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Is it odd that when I saw this I thought of the awesome Dirty Harry movie?


Let me go with a lesser star here, Ted Brady.


You know, I could see that. Part of me would hate it. Brady's the kind of guy I like having as a main eventer. Trying to recreate himself and fighting to get a new persona off the ground. But maybe he's raging about his inability to make his curmedgeon gimmick work and having to revert to Matty Phatty. Not paying attention to his driving. OH CRAP!! TRUCK!! He's working for a newly opened SAW or KANZEN at the time so they start the Matty Phatty Memorial Show. Would debut the memorial show feature and give Brady a legacy to be ironically proud of.

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I guess we'll see one of the main "elder statesman" type characters has died at game launch, prompting the first tribute show. After that, with Kenny deaths turned on (and possibly set to "high" because some of us are sick like that), it could be anybody in a particular game.


For currently active wrestlers, Sam Keith is about the age where a heart attack could plausibly happen...

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Of course, modding the game for myself, I could have Sam die and then Mathew or Greg open up a promotion that is built just the way that Sam would have liked it. I guess their backing would come from inheritance or life insurance payouts.


Imagining Mathew as the owner and flaky Greg being the booker sounds like a hell of a sitcom. Hell, maybe Rip dies as well and Jay Chord joins as their main draw. MAW becomes an official child company to TCW.


This would make for a hell of a journal.


"Greg is somewhere in Brazil and Jay is refusing to job to the owner! What a great triple threat main event!"

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Puerto Rican Power is shot during a gang war.


Mexican Beast dies from a lightning stroke while picking buttercups for old homeless people. (Karma, eh?)


Bruce The Giant dies during a terrible bicycle accident.


Runaway Train dies during the same bicycle accident.


Jack Bruce dies during stage-diving.


Tommy Cornell is merely wounded during a mortal combat with Chuck Norris (rip).


Ultimate Phonix dies. Rises from his ashes. Dies again. Rises again. Dies. Rises And so on... Every freaking day!!! F*cking center of attention!!!


Wolf Hawkins is eaten by wild kittens.


El Leon dies being drooled/licked to death by dog puppets.


Lassana Makutsi dies during his Africa vacation, eaten by guys he knows from school.


Sebastian Koller is killed by Dutch soccer fans during the European Championship 2012.


Black Hat Bailey dies off a brain tumor he had been hiding all those years. (not funny)


Axxis Jr. is crucified.


Sean McFly dies off Parkinsons. (even less funny)


Christian Faith dies off a untreated sexual disease.


Bryan Vessey dies off the same untreated sexual disease. (awkward...)


Greg Gauge is murdered by Matthew Gauge out of jealousy for Gregs superiority. Matthew is therefore coursed by god and damned to wrestle the world for all eternity.


Greg Gauge is brought back to the living as the Zombie Messiah, feuding with his brother for all eternity, sincen Matthew can't be killed and Greg can't be beaten...


Dark Angel dies off poverty, caused by his lost lawsuit against the makers of the successful "The Crow" movie series.


And finally,


Half of the BSC roster retires to join the harem of Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr., all getting pregnant within 2 weeks. (some even before their ovulation)



"Greg is somewhere in Brazil and Jay is refusing to job to the owner! What a great triple threat main event!"


I would be a fan. =)

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I will openly weep if MoSC has gone out of business. I will shed yet more tears if The Highland Warrior has passed away. However, if both happen, that UK tribute show will be the start of my (finally) succesful attempt to run 21CW out of business by harking back to the UK's best days of masochistic idiots clobbering each other with the contents of DIY stores.


Men Of Steel 4 Life!


Quote The Raven


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The thing is, while (allegedly) Cornellverse hasn't even been touched yet, if I were in Adam's place I would imply every single new feature into the Cornellverse; it would be foolish not to do that.


Actually, this isn't true at all. Tell me which C-Verse promotion uses 2 or 3 brands. It wasn't foolish to leave that out, it made perfect sense. Having to redo the roster of every promotion in the US and Canada (and possibly Mexico) to add further bloat to SWF's roster, would have been foolish. Add to that the fact that the AI didn't/doesn't know how to use brands effectively (more often than not, busting the brand split and releasing excess workers), integrating that feature (which, by the way, was seemingly only added because people clamored for more WWE oriented features) into the C-Verse (which, as we know, works perfectly with TEW) would've been way too much work for nothing.


The way the entry reads, the game doesn't need to start with anyone dead and requiring a tribute show. The feature seems to be designed for modmakers and for ongoing gameplay. So after a save begins, if someone of high enough stature passes, the game will automatically create a tribute event for that worker.

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<p>If I had to pick people here are the ones I would and wouldn't want for my own personal reasons.</p><p> </p><p>

Dan Stone Sr. - Any other Stone can replace him as owner and it doesn't HAVE to change anything about NOTBPW.</p><p> </p><p>

The Stomper - NYCW isn't very big and if he died it would give room for Larry Vessey or someone else to take over and run a Stomper Memorial Show which could boost NYCW a little but not much.</p><p> </p><p>

Leper Messiah - I actually like him but if he died I could see a memorial show being held for him in either USPW as the Tom Angelus Memorial Show or in Puerto Rico for Leper Messiah.</p><p> </p><p>

Steve Flash - I wouldn't mind him dieing considering his age. NYCW could run the memorial show for him. Not sure it would really matter much though.</p><p> </p><p>

Sam Strong - I don't want him dead and I want him to still run USPW.</p><p> </p><p>

Tommy Cornell - Keep him active in TCW as a wrestler.</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord - Again I like MAW's product and how it is meant to be played in TEW10. I'd like for it to stay this way with him running it. If he does die though hopefully Mean Jean Cattley takes over and runs it in Rip Chords vision.</p>

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