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Sabagebu!- Survival Game Club!






Genre: Slice of Life Comedy/ Action Parody


Studio: Studio Pierrot Director: Masahiko Ōta Writer: Takashi Aoshima Source: Manga by Hidekichi Matsumoto

Original Broadcast: July- September 2014 Episodes: 12 (+3 OVA)


Synopsis: Transfer student Momoka Sonokawa is riding a crowded train to school when an old pervert tries to molest her- luckily for Momoka before anything drastic happens she is 'saved' by an attractive young lady wielding a Desert Eagle hand pistol- who despite coming to Momoka's rescue ends up being dragged away by the authorities for brandishing a fire-arm in public.


Later on Momoka finds that the mysterious girl is in fact a senior at the school she has just transferred into. Momoka follows the mysterious girl (who's name Momoka's learns to be Miou Ootori), who is walking around with holstered pistols but ends up literally walking into a trap.


What Momoka ends up finding out, is that Miou is the president of the school's, Survival Game Club - which basically consists of a group of 'nutjobs' that firing Airsoft (Pellet) guns at one another in imagined scenarios. Despite having a natural talent for shooting guns, Momoka tries to put up some resistance to joining the club but she soon finds herself being dragged into Miou and her gang's strange world.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (Approx 13+) and up- The action fantasy sequences do end up featuring a fair amount of blood, yet the gore isn't what you would call graphic- plus the consistent reminder by the narrator that all this over the top violence is all in the girls heads goes some way to 'softening' the violence. There is also some light fanservice, predictably most of it coming from the 'gravure idol' character Maya. Mixed in with at times some slightly edgy humour, it's the kind of series that is unsuitable for younger eyes but should be fine for most teenagers and above.


Action Level: High (but not to be taken at all seriously!)- In the world of Sabagebu! , the series protagonist's pellet gun shoot-outs, end up being amplified to over the top action sequences in what can be perceived to be shared 'delusions'. Throughout the whole series, Sabagebu! is chock full of gun toting action and explosions that are simultaneously funny and awesome.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly Low- Some of these girls might seem nice and cute at first but these gun wielding psychopaths end up being far from your typical moe-blob (especially the series protagonist Momoka).


Animation Quality/Art Style: Whilst the art and animation in Sabagebu! isn't going to wow your socks off, it's not all that bad either...for what is purely a comedy series it does the job just fine, and though there is some obvious cost cutting (such as repeated frames) it's never bad enough to hinder the series. All in all the series look is simple, but always colourful (and that includes many of the characters choice of hair colour!) and most importantly though they aren't what you would call 'cutting edge' the fantasized action sequences still manage to look 'cool'.


Music: Opening theme 'Yes!' sung by Ayaka Ohasi (the seiyu for the protagonist Momoka) is your basic J-Pop number (it's fine but it's not all that memorable), whilst the closing theme 'Pitty Patty Survibird' sung by Gesukawa Girls (which is actually the five main Seiyu together) is a humorous J-Pop sung complete with ' out of tune, in character' singing from the voice actresses. Though not necessarily something that you'll put on your i-pod, the closing song matches up well to the series 'not to be taken at all seriously' spirit.


Plot and Characters: Sabagebu! is purely a comedy series, there's no real over-arching arc nor moments of high drama. The first episode which sets the entire show up, tells you exactly what the show is going to be about and the show never veers course from it's two to three 'skits' per episode format- whilst there is very little in the way of character development after the first couple of episodes, once the characters personalities are established you know what to expect from them for the rest of the series.


The primary characters and other's play out over the top action fantasy's whilst in reality they are just popping airsoft (pellet) guns at one another- it leads to plenty of parodies of action based tropes from both Japanese and western pop culture. The series also quickly establishes running gags based around the quirks and personalities of the series main characters- such as Momoka doing something underhanded to 'win'. Further adding to Sabagebu!'s humor is the use of a narrator throughout, that breaks the fourth wall, that often calls the characters out on their behaviour.


Sabagebu!'s main protagonist Momoka, appears to be your typical 'nice girl' protagonist at first, but it soon becomes apparent that she's a massive jerk with a selfish and indictive streak who will do anything to win. Next to Momoka the series main supporting character is the president of the Survival Game Club, Miou Ootori- a third year who comes from a rich family- her beauty and charismatic personality makes her popular with the fellow students at the school, despite being a gun crazed lunatic.


The other members of the club include the well endowed Maya Kyodo, who works part time as a gravure idol (usually the nicest and most 'normal' of all the girls, a running gag throughout the series see's her get taken out during most of the survival game scenarios), Urara Kasugano- who is initially jealous towards the new girl (Momoka), but then oddly takes masochistic pleasure in being Momoka's punching bag once she has Momoka's wrath turned onto her and finally Kayo Goutokuji the soft spoken cosplay obsessed otaku, who says she isn't really into 'Survival Games' but in reality gets into the scenario's as much as the rest of the club.


There are also a number of recurring supporting characters, which include the club's bizarre 'Platypus' mascot Platy, Momoka's mother (who is a pretty mean shot herself), an overweight 'creepy' otaku called Fried Chicken Lemon and the club's accident prone advisor Ena Sakura amongst others.

Analysis: Sabagebu! - Survival Game Club! at first glance looks as though it's going to be one of those 'cute girls doing cute things' or more to the point 'cute girls doing an absurd thing' much in the vein of Girls Und Panzer but it soon becomes apparent that Sabagebu! inverts that scenario, especially when it comes to the series main protagonist Momoka.


In Momoka Sonokawa, the series presents a lead character that is to put it in laymans term, a complete asshole- but that makes her all the more awesome as a main character. Despite being selfish, manipulative, vindictive (think of any bad/evil character trait- Momoka's probably got it within her personality make up somewhere), she still comes across as being incredibly likeable. Perhaps likeable is the wrong word when it comes to describing Momoka, to be more accurate her 'evil' persona makes her an incredibly fun main character to watch.


The supporting cast are equally fun from the rest of the Survival Game Club to one shot characters (all of which return in the suitably over the top final episode- that hilariously sends up emotionally over wrought finales). In terms of character development, there is very little beyond the first couple of episodes- but the way Sabagebu! holds steadfast to the characters personalities throughout whilst getting you to care/stay invested in the main cast throughout has to be admired- I honestly can't think off the top of my head a series that manages to get so much out of so little when it comes to it's cast.


Of course the series which sets out it's stall right from the off, that it's purely a comedy and not to be taken at all seriously, is reliant on it's comedic scenario's hitting the mark most of the time. Whilst not every skit is what you would call a 'home run' even the lesser one's never felt like a dud, from the opening episode (which ranks amongst the best opening episodes of any series be it anime or not that I have seen) to the finale, Sabagebu! delivers consistent laughs throughout. The over the top action parodies are always on point (The mix of western and Japanese pop culture references means that the targets of the series humour is never too niche), the running gags manage not to outstay their welcome and the jaded fourth wall breaking narrator is genuinely humorous rather than tiresome throughout.


Comedy though is a subjective thing, and though I personally felt that Sabagebu! was riotous fun throughout it's total reliance on being just a comedy and something not to be taken at all seriously, may just be a sticking point for some people. If Sabagebu!'s style of comedy isn't going to grab you after the first episode, then there will not point persevering beyond that point, because the series stubbornly does not budge from it's formula. Whilst that simplistic approach, results in Sabagebu! being an incredibly focused comedy- it does result in it being a series you are likely either going to love or hate. Though in all honesty if you hate this series, you probably need to see a doctor for a serious lack of having a sense of humour.


Closing Verdict: Sabagebu! Survival Game Club! is in my opinion, one of the most purely fun anime series I have ever had the pleasure to watch. A gloriously over the top comedy, that simultaneously sends up action tropes and the 'moe-blob' cute girls in an after school club genre.



Is the Dub Any Good?: Sabagebu! has been licensed by Sentai Filmworks, but has yet to receive a dub. Given Sentai's track record for consistent mediocrity, when it comes to their dubs, I don't hold much (if any) hope that when the English dub does come about that it will be able to match up to yet alone be able to surpass what is already a very enjoyable series in it's original language.

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since no one else is coming up with review suggestions, let me toss a couple out there that are a little different than what's been suggested so far.


Rail Wars


Sabagebu- Survival Club Game


Both 12 episodes and both on Crunchyroll summer 2014


Unfortunately Rail Wars in unavailable in the UK, that's because it's been snapped up by a rival streaming service (Animax UK). The existence of Animax UK is a royal pain in the derriere in my opinion, because it means I've got to fork out another subscription if I want to watch certain shows.


I'm probably going to have to bite eventually, and subscribe to them as well but for now I'm holding off until they are available as an app I can't watch through my smart tv (which I can do with Crunchyroll).


Anyway as for Sabagebu!- awesome choice Dragonmack, that show was a hell of a lot of fun to watch. I was actually pretty close to giving it an A rating and had it kept up over approx 24 episodes as opposed to just 12, I think I wouldn't have been able to resist doing so.

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I've seen a few shows like Sabagebu!- Survival Game Club! , they seem to crop in multiples every season. C3, Upoote! and another i can't think of off the top of my head. I do dig them, so i'll have to check this one out. Good review.
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Fruits Basket





Genre: Slice of Life, Drama, Comedy, Romance with a supernatural twist.


Studio: Studio Deen Director: Akitaro Daichi Writer: Higuchi Tachibana Source: Manga by Natsuki Takaya

Original Broadcast: July-December 2001 Episodes: 26


Synopsis: After the death of her mother Tohru Honda made the decision to live in a tent, so that she would not become a burden upon her relatives. Tohru's classmate the popular but aloof bishonen Yuki Sohma finds out about her paltry living arrangements and invites Tohru to live at his house with his cousin Shigure.


However Tohru soon finds out that the Sohma family hide a curse from the rest of the society- certain members (starting with Yuki) turn into animals of the Chinese Zodiac when hugged by a member of the opposite sex.


Tohru then meets Yuki's rival, the hot tempered Kyo and soon finds that the Sohma's have bigger problems. However the kind hearted Tohru may just be the one person who can heal the broken relationships that have built up a web of dysfunction amongst the cursed clan.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 12 and up- There isn't really any fanservice or bloodshed to speak of, but I wouldn't really recommend Fruits Basket to young kids. On the whole, the series is light and fluffy but the more dramatic moments do deal with some fairly dark issues such as mourning, bullying and neglect. One of the characters 'true form' may also be deemed a little scary for younger eyes whilst the 'big bad' of the series is both physically and psychologically abusive.

Action Level: Very Low- A fair number of the Sohma family practice martial arts and Yuki and Kyo regularly get into fights one another- however the fights are played more for comedic laughs than anything else and absolutely no one is going to confuse Fruits Basket for being a shonen fighting series!


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- Being a shojo romance, Fruits Basket features some cute and vulnerable members amongst the cast, both of the male and female variety from the series protagonist Tohru, via the effeminate boy Momiji to shy girl Kisa. In general, despite a few darker moments the series is not something that is likely to appeal to the most macho of men.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Character designs are of the wide eyes Bishojo/Bishonen style that was admittedly more in vogue when this series originally aired. However the character designs do up better, compared to the somewhat muted and simplistic background art, whilst at times the animation does suffer moments of the characters becoming off model.

Though it has to be said, that to compare it to today's art and animation standards is being somewhat harsh and for a slice of life series from the early 2000's, Fruits Basket actually holds up pretty well for an anime that is getting on to be 15 years old.


Music: Both the opening and ending song were written and performed by the late singer/songwriter Ritsuko Okazaki. Opener 'For Fruits Basket' is an understated, somewhat old fashioned ballad that really suits the gentle nature of the show, the ending song 'A Small Prayer' is a gentle waltz, that manages to capture the essence of the show even more so than the opening, being playful yet tinged with melancholy. Both the opening and ending were redubbed into English by voice actresses Laura Bailey (Tohru) and Meredith McCoy (Kagura)- though these were originally Okazaki's songs, the English versions are actually nicely sung and from my personal viewpoint, I actually prefer the redubbed versions.


Whilst the OST often has an ethereal quality to it, that really compliments the underlying supernatural element of the show.


Plot and Characters: Fruits Basket revolves around recently orphaned highschool girl Tohru Honda and her relationship with the mysterious Sohma family, where certain members of the family turn into animals of the Chinese Zodiac if they are hugged by a member of the opposite sex.


The first two members she meets are Shigure (the Dog, and the owner of the house where Tohru ends up staying) whose personality can be summed up as being a lazy, pervy, tease and the reserved Yuki (the Rat). Touru then soon finds herself introduced to the enraged Kyo (the cat) and Yuki's bitter rival. Yuki and Kyo's rivalry stems from a legend in the Chinese Zodiac, where the rat tricked the cat from attending a banquet and thus 'the cat' was officially left out of being part of the Chinese Zodiac.


Gradually though the presence of Tohru Honda in their lives has a positive effect on both Yuki and Kyo (and to some extent their relationship with another) and then with other members of the Sohma family.


Tohru as the main protagonist, has a kind hearted generous nature, with the tendency to put other's happiness above her own, a trait that actually frustrates some of the other characters (notably Kyo) who tell Tohru to look after herself more, rather than consistently shouldering everyone elses burdens. It is also put over, that Tohru was very close to mother (Kyoko), who is seen as a posthumous character in flashbacks and a positive influence on Tohru.


Most of Fruits Basket ends up being made up of mini-arcs where Tohru ends up meeting another member of the Sohma clan, who usually has something troubling them- Tohru then ends up saying something profound that helps the Sohma family member overcome whichever personal demon's were eating up at them inside. Rinse and repeat until the final arc, where it's Tohru who needs the support of friends. In general Fruits Basket's has a number of positive messages within it's drama such as 'It's OK to be yourself', 'Accepting overs for who they are' and that it's 'OK sometimes to depend on other's for help'.


Most of the supporting cast of Fruits Basket is made up of the rest of the Sohma family outside of Yuki and Kyo (who have the most screen time after Tohru)- these include the cute, cheerful and somewhat effeminate boy Momiji, the girlish but impulsive girl Kagura (who is infatuated with Kyo- much to his annoyance), the stoic doctor of the family Hatori, the flamboyant Ayame, Hatsuharu (who has a split personality of having a calm side and an enraged side, referred to as White and Black Haru) and the reclusive Akito- plus a few others that end up arriving later on in the story (but can be considered to be minor characters in the context of the overall plot). One of the Sohma family members ends up being the primary antagonist of the story and instigator for many of the families problems.


The control they have over the rest of the Sohma's ends up feeling threatened by the positive influence Tohru is having on the rest of the clan and the finale see's this antagonistic member of the Sohma family try to emotionally destroy Tohru and drive her away.


Other notable characters include Tohru's two best friends, the deadpan 'goth' Saki (who has psychic abilities) and the reformed girl gang member Arisa (who had a close relationship with Tohru's mother, a reformed gang member herself). There is also the Yuki Sohma fanclub, a school club, obsessed with Yuki and who are jealous over the fact that Tohru has got so close to their beloved 'prince'. They plot to drive Tohru away from Yuki, but their plans always fail due to the presence of Tohru's friends Arisa and Saki and are put over more a bumbling, comedy antagonists that are misguided more than evil (highlighted by a 'day in the limelight' episode for the president- who comes to realise that her jealousy towards Tohru is 'ugly').


Though Fruits Basket contains it's fair share of heartwarming/emotional drama, half of the show is made up of the comedic interactions of it's characters. The comedy very much plays upon running gags involving the various quirks of the characters, such as how the hot-headed Kyo can never get the better of the calmer Yuki when he challenges the latter to a fight, Shigure finding ways to avoid his editors deadline or Ayame's flamboyantly over the top behaviour amongst other examples. The comedic aspect of Fruits Basket, is also generally put over by the animation choices, with lots of anime comedy staples such as face faults and sweat drops.


Analysis: We might as well get the obvious out of the way first, Fruit's Basket isn't going to appeal to a considerable section of the anime fandom, it's very much a shojo (girls) show and if you're a guy that needs his testosterone fueled action fix and is afraid to get in touch with their sensitive side, then Fruits Basket won't be the show for you. It's not that Fruit's Basket is a show that can't be enjoyed by the opposite demographic that it's shooting for, it's just that opposite demographic needs to be comfortable with watching something which might be perceived to be 'girly'.


From my own personal perspective, I find as I get older, I get less self conscious about liking something that shouldn't necessarily appeal to me, but at 'playground' age, you tend to be more on edge about those sort of things....


With my personal insight into 'demographics' out of the way, how does Fruit's Basket perform as a show regardless of who it is being aimed at?

Though the show has a supernatural element to it, with the Sohma family transforming into animals of the Chinese Zodiac- Fruit's Basket is in essence a down to earth slice of life show that deals with realistic human issues and emotions, just in what can be deemed to be extraordinary circumstances. The quirky supernatural twist does succeeds in pulling the viewer in and helps to make what could have been a mundane show, more interesting but it's the characters and their interactions with one another that will make you stick with Fruit's Basket all the way to the end.


The plot itself, does tend to get a bit repetitive with the format of Tohru meeting a new member of the Sohma family (and always one that can happen to turn into a Chinese Zodiac animal) becomes well and truly trodden by the end of the series, but due to the fact that the character interactions are always so dynamic that Fruit's Basket never becomes tiresome. Whether it's trying to make you laugh or pulling on your heart-strings- near enough every scene and interaction between it's characters feels truly engaging and despite the somewhat slow, leisurely pace of the show there is very little in the way of filler.


The comedic side of Fruits Basket can admittedly be a bit hit and miss (whist the comedy never becomes annoying, some of the running gags have just run their course and become flat by the end of the show) but the more emotional and dramatic side of the show always manages to be on point. With all the positive messages it's trying to channel through it's storytelling, Fruits Basket could have come across as preachy and it's main character Tohru could have easily ended up as being a bit of a 'Mary Sue', but it manages to just about stay on the right side of being admirably heartfelt, rather than cloyingly so, whilst the fact that several of the characters call Tohru out on some of her faults, makes you want to get behind her as the series protagonist, rather than be irritated by what could easily turned into a writers pet.


Ultimately where Fruits Basket, ends up impressing the most is in it's seamless marriage of fluffy lightweight comedy and heartfelt drama. It's a story, that just manages to know when it's exactly the right time to flick the switch from generating laughs to making it's viewers go all teary eyed. Rather than clashing with another (as can unfortunately sometimes be the case with so many anime series), the two different sides of Fruits Basket end up truly complimenting one another.


From a technical standpoint, Fruits Basket is beginning to show it's age, but when the simple but effective story and the engaging character interaction is executed as well as it is here, then the fact that it's not blessed with outstanding visuals can be more readily forgiven. That being said the anime adaptation isn't above criticism.....


In all honesty, it's not the shonen action fan that's going to the biggest critic of the Fruit's Basket anime (as they ain't going to be watching it this the first place), it will be those who are already devoted fans of the manga. That's because the Fruit's Basket anime adaptation was made when the manga was still on going and it ended up taking the story in a different direction. I personally have not read the manga (I will admit to not being a massive manga reader), but I've done my research, and there are some considerable changes to the plot (including a major revelation with one of the characters)- so I can fully understand how that could end up irritating those who were already fans of the manga. It's a problem that always ends up plaguing anime adaptations, that are made whilst the manga it is based upon is still being created itself.


Personally though I felt as a stand alone piece in itself, the anime adaptation managed to be an engaging comedy-drama and despite obviously having potential to take the story further beyond it's finale, the series managed to have put together a suitable ending.


Closing Verdict: Fruits Basket isn't perfect, but nitpicks aside it is easy to see why Fruits Basket is seen as a classic by so many- as it truly is an enchanting slice of life comedy/drama, regardless of demographic. However sticklers for a faithful adaptation to the original source material, should be prepared for disappointment.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation did the dub for this show, and it features many of their mainstays from the early 2000's with Laura Bailey cast in the lead role of Tohru, Eric Vale as Yuki and Jerry Jewell as Kyo.


Overall whilst I wouldn't say that the dub is outstanding to the point that it's preferable to watch it in that form instead of the original Japanese version, I will say that there is very little to find fault with it. Unless you're a dub hater (who just want to watch a bit of the dub, so they can pointlessly become enraged at it), then it's highly unlikely that Funimation's dub is going to make you have the urge to switch to watching the show subbed.

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I'm now in the process of watching a show that couldn't be any more different to Fruits Basket, Akame Ga Kill (which was Crownsy's Crunchyroll request), though I'll probably have a couple of anime film reviews posted up here first before I post up my opinion on the bloodbath that is Akame Ga Kill.
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I'm now in the process of watching a show that couldn't be any more different to Fruits Basket, Akame Ga Kill (which was Crownsy's Crunchyroll request), though I'll probably have a couple of anime film reviews posted up here first before I post up my opinion on the bloodbath that is Akame Ga Kill.


Man I gave up on the manga as it got too bloody for me. Decided that the anime just wasn't for me.

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I'm now in the process of watching a show that couldn't be any more different to Fruits Basket, Akame Ga Kill (which was Crownsy's Crunchyroll request), though I'll probably have a couple of anime film reviews posted up here first before I post up my opinion on the bloodbath that is Akame Ga Kill.


Thanks for watching it Tiger, I promise my other requests are far less bloody. Although I didn't mind it to much, I like over the top action animes once in awhile.


Agree it's all about the "this assassins weapon is so cool because it murders peoples like THIS!" type of anime though. Like a less in depth black lagoon ha.

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Thanks for watching it Tiger, I promise my other requests are far less bloody. Although I didn't mind it to much, I like over the top action animes once in awhile.


Agree it's all about the "this assassins weapon is so cool because it murders peoples like THIS!" type of anime though. Like a less in depth black lagoon ha.


The blood/gore doesn't bother me but it was the thing that immediately stood out from the very first episode of Akama Ga Kill. Ultra violence in any form of media, can be a plus point for a lot of people or it can be a huge negative (given Rickymex's comments , I'm guessing he falls into this camp).


I'm indifferent when it comes to violence/gore- it's not something I necessarily think is 'awesome' nor do I wince/cringe at it. At the end of the day (at least for me) it comes down to whether or not the story being told can offer up any substance.

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The blood/gore doesn't bother me but it was the thing that immediately stood out from the very first episode of Akama Ga Kill. Ultra violence in any form of media, can be a plus point for a lot of people or it can be a huge negative (given Rickymex's comments , I'm guessing he falls into this camp).


Just to clarify it wasn't much the violence and gore but the "every villain is a bloody psychopath" thing. It just seems overkill that every bad guy is a rapist/torturer/murderer. I just think that if you're going to use that much blood and gore you restrict it to one or two people who either are strong or smart enough to survive and evade their comeuppance until the endish. Plus I don't see the point in a rebellion storyline depicted as in a straight up black and white story. A holy chosen hero vs destroy the world villain yes but politics no.


EDIT: Just in case those count as spoilers

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Wolf Children





Genre: Slice of Life Drama with a Supernatural Twist


Studio: Studio Chizu/Madhouse Director: Mamoru Hosada Writer: Satoko Okudera/Mamoru Hosada Source: Anime Original*

Original Japanese Cinema Release: July 2012 (Run Time: 117 Mins)


Synopsis: College student Hana falls in love with her enigmatic classmate who turns out to be a Werewolf. Not put off by the revelation of his identity, Hana ends up having two children with 'the wolfman' but soon after the birth of their second child Ame, the children's father dies in an accident leaving Hana to raise two half human/half werewolf children by herself.


Finding it increasingly impossible to raise her children in the city, Yuki moves her family to the country, so that her children can roam free and have the freedom to decide who/what they are.


Recommended Viewing Age: Suitable for Most Ages- No fanservice to speak of, though there is a hint towards bestiality during a scene where one can assume that Hana consummated with the Wolfman. However you don't actually see them in the act, and any children watching probably aren't going to have those thoughts running through their minds anyway.


Also whilst the titular Wolf Children Yuki and Ame are cute (especially at pre school age), there is some minor bloodshed (even if is not gratutious) and the slow pace and situations presented throughout the film, means that if would probably require a slightly older mind to really grasp and appreciate the story.


Overall Wolf Children has very little in the way of offensive content (though it's not quite an all ages film), however I will say that teens and above are likely to get 'more' out of this film, than younger viewers.


Action Level: Virtually Non Existent- Wolf Children is not in anyway an action film, if you're looking for thrills and spills this is not the film for that.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- The two Wolf-Children Yuki and Ame are very cute at the younger age, especially when they turn into their wolf form- but one could never accuse Hosada's work as being otaku pandering 'moe' fare. Much like Hayao Miyazaki's My Neighbour Totoro, Wolf Children has a cuteness and charm that feels very natural.


Animation Quality/Art Style: If you've seen Hosada's previous work, you will know that the character designs are in a fairly realistic style and that the quality of his character designs tend to worsen, the further the characters move into the background.


Inconsistent quality with character design is the only criticism you can level at his films though, because like his previous works the background art is beguiling, whilst the animation quality itself is at times stunning (there's a first person perspective scene of the wolf children running through a forest, that is truly enchanting). Given that's it an anime film, you would expect the art and animation to be top notch but that doesn't take away from the fact that Wolf Children delivers in that regard.


Music: Masakatsu Takagi's beautiful and understated classical film score, does a fine job of quietly enhancing the mood of each scene, without overwhelming it. Outside of the context of the film it's not particularly memorable but as a compliment to the visuals and the story being told, it's the kind of soundtrack that does it's job very well.


Plot and Characters: Though Wolf Children starts out with the courtship between Hana and 'the Wolfman' (not once is his actual name revealed in the film), it's primarily about Hana raising the two children she has consummated with him alone following his tragic demise.


First of all focusing on Hana's difficulty at dealing with two children who are half human and half wolf and behave as such, the film shifts again to focusing on Yuki (the older sister) and Ame (the younger brother) finding their identity and deciding whether or not they want to embrace their human side, wolf side or both. Yuki starts out as the more boisterous and somewhat 'feral' of the two children, whilst Ame is a shrinking violet, but events along the way as the children are growing, see's them grow/change from what they were like at the start of the film and ultimately shape how they identity themselves and which side they end up embracing.


Whilst Hana and her two Wolf Children dominate the film, there are one or two relatively important supporting characters that end up having an influence on how events end up unfolding during the course of the story- these include curmudgeonly pensioner Nirasaki (who has seen many city folk move to the country and flee back to where they came from, when the going gets tough), Souhei (a transfer student into Yuki's class at Elementary School) and a mysterious 'sensei' character that lives in the forest.


Though it's safe to say that Wolf Children is more of a drama, the film does have a few light-hearted moments, with the main source of 'light relief' being the antics of the two children at pre-school age, as they switch between their human and wolf forms.


Analysis: Wolf Children continues on from Hosada's previous works (Girl Who Leapt Through Time/Summer Wars) as stories grounded in reality and dealing with relateable issues only in extraordinary circumstances- in this case it's the story of a single mother doing her best to raise her children, the only difference being that her offspring happen to be half werewolf.


The main cast only really consists of Hana and the two titular wolf children (Yuki and Ame), but because of it's small cast, the film manages to pack more character development into just under two hours, than many episodic television series manage to.


Hana's not shown as being the perfect mother who finds it easy to solve the problems she has to face along the way but her warm hearted personality and sheer determination to face the challenges head on, make her an protagonist that is easy to empathize with.


As for Yuki and Ame, their biological make up may be unique but the story of their personal journey's as they transition from pre-schoolers to teenagers over the course of the story, as they find their own identity and figure out, once again feels very real.


Hosada's films tend to have a rather understated quality about them, even when the story becomes more dramatic/tense, Wolf Children manages to stay grounded and not become over the top, which given that ordinary situations in extraordinary situations is Hosada's M.O is a directing style that ends up being a perfect fit for the kind of stories he want to tell.


If you could level one criticism at Wolf Children, is that it might be a little too slow paced, something that might lose viewers who want their stories to come with a bit more urgency- it's why I pointed out in the adult content section of the review, that whilst the film may be suitable for children in terms of content it's not necessarily a film for children due to the pacing. But it's actually difficult to see what should be cut, because the first act with Hana meeting the Wolfman is important for setting up the rest of the film.


Production wise Wolf Children (which is the first film from Hosada's own anime production company, Studio Chizu but done in collaboration with Madhouse, who provided the production for Hosada's previous works) is a beautiful looking film, with a suitably understated film score but as with all of Hosada's films suffers from his achiles heel of consistent character animation.


Closing Verdict: Like his previous works Wolf Children falls just short of perfection, but Hosada continues to show an admirable aptitude for cultivating empathetic characters and stories within extraordinary circumstances.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation did the dub for Wolf Children and whilst I wouldn't necessarily recommend it over the Japanese original, it is once again a very competent and stellar effort from the most consistent English dubbing company.

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If you are still looking for suggestions to review, something in a far different vein than all the ecchi harem animes this season just ended. ( not that I don't enjoy ecchi harem animes, but no point in reviewing them :p )


Its called Your Lie in April. just finished on Crunchyroll its 21-22 episodes.

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Akame Ga Kill






Genre: Dark Fantasy Action


Studio: White Fox Director: Tomoki Kobayashi Writer: Makoto Uezu Source: Manga by Takahiro

Original Broadcast: July-December 2014 Episodes: 24


Synopsis : In a country under the rule of a tyrannical empire, young swordsman Tatsumi and his friends leave their poverty stricken village for the Capital. When Tatsumi gets to the capital he soon has his eyes opened as to just how corrupt things are.


Tatsumi falls into the hands of a 'terrorist' organisation known as Night Raid, but he soon learns that this band of secret assassins that use special weapons known as Teigu are not the real bad guys and he soon joins them in their quest to take down the corrupt empire. However Night Raid are not the only one's able to wield the Teigu and Tatsumi is tested to his limit both physically and emotionally in order to help Night Raid, see out their goal.


Recommended Viewing Age: Adults Only- From the very first episode you will soon come to realise that Akame-Ga-Kill is an ultra violent and bloody series.


As well as the general bloodshed, the series also does not hold back in providing the odd bit of disturbing imagery (one character has their head chopped off and placed on a spike) and though the fanservice isn't as strong as some other shows, it's still there and only adds to the adults only nature of the show.


Action Level: High- If you like action, or in particular if you like action with lots of blood being spilled, then Akame Ga Kill should satisfy in that regard. Given some a sense of uniqueness to each battle is the various kind of Teigu (translated as Imperial Arms in the English subs) that are used, coming all kinds of forms that include: special weapons such as Swords and Guns, the ability to manipulate elements such as ice, special armour, the ability to turn into a a human/beast hybrid or even stealth like abilities such as shape shifting- with the many different Imperial Arms being used throughout the series. This leads to the battles rarely feeling like carbon copies from other battle's earlier in the series.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly Low- Some of the female characters, most notably the titular character Akame and the tsundere Mine, do have what could considered to be 'moe' type character traits but overall due to it's ultra-violent nature and action heavy basis, Akame-Ga-Kill is far from what you would call a 'cute' show


Animation Quality/Art Style: It has to be said that Akame-Ga-Kill certainly does not fail in the visual representation category. The general background art is striking and well detailed, whilst the anime's visual set pieces the battle's between the Teigu users are animated consistently well and consistently feel exciting to watch. From an overall aesthetic the character designs are a bit '2010's generic' but beyond that each character design's are striking and unique enough.


All in all the art and animation in Akame Ga Kill, provides nothing truly unique or any great leap forwards, but for that doesn't take anything away from it being an eye-catching anime


Music: Sora Amamiya sang both the first opening Skyreach (energetic fist pumping J-Pop/Rock) and the second ending Tsuki Akari (Melancholic Ballad). Second opening Liar Mask by Rika Mayama has a military like riff near the beginning of the song, that ties in well with the 'battle' theme of the show , whilst first ending is Konna Sekai, Shiritakunakatta by Miku Sawai is another melancholic ballad. All in all the rock edged J-Pop openings and the downbeat ballad endings, match up well the with the story being portrayed throughout Akame-Ga-Kill.


Plot and Characters: Akame Ga Kill revolves around a world where certain warriors can use Teigu (Imperial Arms), ancient weapons created through alchemy and parts of Danger Beasts (monsters that occupy the world of Akame Ga Kill). These powerful weapons all with a unique ability, are only compatible with certain people and incompatibility with the weapon can lead to death. It is also said that when Teigu users fight one another, that due to the immense power of the weapons, the loser of the battle is bound to die.


The central protagonist of the story is Tatsumi, a young swordsman traveling to the capital with his friends to enlist with the army to help his village. However he soon has his eyes opened to how 'rotten' the capital is, and events unfold that lead him joining up with the 'terrorist organisation' Night-Raid, meanwhile the friends he were supposed to meet up with, don't even make it.


Even though Tatsumi witnesses just how ruthless Night-Raid are, and that the group does not consider themselves to be 'heroes', he soon buys into their goals, having seen just how rotten and corrupt the capital is. Showing himself to be a natural fighter, though a naive one and lacking the ability to wield his own Teigu, Tatsumi soon fits in with the rest of the team.

A tight-knit group that has everyone elses back- Night Raid consists of female members- the chain smoking leader Najenda, stoic swordswoman Akame, acid tongued tsundere Mine, boisterous tomboy Leone, ditzy Sheele and the two male members manly but gay Bulat and Lubbock (who has the personality of a typical pervy teenage boy). Despite their individual and somewhat clashing personalities, all are very efficient assassins and are dependable members of the team. The reasons for each member joining Night Raid, tends to fall into two camps, those who were once part of the government's forces but came to realise what they were fighting and the atrocities they were ordered to carry out weren't right and poverty stricken outsiders and victims of the government's policies.


However Night Raid will come up against foes just as powerful and ruthless as them, and along the way Team members are lost in battle and it's these set-backs that make Night Raid and in particular Tatsumi even more determined to bring down the corrupt government that has only been looking out for the rich and powerful and treating all the other citizens like dirt.


The person that Night-Raid ultimately want to bring down is Prime Minister Honest, the corrupt politician, that is the true leader of 'the Empire' and has managed to convince the naive boy Emperor that his advice and actions always have the best intentions, despite the fact that 'the Empire' is in fact crumbling apart due to Honest's cruel and tyrannical policies.


Honest soon realises that Night Raid are becoming a major thorn in his side, and enlists the assistance of the most powerful fighter in the land General Esdeath to assemble a special force to hunt down Night-Raid. The 'Jaegers' at the team come to be called, like their counter-parts in Night-Raid have various reasons for joining the group, amongst these are Seiryu a policewoman that has a rather misguided sense of justice, whilst the other want's to be 'reunited' with their sister, who happens to be a member of Night-Raid.


As for Esdeath herself, she is a sadistic warmonger with a survival of the fittest attitude to life, however despite being cold and ruthless she does also manage to show a softer side and is looking for love, and in her quest to experience love, she takes a particular liking to Tatsumi, however Esdeath finds that Tatsumi's ideologies are steadfastly different to her own, and like wise Tatsumi comes up against the same brick wall when he tries to persuade Esdeath to see things from his perspective.


Despite the bloodshed and tragic loss of life that is prevalent throughout Akame-Ga-Kill, the characters personality quirks on both sides of the battle, does lead to a fair amount of light relief to be found within Akame Ga Kill's narrative with both Tatsumi and his Jaeger counter-part Wave, fulfilling the 'only sane-man' man role for their respective teams, whilst it has to be said that Esdeath's pursuit of love and obsession with Tatsumi is borderline played for laughs ever since her arrival into the story.


Analysis: Akame Ga Kill is one of those frustrating series, that has the ingredients in place to be absolutely fantastic but ends up falling short. On the upside I never got bored watching the series, nor did I ever think that the story 'lagged' but on the downside it was riddled with flaws and in the end perhaps suffered from an identity crisis about just what kind of series it truly wanted to be.


Starting with the positives, the aesthetic look of the series is pleasing on the eye and the fights are varied and on the whole thrilling. The graphic violence of those fights may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I for one came to appreciate the unflinching nature of the battle's throughout the series. Also each confrontation does ends up feeling like a big deal, because major characters (on both sides of the war) die early in the series, whilst that may lead to viewers not becoming 'emotionally attached' to a character, I personally appreciated the fact that each 'battle' could be a character's last.


With such a large cast of characters and the 'kill them off at anytime' policy, Akame-Ga-Kill does admittedly end up having a fair amount of underdeveloped characters, whilst the main protagonist Tatsumi is the epitome of a generic anime action hero, from the look of his character design to his actions throughout the series. However there were some genuinely interesting characters, particularly on the antagonistic side- most notably Esdeath, who despite being 'evil' was admirable in the strength of her convictions and shown to only really be 'evil' when in warmongering mode and Seiryu, whose twisted and misguided sense of justice, made her the villain you will be most determined to see get their comeuppance.


Though I've not actually read the manga myself, Akame-Ga-Kill is one of those series that ends up straying from the plot of the manga- I can't vouch for whether or not the 'manga' ended up having a better plot or ending, but what I do know from the anime, is that the second half does end up becoming a bit rushed, in racing towards a conclusion and in the end Akame-Ga-Kill feels like a series that is trying to squeeze 40 episodes worth of material into just 24.


And though the anyone can die at any time basis of the show is admirable at first, in the end it becomes overkill and certainly during the final few episodes, there seems to be a lot of characters being killed off just for the hell of it. The death's early on and up to the mid point of the series felt as though they meant something, as they end up galvanizing Night Riad even more but as the series rushes towards a conclusion, the final set of deaths don't have the emotional impact that they perhaps should and some quite frankly feel utterly pointless.


The other major problem with Akame-Ga-Kill is the light relief, or more to the point the timing of the light relief. Whilst in some-ways that it's a good thing that is there, to relieve some emotional tension, it often felt as though the series was pulling in two directions. Despite the tragic deaths and unflinching bloodshed, at times Akame-Ga-Kill came across more like an energetic and light-hearted shonen action series (albeit one with a lot of blood) more than a dark, emotionally testing seinen. Perhaps in the end though a generic Shonen Action series is all Akame-Ga-Kill was ever meant to be, albeit a graphically violent and tragic one.

Closing Verdict: Akame-Ga-Kill is an entertaining and eye-catching dark fantasy action series (as long as you're not squeamish over gore) but one that doesn't quite deliver on it's full potential.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: No dub as of yet, but Sentai Filmworks have picked up the north american license for the show, so there likely will be a dub in a near future. Given that it's Sentai though (whose dubs tend to be rather on the mediocre side), it will may be best sticking to the original Japanese.

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Arakawa Under The Bridge






Genre: Absurdist Romantic Comedy


Studio: Shaft Director: Akiyuki Shinbo Source: Manga by Hikaru Nakamura

Original Broadcast: April- June 2010/ Oct- Dec 2010 Episodes: 13+13


* The second season was titled as Arakawa Bridge x Bridge. Decided to do a combined review for both seasons, because the second season is just a direct continuation of the first, plus there was only a broadcasting gap of three months between the first and second 'season'.


Synopsis : The heir to a powerful business corporation, Kou Ichimoya has accomplished everything he has in life by himself, steadfastly sticking to the one rule that his father gave him in life 'never be indebted to another person'.


One day after trying to retrieve his trousers (which were stolen as a prank by some kids) from a bridge crossing over the Arakawa River, he accidentally falls into the river and would have drowned had he not been saved by a girl that goes by the name of Nino. Owing Nino his life, Kou cannot live with the fact that he is indebted to her and asks her for a way he can repay her.


Nino's request is for Kou to be her boyfriend and become part of the community that lives under the Arakawa Bridge, despite the fact that Nino also claims to be a Venusian and it would mean leaving behind his life as part of 'normal' society. Kou soon finds that Nino is only one of a whole community of oddballs that call the Arakawa River their home.


Recommended Viewing Age: 12 and Up- Though the series feature's little in the way of actual fanservice, the comedy does occasionally use innuendo, and whilst the fights are over the top and played for comedic effect, they do feature a fair amount of blood ( there is a running gag where an old war wound from Sister starts spouting blood, when harsly insulted by Maria). Overall there's nothing really here that will be unsuitable for most teenagers,but it's not a series I would recommend for younger kids- who may well find it's idiosyncratic humour too peculiar regardless of the appropriateness of the content.


Action Level: Medium- It is of course all played for laughs and not to be taken at all seriously, but Arakawa Under the Bridge- features it's fair share of 'badass' gun toting/sword wielding characters. This leads to a surpising supply of over the top fights, where the viewer should be prepared to suspend their disbelief.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly Low- Arakawa Under The Bridge, features some cute/moe moments and characters, but these fell more like a cynical send up of the 'moe' influence on anime tropes . The character of Stella, a little girl who acts all cute but is actually a tough as nails fighter who actually has a threatening personality- is clearly a twist on/send up of the token mini-moe character.


Animation Quality/Art Style: I would say that despite the series being about a community of oddballs, the animation for Arakawa Under the Bridge, is fairly conventional by Shaft's standards, you still get the character head tilts (which is a quirk that happens with all their shows) and they have fun with switching up the character designs to accentuate the sending up of different anime genres (whether it's Fist of the North Star style fighting shonen or moe slice of life) but in terms of the overall animation, it's lacking in Shinbo's usual fondness for trippy and unusual art style methods. In some ways though the fact that it is fairly conventional, makes Arakawa stand out in itself, compared to the rest of the Shaft catalogue.


Music: Both opening songs (Venus & Jesus/Cosmos vs Alien) were sung by Etsuko Yakushimaru- and both are very quirky slices of J-Pop, that really suit the unconventional nature of the series. The ending songs Upside Down Bridge and Red Coat were performed by Suneohair, both of these are jangly guitar songs, that are pretty infectious and do a good job of conveying that the series has some 'heart' beyond the madcap antics and presentation.


Plot and Characters: The story of Arakawa Under The Bridge revolves around Kou Ichinomiya (referred to as 'Recruit' by the residents of the Arakawa riverbank community) a young man who has been rather successful in life thus far, but finds that his families mantra of never being in debt to anyone, ends up landing him in a community made up of outcasts from conventional society.


The first of the strange folk of Arakawa that Kou/Recruit meets is Nino, the girl Kou feels that he is indebted to for saving his life..... Nino who claims to be from Venus, request that Kou start a relationship with her, as a way that he can repay his 'debt' to her, rather than receive a conventional gift. Kou even offers Nino a proper house, but Nino does not want to leave the Arakawa riverbank, and because Kou's belief in never being in debt to anyone is so strong, that leads him to moving into the strange community of outsiders that live beside the Arakawa river. At first Kou's relationship with Nino is little more than an 'arrangement' but over the course of the story, it becomes clear that he begins to fall for this rather unusual girl, whilst Nino herself also starts to experience feelings towards Kou.


Of course Nino isn't the only member of the community that Kou, ends up moving into- And he soon finds out that though Nino's a little 'out-there' herself, she's probably one of the more normal ones. The most significant of which would be the Chief, a man who believes that he is a centuries old Kappa and the one who gives Kou is new name of Recruit, then there is Hoshi a self proclaimed former rock star, that wears a star mask, who becomes a 'rival' to Kou, due to the fact that he hopelessly in love with Nino.


As a sample of the other community members there is Sister (a former British soldier who cross dresses as a nun), Shiro (a man who always rolls around a field striper, due to being obsessed about staying on the white line), The Metal Brothers (a pair of young boys who claim wear metal helmets, that claim to be in hiding from the military) and Maria (a beautiful woman with a sadistic streak, who takes great pleasure in passing out harsh insults).


As well as Kou's unusual romance with Nino, the story of Arakawa Under the Bridge, is really one about what it means to be 'normal'. Kou goes into the community, feeling that he is completely different to Nino and the rest, and that he is nothing in common with 'the weirdo's that he has suddenly landed in with, but by the end of the story he begins to feel part of the community, and that despite their dysfunctional personalities, the residents of the Arakawa riverbank, are a cohesive bunch who function just as well as conventional society. In fact the rich, smart and handsome Kou, who has always got by in life not receiving help from others, learns what it is like to work as a part of a team, or even (due to his own rather unconventional up-bringing) feel what is like to be part of a 'family'.


Despite Arakawa's dramatic elements, the fish out of water story, the strange romance and the band of misfits coming together, the series is first and foremost a comedy, much of which revolves around Kou/Recruit in 'the only sane man' role, reacting to the various quirks and downright strange behaviours of the Arakawa riverbank residents- of which many running gags are mined upon.


Analysis: Revolving around a cast of weirdo's and increasingly reliant on set of running gags involving it's unconventional cast, Arakawa Under The Bridge is the sort of 'widget' comedy that very likely won't appeal to everyone but could well end up being well loved by those who have a fondness for bonkers comedy anime. I myself find that though I initially find myself attracted and intrigued by unusual series like Arakawa, they usually end up running out of steam and sadly, though the series does retain plenty of charm right to the very end it does indeed run out of steam.


Though there is an unconventional romance and some degree of drama, Arakawa is primarily a comedy series. At first the quirks of the various characters and Kou's 'Only Sane Man' straight man reactions to the looney residents of Arakawa, are very amusing and they stay amusing for quite a while, but by the end of the second series the running gags feel tired and overused. The second series also introduces a couple of new characters, that simply don't work out all that well, such as the frankly dreadful character of Amazoness (maybe a sign that they were beginning to try too hard for bizarre character concepts during the second season)


In terms of a storyline to hang the comedy around, the first series revolves around Kou accidentally falling in with this band of outcasts, but then doing all he can to keep them together, when they come under threat from outsiders. The second series, turns up the heat on Kou and Nino's romance (a good thing, as their unconventional and slightly awkward courtship is one of the most charming things about the series) but foolishly tries to blur the lines on whether or not Nino has actually come to Earth from outer space.


Personally I didn't think it needed to blur those lines in the second series, as the narrative of the Arakawa community of lunatic outcasts (that steadfastly believed in their way of life) who wouldn't be able to function in conventional society but are able to form a functional family/society of their own, worked very well and certainly gave some food to thought, in regards to how 'normal' is 'normal'. Once they story tried to make you consider Nino, might actually be a Venusian after all, the story lost a little bit of it's charm.


Though we gets some background on the Arakawa residents, those looking for some deeper psychological analysis, into why these outcasts act the way they do, and the circumstances that have lead to them acting the way they do will be left disappointed. I myself would perhaps liked to have seen the series perhaps delve into the characters backgrounds more and perhaps show it's more serious/dramatic side a little more, but I also accept that the series wanted to keep things mostly light.


There may well be those that feel that Arakawa, makes too much 'light' of people that in real life, would probably be assessed as having a some kind of mental illness, but I for one didn't feel that the creators of Arakawa Under The Bridge, had any intention of being 'cruel' in regards to society outcasts/the homeless or the mentally ill. In fact Arakawa Under The Bridge's 'heart' always feels as though it's in the right place, and it's that factor plus the charming unconventional 'romance' between Kou and Nino that keeps the series being watchable right until the very end, despite the comedy running out of steam.


Closing Verdict: Arakawa Under The Bridge is an unconventional comedy, with an interesting premise that actually has a surprising amount of heart and charm lurking behind the madcap comedy. However it has to be said that it does run out of steam during the second series.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: NIS of America picked up the American license for this series, but decided to release it as a sub only release.

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Noticed there were a lot of broken picture links for some reason, throughout the thread.....So fixing that right (and removing the music links, because hey half of those are probably broken)


Anyway as I'm doing gradually doing this (up to Letter D right now), it actually had me wondering whether or not I should do away with a grading system, be it numbered or lettered at the end of the reviews.


For one I always feel that a rating system, always leads to inconsistencies when it comes to how they relate to the tone of a review. Plus I also feel that the Final Verdict paragraph at the end of each review should give the reader a good enough indication of whether or not I enjoyed the anime and recommending it as something to watch.


So would you (the readers) mind if I did away with a rating system? Or should I have some kind of rating system in place, even if it's just a very simplified system, along the lines of BUY/TRY/AVOID.

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Noticed there were a lot of broken picture links for some reason, throughout the thread.....So fixing that right (and removing the music links, because hey half of those are probably broken)


Anyway as I'm doing gradually doing this (up to Letter D right now), it actually had me wondering whether or not I should do away with a grading system, be it numbered or lettered at the end of the reviews.


For one I always feel that a rating system, always leads to inconsistencies when it comes to how they relate to the tone of a review. Plus I also feel that the Final Verdict paragraph at the end of each review should give the reader a good enough indication of whether or not I enjoyed the anime and recommending it as something to watch.


So would you (the readers) mind if I did away with a rating system? Or should I have some kind of rating system in place, even if it's just a very simplified system, along the lines of BUY/TRY/AVOID.


Honestly every possible rating system will have inconsistencies so the only thing that matters is whichever rating system lets you express your opinion on the series the best.

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I think the rating system is a good thing. I do skip to it to see what you put then i read the whole review. Between the two of them i get a good idea if it's a good anime and if i want to watch it. I say keep it in.
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I think the rating system is a good thing. I do skip to it to see what you put then i read the whole review. Between the two of them i get a good idea if it's a good anime and if i want to watch it. I say keep it in.


I certainly think it would be strange not to have any rating system. Anyway thinking about it, I changed to the grading system from a numbered system, because of the exact same issue, but then went C+/C- etc and to be honest it's just the same as the numbers only in a different guise.


I think the grading system works fine, as long as I just keep it as a simple A,B,C etc.....


So I'll be regrading everything, and more than likely quite a few C+ anime will get bumped up to a B. But the review itself will give the reader the indication whether or not a B rated anime, was closer to an A or a C, or a C rated was closer to a B than a C etc.

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