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Road to Glory - The journey of Eric Freer

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"Dude! What did you just say?"


My mouth was hanging open as my best friend Eric Freer pulled on a torn tanktop. He had just jogged up to my house saying he had news. The news had been the shocker.


"I said I've taken a job as a wrestler with the new Full Throttle Wrestling promotion opening up in Alabama."


"Why? You've never wrestled before. How do you know they'll even accept your application?"


"They already did."


"What?" My shout caused the neighbors to turn and look at me. I grabbed Eric and pulled him into the house, slamming the door.


"It was easy," Eric said. "Full Throttle Wrestling is new. Some big executive wanted to own a wrestling company. I was the first person to apply and he not only accepted me, but gave me the job of hiring the other wrestlers and planning the shows."


"Dude! But why would you do that?"


"I graduated high school six months ago and haven't found a job yet. You have your foot in the door with your father's landscaping business, but I don't even have that. This is my chance. It's my "road to glory."


"What's the name of the promotion, I'll follow you on the internet."


"Its Full Throttle Wrestling. Don't worry. I'll keep in touch."


<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=ftwbanner1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/ftwbanner1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The next day my best friend got on a plane and headed to his new job and new opportunity. We stayed in touch via the internet and a few phone calls, but it would be years before I saw him again.

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Just two days later I received a message from Eric,


"Dude. My new boss is actually fairly cool. He just sent me his list of goals for the company, and they are reasonable. And I found a bit more about the wrestling he wants us to do. It's a lucha libre style, but modified for an American audience. It should be fun. But first I need to find some wrestlers who work cheap. Gil Thomas only gave me $1,000. After that I have to make the company profitable."


<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=FirstGoals.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/FirstGoals.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=Product.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/Product.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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OOC Post -


I've decided to try my luck at both writing a dynasty, and trying to complete the Road to Glory Challenge that shows up in the TEW 2010 discussion.


I've created the user character Eric Freer for this challenge using the rules of 100 points in Resilience and Reputation and then 750 to spread across all other stats with no stat above 70. Age 19, and excellent destiny. My character at the start has the following stats.


<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=EricStartingStats.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/EricStartingStats.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

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Thursday, Week 1, January


Another message from Eric.


"Dude, my boss sandbagged me. I came back from a scouting trip and he had added another goal. Fortunately, it shouldn't be too difficult to achieve. I think I've got enough initial offers out, but I'm finding it difficult to find many wrestlers. I don't want to lose money and I won't find out how much sponsorship I'll be getting until the end of the month."


<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=firstgoalspart2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/firstgoalspart2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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Sunday, Week 2, January


Another message from Eric.


"Damn, its hard to find wrestlers who I'm sure won't break the bank. I've had several good ones who just wanted too much money for coming. I've found ten who can probably wrestle and do ok, but I need one more before our first show in two weeks. Now I have to start planning the first card.

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Friday, Week 3, January


Another message from Eric.


Finally got a full roster, but I had to dig deep. Heck one of the wrestlers I hired is a girl. That sure can shake up the locker room. Fortunately Gil is one of those enlightened owners who wanted to give women an equal chance and allows the girls to wrestle with the boys. You might find information about a couple of the people I signed, but most were complete unknowns when I signed them.


I have signed to PPA contracts: ((no pictures, with one exception to be explained at the end of the post))


Main Event.


Brendan Idol – Rebel - $500 – promised main event title run

Happy Elwood – happy-go-lucky - $600


New York Red – Gambler - $400

Super Sonic – Clubber - $150


Upper MidCard


Paranoia – Fun Babyface - $100

Ben Williams – Blue Collar - $150 ((fits him from his description. :p )


Paradox – Blue Chipper - $150

Ant-Man – "Uppity" youth - $150


Midcard and Lower


Myself – Adventurer

Tresanya Shandel – Girl-next-door - $100 ((character I've added – see below))


Roger Monteiro – Thrill Seeker - $150

Mark Smart – Old School Heel - $150



Davis Ditterich – Announcer - $500

Gil Thomas (owner) – Color Commentator - $50

Jonathon Taylor – Referee - $200

Buttercup – Road Agent - $150


((details on Tresanya:

She's one of 4 characters I've added to the C-verse for use in any female based promotions I might run. I first started adding her back when TEW 2007 was out, and I just kept her around. She starts with no popularity and the following skills and picture.

<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=Tresanya.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/Tresanya.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=TreStats.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/TreStats.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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That's a nice manager you got there.


And me being the "this should be power-gamed" person that I am, confused as to why you went high-flying. Or rather, why you put stuff into flashiness. Could have been a bland brawler like me and had better match skills/performance/whatever.


Then again, I did bankrupt the company my first try in 4 months, so maybe there's something to not gaming the hell out of the user character and actually, y'know, booking a fed.




Got some great owner goals, though. That should only eliminate...maybe 3 or so people that are any good.

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That's a nice manager you got there.


And me being the "this should be power-gamed" person that I am, confused as to why you went high-flying. Or rather, why you put stuff into flashiness. Could have been a bland brawler like me and had better match skills/performance/whatever.


Then again, I did bankrupt the company my first try in 4 months, so maybe there's something to not gaming the hell out of the user character and actually, y'know, booking a fed.




Got some great owner goals, though. That should only eliminate...maybe 3 or so people that are any good.


((OOC: Tresanya isn't supposed to be a manager, although she can do the "stand by the ring and look pretty." duty. I've used her in other games and always as a wrestler, but unless she gets an excellent destiny she won't push past the midcard. In a game I'm playing to kind of get me back into TEW after 2 years I have her as part of a women's promotion and she's been averaging a 28 score (E) in her matches. Do note that Tresanya starts with a 0 in microphone. It will go up, but for now she's actually a danger to angles if she has to speak. She probably can get a D+ if I have her shoot T-shirts though.


As for "power-gaming". I just can't ever seem to do that. I always end up taking a harder route. In this case I don't like watching brawls disguised as wrestling (which is why I haven't watched the WWE in years). But I like high-flying wrestlers, so I figured I'd create a fed that I could picture actually wanting to watch. ))

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Friday, Week 4, January (morning)


Another message from Eric.


"Dude, Sadaharu Jimbo retired today. Name probably means nothing to you, but the man was a god in the Japanese wrestling scene and the owner of one of their fastest rising promotions. Be interesting to see what changes his son brings.


Meanwhile, I've set up my first show. Here's the card.



Me against Paradox


Paranoia against New York Red

Happy Elwood against Ant-Man

Brendan Idol against Super Sonic – For the FTW World Title


Hopefully I'll manage a good show.


((I've seen people enjoying predicting matches, so have at it.))

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I wasn't intending to slam you, btw. And thanks for the look at my diary (yet no prediction >_____>)


Me against Paradox


Is Paradox the one with star quality? Eh, whatever, jobber.


Paranoia against New York Red


Spike's a cool guy. This is Spike, right? Or is it that old guy who has a referee brother?


Happy Elwood against Ant-Man


Hate you Ant-Man...


Brendan Idol against Super Sonic – For the FTW World Title


Brendan Idol looks like a tool. I hate the Questers. So...lesser of two evils.

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Nice start


Me against Paradox

No-one would job themselves out to Paradox, surely?


Paranoia against New York Red

Red's old and rubbish, if I remember correctly


Happy Elwood against Ant-Man

For £600 per appearance, you need to get your money's worth, no point jobbing him here.


Brendan Idol against Super Sonic – For the FTW World Title

You promised him a title win.

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Saturday, Week 4, January (morning)


Another message from Eric.


"The show hadn't even started when Super Sonic let out the a nasty fart in the locker room. We had to open all the windows and doors to let the stench out. I tried to be fatherly about it, but he pretty much blew me off.


But anyway, you want to hear about my first show FTW Pedal to the Metal 1

<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=ftwbanner1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/ftwbanner1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


It opened with Brendan and Sonic running into each other at the opening to the locker room. Sonic was acting all big and bold making it sound like he was going to be the big man in the promotion. Brendan didn't like that and they agreed to meet in the main event. The crowd liked it as they gave it an E (27).


Then I want out to face Paradox. Well, Buttercup didn't have much to say afterwards. In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Paradox defeated Eric Freer in 7:15 by pinfall with a Paralyser. It was given an E- (17) Yes, I know I booked myself to lose this match, but I wanted to book by push for the first night.


After that, New York Red taunted me about the loss as I returned to the locker room and he came out for his match. This one the crowd hated. F (6)

Sadly, my booking didn't improve much as the match between New York Red and Paranoia didn't please the crowd. In an extremely poor match, New York Red defeated Paranoia in 9:06 by pinfall with a Brooklyn Bridge. F+ (14)


There was no break after that match, but we flowed directly into Happy Elwood against Ant-Man. In an extremely poor match, Happy Elwood defeated Ant-Man in 11:26 by pinfall. It was the best match so far.

E (27)


After that Brendan came down to the ring first and borrowed the announcers microphone to say a few words about Super Sonic. He kept the crowd going and pulled out another E rating. (23)


The final match of the night proved to be a big one with Brendan facing Sonic. They played to the crowd and even coaxed a few cheers, but Sonic was tiring at the end. In an extremely poor match, Brendan Idol defeated Super Sonic in 11:41 by pinfall with an Idolizer. Brendan Idol wins the FTW World Title title. E+ (32)


The crowd of 15 people left complaining a bit about the angles and storylines, but overall they were positive and I heard that the experts are saying it was about an E (25). For only costing $2950 in worker fees, it’s a darn good start.

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Another message from Eric.


Darn, the show didn't improve everyone's popularity, although New York Red enjoyed a nice spike. The sponsors did pony up $4307 for the show so after all costs had been tallied at the end of the month, the company made $1027. Maybe I should hire a real manager for some of the wrestlers. We don't have anyone good on a microphone.


Meanwhile, I've put together the card for FTW Burning Rubber I in February.


New York Red v Ben Williams

Super Sonic v Tresanya Shandel

Happy Elwood v Mark Smart

Brendan Idol V Roger Montiero

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New York Red v Ben Williams

Williams is the king of jobbers


Super Sonic v Tresanya Shandel

Can't see Sonic losing here


Happy Elwood v Mark Smart

Elwood should win, Smart is another career jobber


Brendan Idol v Roger Montiero

No title change this early

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Wednesday, Week 3, February 2010


Dan Stone retired and gave his son control of NOTBPW. I sent Eric a message about this, but he didn't seem concerned stating that the wrestlers from Canada he tried to sign back in January were all demanding much higher payments than he was willing to give.



Saturday, Week 3, February 2010


Another message from Eric


Just when I think we've solved all the problems I get a call from Davis Ditterich that he and Roger Montiero both tried to chat up the same girl at some nightclub. It didn't come to blows, but the two are not talking anymore. This is going to cause problems in the future.



Tuesday, Week 4, February 2010


I saw news on the wrestling boards that Dan Stone Jr put Steve Flash in as head booker at NOTBPW. It will be interesting to see how he develops the product up there.




Oh Boltinho, I said that I turned out to be unpredictable in my first event, not predictable. I agree, it wasn't a very well thought out card. :p

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FTW – Burning Rubber I


New York Red opened the night by catching Happy Elwood by surprise backstage and knocking him down before heading to the ring for his match. It was better than some angles from the first show. F+ (11)


New York Red V Ben Williams

Ben Williams didn't last the whole match. He was visibly tiring and it made the whole effort look poor. Fortunately the right man won as New York Red defeated Ben Williams in 6:45 by pinfall with a Brooklyn Bridge. F+ (12)


Brendan Idol cut a promo backstage talking about his title and how he's the top of the program right now. E- (20)


Super Sonic v Tresanya Shandel – Sonic was tiring, but it was better than the first match. The fans didn't really get into it though and brought it down

Super Sonic defeated Tresanya Shandel in 7:12 by pinfall with a Super Sonicarana. F+ (15)


Happy Elwood v Mark Smart

In what proved to the be match of the night for the program. Happy Elwood defeated Mark Smart in 8:56 by pinfall. E (27)


After the match New York Red ran down to attack Happy again, leaving him down and out in the ring. E- (20)


Tresanya came back out to use a slingshot to send a few T-shirts into the crowd. D- (40)


Brendan Idol v Roger Montiero

Chemistry showed up here as Brendan and Roger looked awkward and hesistant, unable to match styles. In an extremely poor match, Brendan Idol defeated Roger Monteiro in 13:06 by pinfall with an Idolizer. E (23)


Overall it was not quite as good as the first show, scoring a slightly lower grade. E (23)


It also was a bit more expensive with total worker costs of $3100, as Eric was kept out of the show to allow a chance to see the other workers perform.

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Monday, Week 1, March


Well, the sponsors decreased their contribution slightly, and a drop in licensing and merchandise sales meant the company only made $441 for the month. Still we definitely have enough to go look for a manager, and maybe another wrestler. Some of the ones we have aren't really worth having in shows.



Friday, Week 1, March


Dude, I went out and found another wrestler for the promotion, but this one has some entertainment skills. Sure it's another girl, and this time one who works for that bump and grind promotion out in Lost Wages, but she's willing to try out with us. So expect to see Jen Neptune in the next video I send out.




The Card for the next match: FTW Muddy and Tired 2010 has been published


Happy Elwood v Paradox

Eric Freer v Roger Montiero

Tresanya Shandel v Ant-man

Paranoia v Super Sonic

Brendan Idol v New York Red – FTW World Title

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Happy Elwood v Paradox

Happy Elwood is on a big contract, Paradox isn't


Eric Freer v Roger Montiero

You're better than him


Tresanya Shandel v Ant-Man

Can't see him losing


Paranoia v Super Sonic

Complete guess


Brendan Idol v New York Red – FTW World Title

Idol has only been champ for two months

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Happy Elwood v Paradox

I don't rate the Para-Troopers too highly

Eric Freer v Roger Montiero

Are you really going to job yourself to Montiero?

Tresanya Shandel v Ant-man

I don't really remember how good Shandel is, but Ant Man tends to find his way into lots of diaries so I'd wager he's got more upside.

Paranoia v Super Sonic

Not sure, so I'll go with my never bet on a Para-Trooper policy.

Brendan Idol v New York Red – FTW World Title

Pretty sure Idol is better than Red.

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Saturday, Week 4, March


Time for FTW Muddy and Tired 2010


Another month another incident involving Super Sonic, this time he picked a fight with Davis Ditterich. He's been given a slap on the wrist, but I will be looking for a replacement for him after the night.


On to the show.


The night started with Jen Neptune and Tresanya coming to the ring. Jen announced that the duo were going to bring a bit of class and color to the otherwise testosterone filled locker room, and that the fans should be ready. Tresanya played to the crowd. The fan's loved the girls. D- (36)


Paranoia V Super Sonic – not much to say, Super sonic again looked tired by the end.

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Paranoia defeated Super Sonic in 8:18 by pinfall with a Freak Out.


Eric Freer v Roger Montiero

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Eric Freer defeated Roger Monteiro in 6:16 by pinfall. E- (17) A bit better than the first match.


Ant-man was then seen backstage ranting about how the girls brought flowers into the backstage area and had even lit a couple of scented candles. E+ (30)


Ant-Man V Tresanya

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Ant-Man defeated Tresanya Shandel in 7:20 by pinfall with an Antidote. E- (17) Bet none of you expected Tresanya to manage an E- match.


Happy Elwood v Paradox

In an extremely poor match, Happy Elwood defeated Paradox in 6:49 by pinfall. E (23)


Brendan Idol v New York Red

In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Brendan Idol defeated New York Red in 11:33 by pinfall with an Idolizer. E+ (34)


The 15 people who came to see the show saw the best one yet from FTW and walked out happy. E+ (30) Worker Costs for the night were $3350

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Prediction Scoring - through 3 events


Boltinho 4/4

Tiberious4 4/5

Occasional Z 10/13

Eidenhoek 2/4


Both participants incorrectly guessed on the SuperSonic V Paranoia fight. Since that was a show time decision due to the incident involving Supersonic, I'm not sure I should hold it against them. Who knew Super would try so hard to get fired.

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Monday, Week 1, April


Merchandise sales completely disappeared and the promotion lost $401 in March. The bank account now stands at $2067


The Card for FTW Spring Stampede 1 has come out.


Ben Williams V Ant-Man

Eric Freer V Super Sonic

Paranoia V New York Red

Happy Elwood v Mark Smart

Brendan Idol v Paradox

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