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Guest Booker Legacy: The Pro Wrestling Integrity of Shane Allman

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Prophecy vs. Ethan Paro


DOA* vs. Hart Foundation vs. VHB - PWI Tag Team Title Triangle Tag Match


Silva Dolla* vs. Jay Paro –PWI TV Title Match


Mark Awesome vs. Seven Brandt


Bryce Christensen vs. Shay Kinsella

Cross vs. 13TEEN –Unsanctioned Match

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Don't think like that, NoNeck. I'm following, I'm just terrible at remembering to write predictions. :p


Prophecy vs. Ethan Paro


DOA* vs. Hart Foundation vs. VHB - PWI Tag Team Title Triangle Tag Match


Silva Dolla* vs. Jay Paro –PWI TV Title Match


Mark Awesome vs. Seven Brandt


Bryce Christensen vs. Shay Kinsella


Cross vs. 13TEEN –Unsanctioned Match

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Show #25


Night of Respect


Live on PPV from Pittsburgh, PA

Week 4, May 2012












The show opens with one shaky camera in the street outside the building where Cross and 13TEEN have begun their long awaited showdown that the NWA will not sanction about ten minutes early, with Cross hurling the unbridled maniac head over heels into a steel bike rack that’s bolted into the concrete.



13TEEN does not stay down, waiting on Cross to come around before tackling him back over the bike rack and down a short set of concrete steps. They both land hard but both men get back to their feet again and start trading shots, backing straight through a fan-filled sidewalk and into the street.



The fans that had started to follow the action, camera phones snapping away, bail out; there is traffic coming. Cross and 13TEEN don’t see it at all, but are in no danger from the cars everyone is running from, Instead, after Cross whips 13TEEN into the side of a car, they get violently knocked over by a once parked van that is attempting to get away from the action without a person sized dent.



As Cross on 13TEEN roll around on the wet pavement, both clutching injured body parts, one of the cameramen notices a fight that has broken out near the wrestler’s parking area. Security and uniformed police run up from another direction and begin to intervene. Thinking it is a brawl between a pair of drunk fans, the camera nearly cuts away, but when it focuses in, it becomes clear that James Gilmour Hart and Jarid Hart, The BlackHarts, the team that lost a PWI contract match last week, are being pulled off of Scott and Nick Hart.



The police roughly put both JGH and Jarid in the back of a squad car while a paramedic tends to Nick, giving him a few stitches on his forehead as he sits in the bay of an open ambulance. A plainclothes officer talks to Scott nearby, but when Scott notices the PWI camera he moves away from cop toward the lens.




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“Somebody get me Vance Cole! I want to talk to Vance Cole right now!! RIGHT NOW!!!”









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Cross vs.13 TEEN

-Unsanctioned Streetfight-



When the show open finishes, things pick up about one hundred feet from where we last saw Cross and 13TEEN. They have picked themselves up and battled their way around the side of the building, down toward a loading area half full with flatbeds and PWI travel trailers.



DC: “Welcome wrestling fans to PWI “Night of Respect” ….LIVE on pay-per-view from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I’m Dave Carrasco, joined by Colby Felder, and we’re already underway with the fight between two enemies that had the potential to be so brutal, so bloody, so downright violent, the National Wrestling Alliance declined to sanction it.”



CF: “And yet….still….the NWA flirts with offering CWT membership? Have you ever seen their TV shows? Pure garbage: nothing more offensive than that hillbilly ‘rasslin. This match is going to be a champagne toast in comparison.”



There are more than a few opportunities for each man to shove or otherwise knock his opponent off the loading deck to the platform below, a drop of over ten feet. But both Cross and 13TEEN just barley thwart the other’s best attempt, surviving and taking the brawl into the building through a back door.



Slowly, but surely, the fight makes its way back through the crowd toward the ring. 13TEEN holds Cross up and prone in a full nelson while a fan crowns him with a chair, the ultimate in crowd interaction, as they get back toward the barricade.



Things continue to rage on, with both men playing with all of the hardcore toys left for them at ringside. In a matter of moments 13TEEN has gotten the top two ropes on one side of the ring wrapped entirely in barbed wire after hurling Cross through a table he leaned against the barricade.



CF: “This is why the NWA didn’t want a slice….”



13TEEN grabs him up by the hair and starts toward the wire side, but Cross short whips him into the ropes and catches him coming off, hooking him in a suplex. But 13TEEN reverses out of it and grabs him by the hair again and tries to run him headlong into the wire. But Cross stops short and reaches down, feeling for anything that could help. He finds something and, seconds later, waffles 13TEEN with a stop sign to the face, going back to the suplex and dropping his nemesis onto the barbed wire wrapped cables. 13TEEN rolls around in pain, gets covered, but kicks out at two and a half.



DC: “13TEEN shows his resilience by kicking out there.”



CF: “He never stays on his back for long. He’s insane you know.”



DC: “But Cross’ nose is broken. No question. Look at the blood.”



The blood flows down his face, dripping off of his chin as he rolls under the ropes, searching for whatever will help him end the match.






It is, somehow conjured up from ringside.



DC: “AND……..IT’S…..IT”S ON FIRE!!!”



Cross only has control of it for a second. Somehow 13TEEN has procured a chair and he bashes Cross right in the face with it, stuffing him into the fiery shopping cart and bashing it with a chair before climbing to the top rope.



The ringside fans, many of them fans of PWSuX, stand and cheer in approval as 13TEEN carelessly backflips himself high into the air and down onto the cart; it looks like a crime scene.



Somehow, when all is said and done, Cross has thrown an arm over 13TEEN and one of the referees counts three.



DC: “That was one of the damnedest things I have ever seen.”



CF: “You didn’t watch too much PWSUX tape did you?”















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Ethan Paro is warming up backstage, pacing in front of a hallway mirror as he finishes up. Scott Hart passes, limping somewhat after being attacked, yet again, earlier on, alongside brother Nick and previously unseen cousin - KP “Kosmo” Hart. He points them toward their dressing room before dropping his bag, the noise drawing Ethan’s attention.



SH: “I’m not happy that you’re going to get your hands on Prophecy before I do.”



Paro shrugs, but before he can even open his mouth, Hart cuts him off.



SH: “And I know that you still have your eye on my PWI Heavyweight championship; don’t think I don’t. We’ve had our battles in the past and we’ll undoubtedly have more in the future…..”



SH: “But tonight…..if everything goes crazy….and you’re up against it…..



SH: “I’ll have your back.”



Their eyes lock. Paro slowly nods and walks away just as Vance Cole walks by, crossing down the other hallway, drawing Scott’s eye.






The commissioner stops.



SH: “What we talked about? We’re good?”



Cole sighs.



VC: “Yup. Against my better judgment, as a favor to you-I might add, my heavyweight champion, I brought back those two pieces of garbage for tonight’s tag match…..”



Hart’s eyes glaze. He nods.



VC: “Pulled them out of the back of that squad car myself, declined to press charges…..it makes your title match tonight a four team thing instead of three. That’s the deal, man. The BlackHarts are in. Period. Good luck.”



Scott smiles as Cole trails off, taking a call and moving on toward his office down the hall.












Bryce Christensen vs. Shay Kinsella


DC: “These guys have some unfinished business that’s still fresh; I’m sure we’ll see a bit more close work and stiff action than usual.”


The bad blood is in the air from the opening bell onward. Christensen is a ball of blind rage, still seeking retribution for the superkick Kinsella laid on him three weeks ago, and takes control early, walloping Kinsella with a huge running boot after sitting the veteran awkwardly on the second rope.



DC: “And my former colleague, January Kyle, looks on approvingly.”



CF: “Not a fan. Not at all. Glad the smell of her perfume is finally wearing off of this chair.”



DC: “….”



Kyle paces back and forth around one corner, sending texts and conducting other business as she yells instructions to Bryce who greets Shay with a dropkick when he tries to climb back into the ring.



But Shay Kinsella is always just one move away from winning a match and, after continuing to weather the storm for a few more minutes, loads up and comes flying out of the corner with the “Urbana Native”.



Christensen dodges it and steps through-scoring with a facebuster that gives him the window he needs to get to the top turnbuckle. And he gets so much air when he takes off, he seems to block out the spotlight, landing with authority and drilling Kinsella with his huge air top rope legdrop. The referee slides into place and the three count is efficient. Christensen is still bugged out even after the win and has to be reeled in by Kyle, who talks into his ear until he calms.



DC: “She’s going to get the best out of Bryce Christensen, just you wait and see.”



“CF: “Oh, I bet she already has. Wink-wink. Poke-poke…..Ho-hum.”











A pre produced video rolls.



It is dark. Quiet.



A flash. It is a still photo of Scott Hart.






Another flash.



A still photo of Prophecy coming to the aid of PWI after the historic streetfight against PWSuX.






The contract offered by Vance Cole goes missing.






Prophecy shows up after GOREBRAWL, appearing atop the structure and raising the arm of the victorious Scott Hart.







Prophecy violently puts Scott Hart back ward through the structure, letting him fall thirty plus feet, and steals the PWI Title belt.






The belt and contract re-appear on top of the downed, bloodied body of Scott Hart.





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Seven Brandt vs. Mark Awesome



DC: “Mark Awesome has just blown through everyone that he’s faced since Vance Cole signed him straight off a Japanese tour. He’s a monster. But this will be a test.”



CF: “Agreed. Seven Brandt is a rare breed. He excels at everything. I think Awesome will find out that Brandt is of a much higher caliber than the opposition that he’s been fed up to this point. And I don’t know if he’s ready for someone of his level.”



As soon as the bell rings, the big match feel fills the arena; Awesome and Brandt go at each other with full heads of steam and have a great bout. It is against men like Seven that you see just how big Awesome is. Brandt stands a solid six-one or six-two, but Awesome is a whole head taller, at least, and a whole lot thicker through the body as well.



An overhead belly to belly sends Brandt over the top rope to the floor, but when Awesome surprisingly gets a running start, bouncing himself off the ropes and amazingly flying over the cables, Seven is ready, drilling him with an explosive side kick on his way by, leaving the monster in a heap.



DC: “His kicks are lethal.”



CF: “Well, if that were true, Awesome would be dead. And he’s hurt, but I can clearly see him breathing from here.”



DC: “Wow. You’re a huge dick, Felder. A huge dick.”



CF: “Maybe. But I know what the word ‘lethal’ means.”



The gargantuan is all stumbles and wobbles upon getting back is the ring, going through Seven’s mat action ringer until he reverses a spinning DDT attempt into a rugged sit out powerbomb that Brandt is almost unable to kick out of.



Awesome stands up the jelly-legged Brandt and hoists him overhead, getting a two-step start before catapulting his opponent across the ring with his “Awesomebomb”. But when he covers him, Seven somehow rolls him over, first into an armbar, then onto a cattle mutilation that leaves the big man waving and yelling out in pain even though Seven can’t quite get his hands clasped around the monster’s shoulders. They both struggle, but eventually Awesome gets his feet underneath the ropes, forcing the break.



Seven is stunned by his length and immediately tries to drag Awesome back toward the middle of the ring, but when he grabs Awesome’s arm, the big man tugs him in, unbelievably short clotheslining him from his back, dropping Seven and leaving both men on their backs, chests heaving.



DC: “I’ve never seen anything like that. Ever.”



Both men get to their feet at the same time, wiping their eyes and struggling with their balance; Seven does the unthinkable, deciding to stand flatfooted in the middle of the ring and trade shots with the three hundred pound Awesome.



They each get in a few but Awesome drills Brandt with a kick to the face that shakes him and leads to a huge clothesline. Awesome doesn’t waste time, getting Brandt into position for another “Awesomebomb”. But Seven is not done and, at the last possible second, slides down his back catching Awesome’s head on the way by and dropping the big man with a neckbreaker.



But when he gets up, Awesome is already on his feet, juiced to the max, right in his face. He lets out a yell and bludgeons Seven with a running forearm shot before pulling him up onto his shoulder and using the bottom rope to get a bit of extra height when he launches Brandt with an “Awesomebomb” for a second time.



This time, when Awesome slides up and hooks Seven’s leg, he doesn’t fight at all, not moving an inch during the three count.



DC: “What a match! This guy Mark Awesome is unbelievable!”



CF: “Seven Brandt is no job squad fodder; Awesome is impressive.”














Ram Diablo leans against a motorcycle outside the building, smoking a cigarette and talking to Brooklyn Bully, obviously going over their future options as January Kyle walks up, talking on her phone, hanging up just as she gets within the pair’s space.



JK: “Look, you two, bottom line…..”



Diablo and Bully smirk at her as she interrupts them.



JK: “You want to be in something PWI, don’t you? You want to be taken seriously as a tag team. I know that. You’ve got contracts, but you want title shots….you want the big paydays. The recognition.”



Their smirks slowly fade. Bully aggressively fakes on the direction of a few fans lurking nearby.



They scatter.



JK: “I can make that happen.”



She smiles at them.



JK:”I can be your manager, your assistant, your valet, your sidekick….”



She slinks up around both of them, running her finger up Bully’s chest.



JK; “….your girlfriend…’



JK: “Anything you want.”



JK: “You just need to listen to me.”



JK: “Interested?”















Silva Dolla vs. Jay Paro

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-PWI TV Title Match-


There is no doubt where the fan’s hearts lie; when Dolla comes out, barking and shaking his head with the TV belt held aloft, the ringside faithful go ballistic, waving signs and chanting “Sil-Va-Dol-La!” over and over again until they are blue in the face. And when Jay Paro’s music hits and he strolls out onto the stage in his green, silver, and purple unitard, the fans are mixed. His ovation is nowhere near the level of Dolla’s and proves to be the muddy ruddered theme of the match.



At about the seven minute mark of the hot, yet even match, Dolla’s turning a float over in the corner into a slingshot and an as-yet-to-be-seen second rope legdrop draws a round of applause out of the ringside fans. It nets another two count.



DC: “Looks like being in PWI this long has rubbed off on him.”



CF: “You mean how he acts entitled, like he’s a gift to the world? I can see that, yes.”



DC: “…..”



Jay turns the negative into a positive and turns a full nelson buster attempt into a modified stunner that looks a whole lot like the “Dolla Maker”, taking the TV Champion on a tour through his offensive catalog, and satisfying all the workrate marks along the way.



But as he is prone to do, Silva Dolla begins his final rally late with flurry of huge overhand rights that stop the title-minded Jay dead in his tracks. The punches give way to a couple of kicks to the stomach and an irish whip that he turns into a nice sidewalk slam. On impact, he lifts Paro to his feet by the hair and drops to the mat, sneaking around the wobbly and confused challenger on his hands and knees.



He pops up behind Jay and spins him around. The crowd stands.



But before he can get in his kick to the belly to set up the “Dolla Maker”, Paro reaches out and gouges his eye. Dolla stops immediately. In his now slightly blinded state he walks into Paro who turns him upside down and spins a few degrees before dropping Dolla on his head with his spinning tombstone.


















The bell rings wildly and Jay Paro stands over the semi-conscious Silva Dolla, somewhat shocked in the middle of the ring, wide eyed until he snatches the TV Title from the hands of the referee, He holds it above his head and then, smugly pointing to a few ringside fans, demands a microphone.



“I’ve never been given the respect I deserve.”



He gets booed, but it only makes him smile.



“Been part of one of the best tag teams in the world…..but my dick brother ruined that. Now, I’ve been on a little bit of a run on my own….”



“And I won the PWI TV Title, which everyone knows is the real #1 championship in PWI……”



“You know what?”



“My contract is up at the end of next month.”



“And my stock is through the roof; it’s never been higher.”



“I’m taking this opportunity to announce…..live on pay-per-view, that I’ll be taking my services to the highest bidder.”



“As if this minute, I’m the most valuable free agent in professional wrestling.”






“Get your checkbooks and pens ready. One of you….is going to show me…..”



“Some respect.”













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DOA* vs. Hart Foundation vs. The BlackHarts vs. VHB

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-PWI Tag Title Four Way Scramble-



There is so much bad blood in the ring it is almost unconscionable, even by pro wrestling standards. The BlackHarts and The Hart Foundation, The Hart Foundation and the VHB, The VHB and DOA, it is all palpable as the match opens, with two or three in-and-out tags happening before anyone gets control. It is an even, methodical start.



DC: “If there has been a match between four better tag teams anywhere in the world in the past ten years, I don’t remember it.”



CF: “Once. We’ve agreed once tonight. This was our moment. I look forward to the video retrospective in a few years.”



A huge german suplex from JGH that sees Cloud James’ head bounce off of the mat leads to a two and a half count; it is close. But all four team dump into the rig upon the scare and it is mayhem.



The VHB drill Nick Hart with a double shoulderblock and then dole out another for Sean Riley before burying Scott Hart with a double running boot. DOA’s manager, the VHB’s former manager, Jimmy South freaks out on the floor, trying to interject himself when James gets pushed into the corner by Jesse Van Holt, nearly climbing onto the referee.



Jarid Hart positions the struggling Scott Hart in the middle of the now emptied ring as the chaos begins to spread itself onto the floor and runs into the corner, springing up from the bottom and hitting the second and top ropes before arching backward and landing hi near perfect triple-jump moonsault.



The two-count draws everyone’s attention back to the squared circle, and all the little battles come back into the ring, turning it into a no rules battlezone.



DC: “This is crazy!!! The tag scene in PWI is nuts!!”



Martin Van Holt flips Sean Riley over the top rope. Then Jesse drags Cloud James over and the two of them eschew a chance at a “Van Holtinator” (Double Pedigree) and decide to hurl him over the top rope onto his partner, leaving the two tag team champions looking like they’ve been thrown from a car.



Scott and Nick Hart, battling the now downed Jarid Hart and JGH, get into the mix with the VHB, and their history shows in the action. They light up the ring with an incendiary run against each other that drips with chemistry and brings the fans to their feet when both Scott and Nick lock Martin and Jesse into simultaneous figure-four leglocks.



But JGH and Jarid come back into the fray after laying the boots onto the downed DOA, simultaneously flying off the top turnbuckles with a moonsault and a corkscrew press respectively, blowing up the figure fours and leaving the six men down in the ring. James and Riley begin getting back to their feet, dragging the downed in the ring VHB under the bottom rope to the floor, restarting the beatdown they started a month ago this week.



Jarid Hart lifts Scott Hart to his feet and peppers him with rights and lefts until the PWI Champion stumbles backward through the ropes to the floor, landing hard on his back at the base of the ramp, and leaving him and James Gilmour-Hart alone with Nick.



JGH hoists Nick up onto his shoulders as Jarid flips himself onto the apron. He looks back as he springs; Scott, getting to his feet, gets sucked up into the DOA/VHB battle as Jarid comes flying over the top rope and he and JGH bury Nick with a spike musclebuster. The referee is confused and even seems to look around for one of the other teams to intervene for a second. But eventually, he slowly makes the three count, leaving the building in stunned silence.



DC: “How could this happen? They don’t even have PWI contracts do they? How can then men holding our tag team titles not be officially on the roster? ”



CF: “And it’s not just any men, is it Carrasco? It’s the worst possible men; it’s the men that turned their backs on company and family, the men who already lost one opportunity to earn PWI contracts….it’s the hated BlackHarts.”










Ryan Doherty wanders into a dark corridor in a quiet part of the building, using his lighter to find his way when the swinging light fizzles and snaps off for a few seconds. When he flicks his lighter. Aaron Wilson’s outline is only a few feet away; he is leaning against the wall in a black windsuit, his hood pulled over his head.



AW: “Look….”



Doherty pulls the tape from his bag and holds it up. Wilson winces at the sight of it, rights himself, and puts his hand out. But Doherty blurts it out anyway, sealing his fate.



RD: “I watched it. A minute or so, I….”



Wilson is on him in a heartbeat, pouncing and pounding away at him with the audacity of a madman, fist over fist until Doherty is an unmoving bloody puddle. Wilson grabs the tape and pulls its innards out, ripping it up before scrambling around and putting all the pieces of it into his pockets and taking off, leaving Doherty for dead.












Ethan Paro vs. Prophecy



Prophecy’s first match is a spectacle, bigger than anything ever done in the twenty plus year history of Pro Wrestling Integrity. With Ethan Paro already in the ring, in his navy blue and light blue lightning bolt tights, the lights dim and then go out completely. A faint red glow begins emanating from around the stage area and underneath the ring, accompanied by a thick fog.



Suddenly, the lights snap and the red turns to black: Prophecy is standing at ringside, his head down, his painted face obscured by his long, wet, black hair.



It flips back and forth. Once. Twice. Red to black. Red to black.



When the referee finally takes control and the bell rings, Ethan Paro goes right for Prophecy and eats a spinning back hand chop to the throat for his troubles, getting taken to the mat by a very vengeful acting Prophecy afterward and locked in several uncomfortable looking chinlock variants.



After a gutbuster and an out of the blue running powerslam from Prophecy, Ethan Paro looks to be in big trouble and well on his way to getting squashed. The face painted legend slows the pace somewhat, going back to work on Paro with a dragon sleeper, squeezing it for all he is worth.



Paro begins to fade but fights it the whole way, drastically changing his ring position and putting him in position to reach out and grab the bottom rope, beginning his comeback.



Three right hands, a clothesline, a wicked spinebuster, a snap suplex, and a second rope elbow drop super point combo leaves Prophecy on his heels and Paro suddenly in the driver’s seat, the fans in full throat getting behind him. He gives the crowd a thumbs up, signaling for his move. But when his signature tilt-a-whirl over the knee backbreaker only nets him a two and three quarters count, Paro is visibly surprised. He quickly lifts Prophecy back to his feet, presumably try it again.



It never comes to pass.



Prophecy grabs hold of his forearm and pulls him in, snatching him up and holding him on his shoulders for just a second before drilling him in the head with his knee with his GTS.






Paro is out before he hits the mat and Prophecy covers him with such nonchalance, it draws a few nearly empty cups of beer to get heaved into the ring in out and out defiance by some raging ringside fans.








Scott Hart comes cruising down the ramp with a chair in his hands, sliding under the bottom rope and standing a few feet away from Prophecy, who hasn't moved since laying eyes on Hart.






Hart raises the chair and takes a step forward. Prophecy rears back.






As Scott Hart rolls around, first on the mat, then on the arena floor, Prophecy mocks him, pointing and laughing at him. Nick Hart and KP Hart rush down the ramp, passing the paramedics and coming to Scott’s aid. They check on him for just a second before turning their attention toward the ring. Nick grabs a ringside fan’s chair and he and KP start up the ring steps from different sides. But just as they begin to climb through the ropes, the lights go off. And when they come back on only a few seconds later, Prophecy is gone.








PWI 2012 ©

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((OOC: In case you missed it, Night of Respect is posted above.))





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Jimmy South paces back and forth in front of DOA as they throw their bags into the back of Cloud James’ jacked up king cab brown pickup. He is squawking, no doubt, but Sean Riley gives him the eye and he comes to a stammering stop as Cloud James starts wagging his finger at the camera.




“Nope. This ain’t settling right with me.This ain’t right, is it Riles?




The slick haired Riley shakes his head no, squinting as he does so.




“Didn’t think so.”




He pulls off his sunglasses angrily.




“Where does Vance Cole get off adding two guys who aren’t even under contract to OUR tag team title match?”




He snorts.




“I don’t remember anyone askin’ me! Anyone ask you Jimmy? Riles?”




They shake their heads again, South putting his black and silver megaphone into the back of the truck’s cab as James continues.




“Funny ain’t it? We take the belts off of the Van Holt brothers, two of the golden boys of this here company, and….”




He snaps his fingers.




“….just like that, the management figures out a way to take them right back from us.”




Sean Riley nods and shrugs, finally chiming in.




“That’s called a conspiracy, Cloud. It’s not right.”




It is James’ turn to nod back at his partner. He jabs him in the shoulder before they both climb into the truck, Riley on the passenger side and James in the driver’s seat. But before James drives off, he looks back down from the window.




“A conspiracy? Funny, that’s what I was thinkin’ too.”









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I applaud what you did with The Blackharts. I was all set to accept them being gone but then you come in and make them champions. Bravo sir.


I really want to know what made Aaron Wilson snap and maim Ryan Doherty.



Thanks for the feedback, MichiganHero. I wanted a real reason to keep Diablo and Bully that didn't involve some BS, sneaky, loophole type thing, just because of where they were coming from and their history with this company. A loss hurts them a lot more than it does JGH and Jarid in the eyes of the fans. First GoreBrawl, then their last chance contract match? Having them attack the Harts after that to get into PWI would've been garbage.



And The BlackHarts are just too good to let get away, considering their chemistry with each other as partners and the built in money feuds they have with other family members just sitting in the distance. Their characters start getting more attention as we go forward, too.



The Aaron Wilson story is one of those that I alluded to in a previous post, about how there were new stories that I was working on that were giving me the buzz. I've had a few that felt like this in the past; the Bull Wrecker/Alicia Strong story in my old SWF diary, the Big Smack Scott/Dead Tommy Cornell story in my PWC/Phil Vibert Guest Booker- and this one has that sort of potential, I think. I put a lot of thought into how I could develop Wilson's character over the long term and this is what I came up with which is maybe, a storyline that has never been attempted in pro wrestling. Actually, the bulk of the booking for this season of PWI (and half of the next one) was done in one really fruitful brainstorming session, and as it unfolds in the writing, I look forward to the next show even more.





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-Show #26-


PWI: Integrity, Tradition, Honor

LIVE Saturday on NCTV

Hoboken Centrum (TS) 2,000 (Sold Out)





-Cordero Calderon, NWA World Champion, unexpectedly arrives as the show goes live, hypes his match at Clash of Champions I and challenges Scott Hart to a match at the next PWI PPV. Scott Hart comes out and accepts, hopping into the ring to shake Calderon’s hand. Hart hangs around after Calderon departs and challenges Prophecy, who blew a fireball at him last week at “Night of Respect”, to a match in two weeks at “Clash of Champions I”. (B-)




-The show’s first match is supposed to be a showcase of PWI, the NWA, and the open-door policy held by PWI, pitting the BTTiTW against the team of Shay Kinsella and Dragon Pro legend (and NWA World title Challenger at Clash I) JG Nielson and the indy stalwarts, the FBI. Nielson and Kinsella, while not getting along too well, just outclass both of the other teams….but when the East Coast Triad (Bryce Christensen, Ram Diablo, Brooklyn Bully) attacks and decimates all six men, the referee throws out the contest, calling for the bell, security, and the medics all at the same time. (C+)




-Vance Cole, very pleased after the super successful pay-per-view, talks on his cell phone to the PWI Owner Shane Allman, being humble taking his compliments and very excited when he is told that there is now a salary in the budget for him to hire an assistant. (B-)




-Cameras briefly catch Cross sitting by himself in the far reaches of one of the balconies, appearing deep in thought. (C+)




-Chris Candell has a great outing, showing his diverse move-set along the way toward burying Aaron Wilson with a face front suplex buster and rolling him up for a very impressive win. His head hanging going through the curtain, Wilson gets read the riot act and gets a “last chance…..Period” warning from as passing Vance Cole as the show goes to commercial. (C+)




-An office assistant talks backstage to a group of wrestlers and staffers sharing the scuttlebutt about Ryan Doherty’s injuries. Everyone has a theory about the man who has not regained consciousness since being found backstage at “Night of Respect” but none of them are correct. Aaron Wilson, now showered, changed and heading out the door, passes them and overhears the subject matter, making a beeline for the nearest door. (C+)




-The new PWI Tag Team Champions, The BlackHarts, who have apparently signed contracts with the company, hit the ring for a special inter-promotional match against the LWA’s top tag team, The Supreme Heat, made up of Luzbel and Kris Phoenix. The bout is superb; JGH matches power with Luzbel and Jarid stays right with Phoenix in the air. But at about the thirteen minute mark, the former champions, DOA, led by the megaphone screaming Jimmy South, storm the ring, causing the referee to call for the bell and throw the match out. As the three teams fight, the VHB join the fray, necessitating nearly the entire staff and security force to break it up. (B-)




-Silva Dolla, knowing Jay Paro is wrestling in tonight’s main event, comes bouncing out to the ring, barking and letting the fans shower him with affection. He eventually cuts a short promo, telling Paro that he “…got lucky, and that TV Title comin’ back home before too long. Keep it shiny for me.” (B+)




-Seven Brandt signed on to face the TV Champion before taking the shocking loss to Mark Awesome at “Night of Respect”, and tonight is in the main event taking on the new TV Champion, Jay Paro, even on the heels of that defeat. The match exceeds expectations with Paro escaping two separate cattle mutilation attempts by Brandt that would’ve taken the belt off of him in his first defense. But when a yelling Mark Awesome comes out through the curtain and draws Seven’s attention away from Paro, the self-proclaimed ‘hottest free agent in wrestling’ turns the tables quickly, dropping Brandt on his head with a spinning tombstone piledriver and getting the win. (B+)




-Ethan Paro comes out to the ring just as the show is set to finish. He grabs a microphone, but as soon as he squares up to the hard camera, the lights go out and Prophecy appears, spin kicking him onto his back and whipping him into the ropes looking for the “End of Days” (GTS). But Scott Hart appears with a chair of his own, running down the ramp. The lights go out. And when they come back on, Ethan Paro remains in the ring with Scott Hart, but Prophecy is gone. (B+)








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Even though I've got the shows through the next PPV written, the lack of interaction, predictions etc, leads me to believe that either this diary has run its course or I have worn out my welcome as I writer on these boards.


Instead of treading more water while I try to figure out which is correct, I'm going to kill two birds with one stone and announce my retirement from the diary writing game permanently.


Thanks for the numerous DOTM awards and the HOF honor that you bestowed upon me in my time here. I had fun.

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Even though I've got the shows through the next PPV written, the lack of interaction, predictions etc, leads me to believe that either this diary has run its course or I have worn out my welcome as I writer on these boards.


Instead of treading more water while I try to figure out which is correct, I'm going to kill two birds with one stone and announce my retirement from the diary writing game permanently.


Thanks for the numerous DOTM awards and the HOF honor that you bestowed upon me in my time here. I had fun.


I think the lack of predictions and interaction stems from it being a diary from a mod not too many people are familiar with, combined with the fact that there isn't six million small updates before a show. I personally think this has been your best work as you gave life to a whole new host of characters and had one of the most interesting storylines in PWI vs PWSUX.


If this were a dynasty with MAW and PSW in place of PWI and PWSUX, you'd probably have 10x the views on the board.


If this is the last hurrah then I want to thank you for inspiring me to write my own dynasties, the first dynasties I ever read were JSilver's USPW, TK's BHOTWG and your SWF one.


Will you atleast be writing up a "Where this was going post"?

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I agree with MichiganHero, you've done a fantastic job with this NoNeck. If nothing else, you've fleshed out the characters of the ThunderVerse and put your own stamp on them in a way that I'm sure will have inspired others to try out the mod based on the diary alone.


I think the lack of interaction is not only because of the ThunderVerse dataset, but also a reflection of the forum at the moment. Even RW diaries don't seem to be attracting the same attention as they used to, and while there are a handful of diaries (such as E-V's SWF, and Self's CGC) that are getting the high number of comments they would have done two years ago the rest of the forum seems, for whatever reason, to be much quieter.


If you do retire, then at least you bow out on a high! :D

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I'm still reading NoNeck, but I will admit to dropping out for long periods of time due to the fact that you tend to go on a steady pace that doesn't need daily checking. As for commentating, I'll have to honestly say I don't feel this is that kind of diary, where we have to commentate or predict match-ups regularly, because the format is somewhat more condensed.
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