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Death Note











Genre: Mystery, Supernatural, Psychological Thriller

Studio: Madhouse, Director: Tetsuro Araki, Writer: Toshiki Inoue Source: Manga by Tsugumi Ohba

Original Run: October 2006- June 2007. Episodes: 37


Plot: A supernatural notebook 'the Death Note' is dropped down to Earth by a Shinigami (God of Death) called Ryuk and is picked up by high school 'honor student' Light Yagami. The Death Note, grants it's user the ability to kill anyone whose name and face they know by writing their name in the notebook whilst picturing the face of their victim.


Under the alias of 'Kira', Light Yagami with a strong sense of 'justice' see's this as an opportunity to cleanse the world of evil. His action's catch the attention of an enigmatic detective that works under the alias of L, and it soon becomes a came of 'cat and mouse' to see who can rid themselves of their adversary first (with L looking to expose Light as 'Kira' and Light looking to dispose of L, without exposing himself as "Kira")


Animation Quality/Art Style: There's a dark atmosphere throughout, and much of the series is set either during the night or if it is the daytime it's usually a gloomy day. Dark and gloomy was obviously the tone they were going for....so it's to Madhouse (anime studio) great credit, that everything still remains clearly defined to the viewer despite much of the story being spent at night/during a gloomy day and they didn't go overboard with the 'darkness'. All in all Madhouse did an excellent job, getting it absolutely spot on with the tone of the art style and the execution of the animation throughout the series.


Music: Some pretty awesome tunes here, all leaning towards the rock side of the coin and able to match the tone of the series pretty well. Both of the opener's are particularly good the first opener is a dramatic rock song, the second opener goes full blown metal however, complete with screaming vocals.....it's not the usual anime theme song fare but for Death Note it truly fits.


The real 'star' though is the incidental soundtrack, which just fits perfectly with this series. Every piece is absolutely spot on for each scene, and I would have to say that this is a series where the incidental music is so good, it actually enhances what you are watching.


Action: Despite this series being called Death Note, most of the deaths take off screen and most of them are through a form of a heart-attack. There is the odd occasion where things get a bit more graphic and we get the odd police shoot-out but the emphasis here is definitely more on being a psychological thriller than an action story.


Drama: Despite the dark gothic atmosphere and supernatural horror theme that the story is wrapped up in....Death Note at it's heart is a psychological thriller between the protagonist/antagonist (and because of the moral question's it asks you can easily flip round who you feel is which) trying to stay one step ahead of each other. Beyond that central dynamic you've also get a commentary on how the world would react to someone dishing out their own brand of 'justice', something that eventually does affect the protagonist's own family.


Comedy: Despite the dark tone throughout... Death Note is not devoid of humour, there is some real wit in the writing and there are some characters that do provide more ‘light relief’ than others, now these could have quite easily felt shoe-horned in to provide ‘light relief’ but for me they are never to the detriment of the story and are a natural fit (and no one is just there just to be comic relief). For me it would feel more un-natural if the series was completely devoid of any humour what so ever, especially with one that ran for a fairly lengthy 37 episodes.


Moe/Kawaii: One of the 'lighter' characters Misa Amane, fits the cutesy image on the surface, but of course this being Death Note, she has a dark side and behind the cheery ‘genki girl’ demeanour is perhaps the most tragic character of them all. So more faux-moe, rather than moe... I think I probably just inverted a new term there. :p


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): This one's not really about the fan-service at all, the closest you get to it is some of Misa's skimpier outfits...but none are really enough to be considered as 'fan-service'. In fairness this a good thing, any fan-service in this anime would have been so obviously shoe-horned into the plot.


Analysis: The cat and mouse dynamic between Light an L is incredibly engaging, especially with the fact that both of them are the cat and the mouse at the same time. You've then got the originality of the supernatural element, with the fact that whoever holds a Death Note can also see the Shinigami who dropped the Note- this sounds ridiculous on paper but somehow it works and doesn't get in the way of the core storyline-which is just really well paced and helped along by great animation and excellent soundtrack...this series just has the feel of a really classy production from start to finish and the ending, the ending itself is spectacularly good.


However saying all that when a major character meets their end two thirds of the way into the series it does feel like it's slightly out-staying it's welcome. They bring in some replacement characters but the dynamic just doesn't feel quite as good but they do pull it back round in the end for a truly satisifying conclusion. To be fair to the makers of the anime adaptation, they are only following the story set out by the original manga - who saw what a 'cash cow' their creation had become and carried the story on beyond it's original natural conclusion.


Closing Verdict: It probably does slightly out-stay it's welcome (though the excellent ending episode almost makes up for that) as the final third does feel like the story has been spun-out but there is no doubting that Death Note is an absorbing story...a gripping psychological thriller and one that asks questions of the viewer just who's sense of 'justice' you are willing to support.


Highly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Vancouver based Viz Media, picked up the dub for this one and I have to say as much as I'm impressed with the consistency of Funimation's dubs- this is one of the best dub's I have heard. Everyone really brings their 'A-Game' here with Braid Swaile (Light) and Alessandro Juliani (L) outstanding in their respective key-roles, whilst Brian Drummond is memorably 'fun' as the Shinigami Ryuk.

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If Death Note had ended as originally planned, this would be an easy 10/10. Luckily the live action movies were able to use this ending. I've been watching anime since I was a little girl and Death Note is easily one of my top five favorites.


I like the contrast in the series. There's no question who the good guy and bad guy is. But Light despite his overbearing arrogance does sincerely feel like he's making the world a better place. And L, despite his sense of justice and endearing mannerisms, can be ruthlessly manipulative. L also has one of the best intellectual badass introductions of all time.


Just outstanding.

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My Brother loves Death Note and i haven't seen any of it but from what i've heard and seen written about it, i need to.


High school of the Dead was a pleasant surprise. It's very fan service(y), but i really did like it quite a bit. Well worth watching.


The reviews are great, keep them up.

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It's been several years since I've seen Solty Rei and NHK, and some of the finer details are a little fuzzy in my brain. That said, your reviews seem pretty in tune with my recollections of the series, though I'd probably flip their overall ratings around.


As for Death Note, I really enjoyed what I saw of it, but:


However saying all that when a major character meets their end two thirds of the way into the series it does feel like it's slightly out-staying it's welcome.


That particular development sapped my interest in the rest of the series, and prevented me from finishing it (I was watching the show through Netflix, and didn't care enough to get the rest of the discs after that point.)

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If Death Note had ended as originally planned, this would be an easy 10/10. Luckily the live action movies were able to use this ending. I've been watching anime since I was a little girl and Death Note is easily one of my top five favorites.


In my opinion (well of course it's my opinion here!) Death Note still manages to pull out a really great ending even after it had been spun out for too long but as you said had it ended as originally planned, then it would have got the full ten.

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I haven't watches all that many anime shows, but you've done a good job with the reviews and I mostly agree with what you've said.


I saw Baccano when it was free on Hulu and I really enjoyed it. I suppose the shifting time thing was a little gimmicky, but I enjoyed it quite a bit and wouldn't mind watching it again.


I've watched some Cowboy Bebop back when it used to be on Adult Swim and enjoyed it, but I really should watch the series in order so the plot is more meaningful.


I have seen all of Death Note. I enjoyed it, but not quite as much as you did and I don't really have an urge to re-watch it like I have with the other two.


Are you going to be reviewing Full Metal Alchemist/Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood? I enjoyed both series (the latter more so) and would be interested in hearing your opinions if you've seen it.

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What is all the fuss about anime? I dislike the art style, and plots are surreal and weird to say at least. These reviews are good, but I have a feeling that you are showing immaturity by watching these.


Did you really need to come in to this thread and say that? If you dislike anime so much why bother even replying to the thread and also thanks for the one star vote that brings the star rating of the thread down :rolleyes:


OK you dislike the art style?- Not every anime looks the same


You also dismiss every anime as having surreal plots and being immature. Again that's another sweeping generalisation. I could give plenty of examples of anime with plots that aren't 'surreal' and aren't 'immature' but I'm sure if I did, it would fall on deaf ears. And why should I bother trying to converse with the sort of idiot who decides to troll my thread for no reason in the first place?


I'm Ok with people not agreeing with my opinion- that have watched the anime's I have reviewed and share an appreciation for the art-form, but just to come in and pretty much say 'I hate anime, and I think you're 'sad' for watching it' is pretty pathetic.


And so what if myself or so may other's enjoy these- no one's forcing them upon you.

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Death Note.




Never got it. Never will get it. Thought it was boring and presumptuous, without a real "hero" character to get behind. In my opinion the worst of the "popular" anime (at least Naruto is fun to watch for how dumb it can get).


Also to the guy that says people who watch anime are immature... on a web site that focuses on wrestling... and video games... with the username "nitrousacid" like he was a character in 1990s hit film Hackers... yeah bad troll is bad. :rolleyes:

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Death Note.




Never got it. Never will get it. Thought it was boring and presumptuous, without a real "hero" character to get behind. In my opinion the worst of the "popular" anime (at least Naruto is fun to watch for how dumb it can get).


Also to the guy that says people who watch anime are immature... on a web site that focuses on wrestling... and video games... with the username "nitrousacid" like he was a character in 1990s hit film Hackers... yeah bad troll is bad. :rolleyes:


Thanks Astil, I was going to say what you just said, when I got home from work, nice to have the support on this. And so what if I happen to like something that conventional opinion deems to be 'immature'. I really don't care and really don't need some judgemental jerkoff implying that I should.


And it's just a respect thing really. For instance, I don't like R'n'B music, but I wouldn't go to a thread called, lets say 'Favourite R&B artists' just to go on there and slate people for liking that type of music.


Also I can't actually prove nitrousacid was the one who gave me a one star vote to bring the thread rating down from 4 to 3, but it seems rather coincidental that the moment he posts his pompous opinion that should also happen.


Finally, I don't mind that Astil- finds Death Note boring (he's wrong of course :p) but we can agree to disagree on that one. As long as things don't turn into some silly flame war, I'm OK with people having different opinions to me.

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A little backstory:


I was VP of a "Japanese Culture Club" at the Uni I went to. We marathoned all of death note and the live action. I really disliked it. However I know I'm in the minority on this. T'is fine. You have your opinion I have mine. I will say this marathon Saturday was our most attended.


Unless you think Gurren Lagan is bad. Then you're wrong. :p

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Just so ya know Astil you are not alone from what I saw of death note, first 9 shows or so then bailed, I wasn't that impressed either. I already knew the concept and multiple variations on it from other shows and books and I guess that is the reason plus I didn't really like Light in either a hate or intrigued way just more annoyed ala Michael Cole. So yeah didn't do it for me at the time but might give it another shot sometime.
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It's pretty clear that Death Note, is a series that you will either really love or not really like at all- and Hyde if you didn't get into it after nine episodes, i'd very much doubt you would get into it if you tried to rewatch it. It's obvious that Light Yagami 'heel protagonist' didn't really do it for you.


Anyway it's time to get this thing back on track with an actual review.....

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Darker Than Black- Kuro no Keiyakusha








Genre: Science Fiction Noir, Action, Supernatural

Studio: Bones , Director/Writer: Tensai Okumura Source: Anime Original

Original Run: April-September 2007. Episodes: 25 (+1 OVA)


Plot: Ten years prior to the start of the story "Hell's Gate" appeared in Tokyo. This mysterious field caused the stars to disappear and extraordinary powers were awaken within humans. These superpowered humans called contract use their powers for their own ends but at the cost of a personal remuneration.


The series follows Hei a contractor, known as the Black Reaper or BK201, Yin a blind 'Doll' (emotionless medium created to mimic the form of humans), Mao a contractor trapped in a cats body and their curmudgeonly enforcer/handler Huang- who work for a mysterious syndicate intent on unlocking the secrets of Hell's Gate and eliminating any other contractors that get in their way.


Meanwhile the Public Security Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department are also in the midst of an investigation regarding the phenomenom that are Contractors, and section chief Misaki Kirihara is keen to catch one in particular BK201- The Black Reaper.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Whilst there is nothing to make you go ‘wow’ about the quality of the animation here, it’s very smooth and consistent and good use is made of lighting to set the mood throughout this ‘noir’ series. The character designs are recognisably anime like, yet grounded in some sense of reality, this definitely is not a ‘Moe/Kawaii’ show. Though not exactly the same, I found the style presented in Darker Than Black comparable to series like Durarara!! And Baccano!


Music: Darker Than Black uses the modern trend of having two opening and two ending themes for the series. The two opening theme’s are rock orientated, and I found both to pretty catchy and got you pumped up for the episode ahead.


The first opener ‘Howling’ by Abingdon Boys School, is actually one of my favourite anime theme tunes full stop, starting off with a pretty cool spoken word bit, before kicking in with an awesome riff! The closing songs, aren’t as good both are forgettable ballads....though the first one is the better and more ‘charming’ of the two. The incidental music throughout the show, was decent- though coming from Yoko Kanno I expected better- then again I’m getting the sense she’s a little bit ‘over-rated’ as a composer and perhaps somewhat living off her excellent score for Cowby Bebop.


Action: Darker Than Black, is not non stop action, but it has a decent amount of it and what is there is pretty thrilling, because you’ve got a cast of characters with X-Men like superpowers, doing battle with one another- whilst the main character Hei- though one of the ‘contractors’ does not entirely rely on his superpower and fights in a style reminiscent of Batman with a mix of martial arts skills and gadget weaponry. Overall this was a series which struck a pretty good balance between thrilling action, but not going so overboard with it that it got in the way of having a good meaty plot.


Drama: Darker Than Black is generally divided into two part story arcs, that are basically missions that the main character of Hei and the team around him take on, eventually these arcs come together to form a bigger picture. Hei and pretty much everyone else, starts of shrouded in a thick cloud of mystery and it’s hard to say what exactly their motivations are, and who you should be rooting for, but these do gradually get revealed and certainly from the second half of the series on, you get more and more invested in the main characters.


Comedy: There is comic relief in the form of Guy Kurusawa (a rubbish private detective) and his cosplaying Otaku girl assistant (Kiko), whilst they feel like they blew in from a different anime series, I actually liked the contrast they gave to the rest of the characters. There is also more subtle comedy to be found with the ‘contracts’ the contractors have to go through with- one such character who has to smoke, despite not really liking it (he also does a hilariously deadpan rant about the dangers of passive smoking in one of the episodes, there is some real wit in the writing when it comes to these situations.


All in all Darker Than Black is far from a comedy anime, but there are one or two lighter ‘arcs’ and there’s normally something per episode that will raise a smile, and that’s even without mentioning that one of the characters is a talking cat.


Moe/Kawaii: You’ve got a Rei Ayanami-expy/emotionless girl character in the form of ‘the Doll’ Yin, she only becomes even more ‘moe’ when her backstory is revealed about half way through the series. Then there is Amber, a contractor who ages backwards, every time she uses her power. Saying that, I wouldn’t really call this a Moe/Kawaii series but there are a couple of characters who can be perceived as such- should you the viewer wish them to be.


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): This series is not short of Bishoujo , but I wouldn’t say there are many cases of blatant fan-service. The only real example is with a female contractor, whose power is teleportation but she can only teleport her body, thus she teleports without her clothes on.


Analysis: The main characters and the plot are shrouded in such a thick cloud of mystery at the start, that those without the patience to stick with it could struggle to care about the characters and persevere with the complex plot.


However if you are willing to stick with it, the complex plot becomes compelling and once the layers are peeled back on not just the story but the characters, this series becomes utterly addictive. In my opinion it is better for a series to start off somewhat slow and grow on you (such as the case here), rather than promise alot at the start and then burn itself out.


Closing Verdict: Darker Than Black isn’t a perfect series, it is one you will need a little patience with to become fully invested in the plot/characters and the two-part arc format of the series, means that some arcs are considerably stronger than others (the story where we learn of Yin’s back-story is amongst some of the best anime I have seen, but admittedly not every arc is as strong as that one). But it’s worth being patient with, as I found the plot to be rather intriguing and struck a good balance between thrilling action and tense drama.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation, consistent as ever when it comes to their dubs put in another solid dub with Darker Than Black, I honestly can't really think of a point where someone put in a bad performance- everyone was at least 'solid' in their role. Standout performer is Brina Palencia as Yin- she's Funimation's go to girl for these sort of 'emotionless girl' roles but she's so good at them, that it's easy to understand why she is given them on a regular basis

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Darker than Black rated lower than Death Note.


:( I am dissapoint.


Kidding aside, I too enjoy DtB, had one of the better endings for an anime I've watched front to back. Always good to reward the viewer for sticking through (Looking at you Kenshin). That said it did drag to start.

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Darker than Black rated lower than Death Note.


:( I am dissapoint.


Kidding aside, I too enjoy DtB, had one of the better endings for an anime I've watched front to back. Always good to reward the viewer for sticking through (Looking at you Kenshin). That said it did drag to start.


Seems to me we're pretty much of the same opinion with Darker Than Black. For me it is one of those series that starts out OK and just gets better and better as it goes along. Thing is I can't quite place a point where I realised the series went from 'this is OK, but nothing special' to 'this is really good...really, really good'


That's in complete contrast to say a series like Solty Rei- which is average at best for the first half, then comes the 'turning point' episode and the second half ends up being pretty awesome.

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Darker than Black I started a couple of times before finally seeing it through and finishing. It does get better and better as it goes along and you grow attached to the characters. 'Chinese Electric Batman' Hei is awesome. And over time we get backstory on most of the main character that help to understand them. It's definitely a series that won't just tell you things, you have to pay attention to see what is going on.


The anime is not really a comedy, but there are some nice change of pace comedic touches. Guy Kurosawa and sidekick are amusing. The episode that starts with Mao explaining how contractors are calm, utterly rational beings who always make the practical choice contrasts well with how he's really acting through the monologue. Funny.:)


I'd recommend the series.

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Darker Than Black- Gemini Of The Meteor/

Darker Than Black-Gaiden








Genre: Science Fiction Noir, Action, Supernatural

Studio: Bones , Director/Writer: Tensai Okamura Source: Anime Original

Original Run: October-December 2009/2010 for OVA. Episodes: 12 (+ 4 OVA)


Plot: Two years on from the events of the first season, whilst in Russia, Hei encounters a young girl named Suou Pavlichenko, whose family is gradually pulled into the war between contractors and various intelligence factions. Meanwhile, Misaki Kirihara has quit her position in the Public Security Bureau to begin her own investigations into Hei, the Contractors and the Syndicate.


The OVA episodes (Gaiden) are an interquel mini series, that is focused on Hei and Yin on the run from the syndicate and ultimately fills in the gaps, to explain the changes in their characters between the first and second season.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Nothing's really changed here from the first season- same studio, same art style, same level of quality- which is a good thing because the art style was suitable for the series and the quality of animation was to a pretty high standard in the first place.


Music: Whilst all female rock trio's Stereopony's Tsukiakari no Michishirube, is not quite as immediately kick-ass, as Abingdon Boys School's Howling from the first series- it is a good song that grows on you and is deceptively catchy. Abingdon Boy's School return to provide the ending theme 'From Dusk Till Dawn' another pretty good tune from them and by far the best of the closing tracks in any of the Darker Than Black seasons.



Action: The action sequences are still impressive, but I would say that both Gemini of the Meteor and the 'Gaiden' OVA series have even more emphasis on plot/character development than the first series.


Drama: Gemini of the Meteor, see's the main character focus shift towards the newly introduced character Suoh, rather than Hei- whose personality has changed (and not for the better) due to events that happened between the first and second season. Also unlike season one, which was made up of various two part storylines, that eventually made up a whole.


The story here with the focus on Suoh as the main character- pretty much follows a more traditional point A to Point B formula for the entire 12 episode run- there are of course some twists and turns along the way though.


In Gaiden we learn what happened to Hei and Yin between seasons 1 and 2, and it does bridge the gap between the two seasons- explaining Hei's personality change in Gemini of the Meteor, what has happened to Yin and why/how Suoh (the new main character in season 2) is affected by what happened during the OVA mini-series


Comedy: The Detective Guy Kurisawa and his otaku side-kick Kiko, make a brief one episode return, but in general the mood is perhaps even more downbeat than the first series, especially with the way Hei's character has developed. Also a character from the first series returns, this time in the form of a Flying Squirrel and he does have some amusing moments by being forced into this new body- but overall I’d say that comedy is pretty low on this series agenda. In a lot of ways with the change in Hei’s character (you can really tell I’m trying not to give anything away here) the series is probably more downbeat in tone than the first season.


The Gaiden OVA leaves pretty much no room for a comedy element, as it looks to strike a balance between providing thrilling action and the dramatic character development with Hei and Yin.


Moe/Kawaii: I guess Suoh, is kind of supposed to be a character that could garner up moe feelings, but I'm personally not into under-age loli's (seriously I'm not), and it's not as though the maker's here go out of their way to make it so.....but the tragic back-story and general cuteness, will bring her into 'moe' territory for some. In The OVA , emotionless 'doll 'Yin...who might not be totally emotionless after all, can of course be seen as being 'moe'.


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): Unless under-age loli's wearing short shorts are your thing (and seriously it shouldn't be!) then I don't really recall much in the way of fan-service. It's not like there isn't any Bishojo in the show but there's not any blatant fan-service here- which to be honest is not really a bad thing, as it means the show is confident in its own strengths of delivering on plot, action and character development, rather than cheap titillation.


Analysis: The shift of focus from Suoh, from Hei does grate a bit at first......especially with Hei's personality change (which is not for the better!),and Suoh’s character feeling like the writer is trying a little too hard to make her the heroine you absolutely have to side with- moving away from the ambiguous ‘tweener’ status that made Hei so intriguing in the first season.


Also the pacing during the first half of the series is some-what plodding compared to the first series, but it certainly picks up once Hei begins to evolve back into the 'Black Reaper' Hei of Season 1. And the first series took a little while to get going itself, but it's more forgivable with a longer 25 episode series, as opposed to one which is just 12 episodes.

Of course watching the 4 OVA episodes , gives you a better appreciation of season 2 right from the off, and it's probably a good idea to watch these first.


That being said the change in Hei's character is explained in the Gaiden OVA series, and I'm sure if I'd watched them before Gemini of the Meteor, rather than after I would have got into Gemini a lot quicker off the bat. And despite starting a little slow, Gemini does end up being a good sequel series- with the newer characters, including new main protagonist Suoh growing on you, of course it also helps as the series comes to it's conclusion the 'old' Hei begins to return.


The 4 episode OVA series Gaiden, provides a near flawless mix of exciting action, plot and character development that brilliantly bridges the two main Darker Than Black series, and really if you want to appreciate Gemini more, these really should be watched first. Hei and Yin's special relationship really is taken onto a next level with these episodes- that really make you care about them even more as characters.


Closing Verdict: Gemini of the Meteor, sees a change of focus and pacing for Darker Than Black, and it takes a bit of getting used to at first....but the series does pick up, and I found by the end it was another gripping entry for this series, with a satisfying ending, that gave enough closure but also enough possibility of a third season/further OVA. I will stress again though that- Gemini of the Meteor, works out better if you watch the ‘Gaiden’ OVA episodes first. They make Gemini easier to comprehend and thus your enjoyment should be increased. And of course the Gaiden OVA episodes themselves just need to be seen- as they are just flat out great full-stop.


Gemini Of the Meteor- Mildly Recommended

Gaiden OVA- Highly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation continued to do the dub for this, and seeing as they did a rather stellar job for the first season, that's a good thing. Brina Palencia as Yin- FTW!



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Regarding DtB the second season. Tiger liked it much more than I did.


Strengths: They actually go to Sapporo for a while, a city rarely used in anime. If they had made it to Hakodate I would have fainted. Kiko's awesome entrance while talking about how annoying it is when a comedy character enters an otherwise serious anime. More creative contractors. Hei. Kirihara.


Weaknesses: Some lack of direction in plot. The way they brought back a character from season one for no better reason than to kill them in the first episode as a shock. The ending. The WTF Gainax ending. Did I mention the incomprehensible, massively rushed ending?


Overall the season was still good. But the ending brought it way down for me.

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Regarding DtB the second season. Tiger liked it much more than I did.


Strengths: They actually go to Sapporo for a while, a city rarely used in anime. If they had made it to Hakodate I would have fainted. Kiko's awesome entrance while talking about how annoying it is when a comedy character enters an otherwise serious anime. More creative contractors. Hei. Kirihara.


Weaknesses: Some lack of direction in plot. The way they brought back a character from season one for no better reason than to kill them in the first episode as a shock. The ending. The WTF Gainax ending. Did I mention the incomprehensible, massively rushed ending?


Overall the season was still good. But the ending brought it way down for me.


Fair enough points there Miko- the ending was admittedly on the rushed side and left more questions than answers. Things is even with that, I still enjoyed the season enough to give it a 7.5/10- I would assume from your comments you would knock a point off.


Have you see the 'Gaiden' OVA episodes, as I thought as a stand-alone mini series they were Darker Than Black's best arc and provided a vital link between the first and second seasons.


Kiko's entrance was rather awesome, I've seen some reviews of Darker Than Black around the interweb, that seem a little irritated about the comic relief (Guy Kurusawa and Kiko) and I'm sure that scene is a pretty clever dig at those sort of fans- who take it all way too seriously.


Tomorrow....another review! Maybe more than one

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