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BUSHIDO PRO: Ghetto Samurai [C-Verse]

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KZA vs Primal Rage


White Angel Frankie Dee vs Capitao Brasil Jr.


Afro Tiger Vs Street Fighting God Sayeed Allah


Canadian Grizzly vs Cameron Vessey


Garrett Prince vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith


Mean Machine vs The Marksman Kirk Jameson

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They’re here, they’re finally here: The BUSHIDO PRO DVDs you ordered online finally came in the mail. 12 working days...Not the world’s fastest delivery but whatever. You unwrap the packaging to reveal the 3 DVDs set you got; Each of them a different night of the Unlock the World tournament to crown BUSHIDO PRO’s first ever champion.


The first spare moment you get you grab some snacks, jump infront of the TV and stick the first one in.





The DVD starts and pretty much jumps start to an orange and black main menu screen. Hip-hop plays over various clips of the show that you’re about to see. You select “Play All”.


The Show opens to a cheering crowd and
Bloody Samurai by RZA featuring Black Knights, Dexter Wiggles And Thea Van Seijen
plays over the speakers (you didn’t actually know the song but a helpful little box in the corner of the screen told you). The location appears to be a music venue of some kind, as when the secondary cameras are used (obviously handhelds) you occasionally see the hard camera set up on a stage which the ring is pushed right up against. The crowd isn’t the stereotypical wrestling audience; it’s mostly black and there’s more hoodies than wrestling merchandise being worn.




The first ever BUSHIDO PRO match starts with KZA quickly taking control after the lock up, tying Rage up with a number of chain wrestling holds. While Rage manages to wiggle out of a few holds, whenever he does KZA quickly puts him in a new one. Pretty quickly Rage gets frustrated and muscles out rather than using any skill. Rage tries to take the advantage from KZA, but using his mat and chain wrestling skills, KZA seems to Rage on the backfoot.


The Announcer (Remmy Remus, who famously had to end his own wrestling career back in 2006 after a motorcycle crash) puts over KZA’s amateur wrestling background, and notes that Rage is far more comfortable in a fist fight than he ever was trying to going hold for hold with anyone.


After KZA manages to roll Rage up with a school boy out of the corner after Rage attempted to clothesline him, Rage freaks out and rolls to the outside, banging the mat in frustration and kicking the guardrail. This doesn’t earn him any love from the crowd, who jeer him for retreating. The ref tries to get him back in but Rage doesn’t seem to care. KZA gets impatience and decides to go after him, but when he goes Rage seizes the advantage and rams KZA into the ring.


From there on Rage manages to seize the upper hand, knocking KZA all around the ring with strikes before taking him back in. From there on it’s all stomps and clubbing as Rage puts a very crude beating on KZA. KZA tries a few times to fight back but it knocked back down repeatedly.


Rage tries to finish the match, preying on KZA’s injured back with moves like a spinning side slam, a backbreaker and even a delayed vertical suplex but each time KZA refuses to stay down. KZA even manages to sneak in a roll up that almost catches Rage, but Rage quickly recovers and beats KZA back down.


Rage slaps KZA in the Silent Scream (Standing Half nelson choke) but KZA manages to fight out of it and rallies; bouncing off the ropes and planting Rage with a great dropkick. Rage panics and attempts to rush KZA several times but KZA sends him sprawling with a few clotheslines and snap suplex for a close 2 count.


KZA follows up his assault with a kneelift into a neckbreaker, but again he’s denied the 3 count. Still feeling the pain in his back, KZA signals to the crowd he’s going for the same move again, but as he bounces off the ropes towards Rage, Rage launches KZA into the air and delivers an almighty kick to his chest that the announcer informs us is called an Alarm Clock. 2 count only as KZA fights through the pain, as both men get to their feet they begin slugging it out with big haymakers as the crowd YAYs each KZA punch while BOOing each Rage one.


Eventually KZA manages to duck under a Rage haymakers and immediately grabs Rage for an impressive Exploder Suplex followed up KZA’s trademark KTFO (a stomp to the head followed by a rolling elbow smash as the opponent rises up) which finally puts Rage away for the 3 count.


KZA defeated Primal Rage in 12:19 after an Exploder Suplex and a KTFO

Grade: D-



Neither man is really known to the audience but Remmington Remus assures you both are excellent talents. As soon as the bell rings, Frankie Dee approaches Capitao and offers him his fist and after a moment of hesitation Capitao accepts it by giving him the boxers’ handshake (fist pound). A few in the crowd clap politely.


Suddenly it’s all action; both men race around like they’re rigged to explode if they go under 60mph. They exchange armdrags like they’re going out of style before upping the stakes and switch to headscissor takedowns. Taking each other down once each, they end up tangled together on the third, resulting in a VINTAGE indie standoff (you read about Indie Standoffs so often in the reports it’s nice to be able to see some for yourself for a change).


Dee presses forwards and delivers some wicked kicks to Captiao’s legs, which Remus suggests is a strategy to slow CB junior down. Dee whips Captiao off the ropes but ends up getting caught by a lucha style sunset rollup (the ones where they get their knees on their opponents’ shoulders before tumbling down) for a nice 2 count.


Junior takes Dee up to the turnbuckle, Remus suggests possibly looking for a suplex, but Dee knocks him down after a struggle with a headbutt. Quickly going all out, Dee flies off the top with clumsy moonsault that lands quite awkwardly on Junior. Close two count, and Junior holds his hip tightly as he rises to his feet.


Dee runs the ropes and goes to clothesline Junior, but Junior ducks and as Dee spins around (a bit too slowly unfortunately) Junior lands a Pelé kick. That was sloppy, but the crowd enjoys it. Junior gets a solid 2 count for his pin.


Sensing victory, Junior points to the top and signals he’s going for something big. Rushing to the top of the turnbuckle, he goes for the Fall from Rio (Swanton Bomb) as Remus call it, however Junior ends up landing on his back as Dee moves out of the way. As Junior rolls through he ends up eating a Shinanju Kick (Springboard Kick off the second kick [OOC: think Cody Rhodes’ disaster kick]) from Dee, and that’s all that takes to finish this one as Dee gets the 3 count.


Frankie Dee defeated Capitão Brasil Jr in 5:55 by pinfall with a Shinanju Kick

Grade: E


While Dee and Brasil junior are interesting guys, you get the sense the match wasn’t so much of a hit for three reasons

• The biggest reason was probably that the Crowd didn’t know either man, and weren’t really cheering too much because of that. That kinda made match weird to view on DVD.

• The match flew by in the blink of an eye; no time to really tell a story

• Neither man sold any of the moves; they were so busy having a lighting fast match they never appeared to take any real damage until the finish


The screen fades out from the match and suddenly hardcore gangsta style hip hop music begins playing quietly in the background. The screen goes black and white and a decaying urban landscape shows up. Shots of broken down buildings, burnt out cars and groups of young men in plain white shirts and black hoodies standing on corners are shown.


The shot pans to Sayeed Allah standing infront of the camera while a young teenager is seen over his shoulder tagging up a wall.


Sayeed Allah: Welcome to Killadephia, home to the most rotten, no good, crafty dirty muthaf***ers you could ever hope to encounter in your pathetic lil’ lives. These are sum of the most violent people ever to walk the face of the earth...F**k B-More, F**k Detroit, F**K NU YAWK...dis right ‘ere is the world capital for bad bastards


...I’m their God. G.O.D.


I am Allah, I am the most unmerciful and most unkind. I am lord and king and ruler and dictator and Caesar of this f**king ****hole.


You ever cross me? Son I’ll end your f**king life. I’ll put ya a grave so deep they’ll never find the remains. I’ll leave no trace of you on this whole damn Earth, your family won’t got NUFFIN to weep over cuz of me.


See me? I’m power! It all flow through me!


And I’m coming, I’m coming for BUSHIDO.


They ignorant...they think they can put out the call to someone like me?


Sayeed Allah spits on the ground in disgust. The kid in the background continues to work his spray cans with skill, a large logo like piece of graffiti beginning to emerge.


You think you just call out ALLAH? You think you can pit GOD against F**KING MORTALS?

BUSHIDO! I’m coming, and I’m snapping the heads offa all who stand in my path


I’m Sayeed Allah! Who rose outta Killadephia! I’m the Street Fightin GOD, AIN’T NO MORTAL BE ABLE TO STAND IN MY WAY AND LIVE TA TALK ABOUT IT!






Haha ...hahahah....hahahahha! Ah man, you dumb mother**kers don’t even know what you’ve started...haha, I’ll see you there BUSHIDO


And soon I’ll be God there too




Sayeed Allah walks out of the shot with an evil smile on his face. As he does so, he reveals the full extent of the tag the teenager is spraying up: SAYEED ALLAH in an amazing colourful graffiti style.


Sayeed Allah music video promo

Grade: C- [rated on Menace]



The DVD returns to (taped) live action at the Babylon Club, Brooklyn where Afro Tiger is making his entrance. Afro Tiger seems more than crowd friendly, slapping hands everyone in the front row and bouncing around to his upbeat theme music. When he enters he pops the crowd by doing a few B-boy moves. This is instantly contrasted by the entrance of Sayeed Allah, who is Afro’s popular opposite. Sayeed Allah makes his way out to the ring to hardcore gangsta rap, a mean ass look on his face but with a c0cky to him at the same time. The NYC crowd are pretty hostile to the Philadelphia native, who soaks in their jeers.


When Sayeed stands in the ring the contrast is really, really made clear: Afro Tiger is a 190lb cruiserweight and wearing a smile, an entrance robe, a mask and goddamn Afro. Sayeed is a muscular 260lbs (in fact he wouldn’t look out of place standing beside a SWF or TCW heavyweight; not quite as tall as the likes of Remo but he’s got the build that’s for sure) and is wearing a black Notorious BIG t-shirt, dark blue wrestling pants, and gang tattoos. He looks like he just got out of lock up.


You already know in your heart this is going to be a massacre.


Afro Tiger bounces around on his toes, avoiding Sayeed for a bit, but when Sayeed eventually does catch him he tosses him like a ragdoll into the corner and being just pummelling the guy. Shots upstairs to the face and shots to the gut are followed by stomps that batter Afro Tiger into the turnbuckle pads.


Dragging Tiger around by the Afro, Sayeed beats the babyface like he owes him money. Sayeed uses pretty varied range of strikes, going from knees to the cut to forearm smashes to elbow to the back of the head. In fact there’s a pretty strong puroresu influence here, definitely shades of Kunomasu from back in early 00s DAVE.


Showing some fight, Afro Tiger manages to duck a clothesline by rolling under it and catches Sayeed with a Power Roll (O’Conner Roll) for a 2 count. Unfortunately the idea of mere mortal as low as Afro Tiger seems to just **** Sayeed off, who gets back on Tiger with even more vicious strikers, including one particularly nasty facewash that almost takes the mask right off Afro’s face.


Still, Afro hangs in there, kicking out at 2 even when his leg is hooked. Sayeed shouts to the crowd “DIS ALL YOU GOT? HUH?” before whipping Afro off the ropes. Much to the crowd’s surprise on the rebound Afro is able smack Sayeed with the Smash Hit (Leg Lariat), the first real bit of offence all match. Fighting through the pain, Afro manages to keep Sayeed down with a swift DDT as tried to get back to his feet.


Gathering what strength is left in him, Afro stands on the apron as Remus informs you that Afro must be going for his Funky Nassau (Springboard Tornado DDT) finisher. Sure enough, Afro hops to the top rope and springs towards Sayeed. Bad mistake however, as he’s plunked like a football out of the air by Sayeed, who proceeds to powerslams him so hard the ring shakes.


With an angry damn look on his face Sayeed demands Afro gets to his feet, who after much struggling does. And with that Sayeed delievers a brutal Fist of an angry God, his spinning backfist finisher.


Afro crumbles to the mat in heap.


The Referee could have counted to a 1000.


Sayeed Allah defeated Afro Tiger in 6:02 by pinfall after a Fist of an angry God

Grade: E


The feed fades into Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Cameron Vessey standing in front of a BUSHIDO PRO banner backstage. Remmington Remus is standing by with a microphone.


Remus: Hello BUSHIDO PRO fans, Remmington Remus standing here backstage with two young men looking to make a major impact tonight, I’m talking about the Students of the Game Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Cameron Vessey. Guys, what are you looking to achieve here tonight?


Vessey: Well Remmy, I for one know what I’m doing here: Two months ago I was contacted by this organisation and they told me they were putting together a promotion that would gather some of the most talented fighters from around the world and bring them right here to NYC to compete, and they wanted me in. I’ll be honest, at first I was sceptical, I wasn’t sure they could deliver...but then the names just keep rolling in. So I grabbed my good friend ‘Dozer here and I got my ass down here. Fans, you might not be aware of all the men who’ve come for this tournament, but let me tell you I’ve seen the tapes, and they’re all as good as any I’ve seen around. Tonight, tonight we’ve got something special going down...and I’m here to put myself to the test against.


Remus: how about you big man? Bulldozer is it the same for you here tonight?


Smith: No doubt no doubt no doubt. You know sometimes to get the best fights you gotta go the belly of the beast, and heck, we’re in it! NYC, New York City...if there was anywhere where you could gather the best, it’s somewhere like here. Remmy, once upon I’m dreamed of being the best in my sport, and that sport was football. I was on my way to doing just that, but sadly a leg injury took that away from me. But it didn’t take my drive. I went out and found a sport I could perform at the highest level at...and that sport was wrestling. Tonight Remmy, I’m taking the first steps to reclaiming my dream and that’s to be on top of my sport!


Remus: Gentlemen, thank you for your time tonight, I wish you look in both your matches


Cameron Vessey and Bulldozer Brandon Smith, the Students of the Game, are interviewed by Remmington Remus backstage

Grade: E+




Cameron Vessey is not a small man; the ring announcer bills him in at 225lbs, and by the looks of it that’s a fairly lean 225. Canadian Grizzly though is something else; 6’6 and 290lbs. It’s no wonder why they call him “Grizzly”, this guy really does look a cross between a Viking and a bear. In fact that’s probably his father and mother respectively.


Still, Vessey doesn’t look intimated and shows no signs of backing down. On Commentary Remus ponders how on Earth Vessey will be keep the big man down, as his main signature moves such as the Vessey Driver and the weight of Tradition require him to lift his opponents. Indeed Remus also wonders if Vessey would be able to properly hit his Bloodline Lariat on a person as tall as Grizzly.


Vessey attempts to lock up with Grizzly a few times, but the big man won’t have any of it, pushing Vessey away each time. Trying a different tack, Vessey attempts to grab a hold, but again he’s brushed away by Grizzly, who uses his power to keep Vessey at bay.


Grizzly folds his arm and laughs at Vessey’s predicament. This evidently does not please Vessey, who must have silently said to himself “Well to hell with the actual wrestling” because suddenly he bursts out with a flurry of kicks to Grizzly’s sides. This catches Grizzly’s attention, who is forced into the corner. From then on Cameron seems to have somewhat of an advantage; while Grizzly is never on the backfoot as such, keeping Vessey from real damage by swiping at him with his massive paw like hands, Cameron is able to pepper him with a barrage of blows. It’s not so much quality as quantity. Corner punches, dropkicks, shoulder tackles, you name it; Vessey throws whatever he can at Grizzly to press the advantage.

Despite not being able to take him off his feet, it does seem like Vessey is making progress. That is, of course, until Grizzly simply grabs Vessey and chucks him so hard into the corner he hits the ring post. While not busted open, Vessey is obviously rocked by the collision and Remus worries on commentary that he may have suffered a conclusion.


Grizzly sees his moment and goes on the rampage, delivering blow after blow that sends Vessey sprawling all over the ring. This goes on for some time, and is capped off by nasty Military press that leaves Vessey a heap on the mat.


However, when Grizzly goes for the pin, Vessey kicks out (suspected concussion and all). Remus talks about Vessey showing the heart of a real fighter in a manner that’s a bit over the top, but that’s his inexperience you guess. Grizzly keeps up with his attacks, but still even after a Big Boot that connects decently enough with Vessey’s head he still kicks out.


At this point Remus begins to talk about Vessey showing the heart of warrior in a bit of an over the top manner, but chalk that up to inexperience you guess. Showing the visible signs of frustration, Grizzly picks up Vessey and places him upon the top turnbuckle, lining him up for what surely will be the finishing blow.


However as Grizzly awkwardly positions himself on the second rope, a groggy Vessey begins to show life again, and starts fighting back. On Vessey’s third elbow to Grizzly’s skull, he gets a mild reaction. On the seventh elbow he gets a “hell yes! Give him hell!” response. However the crowd doesn’t quite peak until around about the
sixteenth vicious elbow
driven into Grizzly’s head, at which point they become unglue by the viciousness and fighting spirit shown by Vessey.


Grizzly stumbles back away from Vessey like a drunken sailor whose legs might go from under him any second. Gathering what strength he has left, Vessey leaps from the top rope and delivers a flying forearm smash. To the cheers of the crowd Grizzly drops to his knees, the most vulnerable he’s been all match.


A groggy eyed Cameron Vessey looks out into the crowd and holds up his arm, signalling what’s next. Running off the ropes with all the force he can muster, Vessey blasts Canadian Grizzly right in the head with his Bloodline Lariat.


Vessey is horrified when he only gets a 2 count.


Perhaps too exhausting to keep on the attack, Vessey lets Grizzly get back to his feet. Dragging himself to his feet, Cameron Vessey rises to meet him...


...only to step into a devastating chokeslam.


In a flash it’s over.


Canadian Grizzly defeated Cameron Vessey in 9:35 by pinfall after a Chokeslam

Grade: E+



The last time Garrett Prince (then Brady Prince) was doing anything interesting he was 30lbs lighter, had long flowing blonde hair and was in SCCW, a southern indie back in the early 00s. Somehow he’s become infinitely cooler in the meantime.


Prince, steeped in the Southern style of wrestling, takes his time locking up with Smith, instead choosing to jaw jack with the fans a bit. They finally engage when Smith decides he’s not going to just stand around while his opponent acts like a jackass.


From there the two quickly get flowing; both men seem to have an affinity for chain wrestling and quickly getting into contest over who can keep the other tangled up in a nice tight hold which results in numerous counters and go behinds. Slightly predictably it all ends in a VINTAGE indie standoff.


Prince doesn’t seem to take kindly to anyone going hold for hold with him, and gets all up in Smith’s face about. Smith didn’t seem to really want to listen though, as he boots Prince in the gut and gives him a fallaway slam for his troubles.


Prince tries to adapt by throwing a few right hands at Smith, but his attempt at Irish whipping the heavier man results in him ending two Stinger Splashes in the corner.


Prince must have figured this match was following a dangerous trend, because next he violently seized the advantage by jabbing his thumb into Dozer’s right eye. Leave it to the Southern style wrestler to earn the distinction of being the first one to out rightly cheat on the show.


With vision now sudden impaired Smith suddenly becomes an open target for Prince, who follows up by battering Smith over the head the best he can with his fist as well as giving him a solid boot for good measure.


For the next few minutes Prince remains in control, mainly focusing on Bulldozer’s neck, which Remus speculates is to soften Smith up for Prince’s Murderland Crossface submission. Comfortable in his environment, the veteran Prince has no problem testing the referee’s ten count by taking Smith to the outside and whipping him into the barricade numerous times. Smith does what he can to keep in the contest, throwing wild punches in Prince’s direction, but only some connect, and none do enough damage to give Bulldozer the chance to seize back control of the match.


Prince doesn’t seem to make a mistake until towards the end of the match, when he puts Smith in an Armbar. Although putting Smith’s left arm in a painful submission, Prince leaves BBS’s right free, and when Bulldozer manages to rise to his feet while still in the hold, he unloads with force into the vicinity of Prince’s face.


Now reeling, Prince finds himself getting caught by shoulder tackle after shoulder tackle the former Football standout. Smith gives Prince a swift kick to the gut followed by a butterfly suplex, but can only get the 2 count from the Baltimore native.


Sensing the end, Smith attempts to land the Backdrop Driver on Prince. However, Prince slips out the back door and nails Smith with a reverse DDT. Prince, also sensing the match is racing towards its conclusion, traps Smith’s left arm with his legs and goes to work on his neck with the crossface.


Prince holds the submission nice and deep, and the crowd fears Smith might tap out. Smith though shows great instincts though when he manages to roll Prince onto his back while still in the hold, pinning his shoulders and forcing Prince to break the hold.


Desperate to maintain control of the match, Prince whips Smith off the ropes. It’s a move he’ll live to regret as Bulldozer delivers a massive Bo Jackson that almost rips Prince in half.


Brandon Smith defeated Garrett Prince in 11:10 by pinfall following the Bo Jackson

Grade: D-


The DVD cuts to another pre-taped segment.



Set to hip hop but without narration or dialogue, the video shows a day in the life of Kirk Jameson. Starting at 7:00, Jameson is shown getting out of bed, grabbing a protein laden breakfast, before catching a train and then later a bus. At 9:30 arrives a gym; on on-screen graphic onscreen reads “Finnegan’s of South Boston”.


James greets the camp leader, and joins a class of maybe 8 others. Jameson and the class are put through a vigorous warm up that includes planking, press ups, and hindu squats.

Next, Jameson is shown sparring with numerous people attendance, all shapes and sizes, taking them down in a number of innovative ways and then putting them in a wide variety of submission holds.

The Trainer seems to think Jameson is doing a little too well, because he gives the rest of head start on Jameson by being their sparring by allowing them to begin with Jameson already in a hold. This forces Jameson to have to find the escapes to countless holds.

The session lasts until 2pm and then Jameson makes the hour and a half journey back home. After preparing and scoffing down a dinner that could feed two men, Jameson heads to an upscale gym and spends 5pm to 7pm hitting the weights. When gets some at half 7, he spends the rest of his evening watching old wrestling videos, old Championship Wrestling from Boston which had a history of having some of the best technical wrestlers around as well as brawlers back in the day.


The video fades to black, but before it ends
comes up in orange text.


Kirk Jameson music video

Grade: E+




The DVD cuts again to the backstage area, where Mean Machine is sitting on an actual Steel throne. With his legs crossed and one hand pressed to his head, he looks quite comfortable with himself.


Mean Machine: For years I have searched for an organisation that cares not for glitz and glamour, a place that has not been corrupted by the bright lights, somewhere not pretty to behold, but brutal to see. BUSHIDO PRO...finally you have emerged from the darkness. I see it your eyes, here in the underbelly of New York, you are what I have been waiting for.


You’re ugly, gritty...dirty. You speak of your noble goals, your ideals, the code of honour you hope to instil in these men...hahahah; no, what you are is a back alley cock fight. I foresee a place that will be the home of true competition, but not as you envision it. Looking at those who’ve gathered already I can see a congregation of thugs in the search for money...and that’s exactly what I want.


You see, no man fights harder than those who’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain. These men will stop at nothing in their search for victory.


I have craved such an environment my entire life. I’ve decided now


I shall be the King of BUSHIDO PRO.


BUSHIDO PRO will be MY domain, my realm.


And I know, I know...to those watching this who would seek to deny me this position...hahah, I’m afraid you are in no place to stop me.


You are crude, basic, unsophisticated fighters, and you should recognize your betters. I am the elite, a well oiled machine and I stop at nothing. Ever.


There are no flaws in my wrestling style, no hesitation in my mind and no mercy in my heart. When you step into that ring with me you have entered into a system that cannot and will not allow you to succeed.


Bow before your master BUSHIDO PRO, for I, Mean Machine, have arrived.


Mean Machine backstage promo

Grade: D-




Jameson comes first, and interacts with the fans a bit. Mean Machine comes out and seems to shimmer with a bad attitude. There’s a good reason people make the connection between him and the legendary Mean Mark Green from the 70s and 80s.


After the bell rings Jameson tries to tie Mean Machine up with some wrists locks out of the lock up, but without even blinking an eye Mean Machine fights out of them with stiff forearms to Jameson’s face. Machine whips Jameson into the corner and charges him, but Jameson rolls around and puts Machine in a hammerlock. Mean Machine using his legs climbs to the second rope and pushes off, forcing Jameson onto the mat and into a brief pin. Jameson rolls and manages to get back on top of Machine, but Machine finds a base and gets to his feet, and rocks Jameson with some over the shoulder elbows. Escaping the hold, Machine runs the ropes only to get hip tossed and put right back into a hold.


Its sequences like this that make up the first 5 minutes of the match: Mean Machine roughhousing Jameson, but Jameson managing to keep Machine locked down with holds. Remus speculates that Mean Machine might be aware of Jameson’s reputation as a wrestling purist and might be attempting to get him on the backfoot(unsuccessfully) by taking a more brawl based approached.


Machine seems to be out rightly getting beat until during an Jameson Armbar, Mean Machine manages to force Jameson up onto the top turnbuckle. Jameson gets to fight Machine off, but Machine delivers an almightily haymaker that knocks Jameson onto the apron. Machine goes to get Jameson, but Jameson tackles Machine’s gut through the middle rope. Quickly grabbing Machine, Jameson attempts to suplex Machine all the way to the outside, which has the crowd on the edge of their seats. However, Machine manages to land a knee to Jameson’s gut and follows up with a deadly clothesline that knocks both men to the floor(Cactus Clothesline).


Machine manages to recover first, and grabbing Jameson by the hair throws him over the guardrail and into the crowd, much to their delight. Making full use of BUSHIDO PRO’s Japanese style 20 count, Machine knocks Jameson around a bit before putting an exclamation point of it by using a Russian legsweep to smack Jameson’s head into the guardrail.


Keeping the pressure on, Machine continues his onslaught by giving Jameson a brutal looking snap suplex into the ring’s edge which had many in the crowd marking out, as it’s not the kind of thing you see on televised American wrestling. Quickly rolling Jameson into the ring, Mean gets a deep 2 count.


From there Machine really goes to work, dominating Jameson. Clearly on a mission prove Jameson’s early lead was a fluke, Mean Machine being pricking The Marksman apart. While Jameson tries to keep in the fight, Machine breaks Jameson down with a number of moves including swinging neckbreaker on a rope hung Jameson and Death Valley driver that looked like it had Jameson finished, as well as choking out Jameson multiple times using the ropes.


Jameson looked to be on his last legs as he crawled under the bottom rope to escape to the apron. As Machine goes to kick Jameson however, Jameson manages to catch it and deliver a dragon screw out of nowhere that had Machine clutching his leg. Seeing his opportunity, Jameson leapt into action and chased the leg for all it’s worth, kicking it and putting in holds even Remus was at a loss to call.


Machine attempts to stop the Jameson assault with a German suplex, but Jameson puts the breaks on and nails a Jawbreaker on Machine. Going in for the kill, Jameson locks Machine in his signature Boston Crab submission. Machine wiggles in pain and has to claw all the way over to the ropes to escape it.


Exhausted, it takes Jameson a while to rise, which costs him big time as Machine pops out of nowhere to deliver an Accelerator Suplex that has Jameson crumbled up in a ball.


Machine jumps on Jameson, but someone Jameson manages to kick out at 2.999 to the cheers of the crowd. However not even letting a moment pass, Machine locks Jameson in the Caught in the Gears cloverleaf submission, which preys upon the lower back of Jameson which took a battering early on.


Ultimately it’s all too much for Jameson


Mean Machine defeated Kirk Jameson in 16:24 by pinfall with Caught in the gears

Grade: D


A triumphant Mean Machine holds the submission long after bell rings and narrow avoids a Disqualification. One fist raised in the air, he emerges victorious.


Overall Show Grade: D


I wrote way too F'N much for this show

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Prediction Contest


Jaysin 5/6

Jingo 5/6

TigerKinney 5/6

Apupunchau 5/6

Tiberious4 5/6

Boltinho 4/6

Midnightnick 4/6

Occasional Z 4/6

Hashasheen 4/6

Regis 4/6

Jack Hood 4/6

1PWfan 3/6



No one managed to get every prediction right, with Canadian Grizzly giving most predictors a shock by going over well touted Cameron Vessey. Called me old fashioned, but there doesn't seem like much point to hiring someone his size and having him lose first match out, even if it is a tournament for our top title.

Brasil Junior versus Frankie Dee also undid a few people; with both men having zero pop in the US and both being potentially very good wrestler some people didn't know what way to turn. In the end the Martial Arts warrior edged out the Lucha BJJ thug.


I'm actually happy about this, since I felt a number of matches on the card were a bit straight forward


Thanks for all the support so far gentlemen. Card for
Unlock the World: Stage II
will be up soonish, and hopefully I learn to write more summary based style of match. Damn me for using my imagination too much.


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  • 3 weeks later...



I've been informed via PM that I'm in the running for not one, but two DOTM awards for this already. On the basis of one show.




Time to stop being lazy and book some more shows.


I've been studying TigerKinney's way of writing matches, trying to see how I can cut mine down.


Having matches will a rich story to them is fun, but just takes up waaaaaaaaaaay too much time.


That's for the support so far guys and I'll try and get this thing back on track.

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That's for the support so far guys and I'll try and get this thing back on track. [/indent]


I was starting to fear this beautiful thing you've created with this project, might have been dead in the water....not so much for the fact that the next show/preview whatever weren't posted up yet, but for the lack of any sort of update at all..... for weeks!


Thought it was starting to look like one of those projects that wows you with one show and then the writer realises he has bitten off more than he can chew :p


Just nice to know this ain't dead after all :)

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<div style="background-color:#FF6600;border-style:solid;border-width:7px";">


Unlock the World: Stage 2

February 13th 2010; taped live @ The Babylon Club, Brooklyn in front of 91 people


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA


The winner of the tournament will be decided in a three way match and will be crowned BUSHIDO PRO champion





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BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA

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BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee

C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)

The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA

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BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee

-Grizz is probably more over, plus he's the big man. He only staggers back off a Shinanju Kick and then hits the Chokeslam on a stunned Frankie for the win.


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)

-Can't wait to see some Mimic, I hope he's on the mic. This one could go either way overness-wise, but I like C.U.L.T. much more.


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince

-Jameson rocks.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith

-Dozer is awesome, he's gonna Bo Jackson Sayeed out of his shoes.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA

-User character doesn't get the strap.

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BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match


Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee

More over


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)

Can't see beyond C.U.L.T.


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince

Jameson is the future


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith

He might not be around for ever, but he's a hell of a worker


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA

Like the character and he's a solid guy to build around

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Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee - I like Dee, but I have a feeling he's going to get squashed like a bug here.


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva) - You CAN'T job a team with a name that awesome!


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince - Jameson is near Godlike.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Smith vs Grizzly should be a hell of a confrontation in the final.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA - And while the big men square off in the final, Mean Machine will sneakily let them fight and then take the gold.

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BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee

Interference takes Grizzly out of the picture - having Titan in the Main Event would be a joke.


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)

I'm voting for exciting high-flying faces over... them.


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince

Looks like a Jobber to me.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Sayeed deserves this, damn it! Also, isn't his name 'Sayeed Allah' in this promotion?


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA

User character puts over strong talent.


'White Angel' Frankie Dee vs 'Street Fighting God' Sayeed Allah vs Mean Machine

Because he's, y'know, the living embodiment of BUSHIDO PRO's heel side. And he's awesome.

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BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA

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yay! more B-Pro


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA

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BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee


I just can't back Titan


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)


At this stage, this could go either way, I'll go with the team I think I prefer and that's the Brazilians.


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince


Prince has more experience, but Jameson's the bigger talent and Prince is never likely to amount to anything bigger than a midcarder at best.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith


If the final wasn't a three way, I would have considered BBS causing a slight upset (with the way Sayeed has been built so far) and making the final, especially as I think the final semi is more cut and dried than this one, but we already have an underdog in the face (Dee) in the final (going on my predictions thus far.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA


KZA has the potential to establish himself as a bonafide main eventer eventually, but in these early stages it's best to go with the man who is already established as one at this level.

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Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee

Grizzly gets an early push before slowing down.


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)

Team BSAS just sounds and looks so much more awesome. Also, I've been imagining Primal Rage as an evil version of Jim Force recently, so I'm imagining communication issues with Mimic.


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince

Prince is finally interesting, and nothing Jameson can do at this point in time will matter. Also, any chance you could put up that Prince render in a typical c-verse format?


"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Fun fact. Sayeed means Mister in Arabic. Mister Ali.


Mean Machine vs KZA

Mean Machine is C-verse's Doctor Doom. 'Nuff said.


Canadian Grizzly versus Sayeed Ali versus Mean Machine

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Show will hopefully be up in a few hours so get those predictions in.


Also, isn't his name 'Sayeed Allah' in this promotion?


Yes it is; I derped on the card preview. Sayeed Ali is offically Sayeed Allah in BUSIDO PRO



Also, any chance you could put up that Prince render in a typical c-verse format?



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Guest codey

BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee

You want to push the monster, and Titan actually IS better than Frankie, unlike the Vessey match where he was weaker

C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)

Rage has much more tri-state pop than either of his opponents, and I want to see Mimic get a push in the future


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince

I can't in vote against Kirk. Not against Prince, at least.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Ali vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith

But I can definitely see this becoming a big rivalrly going forward. Sayeed and Slim V against Smith and Vessey? Yes, please!


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA

Mean Machine is your star, and should be treated as such. He takes the whole tournament.

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BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Canadian Grizzly vs White Angel Frankie Dee


You beat Vessey, you beat Dee. Every promotion needs a big burly guy whose main selling point is that he's a big burly guy.


C.U.L.T. (Primal Rage and Mimic) vs Brazilian Submission All-Stars (Capitao Brasil Jr. And Mario da Silva)


This is a close one -- neither is that compelling now, both could be very compelling in principle. Rage should be a little more over than the rest of them at the moment, though, right?


The Marksman Kirk Jameson vs Garrett Prince


I've always found Jameson rather overrated... but as a guy who has played a few "return of SCCW" games on modern TEW, I know Prince is not the deal for any reason.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

"Street Fighting God" Sayeed Allah vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith


I'm basically thinking of this as "wrestling promotion as Wu-Tang Clan album", and Sayeed fits into that better. They're both strong workers, of course.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match

Mean Machine vs KZA


I don't think you push your user character this far, not against MF Cattley.

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Unlock the World: Stage 2

February 13th 2010; Taped live @ The Babylon Club, Brookyln in front of 91 people



The DVD starts and pretty much jumps start to an orange and black main menu screen. Hip-hop plays over various clips of the show that you’re about to see. You select “Play All”.


BUSHIDO PRO Championship tournament Semi-Final Match


This match is a world away from Frankie Dee’s match on the last DVD where he faced Captiao Brasil Junior in a blistering fast match. This time out he’s facing someone literally someone almost twice as big. Still, Dee doesn’t look intimated and in fact rushed Grizzly the second the bell rang looking to seize the advantage.


Dee is like a pitbull at work; he assaults Grizzly’s legs with all the force he can muster. Grizzly is actually sent ducking for cover, trying to find refuge in the corner. Dee doesn’t let up though, rocking the big man with a running forearm.


The match continues on the lines of Dee chasing down Grizzly’s legs until Grizzly simply manhandles Dee, launching him into the turnbuckle with an almighty toss and delivering some cringe worthy chops to Dee’s chest.


Things get fairly brutal from there as Grizzly begins dismantling Dee as quickly as he can. Powerslams, suplexes and sideslams are all thrown Dee’s way but someone how the White Angel manages to hold on and not get pinned.


Towards the end of the match Dee manages to rally somewhat, ducking a running clothesline from Grizzly and catching him with a Shinanju Kick (Springboard kick) that managed to knock the giant down. However a 2 count is all Dee could capture. Trying to put away Grizzly while he still had a chance Dee attempted to lock in the Dragon Sleeper, but struggled with a frame as big as his opponent’s. That struggle cost Dee dearly as Grizzly managed to escape and send Dee sprawling with a Chokeslam.


Canadian Grizzly defeated Frankie Dee in 9:35 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

Grade: E+



The DVD hops to a backstage scene. A handheld camera peeks through a gap in an almost closed door to see a conversion between Primal Rage and Mimic. Mimic is pacing around the door while Rage sits on a chair hunched over.


: Knocked out in the first round... Knocked out in the first round... Knocked out in the first round... Knocked out in the first round...


Are you just going to accept that?


Knocked out in the first round...to one of “them”, a code of honour flag waving brainwashed moron!


Knocked out in the first round...You’re better than that, you’re better than all of them!


Knocked out in the first round...Tonight we’re going to avenge that! Anyone who crosses our path is getting wiped out! We’ll make them see...We’ll make them fear!


As Mimic has been talking Primal Rage has been becoming more and more animated. Suddenly he springs out his seat and starts yelling and pounding his head.


Primal rage:
Let’s do this!


Angle: Mimic psyching up Primal Rage for their upcoming match.

Grade: D






Both coming back from first round loses, both Rage and Cap Junior are returning with tag partners to BUSHIDO to establish their place in the pecking order.


As each team makes their entrance, Remus puts over da Silva as a keen Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu student and Mimic as Rage’s high flying ideological partner in crime.


The All-Stars came out of the blocks pretty well with using their speed and technical know-how to fly around Primal Rage. The Rage-o-meter, which had been clocking fairly high even before the match, was hitting fairly high up when both Junior and da Silva almost managed to nab a quick victory with some nice looking pins.


Mimic didn’t take too kindly to this and after getting tagged in took to rough housing both All Stars as much as he could, peppering his attacks with such rule bending moves as hair pulling, eye-gouging and even in one particularly devilish moment fish-hooking (using your finger like a hook to pull and tear at the mouth of your opponent. Extremely illegal in wrestling and MMA) da Silva’s mouth. There’s some noticeably awkward moments between Mimic and Capitao Junior on a few spots, which you imagine to be language related.


Now with the upper hand CULT almost won with a number of times, with Mimic nailing da Silva with a nifty DDT and Rage sending Cap Junior reeling with a particular spectacular Alarm Clock (Military press dropped into a lifting kick to the opponent's chest). With Cap Junior being so fast and light, he went absolutely flying into the air when Rage threw him up in a moment that’s been included in a number of BUSHIDO PRO video tributes that you’ve seen on youtube.


The All-stars almost pulled back when da Silva locked Mimic in a Kimura, but Rage when into beast mode, broke that up, got the tag and decide to kick out the jambs of the match. Smashing both All-Stars with clotheslines, Rage KO’d da Silva by suplexing him into the turnbuckle. The end came when Rage and Mimic put Cap Junior away with a Lungblower/Powerbomb combo Remus called “the Judgement”.


CULT defeated Brazilian Submission All-Stars in 8:17 when Primal Rage defeated Capitão Brasil Jr by pinfall after a Lungblower/Powerbomb combination called “The Judgement”

Grade: E+



Remmington Remus is standing by with Garrett Prince backstage, in front of a large orange banner with the BUSHIDO PRO logo.


Remus: Garrett Prince, in a few minutes you’ll be locking up with Kirk Jameson, what are your thoughts going into it?


Prince: My thoughts? My thoughts are that Jameson doesn’t what the **** he just got himself in for. There’s been talk of this wonder kid outta boston that thinks he’s the **** cuz he knows himself a few holds; Remus i bet you money know that ****stain doesn’t know a damn thing about getting his **** rocked. I’m from Bodymore; I gotta throw hands every damn day of my life so this ain’t going to be no thing for me. I already know looking at that kid he’s a one hitter quitter; four upside the head are going to have that boy flat on his damn back


Remus: So you’ll be looking to counter Jameson’s holds with your brawling style?


Prince: I’ll do with Jameson whatever the **** I like Remus; if I want to tie him up in knots, I’ll do that. If I want to just straight up beat his ass, I’ll do that. He’s some dumbass kid outta Boston with a few years of experience; I’m the mother****er that’s been playing this game for years. I know how to deal with pups like him. He’s a puppy Imma full grown Rottweiler.


Sorry to disappoint you fans, but this ain’t going to be no damn contest.


Watch you’ll see Remus, I’m outta here.


Prince walks off


Remus: We now go back to live action



Garrett Prince is interviewed by Remmington Remus backstage about their upcoming match with Kirk Jameson.

Grade: E




As both men back their entrances, Remus discusses how while there’s definitely a modern flair to both these men, both come from old school backgrounds with Jameson’s style harking back to the days of Championship Wrestling from Boston and Prince is well versed in the southern style that has always valued a good old fashioned ass kicking.


The early goings of the match were pretty interesting as Prince is no slouch when it comes to trading holds and the audience is treated to some very smooth back and forth wrestling holds between the two that ends in the patented INDIE STAND OFF, drawing a polite round of applause from the fans.


Things continued along those lines with Jameson having the slight edge over the more experienced Prince, until Prince managed to take Jameson to the outside of the ring. There Prince whipped Jameson into the guardrail and the steps.


With Jameson suitably battered, Prince brought him back in the ring who brought that brawling style he talked about earlier in the show, doing things such as tossing Jameson into the corner, nailing him a forearm smash and then stomping the ever loving **** out of him. Some more spots saw use of the ropes to choke Jameson and facewash being employed. Since Jameson hung in there and even managed to sneak in a few rollups in an attempt to steal the match back from Prince.


Prince was having none of it though. Following a Tiger suplex, Prince attempted to get the submission from James with a Camel Clutch. However, with the crowd rallying behind him, Jameson managed to fight his way out of it.


Prince quickly tried to send Jameson back to the mat with a well timed European uppercut. Jameson shrugged it off though and delivered one of his own right back at him. From there things got very CWB circa. 1981 mixed with puro as James and Prince began a European Uppercut battle, each man attempting to plant their fist through the other’s jaw and into his brain.


Despite having been on the end of ass whipping for the last few minutes, Jameson shows some grit and manages to best Prince in the exchange, putting him on the back foot. Sensing his opportunity Jameson kicks up the pace and puts him in his place with some well timed clotheslines before grabbing a waist lock and sending Prince flying with a german suplex. Holding on for a bridge, Prince narrowly avoids a 3 count.


Prince gives Jameson a knee to the gut and attempts to piledrive him, but Jameson counters Prince’s attempt to pull him up for it into a neckbreaker. Again Jameson makes the cover but Prince refuses to let the youngster get away with it.


With a flash of his hand Prince gives Jameson a punch to the throat and tries to bring him in for the Murderland Crossface (Armtrap Crossface) however Jameson manages to roll through and before Prince can even think what do Jameson grabs Prince’s legs and gets him in the Sharpshooter!


Prince wiggles and struggles desperately but Jameson locks the hold in as tight as you’ve ever seen another do it and eventually the grim faced veteran is forced to tap out


Kirk Jameson defeated Garrett Prince in 12:25 by submission with a Sharpshooter.

Grade: D-



This match is something the indies really don’t do alot, if at all: a bona fided heavyweight match up. Bulldozer Brandon Smith is in the 270 pounds region which his college football frame and Sayeed Allah is 260 pounds of “I’ve done mother****ing time” muscle.


Even before the match starts the air of tension between the two; it’s like putting two male gorillas anyway near each other; eventually they’re going to beat the **** out of each other to establish who the dominate one is.


The match some extended lockups as neither man could really bung the other with brute force. This seemed to **** Allah off, with Remus telling the audience that Allah is used to be the biggest man in the room. Allah talks **** to Smith, who doesn’t seem to get too riled, with Remus telling us he’s used to hearing trash on the grid iron.


Sayeed seems to decide that Smith needs a good mugging, and jumps on him with a flurry of blows. Smith keeps his guard up though and is able to fire some shots right on back. For the next few minutes the action is very much close quarters stuff, with Sayeed throwing fists the best way he knows how, with Smith managing to keep Sayeed off balance using his knowledge of the centre of gravity.


Smith makes a mistake one tackle though, driving too hard and sending both out to the floor with a rather nasty spill (It’s somewhat of a botch; the inexperienced Smith lands rather shapely on his neck in a way that’s enough to make you winch) . From there Sayeed manages to nab control, grabbing the dazed Smith by the head and ramming him repeatedly into the ring post, as well as giving him some puroresu style kicks to the head.


Sayeed keeps the pressure up big time, breaking the ref counts and returning to Smith to deliver a wonky Butterfly suplex to Smith. At this stage you begin to suspect that Smith might be legit some dazed from his fall to the outside and Sayeed is holding things together somewhat. Your suspects are raised when Sayeed stalls somewhat by talking trash at the fans.


However, when Sayeed comes back to Dozer again he seems to have gotten himself together as he rams Sayeed into the apron and rolls him back into the ring. Showing some determination, Dozer keeps on his men and drops Sayeed with a decent belly to belly suplex for a two count.


Signalling to the crowd and then getting ready in the corner, Bulldozer gets ready to nail Sayeed with the Bo Jackson (Football Sack). However as Smith rushes him Sayeed (somehow) manages to catch him with a flapjack that brings home a solid 2.7 count.


Hauling Smith to his feet, Sayeed makes a signal to the crowd himself, telling them it’s all over now. Sayeed goes to hit Fist of an Angry God (Spinning Backfist) but Bulldozer ducks down, and with Sayeed’s back turned to him he grabs the self proclaimed Street Fighting God and drills him with a brutal looking Backdrop Driver.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Sayeed Allah in 13:21 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. E+


To be honest for two heavyweights that are as interesting as BBS and Sayeed this was a letdown of match. It just feels like they’re capable of much more than this.


Brandon Smith celebrates his victory for a while Sayeed continues to lay motionless on the mat. The referee stays with Sayeed to make sure he’s okay.


After Smith leaves Sayeed slowly raises from the dead, and when he realises what’s happened he is not happy. Sayeed is furious at the loss and starts cursing out the referee and the fans as he paces around the ring rapidly. He jumps out of the ring and yells violently at Remus at the announce desk before grabbing a steel chair and smashing it against the ring post in anger. He even threatens to toss it at the fans for a moment before throwing it down in disgust and leaving.

Following the match, Sayeed Allah throws a massive temper tantrum.

Grade: D


The scene cuts to the backstage area again, this time it’s just KZA on his own.



KZA: BUSHIDO PRO, Let me properly introduce myself, my name is KZA, and I’ve been waiting my entire life for a place like you. A place that has so much love of wrestling it approaches it with a Japanese level of respect, but at the same time isn’t afraid to let loose and get down and dirty when that bell rings. This is a place where everyone’s got a shot at making their name, a place where honour and glory can be had through skill. And what’s the most amazing of all? It’s all happening in my homeland of Brooklyn New York.

We’re only one show in and I’m already in love. This is the wrestling I’ve always wanted to see.


...So that’s why Mean Machine annoys me so. Finding BUSHIDO was like a pilgrim wandering in the desert finally finding Mecca. Hearing Mean Machine speak? It was like getting to Mecca only to find some fool announcing he’s gonna warp it. Mean Machine says he going to be king of this place and he’s going to weed out men like me who place upon ourselves a moral code, who lives within rules we shall not break. He wants thugs and thieves here, sinners not saints. He wants the most ruthless bastards he can find because he thinks that’s what makes the best fighters.


He’s about to find out how wrong he is.


Yo where I come from it’s to let them demons get you, for people to take what they think is an easy road and do things they’re going to regret. It’s easy to cast aside the things that make men great in order to get things you think you need.

It’s hard, when you’re at the bottom of the ladder to say “nah, I’m better than that” because it’s hard to feel better than anyone in places like this sometimes.


But if you can, if you can stand up and be strong and live life like you meant to, that determination makes you a better man. It made me a better fighter.


Mean Machine, tonight you’re about to find out it’s the men of honour you gotta fear and respect, not the street thugs you find on the corner.


KZA cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Mean Machine.

Grade: E+


While you haven’t actually seen any of MAW, you know from internet reports that KZA was in MAW for a few years, and might have had a match or two with Mean Machine before so you’re hoping for something fairly smooth here. KZA seems to be a firm favourite of the audience, both amongst the locals and people from further afield in search of good wresting. Being a local himself is likely a large factor in that.


As KZA and Mean Machine square up the fact that they’re rough the same height and build is fairly evident, and Remus puts that over, talking about how the slightest advantages in this match could make all the difference.


The opening part of the match is fairly fast paced and filled with counter after counter as both men reverse each other’s moves multiple times. DDTS, Dragon Suplexes and even an Accelerator Suplex (Half Nelson Suplex) are teased but are all slid out of. KZA manages to get Mean Machine off balance with a number of arm drags and even snatches a solid two count when he catches Machine with an Uranage. KZA smothered Mean Machine with some amateur style wrestling for a bit but Mean Machine managed to escape and gave KZA a straight up headbutt, which got a big reaction from the crowd.


KZA gave Machine some forearms in return and whipped him into the corner. However, while attempting to land a [steve] Flash Splash [stinger Splash] Mean Machine manages to get under KZA, grab hold of him and deliver an almighty Dead Valley Driver.


While KZA was able to kick out, he was definitely on the backfoot following that. Machine quickly began pressing his attack by working over KZA’s lower back with attacks such as trifecta of elbow drops to the base of his spine. KZA fought back to his feet, but after running the ropes got a drop toe hold into a STF for his troubles, which put him in severe trouble for a few moments.


After giving KZA more a pounding, Machine whipped KZA towards the corner. KZA leapt to the top rope in a great show of athleticism and tried to come back at Machine with a back elbow, but Machine in a rare show of speed dropkicks the base of KZA’s spine to make for a rather cool high spot that had the crowd popping.


Machine raced to get the pinfall but somehow KZA managed to get his arm up. Sensing KZA might be on the ropes, Machine attempts to lock on Caught in the Gears [cloverleaf] but KZA manages to kick him. Perhaps getting frustrated that he’s yet to put away KZA, Machine gives KZA a disrespectful slap around the face. KZA immediately peppers Machine with a flurry of strikes. When Machine ducks one, KZA absolutely powers him with an Exploder Suplex for a strong pinfall. Kicking the match pace up as fast as he can, KZA immediately grabs Machine and delivers a sweet Powerbomb. It’s almost enough, almost. Clutching his lower back, KZA pounds the match in frustration, while Machine flees to the apron to get away from KZA’s assault.


KZA goes to get him and Machine attempts to tackle him through the middle rope, but KZA spots it in him and gives Machine kick across the chest. KZA goes to suplex machine back into the ring, but wiggles his way down and drops KZA with a lovely DDT. Incredibly again it’s just another 2 count.


Machine now, getting feeling the pressure, peats KZA with blows in anger before hoisting him up and giving a solid backbreaker, once again attacking the lower back.


Machine locks in Caught in the gears and the pain is all too much for KZA who is forced to tap out.


Mean Machine defeated KZA in 15:21 by submission with Caught in the Gears

Grade: D

An exhausted Mean Machine throws his arms in the air defiantly before pointing to himself and telling the fans he WILL be their King at the end of the next show. In fact Mean Machine quickly hops out of the ring and marches up to the guardrail and yells at a number of fans as the DVD begins to end and Remus encourages the viewer to get the next show to see the first ever BUSHIDO PRO champion crowned.

Overall Show Grade: D

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Prediction Contest #2


Occasional_Z 5/5

Rayelek 5/5

smwilliams 5/5

Oregano Jensen 4/5

codey 4/5

Jaded 4/5

Tiberious4 3/5

Boltinho 3/5

Regis 2/5

Midnightnick 2/5

Hashasheen 2/5

Tigerkinney 2/5


Prediction contest Round 1 ends after the next show, and the overall winner will receive a BUSHIDO PRO t-shirt


Owww, quite a few people thrown off on a few matches. The tag team match in particular seemed to have people conflicted as the lure of the Brazilians was strong. On another match people were aghast at my big man heel winning again, even against someone with almost no pop in America. Finally the fear of BBS leaving BUSHIDO PRO at any given moment seems to have people avoiding him.


Unlock the World: Final Stage
is our next show and will see our first ever BUSHIDO PRO Champion crowned.


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