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Kuroko's Basketball






Genre: Sports Drama


Studio: Production I.G Director: Shunsuke Tada Writer:Noboru Takagi Source: Manga by Tadatoshi Fujimaki

Original Broadcast: S1: April- September 2012, S2:October 2013- March 2014 Episodes: 25+25


Synopsis: For three straight seasons the Teiko Middle School were unstoppable, due to having a once in a lifetime team containing five supremely talented players known as 'The Generation of Miracles'. Whilst not as lauded as the others, the team also had a key sixth man Kuroko Tetsuya, who whilst not as naturally gifted as the starting five, could affect games in his own way.


Following their graduation from middle school, each of their members went their separate ways and enlisted in different high schools. Kuroko enrols Seirin High School, whose basketball team has only been going a year, there he meets Kagami Taiga, who has recently returned from America and is desperate challenge the very best High School Basketball players in Japan.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (Approx 13+) and up- The big boobed, pink haired female manager of Touou Academy Satsuki, is a fanservice character- though the level of fanservice in the first season is barely worth mentioning.


However it did rise considerably in the second season with a hot springs episode, that was basically there to be a fanservice breather episode- lots of partial nudity, and even a bit of comedic boob on boob action between Satsuki and the less endowed Rika. Then there's the arrival of Alex Garcia (Kagami's former basketball mentor in America) who has a habit of walking around her apartment with not much clothes on.


The fanservice though is pretty harmless, and despite some partial nudity is presented more in a comedic manner, saying that the increased level in the second season edges Kuroko's Basketball even further away from being suitable viewing for younger eyes.


Action Level: Fairy High (Sports action)- The action provided in Kuroko's Basketball, is unsurprisingly through the sport mentioned in the series title. Whilst the Basketball played in the series, does actually look like the real life sport to some degree, it is presented in a fairly unrealistic style with the most gifted players on the court having ridiculous abilities such as being able to shoot 3 pointers from anywhere on the court with a virtually perfect percentage or being able to do trick shot dunks in mid air, amongst other things. Even the unassuming title character, has a super powered passing skills.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- Though not a super serious show, Kuroko's Basketball is a shonen sports drama, so it's not really a cutesy moe type of show either. If it wasn't for the female characters who could perceived to have moe traits, Kuroko's Basketball wouldn't be 'moe' at all.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The character designs have stereotypical shonen traits but are relatively realistic at the same time. Many characters have crazy hair colours (with the two main protagonists Kuroko and Kagami, clearly colour coded for everyone's convenience) but none of the characters have ridiculous shonen hairstyles.


The art is generally bright and colourful but not overbearing, whilst the animation is generally solid throughout, and can become fairly impressive during key moments, such as the most decisive moment of one of the many basketball games to be featured. In general the animation of the Basketball games gets consistently better in Season 2, with noticeably better direction and camera angles.


Music: There are various opening and ending themes throughout the series, most of which are high energy J-Pop/Rock (many of them provided by the band GRANDRODEO) that match the mood of the series well, but none really stand out on their own and they all tend to run into one another.


Plot and Characters: Much of the drama of Kuroko's basketball, takes place on the court, with the games not only presented as a battle between the teams, but also presenting several individual battles between the players on the court, whilst Kuroko and Kagami are at the centre of the story, the Seirin Basketball team and even players from outside of the Generation of Miracles, get plenty of time to get across their own stories and motivations throughout the series.


The titular character Kuroko, is small and frail and far from athletically gifted, however his lack of presence on the court gives him the power of misdirection and along with perfecting his passing skills makes him dangerous player on the court, however he cannot stay 'invisible' for the whole game, so he often finds himself benched from long stretches throughout the game.


Despite not having the natural attributes to play Basketball, Kuroko clearly loves playing the game- however we learn that he fell out of love with Basketball, due to winning being such a formality for the Teiko basketball team, that it was no challenging or fun and that the team was basically a bunch of self centred individuals who only won due to their collective power. Kuroko is determined to show that teamwork and passion can not only match but overcome natural talent, and he finds what he is looking for in the un proven Seirin Basketball team.


Taiga Kagami, is a naturally gifted but hot headed young man, who has returned to Japan from America and does not seem too excited about the prospect of the low standard of basketball that awaits him, until he learns of the Generation of Miracles. Kagami, is the kind of person who thrives on competition and is determined to test himself against the very best- which sometimes leads to him over-pushing himself and making him susceptible to injures.


Though his loud and brash personality, is the complete opposite to the quiet Kuroko, the pair soon find that they have the same determination to succeed and they form a strong bond together, with Kuroko declaring himself the 'shadow' to Kagami's 'Light'- which basically means that Kuroko will do everything he can to help turn Kagami into the best player in Japan.


The Seirin basketball team isn't just about the two first years, the second years are determined to do better than they did last year, after tasting crushing defeat in last years basketball tournament. One key character arc, revolves around the team's Center Kiyoshi Teppei, who is returning from injury and is part of a group of talented players who came up short when playing against the unstoppable Teiko team in middle school.


As for the 'Generation of Miracles' they are all highly talented but their attitude and philosophies towards basketball clash with their former team mate Kuroko, this particularly comes to a head with Kuroko's former 'light' Aomine, a player so talented that he has become bored with basketball, because teams all too frequently give up in the face of his overwhelming talent and then later on the giant Center Murasakibara, who despite being dominant at Basketball, does not care for it much at all, seeing it as an unfair sport that favours giants like himself.


We even get some rivalry from the bench between Seirin's female coach, the tomboyish Riko and Touou Academy's manager Satsuki, who despite her model looks and girlyish ways is actually an astute tactician, that researches her opponents with minute detail. Satsuki is also very close to Kuroko from their time together at Teiko, claiming to be his girlfriend- though Kuroko only see's her as a friend.


The drama on the basketball court, is also played out in various tactics from the opposing teams that Seirin have to take on ranging from teams with potent offensive power to stubborn defensive teams and even a cynical team in Season 2, whose tactic is to resort to fouling and trying to take players out of the game by injuring them.


Though I wouldn't go as far as saying that Kuroko's Basketball is a comedy (some places do have it listed as one), the atmosphere of the series outside of the intensity of the basketball games, is fairly light with plenty of light relief based around the quirks of the various characters, such as people not noticing that Kuroko is there, Kagami's huge appetite or Midorima's superstitious nature.


Analysis: Kuroko's Basketball has all the cliches you would expect from a shonen sports drama- a plucky underdog protagonist team, overcoming insurmountable odds against more powerful opponents and the sport in question being presented in a hyper realized manner, with players able to perform near impossible feats. The levels of ridiculousness peak, with the introduction of a concept, known as being 'In The Zone', which amounts to a player becoming some powerful, that he becomes pretty much unplayable.


However as cheesy as Kuroko's Basketball can often get, the games themselves are all very engrossing and admittedly rather entertaining. In defence of the over the top nature of the Basketball presented throughout, the series is not there to be a super realistic representation of the sport, and if you really want that, why not actually watch a real Basketball game?


Despite sticking to a formula throughout (opponents look to be unbeatable, Seirin find a way to battle back), each game is different and the challenges that the heroes (Seirin) have to face from game to game, keeps things fresh. Also things don't always goes Serin's way in every game, they do suffer some big setbacks during the series, whilst the players are always looking to improve throughout the series and strengthen their skills or take care of their weaknesses.


That arc of individual improvement is no more apparent than with the series titular character, Kuroko- who starts off at being exceptional at passing the ball, but not much else.....he realises that in order to be more effective he needs to improve other area's of his game, notably his shooting- otherwise he's going to be holding the team back.


In fact what really make's Kuroko's basketball such an enjoyable watch, is not so much the basketball itself, but the interaction between the characters, across all the basketball teams featured throughout the course of the series, from the central relationship of Kuroko and Kagami, through Kuroko's interactions with the Generations of Miracles, through to personal rivalries between supporting characters, outside of the leading protagonists. Whilst Kuroko and Kagami are obviously at the centre of the series, near enough every character involved on or around the basketball feels important to the series and enriches the story, with all the different personal rivalries being weaved seamlessly into the unfolding (often down to the wire) drama on the basketball court.


The series also gets the balance right between it's more dramatic moments and it's light relief. The character drama, manages to stay grounded enough not to become overly melodramatic, whilst the various running gags based around the quirks of the various characters are admittedly quite amusing and are not overplayed to the point that they outstay their welcome. Generally the timing of the light relief is measured well, and the lighter (breather) episodes are a always welcome, after the several multi episode story arcs based around one of the many games throughout the 2 seasons (thus far, Series 3 is due next year).


It also managed to get across it's messages of achievement through hard work, team work and being able to do something because you enjoyed it, in a non preachy manner and made most of the 'antagonists' people that you want to see get beat, but sympathetic enough not to hate them- the only time we get a fully fledged villain is with the leader of the team that relies on taking players out of the game by injuring them- but even then he served his purpose to show that in life, some people are out right assholes.


However as enjoyable as the series generally is, the formula was starting to wear a little thin and become predictable by the end of the second season.... Games will invariably last for about four episodes, Seirin will get curbstomped early in the game but will then make a miraculous last minute comeback- through some form of teamwork, fighting spirit or their star man Kagami, suddenly going super seiyan or as this series puts it being 'IN THE ZONE'.


Closing Verdict: Kuroko's Basketball isn't going to change anyone's mind that literally cannot stand shonen sports drama's. However for fans of the Shonen Sports genre, then this is very good at what it is, and for those on the fence, you can do a lot worse than giving this series a go.


Sure it gets a bit cheesy at times (IN THE ZONE!:rolleyes:) , but the series has heart and it's the characters and their compelling interactions with one another that makes the series and not the basketball itself.

Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Thus far the series has not been licensed in America (discounting Crunchyroll), and a dub has not been produced. It's probably more the case, that a dub will not emerge for this series, despite being relatively popular, shonen sports series have never sold well in the western market and those already following the series on Crunchyroll (or possibly by other means) will have more and likely got attached to the characters with their original voices.


Note: A third season aired from January- July 2015- At this moment in time, it's something I'd like to get round to watching eventually (as long as they don't drag the story on for a billion more series/episodes after that) but as I gave the first 2 seasons a combined mild recommendation, season 3 isn't at the top of my priority list.

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I honestly think most sports animes of this type can't help but start climbing to the superpowered levels the longer they run as each new challenge has to be tougher than the last to continue the 'struggle to overcome' storyline.

If they go back and have the 'hero team' struggle against a team that has weaker skills than what they already overcame, it would be really jarring and lose a lot of immersion factor.


But like you said, its the overall story and the characters that can make it entertaining and worth watching, even though true realism of the sport has left the building.



Other sports animes that may interest people who enjoyed Kuroko's that are playing on Crunchyroll now are

Haikyuu- highschool volleyball

Baby Steps- Tennis ( actually tries to stay more realistic in the approach, and the main character , unlike Prince of Tennis, is more of a regular person who has to work hard and progress to get to the level of his opponents.)

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I honestly think most sports animes of this type can't help but start climbing to the superpowered levels the longer they run as each new challenge has to be tougher than the last to continue the 'struggle to overcome' storyline.

If they go back and have the 'hero team' struggle against a team that has weaker skills than what they already overcame, it would be really jarring and lose a lot of immersion factor.


But like you said, its the overall story and the characters that can make it entertaining and worth watching, even though true realism of the sport has left the building.


The thing is that you could always add an injury of a key player, the other team having a good leader or even add a black (not to be racist but japan has a lot of respect for black athletes from the anime's I've seen) american player from a local military base that attends a rival school. Another thing is show that the previous "weaker" team has improved just as much as the hero team. No team is unbeatable and the super powered stuff always destroys immersion for me when stuff takes place in a realistic setting. Cross Game is probably the best sports anime I've seen that doesn't rely on giving characters super powers.

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The thing is that you could always add an injury of a key player, the other team having a good leader or even add a black american player from a local military base that attends a rival school. Another thing is show that the previous "weaker" team has improved just as much as the hero team. No team is unbeatable and the super powered stuff always destroys immersion for me when stuff takes place in a realistic setting. Cross Game is probably the best sports anime I've seen that doesn't rely on giving characters super powers.


That's not racist or anything :p

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That's not racist or anything :p


just as I was editing that part


the thing is that I was thinking of Jason Ozuma from Hajime no Ippo




Everyone was scared when they realized Ippo's opponent was black since Ippo fights like Mike Tyson along with the reputation of all the great black boxers in the world from Ali to Money


Edit: So apparently it already happened but it was a tranfer student



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Speed Grapher







Genre: Supernatural,Action, Drama


Studio: Gonzo Director: Kunihisa Sugishima Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: April- September 2005 Episodes: 24


Synopsis: In the near future, the world is recovering from a devastating world war, in the aftermath Japan has become an ultra capitalist society, corrupt beyond repair. Tatsumi Saiga a photo journalist who covered the war, finds himself becoming interested in a secret club known to contain numerous politicians and other high powered members of society, and silks to infiltrate the club to find out more.


When Saiga gets there, he finds the members of the club engaged in mass orgies and preparing for a bizarre ritual- that involves a member of the club being kissed by the 'goddess'. In the midst of documenting the disturbing events taking place in the club, he gets captured and is 'beaten to death' however amidst all this, he receives a kiss from the clubs 'Goddess'.


Upon being kissed Saiga gains the ability to heal from his injuries, but more bizarrely also gains the ability to cause explosions by snapping pictures. Saiga the makes the decision to rescue 'The Goddess' from the clutches of this hedonistic club and uncover the truth behind this organisation, that may well be playing in a central role in the decline of society.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (Approx 16+) and up- Even though I wouldn't necessarily call Speed Grapher 'Fanservicey', a constant air of sleaziness pervades throughout the show, with sexualized acts depicted on a regular basis, some of it relatively kinky and/or extreme to the point of being unsettling....such as sexual slavery and hypocritical female on male rape.


The show can get pretty violent at times too and though it's probably not as graphic as some shows in the depiction of the sleazy world that it portrays, the sheer volume and consistency on display here, veers it towards being pretty much an adults only series.


Action Level: Medium- Speed Grapher has it's fair share of action, which mostly revolves around the battle's between those with supernatural powers, referred to as 'Euphorics' in the show. Well to be more accurate it mostly revolves around the battles between the protagonist Saiga (who gains the ability to have a camera that literally shoots stuff) and other 'Euphorics'. The various flavours of the Euphorics keeps the action interesting, but there are probably more action packed shows out there, if that is where your tastes tend more to lie.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Very Low- Those turned off by moe/kawaii, need not worry here, as Speed Grapher is about as 'moe' as being fore arm smashed in the face by Tomohiro Ishii. If I really want to clutch at straws, then the heroine Kagura has a degree of 'moe' appeal, but that's about it.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Speed Grapher uses a fairly muted palette, and relatively realistic looking characters (in terms of proportion, there's nothing realistic about the Euphorics- well it's not a reality I would want to be part of anyway), that in itself is not a problem and overall the art style suits the gritty mood that the show is shooting for.....In fact the character designs for the Euphorics, are all unique and generally quite interesting and often quite grotesque and frightening.


However for a series produced by Gonzo (even if we are talking about something that is about a decade old now), the art and animation here is generally very disappointing. I can only assume that Speed Grapher, was worked on by the same team as Welcome To The NHK (another Gonzo series with ropey art and animation and not just their usual 'crime' of conspicuous CGI).


So what are the problems, the art often lacks detail (just look at some of the cars in the series, absolutely terrible- and no I couldn't do better myself but I'm not getting paid to draw!), the animation is generally choppy and inconsistent, as are the execution of the character designs.

Music: The Japanese opening uses, Duran Duran's Girls on Film, whilst due to the fact that Funimation couldn't obtain the license for that song in the English dub, the English opening is 'Shutter Speed' a theme that also features as part of the series background soundtrack- both are very good fits for this series, though it is a little bit of a shame that 'Girls on Film' only featured as part of the original Japanese version.


The ending theme's are the folky pop of 'Hill of Poppies' by Shione Yukawa- due to Yukawa's rough around the edges singing style, I wasn't that keen on this one at first but it really grew on me and connected well with Kagura's viewpoint within the series. The second ending theme 'Break The Cocoon' by Yorico, has more of a bombastic, rock feel....though not necessarily the most imaginative of ending themes, it is quite catchy and more instantly likeable than the first ending theme (well at least to my ears).


The soundtrack is generally very good, with a nice mix of more sombre piano lead pieces during the more reflective moments, and more traditionally rousing orchestral numbers during the series more action packed/high tension scenes. The key part of the soundtrack however, is a beautifully melancholic music box tune, that isn't just there for effect but plays a key role during the series plot, particularly during the second half.


Plot and Characters: Speed Grapher takes place in a corrupt Japan, where the rich are getting richer and the poor just keep on getting poorer. Amongst all this the high and mighty have their deepest desires, fulfilled and perhaps manifested itself as superpowers, at the Roppongi Club.


Those who have their desires manifest into unique abilities, are known as Euphorics- and the protagonist Saiga (by accident) just happens to turn into one. To become a Euphoric, it appears that one must have a strong fetish for something, and for Saiga that happens to be photography. However unlike the rest of the Euphorics, Saiga is a man who whilst a little jaded and cynical, maintains strong morals.


The Euphorics are given their power, after a kiss from 'The Goddess'- who actually happens to be a 'brainwashed' girl called Kagura. Kagura is the daughter of the the Tenozu Group, Shinsen Tenozu and abusive mother, who views her daughter with contempt and is in a relationship with the man running the Roppongi Club Choji Suitengu. Suitengu is a man who appears to flaunt wealth, greed and hedonism and his motives first appear to be strongly linked with those of the Tenozu Group and the other movers and shakers involved in the seedy Roppongi Club, but we learn over the course of the series that he has his own goals, very different from the men and women he does business with.


Taiga vows to free Kagura from the 'hell' that she has had to endure, and part of the series revolves around Suitengu, his goons and several hired Euphorics attempting to track down the hero, who inevitably starts to grow feelings for Kagura, even though he's over twice her age (though their relationship in a highly sexualized show, is never really pushed as being of that nature).


However the real story is that the powers that the Euphorics possess, are tied to some biological experiment during the war- and we learn that both Saiga and Kagura's existences are a fragile one, and not just because they are in constant danger of being hunted down by Suitengu and his chronies.

Another character to play an important role in the series are Saiga's, friend Doctor Genba Ryogoku, who agrees to help Saiga out and look into ways of saving both Saiga and Kagura.


Then there is Hibari Ginza, the not exactly squeaky clean policewoman with a shoot first ask questions later attitude, that also happens to be in a relationship with Saiga. The 'relationship' however is more one sided in the direction of Ginza towards Saiga, to the point that she is rather 'yandereish' in nature and she soon becomes extremely jealous of Saiga's 'relationship' with Kagura. Whilst not a purely evil character, Ginza is selfish and her actions end up putting Saiga and Kagura in danger.


The general theme throughout the series, is a constant conflict between those motivated entirely by greed and those who believe that happiness and fulfillment revolves around more than just money. Ultimately we also learn that the primary antagonist of the series is not that far removed from the series hero (Saiga) in their ideals, it's just that they are more extreme in their execution of trying to bring a corrupt, greed fuelled society to it's knees.


Speed Grapher is a dark and edgy show, with an emphasis mostly on being serious or action packed, however some humour has been allowed to creep into the series to help keep a better balance. The protagonist Saiga, has his deadpan snarker moments, but the comic relief mainly comes from the hapless trio of henchmen tasked on hunting him down and bringing Kagura back with them, and Saiga's friend Bob, a flamboyantly gay American man, whose 'sister' is a transsexual that owns a cabaret pub, staffed entirely by drag queens.


Analysis: One could easily dismiss Speed Grapher with it's depiction of a corrupt hedonistic club, where the great and powerful 'get off' on their weird fetishes, as a desperate attempt to be shocking and controversial, but the series actually does attempt to have something interesting to say, regarding the motivation of greed both on an individual and societal level and how all the money in the world cannot buy happiness and that life is about more than that.


The first half of the series is by all accounts not anything all that special, it's a relatively entertaining execution of a 'monster of the week' type of affair, with Saiga and Kagura being tracked down by various Euphorics, plus Suitengu and his band of chronies. In fairness the Euphorics are all at least different, so the format doesn't get completely dull and you can see the seeds being sown to take the story in a more interesting direction.


Admittedly the generally sleazy nature of the show, and the persistent air of sex and violence throughout could put some viewers off, but those who baulk at the prospect of such a series should probably avoid this and therefore avoid complaining about it anyway. The thing about a series like Speed Grapher is that the 'shocking' stuff, is not there to be titillation nor did I feel that it was there to be sensationalist, pretty much everything depicted was there to either drive along the story or enrich the 'world' being depicted throughout the series.


Where Speed Grapher really steps it up is during the second half, or particularly after the point where who we think might be pulling the strings, gets bumped off and the true primary antagonist begins to show their true colours, and in it's primary antagonist Speed Grapher, manages to depict one of the more sympathetic villains in anime and one who at times the audience finds themselves rooting for.


Now, I know what you are going to ask- wouldn't cheering on the heel be a bad thing? Not so with this series, because you still find yourself rooting for the hero and ultimately want to see a resolution where both the big bad and the heroic lead, can see their goals fulfilled (especially as despite different approaches, they ultimately aren't all that different after all). Interestingly the real 'villain' of the series, isn't so much the big bad, but the circumstances that have sent him off the deep end.


Whilst the co-lead Kagura with her naivite can at times irritate, in general the characters are interesting and well thought out, with several supporting characters standing out. The loyalty shown by Suitengu's trio of henchmen is an interesting subplot and despite being 'villains' their steadfast commitment to their leader has to be admired (especially when we learn of their backstory). The morally grey cop Ginza, was another complex and engaging character and though I was personally disappointment to see her not get some form of comeuppance for some reprehensible acts she commits earlier in the series, her personal growth from the beginning to the end of the series is one of the more engaging subplots.


Though the ending might not necessarily be the one, that everyone would have in mind for the series, it does manage to wrap things up neatly and leaves little doubt over their being unfinished business regarding the story being told throughout the series.


The biggest letdown regarding Speed Grapher, isn't so much the execution of the plot (which grows from not bad in the first half, to really good in the second half) and the development of the characters, but as I already pointed out in the art/animation section, the defining element that makes this an anime.


It's a real shame that Speed Grapher finds itself hindered by the technical elements of an anime, because as a story (if one can look beyond the sleazy veneer) Speed Grapher is an interesting story that grows in quality over the course of the series.


Closing Verdict: Speed Grapher starts off as an adequate, more 'adult' take on the monster of the week formula but grows into something more interesting and engaging during it's second half, with a charismatic and sympathetic primary antagonist.


The art and animation which ranges from adequate at best to ropey at worst, cannot be ignored in the assessment of the series and prevents this from being unarguably outstanding. However despite that major flaw, if you are looking for a more mature and cerebral drama, that still retains some thrilling action elements- then Speed Grapher is certainly worth checking out.





Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation did the dub for this series, and in a rare case, in spite of the Japanese setting, this a dub that is as good as, perhaps if not better than the original Japanese. Christopher Sabat's gruff, weary tones are a very good fit for Saiga and amongst a generally stellar performance amongst all of the dub cast, I was very impressed by the performance of Clarine Harp as Ginza. Harp is someone I have seen on Funimation dub casts before, but has not really left an impression on before, but here in a more prominent role, I thought she really managed to stand.

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Genre: Drama, Romance, Supernatural*


* More a hint of, rather than it being a major element of the series.


Studio: Kyoto Animation Director: Tatsuya Ishihara Source: Visual Novel by Key (Jun Maeda)

Original Broadcast: October 2007- March 2008 Episodes: 23 (+ 1 OVA)


Synopsis: Jaded Tomoya Okazaki, cares little for school (often turning up late for school) and has a strained relationship with his father, since the death of their mother.


However his life begins to a take a turn, from the day he bumps into Nagisa Furukawa, a shy girl who lacks confidence due to having to take year out from school, due to illness. Tomoya finds out that Nagisa want's to join the Theater Club and encourages to do so, only to find that it has been disbanded- but despite this obstacle, Tomoya finds himself driven to help his new friend. Over time Nagisa comes out of her shell, whilst (with the help of friends and her own family) help Tomoya become interested in his own life again.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (approx 13+) and up- There is no real fanservice to worry about in Clannad, but that doesn't make the series suitable viewing for all ages. Some of the tragic backstories can be become quite heavy, and the emotional drama involved will only be suitable for teenagers and older to understand and comprehend.


Action Level: Virtually Non Existent- One of the heroines Tomoyo, is a bad-ass who is capable of beating up a horde of delinquents- but most of the time she is seen combo kicking series butt-monkey Youhei into oblivion. In all seriousness though, you won't be watching Clannad for thrilling action.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Extreme Moe Overdose- Big eyed Bishojo 'heroines' with sob story pasts- this series couldn't be any more 'Moe' if it tried. If you really can't stand or even mildly endure 'moe' then Clannad will most likely not be the series for you. Whilst all the girls have their 'Moe' moments, in particular the one's that fly the MOE flag the most, are Nagisa, Fuko and Kotomi.

Animation Quality/Art Style: The big eyed 'moe appeal' bishojo character designs are both very much of a previous era (the mid 2000's- K-On!'s brand of moe has been the default go to design since 2009) and typical of the kind you would find from a series having a VN as it's source material. If you really dislike blatant moe appeal, then the character designs for Clannad will likely be a turn off for you.


Kyo-Ani have a knack for making the mundane look beautiful, and for a series of around this time period, the art and animation is certainly of a consistenly high quality. The only slight grievance to be had, is that some of the CGI (especially that involved in the 'illusionary world') isn't exactly what you would call inconspicuous.


Music: Clannad features a beautiful soundtrack, able to enhance the poignant drama in a generally understated manner, as should be the case with a series like this. The real standout of the soundtrack is 'Dango Daikazoku' a faux Japanese children song, that is used instrumentally throughout the soundtrack and sung as the ending theme by Chata or amusingly by the main heroine Nagisa in some scenes during the series. The song in it's different forms manages to be both happy and innocent, yet poignant and sad at the same time.


The opening theme Mag Mell by Eufonius, manages to get across the ethereal beauty present throughout the series, but isn't anywhere near as memorable or packs as much of an emotional punch as the ending theme.


Plot and Characters: Branded a 'delinquent' at school because of his poor attendance record, we learn that over the course of the series that Tomoya Okazaki, is not so much a bad person, as just one who hasn't had any guidance in his life since the death of his mother, and his father turned into a hopeless drink dependent shell of his former self. Okazaki's life is given some spark when he meets the shy and lonely Nagisa Furukawa, who is repeating her final year of school. Though their circumstances are different, he immediately finds an empathetic connection with Nagisa, over the fact that both are outcasts.


Running throughout the series is Nagisa's attempted revival of the Theatre Club, with Okazaki doing his best to encourage and instill more confidence into Nagisa- along the way their friendship circle expands, with Okazaki being drawn to helping some other fellow outcast at the school. In fact though Okazaki and Nagisa are the primary characters, and inevitably feelings between the pair gradually grow beyond just friendship, Clannad is divided into a series of arcs, with several of the primary supporting heroines being central to the story, during that arc.


These arc's usually reveal a emotional and usually quite depressing backstory involving the girls, ranging from a former teacher at the school waiting to get married but feels unable to do so whilst her sister is in a coma, a girl whose parents had a fatal accident and a girl whose parents being on the brink of divorce, forced her brother to take drastic action. Finally the main heroine Nagisa, can't quite shake feelings of guilt, though she cannot recall her reasons why she would feel this way- and when she does learn why she carries this guilt, she nearly throws all the progress she has made in terms of blossoming into a more confident person away.


Amongst the cast supporting the central pair of Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa, are the Fujibayashi twins (the brasher Kyou and the more timid Ryou), anti-social bookworm Kotomi Ichinose, Tomoyo Sakagami a transfer student with a violent past, the childish and naive freshman Fuko Ibuki and Tomoya's friend and fellow 'delinquent' the obnoxious but actually kind hearted Youhei Sunohara. Finally Nagisa's parents play a strong role in the story, most notably during the final arc, centred around Nagisa's feelings of guilt towards events that happened in her past.


A recurring underlying theme throughout the series, is the importance of family- whether it is of the natural kind or of a more surrogate variety (as the band of 'outcasts' that form together under the banner of the 'Theatre Club' become a kind of family themselves).


Throughout the series also mysteriously presents scenes with a girl living in a world, that has been left isolated and her only companion is a doll made of junk- though seemingly a bit random at first, the scenes do end up tying in with the story (though one will have to watch Clannad to learn how), whilst a few of the story arcs (one in particular) have a mildly supernatural slant to them.


Though much of Clannad is filled with emotional, tear-jerking drama- it does also have a lighter side and does feature it's fair share of more lighter and comedic moments. As is usually the case with a high school based slice of life series, the comedy is mostly based around running gags attributed to the quirks of the characters, such as Nagisa's love for a nostalgic children's mascot group 'The Big Dango Family', Fuko's equally inane obsession over starfish, Youhei's consistenly lame attempts at trying to attract girls or Sanae Furukawa's (Nagisa's mother) terrible baking skills, despite running a bakery with her husband.


Analysis: One of several visual novels developed by Key that were adapted by Kyo-Ani in the mid 2000's, Clannad is as one would expect a heartfelt combination of heartbreaking drama and heartwarming romance.


Being very much a character driven piece, Clannad's characters needed to be likeable/relateable for the viewer, to become engaged in their story and as a whole the cast here is very charming, and though there is plenty of tear-jerking dramatic moments, the drama here never feels overwrought or too forced. Even when the more supernatural elements are introduced, it still somehow works- one arc in particular involves a girl who is a sort of 'ghost' but somehow they manage to make it work, because they make you focus more on the character itself, rather than the potentially hokey plot device.


And though Clannad centres around a boy being surrounded by several bishojo girls- Tomoya Okazaki is certainly a step above your average harem male lead. Though other girls are presented as possibly having feelings for him, we only ever get the impression that Tomoya has strong feelings for Nagisa, and it's also very much presented that the other girls are aware of this. Refreshingly their own growing friendship for Nagisa, prevents them from acting out of character, when they realise they have no hope of connecting with Okazaki beyond being friends, whilst Nagisa is there.


One criticism that could be levelled at the story being told here, is that Okazaki's own problems with his father and his malaise with life in general, tend to get put on the back burner. Whilst it's refreshing that Okazaki, despite being labelled a 'delinquent' is generally not some tediously moody emo teen, he's so well adjusted that it's easy to forget that he has his own problems, alongside the tear inducing sob stories that form the basis of the various 'heroines'- still he's a very likeable lead and given his generally snarky personality, reminds me (in spite of his apparent poor attendance record) of a more proactive and slightly less cynical Kyon- which to this viewer isn't exactly a bad thing.


It's those moments of poignancy and tenderness that make up the more dramatic elements of Clannad, that will strike at the heart of the viewer more, but it's lighter side, plays an equally important role in making this slice of life romance a success. The comedy here is generally surprisingly consistently quite funny (I even didn't mind the loser guy getting regularly beaten up by a girl gag- as it was between supporting characters, and not the basis of the whole series.) and helped to give the characters balance, and in turn make them instantly more likeable.


If the protagonists of the series were weeping and whining all the time, those sadder moments wouldn't have nearly as much impact, but because we see these characters filled with joy as well as filled with crushing sadness throughout the series, those tear-jerker moments are able to tug at the heart strings more and carry more weight.


Of course credit also has to go to the technical side of the anime, with beautiful visuals and a emotionally stirring soundtrack, adding that extra but of much needed quality to what could have ended up as a rather mundane series, in less capable hands.


As good as Clannad is though as a sweet and tender romance, a poignant commentary on the importance of 'family' and also as a surprisingly amusing high school comedy- it isn't going to be to everyone's tastes, as it is about as MOE, as a series can get, both in terms of it's blatant character art style and the fact that the heroines are all practically 'moe-blobs' at their most highly concentrated.


Closing Verdict: Clannad is a beautifully made, well balanced and poignant drama and if you're a fan of sweet and tender romances, then you can't go much wrong with this- unless of course you absolutely can't stand 'moe' in which case you would be best advised to give this one a wide berth.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Sentai Filmworks, took on the challenge of what is a fairly challenging dub- challenging in the fact that this is exactly the kind of series, where fans are going to become attached to the original Japanese cast voices and for some no matter how good the dub is, it's never going to be good enough.


As for the dub itself, Sentai doesn't knock it out of the park, and at times it suffers from a weird loss of sound quality but it's not a bad effort, even if there is some miscasting, the most notable of which is Shelley Calene Black sounding twice the age of her character, as Kyou. David Matranga and Luci Christian, are both solid enough in their roles as the lead couple of Okazaki and Nagisa, whilst Hilary Haag is predictably reliable casting as the extremely moe Fuko.


Note: For those who have already seen , I am aware that this review is only 'half' of the series, however I felt that both the first series and it's sequel 'After Story' are worthy of being judged on their own merit.

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Unfortunately I can't get Toradora on Crunchyroll in the U.K (some claptrap about licensing).


Well I was flicking through Crunchyroll on my T.V the other day, and it now turns out that Toradora! is available in the U.K, and interestingly it's one of those rare occasions where the series is available in both sub and dub versions.


Naturally upon seeing that Toradora! is in fact available, I preceded to watch it, so expect a review of the series to be posted up within the next day or so.

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Yeah, I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed it, pretty much marathoning the whole 25 episodes over 2 days. I did watch the dub version, simply because I'm lazy sometimes and don't want to have to read what I am watching :p



Also been watching HunterXHunter for a couple weeks now ( about 80 episodes in of the 140 or so they currently have and found it to be not as childish as I assumed it would be. Theres actually some darkness in it, which is somewhat surprising since the main characters are 13 yr old boys ( although one was trained to be an assassin all his life )


I'd say its probably between good Naruto and better than One Piece in terms of animation and story so its definitely worth checking out.

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Great news. Toradora is great. The dub is pretty good but the sub is better over all. Mainly for the lady doing Taiga's voice. There's something deep in there when she's digging out the tears./



Can't wait for the review.


You'd be referring to Rie Kugimiya- she's referred to as the 'Queen of Tsundere's' because she tends to get typecast in those roles :p

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Genre: Romantic Comedy Drama


Studio: J.C Staff Director: Tatsuyuki Nagai Source: Light Novel by Yuyuko Takemiya

Original Broadcast: October 2008- March 2009 Episodes: 25


Note: The series name is derived from the name of the two main characters, Taiga sounds like Tiger in English, and Tora is Japanese for Tiger, Ryuji means son of Dragon is Japanese and the translation for Dragon into Japanese is Doragon.


Synopsis: Despite being a nice guy, pretty much everyone at school shy's away from Ryuji Takasu due to having the 'face of a thug. Meanwhile the pint sized Taiga Aisaka is equally feared at school due to her short tempered nature.


After an accidental confrontation in the hallways, that is blown out of proportion by the rest of the school, Taiga accidentally leaves a love letter in Ryuji's bag, that is intended for his friend Yasaku Kitamura. Embarrassed by the incident Taiga tracks Ryuji (who is also oblivious to being Taiga's neighbour) however Ryuji in an attempt to diffuse the situation, reveals that he is in love with Taiga's best friend Minori Kushieda.


The pair decide to make a pact to help one another confess their feelings for their respective crushes, but as they spend more and more time together, is love right under their noses the whole time?


Recommended Viewing Age: 12 and up- There's some mild fanservice (Ryuji's hostess bar mother, is regularly seen showing of her ample cleavage), and some slapstick violence- add to that a few relatively mature situations, then you have a series that should be out of reach for pre-teen anime viewers but should be OK for most teenagers to handle/be exposed to.


Action Level: Low- The co main protagonist Taiga has a short temper, and we get a few 'cat fights' throughout the series- but this is a romantic comedy, so those looking for lots of action, aren't going to find it with Toradora!


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly High- There are even more 'Moe' series out there, though the Tsundere lead Taiga certainly has her 'moe' moments. In other words it's not as 'moe' as say something like Clannad or K-On! but it still maintains a fair amount of 'moe' appeal.

Animation Quality/Art Style: The art and animation in Toradora isn't going to blow anyone away, but it's competent enough for the kind of show that it is, and it managed to maintain a consistent level of solid quality throughout, which isn't always the case with anime knocked out by J.C Staff.


Character designs are what would you expect from a series adapted from a mid 2000's light novel series, whilst the background art was generally solid, if at times lacking in the kind of detail to help take the aesthetic side of the series to the next level.


Music: The opening and ending themes, are all pretty much run of the mill J-Pop sung by the seiyuu for the primary female seiyuu. The song's aren't terrible fits but with the exception of the infectious first opener Pre-Parade (which curiously gets replaced two thirds into the series, rather than half way) are on the whole a little uninspired. I'm always disappointed when a really good opener, gets replaced by something far inferior and that was certainly the case here.


Yukari Hashimoto's soundtrack (incidentally she also composed the soundtrack for J.C Staff's recent adaptation of Takemiya's other romantic comedy light novel series Golden Time), isn't necessarily the most memorable after the event, but it's a relatively varied soundtrack that does a solid job of complimenting the mood of the show throughout.


Plot and Characters: Toradora! revolves around two misunderstood high schoolers, who form a pact to help one another pursue their romantic interests, but because they spend so much time with one another, it looks as though they're the couple themselves and whilst their relationship starts out as a 'business' relationship, inevitably their feelings for one another grow stronger.


The protagonist Ryuji, lives with his single mother (a bar hostess in her early 30's, who hasn't really grown up yet), he unfortunately has the look of a scowling hardman but is actually a nice guy, who is very good at cooking and housework.


The short in stature, and short in temper (something that earns her the nickname of the Palm Top Tiger) lives in a large apartment, in a high rise overlooking the Takasu's modest house. Estranged from her divorced parents, she is something of a klutz and in the complete opposite to Ryuji, is completely hopeless at domestic chores (cooking & cleaning). Ryuji starts off being a kind of servant to Taiga (cleaning up her flat, cooking her meals at his place) but Taiga does start to appreciate what he does for her and it forms the basis of their relationship as opposed to an instant 'love at first sight' reaction.


The objects of their affections are the student council vice president/honor student Yusaku and the cheerful and energetic Minori. Stirring up the pot is Ami Kawashima, a fashion model who also happens to be Yusaku's childhood friend, because of her modelling career she constantly puts up a false image of being kind and gentle, but is really self centred and uses her attractiveness to her advantage. She becomes enemies with Taiga (though their relationship improves overtime), and develops feelings for Ryuji, but after her facade is seen through she has a constant up hill battle to win his heart, which is already focused upon Minori and growing closer by the day to Taiga.


Both Ryuji's mother (in a main supporting role) and Taiga's parents (in different story arcs) play important supporting roles in the series, as does the strong minded student council president Sumire Kano (who Yasaku greatly admires), whilst the nearly 30 (still single, and deeply aware of it), timied homeroom teacher Yuri Koigakubo, plus a few other regularly appearing high school students (two guys that sort of hang out with Ryuji and two girls that end up hanging around Ami) round out the recurring cast.


Much of the drama generated throughout the series, is from the indecisiveness of the characters to act on their feelings, something which over the course of the series doesn't apply to the two main protagonists, the effect that has on those around them and the different but equally difficult family situations that both hone and effect the personalities of Ryuji and Taiga.


The comedy in Toradora! is very much built around running gags that revolve around various characters and their defining quirks, such as Ryuji's obsession with cleanliness, Minori having an endless amount of part time jobs or the home-room teacher Yuri having a near breakdown everyone (usually accidentally) mentions in passing something regarding her still single status.


Toradora! starts out being more focused towards the comedy aspect of the series at the beginning of the series, but gradually becomes more centred around the romance and drama aspect as the series progresses.


Analysis: Toradora! is one of those series that takes well worn tropes and manages to put a relatively clever spin on them. It's essentially an opposite's attract comedy, with a Tsundere girl but the way it goes about presenting that premise is fairly original, with the two misunderstood protagonists agreeing to help one another, confess their feelings for their respective 'crushes'. Everyone knows where this is heading eventually, but it's still interesting to see them arrive at their realization, and the way that Ryuji and Taiga's relationship evolves from barely anything more than business relationship of sorts to true friendship and beyond is done at a natural and realistic pace, with believable hurdles along the way.


Ryuji is a clever twist, on the inept male romantic lead, in the fact that he is very capable of looking after himself (and is OCD towards housework, makes for some very amusing situations), whilst Taiga is a stereotypical hot tempered Tsundere, they've at least managed to develop some convincing reasons for her 'defensive' attitude, with her being insecure over the short stature and being messed about by her divorced parents.


The show also benefits from a solid supporting cast, particularly the complex Ami who evolves from complete Jerk with fake nice girl facade, to eventually show a more well rounded, if still not entirely likeable character. But by the end of the series, in her own way she manages to come across as a more 'honest' character than the perpetually cheerful Minori.


So with a well realized cast of characters that manage to put clever spins on well worn stereotypes, a well paced central romance and a relatively fresh take on the opposite's attract premise, then why can't I proclaim Toradora! to be considered a fully fledged success?


Unfortunately it suffers from inconsistent levels of enjoyment in both the dramatic and comedic elements of the series. Toradora! does have it's great moments, but it can also on occasions produce moments of poorly scripted drama or barely note worthy attempts at comedy.


Whilst I thought Ryuji and Taiga's central relationship was generally well handled, the series did take a downhill turn into angsty teen drama territory, towards the end of the series with some characters starting to act uncharacteristically 'emo' (most notably Minori) and whilst it's understandable that the series would gradually get more serious towards the end, it was much more charming when the mood was generally 'lighter'.


Unfortunately when the series tries to go in a more serious direction, it all too often comes across as forced and cheesy- and all too often lacks the subtle poignancy of something like a Clannad.


That's not to say that Toradora! doesn't ever deliver on the drama side, as I already pointed out Ryuji and Taiga's relationship was believably paced, whilst Ami turned into an interesting and complex supporting character, and provided a good counterpoint to the more immediately likeable Minori and Yasuko (the original objects of the protagonists affections).


As for the comedy, much of it is quite amusing (though it gradually takes more of a backburner in the more dramatic second half), Ryuji's cleanliness OCD and Minori's endless stream of part time jobs are amongst the more successful running gags, whilst the acidic exchanges between frenemies Taiga and Ami always managed to be fairly amusing. But there were unfortunately some running gags that fell very flat.


Though to be honest I'm only really talking about one running gag in particular, that revolves around the Takasu families pet, an ugly and manky looking budgie being unable to say his own name, but being able to shout out other random stuff and looking as though he was about to keel over at any moment. Much like the worst of Toradora!'s dramatic elements feeling forced, this felt just as desperate as apparent light relief.


Where Toradora! does manage to deliver, is being able to provide a satisfying (if somewhat cliched ending). The issues between all the main characters are resolved in a satisfying manner and despite the clever spin it often puts on typical romance anime tropes, it still shows that at it's very heart it still manages to be effective as a straight forward romance, that manages to deliver a fulfilling conclusion.


Closing Verdict: Toradora! is far from perfect, suffering from inconsistent delivery for both it's dramatic and comedic elements. However despite some 'low' moments of quality, the protagonists at the centre of the series hold it together and at it's very best, Toradora! proves itself to be one of the more inspired anime romantic comedies to come out during the 21st century.



Is the Dub Any Good?: For those waiting on a dub for your favourite series, to emerge and having lost all hope of there ever being one, Toradora! shows that you should never ever rule out the likelihood of being a dub sometime down the road. The show finished airing in Japan in 2009, but it has taken until very recently for a dub to emerge, the other surprise is that the North American license is with NIS America, who rarely produce dubs for their releases.


The dub cast is a combination of experienced and up and coming L.A based voice talent and whilst it's admittedly not as good as the original, it's not at all bad either, in fact for a high school based romantic comedy, it's actually pretty decent. I enjoyed both Erik Scott Kimerer (Ryuji) and Cassandra Lee Morris (Taiga) in the lead roles, Christine Marie Cabanos put in a good energetic performance as Minorin.


On the more critical side of things Johnny Lee Bosch phoned in a generic Johnny Lee Bosch performance as Yusaku, and whilst I respect the work Wendee Lee (Sumire Kano) has done over the years, she really needs to leave the high school age girls for the younger generation and stick to playing more mature parts , as her voice is starting to sound too old for these kind of parts now.

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So there you have it, I enjoyed Toradora! but I'm guessing perhaps not as much as some readers/commentators on here.


Blame the stupid bird, for me not rating it a bit higher :p


I agree with your review especially with the inconsistencies between comedy and drama . I watched the entire thing in a couple of sittings and without realizing it I'm at the part where they elope? together.<----Spoiler

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Toradora is a favorite of mine, can't tell you how many times i've watched it, kinda embarrassing. That said, i give the show a firm B. There's just a tad too much filler and once the shows tone shifts it never gets back to what made the beginning work so well.


A few things for me that bring it down was Minori was a bad character. A lot of the plot would have be solved if she didn't keep up her facade and really just leveled with Taiga and Ryuji. I can see why she's there and why Ryuji loved her so much but they could have trimmed about 4 episodes with one or two heartfelt reveals.


On the other hand, Yasaku Kitamura has his breakdown after his confession and loses focus on what made him a great bro, the x mas party and his, sexy Santa outfit, not to mention his antics spoiled him for me a bit. I can see it and why, i just think they went a tad overboard with it.


Ami was a surprising and well done character. Her transformation from poor pretty girl into someone that could show her true self, well not completely but enough so that others could see what Yasaku and Ryuji saw was well done, she never became a good girl or lost her attitude, so she's more genuine that the rest in that regard. I find her my favorite in the series over all.


I think some people might mind that the show really goes on a few episodes too long and the finial windup is really just the last 3 episodes. Though i think that if they never got to the ending i could watch Taiga and Ryuji just do their thing forever. The episode with Ryuji in the Santa Bear costume really got me. As much as i do like the dub, Taiga in the Japanese version losing it once she thinks she'll never see Ryuji again was heartbreaking. The voice actress in the dub is good but i think she doesn't commit herself as much as she needed to. That said i'm happy with the dub overall.


I like the slice of life/romance stuff. This show is a bar that i judge other shows by when i'm looking for something good to watch. Regardless of the genre.

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Wasn't sure where else to put this, but I started watching Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan today and so far I'm really enjoying it. One thing is really bothering me though and it's the design of the Titans. They are so silly and goofy looking and don't fit the dark themes of the show. I legitimately laughed out loud and they're really taking away some enjoyment. The Colossal Titan and the Armor Titan look okay, but the rest are just...silly. I guess it's a good thing the rest of the aspects of the show are as entertaining as they are because if not the Titans would really ruin the show.

I'm nearly done with the show (2 episodes left I think.) As much as I'm enjoying it, this is my biggest complaint. The non-unique Titans never fail to make me laugh, which is (or should be) the exact opposite reaction of what they're aiming for. But yeah, the other aspects of the show are good enough to make up for it. I'm interested enough in the story that I think I'll start reading the manga once I'm done. And I hardly ever read manga.

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Haiyore!- Nyaruko-San

(aka: Nyarko-San:Another Crawling Chaos)






Genre: Romantic Comedy, Sci-Fi, Action, Parody.


Studio: Xebec Director: Tsyuoshi Nagasawa, Writer: Noboru Kimura Source: Light Novel by Manta Aisora

Original Broadcast: April-June 2012/ April - June 2013* Episodes: 12 (+ 1 OVA)/ 12 (+1 OVA)*


* The second season is titled Haiyore!- Nyaruko-San W


Notes: The following review only applies to the anime adaptation done by Xebec. The light novels had previously been adapted by DLE, first with a series of 2 min internet only anime's in 2009 (Haiyoru! Nyarauni!) done in MS Paint/Flash Animation, that were really just there to plug the light novels. DLE then produced a follow-up series (Haiyoru! Nyarauni!) that still used the same MS Paint/Flash Animation, but the episodes were a little longer (5 min) and the series actually got shown on TV- this introduced some new characters not in the Light Novels and serve more as as accompaniment to the series.


The DLE 'Flash Animation' shorts aren't essential viewing, and you can dive in straight away with the Xebec adaptation, but if you like the more conventional anime series, then you may want to check them out. Incidentally the same seiyuu for DLE Flash Animation shorts, reprised their roles for Xebec's adaptation,


Synopsis: Ordinary High School Student Mahiro Yasaka, one night finds himself being hunted down by a creature he identifies as being a Nightgaunt from H.P Lovecraft's Ctulhu Mythos but is thankfully saved by a mysterious white haired girl- who then introduces herself as the crawling chaos Nyarlopthep.


'Nyaruko' as she prefers to be called explains that the creatures found in H.P Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos are actually various species of alien races, and that she is part of the Planetry Defense Organisation and has been assigned to help protect the Earth. However she has taken it upon herself to specifically protect 'Mahiro-San', because as it so happens she has fallen head over heels in love with him.


Mahiro's peaceful existence is further turned upside down, when he is joined by two other aliens that identify themselves as creatures of the Ctulhu Mythos and soon enough his life is a constant cycle of getting caught up in alien invasions and fending off the amorous advances of Nyaruko.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- Regular light fanservice (cleavage shots, bathroom nudity) and constant suggestive liasons plus some light violence.


Action Level: Medium- Haiyore! Nyaruko-San is more of a comedy than an action series, but Nyaruko-San etc do get to do battle with various aliens, with Nyaruko-San tending to turn into a Kamen-Rider parody when she gets serious about fighting. Though the battle scenes are essentially sending up various action based anime, and that something usually preposterous ends up happening during the battle, they are quite intense in their own unique way.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Very High- H.P Lovecraft's Ctulhu Mythos aliens reimagined in moe form is at the very heart of this series, you have Nyaruko covering the base for genki girl moe, Kuuko for emotionless girl moe and Hastur as cute kid/mini-moe. Then if the moe/cuteness of the three 'harem' female leads, isn't enough they throw in ridiculously cute critter Shantak-Kun as the 'Team Pet'.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Haiyore! Nyaruko-San's art and animation isn't going to blow anyone anyway but it's competent enough,especially one that is (action scenes aside) primarily a romantic comedy.


The character designs are more at the Bishojo/Moe end of the scale, and there has definitely been more effort put into the effeminate characters with the females having the more memorable designs, whilst the males tend to look bland and generic.


Music: The opening and ending theme's throughout are standard energetic J-Pop sung by the various female seiyuu for the most prominent female characters Kana Asumi (Nyaruko), Miyu Matsuki (Kuuko), Yuki Otsubo (Kurei).


The two opening themes, end up being the pick of the bunch, especially as the second season uses about six different ending themes and subsequently struggle to obtain the same ear worm status as the openers, both of which do a very good job of getting across the high energy madcap antics that are awaiting the viewer each episode.


The soundtrack by Monaca is not the most memorable but does, make good use of creating some fairly convincing themes for the over the top action sequences (playing it pretty much straight, despite the ridiculousness of the action that unfolds) and falling back on typically upbeat and quirky sounding tracks for the harem comedy sequences.


Plot and Characters: Mahiro is an ordinary highschool boy, who just wants a peaceful life but suddenly finds himself at the centre of various alien invasions (all of whom happen to be various deities from H.P Lovecrafts Ctulhu Mythos) and finds himself living with and fending off the romantic advances of Ctulhu Mythos 'aliens' assigned to protect him.


The alien invasions are usually based around obtaining/taking over Earth's resources, or to be more precise taking over Earth's entertainment- which in Haiyore! Nyaruko-san appears to be a hot commodity across the entire universe.


However the protecting the world from the alien invasion plot is really secondary to the romantic advances of Ctulhu Mythos aliens that have personally invaded Mahiro's life on a more personal basis.


Nyaruko (Nyartholep) doesn't just want to protect Mahiro, she wants him to fall in love with her. However her aggressive pursuit leads to Mahiro acting in a rather Tsundere like manner towards her, he is grateful for her saving his life but her clinginess aggravates him and he is also weary that the cute girl he see's before him is not her true form.


However in a twist on things Nyaruko , also finds herself the 'victim' of the same over-aggressive romantic advances that Mahiro is subjected to in the form of the deadpan Kuuko (Ctulgha). Ctulgha and Nartholep are supposed to be sworn enemies, but Kuuko fell in love with Nyraruko in kindergarten and has wanted to consume a lesbian relationship with her ever since, however the feelings are very much one sided and Nyaruko see's Kuuko as an annoying 'stalker with a crush'.


A little later on, the three are joined by Hastur, a cute and effiminate looking kid (Spoiler: He's a trap!- Despite looking like a girl, Hastur is actually a boy), who also happens to be another one of the Ctulhu Mythos aliens and ends up competing with Nyaruko for Mahiro's affections- though Mahiro is even less interested in getting romantically involved with Hastur than he is with the clingy Nyaruko.


Though the series is mostly played for laughs, occasionally it edges into slightly more serious territory, with Mahiro saying that he wants to return to a peaceful life (but deep down admitting that he would actually miss the alien girls if they were to disappear) and Mahiro struggling with Nyaruko's aggressive romantic advances and occasionally hurting Nyaruko in the process with some of his blunt outbursts, when her behaviour sends him over the edge.


Amongst the supporting cast, recurring characters include Mahiro's mother Yoriko (who as it turns out already has connections with the Ctulhu Mythos aliens that have invaded her son's life), class rep and best friend Yoichi (the most normal member of the cast), Tamao a budding journalist who has feelings for Mahiro but is keen to cheer on/encourage Nyaruko in her pursuit of Mahiro (believing that her new friend Nyaruko is already a lot closer to Mahiro than she will ever be), the buxom Luhy Distone (Spoiler: Introduced as an antagonist but makes a face turn once defeated and regularly gets involved in the central gangs activities) and finally Shantak-Kun Nyaruko's pet, a pint sized horse like creature with bat wings, that occasionally transforms into a bigger forms.


A Very random series in nature, Haiyore! Nyaruko-San is not one to be taken at all seriously, with the intentions of the various invading aliens being based around utterly ridiculous reasons for invasion, such as developing a super powerful games system or kidnapping Mahiro to be the star of a Yaoi drama.


The Ctulhu Mythos of H.P Lovecraft is used as the basis of the characters, but those expecting the mythos to be taken seriously will be sorely disappointed, as it takes the creatures from the mythos and re imagines them as moe girls. However the parodies throughout the series, aren't just consigned to the Ctulhu Mythos and various anime tropes and series are sent up along the way.


Analysis: Every so often an anime comes along that is so utterly bonkers, it can't fail to be anything but entertaining. Taking the horrific looking creatures of H.P Lovecraft's Ctulhu Mythos and having the audacity to turn them into moe girls and form the basis of a unique harem comedy, this absurdly entertaining series sends up the mythos, various other anime series, tropes and the industry itself to produce a whirlwind of randomness, utter stupidity and a whole lot of fun.


The plot is purposely very silly and not be taken at all seriously, with the battles between the aliens usually ending up being for some completely random and absurd reason, whilst the romance element makes absolutely no progress throughout it's two separate seasons- but unless any of the comedy to be found within Haiyore-Nyaruko-San is not to your liking or you take a particular objection to H.P Lovecraft's Ctulhu Mythos being treated in this manner, then the go nowhere plot can be overlooked, because quite simply this series is so utterly bonkers, it can't fail to be anything but a whole lot of fun.


Whilst the series is based upon the characters of H.P Lovecraft, you do not really need to be a fan of/or even that aware of his Ctulhu Mythos to completely enjoy this, though admittedly having some awareness of Lovecraftian horror does make one aware of just how absurd the creatures of the Ctulhu Mythos taking the form of cute and attractive moe girls and being used as the basis of a harem comedy really is.


Admittedly it probably does also help, to have a generally good knowledge of anime tropes and other anime (particularly post millennium series) to be able to pick up at least some of the rapid fire of pop culture references and parodies that Haiyore! Nyaruko-san will fire at you, otherwise you're left with the harem based comedy, which whilst amusing at times, is probably the weakest element of the series.


Having the male lead (Mahiro) in the role of the Tsundere! was a nice twist, and the fact that his pursuer Nyaruko, had to put up with the same behaviour from Kuuko throughout, also managed to be consistently amusing but the central relationship did frustrate at times, with Nyaruko being too dumb to work out that her over the top declarations of love were having the opposite effect on Mahiro, whilst Mahiro needed to be a little more honest with his feelings for Nyaruko (he likes her, he just wants her to calm down and take things a lot more slowly), instead of constantly complaining.


By the end of the two seasons, the relationship has gone virtually nowhere (though a 3rd season at this stage cannot be ruled out), that wouldn't bother me if the series didn't occasionally throw in some slightly more serious emotional drama when it comes to Mahiro and Nyaruko san's relationship and to be honest when the series occasionally asks the viewer to take it a little more seriously, is when the series is at it's weakest. Quite simply, the more absurd and more random it is being, the more enjoyable Haiyore! Nyaruko-san happens to be.


And whilst the go nowhere relationship of the two main leads does occasionally frustrate, the cast of characters are on the whole highly amusing. The series is also very self aware of how insane it is, and makes clever use of breaking the fourth wall. Whilst some series can hit you over the head, with a desperation to try and be smart and send itself up, 'Nyaruko-san' (in spite of it's constant barrage of craziness) manages to send up it's own insanity with a degree of subtlety.


Plotless, hilarious, ridiculous, dumb, clever, however you wish to view Haiyore Nyarkuko-San, one thing for sure is that Howard Philips Lovecraft did not have something like this in mind for his Ctulhu Mythos when he created it at the beginning of the Twentieth Century!


Closing Verdict: Haiyore! Nyaruko-San won't be to everyone's taste- those looking for something with a coherent plot, hate 'low-brow' harem comedies, won't get a lot of the pop culture references/parodies littered throughout or Lovecraft purists offended by this kind of treatment/adaptation of the Ctulhu Mythos may wish to stay away from this....


If you don't fall into any of those categories then feel free to enjoy the chaotic fun that Haiyore! Nyaruko-san is able to deliver in abundance. In essence it's the Excel Saga of it's generation, a daft, nonsensical comedy that probably will offend some but should amuse many more.




Is the Dub Any Good?: The North American license is currently with N.I.S America, who have yet to produce a dub for the series. At this stage a dub probably looks unlikely, but as N.I.S recent dub of Toradora! showed the possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

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My next review is going to be a revised review of a series, I reviewed earlier in the thread- Sekirei.....


Which is now a combined review of the first and second seasons. This is something I'm going to continue to do for future series, where I've already reviewed the first season.

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Sekirei/Sekirei Pure Engagement








Genre: Action, Harem, Romance, Comedy


Studio: Seven Arcs Director: Keizo Kuzakawa Writer: Takao Yoshoka Source: Manga by Sakurako Gokurakuin

Original Broadcast: July- October 2008/July-September 2010 Episodes: 12 (+ 1 OVA)/ 12 (+1 OVA)*


* The OVA for the Pure Engagement season, shows events that take place between the frist and second season, but isn't relevant to the plot as it's 100% fanservice.


Synopsis: Minato Sahashi, feels like a loser that's because he's having to study for his college entrance exam for a third time. As he returns home from his latest failure, a beautiful and buxon girl crashes into Minato from the sky. Minato discovers that Musubi is a Sekirei, and is just one of 108 fighters that have been genetically enhanced with special powers.


Under the 'Sekirei Plan' all fighters, along with their masters (called Ashikabi) must fight under only one remains. Marking their bond with a kiss, Minamoto becomes Musubi's Ashikabi but soon finds himself acquiring other Sekirei along the way, leading to many awkward situations.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (approx 16+) and up- If you're looking for a fanservice free anime, then you're looking in the wrong place, because Sekirei is full of it. It's not quite enough to be considered an ecchi series, but it's getting close to that level. We do see quite a lot of full frontal breast action and plenty of excuses for clothes to be shed.


Action Level: High- The Sekirei, have a variety of unique powers....Musubi is a 'fist type' that fights like a super-powered kickboxer, you have a pair of twins with electrical powers, Sekirei that use fire and water powered techniques. All very typical so far, but amongst the more unique powers are a Sekirei that manipulates plants into weapons and Sekirei that turns her veil into a super-fast whip like weapon.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly High- Not all the Sekirei, are over-endowed females (some are even Bishonen males)....one such Sekirei Kusano is a young girl that is clearly the series token mini-moe and she grows more of a big brother/little sister bond with her Ashikabi. Musubi's ditzy but determined airhead persona, also delivers another moe archetype.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The art and animation for both seasons of Sekirei, is decent enough for a modern anime without being particularly remarkable. The character designs are pretty much standard Bishojo/Bishonen fare, though some effort has been put into making the characters stand out from one another.


The action sequences are animated fairly well, but despite the various powers that the Sekirei possess, still manage to get a little bit repetitive after a while.


Music: Both the opening and ending songs are performed by the Seiyu for the Sekirei that end up part of Minato's harem. The self titled opening theme is a, cute and energetic J-Pop song but one that is ultimately relatively forgettable. The quirkier ending song Dear Sweet Heart, succeeds better in managing to capture both the series harem element and it's sense of fun.


There is a one-off ending theme for episode 11, the slow orchestral love ballad- Kimi O Omou Toki sung by Saori Hayami the seiyuu for Musubi.

The opening and endings for Pure Engagement continue to be sung by the Seiyuu, with the opener (Hakuyoku no Seiyaku) an orchestral piece that manages to be dramatic and heartfelt and gets the viewer pumped up for the action ahead and suits the slightly more serious direction that the story heads in with the second season. Ending theme 'Onnaji Kimochi' is basic, cute sounding J-Pop but does a good job of continuing to represent the series lighter side.


Plot and Characters: Minato is dragged into this bizarre 'game' called the Sekirei plan when he bumps into Musubi. But soon finds himself lured towards other Sekirei, ending up with a harem. Over the course of the series Minato comes to care for all his Sekirei and tries to do his best to protect all of them. Naturally Minato comes close to all his Sekirei, and does not want to lose any of them...even though the 'Sekirei-Plan' says there must be only one winner.


Amongst the Sekirei are the aforementioned Musubi, the chivalrous but hot headed Tsukumi, intrusive Matsu amongst many others. Over the course of the two series we learn that the various Sekirei's have different motivations , some are being manipulated into fighting against their friends, in order to help their Ashikabi (master), whilst some are loyal to the organisation (MBI) running the Sekirei Plan, which appears to be some game to amuse it's eccentric chairman Hiroto Minaka.


Across the two seasons, the origins of the Sekirei are revealed, a fair number of people aren't entirely who they seem on the surface (Uzume, Miya- the landlady of the Ryokan that Minato and his team of Sekirei stay at).


After a battle that see's Musubi reveal that despite her high number (the lower the number, generally the more powerful the Sekirei) she has hidden powers within her, the second season (Pure Engagement) ends in another climatic showdown, but along the way further adds further depth to the personal backstories of the Sekirei- such as an arc that focuses on a Sekirei that didn't have it's gender properly assigned and in doing so has had problems with finding an Ashikabi.


Sekirei is harem comedy, so expect all the cliched situations you would expect from that kind of series. Accidental boob grabs, interrupted 'romantic moments', nosebleeds etc etc...


To be fair the series does provide some running gags that provide a bit more than the typical harem cliches and are more built around the quirks of the various Sekirei, such as Musabi's airheadedness, Tsukumi's jealousy, Matsu's intrusiveness or Kusano's childlike ignorance amongst others.


Analysis: Sekirei feels like the naughty child of a harem comedy in the vein of Love Hina and Pokemon. Yes I did say Pokemon, because both have the same basic principle- you're just swapping out creatures for genetically enhanced fighters, most of which happen to be extremely buxom women.


There's an overlying plot that an evil genius is manipulating things, but a lot of plot holes are left unanswered, though this is forgiven by the fact that this first series is only the first part of the story- with a second series confirmed at the end of this first one. Personally I do not have a problem with a non-finish to a series, like this one had if you know that the story will definitely continue, though the ending to this first series suggested a possible deviation from the original premise of it being a fight towards being the last Sekirei standing and evolving more into a war between those who wish to carry out the plan and those trying to stop it.


So in terms of the over-arching story, it does have potential, it's just not realised it yet, and there's just enough of an intriguing plot there to hang onto, especially if you look hard enough beyond the mix of cliched character archetypes- you have the determined airhead, the tsundere, the pervert the token mini-moe loli and of course the 'average joe' loser who just so happens to have accidentally built his own harem, plus the equally cliched comedy and oodles of fanservice that come along with it.


Somewhat 'snobbier' anime fans will immediately turn their noses up at Sekirei but it knows exactly what it is and in some ways the simplicity of it's ambitions are it's strongest point, even if they do prevent it from breaking out into something 'better'.


Sekirei is the sort of show, that if you analyzed what was good or bad about it, you would end up ripping it apart but like many shows that would come under the banner of being 'trashy fun' Sekirei manages to cultivate an intangible sense of enjoyment- that many series with much loftier ideals/stories would struggle to generate.


The above was my analysis for the first season (when I originally reviewed the series) , and it still pretty much applies in regards to my feelings towards it- though having seen a few other harem/fighting series- the first season manages to compare favourably to a lot of it's competition, as it at least tries to build up a potentially interesting plot and get you invested in the characters. I would even go as far to say as I was maybe even slightly too critical of the first season, because as Fanservice/Action/Comedy romps go Sekirei is by far the most enjoyment I have had with the genre.


There is a lot of fanservice, but I found watching the series over both it's seasons, that whilst it didn't necessarily add anything to the show, it didn't really detract from it either and despite the fact that I said it's cliched fanservice/comedy components prevent it from breaking out into something better in the first season, it does actually manage to achieve that with Pure Engagement, which manages to both move the plot along and add further depth with some genuinely interesting character development.


Whilst the series perhaps does bombard you with too many characters, more and more Sekirei and Ashikabi seem to get introduced each episode, some of the supporting cast get some really interesting personal stories, that add some surprising depth to a series that at first glance just looks to be a shallow fanservice romp.


However as much as Pure Engagement manages to succeed in getting the viewer invested further into the Sekirei world, it frustratingly leaves the viewer wanting more, with an ending that is setting things up for a third season.


The problem here is that Pure Engagement is now four years old, and a third season has yet to materialize, so it comes as a real shame, that I can't enthuse about the development of Sekirei into a surprisingly good series with Pure Engagement.


Closing Verdict: What essentially starts out as 'Pokemon with Tits' in the first season, manages to get more interesting in Pure Engagement with some interesting character development, that adds a surprising depth to the plot and further puts Sekirei a little bit above it's competition (the likes of Ikki Tousen). However the as yet to materialize third season, does unfortunately make the whole anime adaptation of Sekirei feel incomplete.

Mildy Recommended for both seasons.


Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation did the English dub for both seasons of Sekirei, refreshingly they give a chance to some relative newcomers (at the time) in the lead roles with Joel McDonald as Minato and Alexis Tipton as Musubi, and it has to be said they do a solid job. It is Lydia MacKay who manages to steal the show, amongst the generally solid performances- managing to successfully negotiate round Tsukiumi's old style Japanese accent and mannerisms with a 'Shakespearean' way of speaking in the English translation.


I would actually say that over the two seasons of Sekirei, that in spite of it being a fanservice heavy show (so therefore possibly the kind of thing where you might expect the actors to 'phone it in' ), Funimation's dub over the two seasons is really good.


One thing to note, is that though the English Dub cast, appears to have a fair amount of unknowns- there are in fact a fair few familiar voices, working under pseudonyms (due to it being a fanservice heavy show).

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Both of the last two reviews, Sekirei and Haiyore!- Nyaruko-San are spot on as for what i think of them.


Nyaruko is one of my favorites, it's crazy and insane, it's sweet and silly. There's just so much to love about it from the Tsundere that is Mahiro to the pop culture references and of course the way the creators just turn the whole Mythos on it's head. I'm a huge fan and recommend it to anyone that loves something funny.




Sekirei is a different animal all together. All action and fanservice. It's got an interesting plot in there, somewhere and saying that after 4 years that no 3 season has come out, is sad and likely means that it'll stop where it is in the animated form. I would love another season to wrap things up but i still find it worth watching. It's got some great characters and who doesn't like panty shots and giggly boobs. :) Tsukumi is my favorite.


That's a good double shot to watch one after the other. Great stuff.

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Strike The Blood






Genre: Action, Supernatural, Harem

Studio: Silver Link Director: Hideyo Yamamoto Writer: Hiroyuki Yoshino Source: Light Novels by Gakuto Mikumo

Original Broadcast: October 2013- March 2014 Episodes: 24


Synopsis: Sent by the Lion King Organisation, under the guise of a Junior High school student, apprentice sword shaman Yukina Himeragi, has been sent to the Demon District of Itogami Island, to observe highschool student Kojou Akatuski, who just so happens to be the latest incarnation of the powerful vampire known as the Fourth Progenitor. From the moment Kojou and Yukina's paths cross, the reluctant Kojou must learn to embrace his fate or risk seeing his homeland left to ruins.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- Though I wouldn't go as far a calling this an ecchi, Strike The Blood does have a fair amount of fanservice (that does include some nudity, though no nipples are ever shown) plus it does also (as it often the case) hint at Kojou's vampire blood sucking being an orgasmic experience for those who end up giving up their body for him.


Add to the already sexualised overtones, some relatively strong violence into the mix and you have a show that should only really be suitable viewing for older teenagers and up.

Action Level: High- Strike The Blood features plenty of over the top supernatural action, with the summoning of magical powers (spirit dragons etc) and lots of my magic is bigger than your magic going on, throughout the course of the series.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly Low- Moe certainly isn't an overwhelming part of Strike The Blood and it certainly shouldn't be perceived as being that kind of show, though it does feature plenty of cute and potentially vulnerable females, and thus some viewers may well perceive them to be 'Moe' type of characters.


Animation Quality/Art Style: I don't want to come across sounding over critical of the art and animation produced for Strike The Blood, but whilst a nice looking series and generally executed to a pretty high standard, it didn't blow me away. But I think that's more the case that an older anime with impressive visuals is always going to impress me more than one that came out in the last few years.


The character designs admittedly do fall into the generic Bishojo/Bishonen range but are well designed and will be appreciated by the demographic that this series is shooting for, whilst the big action sequence are on the whole well animated and engaging to watch. So all in all whilst it not be amazing for a post 2010 anime series, it's impressive enough.


Music: First opener 'Strike The Blood' by Kishida Kyodan and the Akeboshi Rockets is an energetic rock song, that does an excellent job of getting you pumped up for the high octane action that awaits, whillst the relatively infectious mid-tempo pop rock of Strike My Soul by Yuka Iguchi provides the first ending theme.


Unfortunately (as can often be the case) the quality dips for the second set of Opening and Endings. The dramatic female vocal delivery in 'Fight 4 Real' by Altima suits the show fine but the song is ruined by the cheesy male rap, whilst ending theme Signal by Kanon Wakeshima is the usual nice but forgettable ballad, that seems to be the stock ending theme for so many shows.


Plot and Characters: The events of Strike The Blood, take place on a man made Island where supernatural beings and human's live side by side in harmony, but is under constant threat from Demons, Witches etc that want to use their powers for more nefarious means.


Central to the plot, is Kojou Akatsuki who carries with him the power of being the Fourth Progenitor, accept that he hasn't fully realised his power yet- as he inherited his untapped abilities from his predecesor in an event that saw them transfer all their powers to him.


Kojou really just wants to live life as a normal high school student, but his inheritance as the Fourth Progenitor prevents him from doing that, especially as he begins to be targeted by various powerful beings, that see him as a threat, and in order to fend off those threats he needs to start acting more like a Vampire, because it seems like the only way he can control his 'Familiars' (spirit beings he can summon during battles) he needs to drink someone elses blood in order to get them to recognise him as their 'master'.


However it's not until Yukina Himeragi, a Sword Shaman from the Lion King Organization turns up in his life, that life takes a more hectic turn for the Fourth Progenitor. Initially sent to observe Kojou (or stop him if he becomes out of control), Yukina becomes Kojou's closest ally in his struggle to get to grips with being the Fourth Progenitor and protect the inhabitants of Itogami Island, whilst also gradually falling for him, even if she doesn't want to admit it...However she has competition for Kojou's heart from Asagi Aiba, a fellow classmate of Kojou who also happens to be an expert computer programmer. Asagi however is unaware that Kojou is a powerful Vampire, something he is keen to keep hidden from her, likewise his younger sister Nagisa.


However potential love triangles and keeping his identity hidden from all but a select few, end up being the least of Kojou's worries, as along the way various antagonists try to take over or destroy Itogami Island, for a variety of reasons (though most are motivated are by some kind of perceived injustice).


Amongst the supporting players that effect Kojou's ability to realise his potential as the Fourth Progenitor are Natsuki (Kojou's high school teacher, who looks like a grade schooler but is also a powerful and respected mage, and one of the few people on Itogami Island to know of Kojou's true identity), Sayaka (Yukina's former room mate, at the Lion King Organisation- initially antagonistic towards Kojou), Kanon Kanase (a shy Junior High girl), La Folia Rihavein (a powerful foreign princess), Motoki Yaze (a seemingly ordinary student who always wears headphones, but is aware of Kojou's true identity and isn't as ordinary as he seems) and Dimitrie Vatler (the First Progenitor- a pure blood vampire, whose motives can always be considered to be on the shady side).


Strike The Blood is the sort of supernatural action series, that strikes a balance between darker more serious moments (often reserved for cliffhangers), barnstorming action and more lighthearted comedic fare.


Much of that comedy is of the harem variety, and built around Kojou's interactions with the girls, pretty much all of whom perceive him to be a pervert. There are other running gags, such as Natsuki's childlike appearance (which is at odds with the fact that she is a teacher at Sakai Academy) or emotionless humonculous Astarte being put into service as a Maid.


Analysis: Over the past decade, anime and it's sisters in the Japanese entertainment industry (manga/light novels/visual novels) have embraced self awareness and many a show has come along that is all too ready to send up the well worn tropes that have become anime staples over time.


So it's actually somewhat refreshing to see a series that is a cliched shounen action series and play those well worn tropes straight. Strike The Blood is so unashamedly generic, that in a era of meta overload, that's a quality that has to be admired.


There are a hell of a lot of things you could be picky about and pretty much critically trample on with Strike The Blood. Things like the cliched harem lead hero, with a gaggle of irrationally behaved beauties competing for his affections or the eye-rolling catchphrases rolled out during the big climatic battle scenes (Kojou: FROM NOW ON THIS IS MY FIGHT/ Yukina: NO THIS IS OUR FIGHT!), but in as is always the case with these kind of series Strike The Blood, is the sort of show where it's best to leave your brain at the door and just be prepared to be thoroughly entertained.


Visually Strike The Blood is strong enough to draw the viewer in, and the big battle showdowns (though a little predictable by the end of the series, especially with the aforementioned cheesy catchphrase that gets spouted) are relatively exciting, so those just looking for a bit of fist pumping action with a bit of fanservice thrown in should be more than satisfied with what Strike The Blood has to offer.


Entertaining it may be, but that doesn't mean that Strike The Blood couldn't have been something even better, but it lacked the plot development to expand upon the potentially interesting world it portrays at the start, and the potential for the series to revolve around a complex, conflicted protagonist.In the end though, the fact that Kojou is a vampire is relatively irrelevant and just a plot device or more to the point an excuse to shoe-horn in some more fanservice and make it look as though it's essential to the story.


The plot also moves along in a very strict format, that whilst it couldn't be called 'Monster of the Week', it could be called 'Antagonist of the Month', as the series is divided into a series of arcs, that see's a villain be introduced, wreak some havoc and then ultimately be stopped in their tracks by our reluctant Vampire lead and his ever increasing gang of irrationally behaved female admirers. Even at points where it looks the story might break free of this rinse and repeat storytelling and that the villain of the month might provide a stronger threat and begin to reveal a more engrossing plot, nothing really comes to fruition and another antagonist of the month comes along.


The conclusion of the show (which manages to both bring the series to a definite end, but leaves things open for a sequel at the same time) is at least satisfying enough- even of the final arc doesn't break of the 'antagonist of the month' constraints that end up preventing Strike The Blood from becoming something more than just 'Cliched ridden Popcorn fun'


Closing Verdict: A cliche ridden but still thoroughly entertaining action/fanservice romp Strike The Blood is a satisfying series but also one that had the potential to be something even better than it ended up settling for.


Mildly Recommended

Is the Dub Any Good?: The North American license for the series has been picked up by Discotek Media, who rarely provide dubs for their acquisitions. Though I didn't think of it as a 'great' series myself (though a Mild Recommendation, shows that I still enjoyed it), I'm surprised this didn't get picked up by one of the better known North American distributors (particularly Sentai).

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while Strike the Blood is pretty much a standard harem anime, the fact the main character isn't a loser douche the whole series, and higher quality art, while not groundbreaking, does help to set it above most of the harem animes I have seen ( and I have seen a lot!)


Storywise, it is basic, but it does have excellent action scenes, and does reverse things somewhat as its not the human male amongst the monster\alien girls as most other fantasy\sci harem animes are, its actually him as the monster( aka vampire) among the human girls ( although bad ass, shrine priestess powered) types.


It's what is is supposed to be. Excellent entertainment that you enjoy watching and don't mind watching again down the road. You won't praise it as the pinnacle of anime, but you would recommend it as something to enjoy.

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