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AWF: The Thunder Era (jhdVerse)

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You've got a loyal reader in me (and potentially a guest writer perhaps?) jhd.


That's great to hear Midnight. Expect a PM soon :D


Depending on how Meta you want to get you could have someone be a poster responding to the Blogger. Someone that loves the AWF just a bit too much.


That is something I had considered. Not sure how to work it just yet but I'm definitely keeping it in mind. Thanks Timber!


Seconded (including the stealing part :p). Very easy to read. The bloggers perspective provides some nice background info and depth to some of the characters too.


Santorelli's a solid pick up for AWF. I often sign him.


Stealing is the highest form of flattery. Or something. Glad you're enjoying things, my friend. I've teamed Santorelli and Bridges for the last three jhdVerse games of mine and they always seem to work nicely together. I've got big plans for the roster going forward, and part of that is the freedom this type of diary gives. I don't have to make perfect decisions, or put on the best shows ever. Nor do I have to keep good workers and fire bad ones - I can easily do things the other way around. It's a freedom I'm going to exploit going forward I think :D

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JANUARY 7 2012


Hey, this is Eric Lothario coming at you LIVE through the internet...


Now I'm new to this whole 'writin a blog' biz, so you'll have to bear with me peeps. First off, you probably wanna know why I'm here. Well let me tell you why. Back when I got canned from AWF for
injuring Chaperone my pal Brian was the only guy upstairs who had my back, hell, he ended up getting physical with Chaperone over the whole deal an got canned himself! So when he asked me to do this, I said 'Hell yeah!' But I asked him, 'What do you want me to talk about?' And my man, he told me, 'Just talk from the heart kid. Explain the world your way'. So that's what I'm gonna do.




So, let me take ya back. Back six an a half years, June 2006. I'd been in Hollywood a couple of months, trying my luck around the studios, hitting castings. I stepped into a restaurant and walked straight into none other than ya man, Terry Thunder! He was there with his boys, Ford Memphis & Jack Bodydrop, and his daughter Jessica. Now I'll be straight with ya, my papa and Thunder plain hate each other so I turned right around. I mean, I could take old man Thunder in a straight fight but with Memphis and Bodydrop having Thunder's back, hell, I'da taken a beatin!


I felt a hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and turned back.


Hey, you're Lothario's boy right?


- Yeah, and? Look, I don't want no trouble man, you and my Pa's got nothin to do with me...


Thunder laughed


- Kid, you got me all wrong, I got no beef with you brother! I was jus gonna say hi and ask how ya mom is doing.


Thunder laughed again, so did his boys


- Nah, seriously kid, good to meet ya. I worked ya daddy a few times back in the day, good hand. Shame his attitude sucked...


Man, I'd had enough, so I got up in Memphis' face


- Look, you 3rd rate Elvis impersonator, my Pa...


Thunder laughed again, and put his hand on my chest


- Kid, Ford is just playin, pushin ya. Relax kid, like I say, no beef here.


- Yeah, you remember me Eric? You were just a kid when I saw ya last, and I stole ya nose? I still got it around here somewhere.


Bodydrop patted his pockets while Ford Memphis almost fell over laughing.


- Boys, knock it off. Get some drinks, keep Jessie entertained, I wanna have a chat with Eric.


Thunder walked me over to a table, he ordered us both some fancy cocktail and got down to it.


- So, kid, I heard you were in town. I hear you're lookin to get in to Hollywood scene, and that's cool brother. My Jessica's looking to do the same, its why I've moved to the East Coast. But thing is, I got connections! My name carries a lot in this town, my guest spot in that film I did made them all sit up and take note. So Jessie, she aint stopped, casting after casting, we've even turned some jobs down brother! How's it going for you kid?


- Ah, yeah, its good, doin fine


- Not what I hear kid, I hear you're gettin desperate, that the last couple of jobs have been for
! Now it aint your fault kid, you're daddy's name aint worth dick in this town... well maybe worth dick, but not much else!


Thunder laughed again. I got up to leave, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.


- Sorry, no more digs brother. Look, I've been throwing an idea around with the studio execs. Jessie, playing herself, sharing an apartment with a guy. They start off hating each other but there's sexual tension, they start to get on, you know the deal. So, I hear you're in town an I get to thinking, Who better to play a guy she's gonna hate than the son of the guy everyone knows Jessie's daddy don't get on with? What do ya reckon kid?


I stared at him, then looked over at Jessica at the bar. Eighteen years old, at that perfect age: not an ounce of fat but all the curves were there for sure! She saw me lookin, blushed and brushed some hair behind her ear before turning back to the bar.


- yyyyeah... yeah, I could go for that.


- Good kid, good. Ya know what, I'm having a party this weekend, you should head over to the house, get to know Jessie, we'll talk some more.


He chucked me his card, grabs his boys and left. Jessie gave me one last look and winked before she followed them.



Now, don't get me wrong, its hard to erase the years of my Pa's stories, but at this point I was thinkin Terry Thunder might not be the massive douche he'd been made out to be. So, the weekend came around, Terry got me signed up with the same agent Jessie was with, it all seemed pretty gravy man! I headed over to Thunder's pad in Bel Air






What a place! I have to say, it really pulled things into perspective. A lot of stuff became clear that day. I mean, Terry Thunder, sure he can talk, but actual wrestling, he's just plain no use, and look where it got him! A mean damn, this is his
home! But my Pa, he could wrestle an all he came away with was issues and debts!


Anyway, I got taken inside, had a drink thrust in my hand and taken out back. Around the pool was pretty much a who's who of Thunder's clique, guys like Ford Memphis, Jack Bodydrop, Ali Ababwa, Seb Curtis an even Chaperone were busy getting hammered in Thunder's back yard.








Also in attendance were a few important looking guys in expensive lounge suits and women in bikinis,
of hot women in bikinis. I took a big gulp of my drink. Each of Thunder's boys was hanging with two or three hot girls. Thunder looked up from his mojito and saw me.


- KID! You made it! Meet Jerry, he's the exec who's interested in the project. Jerry Taylor, Eric Lothario.


The suited man stepped back and looked me up and down and nodded.


- Well that's probably all ya gonna get out of Jerry tonight kid, but that's a go. Come on, lets get you a drink.


As we walked around the pool to the bar I asked Thunder a question. One that will haunt the world for ever


- So, Terry, how come you aint on TV no more? I mean, you had that cop show in the pipeline, the Terry Thunder Variety Show never got past episode two...


- Yeah, well, they ain't ready for me yet kid. To be honest, ideas for me are thin on the ground right now.


- Really? Ain't dance shows all the rage right now? You proved you can groove on Celebrity Dance Your Socks Off, why not do your own? Or a dating show where the contestants are all porkers and you get them fit before pairing them off on dates? You could call it Terry Thunder's Thunderthighs to Romantic Ties!


Thunder laughed hard, but I could tell what I was saying lodged in his mind. We got to the bar and Jessica was behind it, dishing out drinks to studio execs and bikini models.


- Hey Jessie, meet ya new co-star, Eric!


Jessica smiled and blushed


- Hey Jessie, look forward to workin with ya!


- Me too Eric! hehe


Thunder looked at the pair of us and smiled.


- You two get aquainted yeah!


Now, I ain't one to blow my own trumpet but, ya know, toot toot an all that, I had that girl eattin out of the a palm of my hand. Then her boyfriend showed up, some preppy kid who was all 'Hello Mr Thunder, pleasure to meet you Mr Thunder, can I shine ya ass Mr Thunder...'. She put up a good front but I could tell she wanted to stay and hang out with Lothario Jr, if you get what I mean! hahaha.


The drink was flowing, all good man, things got crazy that night! Chaperone threw Ababwa in the pool then passed out on a lawn chair. I gotta say, I ain't ever seen glasses stacked so high on a sleepin man before! Memphis lost a bet that he could eat 10kg of chicken wings and threw up on a model and Bodydrop nearly got slapped with a harassment suit by one of the bikini girls! I left that place on a high, ready to tell my pa that Thunder was a pretty cool guy and maybe he should chill out a bit.


But you know what? Nothin came of that night. The next day I get in touch with my new agent, he puts the phone down on me. I call that Jerry guy at the studio, nothin! I call Thunder's cell and get blown off my some press girl. Two weeks later they start filming 'Jessie's Apartment', with the same stageschool-fresh, preppy streak of piss she went on a date with.


So yeah, I tried wrestling. And what a surprise that it was one of Thunder's boys that got me fired from AWF too!


You see, Terry Thunder fears competition. He's scared of my pa's in ring skills, so he held him down, spread rumours, got his boys to threaten him. He saw me as competition to Jessica, so he made sure no-one would pick me up for a part. He knew that one day I'd outshine his fame in the AWF, so he had Chaperone make um get rid of me.


And now he's the 'AWF Representitive'?!?


Jeez! Anyone in AWF who's got a good idea, anyone who's got the chance to be a megastar, anyone who, god forbid, looks like they might outshine the massive ego that is Terry Thunder, this is me just lettin ya know, Terry's gonna get ya! Count on it... brother!


Eric Lothario


This website accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or legality of statements made by Eric Lothario.

Any complaints/lawsuits should be forwarded to

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As expected this Diary is excellent. I'm enjoying the style your using in the write ups, jhd1, and MJStark's guest piece was a well written piece that was quite entertaining and a nice change of style from the show recaps you've been doing.


I look forward to reading more of the diary.

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JANUARY 10 2012





Last week’s show – filmed at the Gorski Ballroom in LA – ended with Terry Thunder cutting a promo in the ring. This week’s show – filmed at the Gorski Ballroom in LA – starts with Terry Thunder cutting a promo in the ring. A vision of things to come? Welcome to AWF Thunder…wave. Just kidding. Thunder puts over the six main eventers from last week (Chaperone, Richards, Barkley, Hawk, Herculez & Towerblock for those with short memories) and says that fans can expect more of the same in weeks to come (presumably he means quality, not an overabundance of six man tag matches!?). But, Thunder says, the show doesn’t stop with those six men nosiree (I may have added that last word). Thunder goes on to claim that everyone in the locker room is looking to make a name for themselves, to become the next big superstar (the next big YOU you mean Terry?), and that with him in charge people are going to start getting those opportunities. It doesn’t matter if you’re a young rookie or a hardened veteran; everyone has to prove themselves to get a shot in the Thunder Era! Thunder did, of course, forget to mention that being his friend automatically negates any previously mentioned effort required to be pushed as a big star. Or so they say… Good angle – hopefully Thunder actually means it and some of the lower card can finally get a big enough push. I’m talking about Graves, Rollins, Hollywood (even though he’s still on my reality TV dislike list), the new signings of Santorelli and Santana Jr. Basically, people who can wrestle as well as talk – a double whammy of talent that not everyone on the current roster is blessed with.




*Although they were the far bigger names in this match, Hawk & Dolla didn’t have the match all their own way…

*…as Slip & Slide tried to get a major upset and reassert themselves on the tag division.

*It seemed to many, however, that they were trying a little too hard and Hawk & Dolla didn’t ever seem to be under any really threat of defeat.

*In the end Timothy Hawk hit the Justice Slam
(Full Nelson Slam)
on Slide to get the win.

HAWK & DOLLA win via pinfall (7:27)


I always find it amusing watching tag team wrestling on AWF television. They’ve had some great teams in their history but they always get shoved towards the bottom of the card, meaning that legitimate tag title matches are usually crap, and the ‘real’ tag teams are more often than not used as fodder for the big guns (see: this match). Hawk & Dolla were never going to lose to two blonde fitness gurus and everyone in the audience knew it. Bit pointless really, but I guess it gives Slip & Slide a run out, and Hawk and Dolla an easy victory. I had high hopes for Candell when he was signed by the AWF but now I’m starting to wish he hadn’t. Okay match, in reality, but its predictability let it down.




*Extremely one-sided match that saw the “Samoan Wrestling Machine” Atonga completely dominate throughout.

*Buddy Holland helped Atonga look like a real force with some strong selling.

*A match that was never in any doubt ended with an Atonga Kick
(Savate Kick)
at 6:11

ATONGA wins via pinfall (6:11)


I take everything back I said about the first match. That wasn’t one-sided, this was one-sided. It was, for all intents and purposes, a squash match but it lasted too long. I admire Buddy Holland for accepting his place in the wrestling world and losing every match he’s ever put in –he does it well. Atonga gets a boost, while no one notices Holland was there. Decent booking, but just far too long.




We’re whisked backstage for the first time this evening (I’m surprised it has taken this long) and Adrienne is in the middle of a shouting match with Jean-Claude Giroux. It sounds like Giroux is mocking Wilson Hancock and then Adrienne keeps fighting back by basically saying ‘yeah, but you’re ugly/rubbish/boring/French’ back at him. I say ‘sounds like’ because every so often they start shouting in French. I’ve just noticed that the surrounding ‘AWF officials’ (i.e. roadies in branded T-shirts) are stood by gawping at the former couple but not doing anything. This could go on forever…wait…YES! Adrienne just slapped Giroux from here to next week. One heck of a shot from Canada’s finest (looking) export. I’ve been in this business for years and that, my friends, was a real slap. A bonafide shoot slap. Do it again! Oh now they interfere. The AWF officials (i.e. roadies in branded T-shirts) drag the kicking and screaming Adrienne from Giroux as they continue to hurl abuse in French. I assume its French and not some sort of Canadian dialect. For the slap alone this angle was excellent.




*Despite his defeat last week Wilson Hancock started this match extremely strongly.

*Marshal Law used his size and experience to fight back and looked like getting the upper hand on more than one occasion.

*As Hancock began to take control, Law ‘accidentally’ knocked out the referee and went for his nightstick…

*…but Hancock ducked the attack and stole the nightstick, driving it into the face of the former state trooper…

*…the fans didn’t care and the referee didn’t notice, leaving Hancock to pick up the win.

WILSON HANCOCK wins via pinfall (5:42)


Wilson Hancock is not meant to be this good. In fact, he is meant to be a curtain jerker called Errol. Instead, he’s getting a decent match out of Marshal Law (who despite his awesome Georgia state trooper…ness… hasn’t had a decent match in, like, forever). The ending was a little odd (it was a bit too heelish for me), and either Hancock missed Adrienne’s fight with Giroux or someone forgot to tell him it was booked before the match because he was extremely indifferent to the fact she wasn’t at ringside. Minor niggles aside, I thought this was a strong midcard match.




It’s been far too long since we were backstage I think to myself when, just 5:42 minutes after we were last there, we are back. This time we are in Terry Thunder’s new office (he gets an office because the AWF is too cheap to leave LA), which is absolutely crammed full of people. I’m fairly sure I glanced Magnum Kirchart who looks like he could still take half of the AWF roster, but the vast majority of people appear to be the lovable intern – average age 25, average gender…female. You know what I mean. It didn’t take Thunder long to get back into his old routines (that’s another story you’ll have to remind me to tell). The interns are buzzing around getting Thunder to sign things, handing him videos (he’s old fashioned but why would he still have a VCR!?) and telling him who is calling on the phone. Suddenly the bustle stops and AWF United States champion Garrett South wanders into the room. Thunder asks him to sit down and the interns empty the room. The ‘AWF Representative’ compliments South for his title run and said that he has huge faith in the Kansas boy’s ability to push this company to a new level (what is this ‘level’!?!?). South shrugs it off, and says that he doesn’t need praise from an old-timer to know that this company is going to be Garrett South’s stomping ground soon enough (it might not after that). Thunder just laughs and says that South will have an opportunity to back up his claims on next week’s show in a US title match…against “The Demon” KISS! I’ve only put an exclamation mark because I assume I’m meant to be excited about this prospect. I’m not.




*Following on from last week’s show Leroy Winters put on another strong wrestling display.

*Theo Barkley, with Owen Money in his corner, continued his impressive trend of blending his more powerful attacks with a slower, more methodical wrestling style.

*In the end the combination of Barkley’s power, momentum and Owen Money proved too much for Winters…

*…and a Primetime Press (Military Press Slam) in the eighth minute was enough to keep Winters down for the three count.

THEO BARKLEY wins via pinfall (7:20)


Yet another match that was too one-sided for me – especially given the performance by Winters last week. Still, Barkley came out of this match looking good (much to my annoyance) and Owen Money’s role as coach seems to be working well in explaining why Barkley’s wrestling is getting a little better each week (and I only mean a little). Okay for a midcard match, but I wouldn’t be rushing it to a main event slot anytime soon.




*A very strong performance from both men in the most open match of the night.

*Herculez’ strength and Curtis’ encyclopaedic knowledge helped to bring huge variety to the match.

*A huge bearhug from Herculez looked set to end this one but a low blow from Curtis broke the hold just in time.

*But Curtis nearly snapped his back in half trying to hit Herc with the Sebsplex!

*Herculez couldn’t do anything about it though, when he couldn’t lock in another bearhug attempt.

*Suddenly the theme tune of Herculez’ rival Towerblock hit the arena PA distracting the monster and the referee…

*…just long enough for Curtis to nail Herculez with a roll of coins he had hidden in his trunks!

SEBASTIAN CURTIS wins via pinfall (9:30)



While the referee continued to look nervously towards the ramp a huge figure emerged from the crowd behind him…it was Towerblock! The giant clambered into the ring and threw the referee to the outside before beginning a savage hail of punches on the downed Herculez. The attack was short but effective, and Herculez was busted open in the attack before a number of security officials managed to pull Towerblock away.


Finally! A match on this card worth praising! No surprise that it involves Sebastian Curtis, but I’m surprised by the performance of Herculez – the big man isn’t exactly famed for his ring skills. Still, he put in a real shift in this match and should be commended for it. Last week I complained about the post match attack from Jean-Claude Giroux as being unnecessary but this attack from Towerblock was perfect. He didn’t appear during the match, and his blindside attack of Herc showed a heelish cowardly side that should make a good talking point if this feud ever moves to the promo stage. Having Herculez busted open was a good call too, even if the camera man did seem to shy away from it a bit. As I keep saying (and spent most of my time in the AWF saying) – they need to offer something to the older audience and not focus too heavily on being ‘PG’ - this is exactly the kind of segment I was talking about.




*Two exceptional talents met in one of the finest matches in the company’s history – no doubt helped by an extremely good ring chemistry between the two workers.

*The respect between both men was obvious as the match twisted and turned for 13 minutes, with each man trying to out-manoeuver his opponent but being matched at every turn.

*With both men matched for skills, it would seemingly be a mental barrier that would decide the bout…

*…with Richards focused entirely on getting a title shot against Chaperone…

*...while Giroux’s entanglement with Adrienne and Wilson Hancock seemed to be playing on his mind.

*In the end, a minor slip-up from the Frenchman was all the chance that Richards needed and he hit a Top Rope Rushmore
(Top Rope Crossbody)
to get the win at 13:09.

DRAKE RICHARDS wins via pinfall (13:09)


This is perhaps the finest match I’ve ever seen in a wrestling ring for some time. Sure I’ve seen some classics in Japan and the like (even though that’s not really my idea of entertainment), but Giroux and Richards definitely put on a world class show in this main event. The two gelled perfectly and that definitely helped push the match further – but there’s no doubt it would have been a classic all the same. While I’m sure Terry Thunder will be patting himself on the back for this one, folks might like to know that when Giroux first joined the WWWE Thunder wouldn’t work with ‘some unknown European’. Fantastic main event – what else is there to say!?




Speak of the devil –here’s Terry Thunder now! At least he waited long enough for Giroux and Richards to get a standing ovation (that’s probably the first time I’ve seen that from an AWF crowd - classy). Thunder shakes the hands of both men in the ring and says that this is the reason he joined the AWF. “As if the world needed proof” he says, “these two men, and this last match, are the reasons that the AWF is at the top of the mountain”. Didn’t he say this last week? Anyway, Thunder turns to Richards and laughs. Thunder says that a performance like that is more than worthy of a title shot – so he’ll get one at
New Year, No Limits
and it’ll be a World title shot against Chaperone! Nice way to end the show, and with a bombshell like that I’m sure we’ll see a bump in PPV buys too. If anyone could drag Chaperone to a decent match at
, it’s Drake Richards. The only problem is whether or not the main event match set the bar too high too early.



Somehow an even stronger show than last week, but mainly because the awesome main event more than made up for some fairly poor midcard bouts. The opening tag match showed just how little the division is valued in today’s sports entertainment product, but I was enormously impressed with the performance of Herculez in his match with Seb Curtis. The show still feels very similar to the Shockwave’s pre-Thunder but I guess that’s to be expected given he’s only been here a week and a bit. At least his promos are as strong as they were fifteen years ago and not only that, they look like they are helping to get people over. Whether that will continue only time will tell. Roll on next week.

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JANUARY 11 2012


Last night's episode of AWF Shockwave was the company's first full show with wrestling legend Terry Thunder 'in charge'. Thunder featured throughout the night, booking two title matches in the progress. The first, Garrett South vs KISS for the United States title, will take place on next week's show. The second, the AWF World title bout between Drake Richards and Chaperone is set to headline the upcoming
New Year, No Limits
PPV on January 28th.


The initial viewer figures have been released by Arcadia, showing Shockwave drew 2.09 - the second 0.6 rise in viewer ratings in the last two weeks. AWF officials are said to be extremely pleased with the show's progress in such a short space of time.


For those who missed the show, you can find a summary of the results below.



January 10 2012

Hawk & Dolla
defeated Slip & Slide

defeated Buddy Holland

Wilson Hancock
defeated Marshal Law

Theo Barkley
defeated Leroy Winters

Sebastian Curtis
defeated Herculez

Drake Richards
defeated Jean-Claude Giroux


Brian Jack
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JANUARY 13 2012


Championship Wrestling from Tennessee held its annual New Year's Wrestle-lution PPV last night on American Option. The show was a 10,000 sell-out at the Tyler Civic Centre in Richmond, VA, but was said to be fairly mediocre throughout. I didn't watch the show - I'll be damned if I'm handing my money over to JD Briscoe - but here are the results all the same...





January 12 2012

Sonny Parks & Kabuki Takao
defeated Spike Daryl & Cameron Cody

The Magnificent Mountie
defeated George Brooks

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Roscoe Carmine and Evgeny Dobrenko

One Mean Trucker
defeated Bill Hickock

Laredo Streets & Big Bubba
defeated the Street Survivors

Lance Van Der Beek
defeated Kris Phoenix to retain the CWT
Mid-South Television title.

The Ghost Rider
defeated Luther Mack

Roscoe Carmine & Cloud James
defeated Cholotariat

Gunn & Sorensen
defeated The Lone Rangers

The Great Colorado
defeated Sean Riley to retain the CWT World Heavyweight title.



After typing that lot up I'm glad I didn't bother! Reminds me though...sometime I'll have to tell you about the time Roscoe Carmine (who at the time was a blond-haired, blue-eyed midcarder called the Texas Ranger) threw up in Terry Thunder's shoes...

Brian Jack
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JANUARY 14 2012


So, Terry has decided that its time to get wrestling back to wrestling. Oh man, how god damn ironic! The man who can only talk demanding his roster be able to talk
wrestle. Jeeez, the first thing Thunder does in AWF is make a massively hypocrytical statement. Ah well, I ain't surprised really. The guy is full of his own importance, an like my man Brian said, if you're one of the boys you're bound to be safe.


It got me thinkin though, this is gonna mean there are guys on the AWF roster who just ain't gonna be able to hang in the Thunder Era. So here it is, Eric Lothario's Bottom Ten Run-Down of the guys who are going to suffer under the Thunder regime. And, of course, I'll explain why too






#10 - Atonga

First off, the guy has been around for ever without winning the big one. Second, the guy plain can't talk. His promos are awful. I mean, in a land where managers were revered he'd make an awesome champ, but with the whole 'complete package' deal that Thunder is going on about the big Samoan's days could be numbered.



#9 - Timothy Hawk

Now, many of y'all must be thinking, 'What? Eric, really? But it's Timothy Hawk!'. Well I'm here to tell y'all, ya man Hawk is a terrible wrestler. Sure, he's got charisma coming out of his ears, he can tell a story and he's consistent. But will consistently average in the ring cut it?



#8 - Jonah Christensen

So it won't happen till The Christensens drop the tag titles, but the guy is one step away from being a spot-monkey and IMO will hold his 'brother' back in the Thunder Era.



#7 - Slip and/or Slide

Lumped these two lumps together. They plain suck man. Slip is the better of the pair in all ways, better skills, better look, better psychology, so if only one goes it'll be Slide, mark my words



#6 - Travis Stine

Entertaining as hell, I love this guys crazy promos and he's got a look I'd kill for, but in the ring he's just terrible! I've watched managers handle themselves better in there. I'm guessin he'll get pissed an leave before they job him out completely though, the man has principles!



#5 - General Mayhem

Came up through the AWF School of Wrestling, so that might save him, but he's definitely a one trick pony and the man couldn't sell toffee! Plus you can't let him near the mic if you wanna hold an audience.



#4 - Luke Graves

Only just been signed so they might be less inclined to end his contract early but he's terrible in the ring. Kinda entertaining though, and he's got a good look going on



#3 - Theo Barkley

All this guy has is his look and, for some reason, the powers that be in the industry see him as a future star. With his awful in ring and promo skills, combined with his complete lack of ability to tell a story in there, I just don't see it. Only beat out Luke Graves to the bronze due to his age, Luke has six more years to improve on Theo.



#2 - Buddy Holland

I know that he was signed to train up the 'lesser' wrestlers on the roster but other than being able to tell a story he really brings nothing to the table. He's a broken down old man who could do with a forced retirement. Don't get me wrong, my Pa's always had good things to say about the old boy, but come on Buddy, hang up the boots with dignity already, before they can your ass in a pre-show segment on Shockwave!



#1 - Corporal Punishment

Same as General Mayhem, came up through the school so he might be safe but he's truly, truly bad, both in the ring and on the mic. This guy surely must be facing unemployment in the face in the near future, if he's still even got a job come the next edition of Shockwave!




So there you have it folks, you heard it here first! Expect some or all of these guys to get their marching orders in the next few months. Sorry guys, but at least you can't say no-one warned ya


Eric Lothario


This website accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or legality of statements made by Eric Lothario.

Any complaints/lawsuits should be forwarded to

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JANUARY 15 2012


It is being reported that wrestling legend and AWF star Terry Thunder will be appearing on a late night TV talk show this Friday night on CANN. Thunder is expected to hype the AWF, as well as talk about the success of his dating/dancing hybrid TV show 'Thunderhips'. As ever, we'll bring you all the best bits when the recording is complete.


Earlier on today the AWF released the 17/1/12 Shockwave broadcast preview...





-With this Wednesday's Shockwave just eleven days away from the first PPV of the year - New Year, No Limits - see how things heat up as 'AWF Representative' Terry Thunder starts to settle in to his position of authority!


-Plus, we'll see the first title match booked by Terry Thunder as United States champion Garrett South looks to defend his gold against "The Demon" KISS!


-Plus, we'll see Silva Dolla vs Derrick Rollins; The Christensens vs Slip & Slide; and Drake Richards vs Luke Graves!


-Don't miss AWF Shockwave, live on Arcadia at 9/8c!


Don't forget, check back once a day for the most accurate and thoroughly biased wrestling news on the net!
Brian Jack

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I figure it's probably about time Brian Jack profiled one of the jhdVerse workers, but I'm going to let you all choose who. It can be anyone at all from the mod and doesn't have to be someone who works for the AWF. Just post the name of the person you'd like to see profiled here and I'll pick one of the responses within the next couple of days. :)
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I figure it's probably about time Brian Jack profiled one of the jhdVerse workers, but I'm going to let you all choose who. It can be anyone at all from the mod and doesn't have to be someone who works for the AWF. Just post the name of the person you'd like to see profiled here and I'll pick one of the responses within the next couple of days. :)


Dunno if I count as 'the public' but


Twisted Santa :D Would love to hear Brian's thoughts on the guy

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I figure it's probably about time Brian Jack profiled one of the jhdVerse workers, but I'm going to let you all choose who. It can be anyone at all from the mod and doesn't have to be someone who works for the AWF. Just post the name of the person you'd like to see profiled here and I'll pick one of the responses within the next couple of days. :)


Dr Texas!

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Thanks for the three suggestions, I'll take them all into consideration :)


Quick question for anyone reading - I know that without a prediction competition there's not necessarily a huge amount to post about, but are people enjoying the diary? Is it easy enough to follow? I'm enjoying the game (and the writing), but I wouldn't mind a little feedback on how people think the diary is going so far before I get on too far - not much point if it's just me reading! :p:D


That said, the next show is almost done so it should be up tomorrow.

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Thanks for the three suggestions, I'll take them all into consideration :)


Quick question for anyone reading - I know that without a prediction competition there's not necessarily a huge amount to post about, but are people enjoying the diary? Is it easy enough to follow? I'm enjoying the game (and the writing), but I wouldn't mind a little feedback on how people think the diary is going so far before I get on too far - not much point if it's just me reading! :p:D


That said, the next show is almost done so it should be up tomorrow.


You're breathing life into your creation, it's impossible not to read what you've got going.


Plus, you're a helluva writer jhd.

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You're breathing life into your creation, it's impossible not to read what you've got going.


Plus, you're a helluva writer jhd.


QFT. Plus, as far as I'm concerned, anything you write (or allow to be written) here adds to jhdverse canon because you created the place. I feel honoured to be allowed to add to it :D

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I'm enjoying it so far and I'm looking forward to seeing how things change as time goes forward.


The lack of prediction contests doesn't bother me. I'd say it really depends on the format/the authors preference and I think yours works just fine without them.


QFT. Plus, as far as I'm concerned, anything you write (or allow to be written) here adds to jhdverse canon because you created the place. I feel honoured to be allowed to add to it :D


If he ever does a big update (Like a 2013 Version next year or something) then he could just have the events of the diary be quite literally cannon. :p

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I disagree with a couple of the guys on that top 10 list. Hawk's performance, Star quality, and entertainment skills are incredible. And he helps a lot with the backstage rating.


Slip & Slide just need to be pushed. Let them have the goofy gimmick, just push them.


Atonga is good for putting the midcarders over. Not World Champion material, but he's definitely worth having around as a upper midcard jobber.


I still haven't made up my mind on Jonah and Bryce. I think I just don't like the idea of them being the face of the tag division.


Travis, Luke, Theo and Buddy can go in the trash bin. As much as I enjoy having an asshole around, I couldn't afford to keep Travis with my locker room being in the poor state that it was in. Theo, Luke, and Buddy are easy to replace.


Wow, I think I'm getting way too into this database.

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Thanks for all the comments, everyone. I must admit I'm surprised so many people answered that so quickly, it's great to know people are enjoying things. As I mentioned yesterday, I've got a couple of segments left to write up and then show #3 will be up. :)


I disagree with a couple of the guys on that top 10 list.


As I'm sure you'll come to learn, not everything Eric Lothario says is true. In fact, most of what Eric Lothario says isn't.

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I disagree with a couple of the guys on that top 10 list. Hawk's performance, Star quality, and entertainment skills are incredible. And he helps a lot with the backstage rating.


Slip & Slide just need to be pushed. Let them have the goofy gimmick, just push them.


Atonga is good for putting the midcarders over. Not World Champion material, but he's definitely worth having around as a upper midcard jobber.


I still haven't made up my mind on Jonah and Bryce. I think I just don't like the idea of them being the face of the tag division.


Travis, Luke, Theo and Buddy can go in the trash bin. As much as I enjoy having an asshole around, I couldn't afford to keep Travis with my locker room being in the poor state that it was in. Theo, Luke, and Buddy are easy to replace.



- Smarks, thinkin they know better than those in the biz since 1995


Eric Lothario


This website accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or legality of statements made by Eric Lothario.

Any complaints/lawsuits should be forwarded to




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JANUARY 17 2012





Unusually, a short video opens up this week’s AWF Shockwave. The video is a highlight reel of Drake Richards’ ‘Greatest Moments’, compiled by the Gold Inc. stable of Chaperone, Theo Barkley, Marco De Francesco and Owen Money. Amongst Richards’ highlights are a number of defeats (most of them to Chaperone, surprise, surprise), a few trips, stumbles and botches, as well as a tremendous slap at the hands of French-Canadian valet Adrienne. A fun video actually, and a great, creative idea for an opening segment that doesn’t need Terry Thunder hosting it. The video finishes and we’re off to some sort of shaky, black and white, home video footage from outside the arena as Gold Inc try to cut a promo about Richards but keeping bursting into laughter instead. My question is – if they are currently ‘outside’ how are we getting live footage from a black and white camcorder!? Still it was a decent opening segment that would have been a lot better without the unnecessary laughter at the end. Still, what did I expect – a great video had to have something crap to follow it, especially when Chaperone is involved.




*As usual, Silva Dolla’s rap on the way to the ring helped get the crowd on his side…

*…and with his winning momentum heading into the match Dolla was a strong favourite.

*That didn’t stop the ‘underappreciated rookie’ Derrick Rollins from giving it his best shot, however, and the result was a superb match that wouldn’t have been out of place in the main event.

*Rollins’ neat technical style worked well in the opening exchanges against the particularly unscientific brawling of Dolla…

*…but Dolla’s punches hit hardest and a Dolla Sign
(Punch Combo with theatrics)
at 7:10 was enough to give the fan favourite the victory.

SILVA DOLLA wins via pinfall (7:10)


That match was far better than it deserved to be. While Giroux and Richards had clear chemistry in last week’s main event, that wasn’t really the case here and perhaps it was simply a case of the stars aligning. Either way it was a superb bout and hopefully the efforts of both men (Rollins in particular) will be rewarded going forward. Superb start to the show.




*A case of current Tag team champions against previous tag team champions as The Christensens took on Slip & Slide in a decidedly average match.

*The in-ring action itself was okay, but the crowd were never given a reason to get behind either team, and the lack of heat led to the match feeling more than a little flat.

*Both teams showed slick personnel exchanges and effective double team manoeuvers, but it was the babyface champions of Bryce and Jonah Christensen that ended up the victors.

THE CHRISTENSENS win via pinfall (6:37)


What exactly was the point of this match? I mean, other than getting the four men some TV time, this was effectively champion vs #1 contender in a non-title match, and the champions won anyway. The crowd didn’t get into it, the wrestlers didn’t look like they were getting into it, and I certainly didn’t. Given the quality of the first match, this one was just poor.




We’re heading backstage again, but this time it isn’t to a locker room! No, this time we’re off to that rare stomping ground, the hallowed hall of the backstage brawl, the parking lot! Even before the cameraman has chance to catch up with the action the grunts and shouts of Towerblock and Herculez can be heard, as can the crunch of metal as one of two huge bodies collides with it. Every stationery object is fair game for the two giants as parked cars, loading bay doors and bins are used to devastating effect. While the brawl doesn’t last nearly long enough before the swarm of t-shirt wearing ‘AWF officials’ rushes in to break things up – in this case through sheer numbers more than anything else – it continued the feud excellently as the hatred between the two men escalates further. As Herculez is dragged into the building and Towerblock back out the shouts of both men suggest that a match is being lined up for New Year, No Limits, and in fact the announce team of Thomas Aria and Jerry King confirm this to be the case just moments after the angle ends. About time we had a decent segment on this show!




We’re stopping backstage (as if we would want to be anywhere else), but this time we are in that undefined area of the Gorski Ballroom we like to think of as the ‘interview area’. Kitty Reardon is stood alongside Wilson Hancock and Adrienne, and every time she asks Adrienne about Jean-Claude Giroux Hancock jumps in. While the Canadian bites her tongue, Hancock furthers his feud with Giroux by taunting him, his nationality and the fact that he has the girl. According to Hancock, he has everything Giroux wants – he’s got the wrestling skills, he’s got the charisma, and he’s got the girl. Just as Adrienne was about to comment on Hancock’s taunts Giroux himself appeared alongside Kitty Reardon, dressed in jeans and a too-tight-t-shirt. Giroux said that he wasn’t interested in getting into another argument, nor was he here to ‘attack’ “Miami Vice”. Instead he was here to warn Adrienne – stay with Hancock, he says, and you’ll be burning the best bridge you’ve ever walked along for good. Hancock looks set to swing for the Frenchman but Giroux merely offers a seductive smile to the two ladies and walks away. I hope this match is going to be as good as the promos between the two.




*An extremely one-sided match that saw Travis Stine dominate Buddy Holland throughout.

*Stine used the opportunity of TV time to show off for five minutes, his ego on full display and he may well have set the record for number of taunts in a single bout.

*Just after the five minute mark Stine hit the Stine Line
(Reverse DDT)
to seal the win.

TRAVIS STINE wins via pinfall (5:22)


Well somehow that match managed to be worse than the tag match earlier on. Stine’s fairly poor as it is – even if his promos are amusing. Not much to report on, so I’m not going to bother.




We’re off backstage again as we follow Johnny Hollywood as he travels through the corridors of the Gorski Ballroom. It doesn’t take long for Hollywood to reach his destination and soon enough he walks into a locker room (surprise, surprise). The locker room contains none other than the monstrous Core. Hollywood offers to help Core out, telling him that with his help Core could become the AWF World champion. All the while Core has been struggling to open his locker door and after Hollywood’s little speech is over Core simply rips the door from the locker. The camera man gulps (how does he gulp so loud!?) but Hollywood just looks impressed. The Become A Star winner pats Core on the back (bad idea) and tells him to think about it before heading out of the room, stopping just long enough to fire off his trademark catchphrase “…and that’s a wrap!” before the segment comes to an end. Could be an interesting combination, and a good way to help Hollywood get over. The two are so far apart in terms of overness though, and their characters are hugely different. Here’s hoping that if this turns into a storyline someone will make sure it makes sense. I’ll not hold my breath.




We’re stopping backstage, and this time we are off to…the locker room area. Presumably this is a different locker room. For babyfaces, perhaps? Whatever. Timothy Hawk and Silva Dolla are talking about their emerging feuds with Theo Barkley and Marco De Francesco respectively (I say emerging, I don’t remember much talk of a Dolla – De Francesco feud until now?). Once again the unlikely duo are extremely entertaining, and I found myself laughing…yes, actually laughing…on more than one occasion as Dolla ranted about Barkley. But all good things come to an end, and while Hawk and Dolla are deep in conversation Theo Barkley and Marco De Francesco charge into the room and clear house, knocking Hawk into a locker door and throwing Dolla over a bench before stomping the faces. When ‘the damage is done’ they smile and leave, to be congratulated by Owen Money on the way out.






*Garrett South was wrestling in his first title defence of 2012, the last US title match coming in a Four Corners match against Herculez, Buddy Holland and Luke Graves at Where Champions Clash.

*KISS has only been with the AWF for around 18 months and this match is his first televised title shot with the promotion.

*The match started off well, with both men getting in good offence.

*The theatrics of KISS got the crowd behind him, but Garrett South was unfazed by the taunts and gestures aimed his way.

*South kept running to the outside, hoping to stop KISS from creating any momentum…

*…and the tactic seemed to be working as KISS struggled to put any pressure on South…

*…but it also stopped the match from having any real flow.

*When KISS jumped back into the ring after one of these such attempts, South hit him with a low blow and went for the pin, using the ropes to ensure the victory.

GARRETT SOUTH wins via pinfall (6:55)



The match was over, but before either man had chance to leave the ring Terry Thunder appeared on the entrance stage. Thunder said that he was impressed with the match, but that he didn’t like how it ended – “this company wants legitimate, fighting champions, and that’s exactly what this company is going to get”. For that reason, and because the ‘fans’ are all clambering to see it, Garrett South and KISS will wrestle each other in a rematch at New Year, No Limits, only this time it will be a Falls Count Anywhere match!


Meh. I wasn’t excited about this match before the show, I didn’t particularly enjoy it during the show, and I’m not overjoyed about the possibility of watching it again on PPV. Garrett South played the cowardly heel to perfection, while KISS played the goofy midcard babyface well. The only problem was that neither is over enough, and KISS is certainly not talented enough, at this moment in time to carry a match like this off. The promo from Thunder at the end was clearly written before seeing these two wrestle together as no one in the audience was chanting for a rematch. Still, the Falls Count Anywhere stip could work in their favour, but only if they are given enough time to run with it. I’ll reserve judgement, but only because with the exception of the opening bout the matches on this card have all been dire.




*Two very talented workers came together in a fantastic match that allowed Richards to play the skilful veteran…

*…yet give Luke Graves enough offence to come over as a dangerous young star.

*Graves started the match strongest, but his lack of experience seemed to be a sticking point as he looked to punish, rather than finish off the match.

*Richards fought back at every opportunity, before making a real push for the win after the five minute mark.

*Reversed finishers from both men almost brought the match to a close, but in the end Richards just had the edge…

*…and a Top Rope Rushmore
(Top Rope Crossbody)
was just about enough to seal the win.

DRAKE RICHARDS wins via pinfall (8:05)


This match is why I want Luke Graves to get a serious push. He is a good athlete, he’s charismatic and he has a great look. Kudos to Richards too, as many wrestlers I know in his position would never have given a young rookie that amount of ring time in the semi-main event. Richards continues his build up towards the title shot at PPV while Graves gets mentioned alongside one of the company’s all-time greats. Win-win from my point of view.




Just before the main event Sebastian Curtis cuts an interview with Kitty Reardon in which he taunts Vincent I. Parker, saying that he’s going to win their match at New Year, No Limits with ease – and in the meantime he’s going to win the three way main event tonight to prove it. Why? Because he’s just “too damn perfect”!




*An usual three way match combined three wrestlers who are on the cusp of the main event, but who might not necessarily be considered title contenders at this time.

*Sebastian Curtis was looking to continue his great run of form…

*…while VIP also has a 100% record in 2012 having won his only match of the year against Johnny Hollywood.

*“Samoan Wrestling Machine” Atonga utterly destroyed Buddy Holland on last week’s show but he had a much bigger task on his hands this week.

*As expected Curtis and Parker spent most of the match focusing on each other…

*…which allowed Atonga several opportunities to take advantage, but the closest he got was a two count midway through.

*For the majority of the contest Parker and Curtis looked the most likely winners, but trying to pick one of the two was proving difficult.

*That was until Atonga hit Parker with an Atonga Kick
(Savate Kick)

*…only for Sebastian Curtis to spin the Samoan around and hit the Sebsplex
(Northern Lights Suplex)
to get the sneak win.

SEBASTIAN CURTIS wins via pinfall (12:18)


A strong main event, and although it wasn’t anywhere near the standard of the previous week’s headline match it was still a very good, competitive bout. While having Atonga take the fall is all well and good (and makes sense given the feud and apparent PPV match between Curtis and Parker), he could really have done with a bit more of an attacking display to make him look more unfortunate to loose than he did. Still, excellent main event and it’s nice to see that the AWF doesn’t always rely on Hawk, Richards or Chaperone to carry their shows.



The difference in quality between the workrate heavy promotions of PWI and DRAGON and the AWF was just summed up in one show. Now don't get me wrong, I thought the show was a strong one that continued to build up the storylines as we head to PPV, and I have never cared too much about ring performance as much as I have about narrative and character, but some of those matches were atrocious. The tag match was terrible, and Travis Stine's attempt at wrestling was, frankly, a little embarrassing. Still, I've seen worse (believe it or not), and the performances of Rollins and Graves gave me hope for the future. Okay show, but after last week's close-to-perfect effort this one fell a bit short.


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JANUARY 18 2012


With just one episode of AWF Shockwave to go until the first AWF PPV of 2012 -
New Year, No Limits
- the company have confirmed a number of matches scheduled for the event. As of last night's show, the PPV lineup is as follows...




Herculez vs Towerblock

Wilson Hancock vs Jean-Claude Giroux

Sebastian Curtis vs Vincent I Parker

Timothy Hawk vs Theo Barkley

Silva Dolla vs Marco De Francesco

KISS vs Garrett South©

Drake Richards vs Chaperone ©


Given the number of matches listed on the AWF press release it would seem likely that this is pretty much the finalised card. We will, however, let you know if anything changes.


Speaking of Shockwave, Arcadia has revealed that the show has seen yet another increase in viewership, rising 0.3 points from last week's 2.09 to a three-year high of 2.12. Shockwave's highest ever rating on Arcadia was its opening show in 2008 which scored a network record rating of 2.62.


For those who missed last night's episode of Shockwave, you can read our live report or the match summary below.



January 17 2012


Silva Dolla
defeated Derrick Rollins

The Christensens
defeated Slip & Slide

Travis Stine
defeated Buddy Holland

US TITLE MATCH: Garrett South ©
defeated KISS

Drake Richards
defeated Luke Graves

Sebastian Curtis
defeated Vincent I Parker and Atonga

Brian Jack
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