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{JHDVerse} AWF: This is Awesome

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Because Wrestling is Awesome

The Awesome Wrestling Federation is the brainchild of multi-billionaire Ezekiel Trillion. The software mogul, a long time fan of the sport, opened the promotion in 2005 to offer the first real sports entertainment product in the United States since the downfall of the WWWE. Trillion used his vast resources to bring in many of the WWWE's biggest stars, including Drake Richards, Chaperone, and Jean-Claude Giroux. Their first show sold out a 10,000 auditorium in the promotion's Hollywood home.


Despite the risks involved with mimicking a promotion that fell so hard, so fast, the AWF has really caught on with fans. By 2009, the promotion was considered the number one promotion in the country.


Become A Star Fallout

In the Fall of 2011, Awesome Wrestling Federation helped host a new TV show by the Arcadia Network called "Become A Star." In this reality show, Become A Star took rookies from the minor leagues, and gave them a chance to become big time superstars. Arcadia agreed to allow AWF exercise full control over the direction of the show. After weeks of competitions and voting, Johnny Hollywood walked away as the first B.A.S. champion and was awarded a AWF contract. The runner up, Iago de Brun, was not offered a contract, and showed up on PWI shortly after. The ratings for this show did well. They beat AWF's regular show, Shockwave, for three weeks straight, but then fell slightly below Shockwave viewership until the finale on week eight. The Arcadia network is planning on a season 2 for the future, but no details have been released yet.


Shockwave Results:

January, Week 1

January, Week 2

January, Week 3

January, Week 4

February, Week 1


PPV Results:

January - New Year, No Limit


Champion & Storyline Spotlight

January 2012

February 2012



Up Next: Who's coming from BAS, and what are they saying? Champion spotlights. Wrestlers receiving new finishing moves. And a look at the current storylines in AWF.

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Welcome to ZMAN's JHDVerse diary: AWF: This is Awesome.



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Champion Spotlight

AWF World Tag Team


Defended every first week of the month and PPVs.


Current Holders: "The Christensens" Bryce Christensen & Jonah Christensen

Began: W4 July 2011



AWF United States


Defended every second week of the month and PPVs.


Current Holder: Garrett South

Began: W4 May 2011



AWF World


Defended every third week of the month and PPVs.


Current Holder: Chaperone

Began: W4, Aug, 2011



Current Storylines


Tower vs. Power

Few people would argue with a man labelled the "World's Strongest Man," but then most people aren't Towerblock. Annoyed by the newcomers strength, and high claims, Towerblock is intent on proving that is the real "Strongest Man" and he'll stop at nothing to make his point!

Towerblock vs. Herculez




Man Mountain vs. Fan Mountain

Both Chaperone and Drake Richards have had storied, intertwined since their days in the WWWE. Now, with Chaperone's reign of destruction threatening to bring the AWF to its knees, only the man who knows him best can bring him down. Will the man mountain Chaperone prove that size is all that matters, or will Drake Richards and his army of fans show that all that matters is pride, determination and heart?

Chaperone vs. Drake Richards




For the Love of a Woman

For nine months Jean-Claude Giroux mistreated his valet, Adreinne, and for nine months she said nothing. But when Wilson Hancock, a man whose looks rival Girous (at lest in his own mind), he set his sights on one thing - Adrienne. Will the Frenchman win back his girl, or will Hancock and Adirenne just laught in his face?

Jean-Claud Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne




Mouth of South

This rivalry picked up after Garrett South sent out several rounds of hateful comments towards the Paige family. The comments were directed specifically at none other than his former girlfriend Lois Paige, and her current boyfriend Timothy Hawk. The comments made by Garrett not only upset the Paige family, but enraged Timothy Hawk as well. Now, Hawk has made it his goal to make his girlfriend and her family proud by putting a stop to Garrett's cyber tirade.

Garrett South vs. Timothy Hawk




Killa and the Dolla

Just as Silva Dolla was on his way to the top, out from the shadows emerged Core to spoil Silva's mood. Core made his statement very clear to Silva, that he cannot allow Silva to progress any further. Silva, on the other hand, sees Core as just another big name for him to overcome.

Core vs. Silva Dolla




Invading with the Stars

Straight out of the popular reality TV show, Become a Star, Johnny Hollywood leads fellow BAS contestants Christian Prophet, Sam Bailey, and Derek Grace. Their intentions are not fully known just yet, as their signing just recently took place. However, the group has been very vocal on radio shows about their debut or "invasion."

Johnny Hollywood, Sam Bailey, Christian Prophet, and Derek Grace


Up Next: Wrestlers receiving new finishing moves. Various bits of wrestler interviews

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Another AWF diary...awesome! Looking forward to this one ZMAN! :D


Marco De Francesco vs. Wilson Hancock

Title Match: Military Discipline vs. The Christensens (Tag Champions)

Atonga vs. Omri Stone

Core vs. KISS

Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis

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Welcome to ZMAN's JHDVerse diary: AWF: This is Awesome.



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"Become A Star?" No, we are the stars you rejected. Despite our best efforts, you told us we were not good enough to make the cut.


Now, the only cut that matters is the director's cut. Johnny Hollywood is our director and our savior.


The script is written, and the roles have been cast. The AWF is our set...


Order your tickets to the premier of Johnny Hollywood's new film "Invasion." Opening is in two weeks.


Up Next: Shockwave #1

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I look forward to this. It's always nice to see another jhdVerse diary.


Marco De Francesco vs. Wilson Hancock

I'd rate them about evenly, but I'll go for Marco here.

Title Match: Military Discipline vs. The Christensens (Tag Champions)

A little early for a tag title change.

Atonga vs. Omri Stone

I like Atonga better.

Core vs. KISS

Core's a monster and as such shouldn't have much problems here.

Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis

Could really go either way here, but Drake is in a feud with the champion so he could use the win here.

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Welcome to ZMAN's JHDVerse diary: AWF: This is Awesome.



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Shockwave #1



Marco De Francesco vs. Wilson Hancock {C-}

Marco De Francesco defeated Wilson Hancock in 8:10.

Wilson Hancock stayed in control of the match until his rival, Jean-Claude Giroux, showed up to try and take back his girlfriend. Giroux got slapped by Adrienne for his efforts. He then chased her around the ring which caused a distraction to Wilson Hancock. Marco hit his new finisher, now named "Traguardo" (Finish Line in Italian) after taking advantage of the distraction.



Jean-Claude Giroux has something to say... {C+}

The cameras catch up to Jean-Claude Giroux in the backstage area. Giroux cuts a promo where he attempts to defend his actions from the previous match. He says that Wilson stole his property(Adrienne), and that Adrienne stabbed him in the back. He added that he's set out to ruin both of their lives. All of a sudden, Victor I. Parker interrupts the rant. He says he's stepping up for his friend Hancock on this issue. He say that if Jean-Claude wants to fight, then he'll get one next week on Shockwave. VIP walks off as Jean-Claude becomes even more frustrated.



Test of Strength {B}

The spotlight focused on the center of the ring for the next segment. Jerry King hosts a competition between Herculez and Towerblock in the ring. The competition is to see who can bench press the most amount of weight. Both men go through their entrances, as Jerry tries to get the crowd hyped up by naming off each athlete's accolades.


With everyone finally in the ring, and the equipment all set up, Herculez is up first as the defending "World's Strongest Man" champion. He impressively puts up four hundred pounds, which amuses the crowd. Towerblock is up next, and he seems less confident than before after seeing Herculez push the weight up without much effort. Towerblock takes his position on the bench. He takes a long time to prepare himself which draws a round of boos from the audience. Finally, Towerblock goes for it. He brings the bar down smoothly, but struggles pushing it back up. Towerblock may be done... But he digs down deep to find some extra strength, and pulls through. Towerblock, just barely, completes the first round.


Herculez is ready to go again, as Towerblock backs into the corner looking exhausted. Fifty pounds are added to the four hundred, as Herculez takes his position on the bench again. He successfully brings the weight down to his chest, and is about to push it back up. But all of a sudden, Towerblock steps in and pushes the bar down. The crowd erupts with boos. Towerblock is now crushing the chest of Herculez with the 450 pound bar. Towerblock holds the pressure down on until Herculez passes out. Towerblock dumps the weights to the side as he sees that Herculez is done.


Jerry King tries to intervene, but gets shoved on his ass by Towerblock. Towerblock then chokeslams Herculez on top of the weight bench. Towerblock leaves the ring, laughing, to end the segment.



The Christensens © vs. Military Discipline {D}

The Christensens defeated Military Discipline in 8:17 by pinfall.

Military Discipline gave The Christensens a great challenge on this night, using their oldschool brawl style and mixing in some underhand tactics. However, The Christensens proved once again that their energy surpasses all other tag teams. They showed off their new weapon, "The Christensen Clash." This high flying, double team move was enough to put away Military Discipline.



South Calls Out... {C}

The cameras go backstage to Garrett South who's dressed casually and ready to deliver a promo. He came straight out and called Hawk a coward. South says that Hawk stole his "girl" (Lois Paige) and put him through the most depressing stage of his life. He said that he couldn't sleep at night knowing that his ticket to the good life was stolen from him. He said that he planned on proposing to Lois the week after she left him to be with Timothy Hawk. South said that he should be married into the Paige family and swimming in money, but Hawk ruined everything. He even blames Hawk for the downfall of WWWE, even though this took place years after WWWE's demise. South then reaches into his pocket and pulls out an engagement ring. He says that he was supposed to give it to Lois, and that he still plans to. He yelled, for a second time, that Timothy Hawk is a coward. All of a sudden, Timothy Hawk rushes in to the scene and clobbers South with right hands! Hawk throws South into some crates before security breaks up the scuffle.



Atonga vs. Omri Stone {D+}

Atonga defeated Omri Stone in 10:38 by pinfall.

Atonga stayed in control throughout most of the match. Omri tried his best at brawling with Atonga, but Atonga displayed more expertise in this area. He showed off his new finisher, which he calls the Slam in the Sand. He promptly covered Stone after his body hit the floor.



Man Mountain/Fan Mountain {B}

Drake Richards strutted down to the ring to deliver a message to Chaperone. Drake was up to his usual antics tonight, flirting with the ladies and embracing the reaction from his fans. He says that everything he's done has been for the fans, and that bringing down Chaperone needs to happen in order for him to reclaim the AWF World Title. Drake says that he misses the gold, and that he hasn't been the same without it ever since he lost it over one year ago. Chaperone's music hits and he comes down to the ring to cut Drake off. Chaperone says he'll destroy everyone in his path, just like he did in WWWE. Richards interrupts by adding that Chaperone, "ALMOST destroyed everyone." Drake brings up how there's still he and and Sebastian Curtis; two former WWWE World Champions who are still in their prime. However, Richards vows to put Sebastian down tonight, and go on to face Chaperone at New Years, No Limits! Drake's music hits, and he leaves Chaperone alone in the ring.



Core vs. KISS {C}

Core defeated KISS in 10:22 by pinfall.

This was a close match with KISS almost being able ot put away Core with his finishing move Hotter Than Hell. However, this finisher wouldn't be enough to put Core down completely. Core kicked out, shocking everyone including KISS. KISS seemed like he had no idea what to transition to next. Moments later, Core escaped a second Hotter Than Hell attempt, and put KISS away with the Korah's Parable; A devastating powerbomb that no man has been able to overcome.



Dolla Shows Up... {C+}

With Core still in the ring following his match, the jumbo tron turned on with Silva Dolla ready to cut a promo directed at Core. Dolla spout out his usual routine of slang and rhymes. Some of his words were difficult to pick up due to the hasty manner in which he spoke them. Still, the crowd ate it up as he hit Core with several good one liners. Core watched on, livid by the performance of Silva Dolla. Dolla made one last reference about Core's mom, talking about the various sexual positions he put her in. Core finally lost it, and began to walk to the back in search of Silva Dolla.



Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis {A}

Drake Richards defeated Sebastian Curtis in 13:19 by pinfall.

Both wrestlers put on the best match possible on this night. They were able to show off their technical abilities, and hit a few risky spots. One nasty bump involved Richards hitting an asai moonsault which had both men fall into the announce table. We also witnessed Chaperone come out to try and tilt the momentum back in Sebastian's favor. However, a misplaced big boot had Chaperone take out Sebastian instead of Richards. He was immediately sent back to the locker room by the official following the botched interference. In the end, Richards came out on top when he hit a piledriver followed by the Top Rope Rushmore.


Final Grade: B-


Up Next: Hollands House!

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Hollands House


Hello, I'm Buddy Holland; Former 1980's wrestler! I'd like to start off by saying, WOW, that was a spectacular Shockwave. Now please, can I have one match, Mr. Trillion? Anyway, let's start off by reviewing the fantasy picks. Out of millions and millions of fan votes, only four awesome fans made the cut this week.


The results of our first round of fantasy AWF...


MJStark - 3

tiberious4 - 5

jhd1 - 4

Midnightnick - 2


Tiberious4 wins the first round! Awesome job Tiberious4. Not only do you get a victory mark in the House of Holland record books, you receive an AWESOME prize. Tiberious4, you've won a very special piece of wrestling memorbelia. It's none other than the trunks that I wore in my very first match! I'm gonna go ahead and autograph these bad boys for you. They're all yours now. To the other three finalist; thank for playing, and I'll send you some of Buddy Holland's cologne.


Now fans, keep in mind that I am a collector. So if you want to win these awesome prizes, you gotta play.


So people been asking me some questions lately. I received millions of e-mails on my iMac asking, "Who are the best talkers in AWF?" Well, that's a good question. Let's take this time to view who I believe are the top five best trash talkers today.


1. Timothy Hawk

It should come as no surprise that the best talker in the biz is hooking up with the wealthiest daughter in the Biz (Lois Paige). Timmy knows how to use his strengths, and those strengths are his entertainment skills. Not only does he got the charisma and mic skills; he has got the look of a superstar. And I can definitely see a second World Title reign in his future. Last year, I would have ranked Richards above Hawk, but Hawk has really improved this year. The guy deserves this spot.


2. Drake Richards

This should be a no-brainer folks. Drake has always brought his best in the ring and outside of the ring. I've never seen the man cut a promo that wasn't energetic. The guy knows how to present himself, and make himself stand out of the crowd.


3. Sebastian Curtis

I used to think that Curtis would eventually become a better talker than Richards, but that isn't the case. Don't get me wrong, Curtis knows how to connect with the crowd. The man is great at speaking and shows confidence in the ring. He is without a doubt the best in the world at technical wrestling, but not in the charisma department.


4. Jean Claude Giroux

Here's a guy who I can see making it into the top 2 one day. The arrogant Frenchman has come a long way since the demise of WWWE. We all thought his momentum would die down, but boy we were wrong! Four years later he became the first AWF World Champion. I would love to see Jean get back in the World Title hunt, but it looks like he may keep himself busy this year with other issues.


5. Adrienne

I'll probably get some negative feedback for this, but I stand by my choice! Adrienne is sexy, people. Not only is she sexy, she can act and show charisma. That's not bad for a chick who barely gets to speak. She has the support of the fans just from her looks and charisma alone.


Future Best Talkers:

Vincent I. Parker - With some feuds and a title run, he could improve.

Silva Dolla - Needs some improvement, but not too far off from making the list.

Johnny Hollywood - Need to see more of his work.

Marco De Fransesco - Still young.


Well, that wraps up this week's House of Holland. If you don't see me next week, it means I got a match!


Up Next: Shockwave #2 Preview

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Shockwave #2 Preview


KISS vs. Marco de Fransesco

Can KISS recover from his loss last week? Or will Marco continue down his road to success?




Garrett South vs. Herculez

It's week two. That means Garrett South must defend the United States Title. His challenger is none other than the man he beat eight months ago to win that belt. What condition will Herculez be in after being attacked by Towerblock last week during the strength competition?




Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Vincent I. Parker

This match was made last week when VIP stood up for his friend Wilson Hancock and Adrienne.




Atonga vs. Silva Dolla

Silva better have eyes in the back of his head after the comments he made towards Core's family last week. Atonga looked impressive last week with a win over Omri. We'll see if he can continue to be dominant.




Chaperone & Sebastian Curtis vs. Drake Richards & Timothy Hawk

Everyone involved in this match has been a former World Tag Team Champion at one point in their careers. How will this tag match pan out? We are sure to see some interaction between Chaperone and Richards who will meet in two weeks at New Years, No Limit!




Also confirmed: Herculez will talk about what Towerblock did last week. The Blacklist is on their way. What are their plans for AWF?




KISS vs. Marco De Fransesco

For the US Title: Garrett South © vs. Herculez

Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Vincent I. Parker

Atonga vs. Silva Dolla

Chaperone & Sebastian Curtis vs. Drake Richards & Timothy Hawk

Which segment will The Blacklist (Hollywood, Prophet, Bailey, and Grace) show up in?



Up Next: Shockwave #2

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KISS vs. Marco De Fransesco

Garrett South vs. Herculez

Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Vincent I. Parker

Atonga vs. Silva Dolla

Chaperone & Sebastian Curtis vs. Drake Richards & Timothy Hawk

Which segment will The Blacklist (Hollywood, Prophet, Bailey, and Grace) show up in? Segment 5

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KISS vs. Marco De Fransesco


For the US Title: Garrett South © vs. Herculez


Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Vincent I. Parker


Atonga vs. Silva Dolla


Chaperone & Sebastian Curtis vs. Drake Richards & Timothy Hawk- no contest due to The Blacklist


Which segment will The Blacklist (Hollywood, Prophet, Bailey, and Grace) show up in? main event

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KISS vs. Marco De Fransesco

Personal Preferance

For the US Title: Garrett South © vs. Herculez

I'll go for a draw after the Blacklist invade

Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Vincent I. Parker

Cheat to win.

Atonga vs. Silva Dolla

CORE interferes.

Chaperone & Sebastian Curtis vs. Drake Richards & Timothy Hawk

I'll go for another draw here.


Which segment will The Blacklist (Hollywood, Prophet, Bailey, and Grace) show up in? The US Title Match

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KISS vs. Marco De Fransesco


For the US Title: Garrett South © vs. Herculez


Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Vincent I. Parker


Atonga vs. Silva Dolla


Chaperone & Sebastian Curtis vs. Drake Richards & Timothy Hawk


Which segment will The Blacklist (Hollywood, Prophet, Bailey, and Grace) show up in? After the Main Event


On a side note, may I say, this is one of the best presented dynasties I have seen. Exceptional work friend.

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Welcome to ZMAN's JHDVerse diary: AWF: This is Awesome.



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Shockwave #2



KISS vs. Marco de Fransesco

KISS defeated Marco De Francesco in 8:09. C

This was an even match that came to an end when Marco tried to showboat with his back turned to KISS. When Marco turned around, KISS surprised him and hit the Hotter Than Hell for the pinfall In the end, Marco's cockiness cost him what should have been a major win for him.



A Sneak Preview {E}

Post match, the arena lights dim and the jumbo tron fills up with grain and emits a staticy noise. The screen fades to black for a few seconds. Then it pops up again with a film reel count down.




Most of the fans immediately know what's next as they see the countdown reel appear. The reel reaches three. A clapperboard is shown briefly, and gives off a clap, followed by the words "The Blacklist" covering the screen. Suddenly, a guitar rift blast over the PA as a new new rock tune begins to play.




Johnny Hollywood arrives! Hollywood stands at the top of the ramp wearing charcoal color jeans and a black button down shirt. He's also wearing some shades which he immediately throws into the crowd as the adrenaline surges through his body. With a director's megaphone in one hand, he makes his way to the ring as the arena returns to its original lighting. Johnny's cult fame has obviously spread throughout the AWF fanbase, as several "Hollywood" and "Blacklist" signs are spotted in the audience. KISS meets Johnny in the center of the ring. KISS doesn't look too thrilled to see Johnny.


Johnny takes the mic as he sets down his megaphone. Johnny welcomes everyone to "the grand premier of The Invasion, starring The Blacklist." Johnny proclaims that he's now the one who "makes the script" in AWF, and that he's the "Awesome Director." He then shifts his attention to KISS and stares at him akwardly. "Wait a minute, you're not in the script," Johnny says to KISS. KISS looks around confused, then back at Johnny. Johnny then tells KISS, "Then again, neither was this." All of a sudden, Derek Grace and Sam Bailey slide into the ring. They hit a double team move on KISS called "The Martini Shot!" (r/w: Total Elimination.)




Following the big move, Johnny points back to the entrance stage. And out comes Christian Prophet! "Oh God no!" cries announcer Thomas Aria. Christian spits out a mist of blood into the air as he hurries down the aisle. He enters the ring with blood splattered across his face. He immediately goes after KISS, and lifts him to his feet. He then drops KISS with the Prophylaxis (r/w: kill switch), and gestures to the camera with a cut throat as he springs back up to his feet.


Johnny punts the director's megaphone into the audience as the rest of The Blacklist pose on the turnbuckles. They come back together in the center of the ring for one last camera shot before Shockwave cuts to commercial.




Garrett South vs. Herculez {C}

Garrett South defeated Herculez in 9:16.

Garrett struggled against Herculez as the Worlds Strongest Man used his strength and intensity to wear down the US Champion. Herculez did a good job of selling his hurt back (caused by his altercation with Towerblock last week). Garrett spent most of the time focusing his attacks on that region of the body. They continued to fight back and forth for a couple of minutes until Towerblock made his way down the aisle. TB sought the perfect opporunity to involve himself in the match. Once Garrett distracted the referee, TB delivered a punch to the lower back of Herculez. With Herculez still in pain from last week's attack, the punch was enough to bring him down to his knees. Garrett finished Herculez off with the Southern Justice for the win.




Rhino Disturbs Bear... {C+}

Backstage, cameras caught up with Herculez who was drenched in sweat, spitting, and full of anger. He vented about how Towerblock has been getting the best of him for the past two weeks. He says that he's ready to settle his problems with Towerblock, and wants to do it next week. Off camera, Ezekiel Trillion overhears Herculez' challenge. Trillion says that he would love to deliver the match for next week. "Unfortunately, I have to sell Pay-Per-Views," adds Trillion. Therefore, Trillion books Herculez vs. Towerblock for New Years, No Limits! instead.




Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Vincent I. Parker {B}

Jean-Claude Giroux defeated Vincent I. Parker in 10:07.

This was a pretty close match between two guys with contrasting in-ring styles. Jean-Claude established early on that he would be tackling VIP with technical wrestling and submission holds. Meanwhile, VIP maintained his all-around style approach to wrestling. In the end, Jean's usage of underhand tactics became the difference maker. Jean snuck in a low blow, followed by the Play Boy Press for the victory.




New Years, No Woman! {C+}

Post-match, Wilson Hancock appears with Adrienne on the jumbo tron for a backstage promo. Wilson talks about last week, how Jean-Claude tried to make a move on Adrienne. When Adrienne wanted no part of her ex-boyfriend, Jean-Claude then proceeded to chase her around the ring. Wilson says that Jean-Claude had his chance with Adrienne, and he screwed it up. He says that ever since Adrienne dumped Jean-Claude she has been able to show the world her creativity and talent.


Jean Claude fires back by saying that Wilson took a wholesome, pure woman and turned her into a filthy whore! "That woman had a better life when she stood in my corner and held my coat!" yelled Giroux. Wilson started to turn red and furious to the point where he was willing to put everything on the line in order to defend Adrienne's honor. He challenges Jean-Claude Giroux to a match at New Years, No Limits, and if Jean-Claude wins, he can have Adrienne back! Adrienne looks shocked and pissed at the same time. She gives Hancock a dirty look, obviously not too please with the decision he's made. Jean Claude immediately accepts, and promises Adrienne to bring her back "home."




Atonga vs. Silva Dolla {B-}

Silva Dolla defeated Atonga in 9:43.

This turned out to be a fantastic brawl as neither man held back. In the end, Silva proved that he's ready for the next step up when he overcame the powerful samoan. He displayed his impressive strength as he threw the 300 pounder onto his shoulders and dropped him with the Dolla Sign.




The Next Step {C}

Silva Dolla takes the mic after celebrating in the ring, and reveals that Ezekiel Trillion told him if he won tonight's match, then he would be the recipient of next week's World Title shot. Silva says that was his motivation for tonight, and that all of his hard work is about to pay off. Silva goes back to celebrating, when all of a sudden, an evil laugh projects through the arena from the PA.


Core shows up on the stage with a mic in hand as well. Core congratulates Silva, but says there is no way that he will become the World Champion at next week's Shockwave. Core taunts Silva, saying that he'll be there to prevent it from happening. Core adds that Silva regret the day that he brought Core's mother into their feud. Silva yells at Core to get in the ring so they can settle their differences now, but Core walks away laughing. Silva continues to yell, off mic, at Core.




Chaperone & Sebastian Curtis vs. Drake Richards & Timothy Hawk {B}

Sebastian Curtis and Chaperone defeated Drake Richards and Timothy Hawk in 13:25.

This was an exciting main event that went back and forth between both teams. Unforunately for Team Drake, Garrett South showed up to cause a disruption. With the official's attention turned elsewhere, South equipped himself with the diamond ring that he was supposed to present to his ex-girlfriend Lois Paige (current girlfriend of Hawk). He then punched, relentlessly, against the forehead of Timothy Hawk. South pulled away as he saw blood dripping down Hawk's face. This attack took Hawk out of the match. As a result, this gave Chaperone and Curtis the opportunity to team up on Richards, and hit each of their finishers on him. Chaperone covered Richards to finish the match.




Cutting Down the Mountains {B+}

Post-match, Drake Richards fought with Chaperone and Sebastian Curtis. He managed to push both men back with an excessive amount of chops, but a kick below the belt from Curtis brought Richards down to his knees. Curtis then drove his knee into the face of Richards for a knock out shot. Chaperone finishes the beat down by throwing Richards across the ring with a powerbomb.


Chaperone goes to pose for the crowd now. He lets his guard down as he's sure that no threats remain in his area. However, once he turned around, he was met by a super kick from Sebastian Curtis! The sound of boot-to-jaw echoed throughout the arena as Chaperone hit the mat. Meanwhile, Sebastian picks up the World Title and holds it over his head.



Final Grade: C+


Up Next: House of Holland!

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Yeah, I wanted to editor-boost their popularity up to upper midcarder level so bad just so I could place their attack in the main event as some of you guys predicted. I restrained myself though and stuck with my original plan. Still, "E" isn't too bad for a promotion the size of AWF.
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House of Holland #2

Hello folks, and welcome to the second edition of House of Holland! As you probably guessed by now, AWF had nothing for me. So they stuck a camera in my condo, and they told me to run a show on the internet.


As always let's kick things off with a look at the Fan Picks!


smurphy1014: 2

Tiberious4: 1

Powerful_Fox: 3

Midnightnick: 3


Aaaand the winners are Powerful_Fox and Midnightnick!


Congratulations sirs, you are the winners. As promised, not only do you get a mark in the House of Holland record books, you get a special piece of 1980's wrestling memorbelia. Let's see what I have.


Ah look, it's a pair of tassled armbands! I remember these were big in the 80s. I sported the silver and blue, and now you can too.


That makes the current standings:

Powerful_Fox: 1

Midnightnick: 1

Tiberious4: 1


We've got a three way tie going. We'll see if one of these guys can break through.


All right, before I get to e-mails, I feel obligated to devote some exta attention to the picks...


I noticed in fan picks that a lot of folks put The Blacklist down as invading the main event. I found that interesting considering the youth involved in this stable. While Johnny Hollywood is recognizable by a lot of fans, the other three in this stable are not very well known at the moment. I'm looking forward to the day that these guys do confront stars like Drake Richards and Chaperone, but they are not quite there yet. Anyway, it appears that The Blacklist is off to a good start. They did well in their first TV segment. Way to make an impact guys!


Okay, so today's e-mail asks, "Hey Buddy, I'm a big fan. I remember when you had those matches in the 80s. Anyway, with the signing of four new workers, who else would you like to see make in the AWF?"


Well, I gotta say Prophecy, obviously. Ezekiel Trillion has been trying for the past ten years to convince Prophecy to sign. We almost had him last year. They were about to sign the paperwork until Prophecy got offered a role in a movie. Maybe we'll get lucky this year.


My second pick would have to be Ricky Fyre. I think Fyre deserves another run with AWF. He has improved a lot since 2005, and I think he's ready to make his return.


Well, that wraps things up for this week. Stay tuned for next week's Shockwave card and picks. Good luck!


Up Next: Shockwave #3 Preview

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Welcome to ZMAN's JHDVerse diary: AWF: This is Awesome.



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Shockwave #3 Preview


Christian Prophet vs. KISS

Johnny Hollywood, Christian Prophet, Derek Grace, and Sam Bailey all make up the group known as The Blacklist. After weeks of speculation, the group finally made their first impression at the expense of KISS. Will KISS be able to shake off this group, or will he fall to the self-proclaimed "Director of Destruction," Johnny Hollywood, and his main villain Christian Prophet?




Garrett South vs. Wilson Hancock

Last week we saw South score an impressive victory over Herculez in his monthly, Shockwave US Title defense. We also saw South attack Timothy Hawk, using an engagement ring to cut open his head. We'll see if South continues his mean streak. Meanwhile, Wilson Hancock seemed very emotional last week when he decided to put his relationship on the line against Jean-Claude Giroux at New Year, No Limits! We'll see how that affects him in this big match.





Enemies of the State vs. Military Discipline

The tag divisions heats up this week with two teams hungry for competition. The winners of this match are likely to move on to New Year, No limits! to face The Christensens for the Tag Titles.




(AWF World Title) Chaperone © vs. Silva Dolla

It's week three, which means the AWF World Title must be defended. And as promised by AWF owner, Ezekiel Trillion, Silva Dolla will be granted an AWF World Title shot. Last week, Dolla revealed to the world, following his victory over Otunga, that Trillion promised him a title shot if he were to win that match. We'll see if he can put down the man who was super kicked by Sebastian Curtis at the conclusion of last week's show.




Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis

Trillion was so impressed by their performances two weeks ago that he decided to make a rematch! Last week Curtis was victorious along with Chaperone over Drake Richards and Timothy Hawk. This time it will be one on one to see if Curtis really is the better man. As for Richards, two losses in a row could be detrimental to his momentum going in to New Year, No Limits! Richards will definitely need to be on his game this week in order to head in to the PPV as a viable World Title challenger.



Christian Prophet vs. KISS


Garrett South vs. Wilson Hancock


Enemies of the State vs. Military Discipline


(AWF World Title) Chaperone © vs. Silva Dolla


Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis


Bonus: Who will get attacked in a backstage segment?



Up Next: Promotion Updates

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I absolutely love jhdVerse dynasties! Great writing, and I'm looking forward to following it! ...for obvious reasons :D


Christian Prophet vs. KISS

Garrett South vs. Wilson Hancock

Enemies of the State vs. Military Discipline

(AWF World Title) Chaperone © vs. Silva Dolla

Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis

Bonus: Who will get attacked in a backstage segment? Towerblock

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