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"Creative Has Something For You" Thread

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Okay guys, let's see what you might have for me. I'm struggling to find a storyline for Pat Rigsby in my current training game. Rigsby is currently a midcard heel and I don't really want to change his official alignment. I could maybe book him tweener. I'm already doing that with El Ladron. But Pat's already upset with me for sticking a lousy gimmick on him. So I want to perk him up. Not tick him off further.


For available roster members, here's who I have with alignment, push and gimmick.


Brady Prince (Upper Midcard/Heel) Gimmick: Bitter Veteran

Haruhiro Tsumemasa (Lower Midcard/heel) Gimmick: Spiritualist

Oda Yakuta (Lower Midcard/Heel) Gimmick: Sidekick

Chikafusa Tadeshi (Midcard/Face) Gimmick: Blue Collar

El Diamante Azul (Lower Midcard/Face) Gimmick: Lovable Loser

Mario Martinez [regen] (Opener/Heel) Gimmick: Dancing Fool

Wayne Foster [regen] (Lower Midcard/Heel) Gimmick: Lunatic


Tsumemasa and Yakuta team under the name Temple of Pain

Tadeshi and EDA team under the name Blue Tokushima


Both currently function as job teams. Although I would like the Temple of Pain to feud with my new face tag champions World of Surf (Fuzzy Freeman and Emilio Surfeador {Californiano}) when their story with the current champs Midnight Demise (Ryan Death and Dwayne Dark) ends at the end of the month.


Foster and Martinez are strictly job boys at this time because their performance stats are so awful.


Current world champion is Bob Casey who's slated to feud with El Ladron for that belt. But that story hasn't started yet. So maybe I could do something there. So tell me please. What does Creative have for me?

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Okay guys, let's see what you might have for me. I'm struggling to find a storyline for Pat Rigsby in my current training game. Rigsby is currently a midcard heel and I don't really want to change his official alignment. I could maybe book him tweener. I'm already doing that with El Ladron. But Pat's already upset with me for sticking a lousy gimmick on him. So I want to perk him up. Not tick him off further.


For available roster members, here's who I have with alignment, push and gimmick.


Brady Prince (Upper Midcard/Heel) Gimmick: Bitter Veteran

Haruhiro Tsumemasa (Lower Midcard/heel) Gimmick: Spiritualist

Oda Yakuta (Lower Midcard/Heel) Gimmick: Sidekick

Chikafusa Tadeshi (Midcard/Face) Gimmick: Blue Collar

El Diamante Azul (Lower Midcard/Face) Gimmick: Lovable Loser

Mario Martinez [regen] (Opener/Heel) Gimmick: Dancing Fool

Wayne Foster [regen] (Lower Midcard/Heel) Gimmick: Lunatic


Tsumemasa and Yakuta team under the name Temple of Pain

Tadeshi and EDA team under the name Blue Tokushima


Both currently function as job teams. Although I would like the Temple of Pain to feud with my new face tag champions World of Surf (Fuzzy Freeman and Emilio Surfeador {Californiano}) when their story with the current champs Midnight Demise (Ryan Death and Dwayne Dark) ends at the end of the month.


Foster and Martinez are strictly job boys at this time because their performance stats are so awful.


Current world champion is Bob Casey who's slated to feud with El Ladron for that belt. But that story hasn't started yet. So maybe I could do something there. So tell me please. What does Creative have for me?


My gut here is to connect Rigsby to Azul, so as to avoid any alignment flips unless they're needed. So, Rigsby runs into El Diamante Azul backstage at a time when Azul is feeling happy. Maybe he's just beaten Foster. There's a degree of sneering from Rigsby, and the two meet in the ring; Pat beats Azul comfortably, but Azul sticks his neck out again, and it becomes a personal matter. An 'anything you can do, I can do better' feud develops, with the pair occasionally also wrestling one another. Ultimately, you probably put Rigsby over, but in the meantime he gets steady exposure and steadyish wins.

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My gut here is to connect Rigsby to Azul, so as to avoid any alignment flips unless they're needed. So, Rigsby runs into El Diamante Azul backstage at a time when Azul is feeling happy. Maybe he's just beaten Foster. There's a degree of sneering from Rigsby, and the two meet in the ring; Pat beats Azul comfortably, but Azul sticks his neck out again, and it becomes a personal matter. An 'anything you can do, I can do better' feud develops, with the pair occasionally also wrestling one another. Ultimately, you probably put Rigsby over, but in the meantime he gets steady exposure and steadyish wins.


Thanks man. Was going to ask you how Azul's tag partnership with Chikafusa Tadeshi would fit into this but I think I've figured that out.

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So in CV97 I'm making a stable out of Professor Nero and a few buddies. Now, they're quite strictly minor league so they're not necessarily intended to be taken seriously as grand scale villains. Nero is very cunning, but he's getting up in years and his resources are a bit limited (out of character, it's because Rip Chord and some chums have the 'power stable' thing held down quite nicely)


Anyway, I'm not quite sure where to go with the group dynamic. Currently, the only role I'm certain of is Thomas 'The Trademark' Morgan, who has been running an arrogant heel gimmick with the twist being that he's completely incompetent. To put it into perspective - he's just had a show where he's lost a cruiserweight title shot, attempted to answer the open challenge of the monster Dr. W (Larry Wood) and got squashed, and then, when he tried to jump Alex Braun backstage to try and win the hardcore 24/7 title, he got knocked out with a door.


He subsequently comes to the ring demanding respect the following week... and Nero gets up from commentary and beats Trademark up using his cane, then basically says he's well, incompetent, but that the Professor wants to try and whip him into shape.


In any case, Trademark is the group's sidekick and lackey. He does all the menial work and gets no respect for it. He will eventually get sick of the treatment and be the one to get the big face turn.


Now, I just signed the Young Guns (Harry Allen and Steve Gumble) and I know I want those fellas in, because I'm a fangirl. I'm also searching for a way to debut Tommy Cornell, and perhaps get a certain Mr Money involved a bit more, as well.


My question is... I'm not really sure what role to give those guys in the group. I want at least one of them to be related to Nero (not Tommy. He's English :p). I'd like some bumbling comedy henchmen that Nero has to put up with because... <insert reason here?>.


Who gets what, GDSers?

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Alrighty, then.


Steve Gumble is Mike Nero's nephew, and he and his best buddy Harry have been foisted on Mike by his sister, Steve's mother, who is categorically More Evil Than Nero.


Naturally, these proto-Young Guns want to be as evil as Unky Mike, but they're not terribly good at it yet, giving you bumbling henchmen and a reason to put up with them at once. Nero himself is happier with his loose alliance with Rich Money which funds many of his nefarious schemes, to both of their advantage; Nero gets to pull stuff he otherwise couldn't, Money gets occasional support in his top title bid.


Enter Tommy Cornell. After he and Nemesis' attempt to reinvent wrestling was tossed out in favour of more Christian Faith, Tommy's a little peeved, and he's working a massive sendup of that kind of busybody babyface - by combining it with Inspector Clouseau. Cornell is officially trying to clean up the promotion; however, he might as well be booked heel. Everything he does he comes at from the wrong angle. In a more comedic product, he simply accidentally benefits Nero; in a less comedic one, Nero is shown playing him like a fiddle, manipulating him into matches and confrontations that benefit the heel stable.

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anyone have any ideas for what I should do with Matt Hardy in 2010 on smackdown. He's a face and his brother is with TNA and MVP is still employed so I could get them together again. But I have a real difficulty booking Matt Hardy for some reason. I just used him to put over Dolph Ziggler but not I have nothing for him. My only real idea is too put him in the straight edge society but I don't know if he would work there.
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Put him in the SES playing on him being against everything his brother is known for, let him slowly gain overness winning matches for SES. Taking the pinfalls in tags, going on a slight win streak, while Punk seems to be on a small loosing streak going after bigger game(Big Show Rey Rey) it gets to the point where Matt starts holding more influence over the others. Maybe steal Serena from him, Luke trusting him more by then Matt is U.S. champ, Joey Matthews and Luke Gallows are tag champs, Serena is Diva's champ.


Now you start the build to Punk Hardy for control of SES, you can go two ways with this depends of you want Matt heel or face. If you want him face have punk win a match for a shot at the US championship, expecting Matt to be a good peon and lay down for him. Matt refuses putting on a strong showing, Punk getting himself dq'd out of frustration, they have a rematch and much the same happens. This will come to a head with a no dq match and when Punk tells the SES to beat down Matt the walk out on him and Matt wins.


This shouldn't hurt punk to much and leads into all of SES being bigger then they already are. Not if you want him heel, During all this grab for power Matt, starts doing little things that seem odd, wandering off during tag matches, giving odd promos, and such. Punk calls him out on drinking/abusing drugs. Matt denies the SES backs Matt up, as he has helped them all get stronger and better. This can come to a head two ways, either Punk outs Matt and the SES would turn face and kick out Matt(this can build a good feud if Matt gets a few other guys together) or they all get outed as being users behind Punk's back, turning him face with no one to help him, after burning his bridges, with the other faces. Kind of leaving him where he is now as a loner, but now with a group of guys he needs to fight against.

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I need some help with CM Punk who is the current WWE Champion what I want to do is have a stable much like the n.W.o with Punk being the leader but anyone have any ideas on who I could involve with this stable I'm looking for a few that is currently involved with WWE and I'm looking to bring an outsider from another company as a surprise member.


Thanks to anyone who can help me.

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I need some help with CM Punk who is the current WWE Champion what I want to do is have a stable much like the n.W.o with Punk being the leader but anyone have any ideas on who I could involve with this stable I'm looking for a few that is currently involved with WWE and I'm looking to bring an outsider from another company as a surprise member.


Thanks to anyone who can help me.


Before we can answer that well:


What year is it? If you've played the game for any length of game-duration, who have you signed already? Who's gone?


Who do you want Punk to feud with, if any? Who are your top faces that're likely to face this stable? Is anyone else busy in a way that stops them joining?

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The mod is New Power Rising 2012


I am fixing to run my first show with the mod


Top faces currently are: Shawn Michaels (out of retirement), Sheamus, AJ Styles and John Cena


I have signed AJ Styles, James Storm and thinking about bringing in Samoa Joe into the WWE


CM Punk and AJ Styles are currently feuding


I have not let anyone go from the company and there is no one right now that is busy thats stopping from joining the stable or feuding with the stable

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if you don't want to call up any dev guys I'd go with


CM Punk




and probably Nattie


What this does is elevate guys who aren't being used(a great starting story for why Punk chose them, since they are in the same boat he was last year) Plus you have someone for every title.


Punk WWE/World

Swagger/Hawkins US/IC

Gabriel/Kidd tag team

Nattie Divas


The important thing with a n.W.o. story is the take over element. With these guys it's the "We're not getting the respect(going of Punks current gimmick) so we are going to take it." You build them up and then in the future you either have them beat at like SS or each one taken out an Wrestlemania.


The other way to go would be the IWC wet dream






Sara Del Ray


Same principle for the titles, but this is the "We are Wrestling" mentality these are the best in the business and they are tired of the sports entertainment crap. In this I'd have Joe, Storm, and AJ (and some of those I picked for the first story) as guys who just want to prove themselves as the best. This could again come to a head at SS or Wrestlemania, winners of course being your choice. But remember the fall of the n.W.o. was it never ended, no one could beat them so people stopped caring.


If you go with the first I'd push Storm and AJ as the guys to beat Hawkins/Swagger Joe should beat Punk and fill out the rest as you'd like

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Put him in the SES playing on him being against everything his brother is known for, let him slowly gain overness winning matches for SES. Taking the pinfalls in tags, going on a slight win streak, while Punk seems to be on a small loosing streak going after bigger game(Big Show Rey Rey) it gets to the point where Matt starts holding more influence over the others. Maybe steal Serena from him, Luke trusting him more by then Matt is U.S. champ, Joey Matthews and Luke Gallows are tag champs, Serena is Diva's champ.


Now you start the build to Punk Hardy for control of SES, you can go two ways with this depends of you want Matt heel or face. If you want him face have punk win a match for a shot at the US championship, expecting Matt to be a good peon and lay down for him. Matt refuses putting on a strong showing, Punk getting himself dq'd out of frustration, they have a rematch and much the same happens. This will come to a head with a no dq match and when Punk tells the SES to beat down Matt the walk out on him and Matt wins.


This shouldn't hurt punk to much and leads into all of SES being bigger then they already are. Not if you want him heel, During all this grab for power Matt, starts doing little things that seem odd, wandering off during tag matches, giving odd promos, and such. Punk calls him out on drinking/abusing drugs. Matt denies the SES backs Matt up, as he has helped them all get stronger and better. This can come to a head two ways, either Punk outs Matt and the SES would turn face and kick out Matt(this can build a good feud if Matt gets a few other guys together) or they all get outed as being users behind Punk's back, turning him face with no one to help him, after burning his bridges, with the other faces. Kind of leaving him where he is now as a loner, but now with a group of guys he needs to fight against.


Maybe I should have added it but Punk is the World Heavyweight Champion currently and he's owned it for like a month or so, You've given me an idea, Matt joins SES claiming to not want to be his brother and then tries to take the role of CM Punk's right hand man, much to the dismay of Luke Gallows, Gallows and Matt will bicker with each other back and forth, then CM Punk will force them to start tagging up and they can go after the tag titles. If I ever lure Jeff away from TNA the story with him and Punk would be great. Jeff angry at Punk for bringing his brother into a cult, Matt defending Punk to Jeff's disbelief.

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Not a problem as much as an interesting conundrum popped up in my NYCW game. RMW (a developmental I set up for TCW) raided me for Sammy the Shark. Now, Sammy was in the middle of this soap-opera like romance with Cheerleader Nicki, the girlfriend of his former tag team partner Roger Cage, who'd left for Supreme without her. Romantic tension, fighting to defend her from Filth Sylvain's depredations (aka the guy who beat the shit out of Cage on his way out of the company and took Sammy's title). Also, they just had their first kiss and Nicki decided to leave Roger (who was off-screen becoming more and more bitter over his continued losing streak in Supreme, which was hurting his chances of bringing in Nicki for a Supreme managerial contract)


Now, I've got an idea as how to send him off, and what to do with Nicki. Either he announces his developmental contract with TCW and leaves Nicki behind, leaving her incredibly bitter. From there, I'm thinking a possible heel turn as she turns into something a little like AJ as she sees all the men in her lives leaving her behind (America Machine, Roger Cage, and now Sammy) like she's disposable.


I just don't know where to go with her from there. Maybe teasing a new associate as she stalks several me (not like that!), but an actual end-game I don't have.


... Hm... I could do an alternate version of the Flock, featuring Filth Sylvain as Raven, Nicki as his girl, Findlay O'Farraday as his muscle (he's been floating as muscle for hire for every heel since the start of the game) against a face Black Hat Bailey, while the OSP go solo with Stately as they wash their hands of it. They've had a fair bit of tension since Sylvain joined, you see...



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From there, I'm thinking a possible heel turn as she turns into something a little like AJ as she sees all the men in her lives leaving her behind (America Machine, Roger Cage, and now Sammy) like she's disposable.


I'd heel turn her, but I'd heel turn her in a really nasty way (and I'm wincing typing this, because the amount that female heels in wrestling get a kind of heat from the crowd that makes me seriously embarrassed about my fellow fans).


But I've seen reference to a ruleset that's the female equivalent of a male Pick-Up Artist's BS, but it's about playing to endgame, and playing multiple men to endgame simultaneously - and openly, playing them off against each other. I remember something about keeping a ranking list on the fridge or something similar, where it can be seen, and where people can see it and see what doing something for her does.


Basically I'm thinking a characterisation where she won't put her faith in one guy any more. SHE is going to be in control, and ONE of these guys is going to both EARN her faith and PROVE she can run his life.

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Sammy leaves for RMW and doesn't tell Nicki. She goes through a few months of searching for him and when she learns, is totally depressed. Who is there to comfort her? The man who has always been in her life (albeit negatively) Filth Sylvain. Everything he's done has been to get Nicki away from Cage and Sammy and now she's by his side. Leaves it open for Sylvain to turn face and be the good guy here, or for Nicki to go heel.
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You could go the opposite, and have become a strong face deciding she doesn't need a man she can make it on her own. This could spark a build of a women's division with her being the crusading female.

Thing is, she's pretty weak manager wise. Her best stat is her looks while I work on her promo skills in the dark show (Meet & Greet). I was hoping to hold onto Sammy until Cage inevitably got released by Supreme and started a feud between the two of them, but that's a backburner at this point.


But I've seen reference to a ruleset that's the female equivalent of a male Pick-Up Artist's BS, but it's about playing to endgame, and playing multiple men to endgame simultaneously - and openly, playing them off against each other. I remember something about keeping a ranking list on the fridge or something similar, where it can be seen, and where people can see it and see what doing something for her does.


Basically I'm thinking a characterisation where she won't put her faith in one guy any more. SHE is going to be in control, and ONE of these guys is going to both EARN her faith and PROVE she can run his life.


I don't think I could quite pull that off with the limited gimmick set she can pull off (most of which don't fit NYCW), plus she hasn't got much in the way of skills to pull off such a long-term program. Unless I devoted more time for her to work with Whistler in the Dark Shows for some reason...


Sammy leaves for RMW and doesn't tell Nicki. She goes through a few months of searching for him and when she learns, is totally depressed. Who is there to comfort her? The man who has always been in her life (albeit negatively) Filth Sylvain. Everything he's done has been to get Nicki away from Cage and Sammy and now she's by his side. Leaves it open for Sylvain to turn face and be the good guy here, or for Nicki to go heel.
Hm. It could fit in as part of the Flock idea I had. Sylvain's a little psychotic and has been for months in his feud with Sammy, and there has been some overtones of obsession with Nicki...


A few stalking segments that get in her head mentally while she struggles to hold herself together in Sammy's departure (she's still managing The Ring Generals after all), she can't keep it together, the Generals release her as their manager, and in the wake of all this chaos and loss and slipping, he comes and propositions her: Join him, because he'll never leave her. Join him, because he knows her better than Cage, than Shark, than Machine. He'll never leave her (and if he does get signed, well she's going completely insane and try to destroy all the male wrestlers as a whole (might go women able to wrestle for a short while and bring in Gorgon to **** everyone's shit up)).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doing a dream SWF Scenario. Raided TCW, Brought Out CGC, Raided NOTBPW and Hired New Talent. So...Im approaching July 2011. The Supreme Challenge 31. Im just not sure if some matches are needed or could do with more. So advice on them would be great.


My card so far (As of June 2011)


Jack Bruce vs Christian Faith

Rich Money vs Tommy Cornell

My Avatar vs Matthew Keith

Sean McFly vs Rip Chord

Remo vs Sam Strong

SWF Supreme Title: El Leon vs Johnny Bloodstone vs Raymond Diaz

Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois

SWF Uprising Title: Rocky Weatherfield vs Troy Tornado

Champagne Lover vs Sammy Bach

SWF World Heavyweight Title: Angry Gilmore vs Axxis Jr (MITB Cash-In)

Dan Stone Jr, Jeremy Stone, Duane Stone, Edd Stone vs Steve DeColt, Jack DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Alex DeColt


I wasnt sure what to do with johnny bloodstone and raymond diaz so i just put them in the supreme title match. However due to money/cornell being a big match it also could be overshadowed by the other matches. I also have no creative build for it whatsoever.


So... Should Money vs Cornell be for the title? I plan on having cornell going over either way. So i could have Cornell beating El Leon at the next PPV and then setting up a match with Money.


Also any changes or ideas would be welcome.

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Anybody know of a worker that could be a dark type manager? Im planning on debuting Hell's Bouncer eventually (named Marbas) to feud with Vengeance... yeah Im very creative.


Anyways I just turned Skull face and trying to find a manager for Bouncer's eventual debut. The only ones who come to mind are Karen Killer and Raven Nightfall, both currently locked up on writtens. I'm not partial to a male either, I'd prefer it.


Actually I think I might try Travis Century but will still keep this here for suggestions.

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Knuckles became "The Anarchist's Angel" on my SWF game. The gimmick has a pretty low rating, but combined with a face turn and a win streak that's still going on, I've managed to get him from a 45 USA Popularity to a 91 Popularity.


Plus, now I've just signed Phil Vibert and hooked them up together. Future's bright. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

End of March 2010 (USPW):


Need a good way to take the TV Title off Andre Jones (now a Main Eventer).


A little background...


He's a founding member of "The Future" with Nicky Champion, Darryl Devine (w/ Seduction), James Hernandez, and Hell's Bouncer. He's had 8 defenses (I think), and 3 high profile matches (non-title).


So, the two options would be to either take the belt off him (and creative ways on how), or make the title a floating title (or do that with the National Title). Are there drawbacks to making a title "float"?

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Well, without any information on alignments or gimmicks it's hard to tell, but you've got Fingerpoke of Doom (complete with Jones doing a huge, overblown interview about the sheer terrifying skill of his mystery challenger and how the fans should prepare for the fight of their lives) for a heel or Jones saying he's got his eyes on the biggest prize and can't focus on it, so he's relinquishing the TV title if they're faces.
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