rick Sanders Low Blow before going for a Powerbomb, only for Steve to roll it into a Sunset Flip that set him up for sinking in the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. Danny was quick to tap out, giving Steve the victory.

Winner: Steve Flash Match Rating: C



Overall Rating: C-, and our best show since Riots.

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Good show, man - but in the lengthier matches, could you throw in a few paragraph breaks? It makes readability a lot simpler.


Put that down as one of those things I keep meaning to do and forgetting about- when I'm writing up shows it tends to be kind of a throw-the-words-on-the-page situation without much redrafting or whatever so stuff like paragraph breaks tend to get overlooked.


Anyhoo, how were the predictions this time?


Midnightnick: 4/7

Hyde Hill: 7/7

Tiberious4: 6/7

Regis: 6/7, although Harker's more of a lower midcarder than a jobber.

Hashasheen: 6/7, and in general I agree that tournaments are better, unless the match is something really special (see, for example, the Torneo Cibernetico)- I just don't have the depth to book a tournament at the moment.

terrybgoode: 6/7, and knowing how things panned out I'd have probably booked it your way too

Occasional_Z: 5/7

Jaded: 4/7

Voeltzwagon: 3/7


So, Hyde's the clear winner here and gets the fan question. As for the next post, that'll be coming late Tuesday at the earliest as I have a lot of stuff on before then.

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“The big thing in November, the big booking issue, was sorting out the top of the card”


Hugh grins, as weaselly as ever and twice as cheerful


“Not getting people up there- we had a good crew of guys, by and large- but sorting out who fitted in where in the pecking order. Steve was the champ, and top face by default, and Frank was pretty much our top heel- he was feuding with Steve, he was our best talker, and he had NYCW pedigree- but after that it was a little confused on both sides. Des was theoretically our number two face but outside of the Battle didn’t get treated like it, Singh and Sam were up there but only just, and on the heel side we had Danny, Cam and Bailey all at kind of the same level. Sort of a joint third situation, if you see what I mean- they were all up there but none of them were close to Frank in terms of status. And even then, Frank needed something extra to really settle him into the top heel slot.”






“The problem was the same as always- stables”


Like his fellow chief booker, Steve Flash is clearly looking back fondly


“The Old School didn’t have that lead wrestler anymore. Every classic stable, there are certain roles you can fill- the franchise, the rising star, the elder statesman, the enforcer, the tag team, that kinda thing. Cam had been positioned as a rising star, Bailey had moved into the elder statesman role after Lee retired, and Rick and Mauler were a solid enforcer-tag team, but there was that gap in the franchise slot that was really the reason for the lack of a number two heel. The Old School was our top heel stable, at least in theory, and no top player equals no secondary heel.


“Frank, on the other hand, his problem was minions. Every top heel in this company has either been a monster or had henchmen to run interference for him. Okay, so maybe we didn’t always need to run it that way, but it works and it emphasises the power of the heel. Frank’s not a monster, even though he’s actually a pretty big guy, and his whole cerebral, cheating schtick was crying out for powerful henchmen to do his dirty work. We’d looked at promoting from within, linking him up with some of our younger guys, but we didn’t really have anyone who’d fit in that slot, especially after Hannah Potter came in to manage Natural Storm- that was a major coup, especially when we saw the reception Hannah got at Battle of the Bronx, but Frank’s the last guy on the roster that needs a manager and Hannah was too popular and talented to waste as arm-candy.


“It was actually Danny Rushmore who put me onto the solution. Mick Muscles, his old tag partner from USPW, had been let go and was looking for work, so Danny suggested we bring him in. I don’t for a minute think it was Danny acting selflessly- The Towers of Power had a lot more to offer than either guy individually and they both knew it. The biggest problem we faced bringing Mick on board was actually from within- Hugh took a while to really get behind the idea of bringing Mick on board.”






“My issue was, we’ve already got a strong main event, do we really want Mick coming in and forcing another reshuffle? Wasn’t anything against Mick really- he’s a good worker and has a great look- but when you’ve already got a pretty clear idea of where everyone fits on the card you don’t need somebody else coming in and changing everything else round, especially when you’re having to do it twice to account for the face we brought in to balance the sides out. In the end, though, Steve talked me round- he pointed out that we needed a couple of extra guys anyway so why not go for someone that would sell tickets and bring in extra sponsors? It made sense, and Mick was like Danny, a guy that had name value but not a lot of character, and ever since North of the Border I love working with those kinda guys, it makes my job so much more interesting.


“That was the logic behind picking up Andre Jones as well. He was a guy that a lot of dudes recognised, even if it was just for the volleyball thing, but he’d never had much of a hook before, a character that would make him a legit draw in his own right. I figured, what the hey, I could make this guy interesting in the space of a morning and still have time to put together an entire card before knocking off for lunch. Just look at him; here you’ve got a guy that is a genuine world-class competitor in a legit sport, has a vertical leap that’s measured in feet and has competed at the Olympics representing his country. You want heel he’s the cocky jock throwing his achievements in everyone’s face, make him face and he’s the all-American athlete. It’s not even difficult.”





“Like I said before, the other big stunt we pulled off around that time was signing up Hannah Potter. She’d just left Supreme, where she was already a nationally recognised name, and here she was, working solely for an independent company in New York. It got us a lot of interest from the mainstream media, at least for a couple of weeks, and to top it off she was getting crowd reactions our top stars would have loved, never mind the other managers. Kinda made me wonder why she chose to sign with us- I’m guessing USPW or TCW would have loved to get her on board”






Hannah Potter is every bit as beautiful out of the ring as she is in it.


“I’d been brought into the business by Supreme, and even now I truly appreciate the chances they gave me to develop my craft and work on such a major stage, but I was never keen on the way women were presented in the company. For example, the first show I was at they gave me a costume that basically consisted of a bikini that a California Streetwalker would be embarrassed to wear- it was skimpier than anything I would wear, even my underwear. I actually had to go to Richard Eisen himself and tell him ‘I was raised by nuns, I go to church every Sunday, how the heck am I supposed to look them in the face if I’m seen on TV wearing something like this?’ Now, to be fair they were actually okay with it- I was never stroppy or demanding, I just made it very clear what I found morally acceptable for my own work, which I think helped- but by the end of my contract I just felt, this isn’t for me. I wasn’t comfortable working there, and I wasn’t comfortable with the way women were treated onscreen. So I left- it’s really as simple as that. No big drama, no political stuff, just a conflict between their product and my personal beliefs.


“Joining New York, though, that was very much a personal choice. I hadn’t really heard anything from USPW or TCW outside of a couple of interested comments from guys in their locker rooms, but what really attracted me to New York was their product. You look at the women there, they’re all presented in a really positive way, either as serious wrestler or proper managers, and there’s none of the sexualisation that Supreme used to go for. I mean, nobody wanders around in their underwear, there’s a very clear line between good and bad…I’m not saying it’s religiously influenced but I don’t think there’s anything there that a person with strong beliefs would object to if they were being reasonable.”






“Queens County Massacre’s been our November show for years now, ever since we moved NYSOM out of that slot, and it had developed kind of a reputation as a filler show. Not a bad event or whatever, just one that didn’t generally feature anything hugely important or unmissable. Speaking personally, I never had a problem with that- not every show can be a big deal, and being missable isn’t the same as being bad- but Steve was keen to try and make it feel more important. I honestly couldn’t tell you why, though I think it was just to try and make it more useful as a show- once it gets that reputation of being skippable, it gets more and more difficult to get people to not skip it and you wind up having to pull the show and replace it with something else. What we wound up doing with this one, to boost the importance without sacrificing any major matches we had lined up for the Christmas Special in December, was your standard combination of tag matches and first-time-ever bouts, eh? The kind of stuff that feels important without actually sacrificing anything you’ll need to build on down the line. Plus, of course, we had Andre and Mick to debut, which pulled in a lot of interest.”




Card for NYCW Queens County Massacre:



Steve Flash © vs. Cameron Vessey


Andre Jones vs. Honest Frank


Des Davids & Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The Towers of Power


The Sensational Singh vs. Black Hat Bailey



Remmy Honeyman vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©



Tamara McFly © vs. Amber Allen vs. Eve Grunge vs. Emma Bitch


Marv Statler vs. Eddie Howard

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Steve Flash © vs. Cameron Vessey


Steve retains for now. Cameron is good, but not sure if he is ready for being champ just yet.


Andre Jones vs. Honest Frank


Another Nod to a veteran and one of the bigger names for the promotion.


Des Davids & Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The Towers of Power


Probably the hardest one to pick for me. Des can handle the big guys, but Sam might get overwhelmed.


The Sensational Singh vs. Black Hat Bailey


Bailey is still good, but he might just not have enough left in the tank at his age to keep up with a guy like Singh



Remmy Honeyman vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©


Philippe isn't ready to move up further on the card just yet and right now so they keep him holding onto the midcard title.



Tamara McFly © vs. Amber Allen vs. Eve Grunge vs. Emma Bitch


A tough one, but Tamara will squeek this one out.


Marv Statler vs. Eddie Howard


Both are known as tag workers, but Eddie seems to have more upside when it comes to one day being a singles star.

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Steve Flash © vs. Cameron Vessey for the NYCW Empire Championship

Andre Jones vs. Honest Frank

Des Davids & Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The Towers of Power

The Sensational Singh vs. Black Hat Bailey

Remmy Honeyman vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders vs. Philippe LaGrenier © for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship

Tamara McFly © vs. Amber Allen vs. Eve Grunge vs. Emma Bitch for the NYCW Women's Championship

Marv Statler vs. Eddie Howard

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Steve Flash © vs. Cameron Vessey


I don't see Flash dropping it.


Andre Jones vs. Honest Frank


Frank is basically your top heel.


Des Davids & Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The Towers of Power


Maybe a DQ win? It's hard to go against a team of big guys like the ToP, but I see these two teams fighting again.


The Sensational Singh vs. Black Hat Bailey


I think Bailey still has enough left in the tank to beat Singh.



Remmy Honeyman vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©


When in Doubt go for the champion.



Tamara McFly © vs. Amber Allen vs. Eve Grunge vs. Emma Bitch


Ditto here; though I think it quite unlikely that McFly drops it.


Marv Statler vs. Eddie Howard


Could go either way, so I'll just be different.

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Steve Flash © vs. Cameron Vessey


Andre Jones vs. Honest Frank


Des Davids & Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The Towers of Power


The Sensational Singh vs. Black Hat Bailey



Remmy Honeyman vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©



Tamara McFly © vs. Amber Allen vs. Eve Grunge vs. Emma Bitch


Marv Statler vs. Eddie Howard

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Steve Flash © vs. Cameron Vessey

Vessey isn't ready yet


Andre Jones vs. Honest Frank

Can't see Andre beating Frank on his first night in, probably a close effort with a tainted win for Frank?


Des Davids & Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The Towers of Power

Towers are an actual team


The Sensational Singh vs. Black Hat Bailey

At this point, Bailey should be putting up and comers over



Remmy Honeyman vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©

Not sure...I'll stick with the champ



Tamara McFly © vs. Amber Allen vs. Eve Grunge vs. Emma Bitch

Can't see her losing here

Marv Statler vs. Eddie Howard

I like Marv more than Eddie

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Steve Flash © vs. Cameron Vessey


Not there yet.


Andre Jones vs. Honest Frank


Strong in defeat.


Des Davids & Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The Towers of Power


Seriously how dumb is USPW letting their top tag team go and giving you two guys who fit perfectly with your product.


The Sensational Singh vs. Black Hat Bailey


Starting the jobbing till retirement tour.



Remmy Honeyman vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©


Normally i'd say multiman is title switch but Remmy isn't of the level, Sanders is in tag and a trainer here and DDD should win it 1 vs 1 if he ever does.



Tamara McFly © vs. Amber Allen vs. Eve Grunge vs. Emma Bitch


nepotism ftw.


Marv Statler vs. Eddie Howard


Need to keep the tag feud going.


Question for Mick Muscles: WTF where USPW thinking letting both u and Danny go????

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Steve Flash © vs. Cameron Vessey

Champ retains.


Andre Jones vs. Honest Frank

Frank needs to win.


Des Davids & Sam ‘The Shark’ Ford vs. The Towers of Power

Big debut win.


The Sensational Singh vs. Black Hat Bailey

Bailey wins by cheating, sets up potential future match with Flash.



Remmy Honeyman vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders vs. Philippe LaGrenier ©

Champ retains.



Tamara McFly © vs. Amber Allen vs. Eve Grunge vs. Emma Bitch

Champ retains.


Marv Statler vs. Eddie Howard

Challengers set up a challenge.

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sorry for the long delay gang, life got busy again so I never got round to posting the next show. It should be going up tomorrow, though, and in the mean-time here's a fan question from Hyde 'the mind-reader' Hill


Question for Mick Muscles: "WTF where USPW thinking letting both u and Danny go????"



Mick Muscles: USPW only let me and Danny go because they knew what we would do to their precious stars if we got the chance. James Justice, Tyson Baine, Enygma...you tell me we couldn't tear those punks in half. You know that, we know that, and they know that as well.

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